2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Callable
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
from textual import events
from textual.message import Message
from textual.app import ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Container
2023-04-23 00:49:15 +03:00
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.reactive import var
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
from textual.widget import Widget
2023-04-25 03:21:40 +03:00
from textual.widgets import Button, Static, DataTable
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
from textual.css.query import NoMatches
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
from localization.i18n import get as _
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
class WindowTitleBar(Container):
"""A title bar widget."""
2023-04-22 09:27:54 +03:00
title = var("")
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
def __init__(self, title: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
"""Initialize a title bar."""
self.title = title
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Add our widgets."""
yield Static(self.title, classes="window_title")
yield Button("🗙", classes="window_close")
# yield Button("🗕", classes="window_minimize")
# yield Button("🗖", classes="window_maximize")
# 🗗 for restore
2023-04-23 09:06:33 +03:00
id_counter = 0
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
class Window(Container):
"""A draggable window widget."""
class CloseRequest(Message):
"""Message when the user clicks the close button. Can be prevented."""
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
"""Initialize a close request."""
self.prevent_close = False
class Closed(Message):
"""Message when the window is really closed."""
title = var([])
2023-04-23 09:06:33 +03:00
# Binding("tab", "focus_next", "Focus Next", show=False),
# Binding("shift+tab", "focus_previous", "Focus Previous", show=False),
("tab", "focus_next", "Focus Next"),
("shift+tab", "focus_previous", "Focus Previous"),
2023-04-23 22:38:36 +03:00
("right,down", "focus_next_button", "Focus Next Button"),
("left,up", "focus_previous_button", "Focus Previous Button"),
2023-04-23 09:06:33 +03:00
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
def __init__(self, *children: Widget, title: str = "", **kwargs: Any) -> None:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
"""Initialize a window."""
super().__init__(*children, **kwargs)
self.mouse_at_drag_start = None
self.offset_at_drag_start = None
self.title_bar = WindowTitleBar(title=title)
self.content = Container(classes="window_content")
# must be after title_bar is defined
self.title = title
2023-04-20 19:12:36 +03:00
self.can_focus = True
2023-04-23 09:06:33 +03:00
if not self.id:
# ID is needed for focus cycling
global id_counter
self.id = f"window_auto_id_{id_counter}"
id_counter += 1
def action_focus_next(self) -> None:
"""Override action to focus the next widget only within the window."""
self.screen.focus_next(f"#{self.id} .window_content *")
def action_focus_previous(self) -> None:
"""Override action to focus the previous widget only within the window."""
self.screen.focus_previous(f"#{self.id} .window_content *")
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
2023-04-23 22:38:36 +03:00
def within_buttons(self, widget: Widget|None) -> bool:
"""Returns True if widget exists and is within .buttons."""
if not widget:
return False
node = widget
while node:
if node.has_class("buttons"):
return True
node = node.parent
return False
def action_focus_next_button(self) -> None:
"""Action to focus the next button within .buttons IF a button is focused within .buttons."""
if self.within_buttons(self.screen.focused):
self.screen.focus_next(f"#{self.id} .buttons *")
def action_focus_previous_button(self) -> None:
"""Action to focus the previous button within .buttons IF a button is focused within .buttons."""
if self.within_buttons(self.screen.focused):
self.screen.focus_previous(f"#{self.id} .buttons *")
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Called when the widget is mounted."""
2023-04-20 19:38:21 +03:00
# Set focus. (In the future, some windows will not want default focus...)
2023-04-16 04:59:29 +03:00
# Fix for incorrect layout that would only resolve on mouse over
# (I peaked into mouse over handling and it calls update_styles.)
# This can still briefly show the incorrect layout, since it relies on a timer.
self.set_timer(0.01, lambda: self.app.update_styles(self))
2023-04-20 19:12:36 +03:00
def on_focus(self, event: events.Focus) -> None:
"""Called when the window is focused."""
# TODO: focus last focused widget if re-focusing
controls = self.content.query(".submit, Input, Button")
if controls:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
# def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
# """Add our widgets."""
# self.title_bar = yield WindowTitleBar(title=self.title)
# self.content = yield Container(classes="window_content")
# def compose_add_child(self, widget):
# """When using the context manager compose syntax, we want to attach nodes to the content container."""
# self.content.mount(widget)
2023-04-23 03:46:16 +03:00
def watch_title(self, new_title: str) -> None:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
"""Called when title is changed."""
self.title_bar.title = new_title
def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
"""Called when a button is clicked or activated with the keyboard."""
if event.button.has_class("window_close"):
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
def on_mouse_down(self, event: events.MouseDown) -> None:
"""Called when the user presses the mouse button."""
2023-04-16 05:18:45 +03:00
# detect if the mouse is over the title bar,
# and not window content or title bar buttons
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
if not self.parent:
# I got NoScreen error accessing self.screen once while closing a window,
# so I added this check.
2023-04-16 05:18:45 +03:00
widget, _ = self.screen.get_widget_at(*event.screen_offset)
if widget not in [self.title_bar, self.title_bar.query_one(".window_title")]:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
if event.button != 1:
self.mouse_at_drag_start = event.screen_offset
2023-04-22 20:11:02 +03:00
self.offset_at_drag_start = Offset(int(self.styles.offset.x.value), int(self.styles.offset.y.value))
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
2023-04-21 04:39:16 +03:00
Work around a bug in textual where the MouseUp event
is not sent to this widget if another widget gets focus,
and thus, release_mouse() is not called,
and you can never release the drag or click anything else.
An excerpt from Screen._forward_event:
if isinstance(event, events.MouseUp) and widget.focusable:
if self.focused is not widget:
event.style = self.get_style_at(event.screen_x, event.screen_y)
if widget is self:
widget._forward_event(event._apply_offset(-region.x, -region.y))
Note the return statement.
I don't know what this special case is for,
but for this work around, I can make widget.focusable False,
so that the special case doesn't apply.
(`focusable` is a getter that uses can_focus and checks ancestors are enabled)
self.can_focus = False
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
def on_mouse_move(self, event: events.MouseMove) -> None:
"""Called when the user moves the mouse."""
2023-04-25 21:22:54 +03:00
if self.mouse_at_drag_start is not None and self.offset_at_drag_start is not None:
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
self.styles.offset = (
self.offset_at_drag_start.x + event.screen_x - self.mouse_at_drag_start.x,
self.offset_at_drag_start.y + event.screen_y - self.mouse_at_drag_start.y,
def on_mouse_up(self, event: events.MouseUp) -> None:
"""Called when the user releases the mouse button."""
self.mouse_at_drag_start = None
self.offset_at_drag_start = None
2023-04-21 04:39:16 +03:00
# Part of the workaround for the bug mentioned in on_mouse_down
self.can_focus = True
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
def close(self) -> None:
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
"""Force close the window."""
2023-04-15 06:31:05 +03:00
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
def request_close(self) -> None:
"""Request to close the window."""
close_request = self.CloseRequest()
if not close_request.prevent_close:
2023-04-16 06:56:37 +03:00
class DialogWindow(Window):
"""A window that can be submitted like a form."""
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
def __init__(self, *children: Widget, handle_button: Callable[[Button], None], **kwargs: Any) -> None:
2023-04-16 06:56:37 +03:00
"""Initialize a dialog window."""
super().__init__(*children, **kwargs)
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
self.handle_button = handle_button
2023-04-16 06:56:37 +03:00
def on_key(self, event: events.Key) -> None:
"""Called when a key is pressed."""
2023-04-16 09:03:28 +03:00
# submit with enter, but not if a button has focus
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
# (not even if it's a submit button, because that would double submit)
# TODO: Use on_input_submitted instead
2023-04-16 09:03:28 +03:00
if event.key == "enter" and self.app.focused not in self.query("Button").nodes:
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
submit_button = self.query_one(".submit", Button)
except NoMatches:
2023-04-16 09:03:28 +03:00
elif event.key == "escape":
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
# Like the title bar close button,
# this doesn't call handle_button...
2023-04-16 06:56:37 +03:00
def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
"""Called when a button is clicked or activated with the keyboard."""
2023-04-16 07:59:23 +03:00
# Make sure the button is in the window content
if event.button in self.content.query("Button").nodes:
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
2023-04-20 19:12:36 +03:00
# def on_input_submitted(self, event: Input.Submitted) -> None:
# """Called when a the enter key is pressed in an Input."""
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
2023-04-21 00:38:18 +03:00
class CharacterSelectorDialogWindow(DialogWindow):
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
"""A dialog window that lets the user select a character."""
# class CharacterSelected(Message):
# """Sent when a character is selected."""
# def __init__(self, character: str) -> None:
# """Initialize the message."""
# self.character = character
# TODO: fact check this string
# spell-checker: disable
code_page_437 = "☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~⌂ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆôöòûùÿÖÜ¢£¥₧ƒáíóúñѪº¿⌐¬½¼¡«»░▒▓│┤╡╢╖╕╣║╗╝╜╛┐└┴┬├─┼╞╟╚╔╩╦╠═╬╧╨╤╥╙╘╒╓╫╪┘┌█▄▀▌▐▀αßΓπΣσµτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■ "
# spell-checker: enable
char_list = [char for char in code_page_437]
# char_list = ["A", "b", "c"] * 4
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
def __init__(self, *children: Widget, selected_character: str|None, handle_selected_character: Callable[[str], None], **kwargs: Any) -> None:
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
"""Initialize the dialog window."""
2023-04-23 03:46:16 +03:00
super().__init__(handle_button=self.handle_button, *children, **kwargs)
2023-04-25 03:21:40 +03:00
self._selected_character = selected_character
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
self.handle_selected_character = handle_selected_character
def handle_button(self, button: Button) -> None:
"""Called when a button is clicked or activated with the keyboard."""
2023-04-23 21:50:36 +03:00
if button.has_class("cancel"):
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
2023-04-22 20:17:23 +03:00
# self.post_message(self.CharacterSelected(self._char_by_button[button]))
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
# self.close()
2023-04-25 03:21:40 +03:00
def on_data_table_cell_highlighted(self, event: DataTable.CellHighlighted) -> None:
"""Called when a cell is highlighted."""
assert isinstance(event.value, str)
self._selected_character = event.value
2023-04-20 07:29:14 +03:00
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Called when the window is mounted."""
2023-04-25 03:21:40 +03:00
data_table: DataTable[str] = DataTable()
column_count = 16
data_table.add_columns(*([" "] * column_count))
data_table.show_header = False
for i in range(0, len(self.char_list), column_count):
2023-04-25 03:28:57 +03:00
self.content.mount(Button(_("OK"), classes="ok submit"))
self.content.mount(Button(_("Cancel"), classes="cancel"))
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
# ASCII line art version:
2023-04-21 04:00:43 +03:00
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""[#ffff00]
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
# _
# / \\
# / | \\
# / . \\
# /_______\\
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
# [/]""", classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 1:
2023-04-21 04:00:43 +03:00
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""[#ffff00 on #000000]
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
# _
# ◢█◣
# ◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ▼ [/]◣
# ◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ● [/]◣
# ◢███████◣
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
# [/]""", classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode line art version (' might be a better than ╰/╯):
2023-04-21 04:00:43 +03:00
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""[#ffff00]
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
# _
# ╱ ╲
# ╱ │ ╲
# ╱ . ╲
# ╰───────╯
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
# """, classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 2:
2023-04-21 04:00:43 +03:00
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""[#ffff00 on #000000]
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00
# 🭯
# 🭅[#000000 on #ffff00]🭯[/]🭐
# 🭅[#000000 on #ffff00] ▼ [/]🭐
# 🭅[#000000 on #ffff00] ● [/]🭐
# 🭅███████🭐
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
# [/]""", classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 3, now with a border:
# VS Code's terminal seems unsure of the width of these characters (like it's rendering 2 wide but advancing by 1), and has gaps/seams.
# Ubuntu's terminal looks better, and the graphics have less gaps, but the overall shape is worse.
# I guess a lot of this comes down to the font as well.
2023-04-24 23:06:16 +03:00
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""
# [#000000]🭋[#ffff00 on #000000]🭯[/]🭀[/]
# [#000000]🭋[#ffff00 on #000000]🭅█🭐[/]🭀[/]
# [#000000]🭋[#ffff00 on #000000]🭅[#000000 on #ffff00] ▼ [/]🭐[/]🭀[/]
# [#000000]🭋[#ffff00 on #000000]🭅[#000000 on #ffff00] ● [/]🭐[/]🭀[/]
# [#000000]🭋[#ffff00 on #000000]🭅███████🭐[/]🭀[/]
# [#000000]🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃[/]
# """, classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 4:
# This now looks great in Ubuntu's terminal.
# In VS Code's terminal, all the gaps make it look like it's under frosted glass,
2023-04-24 23:31:57 +03:00
# but it's acceptable. Alternatively, you may see it as looking "spiky",
# which is sensible for a warning icon, if not particularly attractive.
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]🭯[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢█◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ▼ [/]◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ● [/]◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢███████◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃[/]
# """, classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 5, rounder exclamation mark:
# get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]🭯[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢█◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ⬮ [/]◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] • [/]◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢███████◣[/]◣[/]
# [#000000]🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃🮃[/]
# """, classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
# Unicode solid version 6, smaller overall:
2023-04-21 04:00:43 +03:00
get_warning_icon = lambda: Static("""
2023-04-24 23:31:57 +03:00
[#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]🭯[/]◣[/]
[#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢█◣[/]◣[/]
[#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] ⬮ [/]◣[/]◣[/]
[#000000]◢[#ffff00 on #000000]◢[#000000 on #ffff00] • [/]◣[/]◣[/]
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
""", classes="warning_icon message_box_icon")
class MessageBox(DialogWindow):
"""A simple dialog window that displays a message, a group of buttons, and an optional icon."""
2023-04-23 03:46:16 +03:00
def __init__(self,
*children: Widget,
message_widget: Union[Widget, str],
button_types: str = "ok",
icon_widget: Optional[Widget],
handle_button: Callable[[Button], None],
2023-04-23 04:35:21 +03:00
**kwargs: Any,
2023-04-23 03:46:16 +03:00
) -> None:
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
"""Initialize the message box."""
2023-04-23 03:46:16 +03:00
super().__init__(*children, handle_button=handle_button, **kwargs)
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
if isinstance(message_widget, str):
message_widget = Static(message_widget, markup=False)
if not icon_widget:
icon_widget = Static("")
self.message_widget = message_widget
self.icon_widget = icon_widget
self.button_types = button_types
def on_mount(self):
"""Called when the window is mounted."""
if self.button_types == "ok":
buttons = [Button(_("OK"), classes="ok submit", variant="primary")]
elif self.button_types == "yes/no":
buttons = [
Button(_("Yes"), classes="yes submit"), #, variant="primary"),
Button(_("No"), classes="no"),
elif self.button_types == "yes/no/cancel":
buttons = [
Button(_("Yes"), classes="yes submit", variant="primary"),
Button(_("No"), classes="no"),
Button(_("Cancel"), classes="cancel"),
raise ValueError("Invalid button_types: " + repr(self.button_types))
2023-04-23 22:38:36 +03:00
# Window class provides arrow key navigation within .buttons
2023-04-21 01:31:35 +03:00
Horizontal(*buttons, classes="buttons"),
2023-04-21 01:00:01 +03:00