Generate type stubs for stransi and ochre

This commit is contained in:
Isaiah Odhner 2023-05-09 16:58:25 -04:00
parent 385fffb704
commit 302e578387
17 changed files with 673 additions and 0 deletions

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from .color_pair import ColorPair
from .spaces import Ansi256, Color, HCL, Hex, RGB, WebColor
"""Facilities for working with colors."""
__version__ = ...
__all__ = ["Ansi256", "Color", "ColorPair", "HCL", "Hex", "RGB", "WebColor"]

typings/ochre/ansi256.pyi Normal file
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Colors by index.
This is a
[8-bit, 256-color lookup table](
colors = ...

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from .spaces import Color
"""A color pair of foreground and background colors."""
class ColorPair:
"""A color pair of foreground and background colors."""
foreground: Optional[Color] = ...
background: Optional[Color] = ...

typings/ochre/colorsys.pyi Normal file
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from typing import Text
"""Simple color conversions.
This module is a drop-in replacement for the
[standard `colorsys` module](
It provides extra functionality to the standard `colorsys` module, but also re-exports
its contents for convenience.
>>> from ochre import colorsys
This module provides some conversions, among which is RGB from and to HCL:
>>> colorsys.rgb_to_hcl(0.2, 0.4, 0.4) # doctest: +NUMBER
(3.4, 0.2, 0.4)
>>> colorsys.hcl_to_rgb(3.4, 0.2, 0.4) # doctest: +NUMBER
(0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
For convenience, the module also re-exports the standard conversions from `colorsys`:
>>> colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
(0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
>>> colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.4)
(0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
__all__ = ["hcl_to_rgb", "rgb_to_hcl", "hls_to_rgb", "hsv_to_rgb", "rgb_to_hls", "rgb_to_hsv", "rgb_to_yiq", "yiq_to_rgb"]
def rgb_to_xyz(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from RGB coordinates to CIEXYZ coordinates."""
def xyz_to_rgb(x: float, y: float, z: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from CIEXYZ coordinates to RGB coordinates."""
def luv_to_rgb(ell: float, u: float, v: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from CIELUV coordinates to RGB coordinates."""
def rgb_to_luv(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from RGB coordinates to CIELUV coordinates."""
def hcl_to_rgb(h: float, c: float, ell: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from HCL coordinates to RGB coordinates."""
def rgb_to_hcl(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from RGB coordinates to HCL coordinates."""
def xyz_to_luv(x: float, y: float, z: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from CIEXYZ coordinates to CIELUV coordinates."""
def luv_to_xyz(ell: float, u: float, v: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from CIELUV coordinates to CIEXYZ coordinates."""
def luv_to_hcl(ell: float, u: float, v: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from CIELUV coordinates to HCL coordinates."""
def hcl_to_luv(h: float, c: float, ell: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from HCL coordinates to CIELUV coordinates."""
def rgb_to_hex(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> int:
"""Convert the color from RGB coordinates to hexadecimal."""
def hex_to_rgb(hc: int | Text) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from hexadecimal to RGB coordinates."""
def web_color_to_hex(name: Text) -> int:
"""Convert the color from web color name to hexadecimal."""
def web_color_to_rgb(name: Text) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from web color name to RGB coordinates."""
def ansi256_to_hex(c: int) -> int:
"""Convert the color from ANSI 256 color code to hexadecimal."""
def ansi256_to_rgb(c: int) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
"""Convert the color from ANSI 256 color code to RGB coordinates."""
def hex_to_hex(hc: int | Text) -> int:
"""Ensure that the hexadecimal code is an integer."""
KAPPA = ...
REF_XYZ_D65_2 = ...
REF_UV_D65_2 = ...

typings/ochre/spaces.pyi Normal file
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Text, TypeVar, Union
"""Objects representing colors in different color spaces."""
C = TypeVar("C", bound="Color")
class Color(ABC, Iterable[float]):
"""Abstract base class for color spaces."""
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hex(self) -> Hex:
"""Return the color as an Hex object."""
def web_color(self) -> WebColor:
"""Return the color as a WebColor object."""
def ansi256(self) -> Ansi256:
"""Return the color as an Ansi256 object."""
def hcl(self) -> HCL:
"""Return the color as an HCL object."""
def __index__(self) -> int:
"""Return the index of the color as an hexadecimal integer."""
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Return True if the colors are almost equal in RGB space."""
def __hash__(self) -> int:
"""Return the hash of the color."""
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[float]:
"""Return an iterator over the color's RGB channels."""
def distance(self, other: Color) -> float:
"""Return the distance between colors in the HCL color space."""
def closest(self, colors: Iterable[C]) -> C:
"""Find the color in the given list that is closest to this color."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class RGB(Color):
"""An RGB color."""
red: float
green: float
blue: float
N_DIGITS = ...
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Round the RGB channels."""
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hex(self) -> Hex:
"""Return the color as an Hex object."""
def web_color(self) -> WebColor:
"""Return the color as a WebColor object."""
def ansi256(self) -> Ansi256:
"""Return the color as an Ansi256 object."""
def hcl(self) -> HCL:
"""Return the color as an HCL object."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class Hex(Color):
"""A color represented by a hexadecimal integer."""
hex_code: Union[int, Text]
def __repr__(self) -> Text:
"""Return a string representation of the color."""
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hex(self) -> Hex:
"""Return the color as an Hex object."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class WebColor(Color):
"""A color represented by a name."""
name: Text
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Normalize the name of the color."""
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hex(self) -> Hex:
"""Return the color as an Hex object."""
def web_color(self) -> WebColor:
"""Return the color as a WebColor object."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class Ansi256(Color):
"""A color represented by an integer between 0 and 255."""
code: int
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hex(self) -> Hex:
"""Return the color as an Hex object."""
def ansi256(self) -> Ansi256:
"""Return the color as an Ansi256 object."""
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False)
class HCL(Color):
"""An HCL color."""
hue: float
chroma: float
luminance: float
def rgb(self) -> RGB:
"""Return the color as an RGB object."""
def hcl(self) -> HCL:
"""Return the color as an HCL object."""

typings/ochre/web.pyi Normal file
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Colors by name.
This are the
["extended colors"]( from the
[CSS Color Module Level 3](, which is the
result of merging specifications from HTML 4.01, CSS 2.0, SVG 1.0 and CSS3 User
Interfaces (CSS3 UI).
colors = ...

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from .ansi import Ansi
from .attribute import SetAttribute
from .clear import SetClear
from .color import SetColor
from .cursor import SetCursor
from .escape import Escape
from .unsupported import Unsupported
"""A lightweight parser for ANSI escape sequences."""
__version__ = ...
__all__ = ["Ansi", "Escape", "SetAttribute", "SetClear", "SetColor", "SetCursor", "Unsupported"]

typings/stransi/_misc.pyi Normal file
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from typing import Text
"""Private miscellaneous utilities."""
class _CustomText(Text):
"""A custom string type for subclassing."""
def __repr__(self) -> Text:
"""Return a string representation of the object."""

typings/stransi/ansi.pyi Normal file
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from typing import Iterable, Text
from ._misc import _CustomText
from .escape import Escape
from .instruction import Instruction
"""A string that can be disassembled into text and ANSI escape sequences."""
class Ansi(_CustomText):
A string that can be disassembled into text and ANSI escape sequences.
>>> s = Ansi("\x1b[1;31mHello\x1b[m, world!")
>>> list(s.escapes())
[Escape('\x1b[1;31m'), 'Hello', Escape('\x1b[m'), ', world!']
>>> list(s.instructions()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[SetAttribute(attribute=<Attribute.BOLD: 1>),
SetColor(role=<ColorRole.FOREGROUND: 30>,
SetAttribute(attribute=<Attribute.NORMAL: 0>),
', world!']
def escapes(self) -> Iterable[Escape | Text]:
"""Yield ANSI escapes and text in the order they appear."""
def instructions(self) -> Iterable[Instruction | Text]:
"""Yield ANSI instructions and text in the order they appear."""

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from .instruction import Instruction
"""ANSI text style attributes."""
class Attribute(Enum):
"""An ANSI text style attribute."""
NORMAL = ...
BOLD = ...
DIM = ...
ITALIC = ...
BLINK = ...
HIDDEN = ...
def is_on(self): # -> bool:
"""Return True if this attribute actually "turns on" an attribute."""
def is_off(self): # -> Any:
"""Return True if this attribute actually "turns off" (resets) an attribute."""
class SetAttribute(Instruction[Attribute]):
"""Instruction to set an ANSI text style attribute."""
attribute: Attribute

typings/stransi/clear.pyi Normal file
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from .instruction import Instruction
"""Clear screen regions."""
class Clear(Enum):
"""Screen regions to clear."""
SCREEN = ...
LINE = ...
class SetClear(Instruction[Clear]):
"""Instruction to clear a screen region."""
region: Clear

typings/stransi/color.pyi Normal file
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from ochre import Color
from .instruction import Instruction
"""ANSI foreground and background colors."""
class ColorRole(Enum):
"""An ANSI color kinds: foreground or background."""
class SetColor(Instruction[Color]):
"""An ANSI instruction to set a foreground or background color."""
role: ColorRole
color: Optional[Color] = ...

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from .instruction import Instruction
"""Cursor movements."""
class CursorMove:
"""A single cursor movement."""
x: int = ...
y: int = ...
relative: bool = ...
def to(x: int = ..., y: int = ...) -> CursorMove:
Move the cursor to the given position.
The position is relative to the zero-based origin of the screen
(home position).
def to_home() -> CursorMove:
"""Move the cursor to the home position."""
def up(steps: int = ...) -> CursorMove:
"""Move the cursor up by the given number of steps."""
def down(steps: int = ...) -> CursorMove:
"""Move the cursor down by the given number of steps."""
def left(steps: int = ...) -> CursorMove:
"""Move the cursor left by the given number of steps."""
def right(steps: int = ...) -> CursorMove:
"""Move the cursor right by the given number of steps."""
class SetCursor(Instruction[CursorMove]):
"""Instruction to set the cursor position."""
move: CursorMove

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from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Text
from ._misc import _CustomText
from .instruction import Instruction
from .token import Token
"""A dedicated class for representing ANSI escape sequences."""
def isescape(text: Text) -> bool:
"""Return True if text is an ANSI escape sequence."""
class Escape(_CustomText):
"""A single ANSI escape sequence."""
ALL_ATTRIBUTE_CODES: set[int] = ...
ALL_FOREGROUND_CODES: set[int] = ...
ALL_BACKGROUND_CODES: set[int] = ...
ALL_COLOR_CODES: set[int] = ...
def tokens(self) -> Iterator[Token]:
"""Yield individual tokens from the escape sequence."""
def instructions(self) -> Iterable[Instruction]:
Decode a string of tokens into escapable objects.
>>> list(Escape("\x1b[1m").instructions())
[SetAttribute(attribute=<Attribute.BOLD: 1>)]
>>> list(Escape("\x1b[5;44m")
... .instructions()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[SetAttribute(attribute=<Attribute.BLINK: 5>),
SetColor(role=<ColorRole.BACKGROUND: 40>, color=Ansi256(code=4))]

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from typing import Generic, TypeVar
"""Generic ANSI instructions."""
T = TypeVar("T")
class Instruction(Generic[T]):
"""An ANSI instruction."""

typings/stransi/token.pyi Normal file
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Text
"""The basic unit of ANSI escape sequences."""
class Token:
The basic unit of ANSI escape sequences.
>>> from stransi import Escape
>>> list(Escape("\033[38;2;255;0;255m")
... .tokens()) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[Token(kind='m', data=38),
Token(kind='m', data=2),
Token(kind='m', data=255),
Token(kind='m', data=0),
Token(kind='m', data=255)]
kind: Text
data: int
def issgr(self) -> bool:
Return True if this is a SGR escape sequence.
>>> Token(kind="m", data=0).issgr()
>>> Token(kind="H", data=0).issgr()

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from dataclasses import dataclass
from .instruction import Instruction
from .token import Token
"""An instruction that we don't support."""
class Unsupported(Instruction[Token]):
"""An instruction that we don't support."""
token: Token