Add a known crash-causing issue

This commit is contained in:
Isaiah Odhner 2023-04-28 20:46:24 -04:00
parent 48a61d9934
commit 67015ae1ca
2 changed files with 7 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ cat file.ans
## Known Issues
- Dragging from outside the canvas to inside with Free-Form Select crashes the program, and with Select makes a stupid selection (using the starting mouse position from the last time you clicked on the canvas).
- The Text tool doesn't collapse a text selection when typing. Undo/Redo doesn't work with text. Ctrl+Z will delete the textbox.
- Selection box border is inside instead of outside (and lacks dashes). For the text box, I hid the border because it was too visually confusing, but it should also have an outer border.
- Pick Color can't be cancelled, since it samples the color continuously.

View File

@ -2853,6 +2853,12 @@ class PaintApp(App[None]):
# Done selecting text
self.selecting_text = False
# TODO: FIXME: dragging from outside the canvas shouldn't make a selection
# and for Free-Form Select it gets ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
# - self.mouse_at_start is never unset so it can't be used to check if the mouse is down
# - self.canvas.pointer_active is always False during ToolStop currently so I can't use that
# I could make it be set to False after ToolStop, but I could also
# just make ToolStop not fire if ToolStart didn't fire, right?
if self.selected_tool in [, Tool.free_form_select, Tool.text] and self.mouse_at_start:
# Finish making a selection
if self.selected_tool == Tool.free_form_select: