Auto-organize imports

I don't really like the style of wrapping to different points depending
on where the opening parenthesis is, especially when it wraps for just
one item, and these changes may remove some semantic grouping or
ordering (i.e. by importance), but I don't think I put THAT much thought
into it, and I think I can accept some lack of control, to freely use
the Organize Imports command in VS Code, which does nicely automate
grouping imports of different types.
This commit is contained in:
Isaiah Odhner 2023-09-06 14:15:42 -04:00
parent 179cceed57
commit 769ccee30e
16 changed files with 92 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ __license__ = "MIT"
# Set version string when in a git repository
# to distinguish production from development versions.
from os.path import exists, dirname
from os.path import dirname, exists
from subprocess import check_output
DEVELOPMENT = exists(dirname(__file__) + "/../../.git")
"""Whether running from a Git repository."""
__version__ = "development " + check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags"], cwd=dirname(__file__)).strip().decode()

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import argparse
import os
import re
from .__init__ import __version__, DEVELOPMENT
from .__init__ import DEVELOPMENT, __version__
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Paint in the terminal.', usage='%(prog)s [options] [filename]', prog="textual-paint")
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=f'%(prog)s {__version__}')

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from textual._border import BORDER_CHARS, BORDER_LOCATIONS
def force_ascii_borders() -> None:
"""Force all borders to use ASCII characters."""

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@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import os
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from import ScreenStackError
from .paint import PaintApp
from .gallery import GalleryApp
from .paint import PaintApp
def restart_program() -> None:
"""Restarts the current program, after resetting terminal state, and cleaning up file objects and descriptors."""
@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ def restart_program() -> None:
def restart_on_changes(app: PaintApp|GalleryApp) -> None:
"""Restarts the current program when a file is changed"""
from import PatternMatchingEventHandler, FileSystemEvent, EVENT_TYPE_CLOSED, EVENT_TYPE_OPENED
FileSystemEvent, PatternMatchingEventHandler)
from watchdog.observers import Observer
class RestartHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):

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@ -3,21 +3,19 @@ from typing import Any, Callable
from rich.segment import Segment
from import Style
from textual import events
from textual.color import Color as Color
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
from textual.css.query import NoMatches
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.message import Message
from textual.reactive import reactive, var
from textual.strip import Strip
from textual.color import Color as Color
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, Input, Label
from textual.containers import Container
from .args import args
from .localization.i18n import get as _
from .windows import DialogWindow
from .args import args
# These are a fallback in case colors are not received from some driver.

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Iterable
from import Style
from import Style
from rich.text import Text, TextType
from textual.reactive import var
from textual.widgets import DirectoryTree, Tree
from textual.widgets._tree import TreeNode, TOGGLE_STYLE
from textual.widgets._directory_tree import DirEntry
from textual.widgets._tree import TOGGLE_STYLE, TreeNode
from .args import args

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
from enum import Enum
class FIGletFontWriter:
"""Used to write FIGlet fonts.

View File

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
import os
from typing import Any, Callable
from textual.containers import Container
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, Input, Tree, Label
from textual.containers import Horizontal
from textual.widgets import Button, Input, Label, Tree
from textual.widgets._directory_tree import DirEntry
from textual.containers import Container
from .enhanced_directory_tree import EnhancedDirectoryTree
from .localization.i18n import get as _
from .windows import DialogWindow
from .enhanced_directory_tree import EnhancedDirectoryTree
class FileDialogWindow(DialogWindow):
"""A dialog window that lets the user select a file."""

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ from textual.containers import HorizontalScroll, ScrollableContainer
from textual.widgets import Footer, Header, Static
from .__init__ import __version__
from .auto_restart import restart_on_changes, restart_program
from .ansi_art_document import AnsiArtDocument
from .auto_restart import restart_on_changes, restart_program
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ANSI art gallery', usage='%(prog)s [folder]', prog="python -m")
parser.add_argument('folder', nargs='?', default=None, help='Path to a folder containing ANSI art.')

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@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ SOFTWARE.
import asyncio
import inspect
import os
from typing import Any, Iterable, Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Type, TypeGuard
from typing import (Any, Iterable, Literal, NamedTuple, Optional, Type,
from rich.highlighter import ReprHighlighter
from rich.markup import escape
from rich.segment import Segment
from import Style
from rich.text import Text
from rich.highlighter import ReprHighlighter
from textual import events
from import ComposeResult
from textual.color import Color, ColorParseError
@ -55,12 +56,15 @@ from textual.message import Message
from textual.reactive import var
from textual.strip import Strip
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, DataTable, Input, Static, TabPane, TabbedContent, Tree
from textual.widgets import (Button, DataTable, Input, Static, TabbedContent,
TabPane, Tree)
from textual.widgets.tree import TreeNode
# from textual.css._style_properties import BorderDefinition
from .launch_editor import launch_editor
# from textual.css._style_properties import BorderDefinition
# Instrument style setting in order to link to the source code where inline styles are set.
# TODO: make optional for performance
inline_style_call_stacks: dict[DOMNode, dict[str, list[inspect.FrameInfo]]] = {}
@ -367,9 +371,9 @@ class PropertiesTree(Tree[object]):
def AAA_deal_with_it(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""This property gives a grab bag of different types to test the tree."""
import traceback
from enum import Enum
from typing import NamedTuple
import traceback
return {
"a_string": "DEAL WITH IT 😎",
"an_int": 42,

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@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Ported to Python using ChatGPT.
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import platform
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Any, TypeGuard

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@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
import re
from typing import Any, Callable
from rich.text import Text
from textual import events
from textual.containers import Container
from textual.dom import NoScreen
from textual.message import Message
from textual.reactive import var
from textual.widgets import Button, Static
from textual.message import Message
from textual.dom import NoScreen
from rich.text import Text
from .localization.i18n import markup_hotkey, get_hotkey, get_direction
from .args import args
from .localization.i18n import get_direction, get_hotkey, markup_hotkey
def to_snake_case(name: str) -> str:
name = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)

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@ -2,65 +2,64 @@
"""Textual Paint is a detailed MS Paint clone that runs in the terminal."""
import asyncio
import math
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shlex
import asyncio
from enum import Enum
from random import random
import sys
from typing import Any, Coroutine, Optional, Callable, Iterator
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from random import random
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Iterator, Optional
from uuid import uuid4
from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError
from pyfiglet import Figlet, FigletFont # type: ignore
from rich.segment import Segment
from import Style
from rich.text import Text
from textual import events, on, work
from textual.filter import LineFilter
from textual.message import Message
from import App, ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Container, Vertical, Horizontal
from textual.geometry import Offset, Region, Size
from textual.css._style_properties import BorderDefinition
from textual.reactive import var, reactive
from textual.scrollbar import ScrollBar
from textual.strip import Strip
from textual.dom import DOMNode
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, Static, Input, Header, RadioSet, RadioButton
from textual.widgets._header import HeaderIcon
from textual.binding import Binding
from textual.color import Color
from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
from textual.css._style_properties import BorderDefinition
from textual.dom import DOMNode
from textual.filter import LineFilter
from textual.geometry import Offset, Region, Size
from textual.message import Message
from textual.reactive import reactive, var
from textual.scrollbar import ScrollBar
from textual.strip import Strip
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import (Button, Header, Input, RadioButton, RadioSet,
from textual.widgets._header import HeaderIcon
from textual.worker import get_current_worker # type: ignore
from pyfiglet import Figlet, FigletFont # type: ignore
from .palette_data import DEFAULT_PALETTE, IRC_PALETTE
from .ansi_art_document import AnsiArtDocument, FormatReadNotSupported, FormatWriteNotSupported, Selection, SAVE_DISABLED_FORMATS
from .graphics_primitives import (
from .menus import MenuBar, Menu, MenuItem, Separator
from .windows import Window, DialogWindow, CharacterSelectorDialogWindow, MessageBox, get_warning_icon, get_question_icon, get_paint_icon
from .scrollbars import ASCIIScrollBarRender
from .file_dialogs import SaveAsDialogWindow, OpenDialogWindow
from .edit_colors import EditColorsDialogWindow
from .localization.i18n import get as _, load_language, remove_hotkey
from .rasterize_ansi_art import rasterize
from .wallpaper import get_config_dir, set_wallpaper
from .auto_restart import restart_on_changes, restart_program
from .args import args, get_help_text
from .__init__ import __version__
from .ansi_art_document import (SAVE_DISABLED_FORMATS, AnsiArtDocument,
FormatWriteNotSupported, Selection)
from .args import args, get_help_text
from .auto_restart import restart_on_changes, restart_program
from .edit_colors import EditColorsDialogWindow
from .file_dialogs import OpenDialogWindow, SaveAsDialogWindow
from .graphics_primitives import (bezier_curve_walk, bresenham_walk,
flood_fill, is_inside_polygon,
midpoint_ellipse, polygon_walk,
polyline_walk, quadratic_curve_walk)
from .localization.i18n import get as _
from .localization.i18n import load_language, remove_hotkey
from .menus import Menu, MenuBar, MenuItem, Separator
from .palette_data import DEFAULT_PALETTE, IRC_PALETTE
from .rasterize_ansi_art import rasterize
from .scrollbars import ASCIIScrollBarRender
from .wallpaper import get_config_dir, set_wallpaper
from .windows import (CharacterSelectorDialogWindow, DialogWindow, MessageBox,
Window, get_paint_icon, get_question_icon,
MAX_FILE_SIZE = 500000 # 500 KB

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from math import ceil, floor
from rich.color import Color
from rich.segment import Segment, Segments
from import Style

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
def get_desktop_environment() -> str:

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@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
from typing import Any, Callable
from typing_extensions import Self
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar
from textual import events, on
from textual.dom import DOMNode, NoScreen
from textual.message import Message
from import ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Container
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.reactive import var
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, Static, DataTable
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
from textual.css.query import NoMatches
from textual.dom import DOMNode, NoScreen
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.message import Message
from textual.reactive import var
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, DataTable, Static
from typing_extensions import Self
from .localization.i18n import get as _
from .args import args
from .localization.i18n import get as _
class WindowTitleBar(Container):
"""A title bar widget."""