Link to source code for CSS rule sets

This commit is contained in:
Isaiah Odhner 2023-06-07 02:28:21 -04:00
parent 3409992ae6
commit 9f84b6206c

View File

@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ def set_rule(self: Styles, rule: str, value: object | None) -> bool:
return original_set_rule.__get__(self)(rule, value)
Styles.set_rule = set_rule
rule_set_call_stacks: dict[RuleSet, list[inspect.FrameInfo]] = {}
original_rule_set_init = RuleSet.__init__
def rule_set_init(self: RuleSet, *args, **kwargs):
original_rule_set_init.__get__(self)(*args, **kwargs)
rule_set_call_stacks[self] = inspect.stack()
RuleSet.__init__ = rule_set_init
def subtract_regions(a: Region, b: Region) -> list[Region]:
"""Subtract region `b` from region `a`."""
@ -652,15 +659,14 @@ class NodeInfo(Container):
return None
return (frame_info.filename, frame_info.lineno)
def style_location_info(rule: str) -> Text:
def style_location_info(location: tuple[str, int | None] | None) -> Text:
"""Shows a link to open the the source code where a style is set."""
# TODO: DRY with `location_info()`
location = trace_inline_style(rule)
if location is None:
return Text.styled(f"(unknown location)", "#808080")
file, line_number = location
action = f"open_file({file!r}, {line_number})"
action = f"open_file({file!r}, {line_number!r})"
return Text.assemble(
# Text.styled(f"{file}:{line_number} ", "green"),
@ -681,7 +687,7 @@ class NodeInfo(Container):
": ",
" ",
inline_style_text = Text.assemble(
Text.styled("inline styles", "italic"),
@ -692,12 +698,51 @@ class NodeInfo(Container):
text = Text.assemble(
def format_rule_set(rule_set: RuleSet) -> Text:
"""Formats a CSS rule set for display, with a link to open the source code."""
path: str | None = None
line_number: int | None = None
stack = rule_set_call_stacks[rule_set]
# look up the stack to find local named "path"
for frame_info in stack:
if frame_info.function == "parse":
path = frame_info.frame.f_locals["path"]
assert isinstance(path, str)
except KeyError:
path = None
if path is not None and ":" in path:
path, widget_name = path.rsplit(":", 1)
# parse the python file to find the line number of the widget definition
# could use `ast` module for robustness
# to avoid things like finding DEFAULT_CSS from the wrong widget
with open(path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if f"class {widget_name}" in line:
line_number = i + 1
# keep looking for DEFAULT_CSS more specifically
if line_number is not None and "DEFAULT_CSS" in line:
line_number = i + 1
# TODO: find the specific line number of the rule set
css = rule_set.css
selectors, declarations_and_end_curly = css.split("{", 1)
return Text.assemble(
"{ ",
style_location_info((path, line_number) if path else None),
styles_text = Text.assemble(
Text("\n\n").join(Text(rule_set.css) for rule_set in applicable_rule_sets),
Text("\n\n").join(format_rule_set(rule_set) for rule_set in applicable_rule_sets),
# key_bindings_static.update("\n".join(map(repr, dom_node.BINDINGS)) or "(None defined with BINDINGS)")
key_bindings_static.update(Text("\n").join(map(lambda binding: highlighter(repr(binding)), dom_node.BINDINGS)) or "(None defined with BINDINGS)")