- "🧯" might be a new best Airbrush symbol
- "𝐴" appears closer to MS Paint's Text icon, although it's not centered like the wide character "A"
- "⬙﹅" is quite a nice two-glyph Fill With Color icon, only a bit disjoint with the bucket being too small/low (as I see it rendered)
- Add lasso-themed Free-Form Select symbol alternatives
- Add many misc. options
- Combine composite brush symbols so they're directly visualized ("▭⋹ 𝈸⋹ ⊏⋹ ⸦⋹ ⊂⋹" instead of "▭/𝈸/⊏/⸦/⊂+⋹")
- Add one crosshair cursor option
- Remove "whilst" phrase that didn't add any meaning
> It is not considered best practice to use install_requires to pin dependencies to specific versions, or to specify sub-dependencies (i.e. dependencies of your dependencies). This is overly-restrictive, and prevents the user from gaining the benefit of dependency upgrades.
It seems more important to install working versions than to allow other versions.
I used this command for a while, but ended up manually maintaining `requirements.txt`, in order to specify platform-specific dependencies.
I don't have a clear answer to dependency management; maybe a tool like `poetry` will help, but for now, this section is useless.
WARNING: there is a new pyright version available (v1.1.316 -> v1.1.317).
Please install the new version or set PYRIGHT_PYTHON_FORCE_VERSION to `latest`
/home/io/Projects/textual-paint/src/textual_paint/paint.py:39:28 - error: Type of "get_current_worker" is partially unknown
Type of "get_current_worker" is "() -> Worker[Unknown]" (reportUnknownVariableType)
1 error, 0 warnings, 0 informations