#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import math from typing import TextIO # ANSI escape codes for truecolor CSI = '\u001b[' RESET = CSI + '0m' # Glyphs to use for the gradient GLYPHS = ['🌸', '🌷', '🌹', '🌺', '🌻', '🌼'] def spiral(m: tuple[float, float]) -> float: r = math.sqrt(m[0]**2 + m[1]**2) * .05 a = math.atan2(m[1], m[0]) v = math.sin(100. * (math.sqrt(r) - 0.02 * a)) return max(0., min(1., v)) def generate_ansi_art(width: int, height: int, file: TextIO) -> None: # Calculate the center coordinates of the image center_x = width // 2 center_y = height // 2 for y in range(height): for x in range(width): # Calculate the coordinates relative to the center rel_x = x - center_x rel_y = y - center_y # Evaluate the spiral function scale = 0.1 v = spiral((rel_x * scale, rel_y * scale)) # Calculate the color based on the spiral value r = int(v * 255) g = int(((1 - v) * 255)*0.8) b = int(v * 255) # Add linear gradient to the color r = int(r * (1 - y / height)) # g = int(g * (1 - y / height)) # b = int(b * (1 - y / height)) # Generate the truecolor escape code # background: color = CSI + f'48;2;{r};{g};{b}m' # and foreground: # THIS WON'T DO MUCH for emoji, but it's here to INCREASE FILE SIZE color += CSI + f'38;2;{r//10};{g//10};{b//10}m' # Calculate the index of the glyph based on visual weight glyph_index = int(v * (len(GLYPHS) - 1)) # Write the colored glyph to the file file.write(color + GLYPHS[glyph_index]) # Reset the color at the end of each row and add a newline character file.write(RESET + '\n') # Set the size of the ANSI art width = 80 height = 24 # Generate and write the ANSI art to a file file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../samples/gradient_test.ans') file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) with open(file_path, 'w') as file: generate_ansi_art(width, height, file) # Print the art to the terminal with open(file_path, 'r') as file: print(file.read()) # Print the path to the file, and resulting file size print(f'Wrote ANSI art to {file_path} ({os.path.getsize(file_path)} bytes)')