STRINGTABLE LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US { 37680, "Flips or rotates the picture or a selection." 37681, "Stretches or skews the picture or a selection." 37682, "Inverts the colors of the picture or a selection." 37683, "Changes the attributes of the picture." 37684, "Clears the picture or selection." 37685, "The font size must be a numeric value." 37686, "Contains commands for working with the selected item(s)." 37687, "Contains commands for selecting and transferring items." 37688, "Contains commands for customizing this window." 37689, "Contains commands for manipulating pictures and setting attributes." 37690, "Contains commands for using custom colors and drawing options." 37691, "Contains commands for displaying Help for and information about Paint." }