from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Callable from textual import events from textual.message import Message from import ComposeResult from textual.containers import Container from textual.geometry import Offset from textual.reactive import var from textual.widget import Widget from textual.widgets import Button, Static from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical from textual.css.query import NoMatches from localization.i18n import get as _ from windows import DialogWindow # # These are a fallback in case colors are not received from some driver. # const default_basic_colors = [ # "#8080FF", "#80FFFF", "#80FF80", "#80FF00", "#FFFF80", "#FF8000", "#C080FF", "#FF80FF", # "#0000FF", "#00FFFF", "#00FF80", "#40FF00", "#FFFF00", "#C08000", "#C08080", "#FF00FF", # "#404080", "#4080FF", "#00FF00", "#808000", "#804000", "#FF8080", "#400080", "#8000FF", # "#000080", "#0080FF", "#008000", "#408000", "#FF0000", "#A00000", "#800080", "#FF0080", # "#000040", "#004080", "#004000", "#404000", "#800000", "#400000", "#400040", "#800040", # "#000000", "#008080", "#408080", "#808080", "#808040", "#C0C0C0", "#400040", "#FFFFFF", # ]; # Grabbed with Color Cop from the screen with Windows 98 SE running in VMWare basic_colors = [ "#FF8080", "#FFFF80", "#80FF80", "#00FF80", "#80FFFF", "#0080FF", "#FF80C0", "#FF80FF", "#FF0000", "#FFFF00", "#80FF00", "#00FF40", "#00FFFF", "#0080C0", "#8080C0", "#FF00FF", "#804040", "#FF8040", "#00FF00", "#008080", "#004080", "#8080FF", "#800040", "#FF0080", "#800000", "#FF8000", "#008000", "#008040", "#0000FF", "#0000A0", "#800080", "#8000FF", "#400000", "#804000", "#004000", "#004040", "#000080", "#000040", "#400040", "#400080", "#000000", "#808000", "#808040", "#808080", "#408080", "#C0C0C0", "#400040", "#FFFFFF", ] custom_colors = [ "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", ] class EditColorsDialogWindow(DialogWindow): """A dialog window that lets the user select a color.""" def __init__(self, *children: Widget, title: str = _("Edit Colors"), selected_color: str|None, handle_selected_color: Callable[[str], None], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialize the Edit Colors dialog.""" super().__init__(handle_button=self.handle_button, *children, title=title, **kwargs) self._color_to_highlight = selected_color self._color_by_button: dict[Button, str] = {} self.handle_selected_color = handle_selected_color def handle_button(self, button: Button) -> None: """Called when a button is clicked or activated with the keyboard.""" if button.has_class("cancel"): self.request_close() else: self.handle_selected_color(self._color_by_button[button]) def on_mount(self) -> None: """Called when the window is mounted.""" container = Container(classes="color_grid") for color in basic_colors: button = Button("", classes="color_button color_well") button.styles.background = color button.can_focus = False self._color_by_button[button] = color if color is self._color_to_highlight: button.focus() container.mount(button) self.content.mount(container) self.content.mount(Button(_("Cancel"), classes="cancel"))