from typing import Optional import json import re translations = {} base_language = "en" current_language = base_language def get_direction() -> str: """Get the text direction for the current language.""" if current_language in ["ar", "he"]: return "rtl" return "ltr" def load_language(language_code: str): """Load a language from the translations directory.""" global translations translations = {} if language_code == base_language: return try: with open(f"localization/{language_code}/localizations.js", "r") as f: # find the JSON object js = start = js.find("{") end = js.rfind("}") # parse the JSON object translations = json.loads(js[start:end + 1]) current_language = language_code except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Could not find language file for '{language_code}'.") except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"Could not parse language file for '{language_code}': {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Could not load language '{language_code}': {e}") untranslated = set() try: with open("localization/untranslated.txt", "r") as f: untranslated = set( except FileNotFoundError: pass def get(base_language_str: str, *interpolations: str) -> str: """Get a localized string.""" def find_localization(base_language_str: str): amp_index = index_of_hotkey(base_language_str) if amp_index > -1: without_hotkey = remove_hotkey(base_language_str) if without_hotkey in translations: hotkey_def = base_language_str[amp_index:amp_index + 2] if translations[without_hotkey].upper().find(hotkey_def.upper()) > -1: return translations[without_hotkey] else: if has_hotkey(translations[without_hotkey]): # window.console && console.warn(`Localization has differing accelerator (hotkey) hint: '${translations[without_hotkey]}' vs '${base_language_str}'`); # @TODO: detect differing accelerator more generally return f"{remove_hotkey(translations[without_hotkey])} ({hotkey_def})" return f"{translations[without_hotkey]} ({hotkey_def})" if base_language_str in translations: return translations[base_language_str] # special case for menu items, where we need to split the string into two parts to translate them separately # (maybe only because of how I preprocessed the localization files) parts = base_language_str.split("\t") if len(parts) == 2: parts[0] = find_localization(parts[0]) return "\t".join(parts) # special handling for ellipsis if base_language_str[-3:] == "...": return find_localization(base_language_str[:-3]) + "..." if base_language_str not in untranslated and current_language != base_language: untranslated.add(base_language_str) # append to untranslated strings file with open("localization/untranslated.txt", "a") as f: f.write(base_language_str + "\n") return base_language_str def interpolate(text: str, interpolations: tuple[str]): for i in range(len(interpolations)): text = text.replace(f"%{i + 1}", interpolations[i]) return text return interpolate(find_localization(base_language_str), interpolations) # & defines accelerators (hotkeys) in menus and buttons and things, which get underlined in the UI. # & can be escaped by doubling it, e.g. "&Taskbar && Start Menu" def index_of_hotkey(text: str) -> int: # Returns the index of the ampersand that defines a hotkey, or -1 if not present. # The space here handles beginning-of-string matching and counteracts the offset for the [^&] so it acts like a negative lookbehind m ="[^&]&[^&\s]", f" {text}") return m.start() if m else -1 def has_hotkey(text: str) -> bool: return index_of_hotkey(text) != -1 def remove_hotkey(text: str) -> str: text = re.sub(r"\s?\(&.\)", "", text) text = re.sub(r"([^&]|^)&([^&\s])", r"\1\2", text) return text def markup_hotkey(text: str) -> str: """Returns Rich API-compatible markup underlining the hotkey if present.""" index = index_of_hotkey(text) if index == -1: return text else: return text[:index] + f"[u]{text[index + 1]}[/u]" + text[index + 2:] def get_hotkey(text: str) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the hotkey if present.""" index = index_of_hotkey(text) if index == -1: return None else: return text[index + 1]