Isaiah Odhner 8e82203bb5 Note another attempt at fixing flickering when using the magnifier tool
I tried `refresh(layout=True, repaint=False)` before `_scroll_to`, but no luck.
2023-04-21 00:05:01 -04:00

1781 lines
77 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import os
import re
import sys
import psutil
import argparse
import asyncio
from enum import Enum
from random import randint, random
from typing import List, Optional
from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler, FileSystemEvent, EVENT_TYPE_CLOSED, EVENT_TYPE_OPENED
from watchdog.observers import Observer
import stransi
from rich.segment import Segment
from rich.style import Style
from textual import events
from textual.message import Message, MessageTarget
from textual.app import App, ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
from textual.geometry import Offset, Region, Size
from textual.css.query import NoMatches
from textual.reactive import var, reactive
from textual.strip import Strip
from textual.widget import Widget
from textual.widgets import Button, Static, Input, DirectoryTree, Tree, Header
from textual.color import Color
from menus import MenuBar, Menu, MenuItem, Separator
from windows import Window, DialogWindow, CharacterSelectorDialogWindow, MessageBox, get_warning_icon
from localization.i18n import get as _, load_language
from enhanced_directory_tree import EnhancedDirectoryTree
observer = None
def restart_program():
"""Restarts the current program, after file objects and descriptors cleanup"""
# It's meant to eventually call this, but we need it immediately (unless we delay with asyncio perhaps)
# Otherwise the terminal will be left in a state where you can't (visibly) type anything
# if you exit the app after reloading, since the new process will pick up the old terminal state.
except Exception as e:
print("Error stopping application mode. The command line may not work as expected. The `reset` command should restore it on Linux.", e)
if observer.is_alive:
print("Timed out waiting for file change observer thread to stop.")
except RuntimeError as e:
# Ignore "cannot join current thread" error
# join() might be redundant, but I'm keeping it just in case something with threading changes in the future
if str(e) != "cannot join current thread":
except Exception as e:
print("Error stopping file change observer:", e)
p = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
for handler in p.open_files() + p.connections():
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error closing file descriptor ({handler.fd}):", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Error closing file descriptors:", e)
# python = sys.executable
# os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)
os.execl(sys.executable, *sys.orig_argv)
class RestartHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
"""A handler for file changes"""
def on_any_event(self, event: FileSystemEvent):
if event.event_type in (EVENT_TYPE_CLOSED, EVENT_TYPE_OPENED):
# These seem like they'd just cause trouble... they're not changes, are they?
print("Reloading due to FS change:", event.event_type, event.src_path)
app.screen.styles.background = "red"
# Doesn't include save prompt
# restart_program()
# Includes save prompt
# None of these work:
# app.action_reload()
# app.run_action("reload")
# app.set_timer(0.1, app.action_reload)
# app.set_timer(0.1, lambda: app.run_action("reload"))
# This works when there are no unsaved changes,
# but fails to show a dialog:
# app._dont_gc = asyncio.create_task(app.action_reload())
# This works if there ARE unsaved changes,
# but fails to restart immediately if there aren't:
# app.call_from_thread(app.action_reload)
# So... just do both?
task = asyncio.create_task(app.action_reload())
except Exception as e:
print("Error reloading (A):", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Error reloading (B):", e)
# I mean... it works, but this clearly sucks.
except Exception as e:
print("Error reloading:", e)
app.screen.styles.background = "yellow"
def restart_on_changes():
"""Restarts the current program when a file is changed"""
global observer
observer = Observer()
# Don't need to restart on changes to .css, since Textual will reload them in --dev mode
# Could include localization files, but I'm not actively localizing this app at this point.
# WET: WatchDog doesn't match zero directories for **, so we have to split up any patterns that use it.
"**/*.py", "*.py"
".history/**/*", ".history/*",
".vscode/**/*", ".vscode/*",
".git/**/*", ".git/*",
"node_modules/**/*", "node_modules/*",
"__pycache__/**/*", "__pycache__/*",
"venv/**/*", "venv/*",
), path='.', recursive=True)
# These can go away now that args are parsed up top
ascii_only_icons = False
inspect_layout = False
# Command line arguments
# Please keep in sync with the README
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Paint in the terminal.')
parser.add_argument('--theme', default='light', help='Theme to use, either "light" or "dark"', choices=['light', 'dark'])
parser.add_argument('--language', default='en', help='Language to use', choices=['ar', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'ru', 'sk', 'sl', 'sv', 'tr', 'zh', 'zh-simplified'])
parser.add_argument('--ascii-only-icons', action='store_true', help='Use only ASCII characters for tool icons')
parser.add_argument('--inspect-layout', action='store_true', help='Inspect the layout with middle click, for development')
# This flag is for development, because it's very confusing
# to see the error message from the previous run,
# when a problem is actually solved.
# There are enough ACTUAL "that should have worked!!" moments to deal with.
# I really don't want false ones mixed in. You want to reward your brain for finding good solutions, after all.
parser.add_argument('--clear-screen', action='store_true', help='Clear the screen before starting; useful for development, to avoid seeing fixed errors')
parser.add_argument('--restart-on-changes', action='store_true', help='Restart the app when the source code is changed, for development')
parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default=None, help='File to open')
if __name__ == "<run_path>":
# Arguments have to be passed like `textual run --dev "paint.py LICENSE.txt"`
# so we need to look for an argument starting with "paint.py",
# and parse the rest of the string as arguments.
args = None
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg.startswith("paint.py"):
args = parser.parse_args(arg[len("paint.py") :].split())
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.restart_on_changes:
# Most arguments are handled at the end of the file.
class Tool(Enum):
"""The tools available in the Paint app."""
free_form_select = 1
select = 2
eraser = 3
fill = 4
pick_color = 5
magnifier = 6
pencil = 7
brush = 8
airbrush = 9
text = 10
line = 11
curve = 12
rectangle = 13
polygon = 14
ellipse = 15
rounded_rectangle = 16
def get_icon(self) -> str:
"""Get the icon for this tool."""
# Alternatives considered:
# - Free-Form Select: ✂️📐🆓🕸✨⚝🫥🇫/🇸◌⁛⁘ ⢼⠮
# - Select: ⬚▧🔲 ⣏⣹
# - Eraser/Color Eraser: 🧼🧽🧹🚫👋🗑️▰▱
# - Fill With Color: 🌊💦💧🌈🎉🎊🪣🫗
# - Pick Color: 🎨💉💅💧📌📍⤤𝀃🝯🍶
# - Magnifier: 🔍🔎👀🔬🔭🧐🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
# - Pencil: ✏️✎✍️🖎🖊️🖋️✒️🖆📝🖍️
# - Brush: 🖌️🖌👨‍🎨🧑‍🎨💅
# - Airbrush: 💨ᖜ╔🧴🥤🫠
# - Text: 🆎📝📄📃🔤📜A
# - Line: 📏📉📈⟍𝈏╲⧹\
# - Curve: ↪️🪝🌙〰️◡◠~∼≈∽∿〜〰﹋﹏≈≋~⁓
# - Rectangle: ▭▬▮▯🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪🟫⬛⬜◼️◻️◾◽▪️▫️
# - Polygon: ▙𝗟𝙇﹄』⬣⬟🔶🔷🔸🔹🔺🔻△▲
# - Ellipse: ⬭⭕🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣🟤⚫⚪🫧
# - Rounded Rectangle: ▢⬜⬛
if ascii_only_icons:
return {
Tool.free_form_select: "<[u]^[/]7", # "*" "<^>" "<[u]^[/]7"
Tool.select: "::", # "#" "::" ":_:" ":[u]:[/]:" ":[u]'[/]:"
Tool.eraser: "[u]/[/]7", # "47" "27" "/_/" "[u]/[/]7"
Tool.fill: "[u i]H[/]?", # "#?" "H?" "[u i]F[/]?"
Tool.pick_color: "[u i] P[/]", # "[u].[/]" "[u i]\\P[/]"
Tool.magnifier: ",O", # ",O" "o-" "O-" "o=" "O=" "Q"
Tool.pencil: "-==", # "c==>" "==-"
Tool.brush: "E)=", # "[u],h.[/u]" "[u],|.[/u]" "[u]h[/u]"
Tool.airbrush: "[u i]H[/]`<", # "H`" "H`<" "[u i]H[/]`<" "[u i]6[/]<"
Tool.text: "A", # "Abc"
Tool.line: "\\",
Tool.curve: "~", # "~" "S" "s"
Tool.rectangle: "[_]", # "[]"
Tool.polygon: "[b]L[/b]", # "L"
Tool.ellipse: "O", # "()"
Tool.rounded_rectangle: "(_)",
return {
Tool.free_form_select: "",
Tool.select: "",
Tool.eraser: "🧼",
Tool.fill: "🌊", # "🫗" causes jutting out in Ubuntu terminal, "🪣" causes the opposite in VS Code terminal
Tool.pick_color: "💉",
Tool.magnifier: "🔍",
Tool.pencil: "✏️",
Tool.brush: "🖌️",
Tool.airbrush: "💨",
Tool.text: "",
Tool.line: "",
Tool.curve: "",
Tool.rectangle: "",
Tool.polygon: "𝙇",
Tool.ellipse: "",
Tool.rounded_rectangle: "",
def get_name(self) -> str:
"""Get the name of this tool."""
return {
Tool.free_form_select: _("Free-Form Select"),
Tool.select: _("Select"),
Tool.eraser: _("Eraser/Color Eraser"),
Tool.fill: _("Fill With Color"),
Tool.pick_color: _("Pick Color"),
Tool.magnifier: _("Magnifier"),
Tool.pencil: _("Pencil"),
Tool.brush: _("Brush"),
Tool.airbrush: _("Airbrush"),
Tool.text: _("Text"),
Tool.line: _("Line"),
Tool.curve: _("Curve"),
Tool.rectangle: _("Rectangle"),
Tool.polygon: _("Polygon"),
Tool.ellipse: _("Ellipse"),
Tool.rounded_rectangle: _("Rounded Rectangle"),
palette = [
"rgb(0,0,0)", # Black
"rgb(128,128,128)", # Dark Gray
"rgb(128,0,0)", # Dark Red
"rgb(128,128,0)", # Pea Green
"rgb(0,128,0)", # Dark Green
"rgb(0,128,128)", # Slate
"rgb(0,0,128)", # Dark Blue
"rgb(128,0,128)", # Lavender
"rgb(255,255,255)", # White
"rgb(192,192,192)", # Light Gray
"rgb(255,0,0)", # Bright Red
"rgb(255,255,0)", # Yellow
"rgb(0,255,0)", # Bright Green
"rgb(0,255,255)", # Cyan
"rgb(0,0,255)", # Bright Blue
"rgb(255,0,255)", # Magenta
class ToolsBox(Container):
"""Widget containing tool buttons"""
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Add our buttons."""
with Container(id="tools_box"):
# tool buttons
for tool in Tool:
# TODO: tooltip with tool.get_name()
button = Button(tool.get_icon(), classes="tool_button")
button.can_focus = False
button.represented_tool = tool
yield button
class CharInput(Input):
"""Widget for entering a single character."""
def validate_value(self, value: str) -> str:
"""Limit the value to a single character."""
return value[-1] if value else " "
def watch_value(self, value: str) -> None:
"""Update the cursor position when the value changes."""
# TODO: use a Message instead of accessing the app directly
self.app.selected_char = value
def validate_cursor_position(self, position: int) -> int:
"""Force the cursor position to 0 so that it's over the character."""
return 0
def insert_text_at_cursor(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Override to limit the value to a single character."""
self.value = text[-1] if text else " "
last_click_time = 0
def on_click(self, event: events.Click) -> None:
"""Detect double click and open character selector dialog."""
if event.time - self.last_click_time < 0.8:
self.last_click_time = event.time
class ColorsBox(Container):
"""Color palette widget."""
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Add our selected color and color well buttons."""
with Container(id="colors_box"):
with Container(id="selected_colors"):
# This widget is doing double duty, showing the current color
# and showing/editing the current character.
# I haven't settled on naming for this yet.
yield CharInput(id="selected_color", classes="color_well")
with Container(id="available_colors"):
for color in palette:
button = Button("", classes="color_button color_well")
button.styles.background = color
button.can_focus = False
button.represented_color = color
yield button
debug_region_updates = False
ansi_escape_pattern = re.compile(r"(\N{ESC}\[[\d;]*[a-zA-Z])")
class AnsiArtDocument:
"""A document that can be rendered as ANSI."""
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:
"""Initialize the document."""
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.ch = [[" " for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
self.bg = [["#ffffff" for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
self.fg = [["#000000" for _ in range(width)] for _ in range(height)]
def copy_region(self, source, source_region: Region = None, target_region: Region = None):
if source_region is None:
source_region = Region(0, 0, source.width, source.height)
if target_region is None:
target_region = Region(0, 0, source_region.width, source_region.height)
source_offset = source_region.offset
target_offset = target_region.offset
if debug_region_updates:
random_color = "rgb(" + str(randint(0, 255)) + "," + str(randint(0, 255)) + "," + str(randint(0, 255)) + ")"
for y in range(target_region.height):
for x in range(target_region.width):
if source_region.contains(x + source_offset.x, y + source_offset.y):
self.ch[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = source.ch[y + source_offset.y][x + source_offset.x]
self.bg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = source.bg[y + source_offset.y][x + source_offset.x]
self.fg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = source.fg[y + source_offset.y][x + source_offset.x]
if debug_region_updates:
# self.bg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = "rgb(" + str((x + source_offset.x) * 255 // self.width) + "," + str((y + source_offset.y) * 255 // self.height) + ",0)"
self.bg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = random_color
if debug_region_updates:
self.ch[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = "?"
self.bg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = "#ff00ff"
self.fg[y + target_offset.y][x + target_offset.x] = "#000000"
def get_ansi(self) -> str:
"""Get the ANSI representation of the document."""
# TODO: try using Rich API to generate ANSI, like how the Canvas renders to the screen
# TODO: generate more efficient ANSI, e.g. don't repeat the same color codes
def color_to_rgb(color_code: str) -> str:
"""Convert a color code to the RGB values format used for ANSI escape codes."""
if color_code.startswith('#'):
# Convert hex code to RGB values
color_code = color_code.lstrip('#')
rgb = tuple(int(color_code[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
elif color_code.startswith('rgb(') and color_code.endswith(')'):
# Convert "rgb(r,g,b)" style to RGB values
rgb_str = color_code[4:-1]
rgb = tuple(int(x.strip()) for x in rgb_str.split(','))
raise ValueError("Invalid color code")
return f"{rgb[0]};{rgb[1]};{rgb[2]}"
ansi = ""
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
if x == 0:
ansi += "\033[0m"
ansi += "\033[48;2;" + color_to_rgb(self.bg[y][x]) + ";38;2;" + color_to_rgb(self.fg[y][x]) + "m" + self.ch[y][x]
ansi += "\033[0m\r\n"
return ansi
def get_html(self) -> str:
"""Get the HTML representation of the document."""
html = ""
for y in range(self.height):
for x in range(self.width):
html += "<span style='background-color:" + self.bg[y][x] + ";color:" + self.fg[y][x] + "'>" + self.ch[y][x] + "</span>"
html += "<br>"
return html
def from_ascii(text: str) -> 'AnsiArtDocument':
"""Creates a document from the given ASCII plain text."""
lines = text.splitlines()
width = 0
for line in lines:
width = max(len(line), width)
height = len(lines)
document = AnsiArtDocument(width, height)
for y, line in enumerate(lines):
for x, char in enumerate(line):
document.ch[y][x] = char
return document
def from_ansi(text: str) -> 'AnsiArtDocument':
"""Creates a document from the given ANSI text."""
# TODO: use Rich API to render ANSI to a virtual screen,
# and remove dependency on stransi
ansi = stransi.Ansi(text)
document = AnsiArtDocument(1, 1)
width = 1
height = 1
x = 0
y = 0
bg_color = "#000000"
fg_color = "#ffffff"
for instruction in ansi.instructions():
if isinstance(instruction, str):
# Text
for char in instruction:
if char == '\r':
x = 0
elif char == '\n':
x = 0
y += 1
height = max(y, height)
if len(document.ch) <= y:
x += 1
width = max(x, width)
elif isinstance(instruction, stransi.SetColor):
# Color
if instruction.role == stransi.color.ColorRole.FOREGROUND:
rgb = instruction.color.rgb
fg_color = "rgb(" + str(int(rgb.red * 255)) + "," + str(int(rgb.green * 255)) + "," + str(int(rgb.blue * 255)) + ")"
elif instruction.role == stransi.color.ColorRole.BACKGROUND:
rgb = instruction.color.rgb
bg_color = "rgb(" + str(int(rgb.red * 255)) + "," + str(int(rgb.green * 255)) + "," + str(int(rgb.blue * 255)) + ")"
elif isinstance(instruction, stransi.SetAttribute):
# Attribute
raise ValueError("Unknown instruction type")
document.width = width
document.height = height
# Fill in the rest of the lines
# just using the last color, not sure if that's correct...
for y in range(document.height):
for x in range(document.width - len(document.ch[y])):
document.ch[y].append(' ')
return document
def from_text(text: str) -> 'AnsiArtDocument':
"""Creates a document from the given text, detecting if uses ANSI or not."""
if ansi_escape_pattern.search(text):
return AnsiArtDocument.from_ansi(text)
return AnsiArtDocument.from_ascii(text)
class Action:
"""An action that can be undone efficiently using a region update."""
def __init__(self, name, document: AnsiArtDocument, region: Region = None) -> None:
"""Initialize the action using the document state before modification."""
if region is None:
region = Region(0, 0, document.width, document.height)
self.name = name
self.region = region
def update(self, document: AnsiArtDocument) -> None:
"""Grabs the image data from the current region of the document."""
if self.region:
self.sub_image_before = AnsiArtDocument(self.region.width, self.region.height)
self.sub_image_before.copy_region(document, self.region)
def undo(self, target_document: AnsiArtDocument) -> None:
"""Undo this action. Note that a canvas refresh is not performed here."""
target_document.copy_region(self.sub_image_before, target_region=self.region)
def bresenham_walk(x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int) -> None:
"""Bresenham's line algorithm"""
dx = abs(x1 - x0)
dy = abs(y1 - y0)
sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1
sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1
err = dx - dy
while True:
yield x0, y0
if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1:
e2 = 2 * err
if e2 > -dy:
err = err - dy
x0 = x0 + sx
if e2 < dx:
err = err + dx
y0 = y0 + sy
def midpoint_ellipse(xc: int, yc: int, rx: int, ry: int) -> None:
"""Midpoint ellipse drawing algorithm. Yields points out of order."""
# Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/midpoint-ellipse-drawing-algorithm/
x = 0
y = ry
# Initial decision parameter of region 1
d1 = ((ry * ry) - (rx * rx * ry) +
(0.25 * rx * rx))
dx = 2 * ry * ry * x
dy = 2 * rx * rx * y
# For region 1
while (dx < dy):
# Yield points based on 4-way symmetry
yield x + xc, y + yc
yield -x + xc, y + yc
yield x + xc, -y + yc
yield -x + xc, -y + yc
# Checking and updating value of
# decision parameter based on algorithm
if (d1 < 0):
x += 1
dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry)
d1 = d1 + dx + (ry * ry)
x += 1
y -= 1
dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry)
dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx)
d1 = d1 + dx - dy + (ry * ry)
# Decision parameter of region 2
d2 = (((ry * ry) * ((x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5))) +
((rx * rx) * ((y - 1) * (y - 1))) -
(rx * rx * ry * ry))
# Plotting points of region 2
while (y >= 0):
# Yielding points based on 4-way symmetry
yield x + xc, y + yc
yield -x + xc, y + yc
yield x + xc, -y + yc
yield -x + xc, -y + yc
# Checking and updating parameter
# value based on algorithm
if (d2 > 0):
y -= 1
dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx)
d2 = d2 + (rx * rx) - dy
y -= 1
x += 1
dx = dx + (2 * ry * ry)
dy = dy - (2 * rx * rx)
d2 = d2 + dx - dy + (rx * rx)
def flood_fill(document: AnsiArtDocument, x: int, y: int, fill_ch: str, fill_fg: str, fill_bg: str) -> None:
"""Flood fill algorithm."""
# Get the original value of the cell.
# This is the color to be replaced.
original_fg = document.fg[y][x]
original_bg = document.bg[y][x]
original_ch = document.ch[y][x]
# Track the region affected by the fill.
min_x = x
min_y = y
max_x = x
max_y = y
def inside(x: int, y: int) -> bool:
"""Returns true if the cell at the given coordinates matches the color to be replaced. Treats foreground color as equal if character is a space."""
if x < 0 or x >= document.width or y < 0 or y >= document.height:
return False
return (
document.ch[y][x] == original_ch and
document.bg[y][x] == original_bg and
(original_ch == " " or document.fg[y][x] == original_fg)
def set_cell(x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Sets the cell at the given coordinates to the fill color, and updates the region bounds."""
document.ch[y][x] = fill_ch
document.fg[y][x] = fill_fg
document.bg[y][x] = fill_bg
nonlocal min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y
min_x = min(min_x, x)
min_y = min(min_y, y)
max_x = max(max_x, x)
max_y = max(max_y, y)
# Simple translation of the "final, combined-scan-and-fill span filler"
# pseudo-code from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill
if not inside(x, y):
stack = [(x, x, y, 1), (x, x, y - 1, -1)]
while stack:
x1, x2, y, dy = stack.pop()
x = x1
if inside(x, y):
while inside(x - 1, y):
set_cell(x - 1, y)
x = x - 1
if x < x1:
stack.append((x, x1-1, y-dy, -dy))
while x1 <= x2:
while inside(x1, y):
set_cell(x1, y)
x1 = x1 + 1
stack.append((x, x1 - 1, y+dy, dy))
if x1 - 1 > x2:
stack.append((x2 + 1, x1 - 1, y-dy, -dy))
x1 = x1 + 1
while x1 < x2 and not inside(x1, y):
x1 = x1 + 1
x = x1
# Return the affected region.
return Region(min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x + 1, max_y - min_y + 1)
class Canvas(Widget):
"""The image document widget."""
magnification = reactive(1, layout=True)
# Is it kosher to include an event in a message?
# Is it better (and possible) to bubble up the event, even though I'm capturing the mouse?
# Or would it be better to just have Canvas own duplicate state for all tool parameters?
# That's what I was refactoring to avoid. So far I've made things more complicated,
# but I'm betting it will be good when implementing different tools.
# Maybe the PaintApp widget can capture the mouse events instead?
# Not sure if that would work as nicely when implementing selections.
# I'd have to think about it.
# But it would make the Canvas just be a widget for rendering, which seems good.
class ToolStart(Message):
"""Message when starting drawing."""
def __init__(self, mouse_down_event: events.MouseDown) -> None:
self.mouse_down_event = mouse_down_event
class ToolUpdate(Message):
"""Message when dragging on the canvas."""
def __init__(self, mouse_move_event: events.MouseMove) -> None:
self.mouse_move_event = mouse_move_event
class ToolPreviewUpdate(Message):
"""Message when moving the mouse while the mouse is up."""
def __init__(self, mouse_move_event: events.MouseMove) -> None:
self.mouse_move_event = mouse_move_event
class ToolPreviewStop(Message):
"""Message when the mouse leaves the canvas while previewing (not while drawing)."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Initialize the canvas."""
self.image = None
self.pointer_active = False
self.magnifier_preview_region: Optional[Region] = None
def on_mouse_down(self, event) -> None:
event.x //= self.magnification
event.y //= self.magnification
self.pointer_active = True
def on_mouse_move(self, event) -> None:
# Hack to fix mouse coordinates, not needed for mouse down,
# or while the mouse is up.
# This seems like a bug.
if self.pointer_active:
event.x += int(self.parent.scroll_x)
event.y += int(self.parent.scroll_y)
event.x //= self.magnification
event.y //= self.magnification
event.delta_x //= self.magnification
event.delta_y //= self.magnification
if self.pointer_active:
def on_mouse_up(self, event) -> None:
self.pointer_active = False
def on_leave(self, event) -> None:
if not self.pointer_active:
def get_content_width(self, container: Size, viewport: Size) -> int:
return self.image.width * self.magnification
def get_content_height(self, container: Size, viewport: Size, width: int) -> int:
return self.image.height * self.magnification
def render_line(self, y: int) -> Strip:
"""Render a line of the widget. y is relative to the top of the widget."""
# self.size.width/height already is multiplied by self.magnification.
if y >= self.size.height:
return Strip.blank(self.size.width)
segments = []
if self.magnifier_preview_region:
inner_magnifier_preview_region = self.magnifier_preview_region.shrink((1, 1, 1, 1))
for x in range(self.size.width):
bg = self.image.bg[y // self.magnification][x // self.magnification]
fg = self.image.fg[y // self.magnification][x // self.magnification]
ch = self.image.ch[y // self.magnification][x // self.magnification]
except IndexError:
# This should be easier to debug visually.
bg = "#555555"
fg = "#cccccc"
ch = "?"
if self.magnification > 1:
ch = self.big_ch(ch, x % self.magnification, y % self.magnification)
style = Style.parse(fg+" on "+bg)
if self.magnifier_preview_region and self.magnifier_preview_region.contains(x, y) and not inner_magnifier_preview_region.contains(x, y):
# invert the colors
style = Style.parse(f"rgb({255 - style.color.triplet.red},{255 - style.color.triplet.green},{255 - style.color.triplet.blue}) on rgb({255 - style.bgcolor.triplet.red},{255 - style.bgcolor.triplet.green},{255 - style.bgcolor.triplet.blue})")
segments.append(Segment(ch, style))
return Strip(segments, self.size.width)
def refresh_scaled_region(self, region: Region) -> None:
"""Refresh a region of the widget, scaled by the magnification."""
if self.magnification == 1:
# TODO: are these offsets needed? I added them because of a problem which I've fixed
(region.x - 1) * self.magnification,
(region.y - 1) * self.magnification,
(region.width + 2) * self.magnification,
(region.height + 2) * self.magnification,
def big_ch(self, ch: str, x: int, y: int) -> str:
"""Return a character part of a meta-glyph."""
match ch:
case " ":
return " "
case "":
return ""
case "":
return "" if y >= self.magnification // 2 else " "
case "":
return "" if y < self.magnification // 2 else " "
case "":
return "" if x < self.magnification // 2 else " "
case "":
return "" if x >= self.magnification // 2 else " "
# Fall back to showing the character for a single cell.
# if x == 0 and y == 0:
if x == self.magnification // 2 and y == self.magnification // 2:
return ch
return " "
class PaintApp(App):
"""MS Paint like image editor in the terminal."""
CSS_PATH = "paint.css"
# These call action_* methods on the widget.
# They can have parameters, if need be.
# https://textual.textualize.io/guide/actions/
# KEEP IN SYNC with the README.md Usage section, please.
# There is a built-in "quit" action, but it will quit without asking to save.
# It's also bound to Ctrl+C by default, so for now I'll rebind it,
# but eventually Ctrl+C will become Edit > Copy.
("ctrl+q", "exit", _("Quit")),
("meta+q", "exit", _("Quit")),
("ctrl+c", "exit", _("Quit")),
("ctrl+s", "save", _("Save")),
("ctrl+shift+s", "save_as", _("Save As")),
("ctrl+o", "open", _("Open")),
("ctrl+n", "new", _("New")),
# ("ctrl+shift+n", "clear_image", _("Clear Image")),
("ctrl+t", "toggle_tools_box", _("Toggle Tools Box")),
("ctrl+w", "toggle_colors_box", _("Toggle Colors Box")),
("ctrl+z", "undo", _("Undo")),
# Ctrl+Shift+Z doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu or VS Code terminal
("ctrl+shift+z", "redo", _("Repeat")),
("shift+ctrl+z", "redo", _("Repeat")),
("ctrl+y", "redo", _("Repeat")),
("f4", "redo", _("Repeat")),
# action_toggle_dark is built in to App
("ctrl+d", "toggle_dark", _("Toggle Dark Mode")),
# dev helper
# f5 would be more traditional, but I need something not bound to anything
# in the context of the terminal in VS Code, and not used by this app, like Ctrl+R, and detectable in the terminal.
("f2", "reload", _("Reload")),
show_tools_box = var(True)
show_colors_box = var(True)
selected_tool = var(Tool.pencil)
selected_color = var(palette[0])
selected_char = var(" ")
filename = var(None)
image = var(None)
magnification = var(1)
return_to_magnification = var(4)
undos: List[Action] = []
redos: List[Action] = []
# temporary undo state for brush previews
preview_action: Optional[Action] = None
# file modification tracking
saved_undo_count = 0
# flag to prevent setting the filename input when initially expanding the directory tree
expanding_directory_tree = False
background_tasks = set()
# key to button id
TITLE = _("Paint")
def watch_filename(self, filename: Optional[str]) -> None:
"""Called when filename changes."""
if filename is None:
self.sub_title = _("Untitled")
self.sub_title = os.path.basename(filename)
def watch_show_tools_box(self, show_tools_box: bool) -> None:
"""Called when show_tools_box changes."""
self.query_one("#tools_box").display = show_tools_box
if self.has_class("show_tools_box"):
def watch_show_colors_box(self, show_colors_box: bool) -> None:
"""Called when show_colors_box changes."""
self.query_one("#colors_box").display = show_colors_box
if self.has_class("show_colors_box"):
def watch_selected_tool(self, old_selected_tool: Tool, selected_tool: Tool) -> None:
"""Called when selected_tool changes."""
for button in self.query(".tool_button"):
if button.represented_tool == selected_tool:
def watch_selected_color(self, old_selected_color: str, selected_color: str) -> None:
"""Called when selected_color changes."""
self.query_one("#selected_color").styles.background = selected_color
def watch_selected_char(self, old_selected_char: str, selected_char: str) -> None:
"""Called when selected_char changes."""
self.query_one("#selected_color").value = selected_char
def stamp_brush(self, x: int, y: int, affected_region_base: Region = None) -> Region:
brush_diameter = 1
if self.selected_tool == Tool.brush or self.selected_tool == Tool.airbrush or self.selected_tool == Tool.eraser:
brush_diameter = 3
if brush_diameter == 1:
self.stamp_char(x, y)
# plot points within a circle
for i in range(brush_diameter):
for j in range(brush_diameter):
if (i - brush_diameter // 2) ** 2 + (j - brush_diameter // 2) ** 2 <= (brush_diameter // 2) ** 2:
self.stamp_char(x + i - brush_diameter // 2, y + j - brush_diameter // 2)
# expand the affected region to include the brush
brush_diameter += 2 # safety margin
affected_region = Region(x - brush_diameter // 2, y - brush_diameter // 2, brush_diameter, brush_diameter)
if affected_region_base:
return affected_region_base.union(affected_region)
return affected_region
def stamp_char(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
char = self.selected_char
color = self.selected_color
if self.selected_tool == Tool.eraser:
char = " "
color = "#ffffff"
if self.selected_tool == Tool.airbrush:
if random() < 0.7:
if x < self.image.width and y < self.image.height and x >= 0 and y >= 0:
self.image.ch[y][x] = char
self.image.bg[y][x] = color
def action_undo(self) -> None:
if len(self.undos) > 0:
action = self.undos.pop()
redo_action = Action(_("Undo") + " " + action.name, self.image, action.region)
def action_redo(self) -> None:
if len(self.redos) > 0:
action = self.redos.pop()
undo_action = Action(_("Undo") + " " + action.name, self.image, action.region)
def action_save(self) -> None:
"""Start the save action, but don't wait for the Save As dialog to close if it's a new file."""
task = asyncio.create_task(self.save())
async def save(self, from_save_as=False) -> None:
"""Save the image to a file."""
dialog_title = _("Save As") if from_save_as else _("Save")
if self.filename:
ansi = self.image.get_ansi()
with open(self.filename, "w") as f:
self.saved_undo_count = len(self.undos)
except PermissionError:
self.warning_message_box(dialog_title, _("Access denied."), "ok")
except FileNotFoundError:
self.warning_message_box(dialog_title, _("%1 contains an invalid path.").replace("%1", self.filename), "ok")
except OSError as e:
self.warning_message_box(dialog_title, _("Failed to save document.") + "\n\n" + str(e), "ok")
except Exception as e:
self.warning_message_box(dialog_title, _("An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.").replace("%1", self.filename) + "\n\n" + str(e), "ok")
await self.save_as()
def action_save_as(self) -> None:
"""Show the save as dialog, without waiting for it to close."""
# Action must not await the dialog closing,
# or else you'll never see the dialog in the first place!
task = asyncio.create_task(self.save_as())
async def save_as(self) -> None:
"""Save the image as a new file."""
for old_window in self.query("#save_as_dialog, #open_dialog").nodes:
saved_future = asyncio.Future()
def handle_button(button):
if not button.has_class("save"):
name = self.query_one("#save_as_dialog .filename_input", Input).value
if not name:
if self.directory_tree_selected_path:
name = os.path.join(self.directory_tree_selected_path, name)
def on_save_confirmed():
async def async_on_save_confirmed():
self.filename = name
await self.save(from_save_as=True)
# https://textual.textualize.io/blog/2023/02/11/the-heisenbug-lurking-in-your-async-code/
task = asyncio.create_task(async_on_save_confirmed())
if os.path.exists(name):
self.confirm_overwrite(name, on_save_confirmed)
window = DialogWindow(
title=_("Save As"),
filename = os.path.basename(self.filename) if self.filename else _("Untitled")
EnhancedDirectoryTree(id="save_as_dialog_directory_tree", path="/"),
Input(classes="filename_input", placeholder=_("Filename"), value=filename),
Button(_("Save"), classes="save submit", variant="primary"),
Button(_("Cancel"), classes="cancel"),
self.expand_directory_tree(window.content.query_one("#save_as_dialog_directory_tree", EnhancedDirectoryTree))
await saved_future
def expand_directory_tree(self, tree: EnhancedDirectoryTree) -> None:
"""Expand the directory tree to the target directory, either the folder of the open file or the current working directory."""
self.expanding_directory_tree = True
target_dir = (self.filename or os.getcwd()).rstrip(os.path.sep)
# There are currently some timers in expand_to_path.
# In particular, it waits before selecting the target node,
# and this flag is for avoiding responding to that.
def done_expanding():
self.expanding_directory_tree = False
self.set_timer(0.1, done_expanding)
def confirm_overwrite(self, filename: str, callback) -> None:
message = _("%1 already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?").replace("%1", filename)
def handle_button(button):
if not button.has_class("yes"):
self.warning_message_box(_("Save As"), Static(message, markup=False), "yes/no", handle_button)
def prompt_save_changes(self, filename: str, callback) -> None:
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
message = "Save changes to " + filename + "?"
def handle_button(button):
if not button.has_class("yes") and not button.has_class("no"):
async def async_handle_button(button):
if button.has_class("yes"):
await self.save()
# https://textual.textualize.io/blog/2023/02/11/the-heisenbug-lurking-in-your-async-code/
task = asyncio.create_task(async_handle_button(button))
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), Static(message, markup=False), "yes/no/cancel", handle_button)
def is_document_modified(self) -> bool:
return len(self.undos) != self.saved_undo_count
def action_exit(self) -> None:
if self.is_document_modified():
self.prompt_save_changes(self.filename or _("Untitled"), self.exit)
def action_reload(self) -> None:
if self.is_document_modified():
self.prompt_save_changes(self.filename or _("Untitled"), restart_program)
def warning_message_box(self, title: str, message_widget: Widget, button_types: str = "ok", callback = None) -> None:
"""Show a warning message box with the given title, message, and buttons."""
for old_window in self.query("#message_box").nodes:
def handle_button(button):
# TODO: this is not different or useful enough from DialogWindow's
# handle_button to justify
# It's a difference in name, and an automatic close
if callback:
window = MessageBox(
def action_open(self) -> None:
"""Show dialog to open an image from a file."""
def handle_button(button):
if not button.has_class("open"):
filename = window.content.query_one("#open_dialog .filename_input").value
if not filename:
if self.directory_tree_selected_path:
filename = os.path.join(self.directory_tree_selected_path, filename)
# Note that os.path.
# samefile can raise FileNotFoundError
if self.filename and os.path.samefile(filename, self.filename):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
content = f.read() # f is out of scope in go_ahead()
def go_ahead():
new_image = AnsiArtDocument.from_text(content)
except Exception as e:
# "This is not a valid bitmap file, or its format is not currently supported."
# string from MS Paint doesn't apply well here,
# at least not until we support bitmap files.
self.warning_message_box(_("Open"), Static(_("Paint cannot open this file.") + "\n\n" + str(e)), "ok")
self.canvas.image = self.image = new_image
self.filename = filename
if self.is_document_modified():
self.prompt_save_changes(self.filename or _("Untitled"), go_ahead)
except FileNotFoundError:
self.warning_message_box(_("Open"), Static(_("File not found.") + "\n" + _("Please verify that the correct path and file name are given.")), "ok")
except IsADirectoryError:
self.warning_message_box(_("Open"), Static(_("Invalid file.")), "ok")
except PermissionError:
self.warning_message_box(_("Open"), Static(_("Access denied.")), "ok")
except Exception as e:
self.warning_message_box(_("Open"), Static(_("An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.").replace("%1", filename) + "\n\n" + str(e)), "ok")
for old_window in self.query("#save_as_dialog, #open_dialog").nodes:
window = DialogWindow(
EnhancedDirectoryTree(id="open_dialog_directory_tree", path="/"),
Input(classes="filename_input", placeholder=_("Filename")),
Button(_("Open"), classes="open submit", variant="primary"),
Button(_("Cancel"), classes="cancel"),
self.expand_directory_tree(window.content.query_one("#open_dialog_directory_tree", EnhancedDirectoryTree))
def action_new(self, *, force=False) -> None:
"""Create a new image."""
if self.is_document_modified() and not force:
def go_ahead():
# Cancel doesn't call this callback.
# Yes or No has been selected.
# If Yes, a save dialog should already have been shown,
# or the open file saved.
# Go ahead and create a new image.
self.prompt_save_changes(self.filename or _("Untitled"), go_ahead)
self.image = AnsiArtDocument(80, 24)
self.canvas.image = self.image
self.filename = None
self.saved_undo_count = 0
self.undos = []
self.redos = []
self.preview_action = None
# Following MS Paint's lead and resetting the color (but not the tool.)
# It probably has to do with color modes.
self.selected_color = palette[0]
self.selected_char = " "
def action_open_character_selector(self) -> None:
"""Show dialog to select a character."""
for old_window in self.query("#character_selector_dialog").nodes:
def handle_selected_character(character):
self.selected_char = character
window = CharacterSelectorDialogWindow(
title=_("Choose Character"),
def action_print_preview(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_page_setup(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_print(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_send(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_set_as_wallpaper_tiled(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_set_as_wallpaper_centered(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_recent_file(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_cut(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_copy(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_paste(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_clear_selection(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_select_all(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_copy_to(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_paste_from(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_toggle_status_bar(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_text_toolbar(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_normal_size(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_large_size(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_custom_zoom(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_show_grid(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_show_thumbnail(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_view_bitmap(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_flip_rotate(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_stretch_skew(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_invert_colors(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_attributes(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_clear_image(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_draw_opaque(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_edit_colors(self) -> None:
self.warning_message_box(_("Paint"), "Not implemented.", "ok")
def action_help_topics(self) -> None:
for old_window in self.query("#help_dialog").nodes:
window = DialogWindow(
title=_("Help"), # _("Help Topics"),
handle_button=lambda button: window.close(),
help_text = parser.format_usage()
window.content.mount(Static(help_text, classes="help_text"))
window.content.mount(Button(_("OK"), classes="ok submit"))
def action_about_paint(self) -> None:
"""Show the About Paint dialog."""
for old_window in self.query("#about_paint_dialog").nodes:
window = DialogWindow(
title=_("About Paint"),
handle_button=lambda button: window.close(),
window.content.mount(Static("""🎨 [b]Textual Paint[/b]
[i]MS Paint in your terminal.[/i]
[b]Version:[/b] 0.1.0
[b]Author:[/b] [link=https://isaiahodhner.io/]Isaiah Odhner[/link]
[b]License:[/b] [link=https://github.com/1j01/textual-paint/blob/main/LICENSE.txt]MIT[/link]
[b]Source Code:[/b] [link=https://github.com/1j01/textual-paint]github.com/1j01/textual-paint[/link]
window.content.mount(Button(_("OK"), classes="ok submit"))
def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
"""Add our widgets."""
yield Header()
with Container(id="paint"):
yield MenuBar([
MenuItem(_("&File"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&New\tCtrl+N"), self.action_new, 57600),
MenuItem(_("&Open...\tCtrl+O"), self.action_open, 57601),
MenuItem(_("&Save\tCtrl+S"), self.action_save, 57603),
MenuItem(_("Save &As..."), self.action_save_as, 57604),
MenuItem(_("Print Pre&view"), self.action_print_preview, 57609),
MenuItem(_("Page Se&tup..."), self.action_page_setup, 57605),
MenuItem(_("&Print...\tCtrl+P"), self.action_print, 57607),
MenuItem(_("S&end..."), self.action_send, 37662),
MenuItem(_("Set As &Wallpaper (Tiled)"), self.action_set_as_wallpaper_tiled, 57677),
MenuItem(_("Set As Wa&llpaper (Centered)"), self.action_set_as_wallpaper_centered, 57675),
MenuItem(_("Recent File"), self.action_recent_file, 57616, grayed=True),
# MenuItem(_("E&xit\tAlt+F4"), self.action_exit, 57665),
MenuItem(_("E&xit\tCtrl+Q"), self.action_exit, 57665),
MenuItem(_("&Edit"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Undo\tCtrl+Z"), self.action_undo, 57643),
MenuItem(_("&Repeat\tF4"), self.action_redo, 57644),
MenuItem(_("Cu&t\tCtrl+X"), self.action_cut, 57635),
MenuItem(_("&Copy\tCtrl+C"), self.action_copy, 57634),
MenuItem(_("&Paste\tCtrl+V"), self.action_paste, 57637),
MenuItem(_("C&lear Selection\tDel"), self.action_clear_selection, 57632),
MenuItem(_("Select &All\tCtrl+A"), self.action_select_all, 57642),
MenuItem(_("C&opy To..."), self.action_copy_to, 37663),
MenuItem(_("Paste &From..."), self.action_paste_from, 37664),
MenuItem(_("&View"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Tool Box\tCtrl+T"), self.action_toggle_tools_box, 59415),
MenuItem(_("&Color Box\tCtrl+L"), self.action_toggle_colors_box, 59416),
MenuItem(_("&Status Bar"), self.action_toggle_status_bar, 59393),
MenuItem(_("T&ext Toolbar"), self.action_text_toolbar, 37678),
MenuItem(_("&Zoom"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Normal Size\tCtrl+PgUp"), self.action_normal_size, 37670),
MenuItem(_("&Large Size\tCtrl+PgDn"), self.action_large_size, 37671),
MenuItem(_("C&ustom..."), self.action_custom_zoom, 37672),
MenuItem(_("Show &Grid\tCtrl+G"), self.action_show_grid, 37677),
MenuItem(_("Show T&humbnail"), self.action_show_thumbnail, 37676),
MenuItem(_("&View Bitmap\tCtrl+F"), self.action_view_bitmap, 37673),
MenuItem(_("&Image"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Flip/Rotate...\tCtrl+R"), self.action_flip_rotate, 37680),
MenuItem(_("&Stretch/Skew...\tCtrl+W"), self.action_stretch_skew, 37681),
MenuItem(_("&Invert Colors\tCtrl+I"), self.action_invert_colors, 37682),
MenuItem(_("&Attributes...\tCtrl+E"), self.action_attributes, 37683),
MenuItem(_("&Clear Image\tCtrl+Shft+N"), self.action_clear_image, 37684),
MenuItem(_("&Draw Opaque"), self.action_draw_opaque, 6868),
MenuItem(_("&Colors"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Edit Colors..."), self.action_edit_colors, 6869),
MenuItem(_("&Help"), submenu=Menu([
MenuItem(_("&Help Topics"), self.action_help_topics, 57670),
MenuItem(_("&About Paint"), self.action_about_paint, 57664),
yield Container(
yield ColorsBox()
def on_mount(self) -> None:
"""Called when the app is mounted."""
# Image can be set from the outside, via CLI
if self.image is None:
self.image = AnsiArtDocument(80, 24)
self.canvas = self.query_one("#canvas", Canvas)
self.canvas.image = self.image
self.editing_area = self.query_one("#editing_area", Container)
def pick_color(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Select a color from the image."""
self.selected_color = self.image.bg[y][x]
self.selected_char = self.image.ch[y][x]
def get_prospective_magnification(self) -> float:
"""Returns the magnification result on click with the Magnifier tool."""
return self.return_to_magnification if self.magnification == 1 else 1
def magnifier_click(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
"""Zooms in or out on the image."""
prev_magnification = self.magnification
prospective_magnification = self.get_prospective_magnification()
# TODO: fix flickering.
# The canvas resize and scroll each cause a repaint.
# I tried using a batch_update, but it prevented the layout recalculation
# needed for the scroll to work correctly.
# with self.batch_update():
self.magnification = prospective_magnification
self.canvas.magnification = self.magnification
if self.magnification > prev_magnification:
w = self.editing_area.size.width / self.magnification
h = self.editing_area.size.height / self.magnification
(x - w / 2) * self.magnification / prev_magnification,
(y - h / 2) * self.magnification / prev_magnification,
# `scroll_to` uses `call_after_refresh`.
# `_scroll_to` is the same thing but without call_after_refresh.
# But it doesn't work correctly, because the layout isn't updated yet.
# And if I call:
# self.screen._refresh_layout()
# beforehand, it's back to the flickering.
# I also tried calling:
# self.editing_area.refresh(layout=True, repaint=False)
# But it's back to the incorrect scroll position.
# self.editing_area._scroll_to(
# (x - w / 2) * self.magnification / prev_magnification,
# (y - h / 2) * self.magnification / prev_magnification,
# animate=False,
# )
def on_canvas_tool_start(self, event: Canvas.ToolStart) -> None:
"""Called when the user starts drawing on the canvas."""
if self.selected_tool == Tool.pick_color:
self.pick_color(event.mouse_down_event.x, event.mouse_down_event.y)
if self.selected_tool == Tool.magnifier:
self.magnifier_click(event.mouse_down_event.x, event.mouse_down_event.y)
if self.selected_tool in [Tool.free_form_select, Tool.select, Tool.text, Tool.curve, Tool.polygon]:
self.selected_tool = Tool.pencil
# TODO: support remaining tools
self.image_at_start = AnsiArtDocument(self.image.width, self.image.height)
self.mouse_at_start = (event.mouse_down_event.x, event.mouse_down_event.y)
if len(self.redos) > 0:
self.redos = []
action = Action(self.selected_tool.get_name(), self.image)
affected_region = None
if self.selected_tool == Tool.pencil or self.selected_tool == Tool.brush:
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(event.mouse_down_event.x, event.mouse_down_event.y)
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.fill:
affected_region = flood_fill(self.image, event.mouse_down_event.x, event.mouse_down_event.y, self.selected_char, "#ffffff", self.selected_color)
if affected_region:
action.region = affected_region
action.region = action.region.intersection(Region(0, 0, self.image.width, self.image.height))
def cancel_preview(self) -> None:
"""Revert the currently previewed action."""
if self.preview_action:
self.preview_action = None
if self.canvas.magnifier_preview_region:
region = self.canvas.magnifier_preview_region
self.canvas.magnifier_preview_region = None
def on_canvas_tool_preview_update(self, event: Canvas.ToolPreviewUpdate) -> None:
"""Called when the user is hovering over the canvas but not drawing yet."""
if self.selected_tool in [Tool.brush, Tool.pencil, Tool.eraser]:
image_before = AnsiArtDocument(self.image.width, self.image.height)
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(event.mouse_move_event.x, event.mouse_move_event.y)
if affected_region:
self.preview_action = Action(self.selected_tool.get_name(), self.image)
self.preview_action.region = affected_region.intersection(Region(0, 0, self.image.width, self.image.height))
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.magnifier:
prospective_magnification = self.get_prospective_magnification()
if prospective_magnification < self.magnification:
return # hide if clicking would zoom out
# prospective viewport size in document coords
w = self.editing_area.size.width // prospective_magnification
h = self.editing_area.size.height // prospective_magnification
rect_x1 = (event.mouse_move_event.x - w // 2)
rect_y1 = (event.mouse_move_event.y - h // 2)
# try to move rect into bounds without squishing
rect_x1 = max(0, rect_x1)
rect_y1 = max(0, rect_y1)
rect_x1 = min(self.image.width - w, rect_x1)
rect_y1 = min(self.image.height - h, rect_y1)
rect_x2 = rect_x1 + w
rect_y2 = rect_y1 + h
# clamp rect to bounds (with squishing)
rect_x1 = max(0, rect_x1)
rect_y1 = max(0, rect_y1)
rect_x2 = min(self.image.width, rect_x2)
rect_y2 = min(self.image.height, rect_y2)
rect_w = rect_x2 - rect_x1
rect_h = rect_y2 - rect_y1
rect_x = rect_x1
rect_y = rect_y1
self.canvas.magnifier_preview_region = Region(rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h)
def on_canvas_tool_preview_stop(self, event: Canvas.ToolPreviewStop) -> None:
"""Called when the user stops hovering over the canvas (while previewing, not drawing)."""
def on_canvas_tool_update(self, event: Canvas.ToolUpdate) -> None:
"""Called when the user is drawing on the canvas."""
if self.selected_tool == Tool.pick_color:
self.pick_color(event.mouse_move_event.x, event.mouse_move_event.y)
if self.selected_tool in [Tool.fill, Tool.magnifier]:
if len(self.undos) == 0:
# This can happen if you undo while drawing.
# Ideally we'd stop getting events in this case.
# This might be buggy if there were multiple undos.
# It might replace the action instead of doing nothing.
mm = event.mouse_move_event
action = self.undos[-1]
affected_region = None
replace_action = self.selected_tool in [Tool.ellipse, Tool.rectangle, Tool.line, Tool.rounded_rectangle]
if replace_action:
old_action = self.undos.pop()
action = Action(self.selected_tool.get_name(), self.image, affected_region)
if self.selected_tool == Tool.pencil or self.selected_tool == Tool.brush or self.selected_tool == Tool.eraser or self.selected_tool == Tool.airbrush:
for x, y in bresenham_walk(mm.x - mm.delta_x, mm.y - mm.delta_y, mm.x, mm.y):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, y, affected_region)
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.line:
for x, y in bresenham_walk(self.mouse_at_start[0], self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.x, mm.y):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, y, affected_region)
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.rectangle:
for x in range(min(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x), max(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x) + 1):
for y in range(min(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y), max(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y) + 1):
if x in range(min(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x) + 1, max(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x)) and y in range(min(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y) + 1, max(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y)):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, y, affected_region)
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.rounded_rectangle:
arc_radius = min(2, abs(self.mouse_at_start[0] - mm.x) // 2, abs(self.mouse_at_start[1] - mm.y) // 2)
min_x = min(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x)
max_x = max(self.mouse_at_start[0], mm.x)
min_y = min(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y)
max_y = max(self.mouse_at_start[1], mm.y)
for x, y in midpoint_ellipse(0, 0, arc_radius, arc_radius):
if x < 0:
x = min_x + x + arc_radius
x = max_x + x - arc_radius
if y < 0:
y = min_y + y + arc_radius
y = max_y + y - arc_radius
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, y, affected_region)
for x in range(min_x + arc_radius, max_x - arc_radius + 1):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, min_y, affected_region)
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, max_y, affected_region)
for y in range(min_y + arc_radius, max_y - arc_radius + 1):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(min_x, y, affected_region)
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(max_x, y, affected_region)
elif self.selected_tool == Tool.ellipse:
center_x = (self.mouse_at_start[0] + mm.x) // 2
center_y = (self.mouse_at_start[1] + mm.y) // 2
radius_x = abs(self.mouse_at_start[0] - mm.x) // 2
radius_y = abs(self.mouse_at_start[1] - mm.y) // 2
for x, y in midpoint_ellipse(center_x, center_y, radius_x, radius_y):
affected_region = self.stamp_brush(x, y, affected_region)
raise NotImplementedError
# Update action region and image data
if action.region and affected_region:
action.region = action.region.union(affected_region)
elif affected_region:
action.region = affected_region
if action.region:
action.region = action.region.intersection(Region(0, 0, self.image.width, self.image.height))
# Only for refreshing, include replaced action region
# (The new action is allowed to shrink the region compared to the old one)
if affected_region:
if replace_action:
affected_region = affected_region.union(old_action.region)
def on_key(self, event: events.Key) -> None:
"""Called when the user presses a key."""
def press(button_id: str) -> None:
self.query_one(f"#{button_id}", Button).press()
except NoMatches:
key = event.key
button_id = self.NAME_MAP.get(key)
if button_id is not None:
press(self.NAME_MAP.get(key, key))
def action_toggle_tools_box(self) -> None:
self.show_tools_box = not self.show_tools_box
def action_toggle_colors_box(self) -> None:
self.show_colors_box = not self.show_colors_box
def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
"""Called when a button is clicked or activated with the keyboard."""
if "tool_button" in event.button.classes:
self.selected_tool = event.button.represented_tool
elif "color_button" in event.button.classes:
self.selected_color = event.button.represented_color
def on_tree_node_highlighted(self, event: Tree.NodeHighlighted) -> None:
Called when a file/folder is selected in the DirectoryTree.
This message comes from Tree.
DirectoryTree gives FileSelected but only for files.
if event.node.data.is_dir:
self.directory_tree_selected_path = event.node.data.path
elif event.node.parent:
self.directory_tree_selected_path = event.node.parent.data.path
name = os.path.basename(event.node.data.path)
if not self.expanding_directory_tree:
self.query_one(".file_dialog_window .filename_input", Input).value = name
self.directory_tree_selected_path = None
def on_mouse_down(self, event: events.MouseDown) -> None:
"""Called when the mouse button gets pressed."""
# This is a dev helper to inspect the layout
# by highlighting the elements under the mouse in different colors, and labeling them on their borders.
# debug_highlight is a list of tuples of (element, original_color, original_border, original_border_title)
if not inspect_layout:
# Trigger only with middle mouse button.
# This is before the reset, so you have to middle click on the root element to reset.
# I didn't like it resetting on every click.
if event.button != 2:
if hasattr(self, "debug_highlight"):
for element, original_color, original_border, original_border_title in self.debug_highlight:
element.styles.background = original_color
element.styles.border = original_border
element.border_title = original_border_title
self.debug_highlight = []
leaf_widget, _ = self.get_widget_at(*event.screen_offset)
if leaf_widget and leaf_widget is not self.screen:
for i, widget in enumerate(leaf_widget.ancestors_with_self):
self.debug_highlight.append((widget, widget.styles.background, widget.styles.border, widget.border_title if hasattr(widget, "border_title") else None))
widget.styles.background = Color.from_hsl(i / 10, 1, 0.3)
if not event.ctrl:
widget.styles.border = ("round", Color.from_hsl(i / 10, 1, 0.5))
widget.border_title = widget.css_identifier_styled
# `textual run --dev paint.py` will search for a
# global variable named `app`, and fallback to
# anything that is an instance of `App`, or
# a subclass of `App`.
# Creating the app and parsing arguments must not be within an if __name__ == "__main__" block,
# since __name__ will be "<run_path>" when running with the textual CLI,
# and it would create a new app instance, and all arguments would be ignored.
app = PaintApp()
if args.ascii_only_icons:
ascii_only_icons = True
if args.inspect_layout:
inspect_layout = True
if args.filename:
# if args.filename == "-" and not sys.stdin.isatty():
# app.image = AnsiArtDocument.from_text(sys.stdin.read())
# app.filename = "<stdin>"
# else:
with open(args.filename, 'r') as my_file:
app.image = AnsiArtDocument.from_text(my_file.read())
app.filename = os.path.abspath(args.filename)
if args.clear_screen:
app.dark = args.theme == "dark"
if __name__ == "__main__":