Isaiah Odhner 0791b1c080 Satisfy the type checker
`PYRIGHT_PYTHON_FORCE_VERSION=1.1.327 pyright` now gives 0 errors

(before this commit it was 16 errors)
2023-09-16 23:31:08 -04:00

89 lines
3.2 KiB

"""Helper functions for Textual's app automation class, Pilot.
Ideally this functionality would be part of Pilot.
from typing import Any
from textual.errors import NoWidget
from textual.events import MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.pilot import Pilot
from textual.widget import Widget
def _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target: Widget,
offset: Offset = Offset(),
button: int = 0,
shift: bool = False,
meta: bool = False,
control: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get the arguments to pass into mouse messages for the click and hover methods."""
click_x, click_y = target.region.offset + offset
message_arguments = {
"x": click_x,
"y": click_y,
"delta_x": 0,
"delta_y": 0,
"button": button,
"shift": shift,
"meta": meta,
"ctrl": control,
"screen_x": click_x,
"screen_y": click_y,
return message_arguments
async def click_widget(pilot: Pilot[Any], widget: Widget, shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Click on widget, by reference."""
await pilot.click(".pilot-click-target", shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control)
async def click_by_index(pilot: Pilot[Any], selector: str, index: int, shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Click on widget, query disambiguated by index"""
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[index]
await click_widget(pilot, widget, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control)
async def click_by_attr(pilot: Pilot[Any], selector: str, attr: str, value: Any, shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Click on widget, query disambiguated by an attribute"""
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
widgets = pilot.app.query(selector)
for widget in widgets:
if getattr(widget, attr) == value:
raise NoWidget(f"Could not find widget with {attr}={value}")
await click_widget(pilot, widget)
async def drag(pilot: Pilot[Any], selector: str, offsets: list[Offset], shift: bool = False, meta: bool = False, control: bool = False) -> None:
"""Drag across the given points."""
# TODO: treat all offsets relative to the initial position of the matched widget
# await pilot.pause(0.5)
target_widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[0]
offset = offsets[0]
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
await pilot.pause(0.1)
for offset in offsets[1:]:
message_arguments = _get_mouse_message_arguments(
target_widget, offset, button=1, shift=shift, meta=meta, control=control
# TODO: set delta_x and delta_y
await pilot.pause()
# TODO: (then zero out delta_x and delta_y)
await pilot.pause(0.1)
# pilot.app.post_message(Click(**message_arguments))
# await pilot.pause(0.1)