mirror of https://github.com/1j01/textual-paint.git synced 2025-01-03 12:22:23 +03:00
Isaiah Odhner 52f319da24 Refactor: split method
(This is probably pointless.)
2023-09-11 17:59:56 -04:00

242 lines
10 KiB

"""Record interactions and save as an automated test."""
import os
from typing import Any, Callable
from rich.text import Text
from textual.app import App
from textual.css.query import NoMatches, TooManyMatches
from textual.dom import DOMNode
from textual.errors import NoWidget
from textual.events import Event, Key, MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.pilot import Pilot
from textual.screen import Screen
from textual_paint.paint import PaintApp
def unique_file(path: str) -> str:
"""Return a path that doesn't exist yet, by appending a number to the filename."""
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(path)
counter = 1
while os.path.exists(path):
path = f"{filename}_{counter}{extension}"
counter += 1
return path
def indent(text: str, spaces: int) -> str:
"""Return the text indented by the given number of spaces (including the first line)."""
return "\n".join(" " * spaces + line for line in text.splitlines())
async def async_exec(code: str, **kwargs: object) -> object:
"""Execute the given code in an async function and return the result. Keyword arguments are made available as variables."""
# This dict will be used for passing variables to the `exec`ed code
# as well as retrieving the function defined by the code.
scope = kwargs
# Make an async function with the code and `exec` it
exec(f"async def async_exec_code():\n{indent(code, 4)}", scope)
# Get `async_exec_code` from the scope, call it and return the result
return await scope['async_exec_code']() # type: ignore
def get_selector(target: DOMNode) -> tuple[str, int|None]:
"""Return a selector that can be used to find the widget."""
app = target.app
widget = target
if widget.id:
return f"#{widget.id}", None
selector = widget.css_identifier
while widget.parent and not isinstance(widget.parent, Screen):
widget = widget.parent
if widget.id:
selector = f"#{widget.id} {selector}"
selector = f"{widget.css_identifier} {selector}"
query_result = app.query_one(selector)
except TooManyMatches:
return selector, app.query(selector).nodes.index(target) # type: ignore
# smarter differentiators would be nice, like tooltip or text content,
# but at least with indices, you'll know when you changed the tab order
except NoMatches:
raise Exception(f"Selector {selector!r} didn't match the target widget ({target!r})")
if query_result is not target:
raise Exception(f"Selector {selector!r} matched a different widget than the target ({query_result!r} rather than {target!r})")
return selector, None
original_on_event = App.on_event # type: ignore
class PilotRecorder():
"""Record (and undo and replay) interactions with an app, and save as a test."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.app: App[Any] | None = None
self.steps: list[tuple[Event, Offset, str, int|None]] = []
self.replaying: bool = False
self.output_file = unique_file("tests/test_paint_something.py")
self.next_after_exit: Callable[[], None] | None = None
recorder = self
async def on_event(self: App[Any], event: Event) -> None:
# - Record before the event is handled, so a clicked widget that removes itself,
# such as an OK button in a dialog, will still be in the DOM when we record it.
# - Every event seems to be received twice, once with _forwarded set and once without.
# I don't claim to understand the forwarding scheme, but ignoring either
# the forwarded or the un-forwarded events seems workable.
if not event._forwarded:
await original_on_event(self, event)
self.app_on_event = on_event
def handle_event(self, event: Event) -> None:
"""Record the event as a step, or handle certain key presses as commands."""
assert self.app is not None, "app should be set if we're recording an event from it"
# Handling any event means including it in the undo stack right now.
# Don't want to undo a single mouse-move, especially when it doesn't do anything yet.
# if isinstance(event, (MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp)):
if isinstance(event, MouseDown):
if self.replaying:
widget, _ = self.app.get_widget_at(*event.screen_offset)
except NoWidget:
offset = event.screen_offset - widget.region.offset
self.steps.append((event, offset, *get_selector(widget)))
elif isinstance(event, Key):
if event.key == "ctrl+z" and self.steps:
self.run() # restart the app to replay up to this point
elif event.key == "ctrl+c":
self.app.exit(None, Text("Saved test recording to " + self.output_file))
if self.replaying:
self.steps.append((event, Offset(), "", None))
def steps_changed(self) -> None:
"""Save the steps any time they change."""
# Could implement a debug view of the steps, but just saving to the file is good enough for now.
async def replay_steps(self, pilot: Pilot[Any]) -> None:
"""Replay the recorded steps, in the current app instance."""
if not self.steps:
self.replaying = True
await async_exec(self.get_replay_code(), pilot=pilot, Offset=Offset)
self.replaying = False
def run(self) -> None:
"""Start the app, or restart it to replay the recorded steps."""
def startup_and_replay() -> None:
"""Start the app, hook its events, and replay steps if there are any."""
self.next_after_exit = None # important to allowing you to exit; don't keep launching the app
self.app = PaintApp()
self.app.on_event = self.app_on_event.__get__(self.app)
# run is blocking, so this will happen after the app exits
if self.next_after_exit:
if self.app is not None:
# exit can't be awaited, because it stops the whole event loop (eventually)
# but we need to wait for the event loop to stop before we can start a new app
self.next_after_exit = startup_and_replay
def get_replay_code(self) -> str:
"""Return code to replay the recorded steps."""
helpers: dict[str, str] = {}
steps_code = ""
for event, offset, selector, index in self.steps:
if isinstance(event, MouseDown):
if index is None:
steps_code += f"await pilot.click({selector!r}, offset=Offset({offset.x}, {offset.y}))\n"
# Strategy: click on the screen, offset by the widget's position.
# steps_code += f"widget = pilot.app.query({selector!r})[{index!r}]\n"
# # can't pass a widget to pilot.click, only a selector, or None
# steps_code += f"await pilot.click(offset=Offset({offset.x}, {offset.y}) + widget.region.offset)\n"
# Strategy: add a class to the widget, and click on that.
helpers["click_by_index"] = """
async def click_by_index(selector: str, index: int) -> None:
\"""Click on widget, query disambiguated by index\"""
await pilot.pause(0.5)
widget = pilot.app.query(selector)[index]
await pilot.click('.pilot-click-target')
steps_code += f"await click_by_index({selector!r}, {index!r})\n"
elif isinstance(event, MouseMove):
# TODO: generate code for drags (but not extraneous mouse movement)
elif isinstance(event, MouseUp):
elif isinstance(event, Key):
steps_code += f"await pilot.press({event.key!r})\n"
raise Exception(f"Unexpected event type {type(event)}")
for helper_code in helpers.values():
steps_code = helper_code + steps_code
return steps_code or "pass"
def get_test_code(self) -> str:
"""Return pytest code that uses the replay."""
return f"""\
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, Protocol
import pytest
from textual.geometry import Offset
from textual.pilot import Pilot
from textual.widgets import Input
class SnapCompareType(Protocol):
\"\"\"Type of the function returned by the snap_compare fixture.\"\"\"
def __call__(
app_path: str | PurePath,
press: Iterable[str] = (),
terminal_size: tuple[int, int] = (80, 24),
run_before: Callable[[Pilot], Awaitable[None] | None] | None = None, # type: ignore
) -> bool:
# Relative paths are treated as relative to this file, when using snap_compare.
PAINT = Path("../src/textual_paint/paint.py")
# Prevent flaky tests due to timing issues.
Input.cursor_blink = False # type: ignore
def test_paint_something(snap_compare: SnapCompareType):
async def test_paint_something_steps(pilot: Pilot[None]):
{indent(self.get_replay_code(), 8)}
assert snap_compare(PAINT, run_before=test_paint_something_steps, terminal_size=({self.app.size.width}, {self.app.size.height}))
def save_replay(self) -> None:
"""Save the pytest code."""
assert self.app is not None, "app should be set by now"
script = self.get_test_code()
with open(self.output_file, "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
recorder = PilotRecorder()