Isaiah Odhner 0791b1c080 Satisfy the type checker
`PYRIGHT_PYTHON_FORCE_VERSION=1.1.327 pyright` now gives 0 errors

(before this commit it was 16 errors)
2023-09-16 23:31:08 -04:00

97 lines
4.3 KiB

"""This file is loaded by pytest automatically. Fixtures defined here are available to all tests in the folder.
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator
import pytest
from pyfakefs.fake_filesystem import FakeFilesystem
# This is needed on Windows but not Ubuntu/macOS?
# I hate python's import system with a burning passion.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../src/')))
from textual_paint.figlet_font_writer import FIGletFontWriter
{"theme": "light", "ascii_only": False},
{"theme": "dark", "ascii_only": False},
{"theme": "light", "ascii_only": True},
{"theme": "dark", "ascii_only": True},
], ids=lambda param: f"{param['theme']}_{'ascii' if param['ascii_only'] else 'unicode'}")
def each_theme(request: pytest.FixtureRequest):
"""Fixture to test each combination of UI styles."""
theme = request.param.get("theme")
ascii_only = request.param.get("ascii_only")
from textual_paint.args import args
args.theme = theme
args.ascii_only = ascii_only
yield # run the test
args.theme = "light"
args.ascii_only = False
REPO_DIR_ABSOLUTE = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()
def my_fs(fs: FakeFilesystem) -> Generator[FakeFilesystem, None, None]:
"""Fixture to fake the filesystem, except for the repo directory."""
# Without the repo dir, textual paint will fail to load FIGlet fonts or dialog icons.
# Without the __snapshots__ dir, pytest-textual-snapshot will show "No history for this test" in the report.
print("adding real directory", REPO_DIR_ABSOLUTE)
# DirectoryTree stores a reference to Path for some reason, making my life more difficult.
from textual.widgets._directory_tree import DirectoryTree
orig_PATH = DirectoryTree.PATH
DirectoryTree.PATH = Path
# TODO: use proper(?) mocking or figure out how to get FigletFont to find the real font files.
# This folder doesn't actually exist on my system, so it's not getting them from there.
# from pyfiglet import SHARED_DIRECTORY
# fs.add_real_directory(SHARED_DIRECTORY)
# Don't fail trying to load the default font "standard", we don't need it!
# `pkg_resources` doesn't seem to work with pyfakefs (or I don't know what directories I need to add)
from pyfiglet import FigletFont # type: ignore
def preloadFont(self: FigletFont, font: str):
dumb_font = FIGletFontWriter(commentLines=["Stupid font for testing"])
for ordinal in dumb_font.charOrder:
dumb_font.figChars[ordinal] = "fallback font for testing"
return dumb_font.createFigFileData()
orig_preloadFont = FigletFont.preloadFont # type: ignore
FigletFont.preloadFont = preloadFont # type: ignore
# Add an extra file to show how a file looks in the EnhancedDirectoryTree widget.
fs.create_file("/pyfakefs_added_file.txt", contents="pyfakefs ate ur FS")
# Add files so both Users and home exist regardless of the OS.
# And HOPEFULLY not other folders. I suppose if you clone the repo at the root,
# you may see textual-paint in the file dialog snapshots, and if you clone it
# anywhere that doesn't start with Users or home as the first part, that will show up too,
# due to the real directory being added above.
# Maybe I should fine a more fine-grained way to target the EnhancedDirectoryTree widget.
fs.create_file("/Users/username/.bashrc", contents="")
fs.create_file("/home/username/.bashrc", contents="")
fs.create_file("/var/something.txt", contents="") # var shows on macOS
fs.create_file("/tmp/something.txt", contents="") # tmp shows on Ubuntu and macOS
fs.create_file("/media/something.txt", contents="") # in case you clone on an external drive
# Roll with it...
fs.create_file("/UsersHome/username/.bashrc", contents="")
fs.create_file("/UsersNotAtHome/username/.bashrc", contents="")
fs.create_file("/UsersWhoHaveLeftHomeForGood/username/.bashrc", contents="")
fs.create_file("/homeWithNoUsers/.bashrc", contents="")
yield fs
# probably don't need to actually clean up, but whatever
DirectoryTree.PATH = orig_PATH
FigletFont.preloadFont = orig_preloadFont