// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Aleo Systems Inc. // This file is part of the Leo library. // The Leo library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // The Leo library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with the Leo library. If not, see . //! Compiles a Leo program from a file path. use crate::{ constraints::{generate_constraints, generate_test_constraints}, errors::CompilerError, GroupType, OutputBytes, OutputFile, }; use leo_ast::{Input, LeoAst, MainInput, Program}; use leo_grammar::Grammar; use leo_imports::ImportParser; use leo_input::LeoInputParser; use leo_package::inputs::InputPairs; use leo_state::verify_local_data_commitment; use leo_symbol_table::SymbolTable; use leo_type_inference::TypeInference; use snarkos_dpc::{base_dpc::instantiated::Components, SystemParameters}; use snarkos_errors::gadgets::SynthesisError; use snarkos_models::{ curves::{Field, PrimeField}, gadgets::r1cs::{ConstraintSynthesizer, ConstraintSystem}, }; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use std::{ fs, marker::PhantomData, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; /// Stores information to compile a Leo program. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Compiler> { package_name: String, main_file_path: PathBuf, output_directory: PathBuf, program: Program, program_input: Input, imported_programs: ImportParser, _engine: PhantomData, _group: PhantomData, } impl> Compiler { /// /// Returns a new Leo program compiler. /// pub fn new(package_name: String, main_file_path: PathBuf, output_directory: PathBuf) -> Self { Self { package_name: package_name.clone(), main_file_path, output_directory, program: Program::new(package_name), program_input: Input::new(), imported_programs: ImportParser::default(), _engine: PhantomData, _group: PhantomData, } } /// /// Returns a new `Compiler` from the given main file path. /// /// Parses and stores a program from the main file path. /// Parses and stores all imported programs. /// Performs type inference checking on the program and imported programs. /// pub fn parse_program_without_input( package_name: String, main_file_path: PathBuf, output_directory: PathBuf, ) -> Result { let mut compiler = Self::new(package_name, main_file_path, output_directory); compiler.parse_and_check_program()?; Ok(compiler) } /// /// Returns a new `Compiler` from the given main file path. /// /// Parses and stores program input from from the input file path and state file path /// Parses and stores a program from the main file path. /// Parses and stores all imported programs. /// Performs type inference checking on the program, imported programs, and program input. /// pub fn parse_program_with_input( package_name: String, main_file_path: PathBuf, output_directory: PathBuf, input_string: &str, input_path: &Path, state_string: &str, state_path: &Path, ) -> Result { let mut compiler = Self::new(package_name, main_file_path, output_directory); compiler.parse_input(input_string, input_path, state_string, state_path)?; compiler.parse_and_check_program()?; Ok(compiler) } /// /// Parses and stores program input from from the input file path and state file path /// /// Calls `set_path()` on compiler errors with the given input file path or state file path /// pub fn parse_input( &mut self, input_string: &str, input_path: &Path, state_string: &str, state_path: &Path, ) -> Result<(), CompilerError> { let input_syntax_tree = LeoInputParser::parse_file(&input_string).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(input_path); e })?; let state_syntax_tree = LeoInputParser::parse_file(&state_string).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(state_path); e })?; self.program_input.parse_input(input_syntax_tree).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(input_path); e })?; self.program_input.parse_state(state_syntax_tree).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(state_path); e })?; Ok(()) } /// /// Runs program parser and type inference checker consecutively. /// pub(crate) fn parse_and_check_program(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompilerError> { self.parse_program()?; self.check_program() } /// /// Parses and stores the main program file, constructs a syntax tree, and generates a program. /// /// Parses and stores all programs imported by the main program file. /// pub(crate) fn parse_program(&mut self) -> Result<(), CompilerError> { // Load the program file. let program_string = Grammar::load_file(&self.main_file_path)?; // Use the parser to construct the pest abstract syntax tree (ast). let pest_ast = Grammar::new(&self.main_file_path, &program_string).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(&self.main_file_path); e })?; // Construct the core ast from the pest ast. let core_ast = LeoAst::new(&self.package_name, &pest_ast); // Store the main program file. self.program = core_ast.into_repr(); // Parse and store all programs imported by the main program file. self.imported_programs = ImportParser::parse(&self.program)?; tracing::debug!("Program parsing complete\n{:#?}", self.program); Ok(()) } /// /// Runs a type check on the program, imports, and input. /// /// First, a symbol table of all user defined types is created. /// Second, a type inference check is run on the program - inferring a data type for all implicit types and /// catching type mismatch errors. /// pub(crate) fn check_program(&self) -> Result<(), CompilerError> { // Create a new symbol table from the program, imported_programs, and program_input. let symbol_table = SymbolTable::new(&self.program, &self.imported_programs, &self.program_input).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(&self.main_file_path); e })?; // Run type inference check on program. TypeInference::new(&self.program, symbol_table).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(&self.main_file_path); e })?; tracing::debug!("Program checks complete"); Ok(()) } /// /// Equivalent to parse_and_check_program but uses the given program_string instead of a main /// file path. /// /// Used for testing only. /// #[deprecated(note = "Please use the 'parse_program' method instead.")] pub fn parse_program_from_string(&mut self, program_string: &str) -> Result<(), CompilerError> { // Use the given bytes to construct the abstract syntax tree. let ast = Grammar::new(&self.main_file_path, &program_string).map_err(|mut e| { e.set_path(&self.main_file_path); e })?; // Derive the package name. let package_name = &self.package_name; // Construct the core ast from the pest ast. let core_ast = LeoAst::new(package_name, &ast); // Store the main program file. self.program = core_ast.into_repr(); // Parse and store all programs imported by the main program file. self.imported_programs = ImportParser::parse(&self.program)?; // Create a new symbol table from the program, imported programs, and program input. let symbol_table = SymbolTable::new(&self.program, &self.imported_programs, &self.program_input)?; // Run type inference check on program. TypeInference::new(&self.program, symbol_table)?; tracing::debug!("Program parsing complete\n{:#?}", self.program); Ok(()) } /// /// Manually sets main function input. /// /// Used for testing only. /// pub fn set_main_input(&mut self, input: MainInput) { self.program_input.set_main_input(input); } /// /// Verifies the input to the program. /// pub fn verify_local_data_commitment( &self, system_parameters: &SystemParameters, ) -> Result { let result = verify_local_data_commitment(system_parameters, &self.program_input)?; Ok(result) } /// /// Returns a Sha256 checksum of the program file. /// pub fn checksum(&self) -> Result { // Read in the main file as string let unparsed_file = fs::read_to_string(&self.main_file_path) .map_err(|_| CompilerError::FileReadError(self.main_file_path.clone()))?; // Hash the file contents let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(unparsed_file.as_bytes()); let hash = hasher.finalize(); Ok(hex::encode(hash)) } /// /// Synthesizes the circuit without program input to verify correctness. /// pub fn compile_constraints>(self, cs: &mut CS) -> Result { let path = self.main_file_path; generate_constraints::(cs, self.program, self.program_input, &self.imported_programs).map_err( |mut error| { error.set_path(&path); error }, ) } /// /// Synthesizes the circuit for test functions with program input. /// pub fn compile_test_constraints(self, input_pairs: InputPairs) -> Result<(u32, u32), CompilerError> { generate_test_constraints::( self.program, input_pairs, &self.imported_programs, &self.main_file_path, &self.output_directory, ) } /// /// Calls the internal generate_constraints method with arguments. /// pub fn generate_constraints_helper>( self, cs: &mut CS, ) -> Result { let path = self.main_file_path; generate_constraints::<_, G, _>(cs, self.program, self.program_input, &self.imported_programs).map_err( |mut error| { error.set_path(&path); error }, ) } } impl> ConstraintSynthesizer for Compiler { /// /// Synthesizes the circuit with program input. /// fn generate_constraints>(self, cs: &mut CS) -> Result<(), SynthesisError> { let output_directory = self.output_directory.clone(); let package_name = self.package_name.clone(); let result = self.generate_constraints_helper(cs).map_err(|e| { tracing::error!("{}", e); SynthesisError::Unsatisfiable })?; // Write results to file let output_file = OutputFile::new(&package_name); output_file.write(&output_directory, result.bytes()).unwrap(); Ok(()) } }