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synced 2025-01-02 06:50:13 +03:00
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// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Aleo Systems Inc.
// This file is part of the Leo library.
// The Leo library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The Leo library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with the Leo library. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// use leo_ast::Input;
// use leo_input::LeoInputParser;
// use leo_state::verify_local_data_commitment;
// use snarkos_storage::{mem::MemDb, Ledger};
// use snarkvm_algorithms::traits::{CommitmentScheme, CRH};
// use snarkvm_dpc::{
// base_dpc::{instantiated::*, record_payload::RecordPayload, DPC},
// traits::DPCScheme,
// Account,
// AccountScheme,
// Record,
// };
// use snarkvm_utilities::{bytes::ToBytes, to_bytes};
// use rand::Rng;
// use rand_core::SeedableRng;
// use rand_xorshift::XorShiftRng;
// // TODO (Collin): Update input to reflect new parameter ordering.
// #[test]
// #[ignore]
// fn test_verify_local_data_commitment_from_file() {
// let mut rng = XorShiftRng::seed_from_u64(1231275789u64);
// // Generate parameters for the record commitment scheme
// let system_parameters = InstantiatedDPC::generate_system_parameters(&mut rng).unwrap();
// // Load test record state file from `inputs/test.state`
// let file_bytes = include_bytes!("inputs/test_state.state");
// let file_string = String::from_utf8_lossy(file_bytes);
// let file = LeoInputParser::parse_file(&file_string).unwrap();
// let mut program_input = Input::new();
// program_input.parse_state(file).unwrap();
// // check record state is correct by verifying commitment
// let result = verify_local_data_commitment(&system_parameters, &program_input).unwrap();
// assert!(result);
// }
// #[test]
// #[ignore]
// fn test_generate_values_from_dpc() {
// type L = Ledger<Tx, CommitmentMerkleParameters, MemDb>;
// let mut rng = XorShiftRng::seed_from_u64(1231275789u64);
// // Specify network_id
// let network_id: u8 = 0;
// // Generate parameters for the ledger, commitment schemes, CRH, and the
// // "always-accept" program.
// let system_parameters = InstantiatedDPC::generate_system_parameters(&mut rng).unwrap();
// let noop_program_snark_pp =
// InstantiatedDPC::generate_noop_program_snark_parameters(&system_parameters, &mut rng).unwrap();
// let noop_program_id = to_bytes_le![
// ProgramVerificationKeyCRH::hash(
// &system_parameters.program_verification_key_crh,
// &to_bytes_le![noop_program_snark_pp.verification_key].unwrap()
// )
// .unwrap()
// ]
// .unwrap();
// let signature_parameters = &system_parameters.account_signature;
// let commitment_parameters = &system_parameters.account_commitment;
// let encryption_parameters = &system_parameters.account_encryption;
// // Generate metadata and an account for a dummy initial record.
// let dummy_account = Account::new(
// signature_parameters,
// commitment_parameters,
// encryption_parameters,
// &mut rng,
// )
// .unwrap();
// let sn_nonce = SerialNumberNonce::hash(&system_parameters.serial_number_nonce, &[0u8; 1]).unwrap();
// let value = rng.gen();
// let payload: [u8; 32] = rng.gen();
// let old_record = DPC::generate_record(
// &system_parameters,
// sn_nonce,
// dummy_account.address,
// false,
// value,
// RecordPayload::from_bytes(&payload),
// noop_program_id.clone(),
// noop_program_id.clone(),
// &mut rng,
// )
// .unwrap();
// // Set the input records for our transaction to be the initial dummy records.
// let old_records = vec![old_record; NUM_INPUT_RECORDS];
// let old_account_private_keys = vec![dummy_account.private_key; NUM_INPUT_RECORDS];
// // Construct new records.
// // Create an account for an actual new record.
// let new_account = Account::new(
// signature_parameters,
// commitment_parameters,
// encryption_parameters,
// &mut rng,
// )
// .unwrap();
// // Set the new record's program to be the "always-accept" program.
// let new_record_owners = vec![new_account.address; NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let new_is_dummy_flags = vec![false; NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let new_values = vec![10; NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let new_payloads = vec![RecordPayload::default(); NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let new_birth_program_ids = vec![noop_program_id.clone(); NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let new_death_program_ids = vec![noop_program_id; NUM_OUTPUT_RECORDS];
// let memo = [0u8; 32];
// let context = <InstantiatedDPC as DPCScheme<L>>::execute_offline(
// system_parameters.clone(),
// old_records,
// old_account_private_keys,
// new_record_owners,
// &new_is_dummy_flags,
// &new_values,
// new_payloads,
// new_birth_program_ids,
// new_death_program_ids,
// memo,
// network_id,
// &mut rng,
// )
// .unwrap();
// let local_data = context.into_local_data();
// let leaf_index = 0;
// let record = &local_data.old_records[leaf_index];
// let root = local_data.local_data_merkle_tree.root();
// let serial_number = local_data.old_serial_numbers[0];
// let serial_number_bytes = to_bytes_le![serial_number].unwrap();
// let memorandum = local_data.memorandum;
// let network_id = local_data.network_id;
// let input_bytes = to_bytes_le![serial_number, record.commitment(), memorandum, network_id].unwrap();
// let leaf_randomness = local_data.local_data_commitment_randomizers[0];
// let old_record_leaf = <LocalDataCommitment as CommitmentScheme>::commit(
// &system_parameters.local_data_commitment,
// &input_bytes,
// &leaf_randomness,
// )
// .unwrap();
// // generate the path
// let path = local_data
// .local_data_merkle_tree
// .generate_proof(&old_record_leaf)
// .unwrap();
// println!("////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
// println!();
// println!("[state]");
// println!("leaf index {}", leaf_index);
// println!("root {:?}", to_bytes_le![root].unwrap());
// println!();
// println!("[record]");
// println!(
// "serial number {:?} len {}",
// serial_number_bytes,
// serial_number_bytes.len()
// );
// println!("commitment {:?}", to_bytes_le![record.commitment()].unwrap());
// println!("owner {}", record.owner());
// println!("is_dummy {:?}", record.is_dummy());
// println!("value {:?}", record.value());
// println!("payload {:?}", record.payload());
// println!("birth_program_id {:?}", record.birth_program_id());
// println!("death_program_id {:?}", record.death_program_id());
// println!(
// "serial number nonce {:?}",
// to_bytes_le![record.serial_number_nonce()].unwrap()
// );
// println!(
// "commitment randomness {:?}",
// to_bytes_le![record.commitment_randomness()].unwrap()
// );
// println!();
// println!("[state_leaf]");
// println!("path {:?}", to_bytes_le![path].unwrap());
// println!("memo {:?}", memorandum);
// println!("network id {:?}", network_id);
// println!("leaf randomness {:?}", to_bytes_le![leaf_randomness].unwrap());
// println!();
// println!("////////////////////////////////////////////////////");
// }