mirror of https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry.git synced 2024-09-20 12:58:38 +03:00

Destructible grey blocks / Content cleanup / Wave fixes / Impact balance

This commit is contained in:
Anuken 2019-02-16 11:10:01 -05:00
parent fbcbca6f24
commit 4677de80c1
51 changed files with 1077 additions and 728 deletions

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@ -256,6 +256,8 @@ launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
@ -534,22 +536,13 @@ block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Metal Floor
block.deepwater.name = deepwater
block.water.name = water
block.lava.name = lava
block.deepwater.name = Deep Water
block.water.name = Water
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = Black Stone
block.stone.name = Stone
block.dirt.name = Dirt
block.sand.name = Dark Sand
block.ice.name = Ice
block.snow.name = Snow
block.grass.name = Grass
block.shrub.name = Shrub
block.rock.name = Rock
block.blackrock.name = Black Rock
block.icerock.name = icerock
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
@ -571,7 +564,6 @@ block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-1.name = Metal Floor 1
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
@ -591,7 +583,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Large Thorium Wall
block.door.name = Door
block.door-large.name = Large Door
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Conveyor
@ -603,8 +594,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Sorter
block.sorter.description = Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.overflow-gate.name = Overflow Gate
block.overflow-gate.description = A combination splitter and router that only outputs to the left and right if the front path is blocked.
block.smelter.name = Smelter
block.arc-smelter.name = Arc Smelter
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter
block.phase-weaver.name = Phase Weaver
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizer
@ -613,7 +602,6 @@ block.melter.name = Melter
block.incinerator.name = Incinerator
block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomatter Compressor
block.separator.name = Separator
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuge
block.power-node.name = Power Node
block.power-node-large.name = Large Power Node
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -653,7 +641,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Bridge Conveyor
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Compressor
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer
block.solidifer.name = Solidifer
block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Large Solar Panel
block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extractor
@ -674,7 +661,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Liquid Junction
block.bridge-conduit.name = Bridge Conduit
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotary Pump
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reactor
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.mass-driver.name = Mass Driver
block.blast-drill.name = Airblast Drill
block.thermal-pump.name = Thermal Pump
@ -700,7 +686,6 @@ team.orange.name = orange
team.none.name = gray
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
@ -745,8 +730,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -776,9 +759,7 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coal in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
block.alloy-smelter.description = Produces surge alloy from titanium, lead, silicon and copper.
@ -786,12 +767,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.melter.description = Melts down scrap into slag for further processing or usage in turrets.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Extracts useful minerals from slag.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -811,9 +790,8 @@ block.pneumatic-drill.description = An improved drill which is faster and able t
block.laser-drill.description = Allows drilling even faster through laser technology, but requires power. Additionally, radioactive thorium can be retrieved with this drill.
block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of power.
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates spores with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -829,7 +807,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser air units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
@ -843,13 +820,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Jsi si jistý že chceš smazat mapu "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Nejvyšší skóre: [accent]{0}
level.select = Výběr levelu
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Nepovedlo se připojení k serveru:\n\n[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server je nedostupný.\nJe adresa napsaná správně?
error.invalidaddress = Neplatná adresa.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Objevila se chyba
error.crashtitle = Objevila se chyba
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Informace o bloku
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Kapacita energie
blocks.powershot = Energie na výstřel
blocks.targetsair = Zaměřuje vzdušné jednotky
blocks.itemspeed = Zpracování
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Dostřel
blocks.size = velikost
blocks.liquidcapacity = Kapacita tekutin
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Palivo
blocks.fuelburntime = Čas spalování paliva
blocks.inputcapacity = Vstupní kapacita
blocks.outputcapacity = Výstupní kapacita
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = Bloky
unit.powersecond = jednotek energie/sekunda
unit.liquidsecond = jednotek tekutin/sekundu
unit.itemssecond = předmětů/sekundu
unit.pixelssecond = pixelů/sekundu
unit.liquidunits = jednotek tekutin
unit.powerunits = jednotek energie
unit.degrees = úhly
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Pohyb na X
keybind.move_y.name = Pohyb na Y
keybind.select.name = Vybrat/Střílet
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Ničit
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Odznačit
keybind.shoot.name = Střílet
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Přiblížení-podržení
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Limitované zdroje a žádný čas pro vlny nepřá
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Bojuj proti ostatním hráčům v lokální síti.
mode.attack.name = Útok
mode.attack.descrption = Žádné vlny, cílem je zničit nepřátelskou základnu.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Předměty
content.liquid.name = Tekutiny
content.unit.name = jednotky
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Voda
liquid.lava.name = Láva
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Ropa
liquid.cryofluid.name = Cryofluid
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alfa
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Schopnost: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Kapacita teploty: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viskozita: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Teplota: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Nepřátelský Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Kovová podlaha
block.deepwater.name = Hluboká voda
block.water.name = Voda
block.lava.name = Láva
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = Černý kámen
block.stone.name = Kámen
block.dirt.name = Hlína
block.sand.name = Písek
block.ice.name = Led
block.snow.name = Sníh
block.grass.name = Tráva
block.shrub.name = Keř
block.rock.name = Kámen
block.blackrock.name = Černý kámen
block.icerock.name = Ledový kámen
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Měděná zeď
block.copper-wall-large.name = Velká měděná zeď
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Velká thoriová stěna
block.door.name = Dveře
block.door-large.name = Velké dveře
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Dopravník
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Dělička
block.sorter.description = Třídí předměty. Jestli je předmět shodný s výběrem, je mu dovoleno projít. Naopak neshodné předměty jsou vypuštěny do prava nebo do leva.
block.overflow-gate.name = Brána přetečení
block.overflow-gate.description = Kombinace distributoru a děličky která má výstup do leva nebo do prava jen pokud je přední strana zablokovaná.
block.smelter.name = Pec
block.arc-smelter.name = Oblouková Pec
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter
block.phase-weaver.name = Tkalcovna pro fázovou tkaninu
block.pulverizer.name = Rozmělňovač
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Tavírna
block.incinerator.name = Spalovna
block.biomattercompressor.name = Kompresor na Biohmotu
block.separator.name = Separátor
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuga
block.power-node.name = Energetický uzel
block.power-node-large.name = Velký energetický uzel
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Mostový přepravník
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Kompresor na Plastanium
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratit mixér
block.blast-mixer.name = Výbušninový mixér
block.solidifer.name = Krystalizér
block.solar-panel.name = Solární panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Velký solární panel
block.oil-extractor.name = Ropný Extraktor
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Křižovatka tekutin
block.bridge-conduit.name = Mostové potrubí
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotační pumpa
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thoriový Reaktor
block.command-center.name = Příkazové centrum
block.mass-driver.name = Hromadný Distributor
block.blast-drill.name = Tlakovzdušný vrt
block.thermal-pump.name = Termální pumpa
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = oranžová
team.none.name = šedá
team.green.name = zelená
team.purple.name = fialová
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alfa Dron
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Dron
unit.spirit.description = Startovní dron. Standartně se objevuje u jádra. Automaticky těží rudy a opravuje stavby.
unit.phantom.name = Fantom Dron
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Propoj energetické uzly s továrnou.\nJakmile jsou požadavky
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] Nepřítel[] prozradil lokaci svého jádra.\nZnič ho svými bojovými jednotkami.
block.copper-wall.description = Levný defenzivní blok.\nUžitečný k obraně tvého jádra a střílen v prvotních vlnách nepřátel.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Levný defenzivní blok.\nUžitečný k obraně tvého jádra a střílen v prvotních vlnách nepřátel.\nZabírá více polí.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Standartní defenzivní blok.\nAdekvátní obrana vůči nepřátelům.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Standartní defenzivní blok.\nAdekvátní obrana vůči nepřátelům.\nZabírá více polí.
block.thorium-wall.description = Sílný defenzivní blok.\nDobrá obrana vůči nepřátelům.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Sílný defenzivní blok.\nDobrá obrana vůči nepřátelům..\nZabírá více polí.
block.phase-wall.description = Né tak silná jako zeď Thoria ale odráží nepřátelské projektily dokud nejsou moc silné.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Ne
block.phase-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Využívá energii k přepravě od jednoho bodu k druhému po velice dlouhé vzdálenosti.
block.junction.description = Chová se jako most pro dva křížící se pásy dopravníků. Užitečný při situaci kdy dva rozdílné dopravníky dopravují dva rozdílné materiálny na rozdílné místa.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimátní blok přepravy předmětů. Sbírá několik druhů předmětů a vystřelí je k dalšímu hromadnému distributoru přes veliké vzdálenosti.
block.smelter.description = Spaluje uhlí, měd a olovo pro vytvoření husté slitiny.
block.arc-smelter.description = Spaluje měd a olovo za pomocí externího energetického zdroje.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Redukuje písek s vysoce čistým koksem za účelem výroby křemíku.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produkuje plastánium za pomocí titánia a ropy.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produkuje fázovou tkaninu z radioaktivního thoria a velkého množství písku.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Drtí kámen na písek. Užitečné když se v ob
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Míchá uhlí, olovo a písek do velice hořlavého pyratitu.
block.blast-mixer.description = Používá ropu k přeměně pyratitu do méně hořlavé ale více explozivní těkavé směsi.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Kombinuje vodu a titánium do cryofluid, která je více efektivní pro chlazení.
block.solidifer.description = Velice rychle chladí lávu na kámen.
block.melter.description = Taví kámen při velice vysokých teplotách na lávu.
block.incinerator.description = Zbaví tě přebytku předmětů.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Stlačuje biohmotu k získání ropy.
block.separator.description = Vystaví kámen velkému tlaku vody k získání různých materiálů obsažené v kameni.
block.centrifuge.description = Více efektivní než separátor. Za to více nákladný na provoz ke které vyžaduje energii.
block.power-node.description = Vysílá energii mezi propojenými uzly. Dokáže se propojit až se čtyřmi uzly či stavbami najednou. Uzel bude dostávat zásobu energie a bude ji distribuovat mezi připojené bloky.
block.power-node-large.description = Má větší dosah než standartní energetický uzel and a dokáže propojit až 6 staveb nebo uzly.
block.battery.description = Ukládá energii kdykoliv kdy je nadbytek ,poskytuje energii kdykolik když je pokles energie v síti, tak dlouho doku zbývá kapacita.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = Ultimátní vrt, vyžaduje velké množství ene
block.water-extractor.description = Extrahuje vodu ze země. Vhodný k použití když se v oblasti nenachází zdroj vody.
block.cultivator.description = Kultivuje půdu vodou za účelem získání biohmoty.
block.oil-extractor.description = Vyžaduje velké množství energie na extrakci ropy z písku. Použíj ho když se v oblasti nenachází žádný zdroj ropy.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a žměn ho na klasický bojový letoun.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změň ho do docela dobře obrněného těžkého bombardéru.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na silný a rychlý stíhač s bleskovými zbraněmi.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Zanech zde své aktuální plavidlo a změn ho na velkou, dobře obrněnou střeleckou loď.\nPoužíj ho poklikáním když se nacházíš nad ním.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produkuje pokročilé, orněné pozemní jedno
block.fortress-factory.description = Produkuje těžké artilérní, pozmení jednotky.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produkuje vzdušné, težké laserové stíhače..
block.repair-point.description = Kontinuálně léčí nejbližší budovy a jednotky.
block.command-center.description = Dovoluje měnit umělou inteligenci spojeneckých jednotek. Aktuálně, útok, ztáhnout se a hlídkuj příkazy jsou podporovány.
block.conduit.description = Základní blok přepravy tekutin. Funguje jako dopravník, ale na tekutiny, chápeš ne ? Užívá se s extraktory, pumpami nebo jiným potrubím.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy tekutin. Přepravuje tekutiny rychleji a více než standartní potrubí.
block.phase-conduit.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy tekutin. Používá energii k teleportu tekutin do druhého bodu přez několik polí.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = Ultimátní pumpa. Trojnásobně rychlejší ne
block.router.description = Příijmá předměty z jednoho směru a posílá je rovnoměrně do zbylých tří směrů. Užitečný při rozdělení jednoho zdroje směřující do různých cílů.
block.distributor.description = Pokročilý směrovač, který z libovolného počtu vstupů vytvoří libovolný počet výstupu a rozdělí přísun předmětů rovnoměrně do každého z nich, obdoba Multiplexeru a Demultiplexeru.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Pokročilý blok přepravy předmětů. Dovoluje transport předmětů až přez tři pole jakéhokoliv terénu nebo budovy.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Když je dodán dostatek energie, Přestaví tvoji loď na[accent] Alfa[] mecha.
block.item-source.description = Nekonečný zdroj předmětů. Jen pro Sandbox.
block.liquid-source.description = Nekonečný zdroj tekutin. Jen pro Sandbox.
block.item-void.description = Likviduje jakéhokoliv vstupní předmět bež použití energie. Jen pro Sandbox.
block.power-source.description = Nekonečný zdroj energie. Jen pro Sandbox.
block.power-void.description = Prázdnota pro veškerou energii vstupující do něj. Jen pro Sandbox.
liquid.water.description = Nejčastěji se používá ke chlazení a zpracování odpadu.
liquid.lava.description = Může být transformován na[LIGHT_GRAY] kámen[], nebo pro generátor energie nebo jako střelivo pro určitý druh střílen.
liquid.oil.description = Může být spálen, vybouchnout nebo použit jako chlazení.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Nejefektivnější tekutina pro chlazení.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Bist du sicher, dass du die Karte "[accent]{0}[]" löschen möchtest?
level.highscore = High Score: [accent]{0}
level.select = Level Auswahl
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson] Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server nicht erreichbar.
error.invalidaddress = Ungültige Adresse.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson] Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten
error.crashtitle = Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Blockinfo:
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Kapazität
blocks.powershot = Stromverbrauch/Schuss
blocks.targetsair = Visiert Luft Einheiten an
blocks.itemspeed = Beförderte Materialien
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Reichweite
blocks.size = Größe
blocks.liquidcapacity = Flüssigkeitskapazität
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Kraftstoff
blocks.fuelburntime = Kraftstoff Verbrennungs-Zeit
blocks.inputcapacity = Annahmekapazität
blocks.outputcapacity = Ausgabekapazität
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = Blöcke
unit.powersecond = Stromeinheiten/Sekunde
unit.liquidsecond = Flüssigkeitseinheiten/Sekunde
unit.itemssecond = Materialeinheiten/Sekunde
unit.pixelssecond = Pixel/Sekunde
unit.liquidunits = Flüssigkeitseinheiten
unit.powerunits = Stromeinheiten
unit.degrees = Grad
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = X-Achse
keybind.move_y.name = Y-Achse
keybind.select.name = Auswählen/Schießen
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Abreißen
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Auswahl aufheben
keybind.shoot.name = Schießen
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Zoom halten
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Begrenzte Ressourcen und kein Timer für Wellen.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Kämpfe gegen andere Spieler local.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Materialien
content.liquid.name = Flüssigkeiten
content.unit.name = Einheiten
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Wasser
liquid.lava.name = Lava
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Öl
liquid.cryofluid.name = Kryoflüssigkeit
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Fähigkeit: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wärmekapazität: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viskosität: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatur: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Gegnerischer Startpunkt
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Metallboden
block.deepwater.name = Tiefes Wasser
block.water.name = Wasser
block.lava.name = Lava
block.tar.name = Teer
block.blackstone.name = Schwarzer Stein
block.stone.name = Stein
block.dirt.name = Dreck
block.sand.name = Sand
block.ice.name = Eis
block.snow.name = Schnee
block.grass.name = Gras
block.shrub.name = Busch
block.rock.name = Fels
block.blackrock.name = Schwarzer Fels
block.icerock.name = Eisfels
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Kupfermauer
block.copper-wall-large.name = Große Kupfermauer
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Große Thorium-Mauer
block.door.name = Tür
block.door-large.name = Große Tür
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Förderband
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Sortierer
block.sorter.description = Sortiert Materialien. Wenn ein Gegenstand der Auswahl entspricht, darf er vorbei. Andernfalls wird er links oder rechts ausgegeben.
block.overflow-gate.name = Überlauftor
block.overflow-gate.description = Ein Verteiler, der nur Materialien nach links oder rechts ausgibt, falls der Weg gerade aus blockiert ist.
block.smelter.name = Schmelzer
block.arc-smelter.name = Lichtbogen-Schmelzer
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silizium-Schmelzer
block.phase-weaver.name = Phasenweber
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverisierer
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Schmelzer
block.incinerator.name = Verbrennungsanlage
block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomassenverdichter
block.separator.name = Separierer
block.centrifuge.name = Zentrifuge
block.power-node.name = Stromknoten
block.power-node-large.name = Großer Stromknoten
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Brücken-Transportband
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium-Verdichter
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratit-Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Sprengmixer
block.solidifer.name = Verhärter
block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Großes Solar Panel
block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extraktor
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Flüssigkeits-Kreuzung
block.bridge-conduit.name = Kanalbrücke
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotierende Pumpe
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium-Reaktor
block.command-center.name = Kommandozentrum
block.mass-driver.name = Massenbeschleuniger
block.blast-drill.name = Sprengbohrer
block.thermal-pump.name = Thermische Pumpe
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Orange
team.none.name = Grau
team.green.name = Grün
team.purple.name = Lila
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drohne
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drohne
unit.spirit.description = Die anfängliche Drohne. Sie wird gewöhnlich in der Basis Erz ab, sammelt Materialien und repariert Blöcke.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drohne
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Verbinde die Fabrik mit einem Stromknoten. Wenn alle Vorausset
tutorial.battle = Der[LIGHT_GRAY] Gegner[] hat seinen Kern offenbart.\nZerstöre ihn mit deiner Einheit und den Dagger Mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = Ein günstiger Verteidigungsblock.\nNützlich, um die Basis und Türme in den ersten Wellen zu beschützen.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Ein günstiger Verteidigungsblock.\nNützlich, um die Basis und Türme in den ersten Wellen zu beschützen.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Ein Standard-Verteidigungsblock.\nAngemessener Schutz vor Feinden.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Ein Standard-Verteidigungsblock.\nAngemessener Schutz vor Feinden.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.thorium-wall.description = Ein starker Verteidigungsblock.\nGuter Schutz vor Feinden.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Ein starker Verteidigungsblock.\nGuter Schutz vor Feinden.\nBenötigt mehrere Kacheln.
block.phase-wall.description = Nicht so stark wie eine Thorium-Mauer, aber reflektiert Schüsse bis zu einer gewissen Stärke.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Bewegt Materi
block.phase-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Verwendet Strom, um Materialien zu einem verbundenen Phasen-Förderband über mehrere Kacheln zu teleportieren.
block.junction.description = Fungiert als Brücke zwischen zwei kreuzenden Förderbändern. Nützlich, wenn zwei verschiedene Förderbänder sich kreuzen, aber unterschiedliche Materialien verwenden.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimativer Transportblock. Sammelt mehrere Materialien und schießt sie zu einem verbundenen Massenbeschleuniger über eine große Reichweite.
block.smelter.description = Verbrennt Kohle, um Kupfer und Blei zu einer dichten Legierung zu verschmelzen.
block.arc-smelter.description = Verschmilzt Kupfer und Blei zu einer dichten Legierung, indem es eine externe Stromquelle benutzt.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduziert Sand mit hochreinem Kohlenstoff, um Silizium zu produzieren.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produziert Plastanium aus Öl und Titan.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produziert Phasengewebe aus radioaktivem Thorium und großen Mengen an Sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Zertrümmert Stein zu Sand. Nützlich, wenn kein
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Vermischt Kohle, Blei und Sand zu hochentzündlichem Pyratit.
block.blast-mixer.description = Verwendet Öl, um Pyratit in eine weniger enzündliche aber explosivee Mischung umzuwandeln.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Verarbeitet Wasser mit Titan zu einer Kryoflüssigkeit, die viel effizienter kühlt.
block.solidifer.description = Kühlt Lava zu großen Mengen Stein.
block.melter.description = Erhitzt Stein auf extrem hohe Temperaturen, um Lava zu erhalten.
block.incinerator.description = Vernichtet beliebige überschüssige Materialien oder Flüssigkeiten.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Komprimiert Biomasse, um Öl zu erhalten.
block.separator.description = Setzt Stein Wasserdruck aus, um verschiedene Mineralien im Stein freizulegen.
block.centrifuge.description = Effizienter als der Separierer, aber auch teurer zum Bauen und benötigt Strom.
block.power-node.description = Überträgt Strom zu verbundenen Knoten. Bis zu vier Stromquellen, -verbraucher oder -knoten können verbunden werden. Der Knoten erhält Strom von benachbarten Knoten und gibt Strom benachbarte Blöcke weiter.
block.power-node-large.description = Hat einen größeren Radius als der normale Stromknoten und verbindet bis zu sechs Stromquellen, -verbraucher oder -knoten.
block.battery.description = Speichert Strom, solange ein Überschuss besteht, und gibt ihn bei Knappheit ab, solange Kapazität vorhanden ist.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = Der ultimative Bohrer. Benötigt große Mengen a
block.water-extractor.description = Extrahiert Wasser aus dem Boden. Verwende ihn, wenn es keinen See in der Nähe gibt.
block.cultivator.description = Kultiviert den Boden mit Wasser, um Biomasse zu erzeugen.
block.oil-extractor.description = Verwendet große Mengen an Strom, um Öl aus Sand zu extrahieren. Verwende ihn, wenn es keine direkte Ölquelle gibt.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Wechsle in einen Standard-Jäger.\nVerwende das Pad, indem du doppelt darauf tippst, während du darauf bist.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Wechsle in einen massiv gepanzerten schweren Bomber.\nVerwende das Pad, indem du doppelt darauf tippst, während du darauf bist.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Wechsle in einen starken und schnellen Abfangjäger mit Blitz-Waffen.\nVerwende das Pad, indem du doppelt darauf tippst, während du darauf bist.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Wechsle in ein großes, gut gepanzertes Kampfflugzeug.\nVerwende das Pad, indem du doppelt darauf tippst, während du darauf bist.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produziert fortgeschrittene, gepanzerte Bodene
block.fortress-factory.description = Produziert schwere Artillerie-Bodeneinheiten.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produziert schwere Laser-Bodeneinheiten.
block.repair-point.description = Heilt durchgehend die nächste befreundete, beschädigte Einheit in der Umgebung.
block.command-center.description = Erlaubt es, die KI der eigenen Einheiten zu ändern. Momentan sind Angriff, Rückzug und Patroulle unterstützt.
block.conduit.description = Standard Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Funktioniert wie ein Förderband, nur für Flüssigkeiten. Wird am Besten mit Extraktoren, Pumpen oder anderen Kanälen benutzt.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Verbesserter Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Transportiert Flüssigkeiten schneller und speichert mehr als Standard Kanäle.
block.phase-conduit.description = Verbesserter Flüssigkeits-Transportblock. Verwendet Strom, um Flüssigkeiten zu einem verbundenen Phasenkanal zu teleportieren.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = Die ultimative Pumpe, dreimal so schnell wie ei
block.router.description = Akzeptiert Materialien aus einer Richtung und leitet sie gleichmäßig in bis zu drei andere Richtungen weiter. Nützlich, wenn die Materialien aus einer Richtung an mehrere Empfänger verteilt werden sollen.
block.distributor.description = Ein weiterentwickelter Router, der Materialien in bis zu sieben Richtungen gleichmäßig verteilt.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Verbesserter Transportblock. Erlaubt es, Materialien über bis zu 3 Kacheln beliebigen Terrains oder Inhalts zu transportieren.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Sofern genügend Strom zur Verfügung steht, baut dieses Pad deinen Schiff in einen [accent]Alpha[] mech zurück.
block.item-source.description = Produziert unendlich items. Nur im Sandkasten verfügbar.
block.liquid-source.description = Produziert unendlich Flüssigkeiten. Nur im Sandkasten verfügbar.
block.item-void.description = Zerstört Materialien, die hereingegeben werden, ohne Strom zu verbrauchen. Nur im Sandkasten verfügbar.
block.power-source.description = Erzeugt unendlich viel Strom. Nur im Sandkasten verfügbar.
block.power-void.description = Verschlingt den kompletten übrigen Strom. Nur im Sandkasten verfügbar.
liquid.water.description = Wird überlicherweise zum Kühlen von Maschinen und zur Müllverarbeitung verwendet.
liquid.lava.description = Kann zu [LIGHT_GRAY] Stein[] verarbeitet werden, zur Stromerzeugung verwendet werden oder als Munition für bestimmte Geschütztürme verwendet werden.
liquid.oil.description = Kann verbrannt, zum explodieren gebracht, oder als Kühlung verwendet werden.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Die effizienteste Flüssigkeit, um Dinge herunter zu kühlen.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = ¿Estás seguro que quieres borrar el mapa "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Puntuación más alta: [accent]{0}
level.select = Selección de nivel
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Ha fallado la conexión con el servidor: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Servidor inaccesible.
error.invalidaddress = Dirección inválida.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Un error ha ocurrido.
error.crashtitle = Un error ha ocurrido.
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Información del Bloque
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Capacidad de Energía
blocks.powershot = Energía/Disparo
blocks.targetsair = Apunta al Aire
blocks.itemspeed = Unidades Movidas
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Rango
blocks.size = Tamaño
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacidad de Líquidos
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Combustible
blocks.fuelburntime = Tiempo de Quemado del Combustible
blocks.inputcapacity = Capacidad de entrada
blocks.outputcapacity = Capacidad de salida
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = bloques
unit.powersecond = unidades de energía/segundo
unit.liquidsecond = unidades de líquido/segundo
unit.itemssecond = objetos/segundo
unit.pixelssecond = píxeles/segundo
unit.liquidunits = unidades de líquido
unit.powerunits = unidades de energía
unit.degrees = grados
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Mover x
keybind.move_y.name = Mover y
keybind.select.name = Seleccionar
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Romper
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Deseleccionar
keybind.shoot.name = Disparar
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Mantener Zoom
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = recursos limitados y no hay temporizador para las h
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Pelea contra otros jugadores localmente.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Objetos
content.liquid.name = Líquidos
content.unit.name = Unidades
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Agua
liquid.lava.name = Lava
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Petróleo
liquid.cryofluid.name = Criogénico
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Hablidad: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacidad Térmica: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosidad: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Punto de generación
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Suelo de Metal
block.deepwater.name = Aguas profundas
block.water.name = Agua
block.lava.name = Lava
block.tar.name = Alquitrán
block.blackstone.name = Piedra negra
block.stone.name = Piedra
block.dirt.name = Tierra
block.sand.name = Arena
block.ice.name = Hielo
block.snow.name = Nieve
block.grass.name = Pasto
block.shrub.name = Arbusto
block.rock.name = Roca
block.blackrock.name = Roca negra
block.icerock.name = Roca de hielo
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Muro de cobre
block.copper-wall-large.name = Muro de cobre grande
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Pared de Torio grande
block.door.name = Puerta
block.door-large.name = Puerta Larga
block.duo.name = Dúo
block.scorch.name = Lanzallamas
block.hail.name = Granizo
block.lancer.name = Lancero
block.conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Clasificador
block.sorter.description = Clasifica objetos. Si un objeto es igual al seleccionado, pasará al frente. Si no, el objeto saldrá por la izquierda y la derecha.
block.overflow-gate.name = Compuerta de Desborde
block.overflow-gate.description = Un enrutador que solo saca por la izquierda y la derecha si la cinta del frente está llena.
block.smelter.name = Horno de Fundición
block.arc-smelter.name = Horno de Arco Eléctrico
block.silicon-smelter.name = Horno para Silicona
block.phase-weaver.name = Tejedor de Fase
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizador
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Fundidor
block.incinerator.name = Incinerador
block.biomattercompressor.name = Compresor de Biomateria
block.separator.name = Separador
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifugadora
block.power-node.name = Nodo de Energía
block.power-node-large.name = Nodo de Energía Grande
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Cinta Transportadora Puente
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compresor de Plastanio
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mezclador de Pirotita
block.blast-mixer.name = Mezclador de Explosivos
block.solidifer.name = Solidificador
block.solar-panel.name = Panel Solar
block.solar-panel-large.name = Panel Solar Grande
block.oil-extractor.name = Extractor de Petróleo
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Cruce de Líquidos
block.bridge-conduit.name = Conducto Puente
block.rotary-pump.name = Bomba Rotatoria
block.thorium-reactor.name = Reactor de Torio
block.command-center.name = Centro de Comando
block.mass-driver.name = Teletransportador de Masa
block.blast-drill.name = Taladro de explosión
block.thermal-pump.name = Bomba Térmica
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Naranja
team.none.name = Gris
team.green.name = Verde
team.purple.name = Púrpura
unit.alpha-drone.name = Dron Alpha
unit.spirit.name = Dron Espíritu
unit.spirit.description = El dron del comienzo. Aparece en el núcleo por defecto. Mina automáticamente minerales, recoge objetos y repara bloques.
unit.phantom.name = Dron Fantasmal
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Conecta nodos de energía a la fábrica.\nUna vez las necesida
tutorial.battle = El[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] ha revelado su núcleo.\nDestrúyelo con tu nave y tus unidades de combate.
block.copper-wall.description = Un bloque defensivo barato.\nÚtil para defneder e núcleo y las torres en las primeras hordas.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Un bloque defensivo barato.\nÚtil para defneder e núcleo y las torres en las primeras hordas.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Un bloque de defensa estándar.\nProtección adecuada contra enemigos.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Un bloque de defensa estándar.\nProtección adecuada contra enemigos.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.thorium-wall.description = Un bloque defensivo fuerte.\nBuena protección contra enemigos.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Un bloque defensivo fuerte.\nBuena protección contra enemigos.\nOcupa múltiples casillas.
block.phase-wall.description = No es tan fuerte como un muro de torio pero rebota balas al enemigo si no son demasiado fuertes.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Bloque de transporte avanzado. Mueve objet
block.phase-conveyor.description = Bloque de transporte avanzado. Usa energía para transportar objetos a otro transportador de fase conectado por varias casillas.
block.junction.description = Actúa como puente para dos transportadores que se cruzan. Útil en situaciones con dos diferentes transportadores transportando diferentes materiales a diferentes lugares.
block.mass-driver.description = El mejor bloque de transorte. Recoge varios objetos y los dispara a otro conductor de masa en un largo rango.
block.smelter.description = Quema carbón para fundir cobre y plomo, produciendo así aleación densa.
block.arc-smelter.description = Funde cobre y plomo en aleación densa usando una fuented de energía externa.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduce arena con coque de alta pureza para producir silicona.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produce plastanio con aceite y titanio.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Despedaza la piedra en arena. Útil cuando no hay
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mezcla carbón, plomo y arena en pirotita altamente inflamable.
block.blast-mixer.description = Usa aceite para transformar pirotita en un objeto menos inflamable pero más explosivo: compuesto explosivo.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combina agua y titanio en líquido criogénico que es mucho más eficiente para enfriar.
block.solidifer.description = Enfría la lava a piedra a una gran velocidad.
block.melter.description = Calienta piedra a temperaturas muy altas para obtener lava.
block.incinerator.description = Se deshace de cualquier líquido u objeto excesivo.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Comprime biomateria para extraer aceite.
block.separator.description = Expone piedra a la presión del agua para obtener diversos minerales contenidos en la piedra.
block.centrifuge.description = Más eficiente que un separador, pero es más caro de construir y requiere energía.
block.power-node.description = Transmite energía a nodos conectados, conecta hasta cuatro fuentes de energía, edificios que usan energía o nodos. El nodo obtendrá o transmitirá energía de cualquier bloque adyacente.
block.power-node-large.description = Tiene un radio más amplio que el nodo de energía y conecta hasta seis fuentes de energía, edificios que usan energía o nodos.
block.battery.description = Guarda energía cuando hay abundancia y proporciona energía cuando hay escasez de energía mientras la batería tenga energía.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = El mejor taladro. Requiere grandes cantidades de
block.water-extractor.description = Extrae agua de la tierra. Úsalo cuando no haya lagos cercanos.
block.cultivator.description = Cultiva la tierra para obtener biomateria.
block.oil-extractor.description = Usa grandes cantidades de energía para extraer aceite de la arena. Úsalo cuando no hay fuentes directas de aceite cerca.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea básica.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea bombardera pesada.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea fuerte y rápida interceptora con arma eléctrica.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Deja tu nave actual y transfórmate en una unidad aérea grande y bien armada nave pistolera.\nUsa el pad tocándolo dos veces mientras estás en él.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres avanzadas.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres de artillería pesada.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produce unidades terrestres láser pesadas.
block.repair-point.description = Repara la unidad dañada más cercana a su alrededor.
block.command-center.description = Permite cambiar el comportamiento de la IA aliada. Actualmente, atacar, retirarse y patrullar son los comandos soportados.
block.conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos básico. Funciona como un transportador, pero con líquidos. Usado con bombas, extractores u otros conductos.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos avanzado. Transporta líquidos más rápidamente y almacena más que los conductos estándar.
block.phase-conduit.description = Bloque de transporte de líquidos avanzado. Usa energía para transportar líquidos a otro conducto de fase conectado por varias casillas.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = La mejor bomba. Tres veces más rápido que la
block.router.description = Acepta objetos de una dirección y deja objetos equitativamente en hasta 3 direcciones diferentes. Útil para dividir los materiales de una fuente de recursos a múltiples objetivos.
block.distributor.description = Un enrutador avanzado que distribuye objetos equitativamente en hasta otras 7 direcciones.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Bloque avanado de transporte. Puede transportar objetos por encima hasta 3 casillas de cualquier terreno o construcción.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Cuando se le da suficiente energía, reconstruye tu nave en el mecanoide[accent] Alpha[].
block.item-source.description = Da objetos infinitos. Solo en sandbox.
block.liquid-source.description = Da líquido infinito. Solo en sandbox.
block.item-void.description = Destruye cuanquier objeto que va a él sin necesitar energía. Solo en sandbox.
block.power-source.description = Da energía infinita. Solo en sandbox.
block.power-void.description = Elimina toda la energía que se le da. Solo en sandbox.
liquid.water.description = Usado comúnmente para enfriar máquinas y para procesar residuos.
liquid.lava.description = Puede usarse para ser transformado en[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], para generar energía o para munición de ciertas torres.
liquid.oil.description = Puede ser quemado, explotado o como un enfriador.
liquid.cryofluid.description = El líquido más eficiente pra enfriar las cosas.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Êtes-vous sûr de supprimer cette carte"[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Meilleur score: [accent]{0}
level.select = Sélection de niveau
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Échec de la connexion au serveur : [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server injoignable.
error.invalidaddress = Adresse invalide.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Une erreur s'est produite
error.crashtitle = Une erreur s'est produite
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Info sur le bloc
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = capacité d'énergie
blocks.powershot = Énergie/Tir
blocks.targetsair = Cible les unités aériennes
blocks.itemspeed = Objets déplacés
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Portée
blocks.size = Taille
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacité en liquide
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Carburant
blocks.fuelburntime = Durée du carburant
blocks.inputcapacity = Capacité d'entrée
blocks.outputcapacity = Capacité de production
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = blocs
unit.powersecond = Énergie/seconde
unit.liquidsecond = Liquides/seconde
unit.itemssecond = Objets/seconde
unit.pixelssecond = Pixels/seconde
unit.liquidunits = Unité de liquide
unit.powerunits = Unité d'énergie
unit.degrees = degrés
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = mouvement x
keybind.move_y.name = mouvement y
keybind.select.name = sélectionner
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Pause
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Déselectionner
keybind.shoot.name = tirer
keybind.zoom_hold.name = tenir le zoom
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Ressources limitées et pas de timer pour les vague
mode.pvp.name = JcJ
mode.pvp.description = Battez-vous contre d'autres joueurs en local.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Objets
content.liquid.name = Liquides
content.unit.name = Unités
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Eau
liquid.lava.name = Lave
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Pétrole
liquid.cryofluid.name = Liquide cryogénique
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Compétence: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacité Thermique: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosité: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Température: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Générateur d'ennemis
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Sol en métal
block.deepwater.name = Eau profonde
block.water.name = Eau
block.lava.name = Lave
block.tar.name = Pétrole
block.blackstone.name = Roche sombre
block.stone.name = Roche
block.dirt.name = Terre
block.sand.name = Sable
block.ice.name = glace
block.snow.name = Neige
block.grass.name = Herbe
block.shrub.name = Buisson
block.rock.name = Pierre
block.blackrock.name = Pierre sombre
block.icerock.name = Pierre gelée
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Mur de cuivre
block.copper-wall-large.name = Grand mur de cuivre
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Mur en Thorium large
block.door.name = Porte
block.door-large.name = Grande porte
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancier
block.conveyor.name = Convoyeur
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Sorteur
block.sorter.description = Trie les articles. Si un article rcorrespond à la sélection, il peut passer. Autrement, l'article est distribué vers la gauche ou la droite.
block.overflow-gate.name = Barrière de Débordement
block.overflow-gate.description = C'est la combinaison entre un Routeur et un Diviseur qui peut seulement distribuer à gauche et à droite si le chemin de devant est bloqué.
block.smelter.name = Fonderie d'alliage lourd
block.arc-smelter.name = Fonderie d'alliage lourd électrique
block.silicon-smelter.name = Fonderie de Silicone
block.phase-weaver.name = Tisseur à Phase
block.pulverizer.name = Pulvérisateur
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Four à Fusion
block.incinerator.name = Incinérateur
block.biomattercompressor.name = Compresseur de Biomasse
block.separator.name = Séparateur
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifugeuse
block.power-node.name = Transmetteur énergétique
block.power-node-large.name = Gros transmetteur énergétique
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Pont
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compresseur de Plastanium
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mixeur à Pyratite
block.blast-mixer.name = Mixeur à Explosion
block.solidifer.name = Solidifieur
block.solar-panel.name = Panneau Solaire
block.solar-panel-large.name = Grand Panneau Solaire
block.oil-extractor.name = Extracteur d'huile
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Jonction à Liquide
block.bridge-conduit.name = Pont à liquide
block.rotary-pump.name = Pompe Rotative
block.thorium-reactor.name = Réacteur à Thorium
block.command-center.name = Centre de commandement
block.mass-driver.name = Transporteur de masse
block.blast-drill.name = Foreuse à explosion
block.thermal-pump.name = Pompe thermique
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Orange
team.none.name = Gris
team.green.name = Vert
team.purple.name = Violet
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone
unit.spirit.name = Drone sppirituel
unit.spirit.description = L'unité de soutien de départ. Apparaît dans la base par défaut. Mine automatiquement les minerais, récupère les objets au sol et répare les blocs.
unit.phantom.name = Drone Fantôme
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Reliez des transmetteurs énergétiques à l'usine.\nUne fois
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]L'Ennemi[] a révélé sa base .\nDétruisez la avec votre unité et des méchas "Poignard".
block.copper-wall.description = Un bloc défensif à faible coût.\nUtile pour protéger la base et les tourelles dans les premières lors des premières vagues.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Un bloc défensif à faible coût.\nUtile pour protéger la base et les tourelles dans les premières lors des premières vagues.\nFait du 2 sur 2.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Un bloc défensif standard .\nProcure une bonne protection contre les ennemis.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Un bloc défensif standard .\nProcure une bonne protection contre les ennemis.\nFait du 2 sur 2.
block.thorium-wall.description = Un bloc défensif puissant.\nProcure une très bonne protection contre les ennemis.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Un bloc défensif puissant.\nProcure une très bonne protection contre les ennemis.\nFait du 2 sur 2.
block.phase-wall.description = Moins puissant qu'un mur en Thorium mais déviera les balles sauf si elles sont trop puissantes.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Convoyeur avancé . Déplace les objets pl
block.phase-conveyor.description = convoyeur très avancé . Utilise de l'énergie pour téléporter des objets à un convoyeur phasé connecté jusqu'à une longue distance .
block.junction.description = Agit comme un pont pour deux ligne de convoyeurs se croisant. Utile lorsque deux différents convoyeurs déplacent différents matériaux à différents endroits.
block.mass-driver.description = Batiment de transport d'objet [accent]ultime[]. Collecte un grand nombre d'objets puis les tire à un autre transporteur de masse sur une très longue distance.
block.smelter.description = Brûle du charbon pour fondre du cuivre et du plomb en un alliage lourd.
block.arc-smelter.description = Fait fondre du cuivre et du plomb en un alliage lourd en utilisant une source d'énergie extérieure .
block.silicon-smelter.description = Utilise du sable, du charbon et de l'énergie afin de produire du silicone.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produit du plastanium à partir de pétrole et de titane.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produit du tissu phasé à partir de thorium et de grandes quantités de sable.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Écrase la pierre pour en faire du sable. Utile q
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mélange charbon, plomb et sable en l'hautement inflammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Utilise du pétrole pour transformer la pyratite en un mélange explosif moins inflammable mais plus explosif que la pyratite.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combine de l'eau et du titane en un liquide cryogénique bien plus efficace pour refroidir.
block.solidifer.description = Refroidit de la lave en pierre très rapidement.
block.melter.description = chauffe de la pierre à de très hautes températures pour obtenir de la lave.
block.incinerator.description = Permet de se débarasser de n'importe quel objet ou liquide en exces .
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresse de la biomasse pour en récupérer le pétrole.
block.separator.description = Expose la pierre à de l'eau sous pression afin d'obtenir différents minéraux contenus dansla pierre.
block.centrifuge.description = Plus efficace qu'un séparateur mais aussi plus cher à construire et demande plus d'énergie.
block.power-node.description = Transmet l'énergie aux transmetteurs énergétiques connectés . Jusqu'à quatre sources d'énergie, consommateurs ou transmetteurs peuvent être connectés. Le transmetteur recevra de l'énergie ou le transmettra à n'importe quel batiment adjacent.
block.power-node-large.description = A un plus grand rayon que le transmetteur énergétique standard et jusqu'à six sources d'énergie, consommateurs ou transmetteurs peuvent être connectés.
block.battery.description = Stocke l'énergie quand elle est en abondance et le distribue si il y a trop peu d'énergie tant qu'il lui reste de l'énergie.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = La Foreuse ultime . Demande une grande quantité
block.water-extractor.description = Extrait l'eau des nappes phréatiques. Utile quand il n'y a pas d'eau à proximité.
block.cultivator.description = Cultive le sol avec de l'eau afin d'obtenir de la biomasse.
block.oil-extractor.description = Utilise une grande quantité d'énergie afin d'extraire du pétrole du sable . Utile quand il n'y a pas de lacs de pétrole à proximité.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Quitte ton mécha ou ton vaisseau actuel pour un avion de combat basique .\nUtilisez le reconstructeur en double cliquant dessus lorsque vous êtes dessus.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Quitte ton mécha ou ton vaisseau actuel pour un bombardier lourd raisonnablement cuirassé .\nUtilisez le reconstructeur en double cliquant dessus lorsque vous êtes dessus.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Quitte ton mécha ou ton vaisseau actuel pour un intercepteur rapide et puissant avec des armes électriques.\nUtilisez le reconstructeur en double cliquant dessus lorsque vous êtes dessus.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Quitte ton mécha ou ton vaisseau actuel pour un large vaisseau cuirassé .\nUtilisez le reconstructeur en double cliquant dessus lorsque vous êtes dessus.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres avancées et cu
block.fortress-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres d'artillerie lourde .
block.revenant-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres lourdes avec des lasers.
block.repair-point.description = Soigne en continu l'unité blessée la plus proche tant qu'elle est à sa portée.
block.command-center.description = Permet de changer le comportement des IA alliées. Pour le moment, l'attaque, la retraite et les patrouilles sont supportées.
block.conduit.description = tuyau basique permettant le transport de liquide . Marche comme un convoyeur mais avec les liquides. Utile si utilisé avec des extracteurs, des pompes ou d'autres conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = tuyau avancé permettant le transport de liquide . Transporte les liquides plus rapidement et en stocke plus que les tuyaux standards.
block.phase-conduit.description = tuyau très avancé permettant le transport de liquide. Utilise de l'énergie pour téléporter les liquides à un autre tuyau phasé sur une longue distance.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = La pompe ultime . Trois fois plus rapide qu'une
block.router.description = Accepte les objets depuis une ou plus directions et le renvoie dans n'importe quelle direction. Utile pour séparer une chaîne de convoyeurs en plusieurs.[accent]Le seul et l'Unique[]
block.distributor.description = Un routeur avancé qui sépare les objets jusqu'à 7 autres directions équitablement.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = bloc de transport avancé permettant de traverser jusqu'à 3 blocs de n'importe quel terrain ou batiment.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Avec assez d'énergie, reconstruit votre vaisseau en un mécha [accent] Alpha[].
block.item-source.description = Produit des objets à l'infini. Bac à sable uniquement .
block.liquid-source.description = Source de liquide infinie . Bac à sable uniquement.
block.item-void.description = Désintègre n'importe quel objet qui va à l'intérieur sans utiliser d'énergie. Bac à sable uniquement.
block.power-source.description = Produit de l'énergie à l'infini. Bac à sable uniquement.
block.power-void.description = Supprime toute l'énergie allant à l'intérieur.Bac à sable uniquement
liquid.water.description = Couramment utilisé pour le refroidissement et le traitement des déchets.
liquid.lava.description = Peut être transformé en [LIGHT_GRAY]pierre[], utilisé pour produire de l'énergie ou utilisé comme munition par certaines tourelles.
liquid.oil.description = Peut être brûlé, utilisé comme explosif ou comme liquide de refroidissement.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Le liquide de refroidissement le plus efficace.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette carte ?"[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Meilleur score: [accent]{0}
level.select = Sélection de niveau
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Échec de la connexion au serveur: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Serveur inaccessible.
error.invalidaddress = Adresse invalide.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Une erreur s'est produite
error.crashtitle = Une erreur s'est produite
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Info sur le bloc
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Capacité d'énergie
blocks.powershot = Énergie/Tir
blocks.targetsair = Cible les unités aériennes
blocks.itemspeed = Objets déplacés
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Portée
blocks.size = Taille
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacité en liquide
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Carburant
blocks.fuelburntime = Durée du carburant
blocks.inputcapacity = Capacité d'entrée
blocks.outputcapacity = Capacité de sortie
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = Blocs
unit.powersecond = Énergie/seconde
unit.liquidsecond = Liquides/seconde
unit.itemssecond = Objets/seconde
unit.pixelssecond = Pixels/seconde
unit.liquidunits = Unité de liquide
unit.powerunits = Unité d'énergie
unit.degrees = degrés
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Mouvement X
keybind.move_y.name = Mouvement Y
keybind.select.name = Sélectionner/Tirer
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Pause
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Déselectionner
keybind.shoot.name = Tirer
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Tenir le zoom
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Ressources limitées et pas de compte à rebours po
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Lutter contre d'autres joueurs pour gagner !
mode.attack.name = Attaque
mode.attack.descrption = Pas de vagues, le but est de détruire la base ennemie.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Objets
content.liquid.name = Liquides
content.unit.name = Unités
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Eau
liquid.lava.name = Lave
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Pétrole
liquid.cryofluid.name = Liquide Cryogénique
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Compétence: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacité Thermique {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosité: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Température: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Générateur d'ennemi
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Sol en métal
block.deepwater.name = Eau profonde
block.water.name = Eau
block.lava.name = Lave
block.tar.name = Pétrole
block.blackstone.name = Roche sombre
block.stone.name = Roche
block.dirt.name = Terre
block.sand.name = Sable
block.ice.name = Glace
block.snow.name = Neige
block.grass.name = Herbe
block.shrub.name = Buisson
block.rock.name = Pierre
block.blackrock.name = Pierre sombre
block.icerock.name = Pierre gelée
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Mur de cuivre
block.copper-wall-large.name = Grand mur de cuivre
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Mur en Thorium large
block.door.name = Porte
block.door-large.name = Grande porte
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Transporteur
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Trieur
block.sorter.description = Trie les articles. Si un article correspond à la sélection, il peut passer. Autrement, l'article est distribué vers la gauche ou la droite.
block.overflow-gate.name = Barrière de Débordement
block.overflow-gate.description = C'est la combinaison entre un Routeur et un Diviseur qui peut seulement distribuer à gauche et à droite si le chemin de devant est bloqué.
block.smelter.name = Fonderie d'alliage lourd
block.arc-smelter.name = Fonderie d'alliage lourd électrique
block.silicon-smelter.name = Fonderie de Silicone
block.phase-weaver.name = Tisseur à phase
block.pulverizer.name = Pulvérisateur
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Four à Fusion
block.incinerator.name = Incinérateur
block.biomattercompressor.name = Compresseur de Biomasse
block.separator.name = Séparateur
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifugeuse
block.power-node.name = Transmetteur énergétique
block.power-node-large.name = Grand transmetteur énergétique
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Pont transporteur
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compresseur de plastanium
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mixeur à pyratite
block.blast-mixer.name = Mixeur à explosion
block.solidifer.name = Solidifieur
block.solar-panel.name = Panneau solaire
block.solar-panel-large.name = Grand panneau solaire
block.oil-extractor.name = Extracteur de pétrol
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Jonction à Liquide
block.bridge-conduit.name = Pont à liquide
block.rotary-pump.name = Pompe Rotative
block.thorium-reactor.name = Réacteur à Thorium
block.command-center.name = Centre de commandement
block.mass-driver.name = Transporteur de masse
block.blast-drill.name = Foreuse à explosion
block.thermal-pump.name = Pompe thermique
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Orange
team.none.name = Gris
team.green.name = Vert
team.purple.name = Violet
unit.alpha-drone.name = Drone alpha
unit.spirit.name = Drone spirituel
unit.spirit.description = L'unité de soutien de départ. Apparaît dans la base par défaut. Mine automatiquement les minerais, récupère les objets au sol et répare les blocs.
unit.phantom.name = Drone Fantôme
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Reliez des transmetteurs énergétiques à l'usine.\nUne fois
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]L'Ennemi[] a révélé sa base.\nDétruisez la avec votre unité et des méchas "Poignard".
block.copper-wall.description = Un bloc défensif bon marché.\nUtile pour protéger le noyau et les tourelles lors des premières vagues.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Un bloc défensif bon marché.\nUtile pour protéger le noyau et les tourelles lors des premières vagues.\nS'étend sur plusieurs tuiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Un bloc défensif standard.\nUne protection adéquate contre les ennemis.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Un bloc défensif standard.\nUne protection adéquate contre les ennemis.\nS'étend sur plusieurs tuiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = Un puissant bloc défensif.\nBonne protection contre les ennemis.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Un puissant bloc défensif.\nBonne protection contre les ennemis.\nS'étend sur plusieurs tuiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Pas aussi fort qu'un mur de thorium, mais détournera les balles à moins qu'elles ne soient trop puissantes.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Bloc de transport d'articles avancé.\nDé
block.phase-conveyor.description = Bloc de transport d'articles avancé.\nUtilise le pouvoir de téléporter des articles vers un convoyeur de phase connecté sur plusieurs carreaux.
block.junction.description = Agit comme un pont pour deux bandes transporteuses qui se croisent.\nUtile dans les situations avec deux convoyeurs différents transportant des matériaux différents à des endroits différents.
block.mass-driver.description = Bloc de transport d'articles ultime.\nRecueille plusieurs objets et les envoie ensuite à un autre pilote de masse sur une longue distance.
block.smelter.description = Brûle le charbon pour fondre le cuivre et le plomb en un alliage dense.
block.arc-smelter.description = Fait fondre le cuivre et le plomb en un alliage dense en utilisant une source d'alimentation externe.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Réduit le sable avec du coke* très pur afin de produire du silicium. (*Coke produit à partir de charbon:REF)
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produit du plastanium à partir de pétrole et de titane.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produit un tissu de phase à partir de thorium radioactif et de grandes quantités de sable.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Brise la pierre en sable. Utile en cas de manque
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mélange le charbon, le plomb et le sable en pyratite hautement inflammable.
block.blast-mixer.description = Utilise du pétrole pour transformer la pyratite en un composé explosif moins inflammable mais plus explosif.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = L'eau et le titane combinés forment un fluide cryo beaucoup plus efficace pour le refroidissement.
block.solidifer.description = Refroidit la lave en pierre à un rythme rapide.
block.melter.description = Chauffe la pierre à des températures très élevées pour obtenir de la lave.
block.incinerator.description = Se débarrasse de tout article ou liquide en excès.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresse biomatter afin de récupérer du pétrole.
block.separator.description = Exposer la pierre à la pression de l'eau afin d'obtenir différents minéraux contenus dans la pierre.
block.centrifuge.description = Plus efficace que le séparateur, mais aussi plus coûteux à construire et à alimenter.
block.power-node.description = Transmet la puissance à des noeuds connectés. Il est possible de connecter jusqu'à quatre sources d'alimentation, puits ou nœuds.\nLe nœud recevra de lalimentation ou fournira lalimentation à tous les blocs adjacents.
block.power-node-large.description = Son rayon d'action est supérieur à celui du nœud d'alimentation et peut être connecté à six sources d'alimentation, puits ou nœuds au maximum.
block.battery.description = Stocke lénergie chaque fois quil ya abondance et en cas de pénurie, tant quil reste de la capacité.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = L'extracteur ultime. Nécessite de grandes quant
block.water-extractor.description = Extrait l'eau du sol. Utilisez-le quand il n'y a pas de lac à proximité.
block.cultivator.description = Cultiver le sol avec de l'eau afin d'obtenir du biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Utilise de grandes quantités d'énergie pour extraire le pétrole du sable. Utilisez-le lorsqu'il n'y a pas de source directe de pétrole à proximité.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Quittez votre vaisseau actuel et changez-vous en avion de combat de base.\nUtilisez la plate-forme en tapotant deux fois dessus.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Quittez votre vaisseau actuel et changez-vous en un bombardier lourd raisonnablement bien blindé.\nUtilisez la plate-forme en tapotant deux fois dessus.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Quittez votre vaisseau actuel et changez-vous en un intercepteur puissant et rapide doté darmes légères.\nUtilisez la plate-forme en tapotant deux fois dessus.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Quittez votre vaisseau actuel et changez-vous en un grand vaisseau de combat bien blindé.\nUtilisez la plate-forme en tapotant deux fois dessus.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres avancées et bl
block.fortress-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres d'artillerie lourde.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produit des unités terrestres laser lourdes.
block.repair-point.description = Soigne en permanence l'unité endommagée la plus proche à proximité.
block.command-center.description = Permet de changer le comportement amical de l'IA. Actuellement, les commandes d'attaque, de retraite et de patrouille sont prises en charge.
block.conduit.description = Bloc de transport liquide de base. Fonctionne comme un convoyeur, mais avec des liquides. Utilisation optimale avec des extracteurs, des pompes ou dautres conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Bloc de transport de liquide avancé. Transporte les liquides plus rapidement et stocke plus que des conduits standard.
block.phase-conduit.description = Bloc de transport de liquide avancé. Utilise le pouvoir de téléporter des liquides vers un conduit de phase connecté sur plusieurs carreaux.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = La pompe ultime. Trois fois plus rapide qu'une
block.router.description = Accepte les éléments d'une direction et les envoie dans 3 autres directions de manière égale. Utile pour séparer les matériaux d'une source en plusieurs cibles.
block.distributor.description = Un routeur avancé qui divise les articles en 7 autres directions de manière égale. [scarlet]Seule et unique ![]
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Bloc de transport d'articles avancé. Permet de transporter des objets sur plus de 3 tuiles de n'importe quel terrain ou bâtiment.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Lorsque vous avez assez de puissance, reconstruisez votre vaisseau dans le [accent]Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Sort infiniment les articles. Bac à sable seulement.
block.liquid-source.description = Débit infini de liquides. Bac à sable seulement.
block.item-void.description = Détruit tous les objets qui y entrent sans utiliser d'énergie. Bac à sable seulement.
block.power-source.description = Débit infini d'énergie. Bac à sable seulement.
block.power-void.description = Annule toute l'énergie qui y est introduite. Bac à sable seulement.
liquid.water.description = Couramment utilisé pour les machines de refroidissement et le traitement des déchets.
liquid.lava.description = Peut être transformé en [LIGHT_GRAY]pierre[], utilisé pour générer de l'énergie ou utilisé comme munition pour certaines tourelles.
liquid.oil.description = Peut être brûlé, explosé ou utilisé comme liquide de refroidissement.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Le liquide de refroidissement le plus efficace.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Apakah kamu yakin ingin menghapus peta "[orange]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Skor Tinggi: [accent]{0}
level.select = Pilih Level
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Gagal terhubung ke server: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.
error.invalidaddress = Invalid address.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Telah terjadi kesalahan
error.crashtitle = Telah terjadi kesalahan
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Info Blok
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Kapasitas Tenaga
blocks.powershot = Tenaga/tembakan
blocks.targetsair = Targets Air
blocks.itemspeed = Units Moved
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Range
blocks.size = Ukuran
blocks.liquidcapacity = Kapasitas cairan
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Fuel
blocks.fuelburntime = Fuel Burn Time
blocks.inputcapacity = Kapasitas masuk
blocks.outputcapacity = Kapasitas keluar
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = blocks
unit.powersecond = power units/second
unit.liquidsecond = liquid units/second
unit.itemssecond = items/second
unit.pixelssecond = pixels/second
unit.liquidunits = liquid units
unit.powerunits = power units
unit.degrees = degrees
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = gerak_x
keybind.move_y.name = gerak_y
keybind.select.name = pilih
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = hapus
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Deselect
keybind.shoot.name = tembak
keybind.zoom_hold.name = perbesar_tahan
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = limited resources and no timer for waves.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Items
content.liquid.name = Liquids
content.unit.name = Units
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = air
liquid.lava.name = lahar
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = minyak
liquid.cryofluid.name = Cryofluid
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Ability: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Heat Capacity: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosity: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperature: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Metal Floor
block.deepwater.name = deepwater
block.water.name = water
block.lava.name = lava
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = blackstone
block.stone.name = stone
block.dirt.name = dirt
block.sand.name = sand
block.ice.name = ice
block.snow.name = snow
block.grass.name = grass
block.shrub.name = shrub
block.rock.name = rock
block.blackrock.name = blackrock
block.icerock.name = icerock
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Copper Wall
block.copper-wall-large.name = Large Copper Wall
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Large Thorium Wall
block.door.name = pintu
block.door-large.name = pintu besar
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = konveyor
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = penyortir
block.sorter.description = Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.overflow-gate.name = Overflow Gate
block.overflow-gate.description = A combination splitter and router that only outputs to the left and right if the front path is blocked.
block.smelter.name = peleburan
block.arc-smelter.name = Arc Smelter
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter
block.phase-weaver.name = Phase Weaver
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizer
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Melter
block.incinerator.name = Incinerator
block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomatter Compressor
block.separator.name = Separator
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuge
block.power-node.name = Power Node
block.power-node-large.name = Large Power Node
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Bridge Conveyor
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Compressor
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer
block.solidifer.name = Solidifer
block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Large Solar Panel
block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extractor
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Liquid Junction
block.bridge-conduit.name = Bridge Conduit
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotary Pump
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reactor
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.mass-driver.name = Mass Driver
block.blast-drill.name = Blast Drill
block.thermal-pump.name = Thermal Pump
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = orange
team.none.name = gray
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of po
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa mappa"[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Miglior punteggio: [accent]{0}
level.select = Selezione del livello
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson] Impossibile connettersi al server: [accent] {0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.
error.invalidaddress = Invalid address.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Si è verificato un errore
error.crashtitle = Si è verificato un errore
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = info sul blocco
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Capacità Energetica
blocks.powershot = Danno/Colpo
blocks.targetsair = Attacca nemici aerei
blocks.itemspeed = Unità spostate
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Raggio
blocks.size = Grandezza
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacità del liquido
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Carburante
blocks.fuelburntime = Tempo combustione carburante
blocks.inputcapacity = Capacità di ingresso
blocks.outputcapacity = Capacità di uscita
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = blocchi
unit.powersecond = unità energia/secondo
unit.liquidsecond = unità liquide/secondo
unit.itemssecond = oggetti/secondo
unit.pixelssecond = pixel/secondo
unit.liquidunits = unità liquidi
unit.powerunits = unità energia
unit.degrees = gradi
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Sposta_x
keybind.move_y.name = Sposta_y
keybind.select.name = seleziona
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = rompi
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Deselect
keybind.shoot.name = spara
keybind.zoom_hold.name = zoom_hold
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = risorse limitate e nessun timer per le ondate.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Oggetti
content.liquid.name = Liquidi
content.unit.name = Units
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = acqua
liquid.lava.name = lava
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = petrolio
liquid.cryofluid.name = criogenium
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Abilità: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacità calorifica: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosità: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Pavimento di ferro
block.deepwater.name = acqua profonda
block.water.name = acqua
block.lava.name = lava
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = pietra nera
block.stone.name = pietra
block.dirt.name = terra
block.sand.name = sabbia
block.ice.name = ghiaccio
block.snow.name = neve
block.grass.name = erba
block.shrub.name = arbusto
block.rock.name = roccia
block.blackrock.name = roccia nera
block.icerock.name = roccia di ghiaccio
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Muro di rame
block.copper-wall-large.name = Muro grande di rame
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Muro grande di torio
block.door.name = porta
block.door-large.name = Porta grande
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Bombardiere
block.lancer.name = Idrogetto
block.conveyor.name = trasportatore
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Filtro
block.sorter.description = Divide gli oggetti. Se l'oggetto corrisponde a quello selezionato, Può passare. Altrimenti viene espulso sui lati.
block.overflow-gate.name = splitter per eccesso
block.overflow-gate.description = Una combinazione di un divisore e di un router , che distribuisce sui suoi lati se la via centrale è bloccata.
block.smelter.name = fonderia
block.arc-smelter.name = Fonderia ad arco
block.silicon-smelter.name = Fonderia per silicio
block.phase-weaver.name = Tessitore di fase
block.pulverizer.name = Polverizzatore
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Fonditore
block.incinerator.name = Inceneritore
block.biomattercompressor.name = Compostore
block.separator.name = Separatore
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifugatore
block.power-node.name = Snodo energetico
block.power-node-large.name = Snodo energetico grande
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Nastro trasportatore sopraelevato
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compressore al plastanio
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mixer pirite
block.blast-mixer.name = Mixer poleri
block.solidifer.name = Solidificatore
block.solar-panel.name = Pannello solare
block.solar-panel-large.name = Pannrllo solare 3x3
block.oil-extractor.name = Estrattore petrolio
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Giunzione liquida
block.bridge-conduit.name = Condotta sopraelevata
block.rotary-pump.name = Pompa a turbina
block.thorium-reactor.name = Reattore al torio
block.command-center.name = Centro di comando
block.mass-driver.name = Lancia materiali
block.blast-drill.name = Blast Drill
block.thermal-pump.name = Pompa termica
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = orange
team.none.name = gray
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.alpha-drone.name = Drone Alpha
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of po
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = マップ "[accent]{0}[]" を削除してもよろしいですか?
level.highscore = ハイスコア: [accent]{0}
level.select = レベル選択
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]サーバーへの接続できませんでした:\n\n[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = サーバーに到達できません。\nアドレスは正しいですか?
error.invalidaddress = 無効なアドレスです。
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]エラーが発生しました
error.crashtitle = エラーが発生しました
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = ブロック情報
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = 電力容量
blocks.powershot = 電力/ショット
blocks.targetsair = 対空攻撃
blocks.itemspeed = 輸送速度
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = 範囲
blocks.size = 大きさ
blocks.liquidcapacity = 液体容量
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = 燃料
blocks.fuelburntime = 燃焼時間
blocks.inputcapacity = 搬入容量
blocks.outputcapacity = 搬出容量
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = ブロック
unit.powersecond = 電力/秒
unit.liquidsecond = 液体/秒
unit.itemssecond = アイテム/秒
unit.pixelssecond = ピクセル/秒
unit.liquidunits = 液体
unit.powerunits = 電力
unit.degrees =
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = 左右移動
keybind.move_y.name = 上下移動
keybind.select.name = 選択/ショット
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = 破壊
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = 選択解除
keybind.shoot.name = ショット
keybind.zoom_hold.name = ズーム長押し
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = 限られた資源の中でウェーブを自由に
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = ローカル内で他のプレイヤーと戦います。
mode.attack.name = アタック
mode.attack.descrption = ウェーブはなく、敵基地の破壊を目指します。
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = アイテム
content.liquid.name = 液体
content.unit.name = ユニット
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name =
liquid.lava.name = 溶岩
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = 石油
liquid.cryofluid.name = 冷却水
mech.alpha-mech.name = アルファ
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]能力: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]熱容量: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]粘度: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]温度: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = エネミースポーン
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = 金属製の床
block.deepwater.name = 深層水
block.water.name =
block.lava.name = 溶岩
block.tar.name = タール
block.blackstone.name = 黒い石
block.stone.name =
block.dirt.name =
block.sand.name =
block.ice.name =
block.snow.name =
block.grass.name =
block.shrub.name = 低木
block.rock.name =
block.blackrock.name = 黒い岩
block.icerock.name = 氷岩
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = 銅の壁
block.copper-wall-large.name = 大きな銅の壁
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = 大きなトリウムの壁
block.door.name = ドア
block.door-large.name = 大きなドア
block.duo.name = デュオ
block.scorch.name = スコッチ
block.hail.name = ヘイル
block.lancer.name = ランサー
block.conveyor.name = コンベアー
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = ソーター
block.sorter.description = アイテムを分別して搬出します。設定されたアイテムは通過させ、異なるアイテムの場合、左右に搬出します。
block.overflow-gate.name = オーバーフローゲート
block.overflow-gate.description = 搬出先がいっぱいの場合に左右にアイテムを搬出します。
block.smelter.name = 溶鉱炉
block.arc-smelter.name = 電気式溶鉱炉
block.silicon-smelter.name = シリコン溶鉱炉
block.phase-weaver.name = フェーズ織機
block.pulverizer.name = 粉砕機
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = 融合機
block.incinerator.name = 焼却炉
block.biomattercompressor.name = バイオメター圧縮機
block.separator.name = 分離機
block.centrifuge.name = 遠心分離機
block.power-node.name = 電源ノード
block.power-node-large.name = 大型電源ノード
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = ブリッジコンベアー
block.plastanium-compressor.name = プラスタニウム圧縮機
block.pyratite-mixer.name = ピラタイトミキサー
block.blast-mixer.name = 化合物ミキサー
block.solidifer.name = 冷却機
block.solar-panel.name = ソーラーパネル
block.solar-panel-large.name = 大型ソーラーパネル
block.oil-extractor.name = 石油抽出機
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = 液体ジャンクション
block.bridge-conduit.name = ブリッジパイプ
block.rotary-pump.name = ロータリーポンプ
block.thorium-reactor.name = トリウムリアクター
block.command-center.name = コマンドセンター
block.mass-driver.name = マスドライバー
block.blast-drill.name = エアブラストドリル
block.thermal-pump.name = サーマルポンプ
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = オレンジ
team.none.name = グレー
team.green.name = グリーン
team.purple.name = パープル
unit.alpha-drone.name = アルファドローン
unit.spirit.name = スピリットドローン
unit.spirit.description = 初期のユニットです。デフォルトでコアからスポーンします。自動で鉱石の採掘やブロックの修理をします。
unit.phantom.name = ファントムドローン
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = 電源ノードを生産機に接続しましょう。\n要件
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]敵[]のコアが見つかりました。\nユニットやダガー機で敵の基地を破壊しましょう。
block.copper-wall.description = 安価な防壁ブロックです。\n最初のウェーブでコアやターレットを保護するのに便利です。
block.copper-wall-large.description = 安価な大型防壁ブロックです。\n最初のウェーブでコアやターレットを保護するのに便利です。
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 標準的な防壁ブロックです。\n敵からの保護に最適です。
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 標準的な大型防壁ブロックです。\n敵からの保護に最適です。
block.thorium-wall.description = 強化された防壁ブロックです。\n敵からの保護により強固です。
block.thorium-wall-large.description = 強化された大型防壁ブロックです。\n敵からの保護により強固です。
block.phase-wall.description = トリウムの壁ほど強固ではないが、強力な弾でなければ弾き返すことができます。
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = 改良されたアイテム輸送ブロッ
block.phase-conveyor.description = 改良されたアイテム転送ブロックです。電力を使用して、離れた場所にあるフェーズコンベアーにアイテムを転送することができます。
block.junction.description = 十字に交差したコンベアーをそれぞれ前方に搬出します。コンベアーで複雑な構造を組み立てるときに便利です。
block.mass-driver.description = 長距離の輸送が可能なアイテム上位輸送ブロックです。離れた別のマスドライバーにアイテムを発射します。
block.smelter.description = 石炭を燃やして、銅と鉛から高密度合金を製錬します。
block.arc-smelter.description = 電力を使用して銅と鉛から高密度合金を製錬します。
block.silicon-smelter.description = 石炭と砂からシリコンを製造します。
block.plastanium-compressor.description = オイルとチタンからプラスタニウムを製造します。
block.phase-weaver.description = 放射性トリウムと多量の砂からフェーズファイバーを作り出します。
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = 石を砕いて砂にします。自然の砂が
block.pyratite-mixer.description = 石炭、鉛、砂から燃えやすいピラタイトを製造します。
block.blast-mixer.description = 可燃性のピラタイトを石油を使用してさらに爆発性化合物にします。
block.cryofluidmixer.description = 水とチタンから冷却に効率的な冷却水を製造します。
block.solidifer.description = 溶岩を急速に冷却し、石を生成します。
block.melter.description = 石を熱で溶かして溶岩を生成します。
block.incinerator.description = 不要なアイテムや液体を焼却します。
block.biomattercompressor.description = バイオメターを圧縮して、石油を回収します。
block.separator.description = 石を水圧で砕き、石に含まれる様々な鉱石を回収します。
block.centrifuge.description = 建設費が高価で電力も必要ですが、分離機よりも効率的に回収できます。
block.power-node.description = 電力ード間で電力の送電を行います。最大で4つの電力源やードなどに接続できます。隣接するブロックから電力の送電や供給を行います。
block.power-node-large.description = 巨大な電力ードです。最大で6つの電力源やードに接続できます。
block.battery.description = 余分な電力の充電して、貯めておくことができます。必要があれば、溜まった電力を供給します。
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = 高級ドリルです。大量の電力が必要
block.water-extractor.description = 地面から水を汲み上げます。近くに湖がない場合に便利です。
block.cultivator.description = 水で土壌を耕して、バイオメターを回収します。
block.oil-extractor.description = 大量の電力を使用して、砂から石油を回収します。近くに油田がない場合に便利です。
block.dart-ship-pad.description =  今使っている機体から一般的な戦闘機に乗り換えます。\nパッドに乗って、パッドをダブルタップすることで使用できます。
block.trident-ship-pad.description = 今使っている機体から武装した爆撃機に乗り換えます。\nパッドに乗って、パッドをダブルタップすることで使用できます。
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 今使っている機体から速くて強い電撃を放つ要撃機に乗り換えます。\nパッドに乗って、パッドをダブルタップすることで使用できます。
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 今使っている機体から大きく、重武装された攻撃機に乗り換えます。\nパッドに乗って、パッドをダブルタップすることで使用できます。
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = 強化され武装した地上ユニットを
block.fortress-factory.description = 地上砲撃ユニットを製造します。
block.revenant-factory.description = 航空レーザーユニットを製造します。
block.repair-point.description = 近くの負傷したユニットを修復します。
block.command-center.description = 味方のAIの動作を変更できるようにします。現在は攻撃、撤退、巡回に対応しています。
block.conduit.description = 一般的な液体輸送ブロックです。液体版のコンベアーです。ポンプや他のパイプに使うことができます。
block.pulse-conduit.description = 改良された液体輸送ブロックです。通常のパイプより速く、たくさんのアイテムを輸送することができます。
block.phase-conduit.description = 改良された液体転送ブロックです。電力を使用して、液体を他の離れたフューズコンベアーに転送することができます。
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = 高級ポンプです。機械ポンプより3
block.router.description = 一つの方向から受け取ったアイテムを他の3方向に搬出します。一つの資源から複数に分ける際に便利です。
block.distributor.description = 高度なルーターです。アイテムを7方向に均等に分けて搬出します。
block.bridge-conveyor.description = 高度な輸送ブロックです。地形や建物を超えて、3ブロック離れた場所にアイテムを輸送することができます。
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 電力を使用して、機体を[accent]アルファ[]機体に作り替えます。
block.item-source.description = アイテムを無限に搬出します。サンドボックスのみ。
block.liquid-source.description = 液体を無限に搬出します。サンドボックスのみ。
block.item-void.description = 電力なしでアイテムを廃棄します。サンドボックスのみ。
block.power-source.description = 無限に電力を搬出します。サンドボックスのみ。
block.power-void.description = 入力されたすべての電力を破棄します。サンドボックスのみ。
liquid.water.description = 一般的に機械の冷却や廃棄物の処理などに使用されます。
liquid.lava.description = 冷却して石にしたり、発電や一部ターレットの弾薬として使用することができます。
liquid.oil.description = 燃焼させたり、爆発させたり、冷却水としても使われます。
liquid.cryofluid.description = 冷却させるのに最も効率的な液体です。

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = 정말로 "[accent]{0}[]" 맵을 삭제하시겠습니까?
level.highscore = 최고 점수 : [accent]{0}
level.select = 맵 선택
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]{0}[accent] 서버에 연결하지 못했습니다.[]
error.unreachable = 서버에 연결하지 못했습니다.
error.invalidaddress = 잘못된 주소입니다.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]오류가 발생했습니다.
error.crashtitle = 오류가 발생했습니다.
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = 블록 정보
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = 최대 전력 용량
blocks.powershot = 1발당 전력 소모량
blocks.targetsair = 공중공격 가능
blocks.itemspeed = 유닛 이동 속도
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = 사거리
blocks.size = 블록 크기
blocks.liquidcapacity = 최대 액체 용량
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = 연료
blocks.fuelburntime = 연료 연소 시간
blocks.inputcapacity = 입력 용량
blocks.outputcapacity = 출력 용량
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = 블록
unit.powersecond = 전력/초
unit.liquidsecond = 액체/초
unit.itemssecond = 개/초
unit.pixelssecond = 초당 픽셀
unit.liquidunits = 액체
unit.powerunits = 전력
unit.degrees =
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = 오른쪽/왼쪽 이동
keybind.move_y.name = 위쪽/아래쪽 이동
keybind.select.name = 선택
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = 파괴
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = 선택해제
keybind.shoot.name = 사격
keybind.zoom_hold.name = 길게눌러 확대
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = 제한된 자원과 다음단계 시작을 위한
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = 몹이 아닌 실제 플레이어와 PvP를 합니다.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = 아이템
content.liquid.name = 액체
content.unit.name = 유닛
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name =
liquid.lava.name = 용암
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = 석유
liquid.cryofluid.name = 냉각수
mech.alpha-mech.name = 알파
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]능력 : {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]발열량 : {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]점도 : {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]온도 : {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = 적 스폰지점
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = 철판
block.deepwater.name = 깊은물
block.water.name =
block.lava.name = 용암
block.tar.name = 타르
block.blackstone.name = 검은돌
block.stone.name =
block.dirt.name =
block.sand.name = 모래
block.ice.name = 얼음
block.snow.name =
block.grass.name = 잔디
block.shrub.name = 관목
block.rock.name = 바위
block.blackrock.name = 검은바위
block.icerock.name = 얼음바위
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = 구리벽
block.copper-wall-large.name = 큰 구리벽
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = 대형 토륨벽
block.door.name =
block.door-large.name = 대형문
block.duo.name = 듀오
block.scorch.name = 스코치
block.hail.name = 헤일
block.lancer.name = 랜서
block.conveyor.name = 컨베이어
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = 필터
block.sorter.description = 아이템을 넣어서 필터에 설정된 아이템일 경우 바로 앞으로 통과하며, 그렇지 않을 경우 옆으로 통과합니다.
block.overflow-gate.name = 오버플로 게이트
block.overflow-gate.description = 정면으로 가는 자원이 막히면 옆으로 출력하고, 그렇지 않으면 계속 정면으로 출력합니다.
block.smelter.name = 제련소
block.arc-smelter.name = 대형 제련소
block.silicon-smelter.name = 실리콘 제련소
block.phase-weaver.name = 메타 합성기
block.pulverizer.name = 분쇄기
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = 융해기
block.incinerator.name = 소각로
block.biomattercompressor.name = 바이오메터 압축기
block.separator.name = 셉터
block.centrifuge.name = 원심 분리기
block.power-node.name = 전력 송신기
block.power-node-large.name = 대형 전력 송신기
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = 터널
block.plastanium-compressor.name = 플라스터늄 압축기
block.pyratite-mixer.name = 피라테 제조기
block.blast-mixer.name = 폭발물 제조기
block.solidifer.name = 고체
block.solar-panel.name = 태양 전지판
block.solar-panel-large.name = 대형 태양 전지판
block.oil-extractor.name = 석유 추출기
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = 액체 교차기
block.bridge-conduit.name = 다리 파이프
block.rotary-pump.name = 동력 펌프
block.thorium-reactor.name = 토륨 원자로
block.command-center.name = 명령 본부
block.mass-driver.name = 자원 발사기
block.blast-drill.name = 고속 발열 드릴
block.thermal-pump.name = 화력 펌프
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = 오렌지팀
team.none.name = 공기팀
team.green.name = 그린팀
team.purple.name = 보라색팀
unit.alpha-drone.name = 알파 드론
unit.spirit.name = 스피릿 드론
unit.spirit.description = 기본 드론 유닛. 기본적으로 코어에서 1개가 스폰됩니다.\n자동으로 채광하며 아이템을 수집하고, 블록을 수리합니다.
unit.phantom.name = 팬텀 드론
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = 전력 노드를 공장에 연결하세요.\n일단 요구 사
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]적[]의 코어가 드러났습니다.\n당신의 부대와 디거를 사용하여 파괴하세요.
block.copper-wall.description = 구리로 만든 방어벽.\n가장 약한 방어벽입니다.
block.copper-wall-large.description = 구리로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n일반 구리벽의 4개를 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 가장 약한 방어벽입니다.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 방어벽.\n구리벽보다 체력이 높습니다.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 고밀도 합금으로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n일반 고밀도 합금 벽을 4개 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 내구성이 좋습니다.
block.thorium-wall.description = 토륨으로 만든 방어벽.\n아무 기능이 없는 튼튼한 방어벽입니다.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = 토륨으로 만든 큰 방어벽.\n토륨벽을 4개 합쳐놓은 벽이며, 내구성이 뛰어납니다.
block.phase-wall.description = 메타로 제작하는 방어벽.날라오는 모든 총알을 튕겨내고 데미지를 입는 특수한 벽입니다.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = 빠른 속도로 자원을 수송할 수
block.phase-conveyor.description = 자원을 지정된 방향으로 바로 이동시켜 주는 컨베이어 입니다.
block.junction.description = 컨베이어를 교차시켜 자원을 수송할 때 사용할 수 있는 블록입니다.
block.mass-driver.description = 자원을 받아서 다른 물질 이동기로 전달할 수 있는 블록입니다.\n엄청난 사거리를 가지고 있으며, 주로 컨베이어가 접근할 수 없는 곳에 유용하게 사용됩니다.
block.smelter.description = 고밀도 합금을 제작할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.arc-smelter.description = 고밀도 합금을 제작할 수 있는 건물이지만, 이 건물은 석탄이 필요 없고 좀더 빠른 속도로 합금을 생산해낼 수 있습니다.
block.silicon-smelter.description = 실리콘을 제작할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = 플라스터늄을 제조할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.phase-weaver.description = 메타를 제작할 수 있는 건물입니다.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = 돌을 갈아서 모래로 만들 수 있는 건
block.pyratite-mixer.description = 피라테를 제조할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.blast-mixer.description = 폭발물을 제조할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = 냉각수를 제작할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.solidifer.description = 용암을 돌로 만들 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.melter.description = 돌로 용암을 만들 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.incinerator.description = 불필요한 아이템을 소각시켜 줄 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.biomattercompressor.description = 잔디밭에서 바이오메터를 추출할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.separator.description = 돌을 분해하여 각종 자원으로 재활용 할 수 있게 해 주는 건물입니다.
block.centrifuge.description = 돌을 분해하여 각종 자원으로 재활용 할 수 있게 해 주는 건물이지만, 이 건물은 좀 더 다양한 자원을 얻을 수 있게 해 줍니다.
block.power-node.description = 생성된 전력를 다른 건물로 전달하기 위한 전력 노드입니다.
block.power-node-large.description = 생성된 전력를 다른 건물로 전달하기 위한 건물이며, 일반 노드보다 더 많은 전력을 이동시킬 수 있습니다.
block.battery.description = 흔히 아는 충전식 배터리입니다.\n전력을 사용하는 건물에 전력이 떨어질경우, 이 배터리를 전력 노드에 연결하면 이 배터리에 저장된 전력을 소모하여 지속적으로 공급할 수 있습니다.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = 최상위 드릴입니다.\n엄청난 양의 전
block.water-extractor.description = 바닥에서 물을 추출하여 건물에 공급할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.cultivator.description = 잔디에서 바이오메터를 추출할 수 있는 건물입니다.
block.oil-extractor.description = 석유를 추출 해 주는 건물입니다.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = 다트 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = 대형 폭격기 역할을 하는 삼지창 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 처음에는 느리지만 가속도가 붙어 다른 비행선보다 5배 이상 빠르게 움직일 수 있으며, 적에게 부딛쳐서 공격할 수 있는 자비린 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 글레브 비행선으로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.\n\n누르거나 클릭하여 이 기체로 바꿉니다.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = 지상 및 공중을 공격할 수 있으며,
block.fortress-factory.description = 지상 유닛의 최종판이며, 강력한 총을 가진 포트리스를 생산하는 공장입니다.
block.revenant-factory.description = 공중 유닛의 최종판이며, 강력한 레이저 총을 가진 레비던트 유닛을 생산할 수 있는 공장입니다.
block.repair-point.description = 근처 유닛들을 수리하는 건물입니다.\n커맨드 센터에서 후퇴 명령시 공중 유닛이 이 건물로 이동하여 수리를 받습니다.
block.command-center.description = 생산된 유닛들을 제어할 수 있는 건물.\n첫번째 버튼은 적 기지로 공격하며, 두번째는 대기 상태, 세번째는 기지 근처를 돌며 정찰합니다.
block.conduit.description = 일반 파이프.\n액체가 지나갈 수 있도록 해 줍니다.
block.pulse-conduit.description = 티타늄으로 만들어 졌으며, 일반 파이프보다 액체 수용량이 높습니다.
block.phase-conduit.description = 물을 먼거리로 순간이동 시켜 주는 장치입니다.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = 기계식 펌프보다 3배 빠른 속도로
block.router.description = 한 방향에서 아이템을 받은 후 최대 3개의 다른 방향으로 동일하게 출력합니다.\n재료를 한곳에서 여러 대상으로 분할하여 운반하는데 유용합니다.
block.distributor.description = 아이템을 최대 7개의 다른 방향으로 똑같이 분할하는 고급 분배기.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = 고급 자원 수송 블록.\n지형이나 건물을 넘어 최대 3개 타일을 건너뛰고 자원을 운송할 수 있습니다.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 알파 기체로 바꿀 수 있는 패드입니다.
block.item-source.description = 자원을 선택하면 그 자원이 무한하게 생성되는 블록입니다.
block.liquid-source.description = 무한한 액체를 출력해냅니다.
block.item-void.description = 아이템을 사라지게 만듭니다.
block.power-source.description = 무한한 전력을 공급해주는 블록입니다.
block.power-void.description = 설정된 아이템을 계속해서 출력하는 블록입니다.
liquid.water.description = 지상 유닛이 이 위를 지나가면 이동속도가 느려지고, 깊은 물에 빠지면 죽습니다.
liquid.lava.description = 지상 유닛이 이 위를 지나가면 이동속도가 매우 느려지고, 지속적으로 데미지를 입습니다.
liquid.oil.description = 일부 조합 블록에서 사용되는 자원입니다.
liquid.cryofluid.description = 포탑 및 토륨 원자로에서 사용되는 자원입니다.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Budynki zbudowane:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Budynki zniszczone:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Budynki zrekonstruowane:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Surowce wystrzelone:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Rekord: [accent]{0}
level.select = Wybrany poziom
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Wystrzel
launch.title = Wystrzelenie Udane
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]Następna okazja przy fali {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet] Wystrzelenie niedozwolone![] Wykryto przeciwników.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY] Strefa {0} odblokowana!
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Nie można połączyć się z serwerem: [accent] {0}
error.unreachable = Serwer niedostępny.
error.invalidaddress = Niepoprawny adres.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Wystąpił błąd
error.crashtitle = Wystąpił błąd
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Informacje o bloku
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Pojemność mocy
blocks.powershot = moc/strzał
blocks.targetsair = Może namierzać wrogów powietrznych
blocks.itemspeed = Szybkość Transporterów
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Zasięg
blocks.size = Rozmiar
blocks.liquidcapacity = Pojemność cieczy
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Paliwo
blocks.fuelburntime = Płonięcie paliwa
blocks.inputcapacity = Pojemność wejściowa
blocks.outputcapacity = Wydajność wyjściowa
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = Klocki
unit.powersecond = jednostek prądu na sekundę
unit.liquidsecond = jednostek płynów na sekundę
unit.itemssecond = przedmiotów na sekundę
unit.pixelssecond = pikseli na sekundę
unit.liquidunits = jednostek płynów
unit.powerunits = jednostek prądu
unit.degrees = stopnie
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Poruszanie w poziomie
keybind.move_y.name = Poruszanie w pionie
keybind.select.name = Zaznacz
keybind.pick.name = Wybierz Blok
keybind.break.name = Niszczenie
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Odznacz
keybind.shoot.name = Strzelanie
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Inicjator przybliżania
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Normalne surowce i fale bez odliczania.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Walcz przeciwko innym graczom.
mode.attack.name = Atak
mode.attack.descrption = Brak fal. Celem jest zniszczenie bazy wrogów.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Przedmioty
content.liquid.name = Płyny
content.unit.name = Jednostki
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = Niesamowite silne szkło. Szeroko używane w transp
item.scrap.name = Resztki
item.scrap.description = Pozostałości starych budynków i jednostek. Składa się z małej ilości wszystkiego.
liquid.water.name = Woda
liquid.lava.name = Lawa
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Ropa
liquid.cryofluid.name = Lodociecz
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Umiejętność: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Wytrzymałość na przegrzewanie: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Lepkość: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Piec Ceglany
block.kiln.description = Stapia ołów i piasek na metaszkło. Wymaga małą ilość energii.
block.graphite-press.name = Grafitowa Prasa
@ -515,23 +529,43 @@ block.constructing = {0}\n[LIGHT_GRAY](Budowa)
block.spawn.name = Spawn wrogów
block.core-shard.name = Rdzeń: Ułamek
block.core-foundation.name = Rdzeń: Podstawa
block.core-nucleus = Rdzeń: Jądro
block.metalfloor.name = Podłoga Metalowa
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.deepwater.name = Głęboka Woda
block.water.name = Woda
block.lava.name = Lawa
block.tar.name = Smoła
block.blackstone.name = Czarny Kamień
block.stone.name = Kamień
block.dirt.name = Ziemia
block.sand.name = Piasek
block.ice.name = Lód
block.snow.name = Śnieg
block.grass.name = Trawa
block.shrub.name = Krzak
block.rock.name = Skała
block.blackrock.name = Czarna Skała
block.icerock.name = Lodowa Skała
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Miedziana Ściana
block.copper-wall-large.name = Duża miedziana ściana
block.titanium-wall.name = Tytanowa Ściana
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Duża Torowa Ściana
block.door.name = Drzwi
block.door-large.name = Duże drzwi
block.duo.name = Podwójne działko
block.scorch.name = Ogniste działko
block.hail.name = Święte działko
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = Przenośnik
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Sortownik
block.sorter.description = Sortuje przedmioty. Jeśli przedmiot pasuje to przechodzi dalej, jeśli nie - to przechodzi na boki.
block.overflow-gate.name = Brama Przeciwprzepełnieniowa
block.overflow-gate.description = Rozdzielacz, który przerzuca przedmioty, kiedy główna droga jest przepełniona
block.smelter.name = Huta
block.arc-smelter.name = Duża Huta
block.silicon-smelter.name = Huta Krzemu
block.phase-weaver.name = Fazowa Fabryka
block.pulverizer.name = Rozkruszacz
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Przetapiacz
block.incinerator.name = Spalacz
block.biomattercompressor.name = Kompresor Biomaterii
block.separator.name = Rozdzielacz
block.centrifuge.name = Wirnik
block.power-node.name = Węzeł Prądu
block.power-node-large.name = Duży Węzeł Prądu
block.surge-tower.name = Wieża Energetyczna
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Most Transportowy
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Kompresor Plastanu
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Mieszacz Piratianu
block.blast-mixer.name = Wybuchowy Mieszacz
block.solidifer.name = Utwardzacz
block.solar-panel.name = Panel Słoneczny
block.solar-panel-large.name = Duży Panel Słoneczny
block.oil-extractor.name = Ekstraktor Ropy
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Łącznik Płynów
block.bridge-conduit.name = Most Płynów
block.rotary-pump.name = Wirowa Pompa
block.thorium-reactor.name = Reaktor Torowy
block.command-center.name = Centrum dowodzenia
block.mass-driver.name = Katapulta Masy
block.blast-drill.name = Wiertło Wybuchowe
block.thermal-pump.name = Pompa Termalna
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = pomarańczowy
team.none.name = szary
team.green.name = zielony
team.purple.name = fioletowy
unit.alpha-drone.name = Dron Alpha
unit.spirit.name = Duch
unit.spirit.description = Początkowy dron. Rdzeń zawsze tworzy jeden. Wydobywa surowce, naprawia budynki oraz pomaga przy budowie.
unit.phantom.name = Widmo
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of po
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Zaawansowany blok do przenoszenia cieczy. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Zaawansowany blok do przenoszenia cieczy. Używa prądu, aby przenieść ciecz do połączonego phase conduit przez kilka bloków.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Akceptuje przedmioty z jednego miejsca i rozdziela je do trzech innych kierunków. Przydatne w rozdzielaniu materiałów z jednego źródła do wielu celów.
block.distributor.description = Zaawansowany rozdzielacz, rozdzielający przedmioty do 7 innych kierunków.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Zaawansowany blok transportujący. Pozwala na przenoszenie przedmiotów nawet do 3 bloków na każdym terenie, przez każdy budynek.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Wydziela przedmioty w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox.
block.liquid-source.description = Wydziela ciecz w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox.
block.item-void.description = Niszczy wszystkie przedmioty, które idą do tego bloku, który nie wymaga prądu. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox.
block.power-source.description = Wydziela prąd w nieskończoność. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox.
block.power-void.description = Niszczy całą energię wprowadzoną do tego bloku. Dostępny tylko w trybie sandbox.
liquid.water.description = Powszechnie używana do schładzania budowli i przetwarzania odpadów.
liquid.lava.description = Może być przekształcona w [LIGHT_GRAY] kamień[]; używana do generowania prądu lub używana jako amunicja dla niektórych działek.
liquid.oil.description = Może się palić, eksplodować lub być używana do schładzania.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Najefektywniejsza ciecz do schładzania budowli.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Certeza que quer deletar o mapa "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Melhor\npontuação: [accent] {0}
level.select = Seleção de Fase
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Falha ao entrar no servidor: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Servidor inalcançavel.
error.invalidaddress = Endereço invalido.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Ocorreu um Erro.
error.crashtitle = Ocorreu um Erro
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Informação do Bloco
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Capacidade de Energia
blocks.powershot = Energia/tiro
blocks.targetsair = Mirar no ar
blocks.itemspeed = Unidades mobilizadas
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Alcance
blocks.size = Tamanho
blocks.liquidcapacity = Capacidade de Líquido
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Combustivel
blocks.fuelburntime = Tempo de queima de combustivel
blocks.inputcapacity = Capacidade de entrada
blocks.outputcapacity = Capacidade de saída
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = blocos
unit.powersecond = Unidades de energia/segundo
unit.liquidsecond = Unidades de líquido/segundo
unit.itemssecond = itens/segundo
unit.pixelssecond = pixeis/segundo
unit.liquidunits = Unidades de liquido
unit.powerunits = Unidades de energia
unit.degrees = Graus
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = mover_x
keybind.move_y.name = mover_y
keybind.select.name = selecionar
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = quebrar
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Deselecionar
keybind.shoot.name = Atirar
keybind.zoom_hold.name = segurar_zoom
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = recursos limitados e Sem tempo para Ataques.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = Lutar contra outros jogadores locais.
mode.attack.name = Ataque
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Itens
content.liquid.name = Liquidos
content.unit.name = Units
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Água
liquid.lava.name = Lava
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Petróleo
liquid.cryofluid.name = Crio Fluido
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alfa
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Habilidade: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Capacidade de aquecimento: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosidade: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperatura: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Spawn dos inimigos
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Chão de metal
block.deepwater.name = água funda
block.water.name = Água
block.lava.name = Lava
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = Pedra negra
block.stone.name = Pedra
block.dirt.name = Terra
block.sand.name = Areia
block.ice.name = Gelo
block.snow.name = Neve
block.grass.name = Grama
block.shrub.name = Arbusto
block.rock.name = Rocha
block.blackrock.name = Rocha negra
block.icerock.name = Rocha de gelo
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Parede de Cobre
block.copper-wall-large.name = Parede de Cobre Grande
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Parede larga de tório
block.door.name = Porta
block.door-large.name = Porta Grande
block.duo.name = Dupla
block.scorch.name = Queimar
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancador
block.conveyor.name = Esteira
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Ordenador
block.sorter.description = [interact]Aperte no bloco para configurar[]
block.overflow-gate.name = Portão Sobrecarregado
block.overflow-gate.description = Uma combinação de roteador e divisor Que apenas manda para a esquerda e Direita se a frente estiver bloqueada.
block.smelter.name = Fornalha
block.arc-smelter.name = Fundidora Arc
block.silicon-smelter.name = Fundidora de silicio
block.phase-weaver.name = Palheta de fase
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizador
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Aparelho de fusão
block.incinerator.name = Incinerador
block.biomattercompressor.name = Compressor de bio-matéria
block.separator.name = Separador
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuga
block.power-node.name = Célula de energia
block.power-node-large.name = Célula de energia Grande
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Esteira-Ponte
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Compressor de Plastanio
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Misturador de Piratita
block.blast-mixer.name = Misturador de Explosão
block.solidifer.name = Solidificador
block.solar-panel.name = Painel Solar
block.solar-panel-large.name = Painel Solar Grande
block.oil-extractor.name = Extrator de Óleo
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Junção de Líquido
block.bridge-conduit.name = Conduto-Ponte
block.rotary-pump.name = Bomba Rotatoria
block.thorium-reactor.name = Reator Torio
block.command-center.name = Centro De Comando
block.mass-driver.name = Drive de Massa
block.blast-drill.name = Mineradora de Explosão
block.thermal-pump.name = Cano termico
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Laranja
team.none.name = Cinza
team.green.name = Verde
team.purple.name = Roxo
unit.alpha-drone.name = Drone alfa
unit.spirit.name = Drone Spirit
unit.spirit.description = A unidade de drone inicial. Ele nasce no core por padrão. Minera minérios automaticamente, Coleta itens e repara blocos.
unit.phantom.name = Drone Phantom
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Ligue os nodos de energia a fabrica.\nQuando os requerimentos
tutorial.battle = O[LIGHT_GRAY] Inimigo[] revelou seu core.\nDestrua com sua unidade e Dagger's.
block.copper-wall.description = Um bloco defensivo e barato.\nUtil para proteger o core e torres no começo.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Um bloco defensivo e barato.\nUtil para proteger o core e torres no começo.\nOcupa multiplos espaços.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Um bloco defensivo padrão.\nProteção adequada contra inimigos.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Um bloco defensivo padrão.\nProteção adequada contra inimigos.\nOcupa multiplos espaços.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nBoa proteção contra inimigos.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Um bloco grande e defensivo.\nBoa proteção contra inimigos.\nOcupa multiplos espaços.
block.phase-wall.description = Não tão forte quanto a parede de torio Mas vai defletir balas a menos que seja muito forte.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Bloco de transporte de item avancado. Move
block.phase-conveyor.description = Bloco de transporte de item avançado. Usa energia para teleportar itens a uma esteira de fase sobre uma severa distancia.
block.junction.description = Funciona como uma ponte Para duas esteiras que estejam se cruzando. Util em situações que tenha duas esteiras diferentes carregando materiais diferentes para lugares diferentes.
block.mass-driver.description = Bloco de transporte de itens supremo. Coleta itens severos e atira eles em outro mass driver de uma longa distancia.
block.smelter.description = Queima carvão para derreter cobre e chumbo em liga densa.
block.arc-smelter.description = Derrete Cobre e chumbo em liga densa usando energia exterior.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduz areia a coque altamente puro Para fazer silicio.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produz plastanio para usando oleo e titanio.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produz tecido de fase de torio radioativo e grandes quantidades de areia.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Esmaga pedra em areia. Util quando esta em falta
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mistura carvão, Cobre e areia em piratite altamente inflamavel
block.blast-mixer.description = Usa oleo em Transformar piratite em composto de explosão menos inflamavel mas mais explosivo
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combina agua e titanio em cryo fluido que é mais eficiente em esfriar.
block.solidifer.description = Esfria lava em pedra em um ritmo rapido.
block.melter.description = Aquece pedra em altas temperaturas para fazer lava.
block.incinerator.description = Se livra de itens em excesso ou liquidos.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compressa Biomassa para recuperar oleo.
block.separator.description = Expos pedra em agua em pressão para ter varios mineiras contendo na pedra.
block.centrifuge.description = Mais eficiente que o separador, Mas mais caro e precisa de energia.
block.power-node.description = Transmite poder em nodos. Maximo de 4 fontes de energia, sinks ou nodos podem ser conectados. Os nodos vão receber energia de ou dar energia para qualquer bloco adjacente.
block.power-node-large.description = Tem um raio maior que o nodo de energia e pode conectar até 6 fontes de energia, sinks ou nodos.
block.battery.description = Guarda energia sempre que tiver em abundancia e da energia sempre que precisar enquanto tiver capacidade.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = A melhor mineradora. Requer muita energia.
block.water-extractor.description = Extrai agua do chão. Use quando não tive nenhum lago proximo
block.cultivator.description = Cultiva o solo com agua para pegar bio materia.
block.oil-extractor.description = Usa altas quantidades de energia Para extrair oleo da areia. Use quando não tiver fontes de oleo por perto
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Deixe sua atual embarcação e mude para uma aeronave lutadora basica.\nUse o pad clicando duas vezes em cima enquando fica em cima dele.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Deixe sua atual embarcação e mude para um bombardeiro resionavelmente bem armadurado.\nUse o pad clicando duas vezes em cima enquando fica em cima dele.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Deixe sua atual embarcação e mude para um interceptador forte e rapido com armas de raio.\nUse o pad clicando duas vezes em cima enquando fica em cima dele.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Deixe sua atual embarcação e mude para grande, bem armadurada nave de combate.\nUse o pad clicando duas vezes em cima enquando fica em cima dele.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produz unidades avancadas, armaduradas e terre
block.fortress-factory.description = Produz unidades terrestres pesadas de artilharia.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produz unidades laser, pesadas e terrestres.
block.repair-point.description = Continuamente repara a unidade danificada mais proxima.
block.command-center.description = Permite mudar o comportamento IA dos aliados. Atualmente, atacar, recuar e patrulha são suportados.
block.conduit.description = Bloco de transporte de liquido basico. Funciona como a esteira, Mas com liquidos. Melhor usado com extratores, Bombas ou condutos.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Bloco avancado de transporte de liquido. Transporta liquidos mais rapido E armazena mais que os condutos padrões.
block.phase-conduit.description = Bloco avancado de transporte de liquido. Usa energia para teleportar liquidos conduto de fase sobre uma distancia severa.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = A melhor bomba. Trez vezes mais rapida que a bo
block.router.description = Aceita itens de uma direção e os divide em 3 direções igualmente. Util para espalhar materiais da fonte para multiplos alvos.
block.distributor.description = Um roteador avancada que espalhas os itens em 7 outras direções igualmente.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Bloco de transporte de itens avancado. Possibilita o transporte de itens acima de 3 blocos de construção ou paredes.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Quando dado energia o suficiente, Reconstrua sua nave em [accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinivamente da itens. Apenas caixa de areia.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitivamente da Liquidos. Apenas caixa de areia.
block.item-void.description = Destroi qualquer item que entre sem requerir energia. Apenas caixa de areia.
block.power-source.description = Infinitivamente da energia. Apenas caixa de areia.
block.power-void.description = Destroi qualquer energia que entre dentro. Apenas caixa de areia.
liquid.water.description = Comumente usado em resfriamento e no processo de perda.
liquid.lava.description = Pode ser transformado em[LIGHT_GRAY] pedra[], usado para gerar energia ou usado como munição para certas torres.
liquid.oil.description = Pode ser queimado, explodido ou usado como resfriador.
liquid.cryofluid.description = A maneira mais eficiente de resfriar qualquer coisa.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Вы действительно хотите удалить карту "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Рекорд: [accent]{0}
level.select = Выбор карты
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Не удалось подключиться к серверу: [accent] {0}
error.unreachable = Сервер недоступен.
error.invalidaddress = Некорректный адрес.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Произошла ошибка
error.crashtitle = Произошла ошибка
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Информация о блоке
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Вместимость энергии
blocks.powershot = Энергия/выстрел
blocks.targetsair = Атакует воздуш. юнитов?
blocks.itemspeed = Скорость перемещения ресурсов
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Радиус действия
blocks.size = Размер
blocks.liquidcapacity = Вместимость жидкости
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Входящее топливо
blocks.fuelburntime = Время горения топлива
blocks.inputcapacity = Макс. вместимость входящих предметов
blocks.outputcapacity = Макс. вместимость выходящих предметов
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = блоки
unit.powersecond = единиц энергии/секунду
unit.liquidsecond = жидкостных единиц/секунду
unit.itemssecond = предметов/секунду
unit.pixelssecond = пикселей/секунду
unit.liquidunits = жидкостных единиц
unit.powerunits = энерг. единиц
unit.degrees = град.
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Движение по оси x
keybind.move_y.name = Движение по оси y
keybind.select.name = Выбор/Выстрел
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Разрушение
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Отмена
keybind.shoot.name = Выстрел
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Управление масштабом
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Ограниченные ресурсы и нет
mode.pvp.name = Противо-\nстояние
mode.pvp.description = боритесь против других игроков.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Предметы
content.liquid.name = Жидкости
content.unit.name = Боевые единицы
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Вода
liquid.lava.name = Лава
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Нефть
liquid.cryofluid.name = Криогенная жидкость
mech.alpha-mech.name = Альфа
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Способность: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Теплоёмкость: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Вязкость: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Температура: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Точка появления врагов
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Металлическая плита
block.deepwater.name = Глубоководье
block.water.name = Вода
block.lava.name = Лава
block.tar.name = Дёготь
block.blackstone.name = Чёрный камень
block.stone.name = Камень
block.dirt.name = Земля
block.sand.name = Песок
block.ice.name = Лёд
block.snow.name = Снег
block.grass.name = Трава
block.shrub.name = Куст
block.rock.name = Булыжник
block.blackrock.name = Чёрный булыжник
block.icerock.name = Ледяной булыжник
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Медная стена
block.copper-wall-large.name = Большая медная стена
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Большая ториевая стена
block.door.name = Дверь
block.door-large.name = Большая дверь
block.duo.name = Двойная турель
block.scorch.name = Обжигатель
block.hail.name = Град
block.lancer.name = Копейщик
block.conveyor.name = Конвейер
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Сортировщик
block.sorter.description = Сортирует предметы. Если предмет соответствует выбранному, то он проходит насквозь(прямо). В противном случае предмет выводится слева или справа.
block.overflow-gate.name = Избыточный затвор
block.overflow-gate.description = Комбинированный разветвитель и маршрутизатор, который выводит только слева и справа, если передний путь заблокирован.
block.smelter.name = Плавильный завод
block.arc-smelter.name = Дуговая печь
block.silicon-smelter.name = Кремниевый плавильный завод
block.phase-weaver.name = Фазовый ткач
block.pulverizer.name = Измельчитель
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Плавильня
block.incinerator.name = Мусоросжигатель
block.biomattercompressor.name = Компрессор биоматерии
block.separator.name = Отделитель
block.centrifuge.name = Центрифуга
block.power-node.name = Силовой узел
block.power-node-large.name = Большой силовой узел
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Мостовой конвейер
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Пластиниевый компрессор
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Мешалка пиротита
block.blast-mixer.name = Мешалка взрывоопасного соединения
block.solidifer.name = Отвердитель
block.solar-panel.name = Солнечная панель
block.solar-panel-large.name = Большая солнечная панель
block.oil-extractor.name = Нефтяной экстрактор
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Жидкостный перекрёсток
block.bridge-conduit.name = Мостовой трубопровод
block.rotary-pump.name = Роторный насос
block.thorium-reactor.name = Ториевый реактор
block.command-center.name = Командный центр
block.mass-driver.name = Электромагнитная катапульта
block.blast-drill.name = Воздушная буровая установка
block.thermal-pump.name = Термальный насос
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Оранжевая
team.none.name = Серая
team.green.name = Зелёная
team.purple.name = Фиолетовая
unit.alpha-drone.name = Альфа
unit.spirit.name = Дрон-привидение
unit.spirit.description = Начальный дрон. По умолчанию появляется из ядра. Автоматически добывает руды, собирает предметы, ремонтирует блоки.
unit.phantom.name = Фантомный дрон
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Соедините силовой узел с заводом.\
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] Враг[] показал своё ядро.\nУничтожьте его своим мехом и вашой новой боевой единицой.
block.copper-wall.description = Дешевый оборонительный блок.\nПолезно для защиты ядра и турелей во время первых волн.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Большая стена самым маленьким запасом прочности.\n Хороша в начале игры.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Стена с показателем прочности "ниже среднего".
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Большая стена с показателем прочности "ниже среднего".
block.thorium-wall.description = Стена с показателем прочности "выше среднего".
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Большая стена с показателем прочности "выше среднего".
block.phase-wall.description = Стена с средним показателем прочности .
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Конвейер второго покол
block.phase-conveyor.description = Пока игра находится в 2D, этот конвейер уже в четырёхмерном пространстве(возможно, это ложь).\nТребует энергии и подключается как мостовой конвейер.
block.junction.description = Название говорит само за себя. С помощью него можно сделать две конвейерные ленты, которые проходят через друг друга и не смешиваются.
block.mass-driver.description = При наличии энергии передают ресурсы на расстояние 100 блоков, стреляя в друг-друга.
block.smelter.description = Производит плотный сплав из меди и свинца. Можно подвести песок для ускорения производства.
block.arc-smelter.description = Улучшенная версия плавильного завода. Требует энергию. Производит плотный сплав из угля, меди и свинца. \nМожно подвести песок для ускорения производства.
block.silicon-smelter.description = С помощью песка, угля и энергии производит кремний.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Создаёт пластиний из титана и нефти. Требует энергии. Для ускорения производства можно добавить в компрессор песок.
block.phase-weaver.description = Производит фазовую материю с тория и песка. Требует большего количества энергии.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Измельчает камень в песок.
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Создаёт пиротит из угля, свинца и песка. Требует энергии.
block.blast-mixer.description = Создаёт взрывоопасное соединение из нефти и пиротита. Для ускорения производства можно добавить в мешалку песок.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Производит криогенную жидкость из воды и титана. Требует энергии.
block.solidifer.description = Остужает лаву до камня. Требует энергию.
block.melter.description = Переплавляет камень в лаву. Требует энергию.
block.incinerator.description = Если есть ненужные ресурсы, можно просто их сжечь.\n Требует энергии.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Производит нефть из биоматерии, биомусора и энергии.
block.separator.description = Ищет в камне различные ресурсы. Чем ценней ресурс, тем с меньшей вероятностью он "найдётся".
block.centrifuge.description = Улучшенная версия отделителя.\nИщет в камне различные ресурсы. Чем ценней ресурс, тем с меньшей вероятностью он "найдётся".\nТребует энергию.
block.power-node.description = Максимум допустимо 4 подключения.\n Чтобы соединить с каким-то блоком нужно следующее:\n1. Чтобы он находился в радиусе действия\n2.Нажать на нужный силовой узел, а затем на другой силовой узел или блок.
block.power-node-large.description = Силовой узел второго поколения. Увеличен радиус действия и количество максимально допустимых подключений.
block.battery.description = Позволяет хранить энергию, но БАТАРЕЙКИ DURACELL ХРАНЯТ БОЛЬШЕ!(скрытая реклама)
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = Самый мощный бур.\n\nДобыва
block.water-extractor.description = Извлекает воду из земли. Используйте его, когда поблизости нет озера.
block.cultivator.description = Культирует почву водой для получения биоматерии.
block.oil-extractor.description = Использует большое количество энергии для добычи нефти из песка, динозавров(зачёркнуто). Используйте его, когда поблизости нет прямого источника нефти.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Оставьте свое текущее судно и перейдите на основной истребитель.\nИспользуйте двойное нажатие, стоя на реконструкторе, чтобы превратиться в этот мех.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Оставьте свой текущий корабль и перейдите в достаточно хорошо бронированный тяжёлый бомбардировщик.\nИспользуйте двойное нажатие, стоя на реконструкторе, чтобы превратиться в этот мех.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Оставьте свой текущий корабль и перейдите в сильный и быстрый перехватчик с молниеносным оружием.\nИспользуйте двойное нажатие, стоя на реконструкторе, чтобы превратиться в этот мех.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Превращает вас в Копьё. Реконструктор требует энергию.\nПодробности про Копьё в "разблокированное".
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Производит продвинутые з
block.fortress-factory.description = Производит тяжелые артиллерийские боевые единицы.
block.revenant-factory.description = Производит тяжелые наземные боевые единицы.
block.repair-point.description = Может ремонтировать вас и ваши боевые единицы
block.command-center.description = Позволяет изменять дружественное поведение ИИ. В настоящее время поддерживаются команды атаки, отступления и патрулирования.
block.conduit.description = Основной блок транспортировки жидкости. Работает как конвейер, но с жидкостями. Лучше всего использовать экстракторы, насосы или т.п..
block.pulse-conduit.description = Улучшенный блок транспортировки жидкости. Транспортирует жидкости быстрее и хранит больше, чем стандартные.
block.phase-conduit.description = Улучшенный блок транспортировки жидкости. Использует энергию для передачи жидкостей на подключенный фазовый канал на несколько плиток.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = Конечный насос. В три раза
block.router.description = Принимает предметы из одного направления и равномерно выводит их до трёх других направлений. Полезно для разделения материалов из одного источника на несколько целей.
block.distributor.description = Передовой маршрутизатор, который равномерно разбивает элементы до 7 других направлений.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Улучшенный транспортный блок элементов. Позволяет транспортировать предметы до 3-х блоков над любым ландшафтом или зданием.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Превращает вас в мех [accent] Альфа[]. Требует энергию.
block.item-source.description = Бесконечно выводит предметы. Работает только в песочнице.
block.liquid-source.description = Бесконечно выводит жидкости. Работает только в песочнице.
block.item-void.description = Уничтожает любые предметы, которые входят в него, без использования энергии. Работает только в режиме песочницы.
block.power-source.description = Бесконечность — не предел. Бесконечно выводит энергию. Доступен только в режиме песочницы.
block.power-void.description = Энергия просто уходит в пустоту. Присутствует только в песочнице.
liquid.water.description = Намного лучше чем [BLUE]монооксид дигидрогена[].\n\n Для получения воды используйте помпу(насос) на источнике(блоке) или экстрактор воды.\n\n Эту жидкость можно подвести к бурам для ускорения скорости добычи или к турелям для ускорения стрельбы.
liquid.lava.description = [accent]Горячо...\nВещество расплавленное из горно-каменных пород.
liquid.oil.description = Кто-то писал о добавлении золота в игру. Его добавили, правда оно какое-то чёрное...\nСмесь жидких углеводородов, выделяющаяся из природного газа в результате снижения температуры и пластового давления.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Жидкость с температурой ниже чем -273 градусов по цельсию. Может быть использована для ускорения стрельбы турелей или для охлаждения чего-то.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Su haritayi silmek istediginden emin misin? "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Yuksek Skor: [accent]{0}
level.select = Seviye secimi
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Su Oyuna baglanilamadi: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.
error.invalidaddress = Invalid address.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Bir hata olustu
error.crashtitle = Bir hata olustu
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Yapi bilgisi
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Guc kapasitesi
blocks.powershot = Guc/Saldiri hizi
blocks.targetsair = Havayi hedef alir mi?
blocks.itemspeed = Ilerleme hizi
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Menzil
blocks.size = Buyukluk
blocks.liquidcapacity = Sivi kapasitesi
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Yakit
blocks.fuelburntime = Yakit yakilma suresi
blocks.inputcapacity = Giris kapasitesi
blocks.outputcapacity = Cikis kapasitesi
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = Yapilar
unit.powersecond = saniyede bir
unit.liquidsecond = Saniyede bir
unit.itemssecond = Saniyede bir
unit.pixelssecond = Saniyede bir
unit.liquidunits = Litre
unit.powerunits = Volt
unit.degrees = derece
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Sol/Sag hareket
keybind.move_y.name = Yukari/asagi hareket
keybind.select.name = Sec/silahi sik
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Kirma
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Eldeki yapiyi birak
keybind.shoot.name = Sik
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Yaklasma basili tutmasi
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = Sinirli esyalar ama dalga suresi yok.
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Esyalar
content.liquid.name = Sivilar
content.unit.name = Units
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Su
liquid.lava.name = Magma
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Benzin
liquid.cryofluid.name = kriyo sivisi
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]yetenek gucu: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]isinma kapasitesi: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Yari sivilik: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]isi: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = metal zemin
block.deepwater.name = su alti
block.water.name = su
block.lava.name = magma
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = kara tas
block.stone.name = tas
block.dirt.name = cimen
block.sand.name = kum
block.ice.name = buz
block.snow.name = kar
block.grass.name = cimen
block.shrub.name = cali
block.rock.name = tas
block.blackrock.name = bkara tas
block.icerock.name = buz tasi
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = bakir duvar
block.copper-wall-large.name = buyuk bakir duvar
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = genis toryum duvari
block.door.name = kapi
block.door-large.name = genis kapi
block.duo.name = ikili
block.scorch.name = Atesleyici
block.hail.name = yagdirici
block.lancer.name = Lazer topu
block.conveyor.name = konvenyor
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = secici
block.sorter.description = esyalari secer. rengi ayni olan esya ileriden, digerleri sagdan ve soldan devam eder
block.overflow-gate.name = Kapali dagatici
block.overflow-gate.description = sadece saga ve sola dagatir. onu kapalidir
block.smelter.name = eritici
block.arc-smelter.name = elektrik eritici
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silikon eritici
block.phase-weaver.name = Dokumaci
block.pulverizer.name = pulvarizor
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = eritici
block.incinerator.name = isi firini
block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomatter kompresoru
block.separator.name = separator
block.centrifuge.name = Santrifuj
block.power-node.name = Guc Dugumu
block.power-node-large.name = buyuk Guc Dugumu
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = kopru konvenyoru
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Kompresoru
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite karistirici
block.blast-mixer.name = Patlayici karistiricisi
block.solidifer.name = Sertlestirici
block.solar-panel.name = gunes paneli
block.solar-panel-large.name = genis gunes paneli
block.oil-extractor.name = benzin ayirici
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = sivi yonlendirici
block.bridge-conduit.name = kopru borusu
block.rotary-pump.name = donen boru
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reaktoru
block.command-center.name = komut merkezi
block.mass-driver.name = kütle surucusu
block.blast-drill.name = Patlatici kazici
block.thermal-pump.name = Termal pompa
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = orange
team.none.name = gray
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Dronu
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of po
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Su haritayi silmek istedigine emin misin? "[orange]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Yüksek Puan: [accent] {0}
level.select = Seviye Seç
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson] Sunucuya bağlanılamadı: [accent] {0}
error.unreachable = Server unreachable.
error.invalidaddress = Invalid address.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson] Bir hata oluştu
error.crashtitle = Bir hata oluştu
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Blok Bilgisi
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Güç kapasitesi
blocks.powershot = Güç / atış
blocks.targetsair = Targets Air
blocks.itemspeed = Units Moved
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Range
blocks.size = Boyut
blocks.liquidcapacity = Sıvı kapasitesi
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Fuel
blocks.fuelburntime = Fuel Burn Time
blocks.inputcapacity = Giriş kapasitesi
blocks.outputcapacity = Çıkış kapasitesi
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = blocks
unit.powersecond = power units/second
unit.liquidsecond = liquid units/second
unit.itemssecond = items/second
unit.pixelssecond = pixels/second
unit.liquidunits = liquid units
unit.powerunits = power units
unit.degrees = degrees
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = sağ / sol
keybind.move_y.name = yukarı / aşağı
keybind.select.name = seçmek
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = kırmak
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Deselect
keybind.shoot.name = ateş etme
keybind.zoom_hold.name = tut ve büyüt
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = sınırlı kaynaklar ve dalgalar için zamanlayıc
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = fight against other players locally.
mode.attack.name = Attack
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Items
content.liquid.name = Liquids
content.unit.name = Units
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = su
liquid.lava.name = lav
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = petrol
liquid.cryofluid.name = Cryofluid
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Ability: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Heat Capacity: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Viscosity: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Temperature: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Enemy Spawn
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Metal Floor
block.deepwater.name = deepwater
block.water.name = water
block.lava.name = lava
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = blackstone
block.stone.name = stone
block.dirt.name = dirt
block.sand.name = sand
block.ice.name = ice
block.snow.name = snow
block.grass.name = grass
block.shrub.name = shrub
block.rock.name = rock
block.blackrock.name = blackrock
block.icerock.name = icerock
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Copper Wall
block.copper-wall-large.name = Large Copper Wall
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Large Thorium Wall
block.door.name = kapı
block.door-large.name = büyük kapı
block.duo.name = Duo
block.scorch.name = Scorch
block.hail.name = Hail
block.lancer.name = Lancer
block.conveyor.name = konveyör
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = ayrıştırıcı
block.sorter.description = Sorts items. If an item matches the selection, it is allowed to pass. Otherwise, the item is outputted to the left and right.
block.overflow-gate.name = Overflow Gate
block.overflow-gate.description = A combination splitter and router that only outputs to the left and right if the front path is blocked.
block.smelter.name = dökümcü
block.arc-smelter.name = Arc Smelter
block.silicon-smelter.name = Silicon Smelter
block.phase-weaver.name = Phase Weaver
block.pulverizer.name = Pulverizer
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Melter
block.incinerator.name = Incinerator
block.biomattercompressor.name = Biomatter Compressor
block.separator.name = Separator
block.centrifuge.name = Centrifuge
block.power-node.name = Power Node
block.power-node-large.name = Large Power Node
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Bridge Conveyor
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Plastanium Compressor
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Pyratite Mixer
block.blast-mixer.name = Blast Mixer
block.solidifer.name = Solidifer
block.solar-panel.name = Solar Panel
block.solar-panel-large.name = Large Solar Panel
block.oil-extractor.name = Oil Extractor
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Liquid Junction
block.bridge-conduit.name = Bridge Conduit
block.rotary-pump.name = Rotary Pump
block.thorium-reactor.name = Thorium Reactor
block.command-center.name = Command Center
block.mass-driver.name = Mass Driver
block.blast-drill.name = Blast Drill
block.thermal-pump.name = Thermal Pump
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = orange
team.none.name = gray
team.green.name = green
team.purple.name = purple
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha Drone
unit.spirit.name = Spirit Drone
unit.spirit.description = The starter drone unit. Spawns in the core by default. Automatically mines ores, collects items and repairs blocks.
unit.phantom.name = Phantom Drone
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Link power nodes to the factory.\nOnce requirements are met, a
tutorial.battle = The[LIGHT_GRAY] enemy[] has revealed their core.\nDestroy it with your unit and dagger mechs.
block.copper-wall.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.
block.copper-wall-large.description = A cheap defensive block.\nUseful for protecting the core and turrets in the first few waves.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = A standard defensive block.\nAdequate protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.thorium-wall.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.
block.thorium-wall-large.description = A strong defensive block.\nGood protection from enemies.\nSpans multiple tiles.
block.phase-wall.description = Not as strong as a thorium wall but will deflect bullets unless they are too powerful.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Moves items
block.phase-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Uses power to teleport items to a connected phase conveyor over several tiles.
block.junction.description = Acts as a bridge for two crossing conveyor belts. Useful in situations with two different conveyors carrying different materials to different locations.
block.mass-driver.description = Ultimate item transport block. Collects several items and then shoots them to another mass driver over a long range.
block.smelter.description = Burns coal for smelting copper and lead into dense alloy.
block.arc-smelter.description = Smelts copper and lead into dense alloy by using an external power source.
block.silicon-smelter.description = Reduces sand with highly pure coke in order to produce silicon.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Produces plastanium from oil and titanium.
block.phase-weaver.description = Produces phase fabric from radioactive thorium and high amounts of sand.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Crushes stone into sand. Useful when there is a l
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Mixes coal, lead and sand into highly flammable pyratite.
block.blast-mixer.description = Uses oil for transforming pyratite into the less flammable but more explosive blast compound.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Combines water and titanium into cryofluid which is much more efficient for cooling.
block.solidifer.description = Cools lava to stone at a fast pace.
block.melter.description = Heats up stone to very high temperatures to obtain lava.
block.incinerator.description = Gets rid of any excess item or liquid.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Compresses biomatter in order to retrieve oil.
block.separator.description = Exposes stone to water pressure in order to obtain various minerals contained in the stone.
block.centrifuge.description = More efficient than the separator, but also more expensive to build and requires power.
block.power-node.description = Transmits power to connected nodes. Up to four power sources, sinks or nodes can be connected. The node will receive power from or supply power to any adjacent blocks.
block.power-node-large.description = Has a larger radius than the power node and connects to up to six power sources, sinks or nodes.
block.battery.description = Stores power whenever there is an abundance and provides power whenever there is a shortage, as long as there is capacity left.
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = The ultimate drill. Requires large amounts of po
block.water-extractor.description = Extracts water from the ground. Use it when there is no lake nearby.
block.cultivator.description = Cultivates the soil with water in order to obtain biomatter.
block.oil-extractor.description = Uses large amounts of power in order to extract oil from sand. Use it when there is no direct source of oil nearby.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a basic fighter aircraft.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a reasonably well armored heavy bomber.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a strong and fast interceptor with lightning weapons.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Leave your current vessel and change into a large, well-armored gunship.\nUse the pad by double tapping while standing on it.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Produces advanced, armored ground units.
block.fortress-factory.description = Produces heavy artillery ground units.
block.revenant-factory.description = Produces heavy laser ground units.
block.repair-point.description = Continuously heals the closest damaged unit in its vicinity.
block.command-center.description = Allows changing friendly AI behavior. Currently, attack, retreat and patrol commands are supported.
block.conduit.description = Basic liquid transport block. Works like a conveyor, but with liquids. Best used with extractors, pumps or other conduits.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Transports liquids faster and stores more than standard conduits.
block.phase-conduit.description = Advanced liquid transport block. Uses power to teleport liquids to a connected phase conduit over several tiles.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = The ultimate pump. Three times as fast as a mec
block.router.description = Accepts items from one direction and outputs them to up to 3 other directions equally. Useful for splitting the materials from one source to multiple targets.
block.distributor.description = An advanced router which splits items to up to 7 other directions equally.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Advanced item transport block. Allows transporting items over up to 3 tiles of any terrain or building.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = When given enough power, rebuilds your ship into the[accent] Alpha[] mech.
block.item-source.description = Infinitely outputs items. Sandbox only.
block.liquid-source.description = Infinitely outputs liquids. Sandbox only.
block.item-void.description = Destroys any items which go into it without using power. Sandbox only.
block.power-source.description = Infinitely outputs power. Sandbox only.
block.power-void.description = Voids all power inputted into it. Sandbox only.
liquid.water.description = Commonly used for cooling machines and waste processing.
liquid.lava.description = Can be transformed into[LIGHT_GRAY] stone[], used for generating power or used as ammo for certain turrets.
liquid.oil.description = Can be burnt, exploded or used as a coolant.
liquid.cryofluid.description = The most efficient liquid for cooling things down.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити карту "[accent]{0}[]"?
level.highscore = Рекорд: [accent]{0}
level.select = Вибір мапи
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]Не вдалося підключитися до сервера: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = Сервер не доступний.
error.invalidaddress = Некоректна адреса.
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]Виникла помилка
error.crashtitle = Виникла помилка
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = Інформація про блок
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = Місткість енергії
blocks.powershot = Енергія/постріл
blocks.targetsair = Атакуе повітряних ворогів
blocks.itemspeed = Швидкість переміщення ресурсів
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = Діапазон дії
blocks.size = Розмір
blocks.liquidcapacity = Місткість рідини
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = Паливо
blocks.fuelburntime = Час горіння топлива
blocks.inputcapacity = Макс. місткість вхідних предметів
blocks.outputcapacity = Макс. місткість вихідних предметів
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = блоки
unit.powersecond = одиниць енергії/секунду
unit.liquidsecond = рідких одиниць/секунду
unit.itemssecond = предметів/секунду
unit.pixelssecond = пікселів/секунду
unit.liquidunits = рідинних одиниць
unit.powerunits = енергетичних одиниць
unit.degrees = град.
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = Рух по осі x
keybind.move_y.name = Рух по осі x
keybind.select.name = ВибратиПостріл
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = Руйнування
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = Скасувати
keybind.shoot.name = Постріл
keybind.zoom_hold.name = Удержание зума
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = В режимі "Пісочниця" треба с
mode.pvp.name = PVP
mode.pvp.description = боріться проти інших гравців.
mode.attack.name = Атака
mode.attack.descrption = Немає хвиль, мета - знищити базу противника.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = Предмети
content.liquid.name = Рідини
content.unit.name = Бойові одиниці
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name = Вода
liquid.lava.name = Лава
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = Нафта
liquid.cryofluid.name = Кріогенна рідина
mech.alpha-mech.name = Альфа
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]Здібність: {0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]Теплоємність: {0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]В'язкість: {0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]Температура: {0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = Місце появи ворога
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = Металева плитка
block.deepwater.name = Глибоководдя
block.water.name = Вода
block.lava.name = Лава
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = Чорний камінь
block.stone.name = Камінь
block.dirt.name = Земля
block.sand.name = Пісок
block.ice.name = Лід
block.snow.name = Сніг
block.grass.name = Трава
block.shrub.name = Кущ
block.rock.name = Кругляк
block.blackrock.name = Чорний кругляк
block.icerock.name = Льодяний кругляк
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = Мідна стіна
block.copper-wall-large.name = Велика мідна стіна
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = Велика торієва стіна
block.door.name = Двері
block.door-large.name = Великі двері
block.duo.name = Подвійна
block.scorch.name = Випалювач
block.hail.name = Град
block.lancer.name = Списоносець
block.conveyor.name = Конвеєр
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = Сортувальник
block.sorter.description = Сортує предмети. Якщо товар відповідає виділенню, йому можна пройти. В іншому випадку предмет виводиться ліворуч і праворуч.
block.overflow-gate.name = Надмірний затвор
block.overflow-gate.description = Комбінований розподілювач і маршрутизатор, який виводить тільки вліво та вправо, якщо передній шлях заблоковано.
block.smelter.name = Плавильний завод
block.arc-smelter.name = Дуговий плавильний завод
block.silicon-smelter.name = Кремнієвий завод
block.phase-weaver.name = Фазовий ткач
block.pulverizer.name = Розпилювач
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = Плавильня
block.incinerator.name = Сміттєспалювальний завод
block.biomattercompressor.name = Біоматерний компресор
block.separator.name = Сепаратор
block.centrifuge.name = Центрифуга
block.power-node.name = Енергійний вузол
block.power-node-large.name = Великий енергетичний вузол
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = Мостовий конвеєр
block.plastanium-compressor.name = Пластиновий компресор
block.pyratite-mixer.name = Змішувач піротиту
block.blast-mixer.name = Доменний змішувач
block.solidifer.name = Затверджувач
block.solar-panel.name = Сонячна панель
block.solar-panel-large.name = Велика сонячна панель
block.oil-extractor.name = Екстрактор нафти
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = Рідкий з'єднання
block.bridge-conduit.name = Мостовий водопровід
block.rotary-pump.name = Роторний насос
block.thorium-reactor.name = Торієвий реактор
block.command-center.name = Командний центр
block.mass-driver.name = Електромагнітна катапульта
block.blast-drill.name = Бурова установка
block.thermal-pump.name = Тепловий насос
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = Помаренчева
team.none.name = Сіра
team.green.name = Зелена
team.purple.name = Фіолетова
unit.alpha-drone.name = Альфа
unit.spirit.name = Дрон-привид
unit.spirit.description = Початковий дрон. З'являється в ядрі за замовчуванням. Автоматично добуває руди та ремонтує блоки.
unit.phantom.name = Фантом
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = Зв'яжіть силовий вузол з заводом.\n
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] Супротивник[] показав своє ядро.\nЗнищьте його з вашим мехом та бойовою одиницею.
block.copper-wall.description = Дешевий оборонний блок.\nКорисен для захисту ядра і турелей під час перших хвиль.
block.copper-wall-large.description = Велика стіна найменшим запасом міцності.\nКорисна на початку гри.
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = Стіна з показником міцності "нижче середнього".
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = Велика стіна з показником міцності "нижче середнього".
block.thorium-wall.description = Стіна з показником міцності "вище середнього".
block.thorium-wall-large.description = Велика стіна з показником міцності "вище середнього".
block.phase-wall.description = Стіна з середнім показником міцності.
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = Конвеєр другого поколі
block.phase-conveyor.description = Поки гра знаходиться в 2D, цей конвеєр вже в чотиривимірному просторі (можливо, це брехня).\nПотрібує енергії і підключається як мостовий конвеєр.
block.junction.description = Назва говорить сама за себе. За допомогою нього можна зробити дві конвеєрні стрічки, які проходять через один одного і не змішуються.
block.mass-driver.description = При наявності енергії передають ресурси на відстань 100 блоків, стріляючи в один-одного.
block.smelter.description = Виробляє щільний сплав з міді і свинцю. Можна підвести пісок для прискорення виробництва.
block.arc-smelter.description = Покращена версія плавильного заводу. Вимагає енергію. Виробляє щільний сплав з міді і свинця.\nМожно підвести пісок для прискорення виробництва.
block.silicon-smelter.description = За допомогою піску, вугілля і енергії виробляє кремній.
block.plastanium-compressor.description = Створює пластинійи з титану і нафти. Вимагає енергії. Для прискорення виробництва можна додати в компресор пісок.
block.phase-weaver.description = Виробляє фазову тканину торію і піску. Вимагає багато енергії.
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = Подрібнює камінь в пісок. В
block.pyratite-mixer.description = Створює піротит з вугілля, свинцю і піску. Вимагає енергії.
block.blast-mixer.description = Створює вибухонебезпечне з'єднання з нафти і піротіта. Для прискорення виробництва можна додати в мішалку пісок.
block.cryofluidmixer.description = Виробляє криогенну рідину з води і титану. Вимагає енергії.
block.solidifer.description = Остуджує лаву до каменя. Вимагає енергію.
block.melter.description = Переплавляє камінь в лаву. Вимагає енергію.
block.incinerator.description = Якщо є непотрібні ресурси, можна просто їх спалити.\nВимагає енергії.
block.biomattercompressor.description = Виробляє нафту з біоматеріі, біосміття і енергії.
block.separator.description = Шукає в камені різні ресурси. Чим цінніше ресурс, тим з меншою ймовірністю він "знайдеться".
block.centrifuge.description = Шукає в камені різні ресурси. Чим цінніше ресурс, тим з меншою ймовірністю він "знайдеться".\nТребует енергію.
block.power-node.description = Максимум допустимо 4 підключення.\nЩоб з'єднати з якимось блоком потрібно наступне:\n1. Щоб він знаходився в радіусі дії \n2. Натиснити на потрібний силовий вузол, а потім на інший силовий вузол або блок.
block.power-node-large.description = Силовий вузол другого покоління. Збільшено радіус дії і кількість максимально допустимих підключень.
block.battery.description = Хранит энергию всякий раз, когда есть изобилие, и обеспечивает мощность всякий раз, когда есть недостаток, если есть мощность, але БАТАРЕЙКИ DURACELL ЗБЕРІГАЮТЬ БІЛЬШЕ! (прихована реклама)
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = Найпотужніший бур.\n\nВидоб
block.water-extractor.description = Витягує воду з землі. Використовуйте його, коли поблизу немає озера.
block.cultivator.description = Культивує грунт водою для отримання біоматеріі.
block.oil-extractor.description = Використовує велику кількість енергії для видобутку нафти з піску, динозаврів (закреслено). Використовуйте його, коли поблизу немає прямого джерела нафти.
block.dart-ship-pad.description = Залиште свій поточний судно і перейдіть на основний винищувач.\nВикористовуйте подвійне натискання, стоячи на реконструкторів, щоб перетворитися в цей мех.
block.trident-ship-pad.description = Залиште свій поточний корабель і перейдіть в досить добре броньований важкий бомбардувальник.\nВикористовуйте подвійне натискання, стоячи на реконструкторів, щоб перетворитися в цей мех.
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = Залиште свій поточний корабель і перейдіть в сильний і швидкий перехоплювач з блискавичним зброєю.\nВикористовуйте подвійне натискання, стоячи на реконструкторів, щоб перетворитися в цей мех.
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = Залиште своє існуюче судно і перетворитесь на великий, добре броньований мех.\nВикористовуйте подвійне натискання, стоячи на реконструкторів, щоб перетворитися в цей мех.
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = Виробляє просунуті захищ
block.fortress-factory.description = Виробляє важкі артилерійські бойові одиниці.
block.revenant-factory.description = Виробляє важкі наземні бойові одиниці.
block.repair-point.description = Постійно лікує найближчий пошкоджений апарат в його зоні дії.
block.command-center.description = Дозволяє змінювати дружню поведінку AI. В даний час, атаки, відступ і патрулювання команди підтримуються.
block.conduit.description = Основний транспортний блок. Працює як конвеєр, але з рідинами. Найкраще використовується з екстракторами, насосами або іншими трубопроводами.
block.pulse-conduit.description = Розширений блок перевезення рідин. Транспортує рідини швидше і зберігає більше, аніж стандартні.
block.phase-conduit.description = Покращений блок перевезення рідин. Використовує енергію для телепорту рідин до підключеного фазового каналу по декілька блоків.
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = Остаточний насос. Тричі ш
block.router.description = Приймає елементи з одного напрямку і рівномірно виводить їх до 3 інших напрямків. Корисно для розділення матеріалів від одного джерела на кілька.
block.distributor.description = Розширений маршрутизатор, який рівномірно розбиває елементи на 7 різних напрямків.
block.bridge-conveyor.description = Покращений блок транспортування предметів. Дозволяє транспортувати предмети понад 3 блоки над будь-якої місцевостю або будівлеє.
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = Коли ви отримаєте достатньо енергії, перебудовує ваш корабель у [accent] Альфа[] мех.
block.item-source.description = Безліченно виводить предмети.
block.liquid-source.description = Безліченно виводить рідини.
block.item-void.description = Знищує будь-які предмети, які входять, без використання енергії.
block.power-source.description = Нескінченність не межа. Безмежно виводить енергію.
block.power-void.description = Енергія просто йде в порожнечу.
liquid.water.description = Цю рідину можно підвести до бурів для прискорення швидкості видобутку або к турелям для прискорення стрілянини.
liquid.lava.description = Можна перетворити в[LIGHT_GRAY] камінь[].
liquid.oil.description = Можна спалити, взірвати або використовувати для охолодження.
liquid.cryofluid.description = Рідина з температурою нижче ніж -273 градусів за Цельсієм. Може бути використана для прискорення стрільби турелей або для охолодження чогось.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = Buildings Built:[accent] {0}
stat.destroyed = Buildings Destroyed:[accent] {0}
stat.deconstructed = Buildings Deconstructed:[accent] {0}
stat.delivered = Resources Launched:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = 确定要删除 "[accent]{0}[]" 地图吗?
level.highscore = 最高分: [accent]{0}
level.select = 选择关卡
@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ launch = Launch
launch.title = Launch Successful
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0} unlocked.
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]服务器连接失败: [accent]{0}
error.unreachable = 服务器无法访问。
error.invalidaddress = 地址无效。
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]发生了一个错误
error.crashtitle = 发生了一个错误
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]???
blocks.blockinfo = 方块详情
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = 能量容量
blocks.powershot = 能量/发射
blocks.targetsair = 攻击空中单位
blocks.itemspeed = 移动速度
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = 范围
blocks.size = 尺寸
blocks.liquidcapacity = 液体容量
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = 燃料
blocks.fuelburntime = 燃料燃烧时间
blocks.inputcapacity = 输入容量
blocks.outputcapacity = 输出容量
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = 方块
unit.powersecond = 能量单位/秒
unit.liquidsecond = 液体单位/秒
unit.itemssecond = 物品/秒
unit.pixelssecond = 像素/秒
unit.liquidunits = 液体单位
unit.powerunits = 能量单位
unit.degrees =
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = 水平移动
keybind.move_y.name = 垂直移动
keybind.select.name = 选择
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = 破坏
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = 取消
keybind.shoot.name = 射击
keybind.zoom_hold.name = 保持缩放
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = 有限的资源,不会自动生成敌人。
mode.pvp.name = PvP
mode.pvp.description = 和本地玩家对战.
mode.attack.name = 攻击
mode.attack.descrption = 没有波浪,目标是摧毁敌人的基地。
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = 物品
content.liquid.name = 液体
content.unit.name = 部队
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = A super-tough glass compound. Extensively used for
item.scrap.name = Scrap
item.scrap.description = Leftover remnants of old structures and units. Contains trace amounts of many different metals.
liquid.water.name =
liquid.lava.name = 岩浆
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = 石油
liquid.cryofluid.name = 冷冻液
mech.alpha-mech.name = Alpha
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]能力:{0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]热容量:{0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]粘度:{0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]温度:{0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = 敌人出生点
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = 金属地板
block.deepwater.name = 深水
block.water.name =
block.lava.name = 岩浆
block.tar.name = Tar
block.blackstone.name = 黑石
block.stone.name = 石头
block.dirt.name = 泥土
block.sand.name = 沙子
block.ice.name =
block.snow.name =
block.grass.name =
block.shrub.name = 灌木
block.rock.name = 岩石
block.blackrock.name = 黑岩
block.icerock.name = 冰岩
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = 铜墙
block.copper-wall-large.name = 大型铜墙
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = 大型钍墙
block.door.name =
block.door-large.name = 大门
block.duo.name = 双管炮
block.scorch.name = 灼烧炮
block.hail.name = 冰雹炮
block.lancer.name = 蓝瑟炮
block.conveyor.name = 传送带
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = 分类器
block.sorter.description = 对物品进行分类。如果物品与所选种类,则允许其通过。否则,物品将从左边和右边输出。
block.overflow-gate.name = 溢流门
block.overflow-gate.description = 分离器和路由器的组合,如果前面被挡住,则向从左和右输出。
block.smelter.name = 冶炼厂
block.arc-smelter.name = 电弧冶炼厂
block.silicon-smelter.name = 硅冶炼厂
block.phase-weaver.name = 相织布编织器
block.pulverizer.name = 粉碎机
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = 熔炉
block.incinerator.name = 焚化炉
block.biomattercompressor.name = 生物质压缩机
block.separator.name = 分离机
block.centrifuge.name = 离心机
block.power-node.name = 能量节点
block.power-node-large.name = 大型能量节点
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = 传送带桥
block.plastanium-compressor.name = 塑钢压缩机
block.pyratite-mixer.name = 硫混合器
block.blast-mixer.name = 爆炸混合器
block.solidifer.name = 凝固器
block.solar-panel.name = 太阳能电池
block.solar-panel-large.name = 大型太阳能电池
block.oil-extractor.name = 石油钻井
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = 液体连接点
block.bridge-conduit.name = 导管桥
block.rotary-pump.name = 回旋泵
block.thorium-reactor.name = 钍反应堆
block.command-center.name = 指令中心
block.mass-driver.name = 质量驱动器
block.blast-drill.name = 爆破钻头
block.thermal-pump.name = 热能泵
@ -652,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = 橙
team.none.name =
team.green.name = 绿
team.purple.name =
unit.alpha-drone.name = Alpha 无人机
unit.spirit.name = 轻型无人机
unit.spirit.description = 初始无人机。默认情况下在内核中生成。自动开采矿石,收集物品和修理块。
unit.phantom.name = 鬼怪无人机
@ -697,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = 链接能源节点到工厂.\n一旦需求满足, 将会制作
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY] 敌人[] 的核心已经暴露。\n用你的尖刀机甲摧毁它。
block.copper-wall.description = 廉价的防守区块。\n用于保护前几波中的核心和炮塔。
block.copper-wall-large.description = 廉价的防御块。\n用于保护前几个波浪中的核心和炮塔。\n跨越多个块。
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 标准的防守区块。\n可以较好的防御敌人。
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 标准的防守区块。\n可以较好的防御敌人。\n跨越多个块。
block.thorium-wall.description = 强大的防守区块。\n很好的防御敌人。
block.thorium-wall-large.description = 强大的防守区块。\n很好地防御敌人。\n跨越多个块。
block.phase-wall.description = 没有钍墙那样坚固,但是它可以使不太强的子弹发生偏转。
@ -728,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = 高级传送带。能比初级传送带更
block.phase-conveyor.description = 高级传送带。使用电力将物品传送到距离几个块的相位传送带上。
block.junction.description = 为两条交叉传送带的桥梁。适用于两种不同传送带将不同材料运送到不同位置的情况。
block.mass-driver.description = 终极传送带。收集几件物品,然后将它们射向长距离外的另一个批量传送带。
block.smelter.description = 烧煤,用于冶炼铜和铅成致密合金。
block.arc-smelter.description = 用外部电源熔炼铜和铅成致密合金。
block.silicon-smelter.description = 用高纯度的焦炭来加工沙子以生产硅。
block.plastanium-compressor.description = 用油和钛生产塑钢。
block.phase-weaver.description = 用放射性钍和大量沙子生产相织物。
@ -738,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = 将石头压成沙子。当缺少天然沙子时
block.pyratite-mixer.description = 用煤,铅和沙子混合成高度易燃的硫。
block.blast-mixer.description = 用油将硫转化为不易燃但更具爆炸性的爆炸化合物。
block.cryofluidmixer.description = 水和钛结合到低温流体中,冷却效率更高。
block.solidifer.description = 快速冷却熔岩为石头。
block.melter.description = 石头加热到很高的温度以获得熔岩。
block.incinerator.description = 用于除掉任何多余的物品或液体。
block.biomattercompressor.description = 压缩生物质以获取油。
block.separator.description = 将石头暴露在水压下,以获得石头中含有的各种矿物质。
block.centrifuge.description = 比分离器更有效,但构建起来也更昂贵并且需要动力。
block.power-node.description = 连接节点传输电源。最多可连接四个电源,接收器或节点。节点将从任何相邻块接收电力或向其供电。
block.power-node-large.description = 传输径大于电源节点,最多可连接六个电源,接收器或节点。
block.battery.description = 储存电力,当储存有能量时,可在电力短缺时提供电力。
@ -765,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = 终极钻头,需要大量电力。
block.water-extractor.description = 从地下提取水。当附近没有湖泊时使用它。
block.cultivator.description = 用水培育土壤以获得生物物质。
block.oil-extractor.description = 使用大量的电力从沙子中提取石油。当附近没有直接的石油来源时使用它。
block.dart-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换成基本的战斗机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.trident-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换成一个装甲合理的重型轰炸机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 离开你当前的装置,换上一个强大而快速的截击机,用闪电武器。\n站在上面时双击切换。
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 离开现有的装置,换成装甲良好的大型武装直升机。\n站在上面时双击切换。
@ -781,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = 生产先进的装甲地面单位。
block.fortress-factory.description = 生产重型火炮地面部队。
block.revenant-factory.description = 生产重型激光地面单元。
block.repair-point.description = 连续治疗附近最近的受损单位。
block.command-center.description = 允许更改友方AI行为。目前支持攻击撤退和巡逻命令。
block.conduit.description = 基本液体传输块。像输送机一样工作,但用于液体。最适用于提取器,泵或其他导管。
block.pulse-conduit.description = 高级液体传输块。比标准导管更快地输送液体并储存更多液体。
block.phase-conduit.description = 高级液体传输块。使用电力将液体传送到多个块上的连接相管道。
@ -795,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = 终级水泵。速度是机械泵的三倍。
block.router.description = 从一个方向接受物品并将它们平均输出到最多3个其他方向。用于将材料从一个源分割为多个目标。
block.distributor.description = 一个高级路由器可以将物品分成最多7个方向。
block.bridge-conveyor.description = 高级项目传输块。允许在跨越任何地形或建筑物上运输物品最多跨越3个块。
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 当给予足够的电力时,将你的装置重建为[accent] Alpha []机甲。
block.item-source.description = 无限输出物品。仅限沙箱。
block.liquid-source.description = 无限输出液体。仅限沙箱。
block.item-void.description = 在不使用电源的情况下销毁任何进入它的物品。仅限沙箱。
block.power-source.description = 无限输出功率。仅限沙箱。
block.power-void.description = 消耗输入的所有功率。仅限沙箱。
liquid.water.description = 通常用于冷却和废物处理。
liquid.lava.description = 可以转换成[LIGHT_GRAY] 石头 [],用于发电或用作某些炮塔的弹药。
liquid.oil.description = 可以燃烧,爆炸或用作冷却液。
liquid.cryofluid.description = 用于降温的最有效液体。

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ stat.built = 建設的建築:[accent]{0}
stat.destroyed = 摧毀的建築:[accent]{0}
stat.deconstructed = 移除的建築:[accent]{0}
stat.delivered = 發射的資源:
stat.rank = Final Rank: [accent]{0}
map.delete = 確認要刪除「[accent]{0}[]」地圖嗎?
level.highscore = 最高分:[accent]{0}
level.select = 選擇關卡
@ -248,9 +249,15 @@ resume = 繼續區域:\n[LIGHT_GRAY]{0}
bestwave = [LIGHT_GRAY]高分:{0}
launch = 發射
launch.title = 發射成功
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}已解鎖。
launch.next = [LIGHT_GRAY]next opportunity at wave {0}
launch.unable = [scarlet]Unable to LAUNCH.[] Enemies.
launch.confirm = This will launch all resources in your core.\nYou will not be able to return to this base.
uncover = Uncover
configure = Configure Loadout
configure.locked = [LIGHT_GRAY]Reach wave {0}\nto configure loadout.
zone.unlocked = [LIGHT_GRAY]{0}已解鎖。
zone.complete = Zone conditions met.
zone.resources = Resources Detected:
connectfail = [crimson]無法連線到伺服器:[accent]{0}
error.unreachable = 無法到達伺服器。
error.invalidaddress = 無效地址。
@ -292,10 +299,12 @@ error.title = [crimson]發生錯誤
error.crashtitle = 發生錯誤
blocks.unknown = [LIGHT_GRAY]
blocks.blockinfo = 方塊資訊
blocks.powerbalance = Power: {0}
blocks.poweroutput = Power Output: {0}
blocks.powercapacity = 蓄電量
blocks.powershot = 能量/射擊
blocks.targetsair = 攻擊空中目標
blocks.itemspeed = 移動速度
blocks.itemsmoved = Move Speed
blocks.shootrange = 範圍
blocks.size = 尺寸
blocks.liquidcapacity = 液體容量
@ -336,11 +345,11 @@ blocks.inputfuel = 燃料
blocks.fuelburntime = 燃燒燃料時間
blocks.inputcapacity = 輸入容量
blocks.outputcapacity = 輸出容量
blocks.ammo = Ammo
unit.blocks = 方塊
unit.powersecond = 能量單位/秒
unit.liquidsecond = 液體單位/秒
unit.itemssecond = 物品/秒
unit.pixelssecond = 像素/秒
unit.liquidunits = 液體單位
unit.powerunits = 能量單位
unit.degrees =
@ -395,7 +404,7 @@ keybind.move_x.name = 水平移動
keybind.move_y.name = 垂直移動
keybind.select.name = 選取
keybind.pick.name = Pick Block
keybind.break.name = 拆除
keybind.break_block.name = Break Block
keybind.deselect.name = 取消選取
keybind.shoot.name = 射擊
keybind.zoom_hold.name = 按住縮放
@ -423,7 +432,7 @@ mode.freebuild.description = 有限的資源,與不倒數計時的波次。
mode.pvp.name = 對戰
mode.pvp.description = 和其他玩家鬥爭。
mode.attack.name = 攻擊
mode.attack.descrption = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
mode.attack.description = No waves, with the goal to destroy the enemy base.
content.item.name = 物品
content.liquid.name = 液體
content.unit.name = 機組
@ -461,7 +470,7 @@ item.metaglass.description = 一種超級強硬玻璃混合物。廣泛用於液
item.scrap.name = 廢料
item.scrap.description = 舊結構和單位的遺留剩餘物。含有痕量的許多不同的金屬。
liquid.water.name =
liquid.lava.name = 岩漿
liquid.slag.name = Slag
liquid.oil.name = 原油
liquid.cryofluid.name = 冷凍液
mech.alpha-mech.name = 阿爾法
@ -507,6 +516,11 @@ mech.ability = [LIGHT_GRAY]能力:{0}
liquid.heatcapacity = [LIGHT_GRAY]熱容量:{0}
liquid.viscosity = [LIGHT_GRAY]粘性:{0}
liquid.temperature = [LIGHT_GRAY]温度:{0}
block.scrap-wall.name = Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-large.name = Large Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-huge.name = Huge Scrap Wall
block.scrap-wall-gigantic.name = Gigantic Scrap Wall
block.thruster.name = Thruster
block.kiln.name = Kiln
block.kiln.description = Smelts sand and lead into metaglass. Requires small amounts of power.
block.graphite-press.name = Graphite Press
@ -516,22 +530,42 @@ block.spawn.name = 敵人生成
block.core-shard.name = Core: Shard
block.core-foundation.name = Core: Foundation
block.core-nucleus.name = Core: Nucleus
block.metalfloor.name = 金屬地板
block.deepwater.name = 深水
block.water.name =
block.lava.name = 岩浆
block.tar.name = 焦油
block.blackstone.name = 黑石頭
block.stone.name = 石頭
block.dirt.name = 泥土
block.sand.name =
block.ice.name =
block.snow.name =
block.grass.name =
block.shrub.name = 灌木
block.rock.name = 岩石
block.blackrock.name = 黑岩石
block.icerock.name = 冰岩石
block.craters.name = Craters
block.sand-water.name = Sand water
block.char.name = Char
block.holostone.name = Holo stone
block.ice-snow.name = Ice Snow
block.rocks.name = Rocks
block.icerocks.name = Ice rocks
block.snowrocks.name = Snow Rocks
block.dunerocks.name = Dune Rocks
block.pine.name = Pine
block.white-tree-dead.name = White Tree Dead
block.white-tree.name = White Tree
block.spore-cluster.name = Spore Cluster
block.stained-rocks.name = Stained Rocks
block.stained-stone.name = Stained Stone
block.stained-rocks-red.name = Stained Rocks Red
block.stained-stone-red.name = Stained Stone Red
block.stained-rocks-yellow.name = Stained Rocks Yellow
block.stained-stone-yellow.name = Stained Stone Yellow
block.stained-boulder.name = Stained Boulde
block.metal-floor.name = Metal Floor
block.metal-floor-2.name = Metal Floor 2
block.metal-floor-3.name = Metal Floor 3
block.metal-floor-5.name = Metal Floor 5
block.metal-floor-damaged.name = Metal Floor Damaged
block.ignarock.name = Igna Rock
block.hotrock.name = Hot Rock
block.magmarock.name = Magma Rock
block.cliffs.name = Cliffs
block.copper-wall.name = 銅牆
block.copper-wall-large.name = 大型銅牆
block.titanium-wall.name = Titanium Wall
@ -543,7 +577,6 @@ block.thorium-wall-large.name = 大型釷牆
block.door.name =
block.door-large.name = 大門
block.duo.name = 雙炮
block.scorch.name = 灼燒炮
block.hail.name = 冰雹炮
block.lancer.name = 藍瑟炮
block.conveyor.name = 輸送帶
@ -555,8 +588,6 @@ block.sorter.name = 分類器
block.sorter.description = 對物品進行分類。如果物品與所選種類匹配,則允許其通過。否則,物品將從左邊和右邊輸出。
block.overflow-gate.name = 溢流器
block.overflow-gate.description = 分離器和分配器的組合。如果前面被擋住,則向從左邊和右邊輸出物品。
block.smelter.name = 冶煉廠
block.arc-smelter.name = 電弧冶煉廠
block.silicon-smelter.name = 煉矽廠
block.phase-weaver.name = 相織布編織器
block.pulverizer.name = 粉碎機
@ -565,7 +596,6 @@ block.melter.name = 熔爐
block.incinerator.name = 焚化爐
block.biomattercompressor.name = 生物物質壓縮機
block.separator.name = 分離機
block.centrifuge.name = 離心機
block.power-node.name = 能量節點
block.power-node-large.name = 大型能量節點
block.surge-tower.name = Surge Tower
@ -605,7 +635,6 @@ block.bridge-conveyor.name = 傳送帶橋
block.plastanium-compressor.name = 塑料壓縮機
block.pyratite-mixer.name = 硫混合器
block.blast-mixer.name = 爆炸混合器
block.solidifer.name = 凝固器
block.solar-panel.name = 太陽能板
block.solar-panel-large.name = 大型太陽能板
block.oil-extractor.name = 石油鑽井
@ -626,7 +655,6 @@ block.liquid-junction.name = 液體連接點
block.bridge-conduit.name = 管線橋
block.rotary-pump.name = 迴旋泵
block.thorium-reactor.name = 釷反應堆
block.command-center.name = 指令中心
block.mass-driver.name = 質量驅動器
block.blast-drill.name = 爆破鑽頭
block.thermal-pump.name = 熱能泵
@ -645,7 +673,6 @@ block.rtg-generator.name = 放射性同位素熱發電機
block.spectre.name = 幽靈炮
block.meltdown.name = 熔毀炮
block.container.name = 容器
block.core.description = 遊戲中最重要的建築。
block.launch-pad.name = 發射台
team.blue.name =
team.red.name =
@ -653,7 +680,6 @@ team.orange.name = 橙
team.none.name =
team.green.name =
team.purple.name =
unit.alpha-drone.name = 阿爾法無人機
unit.spirit.name = 輕型無人機
unit.spirit.description = 起始的無人機。默認在核心產生。自動挖掘礦石、收集物品和修理方塊。
unit.phantom.name = 幻影無人機
@ -698,8 +724,6 @@ tutorial.dagger = 連接能量節點至工廠。\n一旦要求滿足將製作
tutorial.battle = [LIGHT_GRAY]敵人[]透露了他們的核心。\n用你的單位和匕首機甲以摧毀它。
block.copper-wall.description = 一種便宜的防衛方塊。\n用於前幾波防衛核心和砲塔。
block.copper-wall-large.description = 一種便宜的防衛方塊。\n用於前幾波防衛核心和砲塔\n佔據多個方塊。
block.dense-alloy-wall.description = 一種標準的防衛方塊。\n充分地防衛敵人。
block.dense-alloy-wall-large.description = 一種標準的防衛方塊。\n充分地防衛敵人。\n佔據多個方塊。
block.thorium-wall.description = 一種堅強的防衛方塊。\n良好地防衛敵人。
block.thorium-wall-large.description = 一種堅強的防衛方塊。\n良好地防衛敵人。\n佔據多個方塊。
block.phase-wall.description = 沒有釷牆那麼強但會使不太強的子彈偏離。
@ -729,8 +753,6 @@ block.titanium-conveyor.description = 高級物品傳輸方塊。比標準輸送
block.phase-conveyor.description = 高級物品傳輸方塊。使用能量將物品傳送到幾個方塊外連接的相織輸送帶。
block.junction.description = 作為兩個交叉輸送帶的橋樑。適用於兩條不同輸送帶將不同物品運送到不同位置的情況。
block.mass-driver.description = 終極物品運輸方塊。收集幾件物品,然後將它們射向另一個長距離的質量驅動器。
block.smelter.description = 燒煤以冶煉銅和鉛成稠密合金。
block.arc-smelter.description = 使用外部能量以冶煉銅和鉛成稠密合金。
block.silicon-smelter.description = 使用高純度焦炭還原沙子以生產矽。
block.plastanium-compressor.description = 使用油和鈦以生產塑料。
block.phase-weaver.description = 使用放射性的釷和大量的沙子以生產相織布。
@ -739,12 +761,10 @@ block.pulverizer.description = 將石頭壓成沙子。當缺少天然沙子時
block.pyratite-mixer.description = 混合煤、鉛和沙子成為易燃的硫。
block.blast-mixer.description = 使用油將硫變成比較不易燃但更具爆炸性的爆炸混合器。
block.cryofluidmixer.description = 合水和鈦成冷卻效率更高的冷凍液。
block.solidifer.description = 快速冷卻熔岩至石頭。
block.melter.description = 將石頭加熱到很高的溫度以獲得熔岩。
block.incinerator.description = 清除任何多餘的物品或液體。
block.biomattercompressor.description = 壓縮生物物質以提取油。
block.separator.description = 將石頭暴露在水壓下以獲得石頭中的各種礦物質。
block.centrifuge.description = 比分離器更有效,但建造更昂貴和需要能量以操作。
block.power-node.description = 將能量傳輸到連接的節點。最多可連接四個能量來源、接收或節點。節點將從任何相鄰方塊接收能量或向其供能量。
block.power-node-large.description = 範圍大於能量節點,最多可連接六個能量來源、接收或節點。
block.battery.description = 有能量剩餘時,存儲電力並在能量短缺時提供能量。
@ -766,7 +786,6 @@ block.blast-drill.description = 終極的鑽頭。需要大量能量。
block.water-extractor.description = 從地下提取水。當附近沒有湖泊時使用它。
block.cultivator.description = 用水培養土壤以獲得生物物質。
block.oil-extractor.description = 使用大量的能量從沙子中提取油。當附近沒有直接的石油來源時使用它。
block.dart-ship-pad.description = 離開現有的船隻,換成基本的戰鬥機。\n站在上面雙擊墊以使用它。
block.trident-ship-pad.description = 離開現在的船隻,換成具有相當不錯裝甲的重型轟炸機。\n站在上面雙擊墊以使用它。
block.javelin-ship-pad.description = 離開現在的船隻,換成具有閃電武器、強大而快速的攔截器。\n站在上面雙擊墊以使用它。
block.glaive-ship-pad.description = 離開現在的船隻,換成具有重裝甲的武裝直升機。\n站在上面雙擊墊以使用它。
@ -782,7 +801,6 @@ block.titan-factory.description = 生產具有裝甲的高級地面單位。
block.fortress-factory.description = 生產重型火砲地面單位。
block.revenant-factory.description = 生產重型激光地面單位。
block.repair-point.description = 持續治療附近最近的受損單位。
block.command-center.description = 允許更改友好的AI行為。目前支持攻擊、撤退和巡邏命令。
block.conduit.description = 基本液體運輸方塊。像輸送帶一樣工作,但是液體用的。最適用於提取器、泵或其他管線。
block.pulse-conduit.description = 高級的液體運輸方塊。比標準管線更快地輸送並儲存更多液體。
block.phase-conduit.description = 高級的液體運輸方塊。使用能量將液體傳送到多個方塊外連接的相織管線。
@ -796,13 +814,11 @@ block.thermal-pump.description = 終極泵。輸出速度是機械泵的三倍
block.router.description = 接受來自一個方向的物品並將它們平均輸出到最多3個其他方向。 用於將物品從一個來源分割為多個目標。
block.distributor.description = 高級的分配器可將物品均分到最多7個其他方向。
block.bridge-conveyor.description = 高級的物品運輸方塊。允許跨過最多3個任何地形或建築物的方塊運輸物品。
block.alpha-mech-pad.description = 當給予足夠能量時,將你的船重建為[accent]阿爾法[]機甲。
block.item-source.description = 不限地輸出物品。僅限沙盒。
block.liquid-source.description = 不限地輸出液體。僅限沙盒。
block.item-void.description = 不使用能量銷毀任何進入它的物品。僅限沙盒。
block.power-source.description = 不限地輸出能量。僅限沙盒。
block.power-void.description = 銷毀所有輸入的能量。僅限沙盒。
liquid.water.description = 常用於冷卻機器和廢物處理。
liquid.lava.description = 可以轉換為[LIGHT_GRAY]石頭[]、用於發電或用作某些砲塔的彈藥。
liquid.oil.description = 可以燃燒、爆炸或用作冷卻劑。
liquid.cryofluid.description = 冷卻東西最有效的液體。

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.production.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.sandbox.*;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.CoreBlock;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.LaunchPad;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.SortedUnloader;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.Unloader;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.storage.Vault;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.units.MechPad;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.blocks.units.RepairPoint;
@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
public void draw(Tile tile){}
public void load(){}
public void init(){}
public boolean isHidden(){ return true; }
public TextureRegion[] variantRegions(){
if(variantRegions == null){
variantRegions = new TextureRegion[]{Core.atlas.find("clear")};
@ -883,13 +884,14 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
impactReactor = new ImpactReactor("impact-reactor"){{
requirements(Category.power, ItemStack.with(Items.lead, 1000, Items.silicon, 600, Items.graphite, 600, Items.thorium, 200, Items.surgealloy, 400, Items.metaglass, 200));
requirements(Category.power, ItemStack.with(Items.lead, 1000, Items.silicon, 600, Items.graphite, 800, Items.thorium, 200, Items.surgealloy, 500, Items.metaglass, 500));
size = 4;
health = 900;
powerProduction = 70f;
powerProduction = 80f;
useTime = 40f;
consumes.liquid(Liquids.water, 0.3f);
consumes.liquid(Liquids.water, 0.4f);
//endregion power
@ -1005,7 +1007,7 @@ public class Blocks implements ContentList{
itemCapacity = 300;
unloader = new SortedUnloader("unloader"){{
unloader = new Unloader("unloader"){{
requirements(Category.distribution, ItemStack.with(Items.titanium, 50, Items.silicon, 60));
speed = 7f;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class Fx implements ContentList{
bigShockwave, nuclearShockwave, explosion, blockExplosion, blockExplosionSmoke, shootSmall, shootHeal, shootSmallSmoke, shootBig, shootBig2, shootBigSmoke,
shootBigSmoke2, shootSmallFlame, shootLiquid, shellEjectSmall, shellEjectMedium,
shellEjectBig, lancerLaserShoot, lancerLaserShootSmoke, lancerLaserCharge, lancerLaserChargeBegin, lightningCharge, lightningShoot,
launchFull, unitSpawn, spawnShockwave, magmasmoke;
launchFull, unitSpawn, spawnShockwave, magmasmoke, impactShockwave, impactcloud, impactsmoke;
public void load(){
@ -567,6 +567,13 @@ public class Fx implements ContentList{
impactShockwave = new Effect(13f, 300f, e -> {
Draw.color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, e.fin());
Lines.stroke(e.fout() * 4f + 0.2f);
Lines.poly(e.x, e.y, 60, e.fin() * 200f);
spawnShockwave = new Effect(20f, 400f, e -> {
Draw.color(Color.WHITE, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, e.fin());
Lines.stroke(e.fout() * 3f + 0.5f);
@ -860,6 +867,22 @@ public class Fx implements ContentList{
impactsmoke = new Effect(60, e -> {
Angles.randLenVectors(e.id, 7, e.fin() * 20f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fslope() * 4f;
Draw.color(Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.GRAY, e.fin());
Draw.rect("circle", e.x + x, e.y + y, size, size);
impactcloud = new Effect(140, 400f, e -> {
Angles.randLenVectors(e.id, 20, e.finpow() * 160f, (x, y) -> {
float size = e.fout() * 15f;
Draw.color(Pal.lighterOrange, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, e.fin());
Draw.rect("circle", e.x + x, e.y + y, size, size);
redgeneratespark = new Effect(18, e -> {
Angles.randLenVectors(e.id, 5, e.fin() * 8f, (x, y) -> {
float len = e.fout() * 4f;

View File

@ -228,6 +228,20 @@ public class Zones implements ContentList{
spacing = 2;
unitScaling = 2;
unitAmount = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 12;
spacing = 2;
unitScaling = 2;
unitAmount = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.crawler){{
begin = 12;
spacing = 3;
unitScaling = 3;
unitAmount = 2;
@ -346,6 +360,12 @@ public class Zones implements ContentList{
end = 10;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 1;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
unitScaling = 1;
@ -418,6 +438,12 @@ public class Zones implements ContentList{
end = 10;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.titan){{
begin = 1;
unitScaling = 3;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
spacing = 2;
@ -508,59 +534,72 @@ public class Zones implements ContentList{
waveSpacing = 60 * 60 * 2;
spawns = Array.with(
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.titan){{
unitScaling = 2;
spacing = 2;
end = 10;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.titan){{
unitScaling = 2;
spacing = 2;
end = 10;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.crawler){{
begin = 1;
unitScaling = 2;
spacing = 2;
unitAmount = 3;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 10;
spacing = 2;
unitScaling = 2;
unitAmount = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.ghoul){{
begin = 5;
unitScaling = 0.5f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 5;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 10;
spacing = 2;
unitScaling = 2;
unitAmount = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.wraith){{
begin = 10;
unitScaling = 1f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 5;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.ghoul){{
begin = 5;
unitScaling = 0.5f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 5;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.fortress){{
begin = 13;
unitScaling = 2;
spacing = 3;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.wraith){{
begin = 23;
unitScaling = 1f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.wraith){{
begin = 10;
unitScaling = 1f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 5;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.crawler){{
begin = 20;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 10;
unitScaling = 0.5f;
unitAmount = 10;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.dagger){{
begin = 2;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.wraith){{
begin = 23;
unitScaling = 1f;
unitAmount = 1;
spacing = 2;
new SpawnGroup(UnitTypes.crawler){{
begin = 20;
unitScaling = 1;
spacing = 10;
unitScaling = 0.5f;
unitAmount = 10;

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class ContentLoader{
for(Content c : contentMap[type.ordinal()]){
if(c instanceof MappableContent){
String name = ((MappableContent) c).getContentName();
String name = ((MappableContent) c).name;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Two content objects cannot have the same name! (issue: '" + name + "')");

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class Logic implements ApplicationListener{
state.gameOver = state.launched = false;
state.teams = new Teams();
state.rules = new Rules();
state.rules.spawns = Waves.getDefaultSpawns();
state.rules.spawns = DefaultWaves.getDefaultSpawns();
state.stats = new Stats();

View File

@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ public class MapEditorDialog extends Dialog implements Disposable{
for(Block block : blocksOut){
TextureRegion region = block.icon(Icon.medium);
if(region == Core.atlas.find("jjfgj")) continue;
if(!Core.atlas.isFound(region)) continue;
ImageButton button = new ImageButton("white", "clear-toggle");
button.getStyle().imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(region);
@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ public class MapEditorDialog extends Dialog implements Disposable{
table.table("underline", extra -> extra.labelWrap(() -> editor.getDrawBlock().formalName).width(200f).center()).growX();
table.table("underline", extra -> extra.labelWrap(() -> editor.getDrawBlock().localizedName).width(200f).center()).growX();

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.content.StatusEffects;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.UnitTypes;
import io.anuke.mindustry.type.ItemStack;
public class Waves{
public class DefaultWaves{
private static Array<SpawnGroup> spawns;
public static Array<SpawnGroup> getDefaultSpawns(){
@ -165,23 +165,4 @@ public class Waves{
return spawns;
public static void testWaves(Array<SpawnGroup> spawns, int from, int to){
for(int i = from; i <= to; i++){
System.out.print(i + ": ");
int total = 0;
for(SpawnGroup spawn : spawns){
int a = spawn.getUnitsSpawned(i);
total += a;
if(a > 0){
System.out.print(a + "x" + spawn.type.name);
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print(" (" + total + ")");

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class GlobalData{
/** Returns whether or not this piece of content is unlocked yet.*/
public boolean isUnlocked(UnlockableContent content){
return content.alwaysUnlocked() || unlocked.getOr(content.getContentType(), ObjectSet::new).contains(content.getContentName());
return content.alwaysUnlocked() || unlocked.getOr(content.getContentType(), ObjectSet::new).contains(content.name);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class GlobalData{
if(content.alwaysUnlocked()) return;
//fire unlock event so other classes can use it
if(unlocked.getOr(content.getContentType(), ObjectSet::new).add(content.getContentName())){
if(unlocked.getOr(content.getContentType(), ObjectSet::new).add(content.name)){
modified = true;
Events.fire(new UnlockEvent(content));

View File

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.game;
public abstract class MappableContent extends Content {
* Returns the unqiue name of this piece of content.
* The name only needs to be unique for all content of this type.
* Do not use IDs for names! Make sure this string stays constant with each update unless removed.
public abstract String getContentName();
public final String name;
public MappableContent(String name){
this.name = name;
public String toString(){
return getContentName();
return name;

View File

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ public enum RulePreset{
waveTimer = true;
waves = true;
unitDrops = true;
spawns = Waves.getDefaultSpawns();
spawns = DefaultWaves.getDefaultSpawns();
sandbox(() -> new Rules(){{
infiniteResources = true;
waves = true;
waveTimer = false;
spawns = Waves.getDefaultSpawns();
spawns = DefaultWaves.getDefaultSpawns();
attack(() -> new Rules(){{
enemyCheat = true;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
package io.anuke.mindustry.game;
import io.anuke.arc.Core;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
import io.anuke.arc.scene.ui.layout.Table;
import io.anuke.mindustry.Vars;
/**Base interface for an unlockable content type.*/
public abstract class UnlockableContent extends MappableContent{
/**Localized, formal name. Never null. Set to block name if not found in bundle.*/
public String localizedName;
/**Localized description. May be null.*/
public String description;
public UnlockableContent(String name){
this.localizedName = Core.bundle.get(getContentType() + "." + name + ".name", name);
this.description = Core.bundle.getOrNull(getContentType() + "." + name + ".description");
/**Returns the localized name of this content.*/
public abstract String localizedName();

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ public abstract class SaveFileVersion{
for(Content c : arr){
stream.writeUTF(((MappableContent) c).getContentName());
stream.writeUTF(((MappableContent) c).name);

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@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.graphics.Pal;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.ContentDisplay;
public class Item extends UnlockableContent implements Comparable<Item>{
public final String name;
public final String description;
public final Color color;
private TextureRegion[] regions;
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ public class Item extends UnlockableContent implements Comparable<Item>{
public boolean alwaysUnlocked = false;
public Item(String name, Color color){
this.name = name;
this.color = color;
this.description = Core.bundle.getOrNull("item." + this.name + ".description");
@ -93,11 +91,6 @@ public class Item extends UnlockableContent implements Comparable<Item>{
return Integer.compare(id, item.id);
public String getContentName(){
return name;
public ContentType getContentType(){
return ContentType.item;

View File

@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.ContentDisplay;
public class Liquid extends UnlockableContent{
public final Color color;
public final String name;
public final String description;
/**0-1, 0 is completely inflammable, anything above that may catch fire when exposed to heat, 0.5+ is very flammable.*/
public float flammability;
@ -33,7 +31,7 @@ public class Liquid extends UnlockableContent{
public TextureRegion iconRegion;
public Liquid(String name, Color color){
this.name = name;
this.color = new Color(color);
this.description = Core.bundle.getOrNull("liquid." + name + ".description");
@ -67,11 +65,6 @@ public class Liquid extends UnlockableContent{
return localizedName();
public String getContentName(){
return name;
public ContentType getContentType(){
return ContentType.liquid;

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@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.graphics.Pal;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.ContentDisplay;
public class Mech extends UnlockableContent{
public final String name;
public final String description;
public boolean flying;
public float speed = 1.1f;
public float maxSpeed = 10f;
@ -38,8 +35,8 @@ public class Mech extends UnlockableContent{
public TextureRegion baseRegion, legRegion, region, iconRegion;
public Mech(String name, boolean flying){
this.flying = flying;
this.name = name;
this.description = Core.bundle.get("mech." + name + ".description");
@ -77,11 +74,6 @@ public class Mech extends UnlockableContent{
return iconRegion;
public String getContentName(){
return name;
public ContentType getContentType(){
return ContentType.mech;

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@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.ContentDisplay;
public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent{
protected final Supplier<? extends BaseUnit> constructor;
public final String name;
public final String description;
public float health = 60;
public float hitsize = 7f;
public float hitsizeTile = 4f;
@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent{
public TextureRegion iconRegion, legRegion, baseRegion, region;
public <T extends BaseUnit> UnitType(String name, Class<T> type, Supplier<T> mainConstructor){
this.name = name;
this.constructor = mainConstructor;
this.description = Core.bundle.getOrNull("unit." + name + ".description");
@ -88,11 +85,6 @@ public class UnitType extends UnlockableContent{
return ContentType.unit;
public String getContentName(){
return name;
public BaseUnit create(Team team){
BaseUnit unit = constructor.get();
unit.init(this, team);

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.data;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.state;
public class Zone extends UnlockableContent{
public final String name;
public final MapGenerator generator;
public ItemStack[] deployCost = {};
public ItemStack[] startingItems = {};
@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ public class Zone extends UnlockableContent{
public int launchPeriod = 10;
public Zone(String name, MapGenerator generator){
this.name = name;
this.generator = generator;
@ -63,11 +62,6 @@ public class Zone extends UnlockableContent{
public TextureRegion getContentIcon(){ return null; }
public String getContentName(){
return name;
public String localizedName(){
return Core.bundle.get("zone."+name+".name");

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class ContentDisplay{
int size = 8 * 6;
title.add("[accent]" + block.formalName).padLeft(5);
title.add("[accent]" + block.localizedName).padLeft(5);
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ public class ContentDisplay{
if(block.fullDescription != null){
if(block.description != null){

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public class DeployDialog extends FloatingDialog{
for(Block block : zone.blockRequirements){
r.addImage(block.icon(Icon.small)).size(8 * 3).padRight(4);
r.addImage(data.isUnlocked(block) ? "icon-check-2" : "icon-cancel-2")
.color(data.isUnlocked(block) ? Color.LIGHT_GRAY : Color.SCARLET).padLeft(3);

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
void unlock(TechNode node){
showToast(Core.bundle.format("researched", node.block.formalName));
showToast(Core.bundle.format("researched", node.block.localizedName));
hoverNode = null;
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ public class TechTreeDialog extends FloatingDialog{
infoTable.table(desc -> {
desc.table(t -> {

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class TraceDialog extends FloatingDialog{
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.structureblocksbroken", info.structureBlocksBroken));
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.lastblockbroken", info.lastBlockBroken.formalName));
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.lastblockbroken", info.lastBlockBroken.localizedName));
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class TraceDialog extends FloatingDialog{
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.totalblocksplaced", info.totalBlocksPlaced));
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.lastblockplaced", info.lastBlockPlaced.formalName));
table.add(Core.bundle.format("trace.lastblockplaced", info.lastBlockPlaced.localizedName));

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@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ public class ZoneInfoDialog extends FloatingDialog{
protected void drawBackground(float x, float y){
drawDefaultBackground(x, y);
public void show(Zone zone){
@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ public class ZoneInfoDialog extends FloatingDialog{
for(Block block : zone.blockRequirements){
r.addImage(block.icon(Icon.small)).size(8 * 3).padRight(4);
r.addImage(data.isUnlocked(block) ? "icon-check-2" : "icon-cancel-2")
.color(data.isUnlocked(block) ? Color.LIGHT_GRAY : Color.SCARLET).padLeft(3);
@ -91,11 +96,26 @@ public class ZoneInfoDialog extends FloatingDialog{
cont.add(Core.bundle.format("bestwave", data.getWaveScore(zone)));
cont.table(t -> {
for(ItemStack stack : zone.startingItems){
t.addImage(stack.item.icon(Item.Icon.medium)).size(8 * 3).padRight(4);
t.label(() -> stack.amount + "");
cont.addButton(!zone.canConfigure() ? Core.bundle.format("configure.locked", zone.configureWave) : "$configure", () -> {
}).disabled(b -> !zone.canConfigure()).size(300f, 70f).padTop(5).get();
Button button = cont.addButton(zone.locked() ? "$uncover" : "$launch", () -> {

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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class PlacementFragment extends Fragment{
topTable.table(header -> {
header.add(new Image(lastDisplay.icon(Icon.medium))).size(8 * 4);
header.labelWrap(() -> !unlocked(lastDisplay) ? Core.bundle.get("blocks.unknown") : lastDisplay.formalName)
header.labelWrap(() -> !unlocked(lastDisplay) ? Core.bundle.get("blocks.unknown") : lastDisplay.localizedName)

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@ -43,12 +43,6 @@ import java.util.Arrays;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.*;
public class Block extends BlockStorage{
/** internal name */
public final String name;
/** display name */
public String formalName;
/** Detailed description of the block. Can be as long as necesary. */
public final String fullDescription;
/** whether this block has a tile entity that updates */
public boolean update;
/** whether this block has health and can be destroyed */
@ -122,9 +116,8 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
protected TextureRegion region;
public Block(String name){
this.name = name;
this.formalName = Core.bundle.get("block." + name + ".name", name);
this.fullDescription = Core.bundle.getOrNull("block." + name + ".description");
this.description = Core.bundle.getOrNull("block." + name + ".description");
this.solid = false;
@ -256,7 +249,7 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
public String localizedName(){
return formalName;
return localizedName;
@ -274,11 +267,6 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
return ContentType.block;
public String getContentName() {
return name;
/** Called after all blocks are created. */
public void init(){
@ -479,7 +467,7 @@ public class Block extends BlockStorage{
public String getDisplayName(Tile tile){
return formalName;
return localizedName;
public TextureRegion getDisplayIcon(Tile tile){

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@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ public abstract class BlockStorage extends UnlockableContent{
public final Consumers consumes = new Consumers();
public final Producers produces = new Producers();
public BlockStorage(String name){
public boolean shouldConsume(Tile tile){
return true;

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@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public class Build{
if(tile == null) return false;
if(type.canReplace(tile.block()) && tile.block().size == type.size && type.canPlaceOn(tile) && tile.getTeam() == team){
if(type.canReplace(tile.block()) && tile.block().size == type.size && type.canPlaceOn(tile) && tile.interactable(team)){
return true;
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class Build{
return true;
return (tile.getTeam() == Team.none || tile.getTeam() == team)
return tile.interactable(team)
&& contactsGround(tile.x, tile.y, type)
&& (!tile.floor().isLiquid || type.floating)
&& tile.floor().placeableOn
@ -190,6 +190,6 @@ public class Build{
Tile tile = world.tile(x, y);
if(tile != null) tile = tile.target();
return tile != null && tile.block().canBreak(tile) && tile.breakable() && (!tile.block().synthetic() || tile.getTeam() == team);
return tile != null && tile.block().canBreak(tile) && tile.breakable() && tile.interactable(team);

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@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ public class BlockPart extends Block{
hasPower = hasItems = hasLiquids = true;
public boolean isHidden(){
return true;
public void draw(Tile tile){
//do nothing

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@ -70,10 +70,15 @@ public class BuildBlock extends Block{
Core.app.post(() -> Events.fire(new BlockBuildEndEvent(tile, team, false)));
public boolean isHidden(){
return true;
public String getDisplayName(Tile tile){
BuildEntity entity = tile.entity();
return Core.bundle.format("block.constructing", entity.block == null ? entity.previous.formalName : entity.block.formalName);
return Core.bundle.format("block.constructing", entity.block == null ? entity.previous.localizedName : entity.block.localizedName);

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ public class OreBlock extends Floor{
public OreBlock(Item ore, Floor base){
super("ore-" + ore.name + "-" + base.name);
this.formalName = ore.localizedName() + " " + base.formalName;
this.localizedName = ore.localizedName() + " " + base.localizedName;
this.itemDrop = ore;
this.base = base;
this.variants = 3;

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@ -6,20 +6,32 @@ import io.anuke.arc.graphics.Color;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.Draw;
import io.anuke.arc.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
import io.anuke.arc.math.Mathf;
import io.anuke.arc.util.Strings;
import io.anuke.arc.util.Time;
import io.anuke.arc.util.Tmp;
import io.anuke.mindustry.content.Fx;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.Damage;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.Effects;
import io.anuke.mindustry.entities.type.TileEntity;
import io.anuke.mindustry.graphics.Pal;
import io.anuke.mindustry.ui.Bar;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.Tile;
import io.anuke.mindustry.world.consumers.ConsumePower;
import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.tilesize;
public class ImpactReactor extends PowerGenerator{
protected int timerUse = timers++;
protected int plasmas = 4;
protected float warmupSpeed = 0.001f;
protected float useTime = 60f;
protected int explosionRadius = 30;
protected int explosionDamage = 180;
protected Color plasma1 = Color.valueOf("ffd06b"), plasma2 = Color.valueOf("ff361b");
protected Color ind1 = Color.valueOf("858585"), ind2 = Color.valueOf("fea080");
@ -34,6 +46,17 @@ public class ImpactReactor extends PowerGenerator{
outputsPower = consumesPower = true;
public void setBars(){
bars.add("poweroutput", entity -> new Bar(() ->
Strings.toFixed(Math.max(entity.tile.block().getPowerProduction(entity.tile) - consumes.get(ConsumePower.class).powerPerTick, 0)*60, 1)),
() -> Pal.powerBar,
() -> ((GeneratorEntity)entity).productionEfficiency));
public void update(Tile tile){
FusionReactorEntity entity = tile.entity();
@ -118,7 +141,28 @@ public class ImpactReactor extends PowerGenerator{
if(entity.warmup < 0.4f) return;
//TODO catastrophic failure
Effects.shake(6f, 16f, tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
Effects.effect(Fx.impactShockwave, tile.worldx(), tile.worldy());
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
Time.run(Mathf.random(80), () -> Effects.effect(Fx.impactcloud, tile.worldx(), tile.worldy()));
Damage.damage(tile.worldx(), tile.worldy(), explosionRadius * tilesize, explosionDamage * 4);
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
Time.run(Mathf.random(80), () -> {
Effects.effect(Fx.explosion, Tmp.v1.x + tile.worldx(), Tmp.v1.y + tile.worldy());
for(int i = 0; i < 70; i++){
Time.run(Mathf.random(90), () -> {
Effects.effect(Fx.impactsmoke, Tmp.v1.x + tile.worldx(), Tmp.v1.y + tile.worldy());
public static class FusionReactorEntity extends GeneratorEntity{

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@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import static io.anuke.mindustry.Vars.content;
public class SortedUnloader extends Block implements SelectionTrait{
public class Unloader extends Block implements SelectionTrait{
protected float speed = 1f;
protected final int timerUnload = timers++;
private static Item lastItem;
public SortedUnloader(String name){
public Unloader(String name){
update = true;
solid = true;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public class SortedUnloader extends Block implements SelectionTrait{
if(tile.entity.timer.get(timerUnload, speed) && tile.entity.items.total() == 0){
for(Tile other : tile.entity.proximity()){
if(other.getTeam() == tile.getTeam() && other.block() instanceof StorageBlock && entity.items.total() == 0 &&
if(other.interactable(tile.getTeam()) && other.block() instanceof StorageBlock && entity.items.total() == 0 &&
((entity.sortItem == null && other.entity.items.total() > 0) || ((StorageBlock) other.block()).hasItem(other, entity.sortItem))){
offloadNear(tile, ((StorageBlock) other.block()).removeItem(other, entity.sortItem));

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import io.anuke.mindustry.world.meta.StatUnit;
/** Consumer class for blocks which consume power while being connected to a power graph. */
public class ConsumePower extends Consume{
/** The maximum amount of power which can be processed per tick. This might influence efficiency or load a buffer. */
protected final float powerPerTick;
public final float powerPerTick;
/** The maximum power capacity in power units. */
public final float powerCapacity;
/** True if the module can store power. */

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@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ public class KryoServer implements ServerProvider{
public void dispose(){
Log.info("Disposed server.");
private void handleException(Throwable e){