handle executable modules and filter out non-existing paths

This commit is contained in:
Pepe Iborra 2022-09-16 10:58:58 +01:00
parent 4a0da1c2a4
commit 25cf51837a

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@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName,
import Distribution.Package (pkgName,
import Distribution.PackageDescription (Benchmark (benchmarkBuildInfo, benchmarkName),
Executable (buildInfo, exeName),
import Distribution.PackageDescription (Benchmark (benchmarkBuildInfo, benchmarkName, benchmarkInterface),
Executable (buildInfo, exeName, modulePath),
ForeignLib (foreignLibBuildInfo, foreignLibName),
Library (libBuildInfo, libName),
LibraryName (..),
foreignLibModules, TestSuiteInterface (TestSuiteExeV10), BenchmarkInterface (BenchmarkExeV10))
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ import Distribution.Types.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Types.TestSuite
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import Distribution.Utils.Path (getSymbolicPath)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import GHC.IO (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
type Name = Text
@ -147,20 +149,35 @@ extractPackage PackageDescription{..} = Package n cc where
n = T.pack . unPackageName $ pkgName package
cc = concat $
[mkComp Test (unqName $ testName t) (testBuildInfo t) (testModules t) | t <- testSuites] ++
[mkComp Bench (unqName $ benchmarkName b) (benchmarkBuildInfo b) (benchmarkModules b) | b <- benchmarks] ++
[mkComp Exe (unqName $ exeName e) (buildInfo e) (exeModules e) | e <- executables] ++
[mkComp Lib (libName' l) (libBuildInfo l) (explicitLibModules l) | l <- maybeToList library ++ subLibraries ] ++
[mkComp Lib (unqName $ foreignLibName f) (foreignLibBuildInfo f) (foreignLibModules f) | f <- foreignLibs]
[mkComp Test (unqName $ testName t) (testBuildInfo t) (testExePath t) (testModules t) | t <- testSuites] ++
[mkComp Bench (unqName $ benchmarkName b) (benchmarkBuildInfo b) (benchmarkExePath b) (benchmarkModules b) | b <- benchmarks] ++
[mkComp Exe (unqName $ exeName e) (buildInfo e) [modulePath e] (exeModules e) | e <- executables] ++
[mkComp Lib (libName' l) (libBuildInfo l) [] (explicitLibModules l) | l <- maybeToList library ++ subLibraries ] ++
[mkComp Lib (unqName $ foreignLibName f) (foreignLibBuildInfo f) [] (foreignLibModules f) | f <- foreignLibs]
mkComp :: CompType -> T.Text -> BuildInfo -> [ModuleName] -> [Component]
mkComp typ name bi mods =
[Comp typ name (T.pack $ srcDir </> m)
| m <- map toFilePath mods
mkComp :: CompType -> T.Text -> BuildInfo -> [FilePath] -> [ModuleName] -> [Component]
mkComp typ name bi fps mods =
[Comp typ name (T.pack fp)
| fp0 <- fps <> concatMap toFilePath' mods
, srcDir <- map getSymbolicPath $ hsSourceDirs bi
, let fp = srcDir </> fp0
, unsafePerformIO $ doesFileExist fp
unqName = T.pack . unUnqualComponentName
libName' x = case libName x of
LMainLibName -> ""
LSubLibName u -> unqName u
benchmarkExePath :: Benchmark -> [FilePath]
benchmarkExePath b = case benchmarkInterface b of
BenchmarkExeV10 _ f -> [f]
_ -> []
toFilePath' :: ModuleName -> [FilePath]
toFilePath' mod = [ toFilePath mod <.> ext | ext <- ["hs", "lhs"]]
testExePath :: TestSuite -> [FilePath]
testExePath t = case testInterface t of
TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp -> [fp]
_ -> []