Handle multiple hs-source-dirs and paths

This commit is contained in:
Avi Dessauer 2020-05-11 21:36:09 -04:00
parent a71069c2ba
commit 895fc55d12
3 changed files with 148 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Hie.Cabal.Parser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Char
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -31,50 +31,51 @@ parsePackage' = parseOnly parsePackage
parsePackage :: Parser Package
parsePackage =
( do
n <- field 0 "name"
n <- field 0 "name" $ const parseString
(Package _ t) <- parsePackage
pure $ Package n t
<|> ( do
h <- parseComponent 0
(Package n t) <- parsePackage
pure $ Package n (h : t)
pure $ Package n (h <> t)
<|> (skipToNextLine >> parsePackage)
<|> pure (Package "" [])
componentHeader :: Indent -> Text -> Parser Name
componentHeader i t = do
indent i
_ <- indent i
_ <- asciiCI t
skipMany tabOrSpace
n <- parseString <|> pure ""
pure n
parseComponent :: Indent -> Parser Component
parseComponent :: Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseComponent i =
parseExe i
<|> parseLib i
<|> parseBench i
<|> parseTestSuite i
parseLib :: Indent -> Parser Component
parseLib :: Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseLib i = parseSec i "library" $ Comp Lib
parseTestSuite :: Indent -> Parser Component
parseTestSuite :: Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseTestSuite i = parseSec i "test-suite" $ Comp Test
parseExe :: Indent -> Parser Component
parseExe :: Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseExe = parseSecMain (Comp Exe) "executable"
parseBench :: Indent -> Parser Component
parseBench :: Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseBench = parseSecMain (Comp Bench) "benchmark"
parseSecMain :: (Name -> Path -> Component) -> Text -> Indent -> Parser Component
parseSecMain :: (Name -> Path -> Component) -> Text -> Indent -> Parser [Component]
parseSecMain c s i = do
n <- componentHeader i s
c n <$> pathMain (i + 1) "./" ""
p <- pathMain (i + 1) ["./"] ""
pure $ map (c n) p
parseQuoted :: Parser Text
parseQuoted = do
@ -82,19 +83,38 @@ parseQuoted = do
takeTill (== q)
parseString :: Parser Name
parseString = parseQuoted <|> takeWhile1 (not . (\c -> isSpace c || c == ','))
parseString = parseQuoted <|> unqualName
pathMain :: Indent -> Text -> Text -> Parser Text
unqualName :: Parser Text
unqualName = takeWhile1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` ("-_./" :: String))
parseList :: Indent -> Parser [Text]
parseList i = items <|> (emptyOrComLine >> indent i >> items)
items = do
skipMany tabOrSpace
h <- parseString
skipMany tabOrSpace
skipMany (char ',')
t <-
<|> (skipToNextLine >> indent i >> parseList i)
<|> pure []
pure $ h : t
pathMain :: Indent -> [Text] -> Text -> Parser [Text]
pathMain i p m =
(field i "hs-source-dirs" >>= (\p' -> pathMain i p' m))
<|> (field i "main-is" >>= pathMain i p)
(hsSourceDir i >>= (\p' -> pathMain i p' m))
<|> (field i "main-is" (const parseString) >>= pathMain i p)
<|> (skipBlockLine i >> pathMain i p m)
<|> pure (p <> "/" <> m)
<|> pure (map (<> "/" <> m) p)
parseSec :: Indent -> Text -> (Name -> Path -> Component) -> Parser Component
parseSec :: Indent -> Text -> (Name -> Path -> Component) -> Parser [Component]
parseSec i compType compCon = do
n <- componentHeader i compType
compCon n <$> extractPath (i + 1)
p <- extractPath (i + 1) []
let p' = if null p then ["./"] else p
pure $ map (compCon n) p'
skipToNextLine :: Parser ()
skipToNextLine = skipWhile (not . isEndOfLine) >> endOfLine
@ -102,46 +122,47 @@ skipToNextLine = skipWhile (not . isEndOfLine) >> endOfLine
skipBlock :: Indent -> Parser ()
skipBlock i = skipMany $ skipBlockLine i
comment :: Parser ()
comment = skipMany tabOrSpace >> "--" >> skipToNextLine
skipBlockLine :: Indent -> Parser ()
skipBlockLine i =
(indent i >> skipToNextLine)
<|> (skipMany tabOrSpace >> endOfLine)
<|> (skipSpace >> "--" >> skipToNextLine)
skipBlockLine i = (indent i >> skipToNextLine) <|> emptyOrComLine
emptyOrComLine :: Parser ()
emptyOrComLine = skipMany tabOrSpace >> endOfLine <|> comment
tabOrSpace :: Parser Char
tabOrSpace = char ' ' <|> char '\t'
field :: Indent -> Text -> Parser Text
field i f =
hsSourceDir :: Indent -> Parser [Text]
hsSourceDir i = field i "hs-source-dirs" parseList
-- field :: Indent -> Text -> Parser Text
field ::
Indent ->
Text ->
(Indent -> Parser a) ->
Parser a
field i f p =
indent i
i' <- indent i
_ <- asciiCI f
_ <- char ':'
p <- parseString
p' <- p $ i' + 1
pure p
pure p'
parseMainIs :: Indent -> Parser Path
parseMainIs i =
p <- field i "main-is"
skipBlock i
pure p
<?> "hs-source-dirs"
extractPath :: Indent -> Parser Path
extractPath i =
( do
p <- field i "hs-source-dirs"
skipBlock i
pure p
<|> (skipBlockLine i >> extractPath i <?> "skip line")
<|> (pure "./" <?> "not found") <?> "extractPath"
extractPath :: Indent -> [Path] -> Parser [Path]
extractPath i ps =
(field i "hs-source-dirs" parseList >>= (\p -> extractPath i $ ps <> p))
<|> (skipBlockLine i >> extractPath i ps)
<|> (comment >> extractPath i ps)
<|> pure ps
-- | Skip at least n spaces
indent :: Indent -> Parser ()
indent 0 = skipMany tabOrSpace <?> "indent 0"
indent i = tabOrSpace >> indent (i - 1) <?> "indent 0"
indent :: Indent -> Parser Int
indent i = do
c <- length <$> many' tabOrSpace
if c >= i then pure c else fail "insufficient indent"

View File

@ -17,21 +17,29 @@ spec = do
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses executable section"
$ exeSection ~> parseExe 0
`shouldParse` Comp Exe "implicit-hie-exe" "app/Main.hs"
`shouldParse` [Comp Exe "implicit-hie-exe" "app/Main.hs"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses test section"
$ testSection ~> parseTestSuite 0
`shouldParse` Comp Test "implicit-hie-test" "test"
`shouldParse` [Comp Test "implicit-hie-test" "test"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses library section"
$ libSection ~> parseLib 0
`shouldParse` Comp Lib "" "src"
`shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses library section with 2 hs-source-dirs"
$ libSection2 ~> parseLib 0
`shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src", Comp Lib "" "src2"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses library section with 2 paths under hs-source-dirs"
$ libSection3 ~> parseLib 0
`shouldParse` [Comp Lib "" "src", Comp Lib "" "src2"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses bench section"
$ do
bs <- T.readFile "test/benchSection"
bs ~> parseBench 0
`shouldParse` Comp Bench "folds" "benchmarks/folds.hs"
`shouldParse` [Comp Bench "folds" "benchmarks/folds.hs"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses package"
$ fullFile ~> parsePackage
@ -58,6 +66,17 @@ spec = do
o <- readFile "test/hie.yaml.cbl"
(hieYaml "cabal" . fmtPkgs "cabal" . (: []) <$> parseOnly parsePackage f)
`shouldBe` Right o
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses comma list"
$ ("one, two" :: Text) ~> parseList 1 `shouldParse` ["one", "two"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses newline list"
$ ("one\n two \n three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1
`shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"]
describe "Should Succeed"
$ it "successfully parses newline list"
$ ("one\n two, three3" :: Text) ~> parseList 1
`shouldParse` ["one", "two", "three3"]
fullFile :: Text
fullFile = "name: implicit-hie\n" <> libSection <> exeSection <> testSection
@ -108,6 +127,43 @@ libSection =
\ default-language: Haskell2010\n\
libSection2 :: Text
libSection2 =
\ exposed-modules:\n\
\ Lib\n\
\ other-modules:\n\
\ Paths_implicit_hie\n\
\ hs-source-dirs:\n\
\ src\n\
\ hs-source-dirs:\n\
\ src2\n\
\ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints\n\
\ build-depends:\n\
\ attoparsec\n\
\ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\
\ , text\n\
\ default-language: Haskell2010\n\
libSection3 :: Text
libSection3 =
\ exposed-modules:\n\
\ Lib\n\
\ other-modules:\n\
\ Paths_implicit_hie\n\
\ hs-source-dirs:\n\
\ src,\n\
\ src2\n\
\ ghc-options: -fspecialize-aggressively -Wall -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fwarn-redundant-constraints\n\
\ build-depends:\n\
\ attoparsec\n\
\ , base >=4.7 && <5\n\
\ , text\n\
\ default-language: Haskell2010\n\
stackHie :: String
stackHie =

test/benchSection Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
benchmark folds
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: benchmarks
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
-- GHCJS takes forever to compile dependencies
if impl(ghcjs)
buildable: False
build-depends: base
, bytestring
, containers
, criterion
, lens
, optics
, unordered-containers
, vector
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: folds.hs