Rename sigma to stdev

This commit is contained in:
Bodigrim 2021-02-06 18:20:20 +00:00
parent 46a52489e2
commit 3719738610
2 changed files with 18 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ is `consoleBenchReporter` vs. `consoleTestReporter`):
fibo 20: OK (1.46s)
Response {respEstimate = Estimate {estMean = Measurement {measTime = 87496728, measAllocs = 0, measCopied = 0}, estSigma = 694487}, respIfSlower = FailIfSlower {unFailIfSlower = Infinity}, respIfFaster = FailIfFaster {unFailIfFaster = Infinity}}
Response {respEstimate = Estimate {estMean = Measurement {measTime = 87496728, measAllocs = 0, measCopied = 0}, estStdev = 694487}, respIfSlower = FailIfSlower Infinity, respIfFaster = FailIfFaster Infinity}
## Comparison against baseline

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@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ invoking 'Test.Tasty.Bench.defaultMain' and not 'Test.Tasty.defaultMain'
> All
> fibo 20: OK (1.46s)
> Response {respEstimate = Estimate {estMean = Measurement {measTime = 87496728, measAllocs = 0, measCopied = 0}, estSigma = 694487}, respIfSlower = FailIfSlower {unFailIfSlower = Infinity}, respIfFaster = FailIfFaster {unFailIfFaster = Infinity}}
> Response {respEstimate = Estimate {estMean = Measurement {measTime = 87496728, measAllocs = 0, measCopied = 0}, estStdev = 694487}, respIfSlower = FailIfSlower Infinity, respIfFaster = FailIfFaster Infinity}
=== Comparison against baseline
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ data Measurement = Measurement
data Estimate = Estimate
{ estMean :: !Measurement
, estSigma :: !Word64 -- ^ stdev in picoseconds
, estStdev :: !Word64 -- ^ stdev in picoseconds
} deriving (Show, Read)
data Response = Response
@ -521,22 +521,20 @@ data Response = Response
} deriving (Show, Read)
prettyEstimate :: Estimate -> String
prettyEstimate (Estimate m sigma) =
-- Two sigmas correspond to 95% probability,
showPicos (measTime m) ++ " ± " ++ showPicos (2 * sigma)
prettyEstimate (Estimate m stdev) =
showPicos (measTime m) ++ " ± " ++ showPicos (2 * stdev)
prettyEstimateWithGC :: Estimate -> String
prettyEstimateWithGC (Estimate m sigma) =
-- Two sigmas correspond to 95% probability,
showPicos (measTime m) ++ " ± " ++ showPicos (2 * sigma)
prettyEstimateWithGC (Estimate m stdev) =
showPicos (measTime m) ++ " ± " ++ showPicos (2 * stdev)
++ ", " ++ showBytes (measAllocs m) ++ " allocated, "
++ showBytes (measCopied m) ++ " copied"
csvEstimate :: Estimate -> String
csvEstimate (Estimate m sigma) = show (measTime m) ++ "," ++ show (2 * sigma)
csvEstimate (Estimate m stdev) = show (measTime m) ++ "," ++ show (2 * stdev)
csvEstimateWithGC :: Estimate -> String
csvEstimateWithGC (Estimate m sigma) = show (measTime m) ++ "," ++ show (2 * sigma)
csvEstimateWithGC (Estimate m stdev) = show (measTime m) ++ "," ++ show (2 * stdev)
++ "," ++ show (measAllocs m) ++ "," ++ show (measCopied m)
@ -545,7 +543,7 @@ predict
-> Estimate
predict (Measurement t1 a1 c1) (Measurement t2 a2 c2) = Estimate
{ estMean = Measurement t a c
, estSigma = truncate (sqrt d :: Double)
, estStdev = truncate (sqrt d :: Double)
sqr x = x * x
@ -558,9 +556,9 @@ predict (Measurement t1 a1 c1) (Measurement t2 a2 c2) = Estimate
predictPerturbed :: Measurement -> Measurement -> Estimate
predictPerturbed t1 t2 = Estimate
{ estMean = estMean (predict t1 t2)
, estSigma = max
(estSigma (predict (lo t1) (hi t2)))
(estSigma (predict (hi t1) (lo t2)))
, estStdev = max
(estStdev (predict (lo t1) (hi t2)))
(estStdev (predict (hi t1) (lo t2)))
prec = max (fromInteger cpuTimePrecision) 1000000000 -- 1 ms
@ -611,16 +609,16 @@ measureTimeUntil timeout (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b = do
go n t1 sumOfTs = do
t2 <- measureTime (2 * n) b
let Estimate (Measurement meanN allocN copiedN) sigmaN = predictPerturbed t1 t2
let Estimate (Measurement meanN allocN copiedN) stdevN = predictPerturbed t1 t2
isTimeoutSoon = case timeout of
NoTimeout -> False
-- multiplying by 1.2 helps to avoid accidental timeouts
Timeout micros _ -> (sumOfTs + measTime t1 + 3 * measTime t2) * 12 >= fromInteger micros * 1000000 * 10
isStDevInTargetRange = sigmaN < truncate (max 0 targetRelStDev * fromIntegral meanN)
isStDevInTargetRange = stdevN < truncate (max 0 targetRelStDev * fromIntegral meanN)
scale = (`quot` fromIntegral n)
if isStDevInTargetRange || isTimeoutSoon
then pure $ Estimate (Measurement (scale meanN) (scale allocN) (scale copiedN)) (scale sigmaN)
then pure $ Estimate (Measurement (scale meanN) (scale allocN) (scale copiedN)) (scale stdevN)
else go (2 * n) t2 (sumOfTs + measTime t1)
instance IsTest Benchmarkable where
@ -954,10 +952,10 @@ consoleBenchReporter = modifyConsoleReporter [Option (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe Base
&& fromIntegral slowDown >= -100 * ifFast
compareVsBaseline :: S.Set TestName -> TestName -> Estimate -> Int64
compareVsBaseline baseline name (Estimate m sigma) = case mOld of
compareVsBaseline baseline name (Estimate m stdev) = case mOld of
Nothing -> 0
Just (oldTime, oldDoubleSigma)
| abs (time - oldTime) < max (2 * fromIntegral sigma) oldDoubleSigma -> 0
| abs (time - oldTime) < max (2 * fromIntegral stdev) oldDoubleSigma -> 0
| otherwise -> 100 * (time - oldTime) `quot` oldTime
time = fromIntegral $ measTime m