Experiment with comparisons against baseline

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Bodigrim 2021-02-02 22:43:56 +00:00
parent f9691c5667
commit 4b85b88790
2 changed files with 70 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -264,11 +264,17 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (void, unless, (>=>))
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap, traverse_)
import Data.Int
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Monoid (All(..), Any(..))
import Data.Proxy
#if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
import Data.Set (lookupGE)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Traversable (forM)
import GHC.Conc
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
@ -490,7 +496,7 @@ type Benchmark = TestTree
defaultMain :: [Benchmark] -> IO ()
defaultMain = Test.Tasty.defaultMainWithIngredients ingredients . testGroup "All"
ingredients = [listingTests, composeReporters csvReporter consoleBenchReporter]
ingredients = [listingTests, composeReporters consoleBenchReporter csvReporter]
funcToBench :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
funcToBench frc = (Benchmarkable .) . go
@ -659,45 +665,29 @@ csvReporter :: Ingredient
csvReporter = TestReporter [Option (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe CsvPath))] $
\opts tree -> do
CsvPath path <- lookupOption opts
let names = IM.fromDistinctAscList $ zip [0..] (testsNames opts tree)
pure $ \smap -> do
let augmented = IM.intersectionWith (,) names smap
hasGCStats <- getRTSStatsEnabled
h <- openFile path WriteMode
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
hasGCStats <- getRTSStatsEnabled
hPutStrLn h $ "Name,Mean (ps),2*Stdev (ps)" ++
(if hasGCStats then ",Allocated,Copied" else "")
pure h
(\h -> csvOutput (buildCsvOutput h opts tree) smap)
(`csvOutput` augmented)
pure $ const ((== 0) . statFailures <$> computeStatistics smap)
buildCsvOutput :: Handle -> OptionSet -> TestTree -> TestOutput
buildCsvOutput h = ((($ []) . getApp) .) . foldTestTree
trivialFold { foldSingle = const runSingleTest, foldGroup =
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,4,0)
const runGroup
runSingleTest name = const $ Ap $ \prefix -> PrintTest name
(hPutStr h $ encodeCsv (intercalate "." (reverse (name : prefix))) ++ ",")
(\r -> do
hasGCStats <- getRTSStatsEnabled
let csv = if hasGCStats then csvEstimateWithGC else csvEstimate
msg <- formatMessage $ csv $ read $ resultDescription r
hPutStrLn h msg)
runGroup name (Ap grp) = Ap $ \prefix -> grp (name : prefix)
csvOutput :: TestOutput -> StatusMap -> IO ()
csvOutput = (getTraversal .) . foldTestOutput (const foldTest) (const (const id))
foldTest printName getResult printResult =
Traversal $ printName >> getResult >>= printResult
csvOutput :: Handle -> IntMap (TestName, TVar Status) -> IO ()
csvOutput h = traverse_ $ \(name, tv) -> do
hasGCStats <- getRTSStatsEnabled
let csv = if hasGCStats then csvEstimateWithGC else csvEstimate
r <- atomically $ readTVar tv >>= \s -> case s of Done r -> pure r; _ -> retry
msg <- formatMessage $ csv $ read $ resultDescription r
hPutStrLn h (encodeCsv name ++ ',' : msg)
encodeCsv :: String -> String
encodeCsv xs
@ -705,26 +695,66 @@ encodeCsv xs
= '"' : concatMap (\x -> if x == '"' then "\"\"" else [x]) xs ++ "\""
| otherwise = xs
newtype BaselinePath = BaselinePath { _unBaselinePath :: FilePath }
deriving (Typeable)
instance IsOption (Maybe BaselinePath) where
defaultValue = Nothing
parseValue = Just . Just . BaselinePath
optionName = pure "baseline"
optionHelp = pure "File with baseline results in CSV format to compare against"
-- | Run benchmarks and report results
-- in a manner similar to 'consoleTestReporter'.
-- Compare results against an earlier run,
-- if @--baseline@ @FILE@ command line option is specified.
consoleBenchReporter :: Ingredient
consoleBenchReporter = modifyConsoleReporter $ do
consoleBenchReporter = modifyConsoleReporter [Option (Proxy :: Proxy (Maybe BaselinePath))] $ \opts -> do
baseline <- case lookupOption opts of
Nothing -> pure S.empty
Just (BaselinePath path) -> S.fromList . lines <$> (readFile path >>= evaluate . force)
hasGCStats <- getRTSStatsEnabled
let pretty = if hasGCStats then prettyEstimateWithGC else prettyEstimate
pure $ \r -> r { resultDescription = pretty (read (resultDescription r)) }
pure $ \name r -> let est = read (resultDescription r) in
r { resultDescription = pretty est ++ compareVsBaseline baseline name est }
modifyConsoleReporter :: IO (Result -> Result) -> Ingredient
modifyConsoleReporter f = TestReporter desc ((fmap (((f >>=) . flip postprocessResult) >=>) .) . cb)
compareVsBaseline :: S.Set TestName -> TestName -> Estimate -> String
compareVsBaseline baseline name (Estimate m sigma) = case mOld of
Nothing -> ""
Just (oldTime, oldDoubleSigma)
| abs (time - oldTime) < max (2 * sigma) oldDoubleSigma -> ""
| otherwise -> printf ", %2i%% %s than baseline"
(abs (100 - 100 * time `quot` oldTime))
(if time > oldTime then "slower" else "faster")
time = measTime m
mOld = do
let prefix = encodeCsv name ++ ","
line <- lookupGE prefix baseline
(timeCell, ',' : rest) <- span (/= ',') <$> stripPrefix prefix line
let doubleSigmaCell = takeWhile (/= ',') rest
(,) <$> safeRead timeCell <*> safeRead doubleSigmaCell
#if !MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0)
lookupGE :: TestName -> S.Set TestName -> Maybe TestName
lookupGE x = fmap fst . S.minView . S.filter (x `isPrefixOf`)
modifyConsoleReporter :: [OptionDescription] -> (OptionSet -> IO (TestName -> Result -> Result)) -> Ingredient
modifyConsoleReporter desc' iof = TestReporter (desc ++ desc') $ \opts tree ->
let names = IM.fromDistinctAscList $ zip [0..] (testsNames opts tree)
modifySMap = (iof opts >>=) . flip postprocessResult . IM.intersectionWith (,) names
in (modifySMap >=>) <$> cb opts tree
TestReporter desc cb = consoleTestReporter
postprocessResult :: (Result -> Result) -> StatusMap -> IO StatusMap
postprocessResult :: (TestName -> Result -> Result) -> IntMap (TestName, TVar Status) -> IO StatusMap
postprocessResult f src = do
paired <- forM src $ \tv -> (tv,) <$> newTVarIO NotStarted
paired <- forM src $ \(name, tv) -> (name, tv,) <$> newTVarIO NotStarted
let doUpdate = atomically $ do
(Any anyUpdated, All allDone) <-
getApp $ flip foldMap paired $ \(newTV, oldTV) -> Ap $ do
getApp $ flip foldMap paired $ \(name, newTV, oldTV) -> Ap $ do
old <- readTVar oldTV
case old of
Done{} -> pure (Any False, All True)
@ -732,7 +762,7 @@ postprocessResult f src = do
new <- readTVar newTV
case new of
Done res -> do
writeTVar oldTV (Done (f res))
writeTVar oldTV (Done (f name res))
pure (Any True, All True)
-- ignoring Progress nodes, we do not report any
-- it would be helpful to have instance Eq Status
@ -740,4 +770,4 @@ postprocessResult f src = do
if anyUpdated || allDone then pure allDone else retry
adNauseam = doUpdate >>= (`unless` adNauseam)
_ <- forkIO adNauseam
pure $ fmap snd paired
pure $ fmap (\(_, _, a) -> a) paired

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ library
base >= 4.3 && < 5,
containers >= 0.4,
deepseq >= 1.1,
tasty >= 1.2.3
if impl(ghc < 7.8)