Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
Bodigrim 2021-01-19 00:23:42 +00:00
commit 97cc2dc03a
6 changed files with 832 additions and 0 deletions

.github/workflows/haskell-ci.yml vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# This GitHub workflow config has been generated by a script via
# haskell-ci 'github' 'tasty-bench.cabal'
# To regenerate the script (for example after adjusting tested-with) run
# haskell-ci regenerate
# For more information, see
# version: 0.11.20210111
# REGENDATA ("0.11.20210111",["github","tasty-bench.cabal"])
name: Haskell-CI
- push
- pull_request
name: Haskell-CI Linux - GHC ${{ matrix.ghc }}
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
image: buildpack-deps:bionic
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.allow-failure }}
- ghc: 8.10.3
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 8.8.4
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 8.6.5
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 8.4.4
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 8.2.2
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 8.0.2
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.10.3
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.8.4
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.6.3
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.4.2
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.2.2
allow-failure: false
- ghc: 7.0.4
allow-failure: false
fail-fast: false
- name: apt
run: |
apt-get update
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gnupg ca-certificates dirmngr curl git software-properties-common
apt-add-repository -y 'ppa:hvr/ghc'
apt-get update
apt-get install -y ghc-$GHC_VERSION cabal-install-3.2
GHC_VERSION: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
- name: Set PATH and environment variables
run: |
echo "$HOME/.cabal/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
echo "LANG=C.UTF-8" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CABAL_DIR=$HOME/.cabal" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CABAL_CONFIG=$HOME/.cabal/config" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "HC=$HC" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "HCPKG=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VERSION/bin/ghc-pkg" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "HADDOCK=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VERSION/bin/haddock" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "CABAL=/opt/cabal/3.2/bin/cabal -vnormal+nowrap" >> $GITHUB_ENV
HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne '/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')
echo "ARG_TESTS=--enable-tests" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ARG_BENCH=--enable-benchmarks" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "ARG_COMPILER=--ghc --with-compiler=/opt/ghc/$GHC_VERSION/bin/ghc" >> $GITHUB_ENV
GHC_VERSION: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
- name: env
run: |
- name: write cabal config
run: |
mkdir -p $CABAL_DIR
remote-build-reporting: anonymous
write-ghc-environment-files: never
remote-repo-cache: $CABAL_DIR/packages
logs-dir: $CABAL_DIR/logs
world-file: $CABAL_DIR/world
extra-prog-path: $CABAL_DIR/bin
symlink-bindir: $CABAL_DIR/bin
installdir: $CABAL_DIR/bin
build-summary: $CABAL_DIR/logs/build.log
store-dir: $CABAL_DIR/store
install-dirs user
prefix: $CABAL_DIR
- name: versions
run: |
$HC --version || true
$HC --print-project-git-commit-id || true
$CABAL --version || true
- name: update cabal index
run: |
$CABAL v2-update -v
- name: install cabal-plan
run: |
mkdir -p $HOME/.cabal/bin
curl -sL > cabal-plan.xz
echo 'de73600b1836d3f55e32d80385acc055fd97f60eaa0ab68a755302685f5d81bc cabal-plan.xz' | sha256sum -c -
xz -d < cabal-plan.xz > $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-plan
rm -f cabal-plan.xz
chmod a+x $HOME/.cabal/bin/cabal-plan
cabal-plan --version
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: source
- name: sdist
run: |
mkdir -p sdist
cd source || false
$CABAL sdist all --output-dir $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/sdist
- name: unpack
run: |
mkdir -p unpacked
find sdist -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -C $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/unpacked -xzvf {} \;
- name: generate cabal.project
run: |
PKGDIR_tasty_bench="$(find "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/unpacked" -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/tasty-bench-[0-9.]*')"
echo "PKGDIR_tasty_bench=${PKGDIR_tasty_bench}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
touch cabal.project
touch cabal.project.local
echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_tasty_bench}" >> cabal.project
if [ $((HCNUMVER >= 80200)) -ne 0 ] ; then echo "package tasty-bench" >> cabal.project ; fi
if [ $((HCNUMVER >= 80200)) -ne 0 ] ; then echo " ghc-options: -Werror=missing-methods" >> cabal.project ; fi
cat >> cabal.project <<EOF
$HCPKG list --simple-output --names-only | perl -ne 'for (split /\s+/) { print "constraints: $_ installed\n" unless /^(tasty-bench)$/; }' >> cabal.project.local
cat cabal.project
cat cabal.project.local
- name: dump install plan
run: |
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH --dry-run all
- name: cache
uses: actions/cache@v2
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-${{ github.sha }}
path: ~/.cabal/store
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-
- name: install dependencies
run: |
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --dependencies-only -j2 all
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH --dependencies-only -j2 all
- name: build w/o tests
run: |
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all
- name: build
run: |
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all --write-ghc-environment-files=always
- name: cabal check
run: |
cd ${PKGDIR_tasty_bench} || false
${CABAL} -vnormal check
- name: haddock
run: |
$CABAL v2-haddock $ARG_COMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK $ARG_TESTS $ARG_BENCH all
- name: unconstrained build
run: |
rm -f cabal.project.local
$CABAL v2-build $ARG_COMPILER --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks all

LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Lelechenko
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

139 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# tasty-bench
Featherlight benchmark framework (only one file!) for performance measurement with API mimicking [`criterion`]( and [`gauge`](
## How lightweight is it?
There is only one source file `Test.Tasty.Bench`, less than 450 lines, and no external dependencies except [`tasty`]( So if you already depend on `tasty` for a test suite, there
is nothing else to install.
Compare this to `criterion` (10+ modules, 50+ dependencies) and `gauge` (40+ modules, depends on `basement` and `vector`).
## How is it possible?
Our benchmarks are literally regular `tasty` tests, so we can leverage all existing
machinery for command-line options, resource management, structuring,
listing and filtering benchmarks, running and reporting results. It also means
that `tasty-bench` can be used in conjunction with other `tasty` ingredients.
Unlike `criterion` and `gauge` we use a very simple statistical model described below.
This is arguably a questionable choice, but it works pretty well in practice.
A rare developer is sufficiently well-versed in probability theory
to make sense and use of all numbers generated by `criterion`.
## How to switch?
[Cabal mixins](
allow to taste `tasty-bench` instead of `criterion` or `gauge`
without changing a single line of code:
cabal-version: 2.0
benchmark foo
tasty-bench (Test.Tasty.Bench as Criterion)
This works vice versa as well: if you use `tasty-bench`, but at some point
need a more comprehensive statistical analysis,
it is easy to switch temporarily back to `criterion`.
## How to write a benchmark?
import Test.Tasty.Bench
fibo :: Int -> Integer
fibo n = if n < 2 then toInteger n else fibo (n - 1) + fibo (n - 2)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bgroup "fibonacci numbers"
[ bench "fifth" $ nf fibo 5
, bench "tenth" $ nf fibo 10
, bench "twentieth" $ nf fibo 20
Since `tasty-bench` provides an API compatible with `criterion`,
one can refer to [its documentation]( for more examples.
## How to read results?
Running the example above results in the following output:
fibonacci numbers
fifth: OK (2.13s)
63 ns ± 3.4 ns
tenth: OK (1.71s)
809 ns ± 73 ns
twentieth: OK (3.39s)
104 μs ± 4.9 μs
All 3 tests passed (7.25s)
The output says that, for instance, the first benchmark
was repeatedly executed for 2.13 seconds (wall time),
its mean time was 63 nanoseconds and with 95% probability
execution time should not diverge from the mean
further than ±3.4 nanoseconds (double standard deviation).
## Statistical model
Here is a procedure, used by `tasty-bench` to measure execution time:
1. Set _n_ ← 1.
2. Measure execution time _tₙ_ of _n_ iterations
and execution time _t₂ₙ_ of _2n_ iterations.
3. Find _t_ which minimizes deviation of (_nt_, _2nt_) from (_tₙ_, _t₂ₙ_).
4. If deviation is small enough, return _t_ as a mean execution time.
5. Otherwise set _n__2n_ and jump back to Step 2.
This is roughly similar to the linear regression approach which `criterion` takes,
but we fit only two last points. This allows us to simplify away all heavy-weight
statistical analysis. More importantly, earlier measurements,
which are presumably shorter and noisier, do not affect overall result.
This is in contrast to `criterion`, which fits all measurements and
is biased to use more data points corresponding to shorter runs
(it employs _n__1.05n_ progression).
## Command-line options
Use `--help` to list command-line options.
* `-p`, `--pattern`
This is a standard `tasty` option, which allows filtering benchmarks
by a pattern or `awk` expression. Please refer to
[`tasty` documentation](
for details.
* `--plain`
Produce machine-readable output:
`(mean in picoseconds, standard deviation in picoseconds)`.
This is handy for consumption by other `tasty` ingredients.
* `-t`, `--timeout`
This is a standard `tasty` option, setting timeout for individual benchmarks
in seconds. Use it when benchmarks tend to take too long: `tasty-bench` will make
an effort to report results (even if of subpar quality) before timeout. Setting
timeout too tight (insufficient for at least three iterations of benchmark)
will result in a benchmark failure. Do not use `--timeout` without a reason:
it forks an additional thread and thus affects reliability of measurements.
* `--stdev`
Target relative standard deviation of measurements in percents (5% by default).
Large values correspond to fast and loose benchmarks, and small ones to long and precise.
If it takes far too long, consider setting `--timeout`,
which will interrupt benchmarks, potentially before reaching the target deviation.

Test/Tasty/Bench.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
{- |
Module: Test.Tasty.Bench
Copyright: (c) 2021 Andrew Lelechenko
Licence: MIT
Featherlight benchmark framework (only one file!) for performance measurement with API mimicking [@criterion@]( and [@gauge@](
=== How lightweight is it?
There is only one source file "Test.Tasty.Bench", less than 450 lines, and no external dependencies except [@tasty@]( So if you already depend on @tasty@ for a test suite, there
is nothing else to install.
Compare this to @criterion@ (10+ modules, 50+ dependencies) and @gauge@ (40+ modules, depends on @basement@ and @vector@).
=== How is it possible?
Our benchmarks are literally regular @tasty@ tests, so we can leverage all existing
machinery for command-line options, resource management, structuring,
listing and filtering benchmarks, running and reporting results. It also means
that @tasty-bench@ can be used in conjunction with other @tasty@ ingredients.
Unlike @criterion@ and @gauge@ we use a very simple statistical model described below.
This is arguably a questionable choice, but it works pretty well in practice.
A rare developer is sufficiently well-versed in probability theory
to make sense and use of all numbers generated by @criterion@.
=== How to switch?
[Cabal mixins](
allow to taste @tasty-bench@ instead of @criterion@ or @gauge@
without changing a single line of code:
cabal-version: 2.0
benchmark foo
tasty-bench (Test.Tasty.Bench as Criterion)
This works vice versa as well: if you use @tasty-bench@, but at some point
need a more comprehensive statistical analysis,
it is easy to switch temporarily back to @criterion@.
=== How to write a benchmark?
import Test.Tasty.Bench
fibo :: Int -> Integer
fibo n = if n < 2 then toInteger n else fibo (n - 1) + fibo (n - 2)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ bgroup "fibonacci numbers"
[ bench "fifth" $ nf fibo 5
, bench "tenth" $ nf fibo 10
, bench "twentieth" $ nf fibo 20
Since @tasty-bench@ provides an API compatible with @criterion@,
one can refer to [its documentation]( for more examples.
=== How to read results?
Running the example above results in the following output:
fibonacci numbers
fifth: OK (2.13s)
63 ns ± 3.4 ns
tenth: OK (1.71s)
809 ns ± 73 ns
twentieth: OK (3.39s)
104 μs ± 4.9 μs
All 3 tests passed (7.25s)
The output says that, for instance, the first benchmark
was repeatedly executed for 2.13 seconds (wall time),
its mean time was 63 nanoseconds and with 95% probability
execution time should not diverge from the mean
further than ±3.4 nanoseconds (double standard deviation).
=== Statistical model
Here is a procedure, used by @tasty-bench@ to measure execution time:
1. Set \( n \leftarrow 1 \).
2. Measure execution time \( t_n \) of \( n \) iterations
and execution time \( t_{2n} \) of \( 2n \) iterations.
3. Find \( t \) which minimizes deviation of \( (nt, 2nt) \) from \( (t_n, t_{2n}) \).
4. If deviation is small enough, return \( t \) as a mean execution time.
5. Otherwise set \( n \leftarrow 2n \) and jump back to Step 2.
This is roughly similar to the linear regression approach which @criterion@ takes,
but we fit only two last points. This allows us to simplify away all heavy-weight
statistical analysis. More importantly, earlier measurements,
which are presumably shorter and noisier, do not affect overall result.
This is in contrast to @criterion@, which fits all measurements and
is biased to use more data points corresponding to shorter runs
(it employs \( n \leftarrow 1.05n \) progression).
=== Command-line options
Use @--help@ to list command-line options.
[@-p@, @--pattern@]:
This is a standard @tasty@ option, which allows filtering benchmarks
by a pattern or @awk@ expression. Please refer
to [@tasty@ documentation](
for details.
Produce machine-readable output:
@(mean in picoseconds, standard deviation in picoseconds)@.
This is handy for consumption by other @tasty@ ingredients.
[@-t@, @--timeout@]:
This is a standard @tasty@ option, setting timeout for individual benchmarks
in seconds. Use it when benchmarks tend to take too long: @tasty-bench@ will make
an effort to report results (even if of subpar quality) before timeout. Setting
timeout too tight (insufficient for at least three iterations of benchmark)
will result in a benchmark failure. Do not use @--timeout@ without a reason:
it forks an additional thread and thus affects reliability of measurements.
Target relative standard deviation of measurements in percents (5% by default).
Large values correspond to fast and loose benchmarks, and small ones to long and precise.
If it takes far too long, consider setting @--timeout@,
which will interrupt benchmarks, potentially before reaching the target deviation.
module Test.Tasty.Bench
-- * Running 'Benchmark'
, Benchmark
, bench
, bgroup
-- * Creating 'Benchmarkable'
, Benchmarkable
, nf
, whnf
, nfIO
, whnfIO
, nfAppIO
, whnfAppIO
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import System.CPUTime
import System.Mem
import Test.Tasty hiding (defaultMain)
import qualified Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import Text.Printf
import Test.Tasty.Runners
newtype PlainFormat = PlainFormat { unPlainFormat :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
instance IsOption PlainFormat where
defaultValue = PlainFormat False
parseValue = fmap PlainFormat . safeReadBool
optionName = pure "plain"
optionHelp = pure "Produce machine-readable output: (mean in picoseconds, standard deviation in picoseconds). This is handy for consumption by other tasty ingredients."
optionCLParser = mkFlagCLParser mempty (PlainFormat True)
newtype RelStDev = RelStDev { unRelStDev :: Double }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
instance IsOption RelStDev where
defaultValue = RelStDev 5
parseValue = fmap RelStDev . safeRead
optionName = pure "stdev"
optionHelp = pure "Target relative standard deviation of measurements in percents (5 by default). Large values correspond to fast and loose benchmarks, and small ones to long and precise. If it takes far too long, consider setting --timeout, which will interrupt benchmarks, potentially before reaching the target deviation."
-- | Something that can be benchmarked.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.Benchmarkable' and 'Gauge.Benchmarkable'.
newtype Benchmarkable = Benchmarkable { _unBenchmarkable :: Int64 -> IO () }
deriving (Typeable)
showPicos :: Integer -> String
showPicos i
| a == 0 = "0"
| a < 995 = printf "%3.0f ps" t
| a < 995e1 = printf "%3.1f ns" (t / 1e3)
| a < 995e3 = printf "%3.0f ns" (t / 1e3)
| a < 995e4 = printf "%3.1f μs" (t / 1e6)
| a < 995e6 = printf "%3.0f μs" (t / 1e6)
| a < 995e7 = printf "%3.1f ms" (t / 1e9)
| a < 995e9 = printf "%3.0f ms" (t / 1e9)
| otherwise = printf "%.1f s" (t / 1e12)
t, a :: Double
t = fromInteger i
a = abs t
data Measurement = Measurement
{ measMean :: !Integer -- ^ time in picoseconds
, measSigma :: !Double -- ^ stdev in picoseconds
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Measurement where
show (Measurement mean sigma) =
-- Two sigmas correspond to 95% probability,
showPicos mean ++ " ± " ++ showPicos (truncate (2 * sigma))
:: Integer -- ^ time for one run
-> Integer -- ^ time for two runs
-> Measurement
predict t1 t2 = Measurement a (sqrt (fromInteger d))
sqr x = x * x
d = sqr (t1 - a) + sqr (t2 - 2 * a)
a = (t1 + 2 * t2) `quot` 5
predictPerturbed :: Integer -> Integer -> Measurement
predictPerturbed t1 t2 = Measurement
{ measMean = measMean (predict t1 t2)
, measSigma = max
(measSigma (predict (t1 - prec) (t2 + prec)))
(measSigma (predict (t1 + prec) (t2 - prec)))
prec = max cpuTimePrecision 1000000000 -- 1 ms
measureTime :: Int64 -> Benchmarkable -> IO Integer
measureTime n (Benchmarkable act) = do
startTime <- getCPUTime
act n
endTime <- getCPUTime
pure $ endTime - startTime
measureTimeUntil :: Maybe Integer -> Double -> Benchmarkable -> IO Measurement
measureTimeUntil timeout targetRelStDev b = do
t1 <- measureTime 1 b
go 1 t1 0
go :: Int64 -> Integer -> Integer -> IO Measurement
go n t1 sumOfTs = do
t2 <- measureTime (2 * n) b
let Measurement meanN sigmaN = predictPerturbed t1 t2
isTimeoutSoon = case timeout of
Nothing -> False
-- multiplying by 1.2 helps to avoid accidental timeouts
Just t -> (sumOfTs + t1 + t2 + (2 * t2)) * 12 >= t * 10
mean = meanN `quot` toInteger n
sigma = sigmaN / fromIntegral n
isStDevInTargetRange = sigma / fromInteger mean < targetRelStDev
if mean > 0 && (isStDevInTargetRange || isTimeoutSoon)
then pure $ Measurement mean sigma
else go (2 * n) t2 (sumOfTs + t1)
instance IsTest Benchmarkable where
testOptions = pure [Option (Proxy :: Proxy RelStDev), Option (Proxy :: Proxy PlainFormat)]
run opts b = const $ case getNumThreads (lookupOption opts) of
1 -> do
let targetRelStDev = unRelStDev (lookupOption opts) / 100
timeout = case lookupOption opts of
NoTimeout -> Nothing
Timeout micros _ -> Just $ micros * 1000000
meas <- measureTimeUntil timeout targetRelStDev b
let msg = if unPlainFormat (lookupOption opts)
then show (measMean meas, measSigma meas)
else show meas
pure $ testPassed msg
_ -> pure $ testFailed "Benchmarks should be run in a single-threaded mode (--jobs 1)"
-- | Attach a name to 'Benchmarkable'.
-- This is actually a synonym of 'Test.Tasty.Providers.singleTest'
-- to provide an interface compatible with 'Criterion.bench' and 'Gauge.bench'.
bench :: String -> Benchmarkable -> Benchmark
bench = singleTest
-- | Attach a name to a group of 'Benchmark'.
-- This is actually a synonym of 'Test.Tasty.testGroup'
-- to provide an interface compatible with 'Criterion.bgroup'
-- and 'Gauge.bgroup'.
bgroup :: String -> [Benchmark] -> Benchmark
bgroup = testGroup
-- | Benchmarks are actually just a regular 'Test.Tasty.TestTree' in disguise.
-- This is a drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.Benchmark' and 'Gauge.Benchmark'.
type Benchmark = TestTree
-- | Run benchmarks and report results.
-- Wrapper around 'Test.Tasty.defaultMain'
-- to provide an interface compatible with 'Criterion.defaultMain'
-- and 'Gauge.defaultMain'.
defaultMain :: [Benchmark] -> IO ()
defaultMain = Test.Tasty.defaultMain . testGroup "All"
funcToBench :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
funcToBench frc = (Benchmarkable .) . go
go f x n
| n <= 0 = pure ()
| otherwise = do
_ <- evaluate (frc (f x))
go f x (n - 1)
{-# INLINE funcToBench #-}
-- | 'nf' @f@ @x@ measures time to compute
-- a normal form (by means of 'rnf') of @f@ @x@.
-- Note that forcing a normal form requires an additional
-- traverse of the structure. In certain scenarios (imagine benchmarking 'tail'),
-- especially when 'NFData' instance is badly written,
-- this traversal may take non-negligible time and affect results.
-- Drop-in replacement for '' and ''.
nf :: NFData b => (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
nf = funcToBench rnf
{-# INLINE nf #-}
-- | 'whnf' @f@ @x@ measures time to compute
-- a weak head normal form of @f@ @x@.
-- Computing only a weak head normal form is
-- rarely what intuitively is meant by "evaluation".
-- Unless you understand precisely, what is measured,
-- it is recommended to use 'nf' instead.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.whnf' and 'Gauge.whnf'.
whnf :: (a -> b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
whnf = funcToBench id
{-# INLINE whnf #-}
ioToBench :: (b -> c) -> IO b -> Benchmarkable
ioToBench frc act = Benchmarkable go
go n
| n <= 0 = pure ()
| otherwise = do
val <- act
_ <- evaluate (frc val)
go (n - 1)
{-# INLINE ioToBench #-}
-- | 'nfIO' @x@ measures time to evaluate side-effects of @x@
-- and compute its normal form (by means of 'rnf').
-- Pure subexpression of an effectful computation @x@
-- may be evaluated only once and get cached; use 'nfAppIO'
-- to avoid this.
-- Note that forcing a normal form requires an additional
-- traverse of the structure. In certain scenarios,
-- especially when 'NFData' instance is badly written,
-- this traversal may take non-negligible time and affect results.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.nfIO' and 'Gauge.nfIO'.
nfIO :: NFData a => IO a -> Benchmarkable
nfIO = ioToBench rnf
{-# INLINE nfIO #-}
-- | 'whnfIO' @x@ measures time to evaluate side-effects of @x@
-- and compute its weak head normal form.
-- Pure subexpression of an effectful computation @x@
-- may be evaluated only once and get cached; use 'whnfAppIO'
-- to avoid this.
-- Computing only a weak head normal form is
-- rarely what intuitively is meant by "evaluation".
-- Unless you understand precisely, what is measured,
-- it is recommended to use 'nfIO' instead.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.whnfIO' and 'Gauge.whnfIO'.
whnfIO :: NFData a => IO a -> Benchmarkable
whnfIO = ioToBench id
{-# INLINE whnfIO #-}
ioFuncToBench :: (b -> c) -> (a -> IO b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
ioFuncToBench frc = (Benchmarkable .) . go
go f x n
| n <= 0 = pure ()
| otherwise = do
val <- f x
_ <- evaluate (frc val)
go f x (n - 1)
{-# INLINE ioFuncToBench #-}
-- | 'nfAppIO' @f@ @x@ measures time to evaluate side-effects of @f@ @x@
-- and compute its normal form (by means of 'rnf').
-- Note that forcing a normal form requires an additional
-- traverse of the structure. In certain scenarios,
-- especially when 'NFData' instance is badly written,
-- this traversal may take non-negligible time and affect results.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.nfAppIO' and 'Gauge.nfAppIO'.
nfAppIO :: NFData b => (a -> IO b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
nfAppIO = ioFuncToBench rnf
{-# INLINE nfAppIO #-}
-- | 'whnfAppIO' @f@ @x@ measures time to evaluate side-effects of @f@ @x@
-- and compute its weak head normal form.
-- Computing only a weak head normal form is
-- rarely what intuitively is meant by "evaluation".
-- Unless you understand precisely, what is measured,
-- it is recommended to use 'nfAppIO' instead.
-- Drop-in replacement for 'Criterion.whnfAppIO' and 'Gauge.whnfAppIO'.
whnfAppIO :: (a -> IO b) -> a -> Benchmarkable
whnfAppIO = ioFuncToBench id
{-# INLINE whnfAppIO #-}

3 Normal file
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* Initial release.

tasty-bench.cabal Normal file
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name: tasty-bench
version: 0.1
cabal-version: >=1.10
build-type: Simple
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE
copyright: 2021 Andrew Lelechenko
maintainer: Andrew Lelechenko <>
category: Development, Performance, Testing, Benchmarking
synopsis: Featherlight benchmark framework
Featherlight framework (only one file!)
for performance measurement with API mimicking
@criterion@ and @gauge@. Our benchmarks are just
regular @tasty@ tests.
tested-with: GHC==8.10.3, GHC==8.8.4, GHC==8.6.5, GHC==8.4.4, GHC==8.2.2, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
source-repository head
type: git
exposed-modules: Test.Tasty.Bench
hs-source-dirs: .
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: DeriveDataTypeable
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports
base >= 4.3 && < 5,
deepseq >= 1.1,
tasty >= 1.0.1
if impl(ghc < 7.8)
tagged >= 0.2