Support tasty-1.5 and report benchmarking progress

This commit is contained in:
Bodigrim 2023-07-29 23:48:29 +01:00
parent 14c1bbcab4
commit bac7abd938
2 changed files with 57 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -763,6 +763,8 @@ data Timeout
String -- ^ textual representation (e. g., @"0.2s"@)
| NoTimeout
deriving (Show)
type Progress = ()
@ -1082,12 +1084,19 @@ measure timeMode n (Benchmarkable act) = do
pure meas
measureUntil :: TimeMode -> Bool -> Timeout -> RelStDev -> Benchmarkable -> IO Estimate
measureUntil timeMode _ _ (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b
:: (Progress -> IO ())
-> TimeMode
-> Bool
-> Timeout
-> RelStDev
-> Benchmarkable
-> IO Estimate
measureUntil _ timeMode _ _ (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b
| isInfinite targetRelStDev, targetRelStDev > 0 = do
t1 <- measure timeMode 1 b
pure $ Estimate { estMean = t1, estStdev = 0 }
measureUntil timeMode warnIfNoTimeout timeout (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b = do
measureUntil yieldProgress timeMode warnIfNoTimeout timeout (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b = do
t1 <- measure' 1 b
go 1 t1 0
@ -1106,15 +1115,26 @@ measureUntil timeMode warnIfNoTimeout timeout (RelStDev targetRelStDev) b = do
scale = (`quot` n)
sumOfTs' = sumOfTs + measTime t1
let scaledEstimate = Estimate
{ estMean = Measurement (scale meanN) (scale allocN) (scale copiedN) maxMemN
, estStdev = scale stdevN }
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_tasty
yieldProgress $ Progress
{ progressText = prettyEstimate scaledEstimate
, progressPercent = 0.0
yieldProgress ()
case timeout of
NoTimeout | warnIfNoTimeout, sumOfTs' + measTime t2 > 100 * 1000000000000
-> hPutStrLn stderr "This benchmark takes more than 100 seconds. Consider setting --timeout, if this is unexpected (or to silence this warning)."
_ -> pure ()
if isStDevInTargetRange || isTimeoutSoon
then pure $ Estimate
{ estMean = Measurement (scale meanN) (scale allocN) (scale copiedN) maxMemN
, estStdev = scale stdevN }
then pure scaledEstimate
else go (2 * n) t2 sumOfTs'
-- | An internal routine to measure CPU execution time in seconds
@ -1141,7 +1161,7 @@ measureCpuTimeAndStDev
( word64ToDouble (measTime (estMean x)) / 1e12
, word64ToDouble (estStdev x) / 1e12
)) .) .)
. measureUntil CpuTime False
. measureUntil (const $ pure ()) CpuTime False
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_tasty
@ -1154,10 +1174,10 @@ instance IsTest Benchmarkable where
, Option (Proxy :: Proxy FailIfFaster)
, Option (Proxy :: Proxy TimeMode)
run opts b = const $ case getNumThreads (lookupOption opts) of
run opts b yieldProgress = case getNumThreads (lookupOption opts) of
1 -> do
let timeMode = lookupOption opts
est <- measureUntil timeMode True (lookupOption opts) (lookupOption opts) b
est <- measureUntil yieldProgress timeMode True (lookupOption opts) (lookupOption opts) b
let FailIfSlower ifSlower = lookupOption opts
FailIfFaster ifFaster = lookupOption opts
pure $ testPassed $ show (WithLoHi est (1 - ifFaster) (1 + ifSlower))
@ -1277,7 +1297,13 @@ defaultMain' bs = do
let b = testGroup "All" bs
opts <- parseOptions benchIngredients b
case tryIngredients benchIngredients (setOption (NumThreads 1) opts) b of
let opts' = setOption (NumThreads 1) opts
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,5,0)
opts'' = setOption (MinDurationToReport 1000000000000) opts'
opts'' = opts'
case tryIngredients benchIngredients opts'' b of
Nothing -> exitFailure
Just act -> act >>= \x -> if x then exitSuccess else exitFailure
@ -1964,10 +1990,13 @@ modifyConsoleReporter desc' iof = TestReporter (desc ++ desc') $ \opts tree ->
isSingle (Unique a) = Just a
isSingle _ = Nothing
-- | Convert a test tree to a list of test names.
testNameSeqs :: OptionSet -> TestTree -> [Seq TestName]
testNameSeqs = foldTestTree trivialFold
{ foldSingle = const $ const . (:[]) . Seq.singleton
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,4,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,5,0)
, foldGroup = const $ (. concat) . map . (<|)
#elif MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,4,0)
, foldGroup = const $ map . (<|)
, foldGroup = map . (<|)
@ -1978,7 +2007,11 @@ testNamesAndDeps :: IntMap (Seq TestName) -> OptionSet -> TestTree -> [(TestName
testNamesAndDeps im = foldTestTree trivialFold
{ foldSingle = const $ const . (: []) . (, mempty)
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,4,0)
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,5,0)
, foldGroup = const $ (. concat) . map . first . (++) . (++ ".")
, foldGroup = const $ map . first . (++) . (++ ".")
, foldAfter = const foldDeps
, foldGroup = map . first . (++) . (++ ".")
@ -2028,9 +2061,18 @@ postprocessResult f src = do
writeTVar oldTV (Done (f name depRes res))
pure (Any True, All True)
-- ignoring Progress nodes, we do not report any
-- it would be helpful to have instance Eq Progress
_ -> pure (Any False, All False)
#if MIN_VERSION_tasty(1,5,0)
Executing newProgr -> do
let updated = case old of
Executing oldProgr -> oldProgr /= newProgr
_ -> True
when updated $
writeTVar oldTV (Executing newProgr)
pure (Any updated, All False)
Executing{} -> pure (Any False, All False)
NotStarted -> pure (Any False, All False)
if anyUpdated || allDone then pure allDone else retry
adNauseam = doUpdate >>= (`unless` adNauseam)
_ <- forkIO adNauseam

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ library
if flag(tasty)
containers >= 0.4 && < 0.7,
tasty >= 1.2.3 && < 1.5
tasty >= 1.2.3 && < 1.6
if impl(ghc < 7.8)
tagged >= 0.2 && < 0.9