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(** Expression containing variable references. *)
module Expr = struct
type t =
(* Sequence of expressions. *)
| Seq of t list
(* Literal string. *)
| Lit of string
(* Variable reference. *)
| Var of string
let rec to_string = function
| Lit s -> s
| Var s -> "$" ^ s
| Seq ls -> List.fold_left (fun acc s -> acc ^ " " ^ to_string s) "" ls
let list_to_string ?(sep = " ") ls = ls |> to_string |> String.concat sep
module VarMap : Map.S with type key = String.t = Map.Make (String)
module Rule = struct
(* NOTE: is name is really needed despite the use of Map? *)
type t = { name : string; command : Expr.t; description : Expr.t option }
let make name ~command ~description = { name; command; description = Option.some description }
let to_string rule =
Printf.sprintf "rule %s\n command =%s\n" (Expr.to_string rule.command)
^ (rule.description
|> Option.fold ~some:(fun e -> " description =" ^ Expr.to_string e ^ "\n") ~none:"")
module Build = struct
type t = {
outputs : Expr.t list;
rule : string;
inputs : Expr.t list option;
vars : (string * Expr.t) list;
(** @note Currently, nothing nothing forces to build valid {!: Expr.t} for the variables. *)
let make ~outputs ~rule = { outputs; rule; inputs = Option.none; vars = [] }
let make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~vars = { outputs; rule; inputs = Option.none; vars }
let make_with_inputs ~outputs ~rule ~inputs =
{ outputs; rule; inputs = Option.some inputs; vars = [] }
(** [unpath path] replaces all '/' occurences with '-' in [path] to avoid ninja writing the
corresponding file. *)
let unpath path = Re.Pcre.(substitute ~rex:(regexp "/") ~subst:(fun _ -> "-")) path
let to_string build =
Printf.sprintf "build %s: %s" (Expr.list_to_string build.outputs) build.rule
^ (build.inputs |> Option.fold ~some:(fun ls -> Expr.list_to_string ls) ~none:"")
^ "\n"
^ List.fold_left
(fun acc (name, exp) -> acc ^ Printf.sprintf " %s = %s\n" name (Expr.to_string exp))
"" build.vars
module RuleMap : Map.S with type key = String.t = Map.Make (String)
module BuildMap : Map.S with type key = String.t = Map.Make (String)
type ninja = { rules : Rule.t RuleMap.t; builds : Build.t BuildMap.t }
let empty = { rules = RuleMap.empty; builds = BuildMap.empty }
let write out ninja =
let write_for_all iter to_string =
iter (fun _name rule -> Printf.fprintf out "%s\n" (to_string rule))
write_for_all RuleMap.iter Rule.to_string ninja.rules;
write_for_all BuildMap.iter Build.to_string ninja.builds