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2021-01-28 20:30:01 +03:00
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Utils
(** {1 Types} *)
type money = Z.t
type integer = Z.t
type decimal = Q.t
type date = CalendarLib.Date.t
type duration = CalendarLib.Date.Period.t
(**{1 Constructors} *)
let money_of_cent_string (cents : string) : money = Z.of_string cents
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let money_of_units_integers (units : int) : money = Z.(of_int units * of_int 100)
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let decimal_of_string (d : string) : decimal = Q.of_string d
let integer_of_string (i : string) : integer = Z.of_string i
let date_of_numbers (year : int) (month : int) (day : int) : date =
CalendarLib.Date.make year month day
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let duration_of_numbers (year : int) (month : int) (day : int) : duration =
CalendarLib.Date.Period.make year month day
let int_to_rat (i : integer) : decimal = Q.of_bigint i
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(**{1 Exceptions and defaults} *)
exception EmptyError
let error_empty : 'a. 'a -> 'a =
fun x -> try x with EmptyError -> Errors.raise_error "empty value found!"
let handle_default : 'a. (unit -> 'a) array -> (unit -> bool) -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a =
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fun exceptions just cons ->
let except =
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(fun acc except ->
let new_val = try Some (except ()) with EmptyError -> None in
match (acc, new_val) with
| None, _ -> new_val
| Some _, None -> acc
| Some _, Some _ -> Errors.raise_error "conflict!")
None exceptions
match except with Some x -> x | None -> if just () then cons () else raise EmptyError
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let no_input : unit -> 'a = fun _ -> raise EmptyError
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(**{1 Operators} *)
let ( *$ ) (i1 : money) (i2 : decimal) : money =
let rat_result = Q.mul (Q.of_bigint i1) i2 in
let res, remainder = Z.div_rem (Q.num rat_result) (Q.den rat_result) in
(* we perform nearest rounding when multiplying an amount of money by a decimal !*)
if Z.(of_int 2 * remainder >= Q.den rat_result) then Z.add res (Z.of_int 1) else res
let ( /$ ) (i1 : money) (i2 : money) : decimal =
if i2 <> then Q.div (Q.of_bigint i1) (Q.of_bigint i2)
else Errors.raise_error "division by zero at runtime"
let ( +$ ) (i1 : money) (i2 : money) : money = Z.add i1 i2
let ( -$ ) (i1 : money) (i2 : money) : money = Z.sub i1 i2
let ( ~-$ ) (i1 : money) : money = Z.sub i1
let ( +! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : integer = Z.add i1 i2
let ( -! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : integer = Z.sub i1 i2
let ( ~-! ) (i1 : integer) : integer = Z.sub i1
let ( *! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : integer = Z.mul i1 i2
let ( /! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : integer =
if i2 <> then Z.div i1 i2 else Errors.raise_error "division by zero at runtime"
let ( +. ) (i1 : decimal) (i2 : decimal) : decimal = Q.add i1 i2
let ( -. ) (i1 : decimal) (i2 : decimal) : decimal = Q.sub i1 i2
let ( ~-. ) (i1 : decimal) : decimal = Q.sub i1
let ( *. ) (i1 : decimal) (i2 : decimal) : decimal = Q.mul i1 i2
let ( /. ) (i1 : decimal) (i2 : decimal) : decimal =
if i2 <> then Q.div i1 i2 else Errors.raise_error "division by zero at runtime"
let ( +@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : duration) : date = CalendarLib.Date.add d1 d2
let ( -@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : date) : duration = CalendarLib.Date.sub d1 d2
let ( +^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : duration = CalendarLib.Date.Period.add d1 d2
let ( -^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : duration = CalendarLib.Date.Period.sub d1 d2
let ( <=$ ) (m1 : money) (m2 : money) : bool = m1 m2 <= 0
let ( >=$ ) (m1 : money) (m2 : money) : bool = m1 m2 >= 0
let ( <$ ) (m1 : money) (m2 : money) : bool = m1 m2 < 0
let ( >$ ) (m1 : money) (m2 : money) : bool = m1 m2 > 0
let ( >=! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : bool = i1 i2 >= 0
let ( <=! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : bool = i1 i2 <= 0
let ( >! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : bool = i1 i2 > 0
let ( <! ) (i1 : integer) (i2 : integer) : bool = i1 i2 < 0
let ( >=@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : date) : bool = d1 d2 >= 0
let ( <=@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : date) : bool = d1 d2 <= 0
let ( >@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : date) : bool = d1 d2 > 0
let ( <@ ) (d1 : date) (d2 : date) : bool = d1 d2 < 0
let compare_periods (p1 : CalendarLib.Date.Period.t) (p2 : CalendarLib.Date.Period.t) : int =
let p1_days = CalendarLib.Date.Period.nb_days p1 in
let p2_days = CalendarLib.Date.Period.nb_days p2 in
compare p1_days p2_days
with CalendarLib.Date.Period.Not_computable ->
"Cannot compare together durations that cannot be converted to a precise number of days"
let ( >=^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : bool = compare_periods d1 d2 >= 0
let ( <=^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : bool = compare_periods d1 d2 <= 0
let ( >^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : bool = compare_periods d1 d2 > 0
let ( <^ ) (d1 : duration) (d2 : duration) : bool = compare_periods d1 d2 < 0
let array_filter (f : 'a -> bool) (a : 'a array) : 'a array =
Array.of_list (List.filter f (Array.to_list a))
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let array_length (a : 'a array) : integer = Z.of_int (Array.length a)
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let get_year (d : date) : integer = Z.of_int (CalendarLib.Date.year d)
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let get_month (d : date) = Z.of_int (CalendarLib.Date.int_of_month (CalendarLib.Date.month d))
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let get_day (d : date) = Z.of_int (CalendarLib.Date.day_of_month d)