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2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
module Catala.Translation
module L = Catala.LambdaCalculus
module D = Catala.DefaultCalculus
(*** Translation definitions *)
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(**** Helpers *)
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
let rec translate_ty (ty: D.ty) : Tot L.ty = match ty with
| D.TBool -> L.TBool
| D.TUnit -> L.TUnit
| D.TArrow t1 t2 -> L.TArrow (translate_ty t1) (translate_ty t2)
let translate_lit (l: D.lit) : Tot L.lit = match l with
| D.LTrue -> L.LTrue
| D.LFalse -> L.LFalse
| D.LUnit -> L.LUnit
| D.LEmptyError -> L.LError L.EmptyError
| D.LConflictError -> L.LError L.ConflictError
let process_exceptions_f (tau: L.ty) : Tot L.exp =
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
let a = 0 in
let e = 1 in
let e' = 2 in
let a' = 3 in
let e'' = 4 in
L.EAbs (L.Named a) (L.TOption tau) (L.EAbs (L.Named e) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.Named e') (L.TOption tau) (
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar a) tau
(L.EVar e')
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(L.EAbs (L.Named a') tau (
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar e') tau
(L.EVar a)
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(L.EAbs (L.Named e'') tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EVar e) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
(L.TOption tau)
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
let typ_process_exceptions_f (tau: L.ty)
: Lemma (L.typing L.empty (process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TArrow (L.TOption tau) (L.TArrow (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (L.TOption tau))))
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
assert_norm(L.typing L.empty (process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TArrow (L.TOption tau) (L.TArrow (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (L.TOption tau))))
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(**** Main translation *)
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
let rec translate_exp (e: D.exp) : Tot L.exp = match e with
| D.EVar x -> L.EVar x
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
| D.EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
L.EApp (translate_exp e1) (translate_exp e2) (translate_ty tau_arg)
| D.EAbs x ty body -> L.EAbs (L.Named x) (translate_ty ty) (translate_exp body)
2021-02-07 18:10:01 +03:00
| D.ELit l -> L.ELit (translate_lit l)
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
| D.EIf e1 e2 e3 -> L.EIf
(translate_exp e1)
(translate_exp e2)
(translate_exp e3)
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
| D.EDefault exceptions just cons tau ->
let tau' = translate_ty tau in
(process_exceptions_f tau')
L.ENone (L.TOption tau')
(L.EList (translate_exp_list exceptions)) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau'))
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(translate_exp just)
(translate_exp cons)
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs (L.Named 0) tau' (L.EVar 0))
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
and translate_exp_list (l: list D.exp) : Tot (list L.exp) =
match l with
2021-02-07 21:35:00 +03:00
| [] -> []
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
| hd::tl -> (L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit (translate_exp hd))::(translate_exp_list tl)
let translate_env (g: D.env) : Tot L.env =
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom L.var_name
(fun v -> match g v with None -> None | Some t -> Some (translate_ty t))
(*** Typing preservation *)
(**** Helpers and lemmas *)
let extend_translate_commute (g: D.env) (x: D.var) (tau: D.ty)
: Lemma (L.extend (translate_env g) x (translate_ty tau) == translate_env (D.extend g x tau))
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
FunctionalExtensionality.extensionality L.var_name (fun _ -> option L.ty)
(L.extend (translate_env g) x (translate_ty tau))
(translate_env (D.extend g x tau))
let translate_empty_is_empty () : Lemma (translate_env D.empty == L.empty) =
FunctionalExtensionality.extensionality L.var_name (fun _ -> option L.ty)
(translate_env D.empty)
(**** Typing preservation theorem *)
#push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 30"
let rec translation_preserves_typ (g: D.env) (e: D.exp) (tau: D.ty) : Lemma
(requires (D.typing g e tau))
(ensures (L.typing (translate_env g) (translate_exp e) (translate_ty tau)))
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
(decreases %[e; 1])
match e with
| D.EVar _ -> ()
| D.EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
translation_preserves_typ g e1 (D.TArrow tau_arg tau);
translation_preserves_typ g e2 tau_arg
| D.EAbs x tau_arg body -> begin
match tau with
| D.TArrow tau_in tau_out ->
if tau_in = tau_arg then begin
translation_preserves_typ (D.extend g x tau_in) body tau_out;
extend_translate_commute g x tau_in
end else ()
| _ -> ()
| D.ELit _ -> ()
| D.EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
translation_preserves_typ g e1 D.TBool;
translation_preserves_typ g e2 tau;
translation_preserves_typ g e3 tau
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
| D.EDefault exceptions just cons tau_out ->
if tau = tau_out then begin
let tau' = translate_ty tau in
translation_preserves_typ_exceptions g e exceptions tau;
typ_process_exceptions_f tau';
translation_preserves_typ g just D.TBool;
translation_preserves_typ g cons tau;
let result_exp = L.EMatchOption
(process_exceptions_f tau')
L.ENone (L.TOption tau')
(L.EList (translate_exp_list exceptions)) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau'))
(translate_exp just)
(translate_exp cons)
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs (L.Named 0) tau' (L.EVar 0))
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(L.typing (translate_env g) result_exp tau') by begin
compute ();
smt ()
end else ()
and translation_preserves_typ_exceptions
(g: D.env)
(e: D.exp)
(exceptions: list D.exp{exceptions << e})
(tau: D.ty)
: Lemma
(requires (D.typing_list g exceptions tau))
(ensures (L.typing_list
(translate_env g)
(translate_exp_list exceptions)
(L.TArrow L.TUnit (translate_ty tau))))
(decreases %[e; 0; exceptions])
match exceptions with
| [] -> ()
| hd::tl ->
translation_preserves_typ g hd tau;
translation_preserves_typ_exceptions g e tl tau;
let g' = translate_env g in
let hd' = translate_exp hd in
let tl' = translate_exp_list tl in
let tau' = translate_ty tau in
let thunked_tau' = L.TArrow L.TUnit tau' in
assert(L.typing_list g' tl' thunked_tau');
assert(L.typing g' hd' tau');
2021-02-08 12:17:38 +03:00
assert(L.typing g' (L.EAbs L.Silent L.TUnit hd') thunked_tau')
(*** Translation correctness *)
(**** Helpers *)
let rec l_step_rec (e: L.exp) (fuel: nat) : Tot (option L.exp) (decreases fuel) =
match L.step e with
| None -> None
| Some e' -> if fuel = 0 then Some e' else l_step_rec e' (fuel - 1)
let multiple_l_steps (e1: L.exp) (e2: L.exp) (n: nat) = l_step_rec e1 n = Some e2
let not_l_value = e:L.exp{not (L.is_value e)}
let step_lift_commute_non_value (f:(L.exp -> not_l_value)) (e: L.exp) =
match L.step e, L.is_value e with
| None, false -> L.step (f e) = None
| Some e', false -> if L.is_value e' then true else L.step (f e) = Some (f e')
| _ -> true
let is_stepping_agnostic_lift (f:(L.exp -> not_l_value)) = forall (e: L.exp).
step_lift_commute_non_value f e
let stepping_agnostic_lift = f:(L.exp -> not_l_value){is_stepping_agnostic_lift f}
let if_lift (e2 e3: L.exp) : stepping_agnostic_lift =
let f : L.exp -> not_l_value = fun (e1: L.exp) -> L.EIf e1 e2 e3 in
let aux (e1: L.exp) : Lemma (step_lift_commute_non_value f e1) =
match L.step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e' -> ()
Classical.forall_intro aux;
#push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 1 --ifuel 1"
let rec lift_multiple_l_steps
(e1: L.exp)
(e2: L.exp)
(n: nat)
(f : stepping_agnostic_lift)
: Lemma
(requires (multiple_l_steps e1 e2 n))
(ensures (multiple_l_steps (f e1) (f e2) n))
(decreases n)
match L.step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
if L.is_value e1' then begin
end else if n = 0 then
assert(L.step (f e1) = Some (f e2))
else lift_multiple_l_steps e1' e2 (n-1) f
(**** Main theorems *)
let translation_correctness_value (e: D.exp) : Lemma
((D.is_value e) <==> (L.is_value (translate_exp e)))
= ()
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50"
let rec translation_correctness_step (e: D.exp) : Pure nat
(requires (Some? (D.step e)))
(ensures (fun n -> multiple_l_steps (translate_exp e) (translate_exp (Some?.v (D.step e))) n))
let e' = translate_exp e in
let stepped_e = Some?.v (D.step e) in
let stepped_e' = translate_exp stepped_e in
match e with
| D.EVar _ -> 0
| D.ELit _ -> 0
| D.EAbs _ _ _ -> 0
| D.EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
if not (D.is_value e1) then begin
let e1' = translate_exp e1 in
let e2' = translate_exp e2 in
let e3' = translate_exp e3 in
let stepped_e1 = Some?.v (D.step e1) in
let stepped_e1' = translate_exp stepped_e1 in
let n_e1 = translation_correctness_step e1 in
lift_multiple_l_steps e1' stepped_e1' n_e1 (fun e1' -> L.EIf e1' e2' e3');
end else admit()
| _ -> admit()
(*** Wrap-up theorem *)
let translation_correctness (e: D.exp) (tau: D.ty)
: Lemma
(requires (D.typing D.empty e tau))
(ensures (
let e' = translate_exp e in
let tau' = translate_ty tau in
L.typing L.empty e' tau' /\ begin
if D.is_value e then L.is_value e' else begin
D.progress e tau;
let stepped_e = Some?.v (D.step e) in
let stepped_e' = translate_exp stepped_e in
exists (n:nat). multiple_l_steps e' stepped_e' n
let e' = translate_exp e in
let tau' = translate_ty tau in
translation_preserves_typ D.empty e tau;
translate_empty_is_empty ();
if D.is_value e then translation_correctness_value e else begin
D.progress e tau;
let n = translation_correctness_step e in