mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 07:51:43 +03:00
Performing nearest rounding for money multiplication
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,13 +68,26 @@ let rec translate_expr (scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
| Literal l ->
let untyped_term =
match l with
| Number ((Int i, _), _) -> Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LInt i)
| Number ((Dec (i, f), _), _) ->
| Number ((Int i, _), None) -> Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LInt i)
| Number ((Int i, _), Some (Percent, _)) ->
Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LRat (Q.div (Q.of_bigint i) (Q.of_int 100)))
| Number ((Dec (i, f), _), None) ->
let digits_f = int_of_float (ceil (float_of_int (Z.log2up f) *. log 2.0 /. log 10.0)) in
Q.(of_bigint i + (of_bigint f / of_bigint (Z.pow (Z.of_int 10) digits_f))))
| Number ((Dec (i, f), _), Some (Percent, _)) ->
let digits_f =
int_of_float (ceil (float_of_int (Z.log2up f) *. log 2.0 /. log 10.0)) + 2
(* because of % *)
Q.(of_bigint i + (of_bigint f / of_bigint (Z.pow (Z.of_int 10) digits_f))))
| Bool b -> Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool b)
| MoneyAmount i ->
(Dcalc.Ast.LMoney Z.((i.money_amount_units * of_int 100) + i.money_amount_cents))
| _ -> Name_resolution.raise_unsupported_feature "literal" pos
Bindlib.box (untyped_term, pos)
@ -48,6 +48,26 @@ let evaluate_operator (op : A.operator Pos.marked) (args : A.expr Pos.marked lis
(Some "The division operator:", Pos.get_position op);
(Some "The null denominator:", Pos.get_position (List.nth args 2));
| A.Binop (A.Add KMoney), [ ELit (LMoney i1); ELit (LMoney i2) ] ->
A.ELit (LMoney (Z.add i1 i2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KMoney), [ ELit (LMoney i1); ELit (LMoney i2) ] ->
A.ELit (LMoney (Z.sub i1 i2))
| A.Binop (A.Mult KMoney), [ ELit (LMoney i1); ELit (LRat i2) ] ->
let rat_result = Q.mul (Q.of_bigint i1) i2 in
let res, remainder = Z.div_rem (Q.num rat_result) (Q.den rat_result) in
(* we perform nearest rounding when multiplying an amount of money by a decimal !*)
let out =
if Z.(of_int 2 * remainder >= Q.den rat_result) then Z.add res (Z.of_int 1) else res
A.ELit (LMoney out)
| A.Binop (A.Div KMoney), [ ELit (LMoney i1); ELit (LMoney i2) ] ->
if i2 <> Z.zero then A.ELit (LRat (Q.div (Q.of_bigint i1) (Q.of_bigint i2)))
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "division by zero at runtime"
(Some "The division operator:", Pos.get_position op);
(Some "The null denominator:", Pos.get_position (List.nth args 2));
| A.Binop (A.Lt KInt), [ ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2) ] -> A.ELit (LBool (i1 < i2))
| A.Binop (A.Lte KInt), [ ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2) ] -> A.ELit (LBool (i1 <= i2))
| A.Binop (A.Gt KInt), [ ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2) ] -> A.ELit (LBool (i1 > i2))
@ -83,21 +83,23 @@ let format_lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : lit Pos.marked) : unit =
else "" )
| LMoney e -> Format.fprintf fmt "$%.2f" Q.(to_float (of_bigint e / of_int 100))
let format_op_kind (fmt : Format.formatter) (k : op_kind) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (match k with KInt -> "" | KRat -> "." | KMoney -> "$")
let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : binop Pos.marked) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
( match Pos.unmark op with
| Add _ -> "+"
| Sub _ -> "-"
| Mult _ -> "*"
| Div _ -> "/"
| And -> "&&"
| Or -> "||"
| Eq -> "=="
| Neq -> "!="
| Lt _ -> "<"
| Lte _ -> "<="
| Gt _ -> ">"
| Gte _ -> ">=" )
match Pos.unmark op with
| Add k -> Format.fprintf fmt "+%a" format_op_kind k
| Sub k -> Format.fprintf fmt "-%a" format_op_kind k
| Mult k -> Format.fprintf fmt "*%a" format_op_kind k
| Div k -> Format.fprintf fmt "/%a" format_op_kind k
| And -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "&&"
| Or -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "||"
| Eq -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "=="
| Neq -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "!="
| Lt _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "<"
| Lte _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" "<="
| Gt _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ">"
| Gte _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ">="
let format_unop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : unop Pos.marked) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ let op_type (op : A.operator Pos.marked) : typ Pos.marked UnionFind.elem =
| A.Binop (A.And | A.Or) -> arr bt (arr bt bt)
| A.Binop (A.Add KInt | A.Sub KInt | A.Mult KInt | A.Div KInt) -> arr it (arr it it)
| A.Binop (A.Add KRat | A.Sub KRat | A.Mult KRat | A.Div KRat) -> arr rt (arr rt rt)
| A.Binop (A.Add KMoney | A.Sub KMoney | A.Mult KMoney | A.Div KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt mt)
| A.Binop (A.Add KMoney | A.Sub KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt mt)
| A.Binop (A.Div KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt rt)
| A.Binop (A.Mult KMoney) -> arr mt (arr rt mt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KInt | A.Lte KInt | A.Gt KInt | A.Gte KInt) -> arr it (arr it bt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KRat | A.Lte KRat | A.Gt KRat | A.Gte KRat) -> arr rt (arr rt bt)
| A.Binop (A.Lt KMoney | A.Lte KMoney | A.Gt KMoney | A.Gte KMoney) -> arr mt (arr mt bt)
@ -184,7 +186,8 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up (env : env) (e : A.expr Pos.marked) : typ Pos.m
let xstaus = List.map2 (fun x tau -> (x, tau)) (Array.to_list xs) taus in
let env =
(fun env (x, tau) -> A.VarMap.add x (ast_to_typ (Pos.unmark tau), pos_binder) env)
(fun env (x, tau) ->
A.VarMap.add x (ast_to_typ (Pos.unmark tau), Pos.get_position tau) env)
env xstaus
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ It uses `make` to launch tests and compare the test terminal output with an expe
When you create a new test, please register it in the `Makefile` following the other examples. Expected outputs are stored using the convention `<name_of_test>.catala.<name_of_scope>.out` in the corresponding test folder.
For both workflows: use `CATALA_OPTS="..." make ...` to pass in Catala compiler
options when debugging.
## Workflow for adding new tests
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
new scope A:
param x content amount
param y content amount
param z content amount
scope A:
def x := $123.54
def y := $8548,650.96
def z := $250,000,000 *$ ((x /$ y) *. 0.2 %)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[RESULT] x -> $123.54
[RESULT] y -> $8548650.96
[RESULT] z -> $7.23
Reference in New Issue
Block a user