Protect the interpreter against exceptions from custom code

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-04-13 11:02:14 +02:00
parent 5d432d6bb9
commit 20288bcb26
7 changed files with 22 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except Mark.pos) : unit =
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
| EmptyError -> Format.fprintf fmt "EmptyError"
| Crash -> Format.fprintf fmt "Crash"
| Crash s -> Format.fprintf fmt "(Crash %S)" s
| NoValueProvided ->
let pos = Mark.get exc in
Format.fprintf fmt

View File

@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ let rec format_statement
| ConflictError _ -> "catala_conflict"
| EmptyError -> "catala_empty"
| NoValueProvided -> "catala_no_value_provided"
| Crash -> "catala_crash")
| Crash _ -> "catala_crash")
(Pos.get_file pos) (Pos.get_start_line pos) (Pos.get_start_column pos)
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos)
| SIfThenElse { if_expr = cond; then_block = b1; else_block = b2 } ->

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@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except Mark.pos) : unit =
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
| EmptyError -> Format.fprintf fmt "EmptyError"
| Crash -> Format.fprintf fmt "Crash"
| Crash _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Crash"
| NoValueProvided ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"NoValueProvided(@[<hov 0>SourcePosition(@[<hov 0>filename=\"%s\",@ \

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@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except Mark.pos) : unit =
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
| EmptyError -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_empty_error()"
| Crash -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_crash()"
| Crash _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_crash()"
| NoValueProvided ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"catala_no_value_provided_error(@[<hov 0>catala_position(@[<hov \
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ let format_exception_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except) : unit =
match exc with
| ConflictError _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_conflict_error"
| EmptyError -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_empty_error"
| Crash -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_crash"
| Crash _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_crash"
| NoValueProvided -> Format.fprintf fmt "catala_no_value_provided_error"
let rec format_expression (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (e : expr) :

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@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ type except =
| ConflictError of Pos.t list
| EmptyError
| NoValueProvided
| Crash
| Crash of string
(** {2 Markings} *)

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@ -663,16 +663,21 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
Message.error ~pos "wrong function call, expected %d arguments, got %d"
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length args)
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } ->
| ECustom { obj; targs; tret } -> (
(* Applies the arguments one by one to the curried form *)
(fun fobj targ arg ->
(Obj.obj fobj : Obj.t -> Obj.t)
(val_to_runtime (fun ctx -> evaluate_expr ctx lang) ctx targ arg))
obj targs args
|> Obj.obj
|> fun o ->
runtime_to_val (fun ctx -> evaluate_expr ctx lang) ctx m tret o
(fun fobj targ arg ->
(Obj.obj fobj : Obj.t -> Obj.t)
(val_to_runtime (fun ctx -> evaluate_expr ctx lang) ctx targ arg))
obj targs args
| exception e ->
(fun s -> raise (CatalaException (Crash s, pos)))
"@[<hv 2>This call to code from a module failed with:@ %s@]"
(Printexc.to_string e)
| o -> runtime_to_val (fun ctx -> evaluate_expr ctx lang) ctx m tret o)
| _ ->
Message.error ~pos "%a" Format.pp_print_text
"function has not been reduced to a lambda at evaluation (should not \
@ -927,9 +932,7 @@ let interp_failure_message ~pos = function
"%a" Format.pp_print_text
"There is a conflict between multiple valid consequences for assigning \
the same variable."
| Crash ->
(* This constructor seems to be never used *)
Message.error ~pos ~internal:true "The interpreter crashed"
| Crash s -> Message.error ~pos "%s" s
| EmptyError ->
Message.error ~pos ~internal:true
"A variable without valid definition escaped"

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@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ let except (fmt : Format.formatter) (exn : except) : unit =
(match exn with
| EmptyError -> "EmptyError"
| ConflictError _ -> "ConflictError"
| Crash -> "Crash"
| Crash s -> Printf.sprintf "Crash %S" s
| NoValueProvided -> "NoValueProvided")
let var_debug fmt v =