Add EDefault to terms, and replace default_term by term in the scope language

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Chataing 2020-08-07 15:56:32 +02:00
parent fd681078aa
commit 22062434e4
5 changed files with 131 additions and 200 deletions

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@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ let rec print_term (((t, _), _) : Lambda.term) : string =
| EBool b -> if b then "true" else "false"
| EDec (i, f) -> Printf.sprintf "%d.%d" i f
| EOp op -> print_op op
| EDefault t -> print_default_term t
(** Print default term *)
let print_default_term (term : Lambda.default_term) : string =
and print_default_term (term : Lambda.default_term) : string =
term.defaults |> Lambda.IntMap.bindings
|> (fun (_, (cond, body)) ->
Printf.sprintf "\t%s => %s" (print_term cond) (print_term body))
@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ let print_default_term (term : Lambda.default_term) : string =
let print_scope (scope : Scope.scope) : string =
let print_defs (defs : Scope.definition UidMap.t) : string =
defs |> UidMap.bindings
|> (fun (uid, term) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s:\n%s" (Uid.get_ident uid) (print_default_term term))
|> (fun (uid, term) -> Printf.sprintf "%s:\n%s" (Uid.get_ident uid) (print_term term))
|> String.concat ""
"___Variables Definition___\n" ^ print_defs scope.scope_defs ^ "___Subscope (Re)definition___\n"

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module UidSet = Uid.UidSet
module IntMap = Map.Make (Int)
(* TDummy means the term is not typed *)
type typ = TBool | TInt | TArrow of typ * typ | TDummy
@ -41,6 +42,15 @@ and untyped_term =
| EBool of bool
| EDec of int * int
| EOp of op
| EDefault of default_term
(* (x,y) in ordering means that default x has precedence over default y : if both are true then x
would be choser over y *)
and default_term = {
defaults : (term * term) IntMap.t;
ordering : (int * int) list;
nb_defaults : int;
let untype (((term, _), _) : term) : untyped_term = term
@ -48,25 +58,9 @@ let get_pos (((_, pos), _) : term) : Pos.t = pos
let get_typ ((_, typ) : term) : typ = typ
(* Default terms *)
module IntMap = Map.Make (Int)
type justification = term
type consequence = term
(* (x,y) in ordering means that default x has precedence over default y : if both are true then x
would be choser over y *)
type default_term = {
defaults : (justification * consequence) IntMap.t;
ordering : (int * int) list;
nb_defaults : int;
let empty_default_term : default_term = { defaults = IntMap.empty; ordering = []; nb_defaults = 0 }
let add_default (just : justification) (cons : consequence) (term : default_term) =
let add_default (just : term) (cons : term) (term : default_term) =
term with
defaults = IntMap.add term.nb_defaults (just, cons) term.defaults;
@ -99,24 +93,22 @@ let merge_default_terms (lo_term : default_term) (hi_term : default_term) : defa
{ defaults; ordering = prec @ prec'; nb_defaults = n + n' }
(** Returns the free variables of a term *)
let rec term_free_vars (term : term) : UidSet.t =
let rec term_fv (term : term) : UidSet.t =
match untype term with
| EVar uid -> UidSet.singleton uid
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
let body_fv = term_free_vars body in
let body_fv = term_fv body in
let bindings = bindings |> (fun (x, _) -> x) |> UidSet.of_list in
UidSet.diff body_fv bindings
| EApp (f, args) ->
List.fold_left (fun fv arg -> UidSet.union fv (term_free_vars arg)) (term_free_vars f) args
| EApp (f, args) -> List.fold_left (fun fv arg -> UidSet.union fv (term_fv arg)) (term_fv f) args
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
UidSet.union (term_free_vars t_if)
(UidSet.union (term_free_vars t_then) (term_free_vars t_else))
UidSet.union (term_fv t_if) (UidSet.union (term_fv t_then) (term_fv t_else))
| EDefault default -> default_term_fv default
| _ -> UidSet.empty
(** Returns the free variable of a default term *)
let default_term_fv (term : default_term) : UidSet.t =
and default_term_fv (term : default_term) : UidSet.t =
(fun _ (cond, body) ->
let fv = UidSet.union (term_free_vars cond) (term_free_vars body) in
let fv = UidSet.union (term_fv cond) (term_fv body) in
UidSet.union fv)
term.defaults UidSet.empty

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
(* Scopes *)
type binder = string Pos.marked
type definition = Lambda.default_term
type definition = Lambda.term
type assertion = Lambda.term

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@ -68,12 +68,11 @@ let rec expr_to_lambda ?(subdef : Uid.t option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Context.
| _ -> assert false
(** Checks that a term is well typed and annotate it *)
let rec typing (ctxt : Context.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term * Lambda.typ =
let rec typing (ctxt : Context.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term =
match t with
| EVar uid ->
let typ = Context.get_uid_typ ctxt uid in
let term = ((EVar uid, pos), typ) in
(term, typ)
((EVar uid, pos), typ)
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
(* Note that given the context formation process, the binder will already be present in the
context (since we are working with uids), however it's added there for the sake of clarity *)
@ -85,16 +84,19 @@ let rec typing (ctxt : Context.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda.term) : Lambda.t bindings
let body, ret_typ = typing { ctxt with data = ctxt_data } body in
let body = typing { ctxt with data = ctxt_data } body in
let ret_typ = Lambda.get_typ body in
let rec build_typ = function
| [] -> ret_typ
| (_, arg_t) :: args -> TArrow (arg_t, build_typ args)
let fun_typ = build_typ bindings in
(((EFun (bindings, body), pos), fun_typ), fun_typ)
((EFun (bindings, body), pos), fun_typ)
| EApp (f, args) ->
let f, f_typ = typing ctxt f in
let args, args_typ = args |> (typing ctxt) |> List.split in
let f = typing ctxt f in
let f_typ = Lambda.get_typ f in
let args = (typing ctxt) args in
let args_typ = Lambda.get_typ args in
let rec check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ =
match (f_typ, args_typ) with
| typ, [] -> typ
@ -103,16 +105,19 @@ let rec typing (ctxt : Context.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda.term) : Lambda.t
| _ -> assert false
let ret_typ = check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ in
(((EApp (f, args), pos), ret_typ), ret_typ)
((EApp (f, args), pos), ret_typ)
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
let t_if, typ_if = typing ctxt t_if in
let t_then, typ_then = typing ctxt t_then in
let t_else, typ_else = typing ctxt t_else in
let t_if = typing ctxt t_if in
let typ_if = Lambda.get_typ t_if in
let t_then = typing ctxt t_then in
let typ_then = Lambda.get_typ t_then in
let t_else = typing ctxt t_else in
let typ_else = Lambda.get_typ t_else in
if typ_if <> TBool then assert false
else if typ_then <> typ_else then assert false
else (((EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else), pos), typ_then), typ_then)
| EInt _ | EDec _ -> (((t, pos), TInt), TInt)
| EBool _ -> (((t, pos), TBool), TBool)
else ((EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else), pos), typ_then)
| EInt _ | EDec _ -> ((t, pos), TInt)
| EBool _ -> ((t, pos), TBool)
| EOp op ->
let typ =
match op with
@ -124,7 +129,23 @@ let rec typing (ctxt : Context.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda.term) : Lambda.t
| Unop Minus -> TArrow (TInt, TInt)
| Unop Not -> TArrow (TBool, TBool)
(((t, pos), typ), typ)
((t, pos), typ)
| EDefault t ->
let defaults =
(fun (just, cons) ->
let just = typing ctxt just in
if Lambda.get_typ just <> TBool then
let cons = typing ctxt cons in
(just, cons)
else assert false)
let typ_cons = IntMap.choose defaults |> snd |> snd |> Lambda.get_typ in
(fun _ (_, cons) -> if Lambda.get_typ cons <> typ_cons then assert false else ())
((EDefault { t with defaults }, pos), typ_cons)
(* Translation from the parsed ast to the scope language *)
@ -137,93 +158,24 @@ let merge_conditions (precond : Lambda.term option) (cond : Lambda.term option)
| Some cond, None | None, Some cond -> cond
| None, None -> ((EBool true, default_pos), TBool)
(* Process a definition *)
let process_def (precond : Lambda.term option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Context.context)
(prgm : Scope.program) (def : Ast.definition) : Scope.program =
(* We first check either it is a variable or a subvariable *)
let scope_prgm = UidMap.find scope prgm in
let pos = Pos.get_position def.definition_name in
let scope_prgm =
match Pos.unmark def.definition_name with
| [ x ] ->
let x_uid = Context.get_var_uid scope ctxt x in
let x_def =
match UidMap.find_opt x_uid scope_prgm.scope_defs with
| None -> Lambda.empty_default_term
| Some def -> def
(* ctxt redefines just the ident lookup for the argument binding (in case x is a function *)
let ctxt, arg_uid = Context.add_binding ctxt scope x_uid def.definition_parameter in
(* Process the condition *)
let cond =
match def.definition_condition with
| Some cond ->
let cond, typ = typing ctxt (expr_to_lambda scope ctxt cond) in
if typ = TBool then Some cond else assert false
| None -> None
let condition =
merge_conditions precond cond (Pos.get_position def.definition_name) |> typing ctxt |> fst
let body = expr_to_lambda scope ctxt def.definition_expr in
(* In case it is a function, wrap it in a EFun*)
let body =
( match arg_uid with
| None -> body
| Some arg_uid ->
let binding = (arg_uid, Context.get_uid_typ ctxt arg_uid) in
((EFun ([ binding ], body), Pos.get_position def.definition_expr), TDummy) )
|> typing ctxt |> fst
let x_def = Lambda.add_default condition body x_def in
{ scope_prgm with scope_defs = UidMap.add x_uid x_def scope_prgm.scope_defs }
| [ y; x ] ->
let subscope_uid, scope_ref = Context.get_subscope_uid scope ctxt y in
let x_uid = Context.get_var_uid scope_ref ctxt x in
let y_subdef =
match UidMap.find_opt subscope_uid scope_prgm.scope_sub_defs with
| Some defs -> defs
| None -> UidMap.empty
let x_redef =
match UidMap.find_opt x_uid y_subdef with
| None -> Lambda.empty_default_term
| Some redef -> redef
(* ctxt redefines just the ident lookup for the argument binding (in case x is a function *)
let ctxt, arg_uid = Context.add_binding ctxt scope x_uid def.definition_parameter in
(* Process cond with the subdef argument*)
let cond =
match def.definition_condition with
| Some cond ->
let cond, typ = expr_to_lambda ~subdef:scope_ref scope ctxt cond |> typing ctxt in
if typ = TBool then Some cond else assert false
| None -> None
let condition =
merge_conditions precond cond (Pos.get_position def.definition_name) |> typing ctxt |> fst
let body = expr_to_lambda ~subdef:scope_ref scope ctxt def.definition_expr in
(* In case it is a function, wrap it in a EFun*)
let body =
( match arg_uid with
| None -> body
| Some arg_uid ->
let binding = (arg_uid, Context.get_uid_typ ctxt arg_uid) in
((EFun ([ binding ], body), Pos.get_position def.definition_expr), TDummy) )
|> typing ctxt |> fst
let x_redef = Lambda.add_default condition body x_redef in
let y_subdef = UidMap.add x_uid x_redef y_subdef in
scope_prgm with
scope_sub_defs = UidMap.add subscope_uid y_subdef scope_prgm.scope_sub_defs;
| _ ->
Cli.debug_print (Printf.sprintf "Structs are not handled yet.\n%s\n" (Pos.to_string pos));
assert false
let process_default (ctxt : Context.context) (scope : Uid.t) (def : Lambda.default_term)
(precond : Lambda.term option) (just : Ast.expression Pos.marked option)
(body : Ast.expression Pos.marked) (subdef : Uid.t option) : Lambda.default_term =
let just =
match just with
| Some cond ->
let cond = expr_to_lambda ?subdef scope ctxt cond |> typing ctxt in
if Lambda.get_typ cond = TBool then Some cond else assert false
| None -> None
UidMap.add scope scope_prgm prgm
let condition = merge_conditions precond just (Pos.get_position body) |> typing ctxt in
let body = expr_to_lambda ?subdef scope ctxt body |> typing ctxt in
Lambda.add_default condition body def
(* Process a definition *)
let process_def (_precond : Lambda.term option) (_scope : Uid.t) (_ctxt : Context.context)
(_prgm : Scope.program) (_def : Ast.definition) : Scope.program =
assert false
(** Process a rule from the surface language *)
let process_rule (precond : Lambda.term option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Context.context)
@ -260,8 +212,8 @@ let process_scope_use (ctxt : Context.context) (prgm : Scope.program) (use : Ast
match use.scope_use_condition with
| Some expr ->
let untyped_term = expr_to_lambda scope_uid ctxt expr in
let term, typ = typing ctxt untyped_term in
if typ = TBool then Some term else assert false
let term = typing ctxt untyped_term in
if Lambda.get_typ term = TBool then Some term else assert false
| None -> None
List.fold_left (process_scope_use_item cond scope_uid ctxt) prgm use.scope_use_items

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@ -26,20 +26,29 @@ type exec_context = Lambda.untyped_term UidMap.t
let empty_exec_ctxt = UidMap.empty
let rec substitute (var : uid) (value : Lambda.untyped_term) (term : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term =
let (term', pos), typ = term in
let subst = substitute var value in
let subst_term =
match term' with
| EVar uid -> if var = uid then value else term'
| EFun (bindings, body) -> EFun (bindings, subst body)
| EApp (f, args) -> EApp (subst f, subst args)
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) -> EIfThenElse (subst t_if, subst t_then, subst t_else)
| EInt _ | EBool _ | EDec _ | EOp _ -> term'
((subst_term, pos), typ)
let raise_default_conflict (id : string Pos.marked) (true_pos : Pos.t list) (false_pos : Pos.t list)
if List.length true_pos = 0 then
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list = (fun pos -> (Some "This justification is false:", pos)) false_pos
(Printf.sprintf "Default logic error for variable %s: no justification is true."
(Pos.unmark id))
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The error concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
:: justifications )
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list = (fun pos -> (Some "This justification is true:", pos)) true_pos
"Default logic conflict, multiple justifications are true but are not related by a precedence"
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The conflict concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
:: justifications )
let rec eval_term (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term =
let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term =
let (term, pos), typ = term in
let evaled_term =
match term with
@ -54,18 +63,20 @@ let rec eval_term (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term
assert false )
| EApp (f, args) -> (
(* First evaluate and match the function body *)
let f = f |> eval_term exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype in
let f = f |> eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype in
match f with
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
let body =
let exec_ctxt =
(fun body arg (uid, _) ->
substitute uid (arg |> eval_term exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype) body)
body args bindings
(fun ctxt arg (uid, _) ->
UidMap.add uid (arg |> eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype) ctxt)
exec_ctxt args bindings
eval_term exec_ctxt body |> Lambda.untype
eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt body |> Lambda.untype
| EOp op -> (
let args = (fun arg -> arg |> eval_term exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype) args in
let args = (fun arg -> arg |> eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt |> Lambda.untype) args
match op with
| Binop binop -> (
match binop with
@ -105,21 +116,29 @@ let rec eval_term (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.term) : Lambda.term
| Unop Not -> ( match args with [ EBool b ] -> EBool (not b) | _ -> assert false ) )
| _ -> assert false )
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
( match eval_term exec_ctxt t_if |> Lambda.untype with
| EBool b -> if b then eval_term exec_ctxt t_then else eval_term exec_ctxt t_else
( match eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_if |> Lambda.untype with
| EBool b ->
if b then eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_then else eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_else
| _ -> assert false )
|> Lambda.untype
| EDefault t -> (
match eval_default_term top_uid exec_ctxt t with
| Ok value -> value |> Lambda.untype
| Error (true_pos, false_pos) ->
raise_default_conflict (Uid.get_ident top_uid, Uid.get_pos top_uid) true_pos false_pos )
((evaled_term, pos), typ)
(* Evaluates a default term : see the formalization for an insight about this operation *)
let eval_default_term (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.default_term) :
and eval_default_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.default_term) :
(Lambda.term, Pos.t list * Pos.t list) result =
(* First filter out the term which justification are false *)
let candidates : 'a IntMap.t =
(fun _ (cond, _) ->
match eval_term exec_ctxt cond |> Lambda.untype with EBool b -> b | _ -> assert false)
match eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt cond |> Lambda.untype with
| EBool b -> b
| _ -> assert false)
(* Now filter out the terms that have a predecessor which justification is true *)
@ -133,7 +152,7 @@ let eval_default_term (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda.default_term) :
match ISet.elements chosen_one with
| [ x ] ->
let _, cons = IntMap.find x term.defaults in
Ok (eval_term exec_ctxt cons)
Ok (eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt cons)
| xs ->
let true_pos =
xs |> (fun x -> IntMap.find x term.defaults |> fst |> Lambda.get_pos)
@ -164,7 +183,7 @@ let build_scope_schedule (ctxt : Context.context) (scope : Scope.scope) : G.t =
-> var *)
(fun var_uid def ->
let fv = Lambda.default_term_fv def in
let fv = Lambda.term_fv def in
(fun uid ->
if Context.belongs_to ctxt uid scope_uid then
@ -184,7 +203,7 @@ let build_scope_schedule (ctxt : Context.context) (scope : Scope.scope) : G.t =
(fun sub_scope_uid defs ->
(fun _ def ->
let fv = Lambda.default_term_fv def in
let fv = Lambda.term_fv def in
(fun var_uid ->
(* Process only uid from the current scope (not the subscope) *)
@ -196,41 +215,13 @@ let build_scope_schedule (ctxt : Context.context) (scope : Scope.scope) : G.t =
let merge_var_redefs (subscope : Scope.scope) (redefs : Scope.definition UidMap.t) : Scope.scope =
subscope with
scope_defs =
(fun uid new_def sub_defs ->
match UidMap.find_opt uid sub_defs with
| None -> UidMap.add uid new_def sub_defs
| Some old_def ->
let def = Lambda.merge_default_terms old_def new_def in
UidMap.add uid def sub_defs)
redefs subscope.scope_defs;
let merge_var_redefs (_subscope : Scope.scope) (_redefs : Scope.definition UidMap.t) : Scope.scope =
assert false
let raise_default_conflict (id : string Pos.marked) (true_pos : Pos.t list) (false_pos : Pos.t list)
if List.length true_pos = 0 then
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list = (fun pos -> (Some "This justification is false:", pos)) false_pos
(Printf.sprintf "Default logic error for variable %s: no justification is true."
(Pos.unmark id))
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The error concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
:: justifications )
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list = (fun pos -> (Some "This justification is true:", pos)) true_pos
"Default logic conflict, multiple justifications are true but are not related by a precedence"
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The conflict concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
:: justifications )
(*{ subscope with scope_defs = UidMap.fold (fun uid new_def sub_defs -> match UidMap.find_opt uid
sub_defs with | None -> UidMap.add uid new_def sub_defs | Some old_def -> let def =
Lambda.merge_default_terms old_def new_def in UidMap.add uid def sub_defs) redefs
subscope.scope_defs; }*)
let rec execute_scope ?(exec_context = empty_exec_ctxt) (ctxt : Context.context)
(prgm : Scope.program) (scope_prgm : Scope.scope) : exec_context =
@ -246,11 +237,8 @@ let rec execute_scope ?(exec_context = empty_exec_ctxt) (ctxt : Context.context)
match Context.get_uid_sort ctxt uid with
| IdScopeVar _ -> (
match UidMap.find_opt uid scope_prgm.scope_defs with
| Some def -> (
match eval_default_term exec_context def with
| Ok value -> UidMap.add uid (Lambda.untype value) exec_context
| Error (true_pos, false_pos) ->
raise_default_conflict (Uid.get_ident uid, Uid.get_pos uid) true_pos false_pos )
| Some def ->
UidMap.add uid (eval_term uid exec_context def |> Lambda.untype) exec_context
| None ->
(Printf.sprintf "Variable %s is undefined in scope %s\n\n%s\n\n%s"