Fix handling of "output" tests

I.e. our legacy tests with a separate output tests, to distinguish from inline
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-09-18 17:32:26 +02:00
parent 326990678f
commit 22c69938b6
5 changed files with 81 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -196,6 +196,11 @@ type catala_build_item = {
let catala_suffix_regex =
Re.(compile (seq [str ".catala_"; group (seq [alpha; alpha]); eos]))
let test_command_re =
let open Re in
compile @@
seq [bos; char '$'; rep space; str "catala"; rep space; group (rep1 notnl); char '\n']
let scan_catala_file (file : File.t) (lang : Cli.backend_lang) :
catala_build_item =
let module L = Surface.Lexer_common in
@ -226,15 +231,17 @@ let scan_catala_file (file : File.t) (lang : Cli.backend_lang) :
cmd = [] }
let err n =
[Format.asprintf "<invalid test syntax at %a:%d>" File.format file n]
[Format.asprintf "'invalid test syntax at %a:%d'" File.format file n]
match Seq.uncons lines with
| Some ((str, L.LINE_ANY), lines)
when String.starts_with ~prefix:"catala " str ->
let cmd = String.trim (String.remove_prefix ~prefix:"catala " str) in
let cmd, lines, n = parse_block lines (n+1) [cmd] in
{ test with cmd = List.flatten ( (String.split_on_char ' ') cmd) },
lines, (n+1)
| Some ((str, L.LINE_ANY), lines) ->
(match Re.exec_opt test_command_re str with
| Some args_grp ->
let cmd = String.trim (Re.Group.get args_grp 1) in
let cmd, lines, n = parse_block lines (n+1) [cmd] in
{ test with cmd = List.flatten ( (String.split_on_char ' ') cmd) },
lines, (n+1)
| None -> { test with cmd = err n}, lines, n+1)
| Some (_, lines) ->
{ test with cmd = err n}, lines, n+1
| None ->
@ -569,10 +576,11 @@ let gen_build_statements (item: catala_build_item) : =
let vars = vars @ [
Var.test_id, [];
Var.test_command, test.cmd;
Var.test_out, [Filename.dirname src / Filename.basename src -.- "out" / !Var.test_id];
Var.test_out, [src /../ "output" / Filename.basename src -.-];
] in "out-test" ~inputs ~implicit_in ~outputs:["outtest@"^src^"@"^] ~vars :: "out-reset" ~inputs ~implicit_in ~outputs:["outtest-reset@"^src^"@"^] ~implicit_out:[!Var.test_out] ~vars :: "out-reset" ~inputs ~implicit_in ~outputs:[!Var.test_out]
~implicit_out:["outtest-reset@"^src^"@"^] ~vars ::
[] item.legacy_tests

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@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let [@ocamlformat "disable"] rec scan_for_inline_tests
Re.(compile @@
seq [char '$'; rep space; str "catala"; group (rep1 notnl);
seq [char '$'; rep space; str "catala"; rep space; group (rep1 notnl);
char '\n'];
group (non_greedy (rep any));
seq [bol; str "```\n"];

View File

@ -820,14 +820,17 @@ let line_dir_arg_re =
let lex_line (lexbuf : lexbuf) : (string * L.line_token) option =
match%sedlex lexbuf with
| eof -> None
| "```catala-test", hspace, Star (Compl '\n'), ('\n' | eof) ->
| "```catala-test-inline", Star hspace, ('\n' | eof) ->
Some (Utf8.lexeme lexbuf, LINE_INLINE_TEST)
| "```catala-test", Star (Compl '\n'), ('\n' | eof) ->
let str = Utf8.lexeme lexbuf in
let id = Re.Group.get (Re.exec line_test_id_re str) 1 in
Some (str, LINE_TEST id)
with Not_found -> Some (str, LINE_ANY))
| "```catala-test-inline", Star hspace, ('\n' | eof) ->
Some (Utf8.lexeme lexbuf, LINE_INLINE_TEST)
with Not_found ->
Message.emit_spanned_warning (Pos.from_lpos (lexing_positions lexbuf))
"Ignored invalid test section, must have an explicit `{ id = \"name\" }` specification";
Some (str, LINE_ANY))
| "```", Star hspace, ('\n' | eof) ->
Some (Utf8.lexeme lexbuf, LINE_BLOCK_END)
| '>', Star hspace, MR_LAW_INCLUDE, Star hspace, ':', Plus (Compl '\n'), ('\n' | eof) ->

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@ -27,3 +27,7 @@ scope S:
$ catala typecheck --disable_warnings
[RESULT] Typechecking successful!
```catala-test { id="ml" }
$ catala ocaml --disable_warnings -o -

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
(** This file has been generated by the Catala compiler, do not edit! *)
open Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
[@@@ocaml.warning "-4-26-27-32-41-42"]
module Enum1 = struct
type t =
| Yes of unit
| No of unit
| Maybe of unit
module S = struct
type t = {sr: money; e1: Enum1.t}
module S_in = struct
type t = unit
let s (s_in: S_in.t) : S.t =
let sr_: money =
{filename = ""; start_line=0; start_column=1;
end_line=0; end_column=1; law_headings=[]} ([||])
(fun (_: unit) -> true)
(fun (_: unit) -> money_of_cents_string "100000"))
EmptyError -> (raise (NoValueProvided
{filename = "tests/test_modules/good/mod_def.catala_en"; start_line=12;
start_column=10; end_line=12; end_column=12;
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]})) in
let e1_: Enum1.t =
{filename = ""; start_line=0; start_column=1;
end_line=0; end_column=1; law_headings=[]} ([||])
(fun (_: unit) -> true) (fun (_: unit) -> Enum1.Maybe ()))
EmptyError -> (raise (NoValueProvided
{filename = "tests/test_modules/good/mod_def.catala_en"; start_line=13;
start_column=10; end_line=13; end_column=12;
law_headings=["Test modules + inclusions 1"]})) in
{ = sr_; S.e1 = e1_}
let half_ : integer -> decimal =
fun (x_: integer) -> o_div_int_int x_ (integer_of_string "2")