Leverage the shared AST: big cleanup (part I)

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2022-08-12 22:42:39 +02:00
parent 988e5eff1c
commit 2b6ee8dd4b
58 changed files with 1420 additions and 1655 deletions

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@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
include Shared_ast
include Shared_ast.Expr
open Shared_ast
type lit = dcalc glit
@ -26,53 +25,9 @@ and 'm marked_expr = (dcalc, 'm mark) marked_gexpr
type 'm program = ('m expr, 'm) program_generic
let no_mark (type m) : m mark -> m mark = function
| Untyped _ -> Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }
| Typed _ -> Typed { pos = Pos.no_pos; ty = Marked.mark Pos.no_pos TAny }
let mark_pos (type m) (m : m mark) : Pos.t =
match m with Untyped { pos } | Typed { pos; _ } -> pos
let pos (type m) (x : ('a, m) marked) : Pos.t = mark_pos (Marked.get_mark x)
let ty (_, m) : marked_typ = match m with Typed { ty; _ } -> ty
let with_ty (type m) (ty : marked_typ) (x : ('a, m) marked) : ('a, typed) marked
(match Marked.get_mark x with
| Untyped { pos } -> Typed { pos; ty }
| Typed m -> Typed { m with ty })
(Marked.unmark x)
let map_expr ctx ~f e = Expr.map ctx ~f e
let rec map_expr_top_down ~f e =
map_expr () ~f:(fun () -> map_expr_top_down ~f) (f e)
let map_expr_marks ~f e =
map_expr_top_down ~f:(fun e -> Marked.(mark (f (get_mark e)) (unmark e))) e
let untype_expr e = map_expr_marks ~f:(fun m -> Untyped { pos = mark_pos m }) e
type ('expr, 'm) box_expr_sig =
('expr, 'm) marked -> ('expr, 'm) marked Bindlib.box
(** See [Bindlib.box_term] documentation for why we are doing that. *)
let box_expr : ('m expr, 'm) box_expr_sig =
fun e ->
let rec id_t () e = map_expr () ~f:id_t e in
id_t () e
let untype_program prg =
prg with
scopes =
~f:(fun e -> untype_expr e)
~varf:Var.translate prg.scopes);
type 'm var = 'm expr Var.t
type 'm vars = 'm expr Var.vars
@ -158,49 +113,14 @@ type ('expr, 'm) make_let_in_sig =
Pos.t ->
('expr, 'm) marked Bindlib.box
let map_mark
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : marked_typ -> marked_typ)
(m : m mark) : m mark =
match m with
| Untyped { pos } -> Untyped { pos = pos_f pos }
| Typed { pos; ty } -> Typed { pos = pos_f pos; ty = ty_f ty }
let map_mark2
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed -> typed -> marked_typ)
(m1 : m mark)
(m2 : m mark) : m mark =
match m1, m2 with
| Untyped m1, Untyped m2 -> Untyped { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos }
| Typed m1, Typed m2 -> Typed { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos; ty = ty_f m1 m2 }
let fold_marks
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t list -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed list -> marked_typ)
(ms : m mark list) : m mark =
match ms with
| [] -> invalid_arg "Dcalc.Ast.fold_mark"
| Untyped _ :: _ as ms ->
Untyped { pos = pos_f (List.map (function Untyped { pos } -> pos) ms) }
| Typed _ :: _ ->
pos = pos_f (List.map (function Typed { pos; _ } -> pos) ms);
ty = ty_f (List.map (function Typed m -> m) ms);
let empty_thunked_term mark : 'm marked_expr =
let silent = Var.make "_" in
let pos = mark_pos mark in
let pos = Expr.mark_pos mark in
(make_abs [| silent |]
(Bindlib.box (ELit LEmptyError, mark))
[TLit TUnit, pos]
(fun pos -> pos)
(fun ty ->
Marked.mark pos (TArrow (Marked.mark pos (TLit TUnit), ty)))
@ -211,7 +131,7 @@ let (make_let_in : ('m expr, 'm) make_let_in_sig) =
let m_e1 = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e1) in
let m_e2 = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e2) in
let m_abs =
(fun _ _ -> pos)
(fun m1 m2 -> Marked.mark pos (TArrow (m1.ty, m2.ty)))
m_e1 m_e2
@ -329,7 +249,7 @@ let build_whole_scope_expr
( List.map snd
(StructMap.find body.scope_body_input_struct ctx.ctx_structs),
Some body.scope_body_input_struct ),
mark_pos mark_scope );
Expr.mark_pos mark_scope );
@ -354,10 +274,6 @@ type 'expr scope_name_or_var =
| ScopeName of ScopeName.t
| ScopeVar of 'expr Bindlib.var
let get_scope_body_mark scope_body =
match snd (Bindlib.unbind scope_body.scope_body_expr) with
| Result e | ScopeLet { scope_let_expr = e; _ } -> Marked.get_mark e
let rec unfold_scopes
~(box_expr : ('expr, 'm) box_expr_sig)
~(make_abs : ('expr, 'm) make_abs_sig)
@ -374,7 +290,7 @@ let rec unfold_scopes
| ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body; scope_next } ->
let scope_var, scope_next = Bindlib.unbind scope_next in
let scope_pos = Marked.get_mark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name) in
let scope_body_mark = get_scope_body_mark scope_body in
let scope_body_mark = Expr.get_scope_body_mark scope_body in
let main_scope =
match main_scope with
| ScopeVar v -> ScopeVar v
@ -407,7 +323,7 @@ let build_whole_program_expr
(main_scope : ScopeName.t) : ('expr, 'm) marked Bindlib.box =
let _, main_scope_body = find_scope main_scope [] p.scopes in
unfold_scopes ~box_expr ~make_abs ~make_let_in p.decl_ctx p.scopes
(get_scope_body_mark main_scope_body)
(Expr.get_scope_body_mark main_scope_body)
(ScopeName main_scope)
let rec expr_size (e : 'm marked_expr) : int =
@ -435,7 +351,7 @@ let rec expr_size (e : 'm marked_expr) : int =
let remove_logging_calls (e : 'm marked_expr) : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let rec f () e =
match Marked.unmark e with
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [arg]) -> map_expr () ~f arg
| _ -> map_expr () ~f e
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [arg]) -> Expr.map () ~f arg
| _ -> Expr.map () ~f e
f () e

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@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
(** Abstract syntax tree of the default calculus intermediate representation *)
open Utils
include module type of Shared_ast
include module type of Shared_ast.Expr
open Shared_ast
type lit = dcalc glit
@ -44,149 +43,9 @@ val free_vars_scope_body : ('m expr, 'm) scope_body -> 'm expr Var.Set.t
val free_vars_scopes : ('m expr, 'm) scopes -> 'm expr Var.Set.t
val make_var : ('m var, 'm) marked -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** {2 Manipulation of marks} *)
val no_mark : 'm mark -> 'm mark
val mark_pos : 'm mark -> Pos.t
val pos : ('a, 'm) marked -> Pos.t
val ty : ('a, typed) marked -> marked_typ
val with_ty : marked_typ -> ('a, 'm) marked -> ('a, typed) marked
(** All the following functions will resolve the types if called on an
[Inferring] type *)
val map_mark :
(Pos.t -> Pos.t) -> (marked_typ -> marked_typ) -> 'm mark -> 'm mark
val map_mark2 :
(Pos.t -> Pos.t -> Pos.t) ->
(typed -> typed -> marked_typ) ->
'm mark ->
'm mark ->
'm mark
val fold_marks :
(Pos.t list -> Pos.t) -> (typed list -> marked_typ) -> 'm mark list -> 'm mark
val get_scope_body_mark : ('expr, 'm) scope_body -> 'm mark
val untype_expr : 'm marked_expr -> untyped marked_expr Bindlib.box
val untype_program : 'm program -> untyped program
(** {2 Boxed constructors} *)
val evar : 'm expr Bindlib.var -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val etuple :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
StructName.t option ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val etupleaccess :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
int ->
StructName.t option ->
marked_typ list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val einj :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
int ->
EnumName.t ->
marked_typ list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val ematch :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
EnumName.t ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val earray :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val elit : lit -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eabs :
('m expr, 'm marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder Bindlib.box ->
marked_typ list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eapp :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eassert :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eop : operator -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val edefault :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eifthenelse :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eerroronempty :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
type ('expr, 'm) box_expr_sig =
('expr, 'm) marked -> ('expr, 'm) marked Bindlib.box
val box_expr : ('m expr, 'm) box_expr_sig
(**{2 Program traversal}*)
(** Be careful when using these traversal functions, as the bound variables they
open will be different at each traversal. *)
val map_expr :
'a ->
f:('a -> 'm1 marked_expr -> 'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box) ->
('m1 expr, 'm2 mark) Marked.t ->
'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** If you want to apply a map transform to an expression, you can save up
writing a painful match over all the cases of the AST. For instance, if you
want to remove all errors on empty, you can write
let remove_error_empty =
let rec f () e =
match Marked.unmark e with
| ErrorOnEmpty e1 -> map_expr () f e1
| _ -> map_expr () f e
f () e
The first argument of map_expr is an optional context that you can carry
around during your map traversal. *)
val map_expr_top_down :
f:('m1 marked_expr -> ('m1 expr, 'm2 mark) Marked.t) ->
'm1 marked_expr ->
'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** Recursively applies [f] to the nodes of the expression tree. The type
returned by [f] is hybrid since the mark at top-level has been rewritten,
but not yet the marks in the subtrees. *)
val map_expr_marks :
f:('m1 mark -> 'm2 mark) -> 'm1 marked_expr -> 'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** {2 Boxed term constructors} *)
type ('e, 'm) make_abs_sig =

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@ -17,12 +17,13 @@
(** Reference interpreter for the default calculus *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
module A = Ast
module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
(** {1 Helpers} *)
let is_empty_error (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : bool =
let is_empty_error (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) : bool =
match Marked.unmark e with ELit LEmptyError -> true | _ -> false
let log_indent = ref 0
@ -30,25 +31,25 @@ let log_indent = ref 0
(** {1 Evaluation} *)
let rec evaluate_operator
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(op : A.operator)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(op : operator)
(pos : Pos.t)
(args : 'm A.marked_expr list) : 'm A.expr =
(args : 'm Ast.marked_expr list) : 'm Ast.expr =
(* Try to apply [div] and if a [Division_by_zero] exceptions is catched, use
[op] to raise multispanned errors. *)
let apply_div_or_raise_err (div : unit -> 'm A.expr) : 'm A.expr =
let apply_div_or_raise_err (div : unit -> 'm Ast.expr) : 'm Ast.expr =
try div ()
with Division_by_zero ->
Some "The division operator:", pos;
Some "The null denominator:", Ast.pos (List.nth args 1);
Some "The null denominator:", Expr.pos (List.nth args 1);
"division by zero at runtime"
let get_binop_args_pos = function
| (arg0 :: arg1 :: _ : 'm A.marked_expr list) ->
[None, Ast.pos arg0; None, Ast.pos arg1]
[None, Expr.pos arg0; None, Expr.pos arg1]
| _ -> assert false
(* Try to apply [cmp] and if a [UncomparableDurations] exceptions is catched,
@ -63,211 +64,211 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
precise number of days"
match op, List.map Marked.unmark args with
| A.Ternop A.Fold, [_f; _init; EArray es] ->
| Ternop Fold, [_f; _init; EArray es] ->
(fun acc e' ->
evaluate_expr ctx
(Marked.same_mark_as (A.EApp (List.nth args 0, [acc; e'])) e'))
(Marked.same_mark_as (EApp (List.nth args 0, [acc; e'])) e'))
(List.nth args 1) es)
| A.Binop A.And, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool (b1 && b2))
| A.Binop A.Or, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool (b1 || b2))
| A.Binop A.Xor, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool (b1 <> b2))
| A.Binop (A.Add KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 +! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 -! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Mult KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 *! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Div KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 /! i2)))
| A.Binop (A.Add KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 +& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 -& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Mult KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 *& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Div KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 /& i2)))
| A.Binop (A.Add KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 +$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 -$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Mult KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LRat m2)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 *$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Div KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(m1 /$ m2)))
| A.Binop (A.Add KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
A.ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 +^ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
A.ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 -^ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Sub KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 -@ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Add KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
A.ELit (LDate Runtime.(d1 +@ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Div KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
| Binop And, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
ELit (LBool (b1 && b2))
| Binop Or, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
ELit (LBool (b1 || b2))
| Binop Xor, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] ->
ELit (LBool (b1 <> b2))
| Binop (Add KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 +! i2))
| Binop (Sub KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 -! i2))
| Binop (Mult KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 *! i2))
| Binop (Div KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LInt Runtime.(i1 /! i2)))
| Binop (Add KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 +& i2))
| Binop (Sub KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 -& i2))
| Binop (Mult KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 *& i2))
| Binop (Div KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LRat Runtime.(i1 /& i2)))
| Binop (Add KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 +$ m2))
| Binop (Sub KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 -$ m2))
| Binop (Mult KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LRat m2)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(m1 *$ m2))
| Binop (Div KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LRat Runtime.(m1 /$ m2)))
| Binop (Add KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 +^ d2))
| Binop (Sub KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 -^ d2))
| Binop (Sub KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 -@ d2))
| Binop (Add KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
ELit (LDate Runtime.(d1 +@ d2))
| Binop (Div KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_div_or_raise_err (fun _ ->
try A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(d1 /^ d2))
try ELit (LRat Runtime.(d1 /^ d2))
with Runtime.IndivisableDurations ->
Errors.raise_multispanned_error (get_binop_args_pos args)
"Cannot divide durations that cannot be converted to a precise \
number of days")
| A.Binop (A.Mult KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LInt i1)] ->
A.ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 *^ i1))
| A.Binop (A.Lt KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Lte KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <=! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Gt KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Gte KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >=! i2))
| A.Binop (A.Lt KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Lte KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <=& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Gt KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Gte KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >=& i2))
| A.Binop (A.Lt KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 <$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Lte KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 <=$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Gt KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 >$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Gte KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 >=$ m2))
| A.Binop (A.Lt KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <^ d2))) args
| A.Binop (A.Lte KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <=^ d2))) args
| A.Binop (A.Gt KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >^ d2))) args
| A.Binop (A.Gte KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >=^ d2))) args
| A.Binop (A.Lt KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <@ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Lte KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <=@ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Gt KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >@ d2))
| A.Binop (A.Gte KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >=@ d2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit LUnit; ELit LUnit] -> A.ELit (LBool true)
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 =^ d2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 =@ d2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 =$ m2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 =& i2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
A.ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 =! i2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] -> A.ELit (LBool (b1 = b2))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [EArray es1; EArray es2] ->
| Binop (Mult KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LInt i1)] ->
ELit (LDuration Runtime.(d1 *^ i1))
| Binop (Lt KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <! i2))
| Binop (Lte KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <=! i2))
| Binop (Gt KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >! i2))
| Binop (Gte KInt), [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >=! i2))
| Binop (Lt KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <& i2))
| Binop (Lte KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 <=& i2))
| Binop (Gt KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >& i2))
| Binop (Gte KRat), [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 >=& i2))
| Binop (Lt KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 <$ m2))
| Binop (Lte KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 <=$ m2))
| Binop (Gt KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 >$ m2))
| Binop (Gte KMoney), [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 >=$ m2))
| Binop (Lt KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <^ d2))) args
| Binop (Lte KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <=^ d2))) args
| Binop (Gt KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >^ d2))) args
| Binop (Gte KDuration), [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
apply_cmp_or_raise_err (fun _ -> ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >=^ d2))) args
| Binop (Lt KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <@ d2))
| Binop (Lte KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 <=@ d2))
| Binop (Gt KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >@ d2))
| Binop (Gte KDate), [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 >=@ d2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit LUnit; ELit LUnit] -> ELit (LBool true)
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LDuration d1); ELit (LDuration d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 =^ d2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LDate d1); ELit (LDate d2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(d1 =@ d2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LMoney m1); ELit (LMoney m2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(m1 =$ m2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LRat i1); ELit (LRat i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 =& i2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LInt i1); ELit (LInt i2)] ->
ELit (LBool Runtime.(i1 =! i2))
| Binop Eq, [ELit (LBool b1); ELit (LBool b2)] -> ELit (LBool (b1 = b2))
| Binop Eq, [EArray es1; EArray es2] ->
(fun e1 e2 ->
match evaluate_operator ctx op pos [e1; e2] with
| A.ELit (LBool b) -> b
| ELit (LBool b) -> b
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *))
es1 es2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [ETuple (es1, s1); ETuple (es2, s2)] ->
| Binop Eq, [ETuple (es1, s1); ETuple (es2, s2)] ->
s1 = s2
&& List.for_all2
(fun e1 e2 ->
match evaluate_operator ctx op pos [e1; e2] with
| A.ELit (LBool b) -> b
| ELit (LBool b) -> b
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *))
es1 es2
with Invalid_argument _ -> false))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [EInj (e1, i1, en1, _ts1); EInj (e2, i2, en2, _ts2)] ->
| Binop Eq, [EInj (e1, i1, en1, _ts1); EInj (e2, i2, en2, _ts2)] ->
en1 = en2
&& i1 = i2
match evaluate_operator ctx op pos [e1; e2] with
| A.ELit (LBool b) -> b
| ELit (LBool b) -> b
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)
with Invalid_argument _ -> false))
| A.Binop A.Eq, [_; _] ->
A.ELit (LBool false) (* comparing anything else return false *)
| A.Binop A.Neq, [_; _] -> (
match evaluate_operator ctx (A.Binop A.Eq) pos args with
| A.ELit (A.LBool b) -> A.ELit (A.LBool (not b))
| Binop Eq, [_; _] ->
ELit (LBool false) (* comparing anything else return false *)
| Binop Neq, [_; _] -> (
match evaluate_operator ctx (Binop Eq) pos args with
| ELit (LBool b) -> ELit (LBool (not b))
| _ -> assert false (*should not happen *))
| A.Binop A.Concat, [A.EArray es1; A.EArray es2] -> A.EArray (es1 @ es2)
| A.Binop A.Map, [_; A.EArray es] ->
| Binop Concat, [EArray es1; EArray es2] -> EArray (es1 @ es2)
| Binop Map, [_; EArray es] ->
(fun e' ->
evaluate_expr ctx
(Marked.same_mark_as (A.EApp (List.nth args 0, [e'])) e'))
(Marked.same_mark_as (EApp (List.nth args 0, [e'])) e'))
| A.Binop A.Filter, [_; A.EArray es] ->
| Binop Filter, [_; EArray es] ->
(fun e' ->
evaluate_expr ctx
(Marked.same_mark_as (A.EApp (List.nth args 0, [e'])) e')
(Marked.same_mark_as (EApp (List.nth args 0, [e'])) e')
| A.ELit (A.LBool b), _ -> b
| ELit (LBool b), _ -> b
| _ ->
(A.pos (List.nth args 0))
(Expr.pos (List.nth args 0))
"This predicate evaluated to something else than a boolean \
(should not happen if the term was well-typed)")
| A.Binop _, ([ELit LEmptyError; _] | [_; ELit LEmptyError]) ->
A.ELit LEmptyError
| A.Unop (A.Minus KInt), [ELit (LInt i)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(integer_of_int 0 -! i))
| A.Unop (A.Minus KRat), [ELit (LRat i)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_string "0" -& i))
| A.Unop (A.Minus KMoney), [ELit (LMoney i)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_of_units_int 0 -$ i))
| A.Unop (A.Minus KDuration), [ELit (LDuration i)] ->
A.ELit (LDuration Runtime.(~-^i))
| A.Unop A.Not, [ELit (LBool b)] -> A.ELit (LBool (not b))
| A.Unop A.Length, [EArray es] ->
A.ELit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int (List.length es)))
| A.Unop A.GetDay, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(day_of_month_of_date d))
| A.Unop A.GetMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(month_number_of_date d))
| A.Unop A.GetYear, [ELit (LDate d)] -> A.ELit (LInt Runtime.(year_of_date d))
| A.Unop A.FirstDayOfMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
A.ELit (LDate Runtime.(first_day_of_month d))
| A.Unop A.LastDayOfMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
A.ELit (LDate Runtime.(first_day_of_month d))
| A.Unop A.IntToRat, [ELit (LInt i)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_integer i))
| A.Unop A.MoneyToRat, [ELit (LMoney i)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_money i))
| A.Unop A.RatToMoney, [ELit (LRat i)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_of_decimal i))
| A.Unop A.RoundMoney, [ELit (LMoney m)] ->
A.ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_round m))
| A.Unop A.RoundDecimal, [ELit (LRat m)] ->
A.ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_round m))
| A.Unop (A.Log (entry, infos)), [e'] ->
| Binop _, ([ELit LEmptyError; _] | [_; ELit LEmptyError]) ->
ELit LEmptyError
| Unop (Minus KInt), [ELit (LInt i)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(integer_of_int 0 -! i))
| Unop (Minus KRat), [ELit (LRat i)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_string "0" -& i))
| Unop (Minus KMoney), [ELit (LMoney i)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_of_units_int 0 -$ i))
| Unop (Minus KDuration), [ELit (LDuration i)] ->
ELit (LDuration Runtime.(~-^i))
| Unop Not, [ELit (LBool b)] -> ELit (LBool (not b))
| Unop Length, [EArray es] ->
ELit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int (List.length es)))
| Unop GetDay, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(day_of_month_of_date d))
| Unop GetMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
ELit (LInt Runtime.(month_number_of_date d))
| Unop GetYear, [ELit (LDate d)] -> ELit (LInt Runtime.(year_of_date d))
| Unop FirstDayOfMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
ELit (LDate Runtime.(first_day_of_month d))
| Unop LastDayOfMonth, [ELit (LDate d)] ->
ELit (LDate Runtime.(first_day_of_month d))
| Unop IntToRat, [ELit (LInt i)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_integer i))
| Unop MoneyToRat, [ELit (LMoney i)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_money i))
| Unop RatToMoney, [ELit (LRat i)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_of_decimal i))
| Unop RoundMoney, [ELit (LMoney m)] ->
ELit (LMoney Runtime.(money_round m))
| Unop RoundDecimal, [ELit (LRat m)] ->
ELit (LRat Runtime.(decimal_round m))
| Unop (Log (entry, infos)), [e'] ->
if !Cli.trace_flag then (
match entry with
| VarDef _ ->
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
Cli.log_format "%*s%a %a: %s" (!log_indent * 2) ""
Print.format_log_entry entry Print.format_uid_list infos
(match e' with
| Ast.EAbs _ -> Cli.with_style [ANSITerminal.green] "<function>"
| EAbs _ -> Cli.with_style [ANSITerminal.green] "<function>"
| _ ->
let expr_str =
Format.asprintf "%a"
@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
entry Print.format_uid_list infos)
else ();
| A.Unop _, [ELit LEmptyError] -> A.ELit LEmptyError
| Unop _, [ELit LEmptyError] -> ELit LEmptyError
| _ ->
([Some "Operator:", pos]
@ -318,16 +319,16 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
(Format.asprintf "Argument n°%d, value %a" (i + 1)
(Print.format_expr ctx ~debug:true)
A.pos arg ))
Expr.pos arg ))
"Operator applied to the wrong arguments\n\
(should not happen if the term was well-typed)"
and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
and evaluate_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) : 'm Ast.marked_expr
match Marked.unmark e with
| EVar _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"free variable found at evaluation (should not happen if term was \
| EApp (e1, args) -> (
@ -339,22 +340,22 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
evaluate_expr ctx
(Bindlib.msubst binder (Array.of_list (List.map Marked.unmark args)))
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"wrong function call, expected %d arguments, got %d"
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length args)
| EOp op -> Marked.same_mark_as (evaluate_operator ctx op (A.pos e) args) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
| EOp op -> Marked.same_mark_as (evaluate_operator ctx op (Expr.pos e) args) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"function has not been reduced to a lambda at evaluation (should not \
happen if the term was well-typed")
| EAbs _ | ELit _ | EOp _ -> e (* these are values *)
| ETuple (es, s) ->
let new_es = List.map (evaluate_expr ctx) es in
if List.exists is_empty_error new_es then
Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (A.ETuple (new_es, s)) e
Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (ETuple (new_es, s)) e
| ETupleAccess (e1, n, s, _) -> (
let e1 = evaluate_expr ctx e1 in
match Marked.unmark e1 with
@ -364,49 +365,49 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
| Some s, Some s' when s = s' -> ()
| _ ->
[None, A.pos e; None, A.pos e1]
[None, Expr.pos e; None, Expr.pos e1]
"Error during tuple access: not the same structs (should not happen \
if the term was well-typed)");
match List.nth_opt es n with
| Some e' -> e'
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e1)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e1)
"The tuple has %d components but the %i-th element was requested \
(should not happen if the term was well-type)"
(List.length es) n)
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e1)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e1)
"The expression %a should be a tuple with %d components but is not \
(should not happen if the term was well-typed)"
(Print.format_expr ctx ~debug:true)
e n)
| EInj (e1, n, en, ts) ->
let e1' = evaluate_expr ctx e1 in
if is_empty_error e1' then Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (A.EInj (e1', n, en, ts)) e
if is_empty_error e1' then Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (EInj (e1', n, en, ts)) e
| EMatch (e1, es, e_name) -> (
let e1 = evaluate_expr ctx e1 in
match Marked.unmark e1 with
| A.EInj (e1, n, e_name', _) ->
| EInj (e1, n, e_name', _) ->
if e_name <> e_name' then
[None, A.pos e; None, A.pos e1]
[None, Expr.pos e; None, Expr.pos e1]
"Error during match: two different enums found (should not happend \
if the term was well-typed)";
let es_n =
match List.nth_opt es n with
| Some es_n -> es_n
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"sum type index error (should not happend if the term was \
let new_e = Marked.same_mark_as (A.EApp (es_n, [e1])) e in
let new_e = Marked.same_mark_as (EApp (es_n, [e1])) e in
evaluate_expr ctx new_e
| A.ELit A.LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit A.LEmptyError) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e1)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e1)
"Expected a term having a sum type as an argument to a match (should \
not happend if the term was well-typed")
| EDefault (exceptions, just, cons) -> (
@ -416,11 +417,11 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
| 0 -> (
let just = evaluate_expr ctx just in
match Marked.unmark just with
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| ELit (LBool true) -> evaluate_expr ctx cons
| ELit (LBool false) -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
| ELit (LBool false) -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"Default justification has not been reduced to a boolean at \
evaluation (should not happen if the term was well-typed")
| 1 -> List.find (fun sub -> not (is_empty_error sub)) exceptions
@ -428,7 +429,7 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
(fun except ->
Some "This consequence has a valid justification:", A.pos except)
Some "This consequence has a valid justification:", Expr.pos except)
(List.filter (fun sub -> not (is_empty_error sub)) exceptions))
"There is a conflict between multiple valid consequences for assigning \
the same variable.")
@ -436,55 +437,55 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
match Marked.unmark (evaluate_expr ctx cond) with
| ELit (LBool true) -> evaluate_expr ctx et
| ELit (LBool false) -> evaluate_expr ctx ef
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos cond)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos cond)
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this condition (should \
not happen if the term was well-typed)")
| EArray es ->
let new_es = List.map (evaluate_expr ctx) es in
if List.exists is_empty_error new_es then
Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (A.EArray new_es) e
Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
else Marked.same_mark_as (EArray new_es) e
| ErrorOnEmpty e' ->
let e' = evaluate_expr ctx e' in
if Marked.unmark e' = A.ELit LEmptyError then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e')
if Marked.unmark e' = ELit LEmptyError then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e')
"This variable evaluated to an empty term (no rule that defined it \
applied in this situation)"
else e'
| EAssert e' -> (
match Marked.unmark (evaluate_expr ctx e') with
| ELit (LBool true) -> Marked.same_mark_as (Ast.ELit LUnit) e'
| ELit (LBool true) -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LUnit) e'
| ELit (LBool false) -> (
match Marked.unmark e' with
| Ast.ErrorOnEmpty
| ErrorOnEmpty
( EApp
( (Ast.EOp (Binop op), _),
( (EOp (Binop op), _),
[((ELit _, _) as e1); ((ELit _, _) as e2)] ),
_ )
| EApp
( (Ast.EOp (Ast.Unop (Ast.Log _)), _),
( (EOp (Unop (Log _)), _),
( Ast.EApp
( (Ast.EOp (Binop op), _),
( EApp
( (EOp (Binop op), _),
[((ELit _, _) as e1); ((ELit _, _) as e2)] ),
_ );
] )
| EApp
((Ast.EOp (Binop op), _), [((ELit _, _) as e1); ((ELit _, _) as e2)])
((EOp (Binop op), _), [((ELit _, _) as e1); ((ELit _, _) as e2)])
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e') "Assertion failed: %a %a %a"
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e') "Assertion failed: %a %a %a"
(Print.format_expr ctx ~debug:false)
e1 Print.format_binop op
(Print.format_expr ctx ~debug:false)
| _ ->
Cli.debug_format "%a" (Print.format_expr ctx) e';
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e') "Assertion failed")
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.ELit LEmptyError) e
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e') "Assertion failed")
| ELit LEmptyError -> Marked.same_mark_as (ELit LEmptyError) e
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e')
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e')
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this assertion (should \
not happen if the term was well-typed)")
@ -492,13 +493,13 @@ and evaluate_expr (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm A.marked_expr) : 'm A.marked_expr
let interpret_program :
Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
'm Ast.marked_expr ->
(Uid.MarkedString.info * 'm Ast.marked_expr) list =
fun (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) :
fun (ctx : decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) :
(Uid.MarkedString.info * 'm Ast.marked_expr) list ->
match evaluate_expr ctx e with
| Ast.EAbs (_, [((Ast.TTuple (taus, Some s_in), _) as targs)]), mark_e ->
| EAbs (_, [((TTuple (taus, Some s_in), _) as targs)]), mark_e ->
(* At this point, the interpreter seeks to execute the scope but does not
have a way to retrieve input values from the command line. [taus] contain
@ -509,9 +510,9 @@ let interpret_program :
(fun ty ->
match Marked.unmark ty with
| A.TArrow ((A.TLit A.TUnit, _), ty_in) ->
| TArrow ((TLit TUnit, _), ty_in) ->
(A.map_mark (fun pos -> pos) (fun _ -> ty_in) mark_e)
(Expr.map_mark (fun pos -> pos) (fun _ -> ty_in) mark_e)
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark ty)
"This scope needs input arguments to be executed. But the Catala \
@ -522,23 +523,23 @@ let interpret_program :
let to_interpret =
( Ast.EApp
( EApp
( e,
( Ast.ETuple (application_term, Some s_in),
( ETuple (application_term, Some s_in),
let pos =
match application_term with
| a :: _ -> A.pos a
| a :: _ -> Expr.pos a
| [] -> Pos.no_pos
A.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> targs) mark_e );
Expr.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> targs) mark_e );
] ),
(fun pos -> pos)
(fun ty ->
match application_term, ty with
| [], t_out -> t_out
| _ :: _, (A.TArrow (_, t_out), _) -> t_out
| _ :: _, (TArrow (_, t_out), _) -> t_out
| _ :: _, (_, bad_pos) ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error bad_pos
"@[<hv 2>(bug) Result of interpretation doesn't have the \
@ -547,19 +548,19 @@ let interpret_program :
mark_e )
match Marked.unmark (evaluate_expr ctx to_interpret) with
| Ast.ETuple (args, Some s_out) ->
| ETuple (args, Some s_out) ->
let s_out_fields =
(fun (f, _) -> Ast.StructFieldName.get_info f)
(Ast.StructMap.find s_out ctx.ctx_structs)
(fun (f, _) -> StructFieldName.get_info f)
(StructMap.find s_out ctx.ctx_structs)
List.map2 (fun arg var -> var, arg) args s_out_fields
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"The interpretation of a program should always yield a struct \
corresponding to the scope variables"
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"The interpreter can only interpret terms starting with functions having \
thunked arguments"

View File

@ -17,12 +17,13 @@
(** Reference interpreter for the default calculus *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
val evaluate_expr : Ast.decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> 'm Ast.marked_expr
val evaluate_expr : decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> 'm Ast.marked_expr
(** Evaluates an expression according to the semantics of the default calculus. *)
val interpret_program :
Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
'm Ast.marked_expr ->
(Uid.MarkedString.info * 'm Ast.marked_expr) list
(** Interprets a program. This function expects an expression typed as a

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
type partial_evaluation_ctx = {
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ let rec partial_evaluation (ctx : partial_evaluation_ctx) (e : 'm marked_expr) :
(fun arg arms ->
match arg, arms with
| (EInj (e1, i, e_name', _ts), _), _
when Ast.EnumName.compare e_name e_name' = 0 ->
when EnumName.compare e_name e_name' = 0 ->
(* iota reduction *)
EApp (List.nth arms i, [e1]), pos
| _ -> EMatch (arg, arms, e_name), pos)
@ -252,4 +253,4 @@ let optimize_program (p : 'm program) : untyped program =
(program_map partial_evaluation
{ var_values = Var.Map.empty; decl_ctx = p.decl_ctx }
|> untype_program
|> Expr.untype_program

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(** Optimization passes for default calculus programs and expressions *)
open Shared_ast
open Ast
val optimize_expr : decl_ctx -> 'm marked_expr -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
open String_common
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ let format_enum_constructor (fmt : Format.formatter) (c : EnumConstructor.t) :
(Utils.Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.magenta])
(Format.asprintf "%a" EnumConstructor.format_t c)
let rec format_typ (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ) :
let rec format_typ (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ) :
unit =
let format_typ = format_typ ctx in
let format_typ_with_parens (fmt : Format.formatter) (t : typ) =
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ let rec format_typ (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ) :
(fun fmt t -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t))
(List.map Marked.unmark ts)
| TTuple (_args, Some s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a%a@]" Ast.StructName.format_t s
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a%a@]" StructName.format_t s
format_punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ let rec format_typ (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ) :
(StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs))
format_punctuation "}"
| TEnum (_, e) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a%a@]" Ast.EnumName.format_t e
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a%a@]" EnumName.format_t e
format_punctuation "["
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ let format_var (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : 'm Ast.var) : unit =
let rec format_expr
?(debug : bool = false)
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(e : 'm marked_expr) : unit =
let format_expr = format_expr ~debug ctx in
@ -231,15 +232,15 @@ let rec format_expr
es format_punctuation ")"
| ETuple (es, Some s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ @[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]@]"
Ast.StructName.format_t s format_punctuation "{"
StructName.format_t s format_punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " format_punctuation ";")
(fun fmt (e, struct_field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" format_punctuation "\""
Ast.StructFieldName.format_t struct_field format_punctuation "\""
StructFieldName.format_t struct_field format_punctuation "\""
format_punctuation "=" format_expr e))
(List.combine es (List.map fst (Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
(List.combine es (List.map fst (StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
format_punctuation "}"
| EArray es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" format_punctuation "["
@ -253,12 +254,12 @@ let rec format_expr
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%d" format_expr e1 format_punctuation "." n
| Some s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" format_expr e1 format_operator "."
format_punctuation "\"" Ast.StructFieldName.format_t
(fst (List.nth (Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs) n))
format_punctuation "\"" StructFieldName.format_t
(fst (List.nth (StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs) n))
format_punctuation "\"")
| EInj (e, n, en, _ts) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" format_enum_constructor
(fst (List.nth (Ast.EnumMap.find en ctx.ctx_enums) n))
(fst (List.nth (EnumMap.find en ctx.ctx_enums) n))
format_expr e
| EMatch (e, es, e_name) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>%a@ @[<hov 2>%a@]@ %a@ %a@]" format_keyword
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ let rec format_expr
(fun fmt (e, c) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a%a@ %a@]" format_punctuation "|"
format_enum_constructor c format_punctuation ":" format_expr e))
(List.combine es (List.map fst (Ast.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)))
(List.combine es (List.map fst (EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)))
| ELit l -> format_lit fmt l
| EApp ((EAbs (binder, taus), _), args) ->
let xs, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
@ -298,7 +299,7 @@ let rec format_expr
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a %a%a" format_punctuation "(" format_var x
format_punctuation ":" (format_typ ctx) tau format_punctuation ")"))
xs_tau format_punctuation "" format_expr body
| EApp ((EOp (Binop ((Ast.Map | Ast.Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
| EApp ((EOp (Binop ((Map | Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" format_binop op
format_with_parens arg1 format_with_parens arg2
| EApp ((EOp (Binop op), _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
@ -347,13 +348,13 @@ let format_scope
?(debug : bool = false)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
((n, s) : Ast.ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scope_body) =
((n, s) : ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scope_body) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a =@ %a@]" format_keyword "let"
Ast.ScopeName.format_t n (format_expr ctx ~debug)
ScopeName.format_t n (format_expr ctx ~debug)
(Ast.build_whole_scope_expr ~make_abs:Ast.make_abs
~make_let_in:Ast.make_let_in ~box_expr:Ast.box_expr ctx s
(fun _ -> Marked.get_mark (Ast.ScopeName.get_info n))
~make_let_in:Ast.make_let_in ~box_expr:Expr.box ctx s
(fun _ -> Marked.get_mark (ScopeName.get_info n))
(fun ty -> ty)
(Ast.get_scope_body_mark s))))
(Expr.get_scope_body_mark s))))

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(** Printing functions for the default calculus AST *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Common syntax highlighting helpers}*)
@ -29,27 +30,27 @@ val format_lit_style : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
(** {1 Formatters} *)
val format_uid_list : Format.formatter -> Uid.MarkedString.info list -> unit
val format_enum_constructor : Format.formatter -> Ast.EnumConstructor.t -> unit
val format_tlit : Format.formatter -> Ast.typ_lit -> unit
val format_typ : Ast.decl_ctx -> Format.formatter -> Ast.typ -> unit
val format_enum_constructor : Format.formatter -> EnumConstructor.t -> unit
val format_tlit : Format.formatter -> typ_lit -> unit
val format_typ : decl_ctx -> Format.formatter -> typ -> unit
val format_lit : Format.formatter -> Ast.lit -> unit
val format_op_kind : Format.formatter -> Ast.op_kind -> unit
val format_binop : Format.formatter -> Ast.binop -> unit
val format_ternop : Format.formatter -> Ast.ternop -> unit
val format_log_entry : Format.formatter -> Ast.log_entry -> unit
val format_unop : Format.formatter -> Ast.unop -> unit
val format_op_kind : Format.formatter -> op_kind -> unit
val format_binop : Format.formatter -> binop -> unit
val format_ternop : Format.formatter -> ternop -> unit
val format_log_entry : Format.formatter -> log_entry -> unit
val format_unop : Format.formatter -> unop -> unit
val format_var : Format.formatter -> 'm Ast.var -> unit
val format_expr :
?debug:bool (** [true] for debug printing *) ->
Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Format.formatter ->
'm Ast.marked_expr ->
val format_scope :
?debug:bool (** [true] for debug printing *) ->
Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Format.formatter ->
Ast.ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) Ast.scope_body ->
ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scope_body ->

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ let typ_needs_parens (t : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem) : bool =
match Marked.unmark t with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false
let rec format_typ
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(typ : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem) : unit =
let format_typ = format_typ ctx in
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ let rec format_typ
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ *@ ")
(fun fmt t -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t))
| TTuple (_ts, Some s) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.StructName.format_t s
| TEnum (_ts, e) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.EnumName.format_t e
| TTuple (_ts, Some s) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" A.StructName.format_t s
| TEnum (_ts, e) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" A.EnumName.format_t e
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a →@ %a@]" format_typ_with_parens t1
format_typ t2
@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ type mark = { pos : Pos.t; uf : unionfind_typ }
(** Raises an error if unification cannot be performed *)
let rec unify
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(e : ('a, 'm A.mark) Ast.marked_gexpr) (* used for error context *)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(e : ('a, 'm A.mark) A.marked_gexpr) (* used for error context *)
(t1 : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem)
(t2 : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem) : unit =
let unify = unify ctx in
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ let op_type (op : A.operator Marked.pos) : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem =
type 'e env = ('e, typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem) A.Var.Map.t
let add_pos e ty = Marked.mark (Ast.pos e) ty
let add_pos e ty = Marked.mark (A.Expr.pos e) ty
let ty (_, { uf; _ }) = uf
let ( let+ ) x f = Bindlib.box_apply f x
let ( and+ ) x1 x2 = Bindlib.box_pair x1 x2
@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ let box_ty e = Bindlib.unbox (Bindlib.box_apply ty e)
(** Infers the most permissive type from an expression *)
let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(env : 'm Ast.expr env)
(e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) : (A.dcalc, mark) A.marked_gexpr Bindlib.box =
(* Cli.debug_format "Looking for type of %a" (Print.format_expr ~debug:true
ctx) e; *)
let pos_e = Ast.pos e in
let pos_e = A.Expr.pos e in
let mark (e : (A.dcalc, mark) A.gexpr) uf =
Marked.mark { uf; pos = pos_e } e
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up
let+ v' = Bindlib.box_var (A.Var.translate v) in
mark v' t
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e)
"Variable %s not found in the current context." (Bindlib.name_of v)
| A.ELit (LBool _) as e1 -> Bindlib.box @@ mark_with_uf e1 (TLit TBool)
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up
match List.nth_opt ts' n with
| Some ts_n -> ts_n
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e)
"Expression should have a sum type with at least %d cases but only \
has %d"
n (List.length ts')
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up
mark (EMatch (e1', es', e_name)) t_ret
| A.EAbs (binder, taus) ->
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder <> List.length taus then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e)
"function has %d variables but was supplied %d types"
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length taus)
@ -446,13 +446,13 @@ let rec typecheck_expr_bottom_up
(** Checks whether the expression can be typed with the provided type *)
and typecheck_expr_top_down
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(env : 'm Ast.expr env)
(tau : typ Marked.pos UnionFind.elem)
(e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) : (A.dcalc, mark) A.marked_gexpr Bindlib.box =
(* Cli.debug_format "Propagating type %a for expr %a" (format_typ ctx) tau
(Print.format_expr ctx) e; *)
let pos_e = Ast.pos e in
let pos_e = A.Expr.pos e in
let mark e = Marked.mark { uf = tau; pos = pos_e } e in
let unify_and_mark (e' : (A.dcalc, mark) A.gexpr) tau' =
(* This try...with was added because of
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down
match List.nth_opt typs' n with
| Some t1n -> unify_and_mark (A.ETupleAccess (e1', n, s, typs)) t1n
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e1)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e1)
"Expression should have a tuple type with at least %d elements but \
only has %d"
n (List.length typs)
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down
match List.nth_opt ts' n with
| Some ts_n -> ts_n
| None ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e)
"Expression should have a sum type with at least %d cases but only \
has %d"
n (List.length ts)
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down
unify_and_mark (EMatch (e1', es', e_name)) t_ret
| A.EAbs (binder, t_args) ->
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder <> List.length t_args then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Ast.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (A.Expr.pos e)
"function has %d variables but was supplied %d types"
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length t_args)
@ -628,8 +628,8 @@ let wrap ctx f e =
let get_ty_mark { uf; pos } = A.Typed { ty = typ_to_ast uf; pos }
(* Infer the type of an expression *)
let infer_types (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) :
Ast.typed Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let infer_types (ctx : A.decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) :
A.typed Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
A.Expr.map_marks ~f:get_ty_mark
@@ Bindlib.unbox
@@ wrap ctx (typecheck_expr_bottom_up ctx A.Var.Map.empty) e
@ -637,11 +637,11 @@ let infer_types (ctx : Ast.decl_ctx) (e : 'm Ast.marked_expr) :
let infer_type (type m) ctx (e : m Ast.marked_expr) =
match Marked.get_mark e with
| A.Typed { ty; _ } -> ty
| A.Untyped _ -> Ast.ty (Bindlib.unbox (infer_types ctx e))
| A.Untyped _ -> A.Expr.ty (Bindlib.unbox (infer_types ctx e))
(** Typechecks an expression given an expected type *)
let check_type
(ctx : Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : A.decl_ctx)
(e : 'm Ast.marked_expr)
(tau : A.typ Marked.pos) =
(* todo: consider using the already inferred type if ['m] = [typed] *)

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@ -17,18 +17,20 @@
(** Typing for the default calculus. Because of the error terms, we perform type
inference using the classical W algorithm with union-find unification. *)
open Shared_ast
val infer_types :
Ast.decl_ctx ->
Ast.untyped Ast.marked_expr ->
Ast.typed Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box
decl_ctx ->
untyped Ast.marked_expr ->
typed Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** Infers types everywhere on the given expression, and adds (or replaces) type
annotations on each node *)
val infer_type : Ast.decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> Ast.typ Utils.Marked.pos
val infer_type : decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> typ Utils.Marked.pos
(** Gets the outer type of the given expression, using either the existing
annotations or inference *)
val check_type :
Ast.decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> Ast.typ Utils.Marked.pos -> unit
decl_ctx -> 'm Ast.marked_expr -> typ Utils.Marked.pos -> unit
val infer_types_program : Ast.untyped Ast.program -> Ast.typed Ast.program
val infer_types_program : untyped Ast.program -> typed Ast.program

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(** Abstract syntax tree of the desugared representation *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Names, Maps and Keys} *)
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ module ScopeDefSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeDef.t = Set.Make (ScopeDef)
type location =
| ScopeVar of ScopeVar.t Marked.pos * StateName.t option
| SubScopeVar of
* Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t Marked.pos
* ScopeVar.t Marked.pos
@ -132,20 +133,20 @@ and expr =
| ELocation of location
| EVar of expr Bindlib.var
| EStruct of
Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t * marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.t
StructName.t * marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.t
| EStructAccess of
marked_expr * Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.t * Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t
marked_expr * StructFieldName.t * StructName.t
| EEnumInj of
marked_expr * Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.t * Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t
marked_expr * EnumConstructor.t * EnumName.t
| EMatch of
* Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t
* EnumName.t
* marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.t
| ELit of Dcalc.Ast.lit
| EAbs of
(expr, marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder * Scopelang.Ast.typ Marked.pos list
| EApp of marked_expr * marked_expr list
| EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
| EOp of operator
| EDefault of marked_expr list * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EIfThenElse of marked_expr * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EArray of marked_expr list
@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ module Expr = struct
| ELocation _, ELocation _ -> 0
| EVar v1, EVar v2 -> Bindlib.compare_vars v1 v2
| EStruct (name1, field_map1), EStruct (name2, field_map2) -> (
match Scopelang.Ast.StructName.compare name1 name2 with
match StructName.compare name1 name2 with
| 0 ->
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.compare (Marked.compare compare) field_map1
@ -179,21 +180,21 @@ module Expr = struct
EStructAccess ((e2, _), field_name2, struct_name2) ) -> (
match compare e1 e2 with
| 0 -> (
match Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.compare field_name1 field_name2 with
| 0 -> Scopelang.Ast.StructName.compare struct_name1 struct_name2
match StructFieldName.compare field_name1 field_name2 with
| 0 -> StructName.compare struct_name1 struct_name2
| n -> n)
| n -> n)
| EEnumInj ((e1, _), cstr1, name1), EEnumInj ((e2, _), cstr2, name2) -> (
match compare e1 e2 with
| 0 -> (
match Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.compare name1 name2 with
| 0 -> Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.compare cstr1 cstr2
match EnumName.compare name1 name2 with
| 0 -> EnumConstructor.compare cstr1 cstr2
| n -> n)
| n -> n)
| EMatch ((e1, _), name1, emap1), EMatch ((e2, _), name2, emap2) -> (
match compare e1 e2 with
| 0 -> (
match Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.compare name1 name2 with
match EnumName.compare name1 name2 with
| 0 ->
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.compare (Marked.compare compare)
emap1 emap2
@ -325,8 +326,8 @@ let empty_rule
(pos : Pos.t)
(have_parameter : Scopelang.Ast.typ Marked.pos option) : rule =
rule_just = Bindlib.box (ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), pos);
rule_cons = Bindlib.box (ELit Dcalc.Ast.LEmptyError, pos);
rule_just = Bindlib.box (ELit (LBool false), pos);
rule_cons = Bindlib.box (ELit LEmptyError, pos);
rule_parameter =
(match have_parameter with
| Some typ -> Some (Var.make "dummy", typ)
@ -340,8 +341,8 @@ let always_false_rule
(pos : Pos.t)
(have_parameter : Scopelang.Ast.typ Marked.pos option) : rule =
rule_just = Bindlib.box (ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true), pos);
rule_cons = Bindlib.box (ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), pos);
rule_just = Bindlib.box (ELit (LBool true), pos);
rule_cons = Bindlib.box (ELit (LBool false), pos);
rule_parameter =
(match have_parameter with
| Some typ -> Some (Var.make "dummy", typ)
@ -370,8 +371,8 @@ type var_or_states = WholeVar | States of StateName.t list
type scope = {
scope_vars : var_or_states ScopeVarMap.t;
scope_sub_scopes : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t;
scope_sub_scopes : ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
scope_uid : ScopeName.t;
scope_defs : scope_def ScopeDefMap.t;
scope_assertions : assertion list;
scope_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list;

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(** Abstract syntax tree of the desugared representation *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Names, Maps and Keys} *)
@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ module ScopeDefSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeDef.t
type location =
| ScopeVar of ScopeVar.t Marked.pos * StateName.t option
| SubScopeVar of
* Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t Marked.pos
* ScopeVar.t Marked.pos
@ -68,20 +69,20 @@ and expr =
| ELocation of location
| EVar of expr Bindlib.var
| EStruct of
Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t * marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.t
StructName.t * marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.t
| EStructAccess of
marked_expr * Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.t * Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t
marked_expr * StructFieldName.t * StructName.t
| EEnumInj of
marked_expr * Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.t * Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t
marked_expr * EnumConstructor.t * EnumName.t
| EMatch of
* Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t
* EnumName.t
* marked_expr Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.t
| ELit of Dcalc.Ast.lit
| EAbs of
(expr, marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder * Scopelang.Ast.typ Marked.pos list
| EApp of marked_expr * marked_expr list
| EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
| EOp of operator
| EDefault of marked_expr list * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EIfThenElse of marked_expr * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EArray of marked_expr list
@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ type var_or_states = WholeVar | States of StateName.t list
type scope = {
scope_vars : var_or_states ScopeVarMap.t;
scope_sub_scopes : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t;
scope_sub_scopes : ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
scope_uid : ScopeName.t;
scope_defs : scope_def ScopeDefMap.t;
scope_assertions : assertion list;
scope_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
OCamlgraph} *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Scope variables dependency graph} *)
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ let check_for_cycle (scope : Ast.scope) (g : ScopeDependencies.t) : unit =
Errors.raise_multispanned_error spans
"Cyclic dependency detected between variables of scope %a!"
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.format_t scope.scope_uid
ScopeName.format_t scope.scope_uid
(** Builds the dependency graph of a particular scope *)
let build_scope_dependencies (scope : Ast.scope) : ScopeDependencies.t =

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
(** Translation from {!module: Desugared.Ast} to {!module: Scopelang.Ast} *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Expression translation}*)
@ -31,11 +32,11 @@ type ctx = {
let tag_with_log_entry
(e : Scopelang.Ast.expr Marked.pos)
(l : Dcalc.Ast.log_entry)
(l : log_entry)
(markings : Utils.Uid.MarkedString.info list) :
Scopelang.Ast.expr Marked.pos =
( Scopelang.Ast.EApp
( ( Scopelang.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop (Dcalc.Ast.Log (l, markings))),
( ( Scopelang.Ast.EOp (Unop (Log (l, markings))),
Marked.get_mark e ),
[e] ),
Marked.get_mark e )
@ -263,11 +264,11 @@ let rec rule_tree_to_expr
Scopelang.Ast.make_default ~pos:def_pos []
(* Here we insert the logging command that records when a
decision is taken for the value of a variable. *)
(tag_with_log_entry base_just Dcalc.Ast.PosRecordIfTrueBool [])
(tag_with_log_entry base_just PosRecordIfTrueBool [])
base_just_list base_cons_list)
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), def_pos)
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit Dcalc.Ast.LEmptyError, def_pos))
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit (LBool false), def_pos)
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit LEmptyError, def_pos))
(Bindlib.box_list (translate_and_unbox_list base_just_list))
(Bindlib.box_list (translate_and_unbox_list base_cons_list))
@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ let rec rule_tree_to_expr
(fun exceptions default_containing_base_cases ->
Scopelang.Ast.make_default exceptions
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true), def_pos)
(Scopelang.Ast.ELit (LBool true), def_pos)
exceptions default_containing_base_cases

View File

@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
(Dcalc.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug prgm.decl_ctx)
( scope_uid,
(Dcalc.Ast.fold_left_scope_defs ~init:None
(Shared_ast.Expr.fold_left_scope_defs ~init:None
~f:(fun acc scope_def _ ->
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.compare scope_def.scope_name
Shared_ast.ScopeName.compare scope_def.scope_name
= 0
then Some scope_def.scope_body
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
let prgrm_dcalc_expr =
(Dcalc.Ast.build_whole_program_expr ~box_expr:Dcalc.Ast.box_expr
(Dcalc.Ast.build_whole_program_expr ~box_expr:Shared_ast.Expr.box
~make_let_in:Dcalc.Ast.make_let_in prgm scope_uid)
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Cli.debug_print "Starting interpretation...";
let prgrm_dcalc_expr =
(Dcalc.Ast.build_whole_program_expr ~box_expr:Dcalc.Ast.box_expr
(Dcalc.Ast.build_whole_program_expr ~box_expr:Shared_ast.Expr.box
~make_let_in:Dcalc.Ast.make_let_in prgm scope_uid)
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Cli.debug_print "Optimizing lambda calculus...";
Lcalc.Optimizations.optimize_program prgm
else Lcalc.Ast.untype_program prgm
else Shared_ast.Expr.untype_program prgm
let prgm =
if options.closure_conversion then (
@ -305,10 +305,10 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
(Lcalc.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug prgm.decl_ctx)
( scope_uid,
(Dcalc.Ast.fold_left_scope_defs ~init:None
(Shared_ast.Expr.fold_left_scope_defs ~init:None
~f:(fun acc scope_def _ ->
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.compare scope_def.scope_name
Shared_ast.ScopeName.compare scope_def.scope_name
= 0
then Some scope_def.scope_body
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
let prgrm_lcalc_expr =
~box_expr:Lcalc.Ast.box_expr ~make_abs:Lcalc.Ast.make_abs
~box_expr:Shared_ast.Expr.box ~make_abs:Lcalc.Ast.make_abs
~make_let_in:Lcalc.Ast.make_let_in prgm scope_uid)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n"

View File

@ -23,80 +23,10 @@ type lit = lcalc glit
type 'm expr = (lcalc, 'm mark) gexpr
and 'm marked_expr = (lcalc, 'm mark) marked_gexpr
type 'm program = ('m expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.program_generic
type 'm program = ('m expr, 'm) program_generic
type 'm var = 'm expr Var.t
type 'm vars = 'm expr Var.vars
(* <copy-paste from dcalc/ast.ml> *)
let evar v mark = Bindlib.box_apply (Marked.mark mark) (Bindlib.box_var v)
let etuple args s mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun args -> ETuple (args, s), mark) (Bindlib.box_list args)
let etupleaccess e1 i s typs mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun e1 -> ETupleAccess (e1, i, s, typs), mark) e1
let einj e1 i e_name typs mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun e1 -> EInj (e1, i, e_name, typs), mark) e1
let ematch arg arms e_name mark =
(fun arg arms -> EMatch (arg, arms, e_name), mark)
arg (Bindlib.box_list arms)
let earray args mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun args -> EArray args, mark) (Bindlib.box_list args)
let elit l mark = Bindlib.box (ELit l, mark)
let eabs binder typs mark =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun binder -> EAbs (binder, typs), mark) binder
let eapp e1 args mark =
(fun e1 args -> EApp (e1, args), mark)
e1 (Bindlib.box_list args)
let eassert e1 mark = Bindlib.box_apply (fun e1 -> EAssert e1, mark) e1
let eop op mark = Bindlib.box (EOp op, mark)
let eifthenelse e1 e2 e3 pos =
Bindlib.box_apply3 (fun e1 e2 e3 -> EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3), pos) e1 e2 e3
(* </copy-paste> *)
let eraise e1 pos = Bindlib.box (ERaise e1, pos)
let ecatch e1 exn e2 pos =
Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1 e2 -> ECatch (e1, exn, e2), pos) e1 e2
let map_expr ctx ~f e = Expr.map ctx ~f e
let rec map_expr_top_down ~f e =
map_expr () ~f:(fun () -> map_expr_top_down ~f) (f e)
let map_expr_marks ~f e =
map_expr_top_down ~f:(fun e -> Marked.(mark (f (get_mark e)) (unmark e))) e
let untype_expr e =
map_expr_marks ~f:(fun m -> Untyped { pos = D.mark_pos m }) e
let untype_program prg =
prg with
D.scopes =
~f:(fun e -> untype_expr e)
~varf:Var.translate prg.D.scopes);
(** See [Bindlib.box_term] documentation for why we are doing that. *)
let box_expr (e : 'm marked_expr) : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let rec id_t () e = map_expr () ~f:id_t e in
id_t () e
let make_var (x, mark) =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun x -> x, mark) (Bindlib.box_var x)
@ -110,7 +40,7 @@ let make_let_in x tau e1 e2 pos =
let m_e1 = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e1) in
let m_e2 = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e2) in
let m_abs =
(fun _ _ -> pos)
(fun m1 m2 -> TArrow (m1.ty, m2.ty), m1.pos)
m_e1 m_e2
@ -120,47 +50,47 @@ let make_let_in x tau e1 e2 pos =
let make_multiple_let_in xs taus e1s e2 pos =
(* let m_e1s = List.map (fun e -> Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e)) e1s in *)
let m_e1s =
D.fold_marks List.hd
Expr.fold_marks List.hd
(fun tys ->
D.TTuple (List.map (fun t -> t.D.ty) tys, None), (List.hd tys).D.pos)
TTuple (List.map (fun t -> t.ty) tys, None), (List.hd tys).pos)
(List.map (fun e -> Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e)) e1s)
let m_e2 = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e2) in
let m_abs =
(fun _ _ -> pos)
(fun m1 m2 -> Marked.mark pos (D.TArrow (m1.ty, m2.ty)))
(fun m1 m2 -> Marked.mark pos (TArrow (m1.ty, m2.ty)))
m_e1s m_e2
make_app (make_abs xs e2 taus m_abs) e1s m_e2
let ( let+ ) x f = Bindlib.box_apply f x
let ( and+ ) x y = Bindlib.box_pair x y
let option_enum : D.EnumName.t = D.EnumName.fresh ("eoption", Pos.no_pos)
let option_enum : EnumName.t = EnumName.fresh ("eoption", Pos.no_pos)
let none_constr : D.EnumConstructor.t =
D.EnumConstructor.fresh ("ENone", Pos.no_pos)
let none_constr : EnumConstructor.t =
EnumConstructor.fresh ("ENone", Pos.no_pos)
let some_constr : D.EnumConstructor.t =
D.EnumConstructor.fresh ("ESome", Pos.no_pos)
let some_constr : EnumConstructor.t =
EnumConstructor.fresh ("ESome", Pos.no_pos)
let option_enum_config : (D.EnumConstructor.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list =
[none_constr, (D.TLit D.TUnit, Pos.no_pos); some_constr, (D.TAny, Pos.no_pos)]
let option_enum_config : (EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list =
[none_constr, (TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos); some_constr, (TAny, Pos.no_pos)]
(* FIXME: proper typing in all the constructors below *)
let make_none m =
let mark = Marked.mark m in
let tunit = D.TLit D.TUnit, D.mark_pos m in
let tunit = TLit TUnit, Expr.mark_pos m in
@@ mark
@@ EInj
( Marked.mark
(D.map_mark (fun pos -> pos) (fun _ -> tunit) m)
(Expr.map_mark (fun pos -> pos) (fun _ -> tunit) m)
(ELit LUnit),
[D.TLit D.TUnit, Pos.no_pos; D.TAny, Pos.no_pos] )
[TLit TUnit, Pos.no_pos; TAny, Pos.no_pos] )
let make_some e =
let m = Marked.get_mark @@ Bindlib.unbox e in
@ -168,7 +98,7 @@ let make_some e =
let+ e in
@@ EInj
(e, 1, option_enum, [D.TLit D.TUnit, D.mark_pos m; D.TAny, D.mark_pos m])
(e, 1, option_enum, [TLit TUnit, Expr.mark_pos m; TAny, Expr.mark_pos m])
(** [make_matchopt_with_abs_arms arg e_none e_some] build an expression
[match arg with |None -> e_none | Some -> e_some] and requires e_some and
@ -187,7 +117,7 @@ let make_matchopt m v tau arg e_none e_some =
let x = Var.make "_" in
make_matchopt_with_abs_arms arg
(make_abs (Array.of_list [x]) e_none [D.TLit D.TUnit, D.mark_pos m] m)
(make_abs (Array.of_list [x]) e_none [TLit TUnit, Expr.mark_pos m] m)
(make_abs (Array.of_list [v]) e_some [tau] m)
let handle_default = Var.make "handle_default"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
include module type of Shared_ast
open Shared_ast
(** Abstract syntax tree for the lambda calculus *)
@ -26,114 +26,21 @@ type lit = lcalc glit
type 'm expr = (lcalc, 'm mark) gexpr
and 'm marked_expr = (lcalc, 'm mark) marked_gexpr
type 'm program = ('m expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.program_generic
type 'm program = ('m expr, 'm) program_generic
(** {1 Variable helpers} *)
type 'm var = 'm expr Var.t
type 'm vars = 'm expr Var.vars
(** {2 Program traversal} *)
val map_expr :
'a ->
f:('a -> 'm1 marked_expr -> 'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box) ->
('m1 expr, 'm2 mark) Marked.t ->
'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** See [Dcalc.Ast.map_expr] *)
val map_expr_top_down :
f:('m1 marked_expr -> ('m1 expr, 'm2 mark) Marked.t) ->
'm1 marked_expr ->
'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** See [Dcalc.Ast.map_expr_top_down] *)
val map_expr_marks :
f:('m1 mark -> 'm2 mark) -> 'm1 marked_expr -> 'm2 marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** See [Dcalc.Ast.map_expr_marks] *)
val untype_expr : 'm marked_expr -> Dcalc.Ast.untyped marked_expr Bindlib.box
val untype_program : 'm program -> Dcalc.Ast.untyped program
(** {1 Boxed constructors} *)
val evar : 'm expr Bindlib.var -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val etuple :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t option ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val etupleaccess :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
int ->
Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t option ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val einj :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
int ->
Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val ematch :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val earray :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val elit : lit -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eabs :
('m expr, 'm marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder Bindlib.box ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eapp :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eassert :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eop : Dcalc.Ast.operator -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eifthenelse :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val ecatch :
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
except ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val eraise : except -> 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** {1 Language terms construction}*)
val make_var : ('m var, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.marked -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val make_var : ('m var, 'm) marked -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val make_abs :
'm vars ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos list ->
typ Marked.pos list ->
'm mark ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
@ -145,7 +52,7 @@ val make_app :
val make_let_in :
'm var ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos ->
typ Marked.pos ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
Pos.t ->
@ -153,18 +60,18 @@ val make_let_in :
val make_multiple_let_in :
'm vars ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos list ->
typ Marked.pos list ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box list ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
Pos.t ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val option_enum : Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t
val none_constr : Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t
val some_constr : Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t
val option_enum : EnumName.t
val none_constr : EnumConstructor.t
val some_constr : EnumConstructor.t
val option_enum_config :
(Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t * Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) list
(EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list
val make_none : 'm mark -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
val make_some : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
@ -178,7 +85,7 @@ val make_matchopt_with_abs_arms :
val make_matchopt :
'm mark ->
'm var ->
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos ->
typ Marked.pos ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
'm marked_expr Bindlib.box ->
@ -186,8 +93,6 @@ val make_matchopt :
(** [e' = make_matchopt'' pos v e e_none e_some] Builds the term corresponding
to [match e with | None -> fun () -> e_none |Some -> fun v -> e_some]. *)
val box_expr : 'm marked_expr -> 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box
(** {1 Special symbols} *)
val handle_default : untyped var

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@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Ast
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
module D = Dcalc.Ast
(** TODO: This version is not yet debugged and ought to be specialized when
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
| EAbs (binder, typs) ->
(* λ x.t *)
let binder_mark = Marked.get_mark e in
let binder_pos = D.mark_pos binder_mark in
let binder_pos = Expr.mark_pos binder_mark in
(* Converting the closure. *)
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
(* t *)
@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
let code_var = Var.make ctx.name_context in
(* code *)
let inner_c_var = Var.make "env" in
let any_ty = Dcalc.Ast.TAny, binder_pos in
let any_ty = TAny, binder_pos in
let new_closure_body =
(Array.of_list extra_vars_list)
@ -158,17 +159,17 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
binder_mark ))
(Bindlib.box_var inner_c_var))
new_body (D.mark_pos binder_mark)
new_body (Expr.mark_pos binder_mark)
let new_closure =
(Array.concat [Array.make 1 inner_c_var; vars])
((Dcalc.Ast.TAny, binder_pos) :: typs)
((TAny, binder_pos) :: typs)
(Marked.get_mark e)
( make_let_in code_var
(Dcalc.Ast.TAny, D.pos e)
(TAny, Expr.pos e)
(fun code_var extra_vars ->
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
(fun extra_var -> Bindlib.box_var extra_var)
(D.pos e),
(Expr.pos e),
extra_vars )
| EApp ((EOp op, pos_op), args) ->
(* This corresponds to an operator call, which we don't want to
@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
let call_expr =
make_let_in code_var
(Dcalc.Ast.TAny, D.pos e)
(TAny, Expr.pos e)
(fun env_var ->
( ETupleAccess
@ -242,9 +243,9 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
Marked.get_mark e ))
(Bindlib.box_var code_var) (Bindlib.box_var env_var)
(Bindlib.box_list new_args))
(D.pos e)
(Expr.pos e)
( make_let_in env_var (Dcalc.Ast.TAny, D.pos e) new_e1 call_expr (D.pos e),
( make_let_in env_var (TAny, Expr.pos e) new_e1 call_expr (Expr.pos e),
free_vars )
| EAssert e1 ->
let new_e1, free_vars = aux e1 in
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ let closure_conversion_expr (type m) (ctx : m ctx) (e : m marked_expr) :
let closure_conversion (p : 'm program) : 'm program Bindlib.box =
let new_scopes, _ =
~f:(fun (acc_new_scopes, global_vars) scope scope_var ->
(* [acc_new_scopes] represents what has been translated in the past, it
needs a continuation to attach the rest of the translated scopes. *)
@ -289,12 +290,12 @@ let closure_conversion (p : 'm program) : 'm program Bindlib.box =
let ctx =
name_context =
Marked.unmark (Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope.scope_name);
Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope.scope_name);
globally_bound_vars = global_vars;
let new_scope_lets =
~f:(closure_conversion_expr ctx)
~varf:(fun v -> v)
@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ let closure_conversion (p : 'm program) : 'm program Bindlib.box =
(fun new_scope_body_expr next ->
scope with
scope_body =
@ -327,4 +328,4 @@ let closure_conversion (p : 'm program) : 'm program Bindlib.box =
(fun new_scopes -> { p with scopes = new_scopes })
(new_scopes (Bindlib.box D.Nil))
(new_scopes (Bindlib.box Nil))

View File

@ -25,26 +25,26 @@ type 'm ctx = ('m D.expr, 'm A.expr Var.t) Var.Map.t
let translate_lit (l : D.lit) : 'm A.expr =
match l with
| D.LBool l -> A.ELit (A.LBool l)
| D.LInt i -> A.ELit (A.LInt i)
| D.LRat r -> A.ELit (A.LRat r)
| D.LMoney m -> A.ELit (A.LMoney m)
| D.LUnit -> A.ELit A.LUnit
| D.LDate d -> A.ELit (A.LDate d)
| D.LDuration d -> A.ELit (A.LDuration d)
| D.LEmptyError -> A.ERaise A.EmptyError
| LBool l -> ELit (LBool l)
| LInt i -> ELit (LInt i)
| LRat r -> ELit (LRat r)
| LMoney m -> ELit (LMoney m)
| LUnit -> ELit LUnit
| LDate d -> ELit (LDate d)
| LDuration d -> ELit (LDuration d)
| LEmptyError -> ERaise EmptyError
let thunk_expr (e : 'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box) (mark : 'm A.mark) :
let thunk_expr (e : 'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box) (mark : 'm mark) :
'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let dummy_var = Var.make "_" in
A.make_abs [| dummy_var |] e [D.TAny, D.mark_pos mark] mark
A.make_abs [| dummy_var |] e [TAny, Expr.mark_pos mark] mark
let rec translate_default
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(exceptions : 'm D.marked_expr list)
(just : 'm D.marked_expr)
(cons : 'm D.marked_expr)
(mark_default : 'm D.mark) : 'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
(mark_default : 'm mark) : 'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let exceptions =
(fun except -> thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx except) mark_default)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let rec translate_default
(A.make_var (Var.translate A.handle_default, mark_default))
A.earray exceptions mark_default;
Expr.earray exceptions mark_default;
thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx just) mark_default;
thunk_expr (translate_expr ctx cons) mark_default;
@ -65,34 +65,34 @@ let rec translate_default
and translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
match Marked.unmark e with
| D.EVar v -> A.make_var (Var.Map.find v ctx, Marked.get_mark e)
| D.ETuple (args, s) ->
A.etuple (List.map (translate_expr ctx) args) s (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.ETupleAccess (e1, i, s, ts) ->
A.etupleaccess (translate_expr ctx e1) i s ts (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EInj (e1, i, en, ts) ->
A.einj (translate_expr ctx e1) i en ts (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EMatch (e1, cases, en) ->
A.ematch (translate_expr ctx e1)
| EVar v -> A.make_var (Var.Map.find v ctx, Marked.get_mark e)
| ETuple (args, s) ->
Expr.etuple (List.map (translate_expr ctx) args) s (Marked.get_mark e)
| ETupleAccess (e1, i, s, ts) ->
Expr.etupleaccess (translate_expr ctx e1) i s ts (Marked.get_mark e)
| EInj (e1, i, en, ts) ->
Expr.einj (translate_expr ctx e1) i en ts (Marked.get_mark e)
| EMatch (e1, cases, en) ->
Expr.ematch (translate_expr ctx e1)
(List.map (translate_expr ctx) cases)
en (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EArray es ->
A.earray (List.map (translate_expr ctx) es) (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.ELit l -> Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (translate_lit l) e)
| D.EOp op -> A.eop op (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
A.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx e1) (translate_expr ctx e2)
| EArray es ->
Expr.earray (List.map (translate_expr ctx) es) (Marked.get_mark e)
| ELit l -> Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (translate_lit l) e)
| EOp op -> Expr.eop op (Marked.get_mark e)
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
Expr.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx e1) (translate_expr ctx e2)
(translate_expr ctx e3) (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EAssert e1 -> A.eassert (translate_expr ctx e1) (Marked.get_mark e)
| D.ErrorOnEmpty arg ->
A.ecatch (translate_expr ctx arg) A.EmptyError
(Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (A.ERaise A.NoValueProvided) e))
| EAssert e1 -> Expr.eassert (translate_expr ctx e1) (Marked.get_mark e)
| ErrorOnEmpty arg ->
Expr.ecatch (translate_expr ctx arg) EmptyError
(Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (ERaise NoValueProvided) e))
(Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EApp (e1, args) ->
A.eapp (translate_expr ctx e1)
| EApp (e1, args) ->
Expr.eapp (translate_expr ctx e1)
(List.map (translate_expr ctx) args)
(Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EAbs (binder, ts) ->
| EAbs (binder, ts) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let ctx, lc_vars =
@ -105,24 +105,24 @@ and translate_expr (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
let new_body = translate_expr ctx body in
let new_binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar lc_vars new_body in
(fun new_binder -> Marked.same_mark_as (A.EAbs (new_binder, ts)) e)
(fun new_binder -> Marked.same_mark_as (EAbs (new_binder, ts)) e)
| D.EDefault ([exn], just, cons) when !Cli.optimize_flag ->
A.ecatch (translate_expr ctx exn) A.EmptyError
(A.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx just) (translate_expr ctx cons)
(Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (A.ERaise A.EmptyError) e))
| EDefault ([exn], just, cons) when !Cli.optimize_flag ->
Expr.ecatch (translate_expr ctx exn) EmptyError
(Expr.eifthenelse (translate_expr ctx just) (translate_expr ctx cons)
(Bindlib.box (Marked.same_mark_as (ERaise EmptyError) e))
(Marked.get_mark e))
(Marked.get_mark e)
| D.EDefault (exceptions, just, cons) ->
| EDefault (exceptions, just, cons) ->
translate_default ctx exceptions just cons (Marked.get_mark e)
let rec translate_scope_lets
(decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(scope_lets : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scope_body_expr) :
('m A.expr, 'm) D.scope_body_expr Bindlib.box =
(scope_lets : ('m D.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr) :
('m A.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr Bindlib.box =
match scope_lets with
| Result e -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun e -> D.Result e) (translate_expr ctx e)
| Result e -> Bindlib.box_apply (fun e -> Result e) (translate_expr ctx e)
| ScopeLet scope_let ->
let old_scope_let_var, scope_let_next =
Bindlib.unbind scope_let.scope_let_next
@ -134,26 +134,26 @@ let rec translate_scope_lets
let new_scope_next = Bindlib.bind_var new_scope_let_var new_scope_next in
(fun new_scope_next new_scope_let_expr ->
scope_let_typ = scope_let.D.scope_let_typ;
scope_let_kind = scope_let.D.scope_let_kind;
scope_let_pos = scope_let.D.scope_let_pos;
scope_let_typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let_kind = scope_let.scope_let_kind;
scope_let_pos = scope_let.scope_let_pos;
scope_let_next = new_scope_next;
scope_let_expr = new_scope_let_expr;
new_scope_next new_scope_let_expr
let rec translate_scopes
(decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(scopes : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scopes) : ('m A.expr, 'm) D.scopes Bindlib.box =
(scopes : ('m D.expr, 'm) scopes) : ('m A.expr, 'm) scopes Bindlib.box =
match scopes with
| Nil -> Bindlib.box D.Nil
| Nil -> Bindlib.box Nil
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let old_scope_var, scope_next = Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_next in
let new_scope_var =
Var.make (Marked.unmark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_def.scope_name))
Var.make (Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope_def.scope_name))
let old_scope_input_var, scope_body_expr =
Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_expr
@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ let rec translate_scopes
let new_scope_body_expr =
Bindlib.bind_var new_scope_input_var new_scope_body_expr
let new_scope : ('m A.expr, 'm) D.scope_body Bindlib.box =
let new_scope : ('m A.expr, 'm) scope_body Bindlib.box =
(fun new_scope_body_expr ->
D.scope_body_input_struct =
scope_body_input_struct =
scope_body_output_struct =
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ let rec translate_scopes
(fun new_scope scope_next ->
scope_name = scope_def.scope_name;
scope_body = new_scope;

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let pp_info (fmt : Format.formatter) (info : 'm info) =
type 'm ctx = {
decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx;
decl_ctx : decl_ctx;
vars : ('m D.expr, 'm info) Var.Map.t;
(** information context about variables in the current scope *)
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let find ?(info : string = "none") (n : 'm D.var) (ctx : 'm ctx) : 'm info =
var, creating a unique corresponding variable in Lcalc, with the
corresponding expression, and the boolean is_pure. It is usefull for
debuging purposes as it printing each of the Dcalc/Lcalc variable pairs. *)
let add_var (mark : 'm D.mark) (var : 'm D.var) (is_pure : bool) (ctx : 'm ctx)
let add_var (mark : 'm mark) (var : 'm D.var) (is_pure : bool) (ctx : 'm ctx)
: 'm ctx =
let new_var = Var.make (Bindlib.name_of var) in
let expr = A.make_var (new_var, mark) in
@ -115,33 +115,33 @@ let add_var (mark : 'm D.mark) (var : 'm D.var) (is_pure : bool) (ctx : 'm ctx)
Since positions where there is thunked expressions is exactly where we will
put option expressions. Hence, the transformation simply reduce [unit -> 'a]
into ['a option] recursivly. There is no polymorphism inside catala. *)
let rec translate_typ (tau : D.typ Marked.pos) : D.typ Marked.pos =
let rec translate_typ (tau : typ Marked.pos) : typ Marked.pos =
(Fun.flip Marked.same_mark_as)
match Marked.unmark tau with
| D.TLit l -> D.TLit l
| D.TTuple (ts, s) -> D.TTuple (List.map translate_typ ts, s)
| D.TEnum (ts, en) -> D.TEnum (List.map translate_typ ts, en)
| D.TAny -> D.TAny
| D.TArray ts -> D.TArray (translate_typ ts)
| TLit l -> TLit l
| TTuple (ts, s) -> TTuple (List.map translate_typ ts, s)
| TEnum (ts, en) -> TEnum (List.map translate_typ ts, en)
| TAny -> TAny
| TArray ts -> TArray (translate_typ ts)
(* catala is not polymorphic *)
| D.TArrow ((D.TLit D.TUnit, pos_unit), t2) ->
D.TEnum ([D.TLit D.TUnit, pos_unit; translate_typ t2], A.option_enum)
(* D.TAny *)
| D.TArrow (t1, t2) -> D.TArrow (translate_typ t1, translate_typ t2)
| TArrow ((TLit TUnit, pos_unit), t2) ->
TEnum ([TLit TUnit, pos_unit; translate_typ t2], A.option_enum)
(* TAny *)
| TArrow (t1, t2) -> TArrow (translate_typ t1, translate_typ t2)
let translate_lit (l : D.lit) (pos : Pos.t) : A.lit =
match l with
| D.LBool l -> A.LBool l
| D.LInt i -> A.LInt i
| D.LRat r -> A.LRat r
| D.LMoney m -> A.LMoney m
| D.LUnit -> A.LUnit
| D.LDate d -> A.LDate d
| D.LDuration d -> A.LDuration d
| D.LEmptyError ->
| LBool l -> LBool l
| LInt i -> LInt i
| LRat r -> LRat r
| LMoney m -> LMoney m
| LUnit -> LUnit
| LDate d -> LDate d
| LDuration d -> LDuration d
| LEmptyError ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"Internal Error: An empty error was found in a place that shouldn't be \
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
(* empty-producing/using terms. We hoist those. (D.EVar in some cases,
EApp(D.EVar _, [ELit LUnit]), EDefault _, ELit LEmptyDefault) I'm unsure
about assert. *)
| D.EVar v ->
| EVar v ->
(* todo: for now, every unpure (such that [is_pure] is [false] in the
current context) is thunked, hence matched in the next case. This
assumption can change in the future, and this case is here for this
@ -183,20 +183,20 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
Print.format_var v'; *)
A.make_var (v', pos), Var.Map.singleton v' e
else (find ~info:"should never happend" v ctx).expr, Var.Map.empty
| D.EApp ((D.EVar v, p), [(D.ELit D.LUnit, _)]) ->
| EApp ((EVar v, p), [(ELit LUnit, _)]) ->
if not (find ~info:"search for a variable" v ctx).is_pure then
let v' = Var.make (Bindlib.name_of v) in
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "Found an unpure variable %a,
created a variable %a to replace it" Dcalc.Print.format_var v
Print.format_var v'; *)
A.make_var (v', pos), Var.Map.singleton v' (D.EVar v, p)
A.make_var (v', pos), Var.Map.singleton v' (EVar v, p)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (D.pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"Internal error: an pure variable was found in an unpure environment."
| D.EDefault (_exceptions, _just, _cons) ->
| EDefault (_exceptions, _just, _cons) ->
let v' = Var.make "default_term" in
A.make_var (v', pos), Var.Map.singleton v' e
| D.ELit D.LEmptyError ->
| ELit LEmptyError ->
let v' = Var.make "empty_litteral" in
A.make_var (v', pos), Var.Map.singleton v' e
(* This one is a very special case. It transform an unpure expression
@ -210,29 +210,29 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
( A.make_matchopt_with_abs_arms arg'
(A.make_abs [| silent_var |]
(Bindlib.box (A.ERaise A.NoValueProvided, pos))
[D.TAny, D.pos e]
(Bindlib.box (ERaise NoValueProvided, pos))
[TAny, Expr.pos e]
(A.make_abs [| x |] (A.make_var (x, pos)) [D.TAny, D.pos e] pos),
(A.make_abs [| x |] (A.make_var (x, pos)) [TAny, Expr.pos e] pos),
Var.Map.empty )
(* pure terms *)
| D.ELit l -> A.elit (translate_lit l (D.pos e)) pos, Var.Map.empty
| D.EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
| ELit l -> Expr.elit (translate_lit l (Expr.pos e)) pos, Var.Map.empty
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
let e1', h1 = translate_and_hoist ctx e1 in
let e2', h2 = translate_and_hoist ctx e2 in
let e3', h3 = translate_and_hoist ctx e3 in
let e' = A.eifthenelse e1' e2' e3' pos in
let e' = Expr.eifthenelse e1' e2' e3' pos in
(*(* equivalent code : *) let e' = let+ e1' = e1' and+ e2' = e2' and+ e3' =
e3' in (A.EIfThenElse (e1', e2', e3'), pos) in *)
e', disjoint_union_maps (D.pos e) [h1; h2; h3]
| D.EAssert e1 ->
e', disjoint_union_maps (Expr.pos e) [h1; h2; h3]
| EAssert e1 ->
(* same behavior as in the ICFP paper: if e1 is empty, then no error is
raised. *)
let e1', h1 = translate_and_hoist ctx e1 in
A.eassert e1' pos, h1
| D.EAbs (binder, ts) ->
Expr.eassert e1' pos, h1
| EAbs (binder, ts) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let ctx, lc_vars =
ArrayLabels.fold_right vars ~init:(ctx, []) ~f:(fun var (ctx, lc_vars) ->
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
let new_binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar lc_vars new_body in
( Bindlib.box_apply
(fun new_binder -> A.EAbs (new_binder, List.map translate_typ ts), pos)
(fun new_binder -> EAbs (new_binder, List.map translate_typ ts), pos)
hoists )
| EApp (e1, args) ->
@ -263,23 +263,23 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
args |> List.map (translate_and_hoist ctx) |> List.split
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (D.pos e) (h1 :: h_args) in
let e' = A.eapp e1' args' pos in
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (Expr.pos e) (h1 :: h_args) in
let e' = Expr.eapp e1' args' pos in
e', hoists
| ETuple (args, s) ->
let args', h_args =
args |> List.map (translate_and_hoist ctx) |> List.split
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (D.pos e) h_args in
A.etuple args' s pos, hoists
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (Expr.pos e) h_args in
Expr.etuple args' s pos, hoists
| ETupleAccess (e1, i, s, ts) ->
let e1', hoists = translate_and_hoist ctx e1 in
let e1' = A.etupleaccess e1' i s ts pos in
let e1' = Expr.etupleaccess e1' i s ts pos in
e1', hoists
| EInj (e1, i, en, ts) ->
let e1', hoists = translate_and_hoist ctx e1 in
let e1' = A.einj e1' i en ts pos in
let e1' = Expr.einj e1' i en ts pos in
e1', hoists
| EMatch (e1, cases, en) ->
let e1', h1 = translate_and_hoist ctx e1 in
@ -287,14 +287,14 @@ let rec translate_and_hoist (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr) :
cases |> List.map (translate_and_hoist ctx) |> List.split
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (D.pos e) (h1 :: h_cases) in
let e' = A.ematch e1' cases' en pos in
let hoists = disjoint_union_maps (Expr.pos e) (h1 :: h_cases) in
let e' = Expr.ematch e1' cases' en pos in
e', hoists
| EArray es ->
let es', hoists = es |> List.map (translate_and_hoist ctx) |> List.split in
A.earray es' pos, disjoint_union_maps (D.pos e) hoists
| EOp op -> Bindlib.box (A.EOp op, pos), Var.Map.empty
Expr.earray es' pos, disjoint_union_maps (Expr.pos e) hoists
| EOp op -> Bindlib.box (EOp op, pos), Var.Map.empty
and translate_expr ?(append_esome = true) (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr)
: 'm A.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ and translate_expr ?(append_esome = true) (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr)
match hoist with
(* Here we have to handle only the cases appearing in hoists, as defined
the [translate_and_hoist] function. *)
| D.EVar v -> (find ~info:"should never happend" v ctx).expr
| D.EDefault (excep, just, cons) ->
| EVar v -> (find ~info:"should never happend" v ctx).expr
| EDefault (excep, just, cons) ->
let excep' = List.map (translate_expr ctx) excep in
let just' = translate_expr ctx just in
let cons' = translate_expr ctx cons in
@ -325,14 +325,14 @@ and translate_expr ?(append_esome = true) (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr)
(A.make_var (Var.translate A.handle_default_opt, mark_hoist))
(fun excep' -> A.EArray excep', mark_hoist)
(fun excep' -> EArray excep', mark_hoist)
(Bindlib.box_list excep');
| D.ELit D.LEmptyError -> A.make_none mark_hoist
| D.EAssert arg ->
| ELit LEmptyError -> A.make_none mark_hoist
| EAssert arg ->
let arg' = translate_expr ctx arg in
(* [ match arg with | None -> raise NoValueProvided | Some v -> assert
@ -342,17 +342,17 @@ and translate_expr ?(append_esome = true) (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr)
A.make_matchopt_with_abs_arms arg'
(A.make_abs [| silent_var |]
(Bindlib.box (A.ERaise A.NoValueProvided, mark_hoist))
[D.TAny, D.mark_pos mark_hoist]
(Bindlib.box (ERaise NoValueProvided, mark_hoist))
[TAny, Expr.mark_pos mark_hoist]
(A.make_abs [| x |]
(fun arg -> A.EAssert arg, mark_hoist)
(fun arg -> EAssert arg, mark_hoist)
(A.make_var (x, mark_hoist)))
[D.TAny, D.mark_pos mark_hoist]
[TAny, Expr.mark_pos mark_hoist]
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (D.mark_pos mark_hoist)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.mark_pos mark_hoist)
"Internal Error: An term was found in a position where it should \
not be"
@ -362,23 +362,23 @@ and translate_expr ?(append_esome = true) (ctx : 'm ctx) (e : 'm D.marked_expr)
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "build matchopt using %a"
Print.format_var v; *)
A.make_matchopt mark_hoist v
(D.TAny, D.mark_pos mark_hoist)
(TAny, Expr.mark_pos mark_hoist)
c' (A.make_none mark_hoist) acc)
let rec translate_scope_let
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(lets : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scope_body_expr) :
('m A.expr, 'm) D.scope_body_expr Bindlib.box =
(lets : ('m D.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr) :
('m A.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr Bindlib.box =
match lets with
| Result e ->
(fun e -> D.Result e)
(fun e -> Result e)
(translate_expr ~append_esome:false ctx e)
| ScopeLet
scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_typ = typ;
scope_let_expr = D.EAbs (binder, _), emark;
scope_let_expr = EAbs (binder, _), emark;
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = pos;
} ->
@ -390,13 +390,13 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
let var, next = Bindlib.unbind next in
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "unbinding %a" Dcalc.Print.format_var
var; *)
let vmark = D.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) emark in
let vmark = Expr.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) emark in
let ctx' = add_var vmark var var_is_pure ctx in
let new_var = (find ~info:"variable that was just created" var ctx').var in
let new_next = translate_scope_let ctx' next in
(fun new_expr new_next ->
scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_typ = translate_typ typ;
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_typ = typ;
scope_let_expr = (D.ErrorOnEmpty _, emark) as expr;
scope_let_expr = (ErrorOnEmpty _, emark) as expr;
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = pos;
} ->
@ -419,12 +419,12 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
let var, next = Bindlib.unbind next in
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "unbinding %a" Dcalc.Print.format_var
var; *)
let vmark = D.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) emark in
let vmark = Expr.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) emark in
let ctx' = add_var vmark var var_is_pure ctx in
let new_var = (find ~info:"variable that was just created" var ctx').var in
(fun new_expr new_next ->
scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_typ = translate_typ typ;
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
thunked, then the variable is context. If it's not thunked, it's a
regular input. *)
match Marked.unmark typ with
| D.TArrow ((D.TLit D.TUnit, _), _) -> false
| TArrow ((TLit TUnit, _), _) -> false
| _ -> true)
| ScopeVarDefinition | SubScopeVarDefinition | CallingSubScope
| DestructuringSubScopeResults | Assertion ->
@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "unbinding %a" Dcalc.Print.format_var
var; *)
let vmark =
D.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) (Marked.get_mark expr)
Expr.map_mark (fun _ -> pos) (fun _ -> typ) (Marked.get_mark expr)
let ctx' = add_var vmark var var_is_pure ctx in
let new_var = (find ~info:"variable that was just created" var ctx').var in
(fun new_expr new_next ->
scope_let_kind = kind;
scope_let_typ = translate_typ typ;
@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ let rec translate_scope_let
let translate_scope_body
(scope_pos : Pos.t)
(ctx : 'm ctx)
(body : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scope_body) :
('m A.expr, 'm) D.scope_body Bindlib.box =
(body : ('m D.expr, 'm) scope_body) :
('m A.expr, 'm) scope_body Bindlib.box =
match body with
| {
scope_body_expr = result;
@ -507,23 +507,23 @@ let translate_scope_body
match lets with
| Result e | ScopeLet { scope_let_expr = e; _ } -> Marked.get_mark e
D.map_mark (fun _ -> scope_pos) (fun ty -> ty) m
Expr.map_mark (fun _ -> scope_pos) (fun ty -> ty) m
let ctx' = add_var vmark v true ctx in
let v' = (find ~info:"variable that was just created" v ctx').var in
(fun new_expr ->
D.scope_body_expr = new_expr;
scope_body_expr = new_expr;
scope_body_input_struct = input_struct;
scope_body_output_struct = output_struct;
(Bindlib.bind_var v' (translate_scope_let ctx' lets))
let rec translate_scopes (ctx : 'm ctx) (scopes : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scopes) :
('m A.expr, 'm) D.scopes Bindlib.box =
let rec translate_scopes (ctx : 'm ctx) (scopes : ('m D.expr, 'm) scopes) :
('m A.expr, 'm) scopes Bindlib.box =
match scopes with
| Nil -> Bindlib.box D.Nil
| Nil -> Bindlib.box Nil
| ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body; scope_next } ->
let scope_var, next = Bindlib.unbind scope_next in
let vmark =
@ -536,21 +536,21 @@ let rec translate_scopes (ctx : 'm ctx) (scopes : ('m D.expr, 'm) D.scopes) :
(find ~info:"variable that was just created" scope_var new_ctx).var
let scope_pos = Marked.get_mark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_name) in
let scope_pos = Marked.get_mark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name) in
let new_body = translate_scope_body scope_pos ctx scope_body in
let tail = translate_scopes new_ctx next in
(fun body tail ->
D.ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body = body; scope_next = tail })
ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body = body; scope_next = tail })
(Bindlib.bind_var new_scope_name tail)
let translate_program (prgm : 'm D.program) : 'm A.program =
let inputs_structs =
D.fold_left_scope_defs prgm.scopes ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc scope_def _ ->
scope_def.D.scope_body.scope_body_input_struct :: acc)
Expr.fold_left_scope_defs prgm.scopes ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc scope_def _ ->
scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_input_struct :: acc)
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "List of structs to modify: [%a]"
@ -558,17 +558,17 @@ let translate_program (prgm : 'm D.program) : 'm A.program =
let decl_ctx =
prgm.decl_ctx with
D.ctx_enums =
ctx_enums =
|> D.EnumMap.add A.option_enum A.option_enum_config;
|> EnumMap.add A.option_enum A.option_enum_config;
let decl_ctx =
decl_ctx with
D.ctx_structs =
ctx_structs =
|> D.StructMap.mapi (fun n l ->
|> StructMap.mapi (fun n l ->
if List.mem n inputs_structs then
ListLabels.map l ~f:(fun (n, tau) ->
(* Cli.debug_print @@ Format.asprintf "Input type: %a"

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
module D = Dcalc.Ast
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ let rec iota_expr (_ : unit) (e : 'm marked_expr) : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let default_mark e' = Marked.mark (Marked.get_mark e) e' in
match Marked.unmark e with
| EMatch ((EInj (e1, i, n', _ts), _), cases, n)
when Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.compare n n' = 0 ->
when EnumName.compare n n' = 0 ->
let+ e1 = visitor_map iota_expr () e1
and+ case = visitor_map iota_expr () (List.nth cases i) in
default_mark @@ EApp (case, [e1])
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ let rec iota_expr (_ : unit) (e : 'm marked_expr) : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box =
|> List.mapi (fun i (case, _pos) ->
match case with
| EInj (_ei, i', n', _ts') ->
i = i' && (* n = n' *) Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.compare n n' = 0
i = i' && (* n = n' *) EnumName.compare n n' = 0
| _ -> false)
|> List.for_all Fun.id ->
visitor_map iota_expr () e'
@ -101,9 +102,9 @@ let rec beta_expr (_ : unit) (e : 'm marked_expr) : 'm marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let iota_optimizations (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
let new_scopes =
Dcalc.Ast.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(iota_expr ()) ~varf:(fun v -> v) p.scopes
Expr.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(iota_expr ()) ~varf:(fun v -> v) p.scopes
{ p with D.scopes = Bindlib.unbox new_scopes }
{ p with scopes = Bindlib.unbox new_scopes }
(* TODO: beta optimizations apply inlining of the program. We left the inclusion
of beta-optimization as future work since its produce code that is harder to
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ let iota_optimizations (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
program. *)
let _beta_optimizations (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
let new_scopes =
Dcalc.Ast.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(beta_expr ()) ~varf:(fun v -> v) p.scopes
Expr.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(beta_expr ()) ~varf:(fun v -> v) p.scopes
{ p with scopes = Bindlib.unbox new_scopes }
@ -145,11 +146,11 @@ let rec peephole_expr (_ : unit) (e : 'm marked_expr) :
let peephole_optimizations (p : 'm program) : 'm program =
let new_scopes =
Dcalc.Ast.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(peephole_expr ())
Expr.map_exprs_in_scopes ~f:(peephole_expr ())
~varf:(fun v -> v)
{ p with scopes = Bindlib.unbox new_scopes }
let optimize_program (p : 'm program) : Dcalc.Ast.untyped program =
p |> iota_optimizations |> peephole_optimizations |> untype_program
let optimize_program (p : 'm program) : untyped program =
p |> iota_optimizations |> peephole_optimizations |> Expr.untype_program

View File

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@
open Ast
val optimize_program : 'm program -> Dcalc.Ast.untyped program
val optimize_program : 'm program -> Shared_ast.untyped program
(** Warning/todo: no effort was yet made to ensure correct propagation of type
annotations in the typed case *)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
(** {b Note:} (EmileRolley) seems to be factorizable with
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ let format_var (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : 'm Ast.var) : unit =
let rec format_expr
?(debug : bool = false)
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(e : 'm marked_expr) : unit =
let format_expr = format_expr ctx ~debug in
@ -83,16 +84,16 @@ let rec format_expr
(fun fmt e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_expr e))
es format_punctuation ")"
| ETuple (es, Some s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" Dcalc.Ast.StructName.format_t s
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" StructName.format_t s
format_punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")
(fun fmt (e, struct_field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a %a" format_punctuation "\""
Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t struct_field format_punctuation
StructFieldName.format_t struct_field format_punctuation
"\"" format_punctuation ":" format_expr e))
(List.combine es
(List.map fst (Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
(List.map fst (StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
format_punctuation "}"
| EArray es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" format_punctuation "["
@ -106,12 +107,12 @@ let rec format_expr
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%d" format_expr e1 format_punctuation "." n
| Some s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" format_expr e1 format_punctuation "."
format_punctuation "\"" Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t
(fst (List.nth (Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs) n))
format_punctuation "\"" StructFieldName.format_t
(fst (List.nth (StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs) n))
format_punctuation "\"")
| EInj (e, n, en, _ts) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" Dcalc.Print.format_enum_constructor
(fst (List.nth (Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap.find en ctx.ctx_enums) n))
(fst (List.nth (EnumMap.find en ctx.ctx_enums) n))
format_expr e
| EMatch (e, es, e_name) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" format_keyword "match"
@ -123,9 +124,9 @@ let rec format_expr
Dcalc.Print.format_enum_constructor c format_punctuation ":"
format_expr e))
(List.combine es
(List.map fst (Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)))
(List.map fst (EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)))
| ELit l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_lit (Marked.mark (Dcalc.Ast.pos e) l)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_lit (Marked.mark (Expr.pos e) l)
| EApp ((EAbs (binder, taus), _), args) ->
let xs, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a"
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ let rec format_expr
(List.combine (Array.to_list xs) taus)
format_punctuation "" format_expr body
| EApp
((EOp (Binop ((Dcalc.Ast.Map | Dcalc.Ast.Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
((EOp (Binop ((Map | Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" Dcalc.Print.format_binop op
format_with_parens arg1 format_with_parens arg2
@ -190,11 +191,11 @@ let rec format_expr
let format_scope ?(debug = false) ctx fmt (n, s) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a =@ %a@]" format_keyword "let"
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.format_t n (format_expr ctx ~debug)
ScopeName.format_t n (format_expr ctx ~debug)
(Dcalc.Ast.build_whole_scope_expr ~make_abs:Ast.make_abs
~make_let_in:Ast.make_let_in ~box_expr:Ast.box_expr ctx s
(fun _ -> Marked.get_mark (Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.get_info n))
~make_let_in:Ast.make_let_in ~box_expr:Expr.box ctx s
(fun _ -> Marked.get_mark (ScopeName.get_info n))
(fun ty -> ty)
(Dcalc.Ast.get_scope_body_mark s))))
(Expr.get_scope_body_mark s))))

View File

@ -15,23 +15,24 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Formatters} *)
val format_lit : Format.formatter -> Ast.lit Marked.pos -> unit
val format_var : Format.formatter -> 'm Ast.var -> unit
val format_exception : Format.formatter -> Ast.except -> unit
val format_exception : Format.formatter -> except -> unit
val format_expr :
?debug:bool ->
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Format.formatter ->
'm Ast.marked_expr ->
val format_scope :
?debug:bool ->
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Format.formatter ->
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.scope_body ->
ScopeName.t * ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scope_body ->

View File

@ -15,37 +15,38 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
open String_common
module D = Dcalc.Ast
let find_struct (s : D.StructName.t) (ctx : D.decl_ctx) :
(D.StructFieldName.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list =
try D.StructMap.find s ctx.D.ctx_structs
let find_struct (s : StructName.t) (ctx : decl_ctx) :
(StructFieldName.t * typ Marked.pos) list =
try StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs
with Not_found ->
let s_name, pos = D.StructName.get_info s in
let s_name, pos = StructName.get_info s in
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"Internal Error: Structure %s was not found in the current environment."
let find_enum (en : D.EnumName.t) (ctx : D.decl_ctx) :
(D.EnumConstructor.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list =
try D.EnumMap.find en ctx.D.ctx_enums
let find_enum (en : EnumName.t) (ctx : decl_ctx) :
(EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list =
try EnumMap.find en ctx.ctx_enums
with Not_found ->
let en_name, pos = D.EnumName.get_info en in
let en_name, pos = EnumName.get_info en in
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"Internal Error: Enumeration %s was not found in the current environment."
let format_lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : lit Marked.pos) : unit =
match Marked.unmark l with
| LBool b -> Dcalc.Print.format_lit fmt (Dcalc.Ast.LBool b)
| LBool b -> Dcalc.Print.format_lit fmt (LBool b)
| LInt i ->
Format.fprintf fmt "integer_of_string@ \"%s\"" (Runtime.integer_to_string i)
| LUnit -> Dcalc.Print.format_lit fmt Dcalc.Ast.LUnit
| LUnit -> Dcalc.Print.format_lit fmt LUnit
| LRat i ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decimal_of_string \"%a\"" Dcalc.Print.format_lit
(Dcalc.Ast.LRat i)
(LRat i)
| LMoney e ->
Format.fprintf fmt "money_of_cents_string@ \"%s\""
(Runtime.integer_to_string (Runtime.money_to_cents e))
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ let format_lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : lit Marked.pos) : unit =
let years, months, days = Runtime.duration_to_years_months_days d in
Format.fprintf fmt "duration_of_numbers (%d) (%d) (%d)" years months days
let format_op_kind (fmt : Format.formatter) (k : Dcalc.Ast.op_kind) =
let format_op_kind (fmt : Format.formatter) (k : op_kind) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(match k with
| KInt -> "!"
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ let format_op_kind (fmt : Format.formatter) (k : Dcalc.Ast.op_kind) =
| KDate -> "@"
| KDuration -> "^")
let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.binop Marked.pos) :
let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : binop Marked.pos) :
unit =
match Marked.unmark op with
| Add k -> Format.fprintf fmt "+%a" format_op_kind k
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.binop Marked.pos) :
| Map -> Format.fprintf fmt "Array.map"
| Filter -> Format.fprintf fmt "array_filter"
let format_ternop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.ternop Marked.pos) :
let format_ternop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : ternop Marked.pos) :
unit =
match Marked.unmark op with Fold -> Format.fprintf fmt "Array.fold_left"
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ let format_string_list (fmt : Format.formatter) (uids : string list) : unit =
(Re.replace sanitize_quotes ~f:(fun _ -> "\\\"") info)))
let format_unop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.unop Marked.pos) : unit
let format_unop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : unop Marked.pos) : unit
match Marked.unmark op with
| Minus k -> Format.fprintf fmt "~-%a" format_op_kind k
@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ let avoid_keywords (s : string) : string =
s ^ "_user"
| _ -> s
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t) :
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : StructName.t) :
unit =
Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructName.format_t v
Format.asprintf "%a" StructName.format_t v
|> to_ascii
|> to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
@ -155,10 +156,10 @@ let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t) :
let format_to_module_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(name : [< `Ename of D.EnumName.t | `Sname of D.StructName.t ]) =
(name : [< `Ename of EnumName.t | `Sname of StructName.t ]) =
(match name with
| `Ename v -> Format.asprintf "%a" D.EnumName.format_t v
| `Sname v -> Format.asprintf "%a" D.StructName.format_t v)
| `Ename v -> Format.asprintf "%a" EnumName.format_t v
| `Sname v -> Format.asprintf "%a" StructName.format_t v)
|> to_ascii
|> to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
@ -170,52 +171,52 @@ let format_to_module_name
let format_struct_field_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
((sname_opt, v) :
Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t option * Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t) : unit =
StructName.t option * StructFieldName.t) : unit =
(match sname_opt with
| Some sname ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a.%s" format_to_module_name (`Sname sname)
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s")
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t v)))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" StructFieldName.format_t v)))
let format_enum_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t) : unit
let format_enum_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : EnumName.t) : unit
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.format_t v))))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" EnumName.format_t v))))
let format_enum_cons_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(v : Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t) : unit =
(v : EnumConstructor.t) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t v)))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" EnumConstructor.format_t v)))
let rec typ_embedding_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : D.typ Marked.pos) :
let rec typ_embedding_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (ty : typ Marked.pos) :
unit =
match Marked.unmark ty with
| D.TLit D.TUnit -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_unit"
| D.TLit D.TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_bool"
| D.TLit D.TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_integer"
| D.TLit D.TRat -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_decimal"
| D.TLit D.TMoney -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_money"
| D.TLit D.TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_date"
| D.TLit D.TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_duration"
| D.TTuple (_, Some s_name) ->
| TLit TUnit -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_unit"
| TLit TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_bool"
| TLit TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_integer"
| TLit TRat -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_decimal"
| TLit TMoney -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_money"
| TLit TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_date"
| TLit TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_duration"
| TTuple (_, Some s_name) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "embed_%a" format_struct_name s_name
| D.TEnum (_, e_name) -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_%a" format_enum_name e_name
| D.TArray ty -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_array (%a)" typ_embedding_name ty
| TEnum (_, e_name) -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_%a" format_enum_name e_name
| TArray ty -> Format.fprintf fmt "embed_array (%a)" typ_embedding_name ty
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "unembeddable"
let typ_needs_parens (e : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) : bool =
let typ_needs_parens (e : typ Marked.pos) : bool =
match Marked.unmark e with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ Marked.pos) :
unit =
let format_typ_with_parens
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(t : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) =
(t : typ Marked.pos) =
if typ_needs_parens t then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" format_typ t
else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t
@ -229,10 +230,10 @@ let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
| TTuple (_, Some s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a.t" format_to_module_name (`Sname s)
| TEnum ([t], e) when D.EnumName.compare e Ast.option_enum = 0 ->
| TEnum ([t], e) when EnumName.compare e Ast.option_enum = 0 ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%a)@] %a" format_typ_with_parens t
format_enum_name e
| TEnum (_, e) when D.EnumName.compare e Ast.option_enum = 0 ->
| TEnum (_, e) when EnumName.compare e Ast.option_enum = 0 ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark typ)
"Internal Error: found an typing parameter for an eoption type of the \
wrong length."
@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except Marked.pos) : unit =
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
let rec format_expr
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(e : 'm marked_expr) : unit =
let format_expr = format_expr ctx in
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ let rec format_expr
(* should not happen *))
(List.combine es (List.map fst (find_enum e_name ctx)))
| ELit l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_lit (Marked.mark (D.pos e) l)
| ELit l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_lit (Marked.mark (Expr.pos e) l)
| EApp ((EAbs (binder, taus), _), args) ->
let xs, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let xs_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> x, tau) (Array.to_list xs) taus in
@ -382,35 +383,35 @@ let rec format_expr
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%a:@ %a)@]" format_var x format_typ tau))
xs_tau format_expr body
| EApp
((EOp (Binop ((Dcalc.Ast.Map | Dcalc.Ast.Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
((EOp (Binop ((Map | Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" format_binop (op, Pos.no_pos)
format_with_parens arg1 format_with_parens arg2
| EApp ((EOp (Binop op), _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" format_with_parens arg1
format_binop (op, Pos.no_pos) format_with_parens arg2
| EApp ((EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.BeginCall, info))), _), [f]), _), [arg])
| EApp ((EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (BeginCall, info))), _), [f]), _), [arg])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(log_begin_call@ %a@ %a)@ %a" format_uid_list info
format_with_parens f format_with_parens arg
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.VarDef tau, info))), _), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (VarDef tau, info))), _), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(log_variable_definition@ %a@ (%a)@ %a)" format_uid_list
info typ_embedding_name (tau, Pos.no_pos) format_with_parens arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.PosRecordIfTrueBool, _))), m), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (PosRecordIfTrueBool, _))), m), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
let pos = D.mark_pos m in
let pos = Expr.mark_pos m in
Format.fprintf fmt
"(log_decision_taken@ @[<hov 2>{filename = \"%s\";@ start_line=%d;@ \
start_column=%d;@ end_line=%d; end_column=%d;@ law_headings=%a}@]@ %a)"
(Pos.get_file pos) (Pos.get_start_line pos) (Pos.get_start_column pos)
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos) format_with_parens arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.EndCall, info))), _), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (EndCall, info))), _), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(log_end_call@ %a@ %a)" format_uid_list info
format_with_parens arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log _)), _), [arg1]) ->
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [arg1]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_with_parens arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop op), _), [arg1]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" format_unop (op, Pos.no_pos)
@ -422,13 +423,13 @@ let rec format_expr
"@[<hov 2>%a@ @[<hov 2>{filename = \"%s\";@ start_line=%d;@ \
start_column=%d;@ end_line=%d; end_column=%d;@ law_headings=%a}@]@ %a@]"
format_var x
(Pos.get_file (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_start_line (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_start_column (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_end_line (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_end_column (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_file (Expr.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_start_line (Expr.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_start_column (Expr.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_end_line (Expr.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_end_column (Expr.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_law_info (D.mark_pos pos))
(Pos.get_law_info (Expr.mark_pos pos))
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@ ")
@ -452,25 +453,25 @@ let rec format_expr
2>{filename = \"%s\";@ start_line=%d;@ start_column=%d;@ end_line=%d; \
end_column=%d;@ law_headings=%a}@])@]"
format_with_parens e'
(Pos.get_file (D.pos e'))
(Pos.get_start_line (D.pos e'))
(Pos.get_start_column (D.pos e'))
(Pos.get_end_line (D.pos e'))
(Pos.get_end_column (D.pos e'))
(Pos.get_file (Expr.pos e'))
(Pos.get_start_line (Expr.pos e'))
(Pos.get_start_column (Expr.pos e'))
(Pos.get_end_line (Expr.pos e'))
(Pos.get_end_column (Expr.pos e'))
(Pos.get_law_info (D.pos e'))
| ERaise exc -> Format.fprintf fmt "raise@ %a" format_exception (exc, D.pos e)
(Pos.get_law_info (Expr.pos e'))
| ERaise exc -> Format.fprintf fmt "raise@ %a" format_exception (exc, Expr.pos e)
| ECatch (e1, exc, e2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@,@[<hv>@[<hov 2>try@ %a@]@ with@]@ @[<hov 2>%a@ ->@ %a@]"
format_with_parens e1 format_exception
(exc, D.pos e)
(exc, Expr.pos e)
format_with_parens e2
let format_struct_embedding
(fmt : Format.formatter)
((struct_name, struct_fields) :
D.StructName.t * (D.StructFieldName.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list) =
StructName.t * (StructFieldName.t * typ Marked.pos) list) =
if List.length struct_fields = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "let embed_%a (_: %a.t) : runtime_value = Unit@\n@\n"
format_struct_name struct_name format_to_module_name (`Sname struct_name)
@ -480,11 +481,11 @@ let format_struct_embedding
@[<hov 2>[%a]@])@]@\n\
format_struct_name struct_name format_to_module_name (`Sname struct_name)
D.StructName.format_t struct_name
StructName.format_t struct_name
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ";@\n")
(fun _fmt (struct_field, struct_field_type) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(\"%a\",@ %a@ x.%a)" D.StructFieldName.format_t
Format.fprintf fmt "(\"%a\",@ %a@ x.%a)" StructFieldName.format_t
struct_field typ_embedding_name struct_field_type
(Some struct_name, struct_field)))
@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ let format_struct_embedding
let format_enum_embedding
(fmt : Format.formatter)
((enum_name, enum_cases) :
D.EnumName.t * (D.EnumConstructor.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list) =
EnumName.t * (EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list) =
if List.length enum_cases = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt "let embed_%a (_: %a.t) : runtime_value = Unit@\n@\n"
format_to_module_name (`Ename enum_name) format_enum_name enum_name
@ -503,19 +504,19 @@ let format_enum_embedding
=@]@ Enum([\"%a\"],@ @[<hov 2>match x with@ %a@])@]@\n\
format_enum_name enum_name format_to_module_name (`Ename enum_name)
D.EnumName.format_t enum_name
EnumName.format_t enum_name
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun _fmt (enum_cons, enum_cons_type) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>| %a x ->@ (\"%a\", %a x)@]"
format_enum_cons_name enum_cons D.EnumConstructor.format_t
format_enum_cons_name enum_cons EnumConstructor.format_t
enum_cons typ_embedding_name enum_cons_type))
let format_ctx
(type_ordering : Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(ctx : D.decl_ctx) : unit =
(ctx : decl_ctx) : unit =
let format_struct_decl fmt (struct_name, struct_fields) =
if List.length struct_fields = 0 then
Format.fprintf fmt
@ -559,8 +560,8 @@ let format_ctx
let scope_structs =
(fun (s, _) -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.Struct s)
(fun s _ -> not (is_in_type_ordering s))
@ -574,12 +575,12 @@ let format_ctx
(type_ordering @ scope_structs)
let rec format_scope_body_expr
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scope_lets : ('m Ast.expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.scope_body_expr) : unit =
(scope_lets : ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr) : unit =
match scope_lets with
| Dcalc.Ast.Result e -> format_expr ctx fmt e
| Dcalc.Ast.ScopeLet scope_let ->
| Result e -> format_expr ctx fmt e
| ScopeLet scope_let ->
let scope_let_var, scope_let_next =
Bindlib.unbind scope_let.scope_let_next
@ -590,12 +591,12 @@ let rec format_scope_body_expr
let rec format_scopes
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scopes : ('m Ast.expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.scopes) : unit =
(scopes : ('m Ast.expr, 'm) scopes) : unit =
match scopes with
| Dcalc.Ast.Nil -> ()
| Dcalc.Ast.ScopeDef scope_def ->
| Nil -> ()
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let scope_input_var, scope_body_expr =
Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_expr

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
(** Formats a lambda calculus program into a valid OCaml program *)
@ -22,32 +23,32 @@ open Ast
val avoid_keywords : string -> string
val find_struct :
Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t ->
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
(Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t * Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) list
StructName.t ->
decl_ctx ->
(StructFieldName.t * typ Marked.pos) list
val find_enum :
Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t ->
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
(Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t * Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) list
EnumName.t ->
decl_ctx ->
(EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list
val typ_needs_parens : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos -> bool
val typ_needs_parens : typ Marked.pos -> bool
val needs_parens : 'm marked_expr -> bool
val format_enum_name : Format.formatter -> Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t -> unit
val format_enum_name : Format.formatter -> EnumName.t -> unit
val format_enum_cons_name :
Format.formatter -> Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t -> unit
Format.formatter -> EnumConstructor.t -> unit
val format_struct_name : Format.formatter -> Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t -> unit
val format_struct_name : Format.formatter -> StructName.t -> unit
val format_struct_field_name :
Format.formatter ->
Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t option * Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t ->
StructName.t option * StructFieldName.t ->
val format_to_module_name :
Format.formatter ->
[< `Ename of Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t | `Sname of Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t ] ->
[< `Ename of EnumName.t | `Sname of StructName.t ] ->
val format_lit : Format.formatter -> lit Marked.pos -> unit

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type 'ast gen = {
type t =
| Lcalc of Dcalc.Ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program gen
| Lcalc of Shared_ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program gen
| Scalc of Scalc.Ast.program gen
let name = function Lcalc { name; _ } | Scalc { name; _ } -> name

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type 'ast gen = {
type t =
| Lcalc of Dcalc.Ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program gen
| Lcalc of Shared_ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program gen
| Scalc of Scalc.Ast.program gen
val find : string -> t
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module PluginAPI : sig
val register_lcalc :
name:string ->
extension:string ->
Dcalc.Ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program plugin_apply_fun_typ ->
Shared_ast.untyped Lcalc.Ast.program plugin_apply_fun_typ ->
val register_scalc :

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
the associated [js_of_ocaml] wrapper. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open String_common
open Lcalc
open Lcalc.Ast
@ -39,9 +40,9 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
let format_struct_field_name_camel_case
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(v : Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t) : unit =
(v : StructFieldName.t) : unit =
let s =
Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t v
Format.asprintf "%a" StructFieldName.format_t v
|> to_ascii
|> to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
let format_tlit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : Dcalc.Ast.typ_lit) : unit =
let format_tlit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : typ_lit) : unit =
Dcalc.Print.format_base_type fmt
(match l with
| TUnit -> "unit"
@ -59,11 +60,11 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
| TBool -> "bool Js.t"
| TDate -> "Js.js_string Js.t")
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ Marked.pos) :
unit =
let format_typ_with_parens
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(t : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) =
(t : typ Marked.pos) =
if typ_needs_parens t then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" format_typ t
else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t
@ -73,10 +74,10 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
| TTuple (_, None) ->
(* Tuples are encoded as an javascript polymorphic array. *)
Format.fprintf fmt "Js.Unsafe.any_js_array Js.t "
| TEnum ([t], e) when D.EnumName.compare e option_enum = 0 ->
| TEnum ([t], e) when EnumName.compare e option_enum = 0 ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>(%a)@] %a" format_typ_with_parens t
format_enum_name e
| TEnum (_, e) when D.EnumName.compare e option_enum = 0 ->
| TEnum (_, e) when EnumName.compare e option_enum = 0 ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark typ)
"Internal Error: found an typing parameter for an eoption type of the \
wrong length."
@ -90,41 +91,41 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
let rec format_typ_to_jsoo fmt typ =
match Marked.unmark typ with
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.bool"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "integer_to_int"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TRat ->
| TLit TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.bool"
| TLit TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "integer_to_int"
| TLit TRat ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Js.number_of_float %@%@ decimal_to_float"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TMoney ->
| TLit TMoney ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Js.number_of_float %@%@ money_to_float"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "duration_to_jsoo"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "date_to_jsoo"
| Dcalc.Ast.TEnum (_, ename) ->
| TLit TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "duration_to_jsoo"
| TLit TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "date_to_jsoo"
| TEnum (_, ename) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a_to_jsoo" format_enum_name ename
| Dcalc.Ast.TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
| TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a_to_jsoo" format_struct_name sname
| Dcalc.Ast.TArray t ->
| TArray t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Js.array %@%@ Array.map (fun x -> %a x)"
format_typ_to_jsoo t
| Dcalc.Ast.TAny | Dcalc.Ast.TTuple (_, None) ->
| TAny | TTuple (_, None) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Js.Unsafe.inject"
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt ""
let rec format_typ_of_jsoo fmt typ =
match Marked.unmark typ with
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.to_bool"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "integer_of_int"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TRat ->
| TLit TBool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.to_bool"
| TLit TInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "integer_of_int"
| TLit TRat ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decimal_of_float %@%@ Js.float_of_number"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TMoney ->
| TLit TMoney ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"money_of_decimal %@%@ decimal_of_float %@%@ Js.float_of_number"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "duration_of_jsoo"
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "date_of_jsoo"
| Dcalc.Ast.TEnum (_, ename) ->
| TLit TDuration -> Format.fprintf fmt "duration_of_jsoo"
| TLit TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "date_of_jsoo"
| TEnum (_, ename) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a_of_jsoo" format_enum_name ename
| Dcalc.Ast.TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
| TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a_of_jsoo" format_struct_name sname
| Dcalc.Ast.TArray t ->
| TArray t ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Array.map (fun x -> %a x) %@%@ Js.to_array"
format_typ_of_jsoo t
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt ""
@ -150,10 +151,10 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
let format_ctx
(type_ordering : Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(ctx : D.decl_ctx) : unit =
let format_prop_or_meth fmt (struct_field_type : D.typ Marked.pos) =
(ctx : decl_ctx) : unit =
let format_prop_or_meth fmt (struct_field_type : typ Marked.pos) =
match Marked.unmark struct_field_type with
| Dcalc.Ast.TArrow _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.meth"
| TArrow _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.meth"
| _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Js.readonly_prop"
let format_struct_decl fmt (struct_name, struct_fields) =
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt (struct_field, struct_field_type) ->
match Marked.unmark struct_field_type with
| Dcalc.Ast.TArrow (t1, t2) ->
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hov 2>method %a =@ Js.wrap_meth_callback@ @[<hv 2>(@,\
fun input ->@ %a (%a.%a (%a input)))@]@]"
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ";@\n")
(fun fmt (struct_field, struct_field_type) ->
match Marked.unmark struct_field_type with
| Dcalc.Ast.TArrow _ ->
| TArrow _ ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"%a = failwith \"The function '%a' translation isn't yet \
@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
let format_enum_decl
(enum_name, (enum_cons : (D.EnumConstructor.t * D.typ Marked.pos) list))
(enum_name, (enum_cons : (EnumConstructor.t * typ Marked.pos) list))
let fmt_enum_name fmt _ = format_enum_name fmt enum_name in
let fmt_module_enum_name fmt _ =
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt (cname, typ) ->
match Marked.unmark typ with
| Dcalc.Ast.TTuple (_, None) ->
| TTuple (_, None) ->
"Tuples aren't supported yet in the conversion to JS"
| _ ->
@ -275,10 +276,10 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt (cname, typ) ->
match Marked.unmark typ with
| Dcalc.Ast.TTuple (_, None) ->
| TTuple (_, None) ->
"Tuples aren't yet supported in the conversion to JS..."
| Dcalc.Ast.TLit TUnit ->
| TLit TUnit ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>| \"%a\" ->@ %a.%a ()@]"
format_enum_cons_name cname fmt_module_enum_name ()
format_enum_cons_name cname
@ -329,8 +330,8 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
let scope_structs =
(fun (s, _) -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.Struct s)
(fun s _ -> not (is_in_type_ordering s))
@ -343,19 +344,19 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" format_enum_decl (e, find_enum e ctx))
(type_ordering @ scope_structs)
let fmt_input_struct_name fmt (scope_def : ('a expr, 'm) D.scope_def) =
let fmt_input_struct_name fmt (scope_def : ('a expr, 'm) scope_def) =
format_struct_name fmt scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_input_struct
let fmt_output_struct_name fmt (scope_def : ('a expr, 'm) D.scope_def) =
let fmt_output_struct_name fmt (scope_def : ('a expr, 'm) scope_def) =
format_struct_name fmt scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_output_struct
let rec format_scopes_to_fun
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scopes : ('expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.scopes) =
(scopes : ('expr, 'm) scopes) =
match scopes with
| Dcalc.Ast.Nil -> ()
| Dcalc.Ast.ScopeDef scope_def ->
| Nil -> ()
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let scope_var, scope_next = Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_next in
let fmt_fun_call fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv>%a@ |> %a_of_jsoo@ |> %a@ |> %a_to_jsoo@]"
@ -369,12 +370,12 @@ module To_jsoo = struct
fmt_fun_call () (format_scopes_to_fun ctx) scope_next
let rec format_scopes_to_callbacks
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scopes : ('expr, 'm) Dcalc.Ast.scopes) : unit =
(scopes : ('expr, 'm) scopes) : unit =
match scopes with
| Dcalc.Ast.Nil -> ()
| Dcalc.Ast.ScopeDef scope_def ->
| Nil -> ()
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let scope_var, scope_next = Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_next in
let fmt_meth_name fmt _ =
Format.fprintf fmt "method %a : (%a Js.t -> %a Js.t) Js.callback"

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ let extension = "_schema.json"
open Utils
open String_common
open Shared_ast
open Lcalc.Ast
open Lcalc.To_ocaml
module D = Dcalc.Ast
@ -37,9 +38,9 @@ module To_json = struct
let format_struct_field_name_camel_case
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(v : Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t) : unit =
(v : StructFieldName.t) : unit =
let s =
Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t v
Format.asprintf "%a" StructFieldName.format_t v
|> to_ascii
|> to_snake_case
|> avoid_keywords
@ -48,18 +49,18 @@ module To_json = struct
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s
let rec find_scope_def (target_name : string) :
('m expr, 'm) D.scopes -> ('m expr, 'm) D.scope_def option = function
| D.Nil -> None
| D.ScopeDef scope_def ->
('m expr, 'm) scopes -> ('m expr, 'm) scope_def option = function
| Nil -> None
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let name =
Format.asprintf "%a" D.ScopeName.format_t scope_def.scope_name
Format.asprintf "%a" ScopeName.format_t scope_def.scope_name
if name = target_name then Some scope_def
let _, next_scope = Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_next in
find_scope_def target_name next_scope
let fmt_tlit fmt (tlit : D.typ_lit) =
let fmt_tlit fmt (tlit : typ_lit) =
match tlit with
| TUnit -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"null\",@\n\"default\": null"
| TInt | TRat -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"number\",@\n\"default\": 0"
@ -70,15 +71,15 @@ module To_json = struct
| TDate -> Format.fprintf fmt "\"type\": \"string\",@\n\"format\": \"date\""
| TDuration -> failwith "TODO: tlit duration"
let rec fmt_type fmt (typ : D.marked_typ) =
let rec fmt_type fmt (typ : marked_typ) =
match Marked.unmark typ with
| D.TLit tlit -> fmt_tlit fmt tlit
| D.TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
| TLit tlit -> fmt_tlit fmt tlit
| TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/%a\"" format_struct_name
| D.TEnum (_, ename) ->
| TEnum (_, ename) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "\"$ref\": \"#/definitions/%a\"" format_enum_name ename
| D.TArray t ->
| TArray t ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"\"type\": \"array\",@\n\
\"default\": [],@\n\
@ -89,9 +90,9 @@ module To_json = struct
| _ -> ()
let fmt_struct_properties
(ctx : D.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(sname : D.StructName.t) =
(sname : StructName.t) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n")
@ -101,26 +102,26 @@ module To_json = struct
(find_struct sname ctx)
let fmt_definitions
(ctx : D.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(scope_def : ('m expr, 'm) D.scope_def) =
(scope_def : ('m expr, 'm) scope_def) =
let get_name t =
match Marked.unmark t with
| D.TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
| TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
Format.asprintf "%a" format_struct_name sname
| D.TEnum (_, ename) -> Format.asprintf "%a" format_enum_name ename
| TEnum (_, ename) -> Format.asprintf "%a" format_enum_name ename
| _ -> failwith "unreachable: only structs and enums are collected."
let rec collect_required_type_defs_from_scope_input
(input_struct : D.StructName.t) : D.marked_typ list =
let rec collect (acc : D.marked_typ list) (t : D.marked_typ) :
D.marked_typ list =
(input_struct : StructName.t) : marked_typ list =
let rec collect (acc : marked_typ list) (t : marked_typ) :
marked_typ list =
match Marked.unmark t with
| D.TTuple (_, Some s) ->
| TTuple (_, Some s) ->
(* Scope's input is a struct. *)
(t :: acc) @ collect_required_type_defs_from_scope_input s
| D.TEnum (ts, _) -> List.fold_left collect (t :: acc) ts
| D.TArray t -> collect acc t
| TEnum (ts, _) -> List.fold_left collect (t :: acc) ts
| TArray t -> collect acc t
| _ -> acc
find_struct input_struct ctx
@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ module To_json = struct
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@\n")
(fun fmt typ ->
match Marked.unmark typ with
| D.TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
| TTuple (_, Some sname) ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hov 2>\"%a\": {@\n\
\"type\": \"object\",@\n\
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ module To_json = struct
format_struct_name sname
(fmt_struct_properties ctx)
| D.TEnum (_, ename) ->
| TEnum (_, ename) ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@[<hov 2>\"%a\": {@\n\
\"type\": \"object\",@\n\

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
module D = Dcalc.Ast
module L = Lcalc.Ast
module TopLevelName = Uid.Make (Uid.MarkedString) ()
@ -27,24 +28,24 @@ let handle_default_opt = TopLevelName.fresh ("handle_default_opt", Pos.no_pos)
type expr =
| EVar of LocalName.t
| EFunc of TopLevelName.t
| EStruct of expr Marked.pos list * D.StructName.t
| EStructFieldAccess of expr Marked.pos * D.StructFieldName.t * D.StructName.t
| EInj of expr Marked.pos * D.EnumConstructor.t * D.EnumName.t
| EStruct of expr Marked.pos list * StructName.t
| EStructFieldAccess of expr Marked.pos * StructFieldName.t * StructName.t
| EInj of expr Marked.pos * EnumConstructor.t * EnumName.t
| EArray of expr Marked.pos list
| ELit of L.lit
| EApp of expr Marked.pos * expr Marked.pos list
| EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
| EOp of operator
type stmt =
| SInnerFuncDef of LocalName.t Marked.pos * func
| SLocalDecl of LocalName.t Marked.pos * D.typ Marked.pos
| SLocalDecl of LocalName.t Marked.pos * typ Marked.pos
| SLocalDef of LocalName.t Marked.pos * expr Marked.pos
| STryExcept of block * L.except * block
| SRaise of L.except
| STryExcept of block * except * block
| SRaise of except
| SIfThenElse of expr Marked.pos * block * block
| SSwitch of
expr Marked.pos
* D.EnumName.t
* EnumName.t
* (block (* Statements corresponding to arm closure body*)
* (* Variable instantiated with enum payload *) LocalName.t)
list (** Each block corresponds to one case of the enum *)
@ -54,14 +55,14 @@ type stmt =
and block = stmt Marked.pos list
and func = {
func_params : (LocalName.t Marked.pos * D.typ Marked.pos) list;
func_params : (LocalName.t Marked.pos * typ Marked.pos) list;
func_body : block;
type scope_body = {
scope_body_name : Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.t;
scope_body_name : ScopeName.t;
scope_body_var : TopLevelName.t;
scope_body_func : func;
type program = { decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx; scopes : scope_body list }
type program = { decl_ctx : decl_ctx; scopes : scope_body list }

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module D = Dcalc.Ast
type 'm ctxt = {
func_dict : ('m L.expr, A.TopLevelName.t) Var.Map.t;
decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx;
decl_ctx : decl_ctx;
var_dict : ('m L.expr, A.LocalName.t) Var.Map.t;
inside_definition_of : A.LocalName.t option;
context_name : string;
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ type 'm ctxt = {
let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
A.block * A.expr Marked.pos =
match Marked.unmark expr with
| L.EVar v ->
| EVar v ->
let local_var =
try A.EVar (Var.Map.find v ctxt.var_dict)
with Not_found -> A.EFunc (Var.Map.find v ctxt.func_dict)
[], (local_var, D.pos expr)
| L.ETuple (args, Some s_name) ->
[], (local_var, Expr.pos expr)
| ETuple (args, Some s_name) ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
@ -49,25 +49,25 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
let args_stmts = List.rev args_stmts in
args_stmts, (A.EStruct (new_args, s_name), D.pos expr)
| L.ETuple (_, None) ->
args_stmts, (A.EStruct (new_args, s_name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETuple (_, None) ->
failwith "Non-struct tuples cannot be compiled to scalc"
| L.ETupleAccess (e1, num_field, Some s_name, _) ->
| ETupleAccess (e1, num_field, Some s_name, _) ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
let field_name =
(List.nth (D.StructMap.find s_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_structs) num_field)
(List.nth (StructMap.find s_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_structs) num_field)
e1_stmts, (A.EStructFieldAccess (new_e1, field_name, s_name), D.pos expr)
| L.ETupleAccess (_, _, None, _) ->
e1_stmts, (A.EStructFieldAccess (new_e1, field_name, s_name), Expr.pos expr)
| ETupleAccess (_, _, None, _) ->
failwith "Non-struct tuples cannot be compiled to scalc"
| L.EInj (e1, num_cons, e_name, _) ->
| EInj (e1, num_cons, e_name, _) ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
let cons_name =
fst (List.nth (D.EnumMap.find e_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_enums) num_cons)
fst (List.nth (EnumMap.find e_name ctxt.decl_ctx.ctx_enums) num_cons)
e1_stmts, (A.EInj (new_e1, cons_name, e_name), D.pos expr)
| L.EApp (f, args) ->
e1_stmts, (A.EInj (new_e1, cons_name, e_name), Expr.pos expr)
| EApp (f, args) ->
let f_stmts, new_f = translate_expr ctxt f in
let args_stmts, new_args =
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
f_stmts @ args_stmts, (A.EApp (new_f, new_args), D.pos expr)
| L.EArray args ->
f_stmts @ args_stmts, (A.EApp (new_f, new_args), Expr.pos expr)
| EArray args ->
let args_stmts, new_args =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args) arg ->
@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
([], []) args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, D.pos expr)
| L.EOp op -> [], (A.EOp op, D.pos expr)
| L.ELit l -> [], (A.ELit l, D.pos expr)
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Expr.pos expr)
| EOp op -> [], (A.EOp op, Expr.pos expr)
| ELit l -> [], (A.ELit l, Expr.pos expr)
| _ ->
let tmp_var =
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
let v = Marked.unmark (A.LocalName.get_info v) in
let tmp_rex = Re.Pcre.regexp "^temp_" in
if Re.Pcre.pmatch ~rex:tmp_rex v then v else "temp_" ^ v),
D.pos expr )
Expr.pos expr )
let ctxt =
@ -112,20 +112,20 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
let tmp_stmts = translate_statements ctxt expr in
( (A.SLocalDecl ((tmp_var, D.pos expr), (D.TAny, D.pos expr)), D.pos expr)
( (A.SLocalDecl ((tmp_var, Expr.pos expr), (TAny, Expr.pos expr)), Expr.pos expr)
:: tmp_stmts,
(A.EVar tmp_var, D.pos expr) )
(A.EVar tmp_var, Expr.pos expr) )
and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
A.block =
match Marked.unmark block_expr with
| L.EAssert e ->
| EAssert e ->
(* Assertions are always encapsulated in a unit-typed let binding *)
let e_stmts, new_e = translate_expr ctxt e in
e_stmts @ [A.SAssert (Marked.unmark new_e), D.pos block_expr]
| L.EApp ((L.EAbs (binder, taus), binder_mark), args) ->
e_stmts @ [A.SAssert (Marked.unmark new_e), Expr.pos block_expr]
| EApp ((EAbs (binder, taus), binder_mark), args) ->
(* This defines multiple local variables at the time *)
let binder_pos = D.mark_pos binder_mark in
let binder_pos = Expr.mark_pos binder_mark in
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> x, tau) (Array.to_list vars) taus in
let ctxt =
@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
let rest_of_block = translate_statements ctxt body in
local_decls @ List.flatten def_blocks @ rest_of_block
| L.EAbs (binder, taus) ->
| EAbs (binder, taus) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let binder_pos = D.pos block_expr in
let binder_pos = Expr.pos block_expr in
let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> x, tau) (Array.to_list vars) taus in
let closure_name =
match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
| None -> A.LocalName.fresh (ctxt.context_name, D.pos block_expr)
| None -> A.LocalName.fresh (ctxt.context_name, Expr.pos block_expr)
| Some x -> x
let ctxt =
@ -206,18 +206,18 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
} ),
binder_pos );
| L.EMatch (e1, args, e_name) ->
| EMatch (e1, args, e_name) ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1 = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
let new_args =
(fun new_args arg ->
match Marked.unmark arg with
| L.EAbs (binder, _) ->
| EAbs (binder, _) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
assert (Array.length vars = 1);
let var = vars.(0) in
let scalc_var =
A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of var, D.pos arg)
A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of var, Expr.pos arg)
let ctxt =
{ ctxt with var_dict = Var.Map.add var scalc_var ctxt.var_dict }
@ -229,17 +229,17 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
[] args
let new_args = List.rev new_args in
e1_stmts @ [A.SSwitch (new_e1, e_name, new_args), D.pos block_expr]
| L.EIfThenElse (cond, e_true, e_false) ->
e1_stmts @ [A.SSwitch (new_e1, e_name, new_args), Expr.pos block_expr]
| EIfThenElse (cond, e_true, e_false) ->
let cond_stmts, s_cond = translate_expr ctxt cond in
let s_e_true = translate_statements ctxt e_true in
let s_e_false = translate_statements ctxt e_false in
cond_stmts @ [A.SIfThenElse (s_cond, s_e_true, s_e_false), D.pos block_expr]
| L.ECatch (e_try, except, e_catch) ->
cond_stmts @ [A.SIfThenElse (s_cond, s_e_true, s_e_false), Expr.pos block_expr]
| ECatch (e_try, except, e_catch) ->
let s_e_try = translate_statements ctxt e_try in
let s_e_catch = translate_statements ctxt e_catch in
[A.STryExcept (s_e_try, except, s_e_catch), D.pos block_expr]
| L.ERaise except ->
[A.STryExcept (s_e_try, except, s_e_catch), Expr.pos block_expr]
| ERaise except ->
(* Before raising the exception, we still give a dummy definition to the
current variable so that tools like mypy don't complain. *)
(match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
@ -247,10 +247,10 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
| Some x ->
( A.SLocalDef
((x, D.pos block_expr), (Ast.EVar Ast.dead_value, D.pos block_expr)),
D.pos block_expr );
((x, Expr.pos block_expr), (Ast.EVar Ast.dead_value, Expr.pos block_expr)),
Expr.pos block_expr );
@ [A.SRaise except, D.pos block_expr]
@ [A.SRaise except, Expr.pos block_expr]
| _ -> (
let e_stmts, new_e = translate_expr ctxt block_expr in
@ -266,15 +266,15 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.marked_expr) :
( (match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
| None -> A.SReturn (Marked.unmark new_e)
| Some x -> A.SLocalDef (Marked.same_mark_as x new_e, new_e)),
D.pos block_expr );
Expr.pos block_expr );
let rec translate_scope_body_expr
(scope_name : D.ScopeName.t)
(decl_ctx : D.decl_ctx)
(scope_name : ScopeName.t)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(var_dict : ('m L.expr, A.LocalName.t) Var.Map.t)
(func_dict : ('m L.expr, A.TopLevelName.t) Var.Map.t)
(scope_expr : ('m L.expr, 'm) D.scope_body_expr) : A.block =
(scope_expr : ('m L.expr, 'm) scope_body_expr) : A.block =
match scope_expr with
| Result e ->
let block, new_e =
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ let rec translate_scope_body_expr
inside_definition_of = None;
context_name = Marked.unmark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
context_name = Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ let rec translate_scope_body_expr
let new_var_dict = Var.Map.add let_var let_var_id var_dict in
(match scope_let.scope_let_kind with
| D.Assertion ->
| Assertion ->
inside_definition_of = Some let_var_id;
context_name = Marked.unmark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
context_name = Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
| _ ->
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ let rec translate_scope_body_expr
inside_definition_of = Some let_var_id;
context_name = Marked.unmark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
context_name = Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name);
@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ let rec translate_scope_body_expr
let translate_program (p : 'm L.program) : A.program =
decl_ctx = p.D.decl_ctx;
decl_ctx = p.decl_ctx;
scopes =
(let _, new_scopes =
~f:(fun (func_dict, new_scopes) scope_def scope_var ->
let scope_input_var, scope_body_expr =
Bindlib.unbind scope_def.scope_body.scope_body_expr
let input_pos =
Marked.get_mark (D.ScopeName.get_info scope_def.scope_name)
Marked.get_mark (ScopeName.get_info scope_def.scope_name)
let scope_input_var_id =
A.LocalName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of scope_input_var, input_pos)
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ let translate_program (p : 'm L.program) : A.program =
Var.Map.singleton scope_input_var scope_input_var_id
let new_scope_body =
translate_scope_body_expr scope_def.D.scope_name p.decl_ctx
translate_scope_body_expr scope_def.scope_name p.decl_ctx
var_dict func_dict scope_body_expr
let func_id =
@ -358,22 +358,22 @@ let translate_program (p : 'm L.program) : A.program =
let func_dict = Var.Map.add scope_var func_id func_dict in
( func_dict,
Ast.scope_body_name = scope_def.D.scope_name;
Ast.scope_body_name = scope_def.scope_name;
Ast.scope_body_var = func_id;
scope_body_func =
A.func_params =
( (scope_input_var_id, input_pos),
( D.TTuple
( TTuple
( List.map snd
.D.scope_body_input_struct ),
.scope_body_input_struct ),
input_pos ) );
A.func_body = new_scope_body;
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ let translate_program (p : 'm L.program) : A.program =
Var.Map.singleton L.handle_default_opt A.handle_default_opt
else Var.Map.singleton L.handle_default A.handle_default),
[] )
List.rev new_scopes);

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
let needs_parens (_e : expr Marked.pos) : bool = false
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ let format_local_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : LocalName.t) : unit =
(string_of_int (LocalName.hash v))
let rec format_expr
(decl_ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
?(debug : bool = false)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(e : expr Marked.pos) : unit =
@ -39,17 +40,17 @@ let rec format_expr
| EVar v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_local_name v
| EFunc v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" TopLevelName.format_t v
| EStruct (es, s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" Dcalc.Ast.StructName.format_t s
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a%a%a@]" StructName.format_t s
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ",@ ")
(fun fmt (e, struct_field) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a %a" Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t struct_field
StructFieldName.format_t struct_field
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\"" Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation
":" format_expr e))
(List.combine es
(List.map fst (Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s decl_ctx.ctx_structs)))
(List.map fst (StructMap.find s decl_ctx.ctx_structs)))
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "}"
| EArray es ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a%a%a@]" Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "["
@ -60,24 +61,24 @@ let rec format_expr
| EStructFieldAccess (e1, field, s) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" format_expr e1
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "." Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
(fun (field', _) ->
Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.compare field' field = 0)
(Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s decl_ctx.ctx_structs)))
StructFieldName.compare field' field = 0)
(StructMap.find s decl_ctx.ctx_structs)))
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
| EInj (e, case, enum) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@]" Dcalc.Print.format_enum_constructor
(fun (case', _) -> Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.compare case' case = 0)
(Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap.find enum decl_ctx.ctx_enums)))
(fun (case', _) -> EnumConstructor.compare case' case = 0)
(EnumMap.find enum decl_ctx.ctx_enums)))
format_expr e
| ELit l ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Lcalc.Print.format_lit (Marked.same_mark_as l e)
| EApp
((EOp (Binop ((Dcalc.Ast.Map | Dcalc.Ast.Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
((EOp (Binop ((Map | Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" Dcalc.Print.format_binop op
format_with_parens arg1 format_with_parens arg2
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ let rec format_expr
| EOp (Unop op) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Dcalc.Print.format_unop op
let rec format_statement
(decl_ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
?(debug : bool = false)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(stmt : stmt Marked.pos) : unit =
@ -174,10 +175,10 @@ let rec format_statement
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation ""
(format_block decl_ctx ~debug)
(List.combine (Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap.find enum decl_ctx.ctx_enums) arms)
(List.combine (EnumMap.find enum decl_ctx.ctx_enums) arms)
and format_block
(decl_ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
?(debug : bool = false)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(block : block) : unit =
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ and format_block
fmt block
let format_scope
(decl_ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
?(debug : bool = false)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(body : scope_body) : unit =

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
val format_scope :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
Shared_ast.decl_ctx ->
?debug:bool ->
Format.formatter ->
Ast.scope_body ->

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
[@@@warning "-32-27"]
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
open String_common
module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ let format_lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : L.lit Marked.pos) : unit =
| LUnit -> Format.fprintf fmt "Unit()"
| LRat i ->
Format.fprintf fmt "decimal_of_string(\"%a\")" Dcalc.Print.format_lit
(Dcalc.Ast.LRat i)
(LRat i)
| LMoney e ->
Format.fprintf fmt "money_of_cents_string(\"%s\")"
(Runtime.integer_to_string (Runtime.money_to_cents e))
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ let format_lit (fmt : Format.formatter) (l : L.lit Marked.pos) : unit =
let years, months, days = Runtime.duration_to_years_months_days d in
Format.fprintf fmt "duration_of_numbers(%d,%d,%d)" years months days
let format_log_entry (fmt : Format.formatter) (entry : Dcalc.Ast.log_entry) :
let format_log_entry (fmt : Format.formatter) (entry : log_entry) :
unit =
match entry with
| VarDef _ -> Format.fprintf fmt ":="
@ -52,13 +53,13 @@ let format_log_entry (fmt : Format.formatter) (entry : Dcalc.Ast.log_entry) :
| EndCall -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ""
| PosRecordIfTrueBool -> Format.fprintf fmt ""
let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.binop Marked.pos) :
let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : binop Marked.pos) :
unit =
match Marked.unmark op with
| Add _ | Concat -> Format.fprintf fmt "+"
| Sub _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "-"
| Mult _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "*"
| Div D.KInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "//"
| Div KInt -> Format.fprintf fmt "//"
| Div _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "/"
| And -> Format.fprintf fmt "and"
| Or -> Format.fprintf fmt "or"
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ let format_binop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.binop Marked.pos) :
| Map -> Format.fprintf fmt "list_map"
| Filter -> Format.fprintf fmt "list_filter"
let format_ternop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.ternop Marked.pos) :
let format_ternop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : ternop Marked.pos) :
unit =
match Marked.unmark op with Fold -> Format.fprintf fmt "list_fold_left"
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ let format_string_list (fmt : Format.formatter) (uids : string list) : unit =
(Re.replace sanitize_quotes ~f:(fun _ -> "\\\"") info)))
let format_unop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : Dcalc.Ast.unop Marked.pos) : unit
let format_unop (fmt : Format.formatter) (op : unop Marked.pos) : unit
match Marked.unmark op with
| Minus _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "-"
@ -127,43 +128,43 @@ let avoid_keywords (s : string) : string =
then s ^ "_"
else s
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : Dcalc.Ast.StructName.t) :
let format_struct_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : StructName.t) :
unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructName.format_t v))))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" StructName.format_t v))))
let format_struct_field_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(v : Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.t) : unit =
(v : StructFieldName.t) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t v)))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" StructFieldName.format_t v)))
let format_enum_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t) : unit
let format_enum_name (fmt : Format.formatter) (v : EnumName.t) : unit
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.format_t v))))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" EnumName.format_t v))))
let format_enum_cons_name
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(v : Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t) : unit =
(v : EnumConstructor.t) : unit =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t v)))
(to_ascii (Format.asprintf "%a" EnumConstructor.format_t v)))
let typ_needs_parens (e : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) : bool =
let typ_needs_parens (e : typ Marked.pos) : bool =
match Marked.unmark e with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ Marked.pos) :
unit =
let format_typ = format_typ in
let format_typ_with_parens
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(t : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) =
(t : typ Marked.pos) =
if typ_needs_parens t then Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" format_typ t
else Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ t
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
(fun fmt t -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_typ_with_parens t))
| TTuple (_, Some s) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_struct_name s
| TEnum ([_; some_typ], e) when D.EnumName.compare e L.option_enum = 0 ->
| TEnum ([_; some_typ], e) when EnumName.compare e L.option_enum = 0 ->
(* We translate the option type with an overloading by Python's [None] *)
Format.fprintf fmt "Optional[%a]" format_typ some_typ
| TEnum (_, e) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_enum_name e
@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ let needs_parens (e : expr Marked.pos) : bool =
| ELit (LBool _ | LUnit) | EVar _ | EOp _ -> false
| _ -> true
let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : L.except Marked.pos) : unit
let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : except Marked.pos) : unit
let pos = Marked.get_mark exc in
match Marked.unmark exc with
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ let format_exception (fmt : Format.formatter) (exc : L.except Marked.pos) : unit
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
let rec format_expression
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(e : expr Marked.pos) : unit =
match Marked.unmark e with
@ -289,18 +290,18 @@ let rec format_expression
Format.fprintf fmt "%a = %a" format_struct_field_name struct_field
(format_expression ctx) e))
(List.combine es
(List.map fst (Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
(List.map fst (StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)))
| EStructFieldAccess (e1, field, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a.%a" (format_expression ctx) e1
format_struct_field_name field
| EInj (_, cons, e_name)
when D.EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0
&& D.EnumConstructor.compare cons L.none_constr = 0 ->
when EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0
&& EnumConstructor.compare cons L.none_constr = 0 ->
(* We translate the option type with an overloading by Python's [None] *)
Format.fprintf fmt "None"
| EInj (e, cons, e_name)
when D.EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0
&& D.EnumConstructor.compare cons L.some_constr = 0 ->
when EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0
&& EnumConstructor.compare cons L.some_constr = 0 ->
(* We translate the option type with an overloading by Python's [None] *)
format_expression ctx fmt e
| EInj (e, cons, enum_name) ->
@ -315,22 +316,22 @@ let rec format_expression
| ELit l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_lit (Marked.same_mark_as l e)
| EApp
((EOp (Binop ((Dcalc.Ast.Map | Dcalc.Ast.Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
((EOp (Binop ((Map | Filter) as op)), _), [arg1; arg2])
Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a,@ %a)" format_binop (op, Pos.no_pos)
(format_expression ctx) arg1 (format_expression ctx) arg2
| EApp ((EOp (Binop op), _), [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "(%a %a@ %a)" (format_expression ctx) arg1 format_binop
(op, Pos.no_pos) (format_expression ctx) arg2
| EApp ((EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.BeginCall, info))), _), [f]), _), [arg])
| EApp ((EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (BeginCall, info))), _), [f]), _), [arg])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "log_begin_call(%a,@ %a,@ %a)" format_uid_list info
(format_expression ctx) f (format_expression ctx) arg
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.VarDef tau, info))), _), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (VarDef tau, info))), _), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "log_variable_definition(%a,@ %a)" format_uid_list info
(format_expression ctx) arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.PosRecordIfTrueBool, _))), pos), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (PosRecordIfTrueBool, _))), pos), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"log_decision_taken(SourcePosition(filename=\"%s\",@ start_line=%d,@ \
@ -338,11 +339,11 @@ let rec format_expression
(Pos.get_file pos) (Pos.get_start_line pos) (Pos.get_start_column pos)
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos) (format_expression ctx) arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log (D.EndCall, info))), _), [arg1])
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (EndCall, info))), _), [arg1])
when !Cli.trace_flag ->
Format.fprintf fmt "log_end_call(%a,@ %a)" format_uid_list info
(format_expression ctx) arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (D.Log _)), _), [arg1]) ->
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log _)), _), [arg1]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" (format_expression ctx) arg1
| EApp ((EOp (Unop ((Minus _ | Not) as op)), _), [arg1]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a" format_unop (op, Pos.no_pos)
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ let rec format_expression
| EOp (Unop op) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_unop (op, Pos.no_pos)
let rec format_statement
(ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx)
(ctx : decl_ctx)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(s : stmt Marked.pos) : unit =
match Marked.unmark s with
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ let rec format_statement
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>if %a:@\n%a@]@\n@[<hov 4>else:@\n%a@]"
(format_expression ctx) cond (format_block ctx) b1 (format_block ctx) b2
| SSwitch (e1, e_name, [(case_none, _); (case_some, case_some_var)])
when D.EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0 ->
when EnumName.compare e_name L.option_enum = 0 ->
(* We translate the option type with an overloading by Python's [None] *)
let tmp_var = LocalName.fresh ("perhaps_none_arg", Pos.no_pos) in
Format.fprintf fmt
@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ let rec format_statement
(fun (x, y) (cons, _) -> x, y, cons)
(D.EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)
(EnumMap.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums)
let tmp_var = LocalName.fresh ("match_arg", Pos.no_pos) in
Format.fprintf fmt "%a = %a@\n@[<hov 4>if %a@]" format_var tmp_var
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ let rec format_statement
(Pos.get_end_line pos) (Pos.get_end_column pos) format_string_list
(Pos.get_law_info pos)
and format_block (ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (b : block)
and format_block (ctx : decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (b : block)
: unit =
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ and format_block (ctx : Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx) (fmt : Format.formatter) (b : block)
let format_ctx
(type_ordering : Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list)
(fmt : Format.formatter)
(ctx : D.decl_ctx) : unit =
(ctx : decl_ctx) : unit =
let format_struct_decl fmt (struct_name, struct_fields) =
Format.fprintf fmt
"class %a:@\n\
@ -562,8 +563,8 @@ let format_ctx
let scope_structs =
(fun (s, _) -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.Struct s)
(fun s _ -> not (is_in_type_ordering s))
@ -572,10 +573,10 @@ let format_ctx
match struct_or_enum with
| Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.Struct s ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n@\n" format_struct_decl
(s, Dcalc.Ast.StructMap.find s ctx.Dcalc.Ast.ctx_structs)
(s, StructMap.find s ctx.ctx_structs)
| Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.Enum e ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@\n@\n" format_enum_decl
(e, Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap.find e ctx.Dcalc.Ast.ctx_enums))
(e, EnumMap.find e ctx.ctx_enums))
(type_ordering @ scope_structs)
let format_program

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
module ScopeName = Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName
module ScopeNameSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeName.t = Set.Make (ScopeName)
open Shared_ast
module ScopeMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeName.t = Map.Make (ScopeName)
module SubScopeName : Uid.Id with type info = Uid.MarkedString.info =
@ -33,17 +33,11 @@ module ScopeVar : Uid.Id with type info = Uid.MarkedString.info =
module ScopeVarSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeVar.t = Set.Make (ScopeVar)
module ScopeVarMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeVar.t = Map.Make (ScopeVar)
module StructName = Dcalc.Ast.StructName
module StructMap = Dcalc.Ast.StructMap
module StructFieldName = Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName
module StructFieldMap : Map.S with type key = StructFieldName.t =
Map.Make (StructFieldName)
module StructFieldMapLift = Bindlib.Lift (StructFieldMap)
module EnumName = Dcalc.Ast.EnumName
module EnumMap = Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap
module EnumConstructor = Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor
module EnumConstructorMap : Map.S with type key = EnumConstructor.t =
Map.Make (EnumConstructor)
@ -71,7 +65,7 @@ Set.Make (struct
type typ =
| TLit of Dcalc.Ast.typ_lit
| TLit of typ_lit
| TStruct of StructName.t
| TEnum of EnumName.t
| TArrow of typ Marked.pos * typ Marked.pos
@ -114,7 +108,7 @@ and expr =
| ELit of Dcalc.Ast.lit
| EAbs of (expr, marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder * typ Marked.pos list
| EApp of marked_expr * marked_expr list
| EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
| EOp of operator
| EDefault of marked_expr list * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EIfThenElse of marked_expr * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EArray of marked_expr list
@ -319,9 +313,9 @@ let make_let_in
let make_default ?(pos = Pos.no_pos) exceptions just cons =
let rec bool_value = function
| ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool b), _ -> Some b
| ELit (LBool b), _ -> Some b
| EApp ((EOp (Unop (Log (l, _))), _), [e]), _
when l <> Dcalc.Ast.PosRecordIfTrueBool
when l <> PosRecordIfTrueBool
(* we don't remove the log calls corresponding to source code
definitions !*) ->
bool_value e

View File

@ -17,11 +17,10 @@
(** Abstract syntax tree of the scope language *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Identifiers} *)
module ScopeName = Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName
module ScopeNameSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeName.t
module ScopeMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeName.t
module SubScopeName : Uid.Id with type info = Uid.MarkedString.info
module SubScopeNameSet : Set.S with type elt = SubScopeName.t
@ -29,9 +28,6 @@ module SubScopeMap : Map.S with type key = SubScopeName.t
module ScopeVar : Uid.Id with type info = Uid.MarkedString.info
module ScopeVarSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeVar.t
module ScopeVarMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeVar.t
module StructName = Dcalc.Ast.StructName
module StructMap = Dcalc.Ast.StructMap
module StructFieldName = Dcalc.Ast.StructFieldName
module StructFieldMap : Map.S with type key = StructFieldName.t
module StructFieldMapLift : sig
@ -39,9 +35,6 @@ module StructFieldMapLift : sig
'a Bindlib.box StructFieldMap.t -> 'a StructFieldMap.t Bindlib.box
module EnumName = Dcalc.Ast.EnumName
module EnumMap = Dcalc.Ast.EnumMap
module EnumConstructor = Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor
module EnumConstructorMap : Map.S with type key = EnumConstructor.t
module EnumConstructorMapLift : sig
@ -59,7 +52,7 @@ module LocationSet : Set.S with type elt = location Marked.pos
(** {1 Abstract syntax tree} *)
type typ =
| TLit of Dcalc.Ast.typ_lit
| TLit of typ_lit
| TStruct of StructName.t
| TEnum of EnumName.t
| TArrow of typ Marked.pos * typ Marked.pos
@ -82,7 +75,7 @@ and expr =
| ELit of Dcalc.Ast.lit
| EAbs of (expr, marked_expr) Bindlib.mbinder * typ Marked.pos list
| EApp of marked_expr * marked_expr list
| EOp of Dcalc.Ast.operator
| EOp of operator
| EDefault of marked_expr list * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EIfThenElse of marked_expr * marked_expr * marked_expr
| EArray of marked_expr list

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
program. Vertices are functions, x -> y if x is used in the definition of y. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
module SVertex = struct
type t = Ast.ScopeName.t
type t = ScopeName.t
let hash x = Ast.ScopeName.hash x
let compare = Ast.ScopeName.compare
let equal x y = Ast.ScopeName.compare x y = 0
let hash x = ScopeName.hash x
let compare = ScopeName.compare
let equal x y = ScopeName.compare x y = 0
(** On the edges, the label is the expression responsible for the use of the
@ -62,10 +63,10 @@ let build_program_dep_graph (prgm : Ast.program) : SDependencies.t =
if subscope = scope_name then
(Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope.Ast.scope_decl_name))
(ScopeName.get_info scope.Ast.scope_decl_name))
"The scope %a is calling into itself as a subscope, which is \
forbidden since Catala does not provide recursion"
Ast.ScopeName.format_t scope.Ast.scope_decl_name
ScopeName.format_t scope.Ast.scope_decl_name
Ast.ScopeMap.add subscope
(Marked.get_mark (Ast.SubScopeName.get_info subindex))
@ -90,14 +91,14 @@ let check_for_cycle_in_scope (g : SDependencies.t) : unit =
(fun v ->
let var_str, var_info =
( Format.asprintf "%a" Ast.ScopeName.format_t v,
Ast.ScopeName.get_info v )
( Format.asprintf "%a" ScopeName.format_t v,
ScopeName.get_info v )
let succs = SDependencies.succ_e g v in
let _, edge_pos, succ =
List.find (fun (_, _, succ) -> List.mem succ scc) succs
let succ_str = Format.asprintf "%a" Ast.ScopeName.format_t succ in
let succ_str = Format.asprintf "%a" ScopeName.format_t succ in
( Some ("Cycle variable " ^ var_str ^ ", declared:"),
Marked.get_mark var_info );
@ -112,39 +113,39 @@ let check_for_cycle_in_scope (g : SDependencies.t) : unit =
Errors.raise_multispanned_error spans
"Cyclic dependency detected between scopes!"
let get_scope_ordering (g : SDependencies.t) : Ast.ScopeName.t list =
let get_scope_ordering (g : SDependencies.t) : ScopeName.t list =
List.rev (STopologicalTraversal.fold (fun sd acc -> sd :: acc) g [])
module TVertex = struct
type t = Struct of Ast.StructName.t | Enum of Ast.EnumName.t
type t = Struct of StructName.t | Enum of EnumName.t
let hash x =
match x with
| Struct x -> Ast.StructName.hash x
| Enum x -> Ast.EnumName.hash x
| Struct x -> StructName.hash x
| Enum x -> EnumName.hash x
let compare x y =
match x, y with
| Struct x, Struct y -> Ast.StructName.compare x y
| Enum x, Enum y -> Ast.EnumName.compare x y
| Struct x, Struct y -> StructName.compare x y
| Enum x, Enum y -> EnumName.compare x y
| Struct _, Enum _ -> 1
| Enum _, Struct _ -> -1
let equal x y =
match x, y with
| Struct x, Struct y -> Ast.StructName.compare x y = 0
| Enum x, Enum y -> Ast.EnumName.compare x y = 0
| Struct x, Struct y -> StructName.compare x y = 0
| Enum x, Enum y -> EnumName.compare x y = 0
| _ -> false
let format_t (fmt : Format.formatter) (x : t) : unit =
match x with
| Struct x -> Ast.StructName.format_t fmt x
| Enum x -> Ast.EnumName.format_t fmt x
| Struct x -> StructName.format_t fmt x
| Enum x -> EnumName.format_t fmt x
let get_info (x : t) =
match x with
| Struct x -> Ast.StructName.get_info x
| Enum x -> Ast.EnumName.get_info x
| Struct x -> StructName.get_info x
| Enum x -> EnumName.get_info x
module TVertexSet = Set.Make (TVertex)
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ let build_type_graph (structs : Ast.struct_ctx) (enums : Ast.enum_ctx) :
TDependencies.t =
let g = TDependencies.empty in
let g =
(fun s fields g ->
(fun g (_, typ) ->
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ let build_type_graph (structs : Ast.struct_ctx) (enums : Ast.enum_ctx) :
structs g
let g =
(fun e cases g ->
(fun g (_, typ) ->

View File

@ -18,25 +18,26 @@
program. Vertices are functions, x -> y if x is used in the definition of y. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Scope dependencies} *)
(** On the edges, the label is the expression responsible for the use of the
function *)
module SDependencies :
Graph.Sig.P with type V.t = Ast.ScopeName.t and type E.label = Pos.t
Graph.Sig.P with type V.t = ScopeName.t and type E.label = Pos.t
val build_program_dep_graph : Ast.program -> SDependencies.t
val check_for_cycle_in_scope : SDependencies.t -> unit
val get_scope_ordering : SDependencies.t -> Ast.ScopeName.t list
val get_scope_ordering : SDependencies.t -> ScopeName.t list
(** {1 Type dependencies} *)
module TVertex : sig
type t = Struct of Ast.StructName.t | Enum of Ast.EnumName.t
type t = Struct of StructName.t | Enum of EnumName.t
val format_t : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val get_info : t -> Ast.StructName.info
val get_info : t -> StructName.info
include Graph.Sig.COMPARABLE with type t := t

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Ast
let needs_parens (e : expr Marked.pos) : bool =
@ -42,8 +43,8 @@ let rec format_typ (fmt : Format.formatter) (typ : typ Marked.pos) : unit =
match Marked.unmark typ with
| TLit l -> Dcalc.Print.format_tlit fmt l
| TStruct s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.StructName.format_t s
| TEnum e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.EnumName.format_t e
| TStruct s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" StructName.format_t s
| TEnum e -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" EnumName.format_t e
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a %a@ %a@]" format_typ_with_parens t1
Dcalc.Print.format_operator "" format_typ t2
@ -67,14 +68,14 @@ let rec format_expr
| EVar v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" format_var v
| ELit l -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Dcalc.Print.format_lit l
| EStruct (name, fields) ->
Format.fprintf fmt " @[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" Ast.StructName.format_t name
Format.fprintf fmt " @[<hov 2>%a@ %a@ %a@ %a@]" StructName.format_t name
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "{"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ " Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation ";")
(fun fmt (field_name, field_expr) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a@ %a" Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
Ast.StructFieldName.format_t field_name
StructFieldName.format_t field_name
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\"" Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation
"=" format_expr field_expr))
(Ast.StructFieldMap.bindings fields)
@ -82,9 +83,9 @@ let rec format_expr
| EStructAccess (e1, field, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a" format_expr e1
Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "." Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
Ast.StructFieldName.format_t field Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
StructFieldName.format_t field Dcalc.Print.format_punctuation "\""
| EEnumInj (e1, cons, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a" Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t cons format_expr e1
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@ %a" EnumConstructor.format_t cons format_expr e1
| EMatch (e1, _, cases) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 0>%a@ @[<hov 2>%a@]@ %a@ %a@]"
Dcalc.Print.format_keyword "match" format_expr e1

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ val format_expr :
val format_scope :
?debug:bool (** [true] for debug printing *) ->
Format.formatter ->
Ast.ScopeName.t * Ast.scope_decl ->
Shared_ast.ScopeName.t * Ast.scope_decl ->
val format_program :

View File

@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ open Shared_ast
type scope_var_ctx = {
scope_var_name : Ast.ScopeVar.t;
scope_var_typ : Dcalc.Ast.typ;
scope_var_typ : typ;
scope_var_io : Ast.io;
type scope_sig_ctx = {
scope_sig_local_vars : scope_var_ctx list; (** List of scope variables *)
scope_sig_scope_var : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.var;
scope_sig_scope_var : untyped Dcalc.Ast.var;
(** Var representing the scope *)
scope_sig_input_var : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.var;
scope_sig_input_var : untyped Dcalc.Ast.var;
(** Var representing the scope input inside the scope func *)
scope_sig_input_struct : Ast.StructName.t; (** Scope input *)
scope_sig_output_struct : Ast.StructName.t; (** Scope output *)
scope_sig_input_struct : StructName.t; (** Scope input *)
scope_sig_output_struct : StructName.t; (** Scope output *)
type scope_sigs_ctx = scope_sig_ctx Ast.ScopeMap.t
@ -38,21 +38,21 @@ type scope_sigs_ctx = scope_sig_ctx Ast.ScopeMap.t
type ctx = {
structs : Ast.struct_ctx;
enums : Ast.enum_ctx;
scope_name : Ast.ScopeName.t;
scope_name : ScopeName.t;
scopes_parameters : scope_sigs_ctx;
scope_vars :
(Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.var * Dcalc.Ast.typ * Ast.io) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t;
(untyped Dcalc.Ast.var * typ * Ast.io) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t;
subscope_vars :
(Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.var * Dcalc.Ast.typ * Ast.io) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t
(untyped Dcalc.Ast.var * typ * Ast.io) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t
local_vars : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.var Ast.VarMap.t;
local_vars : untyped Dcalc.Ast.var Ast.VarMap.t;
let empty_ctx
(struct_ctx : Ast.struct_ctx)
(enum_ctx : Ast.enum_ctx)
(scopes_ctx : scope_sigs_ctx)
(scope_name : Ast.ScopeName.t) =
(scope_name : ScopeName.t) =
structs = struct_ctx;
enums = enum_ctx;
@ -64,62 +64,62 @@ let empty_ctx
let rec translate_typ (ctx : ctx) (t : Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos =
typ Marked.pos =
(match Marked.unmark t with
| Ast.TLit l -> Dcalc.Ast.TLit l
| Ast.TLit l -> TLit l
| Ast.TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Dcalc.Ast.TArrow (translate_typ ctx t1, translate_typ ctx t2)
TArrow (translate_typ ctx t1, translate_typ ctx t2)
| Ast.TStruct s_uid ->
let s_fields = Ast.StructMap.find s_uid ctx.structs in
let s_fields = StructMap.find s_uid ctx.structs in
(List.map (fun (_, t) -> translate_typ ctx t) s_fields, Some s_uid)
| Ast.TEnum e_uid ->
let e_cases = Ast.EnumMap.find e_uid ctx.enums in
let e_cases = EnumMap.find e_uid ctx.enums in
(List.map (fun (_, t) -> translate_typ ctx t) e_cases, e_uid)
| Ast.TArray t1 ->
Dcalc.Ast.TArray (translate_typ ctx (Marked.same_mark_as t1 t))
| Ast.TAny -> Dcalc.Ast.TAny)
TArray (translate_typ ctx (Marked.same_mark_as t1 t))
| Ast.TAny -> TAny)
let pos_mark (pos : Pos.t) : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.mark =
Dcalc.Ast.Untyped { pos }
let pos_mark (pos : Pos.t) : untyped mark =
Untyped { pos }
let pos_mark_as e = pos_mark (Marked.get_mark e)
let merge_defaults
(caller : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box)
(callee : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box) :
Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
(caller : untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box)
(callee : untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box) :
untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
let caller =
let m = Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox caller) in
Dcalc.Ast.make_app caller
[Bindlib.box (Dcalc.Ast.ELit Dcalc.Ast.LUnit, m)]
[Bindlib.box (ELit LUnit, m)]
let body =
(fun caller callee ->
let m = Marked.get_mark callee in
( Dcalc.Ast.EDefault
([caller], (Dcalc.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true), m), callee),
( EDefault
([caller], (ELit (LBool true), m), callee),
m ))
caller callee
let tag_with_log_entry
(e : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box)
(l : Dcalc.Ast.log_entry)
(e : untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box)
(l : log_entry)
(markings : Utils.Uid.MarkedString.info list) :
Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
(fun e ->
( Marked.same_mark_as
(Dcalc.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop (Dcalc.Ast.Log (l, markings))))
(EOp (Unop (Log (l, markings))))
[e] ))
@ -165,15 +165,15 @@ let collapse_similar_outcomes (excepts : Ast.expr Marked.pos list) :
let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun (x : Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr) ->
untyped Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr Bindlib.box =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun (x : untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr) ->
Marked.mark (pos_mark_as e) x)
match Marked.unmark e with
| EVar v -> Bindlib.box_var (Ast.VarMap.find v ctx.local_vars)
| ELit l -> Bindlib.box (Dcalc.Ast.ELit l)
| ELit l -> Bindlib.box (ELit l)
| EStruct (struct_name, e_fields) ->
let struct_sig = Ast.StructMap.find struct_name ctx.structs in
let struct_sig = StructMap.find struct_name ctx.structs in
let d_fields, remaining_e_fields =
(fun (field_name, _) (d_fields, e_fields) ->
@ -185,58 +185,58 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
if Ast.StructFieldMap.cardinal remaining_e_fields > 0 then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark e)
"The fields \"%a\" do not belong to the structure %a"
Ast.StructName.format_t struct_name
StructName.format_t struct_name
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ", ")
(fun fmt (field_name, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.StructFieldName.format_t field_name))
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" StructFieldName.format_t field_name))
(Ast.StructFieldMap.bindings remaining_e_fields)
(fun d_fields -> Dcalc.Ast.ETuple (d_fields, Some struct_name))
(fun d_fields -> ETuple (d_fields, Some struct_name))
(Bindlib.box_list d_fields)
| EStructAccess (e1, field_name, struct_name) ->
let struct_sig = Ast.StructMap.find struct_name ctx.structs in
let struct_sig = StructMap.find struct_name ctx.structs in
let _, field_index =
List.assoc field_name (List.mapi (fun i (x, y) -> x, (y, i)) struct_sig)
with Not_found ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark e)
"The field \"%a\" does not belong to the structure %a"
Ast.StructFieldName.format_t field_name Ast.StructName.format_t
StructFieldName.format_t field_name StructName.format_t
let e1 = translate_expr ctx e1 in
(fun e1 ->
( e1,
Some struct_name,
List.map (fun (_, t) -> translate_typ ctx t) struct_sig ))
| EEnumInj (e1, constructor, enum_name) ->
let enum_sig = Ast.EnumMap.find enum_name ctx.enums in
let enum_sig = EnumMap.find enum_name ctx.enums in
let _, constructor_index =
List.assoc constructor (List.mapi (fun i (x, y) -> x, (y, i)) enum_sig)
with Not_found ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark e)
"The constructor \"%a\" does not belong to the enum %a"
Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t constructor Ast.EnumName.format_t
EnumConstructor.format_t constructor EnumName.format_t
let e1 = translate_expr ctx e1 in
(fun e1 ->
( e1,
List.map (fun (_, t) -> translate_typ ctx t) enum_sig ))
| EMatch (e1, enum_name, cases) ->
let enum_sig = Ast.EnumMap.find enum_name ctx.enums in
let enum_sig = EnumMap.find enum_name ctx.enums in
let d_cases, remaining_e_cases =
(fun (constructor, _) (d_cases, e_cases) ->
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark e)
"The constructor %a of enum %a is missing from this pattern \
Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t constructor Ast.EnumName.format_t
EnumConstructor.format_t constructor EnumName.format_t
let case_d = translate_expr ctx case_e in
@ -256,16 +256,16 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
if Ast.EnumConstructorMap.cardinal remaining_e_cases > 0 then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark e)
"Patter matching is incomplete for enum %a: missing cases %a"
Ast.EnumName.format_t enum_name
EnumName.format_t enum_name
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt ", ")
(fun fmt (case_name, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t case_name))
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" EnumConstructor.format_t case_name))
(Ast.EnumConstructorMap.bindings remaining_e_cases)
let e1 = translate_expr ctx e1 in
(fun d_fields e1 -> Dcalc.Ast.EMatch (e1, d_fields, enum_name))
(fun d_fields e1 -> EMatch (e1, d_fields, enum_name))
(Bindlib.box_list d_cases) e1
| EApp (e1, args) ->
(* We insert various log calls to record arguments and outputs of
@ -274,14 +274,14 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
let markings l =
match l with
| Ast.ScopeVar (v, _) ->
[Ast.ScopeName.get_info ctx.scope_name; Ast.ScopeVar.get_info v]
[ScopeName.get_info ctx.scope_name; Ast.ScopeVar.get_info v]
| Ast.SubScopeVar (s, _, (v, _)) ->
[Ast.ScopeName.get_info s; Ast.ScopeVar.get_info v]
[ScopeName.get_info s; Ast.ScopeVar.get_info v]
let e1_func =
match Marked.unmark e1 with
| ELocation l ->
tag_with_log_entry e1_func Dcalc.Ast.BeginCall (markings l)
tag_with_log_entry e1_func BeginCall (markings l)
| _ -> e1_func
let new_args = List.map (translate_expr ctx) args in
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
let retrieve_in_and_out_typ_or_any var vars =
let _, typ, _ = Ast.ScopeVarMap.find (Marked.unmark var) vars in
match typ with
| Dcalc.Ast.TArrow (marked_input_typ, marked_output_typ) ->
| TArrow (marked_input_typ, marked_output_typ) ->
Marked.unmark marked_input_typ, Marked.unmark marked_output_typ
| _ -> Dcalc.Ast.TAny, Dcalc.Ast.TAny
| _ -> TAny, TAny
match Marked.unmark e1 with
| ELocation (ScopeVar var) ->
@ -304,20 +304,20 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
|> Ast.SubScopeMap.find (Marked.unmark sname)
|> retrieve_in_and_out_typ_or_any var
| _ -> Dcalc.Ast.TAny, Dcalc.Ast.TAny
| _ -> TAny, TAny
let new_args =
match Marked.unmark e1, new_args with
| ELocation l, [new_arg] ->
tag_with_log_entry new_arg (Dcalc.Ast.VarDef input_typ)
tag_with_log_entry new_arg (VarDef input_typ)
(markings l @ [Marked.same_mark_as "input" e]);
| _ -> new_args
let new_e =
(fun e' u -> Dcalc.Ast.EApp (e', u), pos_mark_as e)
(fun e' u -> EApp (e', u), pos_mark_as e)
(Bindlib.box_list new_args)
@ -325,9 +325,9 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
match Marked.unmark e1 with
| ELocation l ->
(tag_with_log_entry new_e (Dcalc.Ast.VarDef output_typ)
(tag_with_log_entry new_e (VarDef output_typ)
(markings l @ [Marked.same_mark_as "output" e]))
Dcalc.Ast.EndCall (markings l)
EndCall (markings l)
| _ -> new_e
Bindlib.box_apply Marked.unmark new_e
@ -348,12 +348,12 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
let binder = Bindlib.bind_mvar new_xs body in
(fun b -> Dcalc.Ast.EAbs (b, List.map (translate_typ ctx) typ))
(fun b -> EAbs (b, List.map (translate_typ ctx) typ))
| EDefault (excepts, just, cons) ->
let excepts = collapse_similar_outcomes excepts in
(fun e j c -> Dcalc.Ast.EDefault (e, j, c))
(fun e j c -> EDefault (e, j, c))
(Bindlib.box_list (List.map (translate_expr ctx) excepts))
(translate_expr ctx just) (translate_expr ctx cons)
| ELocation (ScopeVar a) ->
@ -381,16 +381,16 @@ let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Marked.pos) :
(Marked.unmark a) Ast.SubScopeName.format_t (Marked.unmark s))
| EIfThenElse (cond, et, ef) ->
(fun c t f -> Dcalc.Ast.EIfThenElse (c, t, f))
(fun c t f -> EIfThenElse (c, t, f))
(translate_expr ctx cond) (translate_expr ctx et) (translate_expr ctx ef)
| EOp op -> Bindlib.box (Dcalc.Ast.EOp op)
| EOp op -> Bindlib.box (EOp op)
| ErrorOnEmpty e' ->
(fun e' -> Dcalc.Ast.ErrorOnEmpty e')
(fun e' -> ErrorOnEmpty e')
(translate_expr ctx e')
| EArray es ->
(fun es -> Dcalc.Ast.EArray es)
(fun es -> EArray es)
(Bindlib.box_list (List.map (translate_expr ctx) es))
(** The result of a rule translation is a list of assignment, with variables and
@ -402,13 +402,13 @@ let translate_rule
(ctx : ctx)
(rule : Ast.rule)
((sigma_name, pos_sigma) : Utils.Uid.MarkedString.info) :
(( Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
Dcalc.Ast.untyped )
(( untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
untyped )
Bindlib.box ->
( Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
Dcalc.Ast.untyped )
( untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
untyped )
* ctx =
match rule with
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ let translate_rule
let merged_expr =
(fun merged_expr ->
Dcalc.Ast.ErrorOnEmpty merged_expr, pos_mark_as a_name)
ErrorOnEmpty merged_expr, pos_mark_as a_name)
(match Marked.unmark a_io.io_input with
| OnlyInput ->
failwith "should not happen"
@ -432,19 +432,19 @@ let translate_rule
let merged_expr =
tag_with_log_entry merged_expr
(Dcalc.Ast.VarDef (Marked.unmark tau))
(VarDef (Marked.unmark tau))
[sigma_name, pos_sigma; a_name]
( (fun next ->
(fun next merged_expr ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ = tau;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr = merged_expr;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind = Dcalc.Ast.ScopeVarDefinition;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark a;
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_typ = tau;
scope_let_expr = merged_expr;
scope_let_kind = ScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark a;
(Bindlib.bind_var a_var next)
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ let translate_rule
let tau = translate_typ ctx tau in
let new_e =
tag_with_log_entry (translate_expr ctx e)
(Dcalc.Ast.VarDef (Marked.unmark tau))
(VarDef (Marked.unmark tau))
[sigma_name, pos_sigma; a_name]
let silent_var = Var.make "_" in
@ -481,31 +481,31 @@ let translate_rule
| NoInput -> failwith "should not happen"
| OnlyInput ->
(fun new_e -> Dcalc.Ast.ErrorOnEmpty new_e, pos_mark_as subs_var)
(fun new_e -> ErrorOnEmpty new_e, pos_mark_as subs_var)
| Reentrant ->
(Array.of_list [silent_var])
[Dcalc.Ast.TLit TUnit, var_def_pos]
[TLit TUnit, var_def_pos]
(pos_mark var_def_pos)
( (fun next ->
(fun next thunked_or_nonempty_new_e ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark a_name;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ =
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark a_name;
scope_let_typ =
(match Marked.unmark a_io.io_input with
| NoInput -> failwith "should not happen"
| OnlyInput -> tau
| Reentrant ->
( Dcalc.Ast.TArrow ((TLit TUnit, var_def_pos), tau),
( TArrow ((TLit TUnit, var_def_pos), tau),
var_def_pos ));
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr = thunked_or_nonempty_new_e;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind = Dcalc.Ast.SubScopeVarDefinition;
scope_let_expr = thunked_or_nonempty_new_e;
scope_let_kind = SubScopeVarDefinition;
(Bindlib.bind_var a_var next)
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ let translate_rule
let subscope_struct_arg =
(fun subscope_args ->
( Dcalc.Ast.ETuple (subscope_args, Some called_scope_input_struct),
( ETuple (subscope_args, Some called_scope_input_struct),
pos_mark pos_call ))
(Bindlib.box_list subscope_args)
@ -593,28 +593,28 @@ let translate_rule
(scope_dcalc_var, pos_mark_as (Ast.SubScopeName.get_info subindex)))
sigma_name, pos_sigma;
Ast.SubScopeName.get_info subindex;
Ast.ScopeName.get_info subname;
ScopeName.get_info subname;
let call_expr =
(fun e u -> Dcalc.Ast.EApp (e, [u]), pos_mark Pos.no_pos)
(fun e u -> EApp (e, [u]), pos_mark Pos.no_pos)
subscope_func subscope_struct_arg)
sigma_name, pos_sigma;
Ast.SubScopeName.get_info subindex;
Ast.ScopeName.get_info subname;
ScopeName.get_info subname;
let result_tuple_var = Var.make "result" in
let result_tuple_typ =
( Dcalc.Ast.TTuple
( TTuple
( List.map
(fun (subvar, _) -> subvar.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma)
@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ let translate_rule
let call_scope_let next =
(fun next call_expr ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind = Dcalc.Ast.CallingSubScope;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ = result_tuple_typ;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr = call_expr;
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
scope_let_kind = CallingSubScope;
scope_let_typ = result_tuple_typ;
scope_let_expr = call_expr;
(Bindlib.bind_var result_tuple_var next)
@ -640,15 +640,15 @@ let translate_rule
(fun (var_ctx, v) (next, i) ->
( Bindlib.box_apply2
(fun next r ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ = var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind =
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr =
( Dcalc.Ast.ETupleAccess
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
scope_let_typ = var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma;
scope_let_kind =
scope_let_expr =
( ETupleAccess
( r,
Some called_scope_return_struct,
@ -682,20 +682,20 @@ let translate_rule
( (fun next ->
(fun next new_e ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark e;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ =
Dcalc.Ast.TLit TUnit, Marked.get_mark e;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr =
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = Marked.get_mark e;
scope_let_typ =
TLit TUnit, Marked.get_mark e;
scope_let_expr =
(* To ensure that we throw an error if the value is not
defined, we add an check "ErrorOnEmpty" here. *)
(Dcalc.Ast.ErrorOnEmpty new_e, pos_mark_as e))
(ErrorOnEmpty new_e, pos_mark_as e))
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind = Dcalc.Ast.Assertion;
scope_let_kind = Assertion;
(Bindlib.bind_var (Var.make "_") next)
@ -705,10 +705,10 @@ let translate_rules
(ctx : ctx)
(rules : Ast.rule list)
((sigma_name, pos_sigma) : Utils.Uid.MarkedString.info)
(sigma_return_struct_name : Ast.StructName.t) :
( Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
Dcalc.Ast.untyped )
(sigma_return_struct_name : StructName.t) :
( untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr,
untyped )
* ctx =
let scope_lets, new_ctx =
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ let translate_rules
let return_exp =
(fun args ->
( Dcalc.Ast.ETuple (args, Some sigma_return_struct_name),
( ETuple (args, Some sigma_return_struct_name),
pos_mark pos_sigma ))
@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ let translate_rules
( scope_lets
(fun return_exp -> Dcalc.Ast.Result return_exp)
(fun return_exp -> Result return_exp)
new_ctx )
@ -748,12 +748,12 @@ let translate_scope_decl
(struct_ctx : Ast.struct_ctx)
(enum_ctx : Ast.enum_ctx)
(sctx : scope_sigs_ctx)
(scope_name : Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_name : ScopeName.t)
(sigma : Ast.scope_decl) :
(Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr, Dcalc.Ast.untyped) Dcalc.Ast.scope_body
(untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr, untyped) scope_body
* struct_ctx =
let sigma_info = Ast.ScopeName.get_info sigma.scope_decl_name in
let sigma_info = ScopeName.get_info sigma.scope_decl_name in
let scope_sig = Ast.ScopeMap.find sigma.scope_decl_name sctx in
let scope_variables = scope_sig.scope_sig_local_vars in
let ctx =
@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ let translate_scope_decl
match Marked.unmark var_ctx.scope_var_io.io_input with
| OnlyInput -> var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma
| Reentrant ->
( Dcalc.Ast.TArrow
((Dcalc.Ast.TLit TUnit, pos_sigma), (var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma)),
( TArrow
((TLit TUnit, pos_sigma), (var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma)),
pos_sigma )
| NoInput -> failwith "should not happen"
@ -824,15 +824,15 @@ let translate_scope_decl
(fun (var_ctx, v) (next, i) ->
( Bindlib.box_apply2
(fun next r ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_kind =
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_next = next;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_typ = input_var_typ var_ctx;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_let_expr =
( Dcalc.Ast.ETupleAccess
scope_let_kind =
scope_let_next = next;
scope_let_pos = pos_sigma;
scope_let_typ = input_var_typ var_ctx;
scope_let_expr =
( ETupleAccess
( r,
Some scope_input_struct_name,
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ let translate_scope_decl
(fun (var_ctx, dvar) ->
let struct_field_name =
Ast.StructFieldName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of dvar ^ "_out", pos_sigma)
StructFieldName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of dvar ^ "_out", pos_sigma)
struct_field_name, (var_ctx.scope_var_typ, pos_sigma))
@ -860,29 +860,29 @@ let translate_scope_decl
(fun (var_ctx, dvar) ->
let struct_field_name =
Ast.StructFieldName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of dvar ^ "_in", pos_sigma)
StructFieldName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of dvar ^ "_in", pos_sigma)
struct_field_name, input_var_typ var_ctx)
let new_struct_ctx =
Ast.StructMap.add scope_input_struct_name scope_input_struct_fields
(Ast.StructMap.singleton scope_return_struct_name
StructMap.add scope_input_struct_name scope_input_struct_fields
(StructMap.singleton scope_return_struct_name
( Bindlib.box_apply
(fun scope_body_expr ->
Dcalc.Ast.scope_body_input_struct = scope_input_struct_name;
Dcalc.Ast.scope_body_output_struct = scope_return_struct_name;
scope_body_input_struct = scope_input_struct_name;
scope_body_output_struct = scope_return_struct_name;
(Bindlib.bind_var scope_input_var
(input_destructurings rules_with_return_expr)),
new_struct_ctx )
let translate_program (prgm : Ast.program) :
Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.program * Dependency.TVertex.t list =
untyped Dcalc.Ast.program * Dependency.TVertex.t list =
let scope_dependencies = Dependency.build_program_dep_graph prgm in
Dependency.check_for_cycle_in_scope scope_dependencies;
let types_ordering =
@ -894,16 +894,16 @@ let translate_program (prgm : Ast.program) :
let ctx_for_typ_translation scope_name =
empty_ctx struct_ctx enum_ctx Ast.ScopeMap.empty scope_name
let dummy_scope = Ast.ScopeName.fresh ("dummy", Pos.no_pos) in
let dummy_scope = ScopeName.fresh ("dummy", Pos.no_pos) in
let decl_ctx =
Dcalc.Ast.ctx_structs =
ctx_structs =
(List.map (fun (x, y) ->
x, translate_typ (ctx_for_typ_translation dummy_scope) y))
Dcalc.Ast.ctx_enums =
ctx_enums =
(List.map (fun (x, y) ->
x, (translate_typ (ctx_for_typ_translation dummy_scope)) y))
@ -914,22 +914,22 @@ let translate_program (prgm : Ast.program) :
(fun scope_name scope ->
let scope_dvar =
(Marked.unmark (Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope.Ast.scope_decl_name))
(Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope.Ast.scope_decl_name))
let scope_return_struct_name =
(fun s -> s ^ "_out")
(Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope_name))
(ScopeName.get_info scope_name))
let scope_input_var =
Var.make (Marked.unmark (Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope_name) ^ "_in")
Var.make (Marked.unmark (ScopeName.get_info scope_name) ^ "_in")
let scope_input_struct_name =
(fun s -> s ^ "_in")
(Ast.ScopeName.get_info scope_name))
(ScopeName.get_info scope_name))
scope_sig_local_vars =
@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ let translate_program (prgm : Ast.program) :
(* the resulting expression is the list of definitions of all the scopes,
ending with the top-level scope. *)
let (scopes, decl_ctx)
: (Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr, Dcalc.Ast.untyped) Dcalc.Ast.scopes
: (untyped Dcalc.Ast.expr, untyped) scopes
* _ =
@ -967,21 +967,21 @@ let translate_program (prgm : Ast.program) :
let decl_ctx =
decl_ctx with
Dcalc.Ast.ctx_structs =
ctx_structs =
(fun _ _ -> assert false (* should not happen *))
decl_ctx.Dcalc.Ast.ctx_structs scope_out_struct;
decl_ctx.ctx_structs scope_out_struct;
let scope_next = Bindlib.bind_var dvar scopes in
let new_scopes =
(fun scope_body scope_next ->
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body; scope_next })
ScopeDef { scope_name; scope_body; scope_next })
scope_body scope_next
new_scopes, decl_ctx)
(Bindlib.box Dcalc.Ast.Nil, decl_ctx)
(Bindlib.box Nil, decl_ctx)
{ scopes = Bindlib.unbox scopes; decl_ctx }, types_ordering

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(** Scope language to default calculus translator *)
val translate_program :
Ast.program -> Dcalc.Ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.program * Dependency.TVertex.t list
Ast.program -> Shared_ast.untyped Dcalc.Ast.program * Dependency.TVertex.t list
(** Usage [translate_program p] returns a tuple [(new_program, types_list)]
where [new_program] is the map of translated scopes. Finally, [types_list]
is a list of all types (structs and enums) used in the program, correctly

View File

@ -68,7 +68,67 @@ let eraise e1 pos = Bindlib.box (ERaise e1, pos)
let ecatch e1 exn e2 pos =
Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e1 e2 -> ECatch (e1, exn, e2), pos) e1 e2
let translate_var v = Bindlib.copy_var v (fun x -> EVar x) (Bindlib.name_of v)
(* - Manipulation of marks - *)
let no_mark (type m) : m mark -> m mark = function
| Untyped _ -> Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }
| Typed _ -> Typed { pos = Pos.no_pos; ty = Marked.mark Pos.no_pos TAny }
let mark_pos (type m) (m : m mark) : Pos.t =
match m with Untyped { pos } | Typed { pos; _ } -> pos
let pos (type m) (x : ('a, m) marked) : Pos.t = mark_pos (Marked.get_mark x)
let ty (_, m) : marked_typ = match m with Typed { ty; _ } -> ty
let with_ty (type m) (ty : marked_typ) (x : ('a, m) marked) : ('a, typed) marked
(match Marked.get_mark x with
| Untyped { pos } -> Typed { pos; ty }
| Typed m -> Typed { m with ty })
(Marked.unmark x)
let map_mark
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : marked_typ -> marked_typ)
(m : m mark) : m mark =
match m with
| Untyped { pos } -> Untyped { pos = pos_f pos }
| Typed { pos; ty } -> Typed { pos = pos_f pos; ty = ty_f ty }
let map_mark2
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t -> Pos.t -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed -> typed -> marked_typ)
(m1 : m mark)
(m2 : m mark) : m mark =
match m1, m2 with
| Untyped m1, Untyped m2 -> Untyped { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos }
| Typed m1, Typed m2 -> Typed { pos = pos_f m1.pos m2.pos; ty = ty_f m1 m2 }
let fold_marks
(type m)
(pos_f : Pos.t list -> Pos.t)
(ty_f : typed list -> marked_typ)
(ms : m mark list) : m mark =
match ms with
| [] -> invalid_arg "Dcalc.Ast.fold_mark"
| Untyped _ :: _ as ms ->
Untyped { pos = pos_f (List.map (function Untyped { pos } -> pos) ms) }
| Typed _ :: _ ->
pos = pos_f (List.map (function Typed { pos; _ } -> pos) ms);
ty = ty_f (List.map (function Typed m -> m) ms);
let get_scope_body_mark scope_body =
match snd (Bindlib.unbind scope_body.scope_body_expr) with
| Result e | ScopeLet { scope_let_expr = e; _ } -> Marked.get_mark e
(* - Traversal functions - *)
let map
(type a)
@ -81,10 +141,10 @@ let map
| EApp (e1, args) -> eapp (f ctx e1) (List.map (f ctx) args) m
| EOp op -> Bindlib.box (EOp op, m)
| EArray args -> earray (List.map (f ctx) args) m
| EVar v -> evar (translate_var v) m
| EVar v -> evar (Var.translate v) m
| EAbs (binder, typs) ->
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
eabs (Bindlib.bind_mvar (Array.map translate_var vars) (f ctx body)) typs m
eabs (Bindlib.bind_mvar (Array.map Var.translate vars) (f ctx body)) typs m
| EIfThenElse (e1, e2, e3) ->
eifthenelse ((f ctx) e1) ((f ctx) e2) ((f ctx) e3) m
| ETuple (args, s) -> etuple (List.map (f ctx) args) s m
@ -179,3 +239,22 @@ let map_exprs_in_scopes ~f ~varf scopes =
new_scope_body_expr new_next)
~init:(Bindlib.box Nil) scopes
(* - *)
(** See [Bindlib.box_term] documentation for why we are doing that. *)
let box e=
let rec id_t () e = map () ~f:id_t e in
id_t () e
let untype e = map_marks ~f:(fun m -> Untyped { pos = mark_pos m }) e
let untype_program prg =
prg with
scopes =
~f:(fun e -> untype e)
~varf:Var.translate prg.scopes);

View File

@ -105,13 +105,70 @@ val eerroronempty :
't ->
('a, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
(** ---------- *)
val ecatch :
(lcalc, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box ->
except ->
(lcalc, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box ->
't ->
(lcalc, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
val map :
val eraise : except -> 't -> (lcalc, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
(** Manipulation of marks *)
val no_mark : 'm mark -> 'm mark
val mark_pos : 'm mark -> Pos.t
val pos : ('a, 'm) marked -> Pos.t
val ty : ('a, typed) marked -> marked_typ
val with_ty : marked_typ -> ('a, 'm) marked -> ('a, typed) marked
val map_mark :
(Pos.t -> Pos.t) -> (marked_typ -> marked_typ) -> 'm mark -> 'm mark
val map_mark2 :
(Pos.t -> Pos.t -> Pos.t) ->
(typed -> typed -> marked_typ) ->
'm mark ->
'm mark ->
'm mark
val fold_marks :
(Pos.t list -> Pos.t) -> (typed list -> marked_typ) -> 'm mark list -> 'm mark
val get_scope_body_mark : ('expr, 'm) scope_body -> 'm mark
val untype : ('a, 'm mark) marked_gexpr -> ('a, untyped mark) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
val untype_program : (('a, 'm mark) gexpr Var.expr, 'm) program_generic -> (('a, untyped mark) gexpr Var.expr, untyped) program_generic
(** {2 Handling of boxing} *)
val box : ('a, 't) marked_gexpr -> ('a, 't) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
(** {2 Traversal functions} *)
val map:
'ctx ->
f:('ctx -> ('a, 't1) marked_gexpr -> ('a, 't2) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box) ->
(('a, 't1) gexpr, 't2) Marked.t ->
('a, 't2) marked_gexpr Bindlib.box
(** Flat (non-recursive) mapping on expressions.
If you want to apply a map transform to an expression, you can save up
writing a painful match over all the cases of the AST. For instance, if you
want to remove all errors on empty, you can write
let remove_error_empty =
let rec f () e =
match Marked.unmark e with
| ErrorOnEmpty e1 -> Expr.map () f e1
| _ -> Expr.map () f e
f () e
The first argument of map_expr is an optional context that you can carry
around during your map traversal. *)
val map_top_down :
f:(('a, 't1) marked_gexpr -> (('a, 't1) gexpr, 't2) Marked.t) ->

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
(** Translation from {!module: Surface.Ast} to {!module: Desugaring.Ast}.
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
(** {1 Translating expressions} *)
let translate_op_kind (k : Ast.op_kind) : Dcalc.Ast.op_kind =
let translate_op_kind (k : Ast.op_kind) : op_kind =
match k with
| KInt -> KInt
| KDec -> KRat
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ let translate_op_kind (k : Ast.op_kind) : Dcalc.Ast.op_kind =
| KDate -> KDate
| KDuration -> KDuration
let translate_binop (op : Ast.binop) : Dcalc.Ast.binop =
let translate_binop (op : Ast.binop) : binop =
match op with
| And -> And
| Or -> Or
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ let translate_binop (op : Ast.binop) : Dcalc.Ast.binop =
| Neq -> Neq
| Concat -> Concat
let translate_unop (op : Ast.unop) : Dcalc.Ast.unop =
let translate_unop (op : Ast.unop) : unop =
match op with Not -> Not | Minus l -> Minus (translate_op_kind l)
(** The two modules below help performing operations on map with the {!type:
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ module LiftEnumConstructorMap = Bindlib.Lift (Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap)
let disambiguate_constructor
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(constructor : (string Marked.pos option * string Marked.pos) list)
(pos : Pos.t) : Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t * Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.t =
(pos : Pos.t) : EnumName.t * EnumConstructor.t =
let enum, constructor =
match constructor with
| [c] -> c
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ let disambiguate_constructor
match enum with
| None ->
if Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.cardinal possible_c_uids > 1 then
if EnumMap.cardinal possible_c_uids > 1 then
(Marked.get_mark constructor)
"This constructor name is ambiguous, it can belong to %a. Disambiguate \
@ -94,9 +95,9 @@ let disambiguate_constructor
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt " or ")
(fun fmt (s_name, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.format_t s_name))
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.bindings possible_c_uids);
Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.choose possible_c_uids
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" EnumName.format_t s_name))
(EnumMap.bindings possible_c_uids);
EnumMap.choose possible_c_uids
| Some enum -> (
(* The path is fully qualified *)
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ let disambiguate_constructor
Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find (Marked.unmark enum) ctxt.enum_idmap
let c_uid = Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find e_uid possible_c_uids in
let c_uid = EnumMap.find e_uid possible_c_uids in
e_uid, c_uid
with Not_found ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos "Enum %s does not contain case %s"
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ let disambiguate_constructor
Translates [expr] into its desugared equivalent. [scope] is used to
disambiguate the scope and subscopes variables than occur in the expression *)
let rec translate_expr
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(inside_definition_of : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t Marked.pos option)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
((expr, pos) : Ast.expression Marked.pos) :
@ -140,11 +141,11 @@ let rec translate_expr
let cases =
(fun c_uid' tau ->
if Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.compare c_uid c_uid' <> 0 then
if EnumConstructor.compare c_uid c_uid' <> 0 then
let nop_var = Desugared.Ast.Var.make "_" in
(Desugared.Ast.make_abs [| nop_var |]
(Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), pos))
(Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool false), pos))
[tau] pos)
let ctxt, binding_var =
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
let e2 = translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt e2 in
(Desugared.Ast.make_abs [| binding_var |] e2 [tau] pos))
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find enum_uid ctxt.enums)
(EnumMap.find enum_uid ctxt.enums)
(fun e1_sub -> Desugared.Ast.EMatch (e1_sub, enum_uid, cases), pos)
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
let op_term =
(Dcalc.Ast.Binop (translate_binop (Marked.unmark op))))
(Binop (translate_binop (Marked.unmark op))))
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
| Unop (op, e) ->
let op_term =
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop (translate_unop (Marked.unmark op))))
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop (translate_unop (Marked.unmark op))))
@ -186,38 +187,38 @@ let rec translate_expr
let untyped_term =
match l with
| LNumber ((Int i, _), None) ->
Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LInt (Runtime.integer_of_string i))
Desugared.Ast.ELit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_string i))
| LNumber ((Int i, _), Some (Percent, _)) ->
Runtime.(decimal_of_string i /& decimal_of_string "100"))
| LNumber ((Dec (i, f), _), None) ->
(Dcalc.Ast.LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_string (i ^ "." ^ f)))
(LRat Runtime.(decimal_of_string (i ^ "." ^ f)))
| LNumber ((Dec (i, f), _), Some (Percent, _)) ->
decimal_of_string (i ^ "." ^ f) /& decimal_of_string "100"))
| LBool b -> Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool b)
| LBool b -> Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool b)
| LMoneyAmount i ->
((integer_of_string i.money_amount_units *! integer_of_int 100)
+! integer_of_string i.money_amount_cents)))
| LNumber ((Int i, _), Some (Year, _)) ->
(Runtime.duration_of_numbers (int_of_string i) 0 0))
| LNumber ((Int i, _), Some (Month, _)) ->
(Runtime.duration_of_numbers 0 (int_of_string i) 0))
| LNumber ((Int i, _), Some (Day, _)) ->
(Runtime.duration_of_numbers 0 0 (int_of_string i)))
| LNumber ((Dec (_, _), _), Some ((Year | Month | Day), _)) ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"There is an error in this date: the day number is bigger than 31";
Runtime.date_of_numbers date.literal_date_year
date.literal_date_month date.literal_date_day
@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
let subscope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t =
Name_resolution.get_subscope_uid scope ctxt (Marked.same_mark_as y e)
let subscope_real_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t =
let subscope_real_uid : ScopeName.t =
Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.find subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes
let subscope_var_uid =
@ -330,19 +331,19 @@ let rec translate_expr
match c with
| None ->
(* No constructor name was specified *)
if Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.cardinal x_possible_structs > 1 then
if StructMap.cardinal x_possible_structs > 1 then
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Marked.get_mark x)
"This struct field name is ambiguous, it can belong to %a. \
Disambiguate it by prefixing it with the struct name."
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt " or ")
(fun fmt (s_name, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Scopelang.Ast.StructName.format_t
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" StructName.format_t
(Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.bindings x_possible_structs)
(StructMap.bindings x_possible_structs)
let s_uid, f_uid =
Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.choose x_possible_structs
StructMap.choose x_possible_structs
(fun e -> Desugared.Ast.EStructAccess (e, f_uid, s_uid), pos)
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find (Marked.unmark c_name) ctxt.struct_idmap
let f_uid = Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.find c_uid x_possible_structs in
let f_uid = StructMap.find c_uid x_possible_structs in
(fun e -> Desugared.Ast.EStructAccess (e, f_uid, c_uid), pos)
@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
(fun s_fields (f_name, f_e) ->
let f_uid =
Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.find s_uid
StructMap.find s_uid
(Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find (Marked.unmark f_name)
with Not_found ->
@ -408,19 +409,19 @@ let rec translate_expr
None, Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e_field);
"The field %a has been defined twice:"
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t f_uid);
StructFieldName.format_t f_uid);
let f_e = translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt f_e in
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.add f_uid f_e s_fields)
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.empty fields
let expected_s_fields = Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.find s_uid ctxt.structs in
let expected_s_fields = StructMap.find s_uid ctxt.structs in
(fun expected_f _ ->
if not (Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.mem expected_f s_fields) then
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"Missing field for structure %a: \"%a\""
Scopelang.Ast.StructName.format_t s_uid
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.format_t expected_f)
StructName.format_t s_uid
StructFieldName.format_t expected_f)
@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
| None ->
(* No constructor name was specified *)
Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.cardinal possible_c_uids > 1
EnumMap.cardinal possible_c_uids > 1
(Marked.get_mark constructor)
@ -452,10 +453,10 @@ let rec translate_expr
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt " or ")
(fun fmt (s_name, _) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.format_t s_name))
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.bindings possible_c_uids)
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" EnumName.format_t s_name))
(EnumMap.bindings possible_c_uids)
let e_uid, c_uid = Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.choose possible_c_uids in
let e_uid, c_uid = EnumMap.choose possible_c_uids in
let payload =
Option.map (translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt) payload
@ -465,7 +466,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
( (match payload with
| Some e' -> e'
| None ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit Dcalc.Ast.LUnit,
( Desugared.Ast.ELit LUnit,
Marked.get_mark constructor )),
e_uid ),
@ -478,7 +479,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find (Marked.unmark enum) ctxt.enum_idmap
let c_uid = Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find e_uid possible_c_uids in
let c_uid = EnumMap.find e_uid possible_c_uids in
let payload =
Option.map (translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt) payload
@ -488,7 +489,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
( (match payload with
| Some e' -> e'
| None ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit Dcalc.Ast.LUnit,
( Desugared.Ast.ELit LUnit,
Marked.get_mark constructor )),
e_uid ),
@ -530,11 +531,11 @@ let rec translate_expr
(Desugared.Ast.make_abs [| nop_var |]
( Desugared.Ast.ELit
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.compare c_uid c_uid' = 0)),
(EnumConstructor.compare c_uid c_uid' = 0)),
pos ))
[tau] pos))
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find enum_uid ctxt.enums)
(EnumMap.find enum_uid ctxt.enums)
(fun e -> Desugared.Ast.EMatch (e, enum_uid, cases), pos)
@ -563,8 +564,8 @@ let rec translate_expr
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( ( Desugared.Ast.EOp
(match op' with
| Ast.Map -> Dcalc.Ast.Binop Dcalc.Ast.Map
| Ast.Filter -> Dcalc.Ast.Binop Dcalc.Ast.Filter
| Ast.Map -> Binop Map
| Ast.Filter -> Binop Filter
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *)),
pos ),
[f_pred; collection] ),
@ -583,11 +584,11 @@ let rec translate_expr
let op_kind =
match pred_typ with
| Ast.Integer -> Dcalc.Ast.KInt
| Ast.Decimal -> Dcalc.Ast.KRat
| Ast.Money -> Dcalc.Ast.KMoney
| Ast.Duration -> Dcalc.Ast.KDuration
| Ast.Date -> Dcalc.Ast.KDate
| Ast.Integer -> KInt
| Ast.Decimal -> KRat
| Ast.Money -> KMoney
| Ast.Duration -> KDuration
| Ast.Date -> KDate
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"It is impossible to compute the arg-%s of two values of type %a"
@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
Print.format_primitive_typ pred_typ
let cmp_op =
if max_or_min then Dcalc.Ast.Gt op_kind else Dcalc.Ast.Lt op_kind
if max_or_min then Gt op_kind else Lt op_kind
let f_pred =
Desugared.Ast.make_abs [| param |]
@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
(fun acc_var_e item_var_e f_pred_var_e ->
( Desugared.Ast.EIfThenElse
( ( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop cmp_op), pos_op'),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop cmp_op), pos_op'),
Desugared.Ast.EApp (f_pred_var_e, [acc_var_e]), pos;
Desugared.Ast.EApp (f_pred_var_e, [item_var_e]), pos;
@ -639,7 +640,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
(fun fold_f collection init ->
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Ternop Dcalc.Ast.Fold), pos),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Ternop Fold), pos),
[fold_f; init; collection] ),
pos ))
fold_f collection init
@ -656,28 +657,28 @@ let rec translate_expr
assert false (* should not happen *)
| Ast.Exists ->
(Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), Marked.get_mark op')
(Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool false), Marked.get_mark op')
| Ast.Forall ->
(Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true), Marked.get_mark op')
(Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool true), Marked.get_mark op')
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Integer) ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 0)),
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 0)),
Marked.get_mark op' )
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Decimal) ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LRat (Runtime.decimal_of_string "0")),
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (LRat (Runtime.decimal_of_string "0")),
Marked.get_mark op' )
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Money) ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit
(Runtime.money_of_cents_integer (Runtime.integer_of_int 0))),
Marked.get_mark op' )
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Duration) ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit
(Dcalc.Ast.LDuration (Runtime.duration_of_numbers 0 0 0)),
(LDuration (Runtime.duration_of_numbers 0 0 0)),
Marked.get_mark op' )
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum t) ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
@ -686,24 +687,24 @@ let rec translate_expr
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (_, _, init)) -> rec_helper init
| Ast.Aggregate Ast.AggregateCount ->
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 0)),
( Desugared.Ast.ELit (LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 0)),
Marked.get_mark op' )
let acc_var = Desugared.Ast.Var.make "acc" in
let acc = Desugared.Ast.make_var (acc_var, Marked.get_mark param') in
let f_body =
let make_body (op : Dcalc.Ast.binop) =
let make_body (op : binop) =
(fun predicate acc ->
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop op), Marked.get_mark op'),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop op), Marked.get_mark op'),
[acc; predicate] ),
pos ))
(translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt predicate)
let make_extr_body
(cmp_op : Dcalc.Ast.binop)
(cmp_op : binop)
(t : Scopelang.Ast.typ Marked.pos) =
let tmp_var = Desugared.Ast.Var.make "tmp" in
let tmp = Desugared.Ast.make_var (tmp_var, Marked.get_mark param') in
@ -713,7 +714,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
(fun acc tmp ->
( Desugared.Ast.EIfThenElse
( ( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( ( Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop cmp_op),
( ( Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop cmp_op),
Marked.get_mark op' ),
[acc; tmp] ),
pos ),
@ -725,35 +726,35 @@ let rec translate_expr
match Marked.unmark op' with
| Ast.Map | Ast.Filter | Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateArgExtremum _) ->
assert false (* should not happen *)
| Ast.Exists -> make_body Dcalc.Ast.Or
| Ast.Forall -> make_body Dcalc.Ast.And
| Ast.Exists -> make_body Or
| Ast.Forall -> make_body And
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Integer) ->
make_body (Dcalc.Ast.Add Dcalc.Ast.KInt)
make_body (Add KInt)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Decimal) ->
make_body (Dcalc.Ast.Add Dcalc.Ast.KRat)
make_body (Add KRat)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Money) ->
make_body (Dcalc.Ast.Add Dcalc.Ast.KMoney)
make_body (Add KMoney)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Duration) ->
make_body (Dcalc.Ast.Add Dcalc.Ast.KDuration)
make_body (Add KDuration)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum _) ->
assert false (* should not happen *)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (max_or_min, t, _)) ->
let op_kind, typ =
match t with
| Ast.Integer -> Dcalc.Ast.KInt, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TInt, pos)
| Ast.Decimal -> Dcalc.Ast.KRat, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TRat, pos)
| Ast.Money -> Dcalc.Ast.KMoney, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TMoney, pos)
| Ast.Integer -> KInt, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TInt, pos)
| Ast.Decimal -> KRat, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TRat, pos)
| Ast.Money -> KMoney, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TMoney, pos)
| Ast.Duration ->
Dcalc.Ast.KDuration, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TDuration, pos)
| Ast.Date -> Dcalc.Ast.KDate, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TDate, pos)
KDuration, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TDuration, pos)
| Ast.Date -> KDate, (Scopelang.Ast.TLit TDate, pos)
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error pos
"It is impossible to compute the %s of two values of type %a"
"ssible to compute the %s of two values of type %a"
(if max_or_min then "max" else "min")
Print.format_primitive_typ t
let cmp_op =
if max_or_min then Dcalc.Ast.Gt op_kind else Dcalc.Ast.Lt op_kind
if max_or_min then Gt op_kind else Lt op_kind
make_extr_body cmp_op typ
| Ast.Aggregate Ast.AggregateCount ->
@ -763,12 +764,12 @@ let rec translate_expr
( predicate,
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( ( Desugared.Ast.EOp
(Dcalc.Ast.Binop (Dcalc.Ast.Add Dcalc.Ast.KInt)),
(Binop (Add KInt)),
Marked.get_mark op' ),
( Desugared.Ast.ELit
(Dcalc.Ast.LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 1)),
(LInt (Runtime.integer_of_int 1)),
Marked.get_mark predicate );
] ),
pos ),
@ -778,7 +779,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
let f =
let make_f (t : Dcalc.Ast.typ_lit) =
let make_f (t : typ_lit) =
(fun binder ->
( Desugared.Ast.EAbs
@ -796,29 +797,29 @@ let rec translate_expr
match Marked.unmark op' with
| Ast.Map | Ast.Filter | Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateArgExtremum _) ->
assert false (* should not happen *)
| Ast.Exists -> make_f Dcalc.Ast.TBool
| Ast.Forall -> make_f Dcalc.Ast.TBool
| Ast.Exists -> make_f TBool
| Ast.Forall -> make_f TBool
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Integer)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (_, Ast.Integer, _)) ->
make_f Dcalc.Ast.TInt
make_f TInt
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Decimal)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (_, Ast.Decimal, _)) ->
make_f Dcalc.Ast.TRat
make_f TRat
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Money)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (_, Ast.Money, _)) ->
make_f Dcalc.Ast.TMoney
make_f TMoney
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum Ast.Duration)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum (_, Ast.Duration, _)) ->
make_f Dcalc.Ast.TDuration
make_f TDuration
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateSum _)
| Ast.Aggregate (Ast.AggregateExtremum _) ->
assert false (* should not happen *)
| Ast.Aggregate Ast.AggregateCount -> make_f Dcalc.Ast.TInt
| Ast.Aggregate Ast.AggregateCount -> make_f TInt
(fun f collection init ->
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Ternop Dcalc.Ast.Fold), pos),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Ternop Fold), pos),
[f; init; collection] ),
pos ))
f collection init
@ -826,17 +827,17 @@ let rec translate_expr
let param_var = Desugared.Ast.Var.make "collection_member" in
let param = Desugared.Ast.make_var (param_var, pos) in
let collection = rec_helper collection in
let init = Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool false), pos) in
let init = Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool false), pos) in
let acc_var = Desugared.Ast.Var.make "acc" in
let acc = Desugared.Ast.make_var (acc_var, pos) in
let f_body =
(fun member acc param ->
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop Dcalc.Ast.Or), pos),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop Or), pos),
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop Dcalc.Ast.Eq), pos),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop Eq), pos),
[member; param] ),
pos );
@ -851,7 +852,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
( Desugared.Ast.EAbs
( binder,
Scopelang.Ast.TLit Dcalc.Ast.TBool, pos;
Scopelang.Ast.TLit TBool, pos;
Scopelang.Ast.TAny, pos;
] ),
pos ))
@ -860,42 +861,42 @@ let rec translate_expr
(fun f collection init ->
( Desugared.Ast.EApp
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Ternop Dcalc.Ast.Fold), pos),
( (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Ternop Fold), pos),
[f; init; collection] ),
pos ))
f collection init
| Builtin IntToDec ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.IntToRat), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop IntToRat), pos)
| Builtin MoneyToDec ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.MoneyToRat), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop MoneyToRat), pos)
| Builtin DecToMoney ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.RatToMoney), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop RatToMoney), pos)
| Builtin Cardinal ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.Length), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop Length), pos)
| Builtin GetDay ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.GetDay), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop GetDay), pos)
| Builtin GetMonth ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.GetMonth), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop GetMonth), pos)
| Builtin GetYear ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.GetYear), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop GetYear), pos)
| Builtin FirstDayOfMonth ->
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.FirstDayOfMonth), pos)
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop FirstDayOfMonth), pos)
| Builtin LastDayOfMonth ->
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.LastDayOfMonth), pos)
(Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop LastDayOfMonth), pos)
| Builtin RoundMoney ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.RoundMoney), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop RoundMoney), pos)
| Builtin RoundDecimal ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Unop Dcalc.Ast.RoundDecimal), pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.EOp (Unop RoundDecimal), pos)
and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(inside_definition_of : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t Marked.pos option)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(cases : Ast.match_case Marked.pos list) :
Desugared.Ast.expr Marked.pos Bindlib.box Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.t
* Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t =
* EnumName.t =
let create_var = function
| None -> ctxt, Desugared.Ast.Var.make "_"
| Some param ->
@ -903,8 +904,8 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
ctxt, param_var
let bind_case_body
(c_uid : Dcalc.Ast.EnumConstructor.t)
(e_uid : Dcalc.Ast.EnumName.t)
(c_uid : EnumConstructor.t)
(e_uid : EnumName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(case_body : ('a * Pos.t) Bindlib.box)
(e_binder :
@ -917,7 +918,7 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
( e_binder,
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.find c_uid
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find e_uid ctxt.Name_resolution.enums);
(EnumMap.find e_uid ctxt.Name_resolution.enums);
] ))
e_binder case_body
@ -940,8 +941,8 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
(Marked.get_mark case.Ast.match_case_pattern)
"This case matches a constructor of enumeration %a but previous \
case were matching constructors of enumeration %a"
Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.format_t e_uid
Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.format_t e_uid'
EnumName.format_t e_uid
EnumName.format_t e_uid'
(match Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.find_opt c_uid cases_d with
| None -> ()
@ -952,7 +953,7 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
None, Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox e_case);
"The constructor %a has been matched twice:"
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.format_t c_uid);
EnumConstructor.format_t c_uid);
let ctxt, param_var = create_var (Option.map Marked.unmark binding) in
let case_body =
translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt case.Ast.match_case_expr
@ -983,7 +984,7 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
| Some e_uid ->
if curr_index < nb_cases - 1 then raise_wildcard_not_last_case_err ();
let missing_constructors =
Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.find e_uid ctxt.Name_resolution.enums
EnumMap.find e_uid ctxt.Name_resolution.enums
|> Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.filter_map (fun c_uid _ ->
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.find_opt c_uid cases_d
@ -995,7 +996,7 @@ and disambiguate_match_and_build_expression
Errors.format_spanned_warning case_pos
"Unreachable match case, all constructors of the enumeration %a \
are already specified"
Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.format_t e_uid;
EnumName.format_t e_uid;
(* The current used strategy is to replace the wildcard branch:
match foo with
| Case1 x -> x
@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ let merge_conditions
match precond, cond with
| Some precond, Some cond ->
let op_term =
( Desugared.Ast.EOp (Dcalc.Ast.Binop Dcalc.Ast.And),
( Desugared.Ast.EOp (Binop And),
Marked.get_mark (Bindlib.unbox cond) )
@ -1061,13 +1062,13 @@ let merge_conditions
| None, Some cond -> cond
| None, None ->
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true), default_pos)
Bindlib.box (Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool true), default_pos)
(** Translates a surface definition into condition into a desugared {!type:
Desugared.Ast.rule} *)
let process_default
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(def_key : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t Marked.pos)
(rule_id : Desugared.Ast.RuleName.t)
(param_uid : Desugared.Ast.Var.t Marked.pos option)
@ -1111,7 +1112,7 @@ let process_default
disambiguation *)
let process_def
(precond : Desugared.Ast.expr Marked.pos Bindlib.box option)
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(prgm : Desugared.Ast.program)
(def : Ast.definition) : Desugared.Ast.program =
@ -1200,7 +1201,7 @@ let process_def
(** Translates a {!type: Surface.Ast.rule} from the surface language *)
let process_rule
(precond : Desugared.Ast.expr Marked.pos Bindlib.box option)
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(prgm : Desugared.Ast.program)
(rule : Ast.rule) : Desugared.Ast.program =
@ -1210,7 +1211,7 @@ let process_rule
(** Translates assertions *)
let process_assert
(precond : Desugared.Ast.expr Marked.pos Bindlib.box option)
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(prgm : Desugared.Ast.program)
(ass : Ast.assertion) : Desugared.Ast.program =
@ -1236,7 +1237,7 @@ let process_assert
( Desugared.Ast.EIfThenElse
( precond,
Marked.same_mark_as (Desugared.Ast.ELit (Dcalc.Ast.LBool true))
Marked.same_mark_as (Desugared.Ast.ELit (LBool true))
precond ),
Marked.get_mark precond ))
precond ass
@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ let process_assert
(** Translates a surface definition, rule or assertion *)
let process_scope_use_item
(precond : Ast.expression Marked.pos option)
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(prgm : Desugared.Ast.program)
(item : Ast.scope_use_item Marked.pos) : Desugared.Ast.program =
@ -1270,7 +1271,7 @@ let process_scope_use_item
(* If this is an unlabeled exception, ensures that it has a unique default
definition *)
let check_unlabeled_exception
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(item : Ast.scope_use_item Marked.pos) : unit =
let scope_ctxt = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
@ -1353,10 +1354,10 @@ let desugar_program (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Ast.program) :
let empty_prgm =
Desugared.Ast.program_structs =
Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.map Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.bindings
StructMap.map Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldMap.bindings
Desugared.Ast.program_enums =
Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.map Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.bindings
EnumMap.map Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructorMap.bindings
Desugared.Ast.program_scopes =

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
lexical scopes into account *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Name resolution context} *)
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ type scope_context = {
(** What is the default rule to refer to for unnamed exceptions, if any *)
sub_scopes_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** Sub-scopes variables *)
sub_scopes : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
sub_scopes : ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
(** To what scope sub-scopes refer to? *)
(** Inside a scope, we distinguish between the variables and the subscopes. *)
@ -64,27 +65,27 @@ type context = {
local_var_idmap : Desugared.Ast.Var.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** Inside a definition, local variables can be introduced by functions
arguments or pattern matching *)
scope_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
scope_idmap : ScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the scopes *)
struct_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
struct_idmap : StructName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the structs *)
field_idmap :
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.t Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.t
StructFieldName.t StructMap.t
(** The names of the struct fields. Names of fields can be shared between
different structs *)
enum_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
enum_idmap : EnumName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the enums *)
constructor_idmap :
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.t Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.t
EnumConstructor.t EnumMap.t
(** The names of the enum constructors. Constructor names can be shared
between different enums *)
scopes : scope_context Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.t;
(** For each scope, its context *)
structs : struct_context Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.t;
structs : struct_context StructMap.t;
(** For each struct, its context *)
enums : enum_context Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.t;
enums : enum_context EnumMap.t;
(** For each enum, its context *)
var_typs : var_sig Desugared.Ast.ScopeVarMap.t;
(** The signatures of each scope variable declared *)
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ let get_var_io (ctxt : context) (uid : Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t) :
(** Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_var_uid
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
((x, pos) : ident Marked.pos) : Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t =
let scope = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
@ -128,13 +129,13 @@ let get_var_uid
| None ->
(Format.asprintf "for a variable of scope %a"
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.format_t scope_uid)
ScopeName.format_t scope_uid)
(x, pos)
| Some uid -> uid
(** Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_subscope_uid
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
((y, pos) : ident Marked.pos) : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t =
let scope = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ let get_subscope_uid
(** [is_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y] returns true if [y] belongs to the
subscopes of [scope_uid]. *)
let is_subscope_uid
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(y : ident) : bool =
let scope = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ let is_subscope_uid
let belongs_to
(ctxt : context)
(uid : Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t)
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t) : bool =
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t) : bool =
let scope = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
(fun _ var_uid -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.compare uid var_uid = 0)
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ let is_def_cond (ctxt : context) (def : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t) : bool =
(** Process a subscope declaration *)
let process_subscope_decl
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(decl : Ast.scope_decl_context_scope) : context =
let name, name_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_name in
@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ let process_type (ctxt : context) ((typ, typ_pos) : Ast.typ Marked.pos) :
(** Process data declaration *)
let process_data_decl
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(decl : Ast.scope_decl_context_data) : context =
(* First check the type of the context data *)
@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ let process_data_decl
(** Process an item declaration *)
let process_item_decl
(scope : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(decl : Ast.scope_decl_context_item) : context =
match decl with
@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ let process_struct_decl (ctxt : context) (sdecl : Ast.struct_decl) : context =
(fun ctxt (fdecl, _) ->
let f_uid =
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.fresh fdecl.Ast.struct_decl_field_name
StructFieldName.fresh fdecl.Ast.struct_decl_field_name
let ctxt =
@ -382,16 +383,16 @@ let process_struct_decl (ctxt : context) (sdecl : Ast.struct_decl) : context =
(Marked.unmark fdecl.Ast.struct_decl_field_name)
(fun uids ->
match uids with
| None -> Some (Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.singleton s_uid f_uid)
| None -> Some (StructMap.singleton s_uid f_uid)
| Some uids ->
Some (Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.add s_uid f_uid uids))
Some (StructMap.add s_uid f_uid uids))
ctxt with
structs =
Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.update s_uid
StructMap.update s_uid
(fun fields ->
match fields with
| None ->
@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ let process_enum_decl (ctxt : context) (edecl : Ast.enum_decl) : context =
(fun ctxt (cdecl, cdecl_pos) ->
let c_uid =
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.fresh cdecl.Ast.enum_decl_case_name
EnumConstructor.fresh cdecl.Ast.enum_decl_case_name
let ctxt =
@ -431,15 +432,15 @@ let process_enum_decl (ctxt : context) (edecl : Ast.enum_decl) : context =
(Marked.unmark cdecl.Ast.enum_decl_case_name)
(fun uids ->
match uids with
| None -> Some (Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.singleton e_uid c_uid)
| Some uids -> Some (Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.add e_uid c_uid uids))
| None -> Some (EnumMap.singleton e_uid c_uid)
| Some uids -> Some (EnumMap.add e_uid c_uid uids))
ctxt with
enums =
Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.update e_uid
EnumMap.update e_uid
(fun cases ->
let typ =
match cdecl.Ast.enum_decl_case_typ with
@ -475,10 +476,10 @@ let process_name_item (ctxt : context) (item : Ast.code_item Marked.pos) :
match Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_idmap with
| Some use ->
(Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.get_info use)
(ScopeName.get_info use)
name pos "scope"
| None ->
let scope_uid = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.fresh (name, pos) in
let scope_uid = ScopeName.fresh (name, pos) in
ctxt with
scope_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.add name scope_uid ctxt.scope_idmap;
@ -497,10 +498,10 @@ let process_name_item (ctxt : context) (item : Ast.code_item Marked.pos) :
match Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.struct_idmap with
| Some use ->
(Scopelang.Ast.StructName.get_info use)
(StructName.get_info use)
name pos "struct"
| None ->
let s_uid = Scopelang.Ast.StructName.fresh sdecl.struct_decl_name in
let s_uid = StructName.fresh sdecl.struct_decl_name in
ctxt with
struct_idmap =
@ -513,10 +514,10 @@ let process_name_item (ctxt : context) (item : Ast.code_item Marked.pos) :
match Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.enum_idmap with
| Some use ->
(Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.get_info use)
(EnumName.get_info use)
name pos "enum"
| None ->
let e_uid = Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.fresh edecl.enum_decl_name in
let e_uid = EnumName.fresh edecl.enum_decl_name in
ctxt with
@ -561,7 +562,7 @@ let rec process_law_structure
let get_def_key
(name : Ast.qident)
(state : Ast.ident Marked.pos option)
(scope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(scope_uid : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(default_pos : Pos.t) : Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t =
let scope_ctxt = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
@ -603,7 +604,7 @@ let get_def_key
let subscope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t =
get_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y
let subscope_real_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t =
let subscope_real_uid : ScopeName.t =
Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.find subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes
let x_uid = get_var_uid subscope_real_uid ctxt x in
@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ let get_def_key
let process_definition
(ctxt : context)
(s_name : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(s_name : ScopeName.t)
(d : Ast.definition) : context =
(* We update the definition context inside the big context *)
@ -725,7 +726,7 @@ let process_definition
let process_scope_use_item
(s_name : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t)
(s_name : ScopeName.t)
(ctxt : context)
(sitem : Ast.scope_use_item Marked.pos) : context =
match Marked.unmark sitem with
@ -764,10 +765,10 @@ let form_context (prgm : Ast.program) : context =
scope_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.empty;
scopes = Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.empty;
var_typs = Desugared.Ast.ScopeVarMap.empty;
structs = Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.empty;
structs = StructMap.empty;
struct_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.empty;
field_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.empty;
enums = Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.empty;
enums = EnumMap.empty;
enum_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.empty;
constructor_idmap = Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.empty;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
lexical scopes into account *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
(** {1 Name resolution context} *)
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ type scope_context = {
(** What is the default rule to refer to for unnamed exceptions, if any *)
sub_scopes_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** Sub-scopes variables *)
sub_scopes : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
sub_scopes : ScopeName.t Scopelang.Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
(** To what scope sub-scopes refer to? *)
(** Inside a scope, we distinguish between the variables and the subscopes. *)
@ -64,27 +65,27 @@ type context = {
local_var_idmap : Desugared.Ast.Var.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** Inside a definition, local variables can be introduced by functions
arguments or pattern matching *)
scope_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
scope_idmap : ScopeName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the scopes *)
struct_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.StructName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
struct_idmap : StructName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the structs *)
field_idmap :
Scopelang.Ast.StructFieldName.t Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.t
StructFieldName.t StructMap.t
(** The names of the struct fields. Names of fields can be shared between
different structs *)
enum_idmap : Scopelang.Ast.EnumName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
enum_idmap : EnumName.t Desugared.Ast.IdentMap.t;
(** The names of the enums *)
constructor_idmap :
Scopelang.Ast.EnumConstructor.t Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.t
EnumConstructor.t EnumMap.t
(** The names of the enum constructors. Constructor names can be shared
between different enums *)
scopes : scope_context Scopelang.Ast.ScopeMap.t;
(** For each scope, its context *)
structs : struct_context Scopelang.Ast.StructMap.t;
structs : struct_context StructMap.t;
(** For each struct, its context *)
enums : enum_context Scopelang.Ast.EnumMap.t;
enums : enum_context EnumMap.t;
(** For each enum, its context *)
var_typs : var_sig Desugared.Ast.ScopeVarMap.t;
(** The signatures of each scope variable declared *)
@ -110,25 +111,25 @@ val get_var_io :
context -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t -> Ast.scope_decl_context_io
val get_var_uid :
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t ->
ScopeName.t ->
context ->
ident Marked.pos ->
(** Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument *)
val get_subscope_uid :
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t ->
ScopeName.t ->
context ->
ident Marked.pos ->
(** Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument *)
val is_subscope_uid : Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t -> context -> ident -> bool
val is_subscope_uid : ScopeName.t -> context -> ident -> bool
(** [is_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y] returns true if [y] belongs to the
subscopes of [scope_uid]. *)
val belongs_to :
context -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t -> Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t -> bool
context -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeVar.t -> ScopeName.t -> bool
(** Checks if the var_uid belongs to the scope scope_uid *)
val get_def_typ : context -> Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.t -> typ Marked.pos
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ val add_def_local_var : context -> ident -> context * Desugared.Ast.Var.t
val get_def_key :
Ast.qident ->
Ast.ident Marked.pos option ->
Scopelang.Ast.ScopeName.t ->
ScopeName.t ->
context ->
Pos.t ->

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Dcalc
open Ast
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ let match_and_ignore_outer_reentrant_default (ctx : ctx) (e : typed marked_expr)
| ErrorOnEmpty d ->
d (* input subscope variables and non-input scope variable *)
| _ ->
Errors.raise_spanned_error (pos e)
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"Internal error: this expression does not have the structure expected by \
the VC generator:\n\
@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ let rec generate_verification_conditions_scopes
| ScopeDef scope_def ->
let is_selected_scope =
match s with
| Some s when Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.compare s scope_def.scope_name = 0 ->
| Some s when ScopeName.compare s scope_def.scope_name = 0 ->
| None -> true
| _ -> false
@ -416,7 +417,7 @@ let rec generate_verification_conditions_scopes
let generate_verification_conditions
(p : 'm program)
(s : Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.t option) : verification_condition list =
(s : ScopeName.t option) : verification_condition list =
let vcs = generate_verification_conditions_scopes p.decl_ctx p.scopes s in
(* We sort this list by scope name and then variable name to ensure consistent
output for testing*)

View File

@ -29,21 +29,21 @@ type verification_condition_kind =
a conflict error *)
type verification_condition = {
vc_guard : Dcalc.Ast.typed Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr;
vc_guard : typed Dcalc.Ast.marked_expr;
(** This expression should have type [bool]*)
vc_kind : verification_condition_kind;
vc_scope : Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.t;
vc_scope : ScopeName.t;
vc_variable : typed Dcalc.Ast.var Marked.pos;
vc_free_vars_typ :
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, Dcalc.Ast.typ Marked.pos) Var.Map.t;
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, typ Marked.pos) Var.Map.t;
(** Types of the locally free variables in [vc_guard]. The types of other
free variables linked to scope variables can be obtained with
[Dcalc.Ast.variable_types]. *)
val generate_verification_conditions :
Dcalc.Ast.typed Dcalc.Ast.program ->
Dcalc.Ast.ScopeName.t option ->
typed Dcalc.Ast.program ->
ScopeName.t option ->
verification_condition list
(** [generate_verification_conditions p None] will generate the verification
conditions for all the variables of all the scopes of the program [p], while

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Dcalc.Ast
module type Backend = sig
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ module type BackendIO = sig
val encode_and_check_vc :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Conditions.verification_condition * vc_encoding_result ->
@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ module MakeBackendIO (B : Backend) = struct
let vc, z3_vc = vc in
Cli.debug_print "For this variable:\n%s\n"
(Pos.retrieve_loc_text (pos vc.Conditions.vc_guard));
(Pos.retrieve_loc_text (Expr.pos vc.Conditions.vc_guard));
Cli.debug_format "This verification condition was generated for %a:@\n%a"
(Cli.format_with_style [ANSITerminal.yellow])
(match vc.vc_kind with

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ module type Backend = sig
type backend_context
val make_context :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, Dcalc.Ast.typ Utils.Marked.pos) Var.Map.t ->
decl_ctx ->
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, typ Utils.Marked.pos) Var.Map.t ->
type vc_encoding
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ module type BackendIO = sig
type backend_context
val make_context :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, Dcalc.Ast.typ Utils.Marked.pos) Var.Map.t ->
decl_ctx ->
(typed Dcalc.Ast.expr, typ Utils.Marked.pos) Var.Map.t ->
type vc_encoding
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module type BackendIO = sig
val encode_and_check_vc :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx ->
decl_ctx ->
Conditions.verification_condition * vc_encoding_result ->

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open Dcalc.Ast
expressions [vcs] corresponding to verification conditions that must be
discharged by Z3, and attempts to solve them **)
let solve_vc
(decl_ctx : decl_ctx)
(decl_ctx : Shared_ast.decl_ctx)
(vcs : Conditions.verification_condition list) : unit =
(* Right now we only use the Z3 backend but the functorial interface should
make it easy to mix and match different proof backends. *)

View File

@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
(** Solves verification conditions using various proof backends *)
val solve_vc :
Dcalc.Ast.decl_ctx -> Conditions.verification_condition list -> unit
Shared_ast.decl_ctx -> Conditions.verification_condition list -> unit

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
the License. *)
open Utils
open Shared_ast
open Dcalc
open Ast
open Z3
@ -428,7 +429,7 @@ let rec translate_op
(Print.format_expr ctx.ctx_decl)
( EApp
( (EOp op, Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }),
List.map (fun arg -> Bindlib.unbox (untype_expr arg)) args ),
List.map (fun arg -> Bindlib.unbox (Shared_ast.Expr.untype arg)) args ),
Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos } ))
@ -520,7 +521,7 @@ let rec translate_op
( EApp
( (EOp op, Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }),
(fun arg -> arg |> untype_expr |> Bindlib.unbox)
(fun arg -> arg |> Shared_ast.Expr.untype |> Bindlib.unbox)
args ),
Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos } ))
@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ let rec translate_op
( EApp
( (EOp op, Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos }),
(fun arg -> arg |> untype_expr |> Bindlib.unbox)
(fun arg -> arg |> Shared_ast.Expr.untype |> Bindlib.unbox)
args ),
Untyped { pos = Pos.no_pos } ))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(lang dune 2.8)
(lang dune 3.0)
(name catala)

View File

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ let run_test () =
exit (-1)
| Runtime.AssertionFailed _ -> ()
let bench =
let _bench =
Random.init (int_of_float (Unix.time ()));
let num_iter = 10000 in
let _ =

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(pps js_of_ocaml-ppx))
(flags --disable=shortvar --opt 3))
(flags :standard --disable=shortvar --opt 3))
; We need to disable shortvar because
; otherwise Webpack wrongly minifies
; the library and it gives bugs.