Support for list recombinations

The primary use-case for this was to be able to run computations on a list of
structures, then return an updated list with some fields in the structures
modified : that is what we need for distribution of tax amounts among household
members, for example.

This patch has a few components:

- Addition of a test as an example for tax distributions

- Added a transformation, performed during desugaring, that -- where lists are
  syntactically expected, i.e. after the `among` keyword -- turns a (syntactic)
  tuple of lists into a list of tuples ("zipping" the lists)

- Arg-extremum transformation was also fixed to use an intermediate list instead
  of computing the predicate twice

- For convenience, allow to bind multiple variables in most* list
  operations (previously only `let in` and functions allowed it)

- Fixed the printer for tuples to differentiate them from lists

*Note: tuples are not yet allowed on the left-hand side of filters and
arg-extremums for annoying syntax conflict reasons.
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-01-25 17:37:00 +01:00
parent 13bc62a561
commit 371f9554b8
13 changed files with 359 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -226,6 +226,40 @@ let rec translate_expr
let rec_helper ?(local_vars = local_vars) e =
translate_expr scope inside_definition_of ctxt local_vars e
let rec detuplify_list = function
(* Where a list is expected (e.g. after [among]), as syntactic sugar, if a
tuple is found instead we transpose it into a list of tuples *)
| S.Tuple ls, pos ->
let m = Untyped { pos } in
let ls = detuplify_list ls in
let rec zip = function
| [] -> assert false
| [l] -> l
| l1 :: r ->
let rhs = zip r in
let rtys, explode =
match List.length r with
| 1 -> (TAny, pos), fun e -> [e]
| size ->
( (TTuple ( (fun _ -> TAny, pos) r), pos),
fun e ->
List.init size (fun index ->
Expr.etupleaccess ~e ~size ~index m) )
let tys = [TAny, pos; rtys] in
let f_join =
let x1 = Var.make "x1" and x2 = Var.make "x2" in
Expr.make_abs [| x1; x2 |]
(Expr.make_tuple (Expr.evar x1 m :: explode (Expr.evar x2 m)) m)
tys pos
Expr.eappop ~op:Map2 ~args:[f_join; l1; rhs]
~tys:((TAny, pos) :: (fun ty -> TArray ty, pos) tys)
zip ls
| e -> rec_helper e
let pos = Mark.get expr in
let emark = Untyped { pos } in
match Mark.remove expr with
@ -629,16 +663,39 @@ let rec translate_expr
| ArrayLit es -> Expr.earray ( rec_helper es) emark
| Tuple es -> Expr.etuple ( rec_helper es) emark
| CollectionOp (((S.Filter { f } | S.Map { f }) as op), collection) ->
let collection = rec_helper collection in
let param_name, predicate = f in
let param = Var.make (Mark.remove param_name) in
let local_vars = Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove param_name) param local_vars in
let collection = detuplify_list collection in
let param_names, predicate = f in
let params = (fun n -> Var.make (Mark.remove n)) param_names in
let local_vars =
(fun vars n p -> Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove n) p vars)
local_vars param_names params
let f_pred =
Expr.make_abs [| param |]
Expr.make_abs (Array.of_list params)
(rec_helper ~local_vars predicate)
[TAny, pos]
( (fun _ -> TAny, pos) params)
let f_pred =
(* Detuplification (TODO: check if we couldn't fit this in the general
detuplification later) *)
match List.length param_names with
| 1 -> f_pred
| nb_args ->
let v =
Var.make (String.concat "_" ( Mark.remove param_names))
let x = Expr.evar v emark in
let tys = (fun _ -> TAny, pos) param_names in
Expr.make_abs [| v |]
(Expr.make_app f_pred
(List.init nb_args (fun i ->
Expr.etupleaccess ~e:x ~index:i ~size:nb_args emark))
tys pos)
[TAny, pos]
(match op with
@ -648,49 +705,69 @@ let rec translate_expr
~tys:[TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
~args:[f_pred; collection] emark
| CollectionOp
( S.AggregateArgExtremum { max; default; f = param_name, predicate },
( S.AggregateArgExtremum { max; default; f = param_names, predicate },
collection ) ->
let default = rec_helper default in
let pos_dft = Expr.pos default in
let collection = rec_helper collection in
let param = Var.make (Mark.remove param_name) in
let local_vars = Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove param_name) param local_vars in
let collection = detuplify_list collection in
let params = (fun n -> Var.make (Mark.remove n)) param_names in
let local_vars =
(fun vars n p -> Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove n) p vars)
local_vars param_names params
let cmp_op = if max then Op.Gt else Op.Lt in
let f_pred =
Expr.make_abs [| param |]
Expr.make_abs (Array.of_list params)
(rec_helper ~local_vars predicate)
[TAny, pos]
let param_name = Bindlib.name_of param in
let v1, v2 = Var.make (param_name ^ "_1"), Var.make (param_name ^ "_2") in
let x1 = Expr.make_var v1 emark in
let x2 = Expr.make_var v2 emark in
let add_weight_f =
let vs = (fun p -> Var.make (Bindlib.name_of p)) params in
let xs = (fun v -> Expr.evar v emark) vs in
let x = match xs with [x] -> x | xs -> Expr.etuple xs emark in
Expr.make_abs (Array.of_list vs)
(Expr.make_tuple [x; Expr.eapp ~f:f_pred ~args:xs ~tys:[] emark] emark)
[TAny, pos]
let reduce_f =
(* fun x1 x2 -> cmp_op (pred x1) (pred x2) *)
(* Note: this computes f_pred twice on every element, but we'd rather not
rely on returning tuples here *)
(* fun x1 x2 -> if cmp_op (x1.2) (x2.2) cmp *)
let v1, v2 = Var.make "x1", Var.make "x2" in
let x1, x2 = Expr.make_var v1 emark, Expr.make_var v2 emark in
Expr.make_abs [| v1; v2 |]
(Expr.eappop ~op:cmp_op
~tys:[TAny, pos_dft; TAny, pos_dft]
Expr.eapp ~f:f_pred ~args:[x1] ~tys:[] emark;
Expr.eapp ~f:f_pred ~args:[x2] ~tys:[] emark;
Expr.etupleaccess ~e:x1 ~index:1 ~size:2 emark;
Expr.etupleaccess ~e:x2 ~index:1 ~size:2 emark;
x1 x2 emark)
[TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
Expr.eappop ~op:Reduce
~tys:[TAny, pos; TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
~args:[reduce_f; default; collection]
let weights_var = Var.make "weights" in
let default = Expr.make_app add_weight_f [default] [TAny, pos] pos_dft in
let weighted_result =
Expr.make_let_in weights_var
(TArray (TTuple [TAny, pos; TAny, pos], pos), pos)
(Expr.eappop ~op:Map
~tys:[TAny, pos; TArray (TAny, pos), pos]
~args:[add_weight_f; collection] emark)
(Expr.eappop ~op:Reduce
~tys:[TAny, pos; TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
~args:[reduce_f; default; Expr.evar weights_var emark]
Expr.etupleaccess ~e:weighted_result ~index:0 ~size:2 emark
| CollectionOp
(((Exists { predicate } | Forall { predicate }) as op), collection) ->
let collection = rec_helper collection in
let collection = detuplify_list collection in
let init, op =
match op with
| Exists _ -> false, S.Or
@ -698,14 +775,21 @@ let rec translate_expr
| _ -> assert false
let init = Expr.elit (LBool init) emark in
let param0, predicate = predicate in
let param = Var.make (Mark.remove param0) in
let local_vars = Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove param0) param local_vars in
let params0, predicate = predicate in
let params = (fun n -> Var.make (Mark.remove n)) params0 in
let local_vars =
(fun vars n p -> Ident.Map.add (Mark.remove n) p vars)
local_vars params0 params
let f =
let acc_var = Var.make "acc" in
let acc = Expr.make_var acc_var (Untyped { pos = Mark.get param0 }) in
let acc =
Expr.make_var acc_var (Untyped { pos = Mark.get (List.hd params0) })
(Expr.bind [| acc_var; param |]
(Array.of_list (acc_var :: params))
(translate_binop (op, pos) pos acc
(rec_helper ~local_vars predicate)))
[TAny, pos; TAny, pos]
@ -766,7 +850,7 @@ let rec translate_expr
| MemCollection (member, collection) ->
let param_var = Var.make "collection_member" in
let param = Expr.make_var param_var emark in
let collection = rec_helper collection in
let collection = detuplify_list collection in
let init = Expr.elit (LBool false) emark in
let acc_var = Var.make "acc" in
let acc = Expr.make_var acc_var emark in

View File

@ -204,7 +204,15 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
(fun e1 e2 ->
(Mark.add m
(EApp { f; args = [e1; e2]; tys = [Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get e1); Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get e2)] })))
args = [e1; e2];
tys =
Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get e1); Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get e2);
es1 es2)
| Reduce, [_; default; (EArray [], _)] -> Mark.remove default
| Reduce, [f; _; (EArray (x0 :: xn), _)] ->
@ -257,7 +265,8 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
init es)
| (Length | Log _ | Eq | Map | Map2 | Concat | Filter | Fold | Reduce), _ -> err ()
| (Length | Log _ | Eq | Map | Map2 | Concat | Filter | Fold | Reduce), _ ->
err ()
| Not, [(ELit (LBool b), _)] -> ELit (LBool (o_not b))
| GetDay, [(ELit (LDate d), _)] -> ELit (LInt (o_getDay d))
| GetMonth, [(ELit (LDate d), _)] -> ELit (LInt (o_getMonth d))

View File

@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ type 'a no_overloads =
let translate (t : 'a no_overloads t) : 'b no_overloads t =
match t with
| ( Not | GetDay | GetMonth | GetYear | FirstDayOfMonth | LastDayOfMonth | And
| Or | Xor | HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Log _ | Length | Eq | Map | Map2
| Concat | Filter | Reduce | Fold | Minus_int | Minus_rat | Minus_mon
| Or | Xor | HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Log _ | Length | Eq | Map
| Map2 | Concat | Filter | Reduce | Fold | Minus_int | Minus_rat | Minus_mon
| Minus_dur | ToRat_int | ToRat_mon | ToMoney_rat | Round_rat | Round_mon
| Add_int_int | Add_rat_rat | Add_mon_mon | Add_dat_dur _ | Add_dur_dur
| Sub_int_int | Sub_rat_rat | Sub_mon_mon | Sub_dat_dat | Sub_dat_dur

View File

@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ module Precedence = struct
| Div | Div_int_int | Div_rat_rat | Div_mon_rat | Div_mon_mon
| Div_dur_dur ->
Op Div
| HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Map | Map2 | Concat | Filter | Reduce | Fold
| ToClosureEnv | FromClosureEnv ->
| HandleDefault | HandleDefaultOpt | Map | Map2 | Concat | Filter | Reduce
| Fold | ToClosureEnv | FromClosureEnv ->
| EApp _ -> App
| EArray _ -> Contained
@ -1090,12 +1090,18 @@ module UserFacing = struct
ppf e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit l -> lit lang ppf l
| EArray l | ETuple l ->
| EArray l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>[@,@[<hov>%a@]@;<0 -2>]@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ";@ ")
(value ~fallback lang))
| ETuple l ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>(@,@[<hov>%a@]@;<0 -2>)@]"
~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf ",@ ")
(value ~fallback lang))
| EStruct { name; fields } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>%a {@ %a@;<1 -2>}@]" StructName.format name
(StructField.Map.format_bindings ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space

View File

@ -755,9 +755,9 @@ and typecheck_expr_top_down :
| A.EAbs { binder; tys = t_args } ->
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder <> List.length t_args then
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e)
"function has %d variables but was supplied %d types"
"function has %d variables but was supplied %d types\n%a"
(Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder)
(List.length t_args)
(List.length t_args) Expr.format e
let tau_args = ast_to_typ t_args in
let t_ret = unionfind (TAny (Any.fresh ())) in

View File

@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ and literal =
| LDate of literal_date
and collection_op =
| Exists of { predicate : lident Mark.pos * expression }
| Forall of { predicate : lident Mark.pos * expression }
| Map of { f : lident Mark.pos * expression }
| Filter of { f : lident Mark.pos * expression }
| Exists of { predicate : lident Mark.pos list * expression }
| Forall of { predicate : lident Mark.pos list * expression }
| Map of { f : lident Mark.pos list * expression }
| Filter of { f : lident Mark.pos list * expression }
| AggregateSum of { typ : primitive_typ }
(* it would be nice to remove the need for specifying the and here like for
extremums, but we need an additionl overload for "neutral element for
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ and collection_op =
| AggregateArgExtremum of {
max : bool;
default : expression;
f : lident Mark.pos * expression;
f : lident Mark.pos list * expression;
and explicit_match_case = {

View File

@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ let qlident :=
| id = lident ; { [], id }
let mbinder ==
| id = lident ; { [id] }
| LPAREN ; ids = separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,lident) ; RPAREN ; <>
let expression :=
| e = addpos(naked_expression) ; <>
@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ let naked_expression ==
CollectionOp (AggregateSum { typ = Mark.remove typ }, coll)
} %prec apply
| f = expression ;
FOR ; i = lident ;
FOR ; i = mbinder ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Map {f = i, f}, coll)
} %prec apply
@ -234,12 +238,12 @@ let naked_expression ==
e2 = expression ; {
Binop (binop, e1, e2)
| EXISTS ; i = lident ;
| EXISTS ; i = mbinder ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; predicate = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Exists {predicate = i, predicate}, coll)
} %prec let_expr
| FOR ; ALL ; i = lident ;
| FOR ; ALL ; i = mbinder ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
WE_HAVE ; predicate = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Forall {predicate = i, predicate}, coll)
@ -254,28 +258,28 @@ let naked_expression ==
ELSE ; e3 = expression ; {
IfThenElse (e1, e2, e3)
} %prec let_expr
| LET ; ids = separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,lident) ;
| LET ; ids = mbinder ;
DEFINED_AS ; e1 = expression ;
IN ; e2 = expression ; {
LetIn (ids, e1, e2)
} %prec let_expr
| i = lident ;
| i = lident ; (* FIXME: should be mbinder *)
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; f = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Filter {f = i, f}, coll)
CollectionOp (Filter {f = [i], f}, coll)
} %prec top_expr
| fmap = expression ;
FOR ; i = lident ;
FOR ; i = mbinder ;
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; ffilt = expression ; {
CollectionOp (Map {f = i, fmap}, (CollectionOp (Filter {f = i, ffilt}, coll), Pos.from_lpos $loc))
} %prec top_expr
| i = lident ;
| i = lident ; (* FIXME: should be mbinder *)
AMONG ; coll = expression ;
SUCH ; THAT ; f = expression ;
IS ; max = minmax ;
OR ; IF ; LIST_EMPTY ; THEN ; default = expression ; {
CollectionOp (AggregateArgExtremum { max; default; f = i, f }, coll)
CollectionOp (AggregateArgExtremum { max; default; f = [i], f }, coll)
} %prec top_expr

View File

@ -661,7 +661,9 @@ module Oper = struct
let o_xor : bool -> bool -> bool = ( <> )
let o_eq = ( = )
let o_map =
let o_map2 f a b = try Array.map2 f a b with Invalid_argument _ -> raise NotSameLength
let o_map2 f a b =
try Array.map2 f a b with Invalid_argument _ -> raise NotSameLength
let o_reduce f dft a =
let len = Array.length a in

View File

@ -72,18 +72,19 @@ let scope S (x: integer|internal|output) =
map (λ (i: integer) → to_rat i) [1; 2; 3])
= 3.;
assert (reduce
(λ (i_1: integer) (i_2: integer) →
(let i : integer = i_1 in
to_rat ((2 - i) * (2 - i)))
< let i : integer = i_2 in
to_rat ((2 - i) * (2 - i))
else i_2)
[1; 2; 3])
assert (let weights : list of (integer * decimal) =
map (λ (i: integer) →
(i, let i1 : integer = i in
to_rat ((2 - i1) * (2 - i1))))
[1; 2; 3]
(λ (x1: (integer * decimal)) (x2: (integer * decimal)) →
if x1.1 < x2.1 then x1 else x2)
let i : integer = 42 in
(i, let i1 : integer = i in
to_rat ((2 - i1) * (2 - i1)))
= 2

View File

@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ $ catala Lcalc -s S --avoid-exceptions -O --closure-conversion
let scope S (S_in: S_in {x_in: list of integer}): S {y: integer} =
let get x : list of integer = S_in.x_in in
let set y : integer =
(λ (potential_max_1: integer) (potential_max_2: integer) →
if potential_max_1 < potential_max_2 then potential_max_1
else potential_max_2)
(λ (x1: (integer * integer)) (x2: (integer * integer)) →
if x1.1 < x2.1 then x1 else x2)
let potential_max : integer = -1 in
(potential_max, potential_max)
map (λ (potential_max: integer) → (potential_max, potential_max)) x).0
return { S y = y; }
@ -57,18 +57,21 @@ let scope S (S_in: S_in {x_in: list of integer}): S {y: integer} =
(λ (_: unit) → true)
(λ (_: unit) →
(λ (potential_max_1: integer) (potential_max_2: integer) →
(let potential_max : integer = potential_max_1 in
< let potential_max : integer = potential_max_2 in
else potential_max_2)
(let weights : list of (integer * integer) =
map (λ (potential_max: integer) →
let potential_max1 : integer = potential_max in
(λ (x1: (integer * integer)) (x2: (integer * integer)) →
if x1.1 < x2.1 then x1 else x2)
let potential_max : integer = -1 in
let potential_max1 : integer = potential_max in
(λ (_: unit) → false)
(λ (_: unit) → ENone ()))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
> Using Prorata_external as Ext
declaration structure HouseholdMember:
data birthdate content date
data revenue content money
declaration structure HouseholdMemberTaxed:
data member content HouseholdMember
data tax content money
declaration individual_tax_amount content list of HouseholdMemberTaxed
depends on members content list of HouseholdMember,
tax_to_distribute content money
let revenues equals member.revenue for member among members in
let distributed_tax equals Ext.prorata of tax_to_distribute, revenues in
HouseholdMemberTaxed {
-- member: member
-- tax: tax_amount
for (member, tax_amount) among (members, distributed_tax)
declaration scope S:
output result content list of HouseholdMemberTaxed
scope S:
definition result equals
individual_tax_amount of
[ HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: |2000-01-01| -- revenue: $10000 };
HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: |2000-01-02| -- revenue: $1000 };
HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: |2000-01-02| -- revenue: $100 } ],
$ catala typecheck --check-invariants
[RESULT] All invariant checks passed
[RESULT] Typechecking successful!
$ catala interpret -s S
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
result =
HouseholdMemberTaxed {
-- member:
HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: 2000-01-01 -- revenue: $10,000.00 }
-- tax: $270.27
HouseholdMemberTaxed {
-- member:
HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: 2000-01-02 -- revenue: $1,000.00 }
-- tax: $27.03
HouseholdMemberTaxed {
-- member:
HouseholdMember { -- birthdate: 2000-01-02 -- revenue: $100.00 }
-- tax: $2.70

View File

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ declaration f2 content decimal
match en with pattern
-- One of str1:
let a, w equals str.x1 in
let b, w equals str1.x1 in
let (a, w) equals str.x1 in
let (b, w) equals str1.x1 in
a / b
-- Two of z:
let z1, z2 equals z in z1 / 2
let (z1, z2) equals z in z1 / 2
declaration scope Test:
output o content (date, decimal)
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ $ catala typecheck --check-invariants
$ catala interpret -s Test
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] o = [2001-01-03; 6.0]
[RESULT] o = (2001-01-03, 6.0)
$ catala interpret_lcalc -s Test
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
[RESULT] o = [2001-01-03; 6.0]
[RESULT] o = (2001-01-03, 6.0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
declaration lis1 content list of decimal equals
[ 12.; 13.; 14.; 15.; 16.; 17. ]
declaration lis2 content list of money equals
[ $10; $1; $100; $42; $17; $10 ]
declaration lis3 content list of money equals
[ $20; $200; $10; $23; $25; $12 ]
declaration tlist content list of (decimal, money, money) equals
(a, b, c) for (a, b, c) among (lis1, lis2, lis3)
declaration grok
content (money, decimal)
depends on dec content decimal,
mon1 content money,
mon2 content money
(mon1 * dec, mon1 / mon2)
declaration scope S:
output r1 content list of (money, decimal)
output r2 content list of (money, decimal)
output r3 content list of (money, decimal)
output r4 content list of (money, decimal)
output r5 content list of (money, decimal)
output r6 content list of (money, decimal)
scope S:
definition r1 equals (grok of x) for x among tlist
definition r2 equals (grok of x) for x among (lis1, lis2, lis3)
definition r3 equals (grok of (x, y, z)) for (x, y, z) among (lis1, lis2, lis3)
definition r4 equals (x * y, y / z) for (x, y, z) among tlist
definition r5 equals (x * y, y / z) for (x, y, z) among (lis1, lis2, lis3)
definition r6 equals
let lis12 equals (x, y) for (x, y) among (lis1, lis2) in
(let (x, y) equals xy in (x * y, y / z))
for (xy, z) among (lis12, lis3)
$ catala typecheck
[RESULT] Typechecking successful!
$ catala interpret -s S
[RESULT] Computation successful! Results:
r1 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)
r2 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)
r3 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)
r4 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)
r5 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)
r6 =
($120.00, 0.5); ($13.00, 0.005); ($1,400.00, 10.0);
($630.00, 1.826,086,956,521,739,130,4…); ($272.00, 0.68);
($170.00, 0.833,333,333,333,333,333,33…)