Clerk reports: postprocess diff output

This relies less on specific color flags of GNU diff, and reformats and
colorises the output.
(it may still depend on the specific layout of GNU diff with the `-y` flag
This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-06-21 15:41:44 +02:00
parent 8a6206363e
commit 38a93424a8
3 changed files with 101 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -69,31 +69,87 @@ let has_command cmd =
let check_cmd = Printf.sprintf "type %s >/dev/null 2>&1" cmd in
Sys.command check_cmd = 0
let longuest_common_prefix_length s1 s2 =
let len = min (String.length s1) (String.length s2) in
let rec aux i =
if i >= len then i
let c1 = String.get_utf_8_uchar s1 i in
let c2 = String.get_utf_8_uchar s2 i in
if c1 = c2 then aux (i + Uchar.utf_decode_length c1) else i
aux 0
let diff_command =
&& has_command "patdiff"
&& Message.has_color stdout
then ["patdiff"; "-alt-old"; "expected"; "-alt-new"; "result"]
(* "--suppress-common-lines"; "--horizon-lines=3"; *)
string_of_int (Message.terminal_columns () - 5);
(* "-b"; *)
("--color=" ^ if Message.has_color stdout then "always" else "never");
&& has_command "patdiff"
&& Message.has_color stdout
( ["patdiff"; "-alt-old"; "expected"; "-alt-new"; "result"],
fun ppf s ->
|> String.split_on_char '\n'
|> List.filter (( <> ) "")
|> Format.pp_print_list Format.pp_print_string ppf )
let width = Message.terminal_columns () - 5 in
( [
string_of_int (Message.terminal_columns () - 5);
fun ppf s ->
let mid = (width - 1) / 2 in
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<blue;ul>%*sReference%*s│%*sResult%*s@}@,"
((mid - 9) / 2)
(mid - 9 - ((mid - 9) / 2))
((width - mid - 7) / 2)
(width - mid - 7 - ((width - mid - 7) / 2))
|> String.trim_end
|> String.split_on_char '\n'
|> Format.pp_print_list
(fun ppf li ->
let rec find_cut col index =
if index >= String.length li then None
else if col = mid then Some index
let c = String.get_utf_8_uchar li index in
find_cut (col + 1) (index + Uchar.utf_decode_length c)
match find_cut 0 0 with
| None ->
if li = "" then Format.fprintf ppf "%*s@{<blue>│@}" mid ""
else Format.pp_print_string ppf li
| Some i -> (
let l, c, r =
( String.sub li 0 i,
String.sub li (i + 1) (String.length li - i - 1) )
match c with
| ' ' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}%s" l r
| '>' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}@{<red>%s@}" l r
| '<' -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}@{<red>-@}" l
| '|' ->
let w = longuest_common_prefix_length (" " ^ l) r in
Format.fprintf ppf "%s@{<blue>│@}%s@{<red>%s@}" l
(String.sub r 0 w)
(String.sub r w (String.length r - w))
| _ -> Format.pp_print_string ppf li))
ppf )
let get_diff p1 p2 =
let print_diff ppf p1 p2 =
let get_str (pstart, pend) =
assert (pstart.Lexing.pos_fname = pend.Lexing.pos_fname);
File.with_in_channel pstart.Lexing.pos_fname
@ -106,9 +162,10 @@ let get_diff p1 p2 =
File.with_temp_file "clerk_diff" "b" ~contents:(get_str p2)
@@ fun f2 ->
match Lazy.force diff_command with
| [] -> assert false
| cmd :: args ->
| [], _ -> assert false
| cmd :: args, printer ->
File.process_out ~check_exit:(fun _ -> ()) cmd (args @ [f1; f2])
|> printer ppf
let catala_commands_with_output_flag =
["makefile"; "html"; "latex"; "ocaml"; "python"; "r"; "c"]
@ -155,10 +212,7 @@ let display ~build_dir file ppf t =
print_command ();
if disp_flags.diffs then (
Format.pp_print_cut ppf ();
get_diff t.expected t.result
|> String.split_on_char '\n'
|> List.filter (( <> ) "")
|> Format.pp_print_list Format.pp_print_string ppf));
print_diff ppf t.expected t.result));
Format.pp_close_box ppf ()
let display_file ~build_dir ppf t =
@ -255,7 +309,8 @@ let summary ~build_dir tests =
result_box (fun box ->
box.print_line "@{<ul>%-5s %10s %10s %10s@}" "" "FAILED" "PASSED" "TOTAL";
if files > 1 then
box.print_line "%-5s @{<red;bold>%a@} @{<green;bold>%a@} %10d@}" "files"
box.print_line "%-5s @{<red;bold>%a@} @{<green;bold>%a@} @{<bold>%10d@}"
(fun ppf -> function
| 0 -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<green>%10d@}" 0
| n -> Format.fprintf ppf "%10d" n)
@ -264,7 +319,8 @@ let summary ~build_dir tests =
| 0 -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<red>%10d@}" 0
| n -> Format.fprintf ppf "%10d" n)
success_files files;
box.print_line "%-5s @{<red;bold>%a@} @{<green;bold>%a@} %10d" "tests"
box.print_line "%-5s @{<red;bold>%a@} @{<green;bold>%a@} @{<bold>%10d@}"
(fun ppf -> function
| 0 -> Format.fprintf ppf "@{<green>%10d@}" 0
| n -> Format.fprintf ppf "%10d" n)

View File

@ -50,6 +50,18 @@ let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
sub s plen (length s - plen)
else s
let trim_end s =
let rec stop n =
if n < 0 then n
match get s n with
| ' ' | '\x0c' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> stop (n - 1)
| _ -> n
let last = length s - 1 in
let i = stop last in
if i = last then s else sub s 0 (i + 1)
(* Note: this should do, but remains incorrect for combined unicode characters
that display as one (e.g. `e` + postfix `'`). We should switch to Uuseg at
some poing *)

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@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ val remove_prefix : prefix:string -> string -> string
- if [str] starts with [prefix], a string [s] such that [prefix ^ s = str]
- otherwise, [str] unchanged *)
val trim_end : string -> string
(** Like [Stdlib.String.trim], but only trims at the end of the string *)
val format : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val width : string -> int