Compiling blocks to SCalc

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-06-22 18:16:47 +02:00
parent 1313183353
commit 46717b0440
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 66 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ build_french_law_library_js: generate_french_law_library_ocaml format
cp -f $(ROOT_DIR)/_build/default/$(FRENCH_LAW_OCAML_LIB_DIR)/api_web.bc.js $(FRENCH_LAW_JS_LIB_DIR)/french_law.js
#> generate_french_law_library_python : Generates the French law library Python sources from Catala

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@ -32,14 +32,16 @@ type expr =
type stmt =
| SInnerFuncDef of func
| SLocalDecl of LocalVarName.t Pos.marked * D.typ Pos.marked
| SLocalDef of LocalVarName.t Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked
| STryExcept of block Pos.marked * L.except * block Pos.marked
| SRaise of L.except
| SIfThenElse of expr Pos.marked * block Pos.marked * block Pos.marked
| SSwitch of expr Pos.marked * D.EnumName.t * block Pos.marked list
(** Each block corresponds to one case of the enum *)
| SReturn of expr Pos.marked
| SAssert of expr Pos.marked
| SReturn of expr
| SBlock of block
| SAssert of expr
and block = stmt Pos.marked list

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@ -23,8 +23,66 @@ type ctxt = {
inside_definition_of : A.LocalVarName.t list;
let translate_block (ctxt : ctxt) (block_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : A.block Pos.marked =
assert false
let translate_expr (_ctxt : ctxt) (_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : A.expr Pos.marked = assert false
let rec translate_block (ctxt : ctxt) (block_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) : A.block Pos.marked =
match Pos.unmark block_expr with
| L.EApp ((L.EAbs ((binder, binder_pos), taus), eabs_pos), args) ->
(* This defines multiple local variables at the time *)
let vars, body = Bindlib.unmbind binder in
let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> (x, tau)) (Array.to_list vars) taus in
let ctxt =
ctxt with
var_dict =
(fun var_dict (x, _) ->
L.VarMap.add x (A.LocalVarName.fresh (Bindlib.name_of x, binder_pos)) var_dict)
ctxt.var_dict vars_tau;
let local_decls =
(fun (x, tau) ->
(A.SLocalDecl ((L.VarMap.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau), eabs_pos))
let vars_args =
(fun (x, _) arg -> ((L.VarMap.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), arg))
vars_tau args
let def_blocks =
(fun (x, arg) ->
let ctxt =
{ ctxt with inside_definition_of = Pos.unmark x :: ctxt.inside_definition_of }
translate_block ctxt arg)
let rest_of_block = translate_block ctxt body in
( local_decls
@ (fun def -> (A.SBlock (Pos.unmark def), Pos.get_position def)) def_blocks
@ Pos.unmark rest_of_block,
Pos.get_position rest_of_block )
| _ -> (
(* We have reached the bottom of the L.expr, which means that we have to return it. If we are
at the top-level block of the function, we insert a return statement. But if this block was
used inside the definition of a local var, we define this local var (which should be on top
of the stack) *)
match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
| hd :: _ ->
( [
( A.SLocalDef (Pos.same_pos_as hd block_expr, translate_expr ctxt block_expr),
Pos.get_position block_expr );
Pos.get_position block_expr )
| [] ->
( [
(A.SReturn (Pos.unmark (translate_expr ctxt block_expr)), Pos.get_position block_expr);
Pos.get_position block_expr ))
let translate_scope (func_dict : A.FuncName.t L.VarMap.t) (scope_expr : L.expr Pos.marked) :
(A.LocalVarName.t Pos.marked * D.typ Pos.marked) list * A.block Pos.marked =
@ -42,7 +100,7 @@ let translate_scope (func_dict : A.FuncName.t L.VarMap.t) (scope_expr : L.expr P
(fun var typ -> ((L.VarMap.find var var_dict, binder_pos), typ))
(Array.to_list vars) typs
let new_body = translate_block { func_dict; var_dict } body in
let new_body = translate_block { func_dict; var_dict; inside_definition_of = [] } body in
(param_list, new_body)
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)