Rehaul the Clerk build system to fully handle modules and linking

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-09-13 18:03:43 +02:00
parent 8eb254aa32
commit 494be673a8
12 changed files with 599 additions and 611 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -205,7 +205,9 @@ let run_inline_tests
else catala_exe
let cmd =
Array.of_list ((catala_exe :: catala_opts) @ test.params @ [file])
match test.params with
| cmd0 :: flags -> Array.of_list (catala_exe :: cmd0 :: catala_opts @ flags @ [file])
| [] -> Array.of_list (catala_exe :: catala_opts @ [file])
let env =
Unix.environment ()

View File

@ -14,18 +14,41 @@
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Ninja variable names *)
module Var = struct
type t = V of string
let make s = V s
let name (V v) = v
let v (V v) = Printf.sprintf "${%s}" v
module Expr = struct
type t = Lit of string | Var of string | Seq of t list
type t = string list
let rec format fmt = function
| Lit s -> Format.pp_print_string fmt s
| Var s -> Format.fprintf fmt "$%s" s
| Seq ls -> format_list fmt ls
and format_list fmt ls =
let format =
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.pp_print_char fmt ' ')
format fmt ls
(fun fmt s ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt
(Re.replace_string Re.(compile space) ~by:"$ " s))
module Binding = struct
type t = Var.t * Expr.t
let make var e = var, e
let format ~global ppf (v, e) =
if not global then Format.pp_print_string ppf " ";
Format.fprintf ppf "%s = %a"
( v)
Expr.format e;
if global then Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
let format_list ~global ppf l =
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline (format ~global) ppf l
module Rule = struct
@ -35,62 +58,78 @@ module Rule = struct
{ name; command; description = Option.some description }
let format fmt rule =
let format_description fmt = function
| Some e -> Format.fprintf fmt " description = %a\n" Expr.format e
| None -> Format.fprintf fmt "\n"
let bindings =
Binding.make (Var.make "command") rule.command ::
Option.(to_list (map (fun d -> Binding.make (Var.make "description") d) rule.description))
Format.fprintf fmt "rule %s\n command = %a\n%a" Expr.format
rule.command format_description rule.description
Format.fprintf fmt "rule %s\n%a" (Binding.format_list ~global:false) bindings
module Build = struct
type t = {
outputs : Expr.t list;
rule : string;
inputs : Expr.t list option;
vars : (string * Expr.t) list;
inputs : Expr.t option;
implicit_in : Expr.t;
outputs : Expr.t;
implicit_out : Expr.t option;
vars : Binding.t list;
let make ~outputs ~rule = { outputs; rule; inputs = Option.none; vars = [] }
let make ?inputs ?(implicit_in=[]) ~outputs ?implicit_out ?(vars=[]) rule =
{ rule; inputs; implicit_in; outputs; implicit_out; vars }
let make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~vars =
{ outputs; rule; inputs = Option.none; vars }
let make_with_inputs ~outputs ~rule ~inputs =
{ outputs; rule; inputs = Option.some inputs; vars = [] }
let make_with_vars_and_inputs ~outputs ~rule ~inputs ~vars =
{ outputs; rule; inputs = Option.some inputs; vars }
let empty = make ~outputs:[Expr.Lit "empty"] ~rule:"phony"
let empty = make ~outputs:["empty"] "phony"
let unpath ?(sep = "-") path =
Re.Pcre.(substitute ~rex:(regexp "/") ~subst:(fun _ -> sep)) path
let format fmt build =
let format_inputs fmt = function
| Some exs -> Format.fprintf fmt " %a" Expr.format_list exs
| None -> ()
and format_vars fmt vars =
(fun (name, exp) ->
Format.fprintf fmt " %s = %a\n" name Expr.format exp)
Format.fprintf fmt "build %a: %s%a\n%a" Expr.format_list build.outputs
build.rule format_inputs build.inputs format_vars build.vars
let format fmt t =
Format.fprintf fmt "build %a%a: %s%a%a%a%a"
Expr.format t.outputs
(fun fmt i ->
Format.pp_print_string fmt " | ";
Expr.format fmt i))
(fun ppf e -> Format.pp_print_char ppf ' '; Expr.format ppf e))
(fun ppf -> function [] -> () | e -> Format.pp_print_string ppf " | "; Expr.format ppf e)
(if t.vars = [] then fun _ () -> () else Format.pp_print_newline) ()
(Binding.format_list ~global:false)
module RuleMap : Map.S with type key = String.t = Map.Make (String)
module BuildMap : Map.S with type key = String.t = Map.Make (String)
type def = Comment of string | Binding of Binding.t | Rule of Rule.t | Build of Build.t
type ninja = { rules : Rule.t RuleMap.t; builds : Build.t BuildMap.t }
let comment s = Comment s
let binding v e = Binding (Binding.make v e)
let rule name ~command ~description =
Rule (Rule.make name ~command ~description)
let build ?inputs ?implicit_in ~outputs ?implicit_out ?vars rule =
Build (Build.make ?inputs ?implicit_in ~outputs ?implicit_out ?vars rule)
let empty = { rules = RuleMap.empty; builds = BuildMap.empty }
let format fmt ninja =
let format_for_all iter format =
iter (fun _name rule -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n" format rule)
let format_def ppf def =
let () = match def with
| Comment s ->
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline
(fun ppf s ->
if s <> "" then Format.pp_print_string ppf "# ";
Format.pp_print_string ppf s)
(String.split_on_char '\n' s)
| Binding b -> Binding.format ~global:true ppf b
| Rule r -> Rule.format ppf r; Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()
| Build b -> Build.format ppf b
format_for_all RuleMap.iter Rule.format ninja.rules;
format_for_all BuildMap.iter Build.format ninja.builds
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ()
type ninja = def Seq.t
let format ppf t =
Format.pp_print_seq ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_newline format_def ppf t;
Format.pp_print_newline ppf ()

View File

@ -34,31 +34,35 @@
(** {1 Ninja expressions} *)
(** Ninja variable names, distinguishing binding name ("x") from references in expressions ("$x") *)
module Var : sig
type t
val make: string -> t
(** Var base name, used when binding it *)
val name: t -> string
(** Var reference with a preceding "$", for use in expressoins *)
val v: t -> string
(** Helper module to build ninja expressions. *)
module Expr : sig
(** Represents a ninja expression. Which could be either a literal, a
{{:} variable references}
($_) or a sequence of sub-expressions.
{b Note:} for now, there are no visible differences between an [Expr.Seq]
and a list of {!type: Expr.t}, indeed, in both cases, one space is added
between each expression -- resp. sub-expression. The difference only comes
from the semantic: an [Expr.Seq] is {b a unique} Ninja expression. *)
type t =
| Lit of string
(* Literal string. *)
| Var of string
(* Variable reference. *)
| Seq of t list
(* Sequence of sub-expressions. *)
(** Ninja expressions are represented as raw string lists, which may contain variables or "$-escapes" *)
type t = string list
val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** [format fmt exp] outputs in [fmt] the string representation of the ninja
expression [exp]. *)
expression [exp]. Spaces in individual elements are escaped (but no check is made for e.g. newlines) *)
val format_list : Format.formatter -> t list -> unit
(** [format fmt ls] outputs in [fmt] the string representation of a list [ls]
of ninja expressions [exp] by adding a space between each expression. *)
module Binding : sig
type t = Var.t * Expr.t
val make: Var.t -> Expr.t -> t
val format: global:bool -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** {1 Ninja rules} *)
@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ end
(** Helper module to build
{{:} ninja rules}. *)
module Rule : sig
type t = { name : string; command : Expr.t; description : Expr.t option }
type t
(** Represents the minimal ninja rule representation for Clerk:
@ -89,12 +93,7 @@ end
(** Helper module to build ninja
{{:} build statements}. *)
module Build : sig
type t = {
outputs : Expr.t list;
rule : string;
inputs : Expr.t list option;
vars : (string * Expr.t) list;
type t
(** Represents the minimal ninja build statement representation for Clerk:
@ -102,28 +101,15 @@ module Build : sig
val make : outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> t
(** [make ~outputs ~rule] returns the corresponding ninja {!type:Build.t} with
no {!field:inputs} or {!field:vars}. *)
val make_with_vars :
outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> vars:(string * Expr.t) list -> t
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~vars] returns the corresponding ninja
{!type:Build.t} with no {!field:inputs}. *)
val make_with_inputs :
outputs:Expr.t list -> rule:string -> inputs:Expr.t list -> t
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~inputs] returns the corresponding ninja
{!type:Build.t} with no {!field:vars}. *)
val make_with_vars_and_inputs :
outputs:Expr.t list ->
rule:string ->
inputs:Expr.t list ->
vars:(string * Expr.t) list ->
val make :
?inputs:Expr.t ->
?implicit_in:Expr.t ->
outputs:Expr.t ->
?implicit_out:Expr.t ->
?vars:(Var.t * Expr.t) list ->
string ->
(** [make_with_vars ~outputs ~rule ~inputs ~vars] returns the corresponding
ninja {!type: Build.t}. *)
(** [make ~outputs rule] returns the corresponding ninja {!type:Build.t}. *)
val empty : t
(** [empty] is the minimal ninja {!type:Build.t} with ["empty"] as
@ -139,20 +125,22 @@ module Build : sig
[build]. *)
(** {1 Maps} *)
type def = Comment of string | Binding of Binding.t | Rule of Rule.t | Build of Build.t
module RuleMap : Map.S with type key = String.t
module BuildMap : Map.S with type key = String.t
val comment: string -> def
val binding: Var.t -> Expr.t -> def
val rule: string -> command:Expr.t -> description:Expr.t -> def
val build:
?inputs:Expr.t ->
?implicit_in:Expr.t ->
outputs:Expr.t ->
?implicit_out:Expr.t ->
?vars:(Var.t * Expr.t) list ->
string ->
(** {1 Ninja} *)
val format_def: Format.formatter -> def -> unit
type ninja = { rules : Rule.t RuleMap.t; builds : Build.t BuildMap.t }
(** Represents the minimal ninja architecture (list of rule and build
statements) needed for clerk. *)
type ninja = def Seq.t
val empty : ninja
(** [empty] returns the empty empty ninja structure. *)
val format : Format.formatter -> ninja -> unit
(** [format fmt build] outputs in [fmt] the string representation of all
[ninja.rules] and [ninja.builds]. *)
val format: Format.formatter -> ninja -> unit

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ type options = {
mutable message_format : message_format_enum;
mutable trace : bool;
mutable plugins_dirs : string list;
mutable build_dir : string option;
mutable disable_warnings : bool;
mutable max_prec_digits : int;
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ let globals =
message_format = Human;
trace = false;
plugins_dirs = [];
build_dir = None;
disable_warnings = false;
max_prec_digits = 20;
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ let enforce_globals
() =
@ -79,6 +82,7 @@ let enforce_globals
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.message_format <- x) message_format;
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.trace <- x) trace;
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.plugins_dirs <- x) plugins_dirs;
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.build_dir <- x) build_dir;
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.disable_warnings <- x) disable_warnings;
Option.iter (fun x -> globals.max_prec_digits <- x) max_prec_digits;
@ -187,6 +191,11 @@ module Flags = struct
value & opt_all string default & info ["plugin-dir"] ~docv:"DIR" ~env ~doc
let build_dir =
& opt (some string) None
& info ["build-dir"] ~docv:"DIR" ~doc:"Directory where build artefacts are expected to be found. This doesn't affect outptuts, but is used when looking up compiled modules."
let disable_warnings =
& flag
@ -210,13 +219,14 @@ module Flags = struct
max_prec_digits : options =
if debug then Printexc.record_backtrace true;
(* This sets some global refs for convenience, but most importantly
returns the options record. *)
enforce_globals ~language ~debug ~color ~message_format ~trace
~plugins_dirs ~disable_warnings ~max_prec_digits ()
~plugins_dirs ~build_dir ~disable_warnings ~max_prec_digits ()
const make
@ -226,6 +236,7 @@ module Flags = struct
$ message_format
$ trace
$ plugins_dirs
$ build_dir
$ disable_warnings
$ max_prec_digits)
@ -319,6 +330,7 @@ module Flags = struct
"Disables the search for counterexamples. Useful when you want a \
deterministic output from the Catala compiler, since provers can \
have some randomness in them."
(* Retrieve current version from dune *)

View File

@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ type backend_lang = En | Fr | Pl
(** The usual auto/always/never option argument *)
type when_enum = Auto | Always | Never
val when_opt: when_enum Cmdliner.Arg.conv
type message_format_enum =
| Human
| GNU (** Format of error and warning messages output by the compiler. *)
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ type options = private {
mutable message_format : message_format_enum;
mutable trace : bool;
mutable plugins_dirs : string list;
mutable build_dir : string option;
mutable disable_warnings : bool;
mutable max_prec_digits : int;
@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ val enforce_globals :
?message_format:message_format_enum ->
?trace:bool ->
?plugins_dirs:string list ->
?build_dir:string option ->
?disable_warnings:bool ->
?max_prec_digits:int ->
unit ->

View File

@ -120,10 +120,17 @@ let check_directory d =
let ( / ) = Filename.concat
let dirname = Filename.dirname
let ( /../ ) a b = dirname a / b
let ( -.- ) file ext = Filename.chop_extension file ^ "." ^ ext
let equal = String.equal
let compare =
let format ppf t = Format.fprintf ppf "\"@{<cyan>%s@}\"" t
module Set = Set.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare = compare
let scan_tree f t =
let is_dir t =
try Sys.is_directory t
@ -136,7 +143,7 @@ let scan_tree f t =
Sys.readdir d
|> Array.to_list
|> List.filter not_hidden
|> (fun t -> d / t)
|> (if d = "." then fun t -> t else (fun t -> d / t))
|> do_files
and do_files flist =
let dirs, files =
@ -148,4 +155,4 @@ let scan_tree f t =
(Seq.concat ( do_dir (List.to_seq dirs)))
(Seq.filter_map f (List.to_seq files))
do_dir t
do_files [t]

View File

@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ val dirname : t -> t
val ( /../ ) : t -> t -> t
(** Sugar for [Filename.dirname "a" / b] *)
val ( -.- ) : t -> string -> t
(** Extension replacement: chops the given filename extension, and replaces it with the given one (which shouldn't contain a dot) *)
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** String comparison no fancy file resolution *)
@ -105,7 +108,9 @@ val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Formats a filename in a consistent style, with double-quotes and color (when
the output supports) *)
module Set: Set.S with type elt = t
val scan_tree : (t -> 'a option) -> t -> 'a Seq.t
(** Recursively scans a directory for files. Directories or files matching ".*"
or "_*" are ignored. Unreadable files or subdirectories are ignored with a
debug message. *)
debug message. If [t] is a plain file, scan just that non-recursively. *)

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@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ let load_runtime_modules = function
fun m ->
try loadfile (adapt_filename (Filename.remove_extension m ^ ".cmo"))
try loadfile (adapt_filename File.(match Cli.globals.build_dir with None -> m -.- "cmo" | Some d -> d / m -.- "cmo"))
with Dynlink.Error dl_err ->
"Could not load module %s, has it been suitably compiled?@;\

View File

@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ val interpret_program_lcalc :
val load_runtime_modules : string list -> unit
(** Dynlink the given runtime modules, in order to make them callable by the
interpreter *)
interpreter. If Cli.globals.build_dir is specified, the runtime module names are assumed to be relative and looked up there. *)

View File

@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ let line_dir_arg_re =
let lex_line (lexbuf : lexbuf) : (string * L.line_token) option =
match%sedlex lexbuf with
| eof -> None
| "```catala-test", Star (Compl '\n'), ('\n' | eof) ->
| "```catala-test", hspace, Star (Compl '\n'), ('\n' | eof) ->
let str = Utf8.lexeme lexbuf in
let id = Re.Group.get (Re.exec line_test_id_re str) 1 in

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@ -22,5 +22,6 @@ scope S:
$ catala module --compile --plugin-dir=../../../_build/default/compiler/plugins --disable_warnings
$ catala typecheck --disable_warnings
[RESULT] Typechecking successful!