Fix formatting of exception trees

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-07-07 14:48:53 +02:00
parent b63e7d2f2d
commit 4ae949f7f8
4 changed files with 40 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -113,19 +113,6 @@ let string_repeat n s =
Bytes.to_string buf
(* Note: this should do, but remains incorrect for combined unicode characters
that display as one (e.g. `e` + postfix `'`). We should switch to Uuseg at
some poing *)
let string_columns s =
let len = String.length s in
let rec aux ncols i =
if i >= len then ncols
else if s.[i] = '\t' then aux (ncols + 8) (i + 1)
aux (ncols + 1) (i + Uchar.utf_decode_length (String.get_utf_8_uchar s i))
aux 0 0
let utf8_byte_index s ui0 =
let rec aux bi ui =
if ui >= ui0 then bi
@ -200,8 +187,8 @@ let format_loc_text ppf (pos : t) =
String.sub line match_start_index
(max 0 (match_end_index - match_start_index))
let match_start_col = string_columns unmatched_prefix in
let match_num_cols = string_columns matched_substring in
let match_start_col = String.width unmatched_prefix in
let match_num_cols = String.width matched_substring in
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<bold;blue>%*d │@} %s@," nspaces line_no line;
if line_no >= sline && line_no <= eline then
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<bold;blue>%s │@} %s@{<bold;red>%s@}"

View File

@ -56,5 +56,17 @@ let remove_prefix ~prefix s =
let format_t = Format.pp_print_string
(* Note: this should do, but remains incorrect for combined unicode characters
that display as one (e.g. `e` + postfix `'`). We should switch to Uuseg at
some poing *)
let width s =
let len = length s in
let rec aux ncols i =
if i >= len then ncols
else if get s i = '\t' then aux (ncols + 8) (i + 1)
else aux (ncols + 1) (i + Uchar.utf_decode_length (get_utf_8_uchar s i))
aux 0 0
module Set = Set.Make (Stdlib.String)
module Map = Map.Make (Stdlib.String)

View File

@ -46,3 +46,8 @@ val remove_prefix : prefix:string -> string -> string
- otherwise, [str] unchanged *)
val format_t : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
val width : string -> int
(** Returns the width of a given string in screen columns (assuming a monospace
font). Useful for alignment. This takes unicode (except composite chars) and
tabs into account, but not escape sequences. *)

View File

@ -25,40 +25,42 @@ open Format
(* Original credits for this printing code: Jean-Christophe Filiâtre *)
let format_exception_tree (fmt : Format.formatter) (t : exception_tree) =
let blue fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "@{<blue>%s@}" s in
let rec print_node pref (t : exception_tree) =
let blue fmt n s =
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<blue>%a@}" (fun fmt -> Format.pp_print_as fmt n) s
let rec print_node pref prefsz (t : exception_tree) =
let label, sons =
match t with
| Leaf l -> l.Dependency.ExceptionVertex.label, []
| Node (sons, l) -> l.Dependency.ExceptionVertex.label, sons
Format.fprintf fmt "@{<yellow>\"%a\"@}" LabelName.format_t label;
let w = String.length (fst (LabelName.get_info label)) + 2 in
let w = String.width (fst (LabelName.get_info label)) + 2 in
if sons != [] then
let pref' = pref ^ String.make (w + 1) ' ' in
let pref', prefsz' = pref ^ String.make (w + 1) ' ', prefsz + w + 2 in
match sons with
| [t'] ->
blue fmt "───";
print_node (pref' ^ " ") t'
blue fmt 3 "───";
print_node (pref' ^ " ") (prefsz' + 1) t'
| _ ->
blue fmt "";
print_sons pref' "─┬──" sons
and print_sons pref start = function
blue fmt 1 "";
print_sons pref' prefsz' "─┬──" sons
and print_sons pref prefsz start = function
| [] -> assert false
| [s] ->
blue fmt " └──";
print_node (pref ^ " ") s
blue fmt 4 " └──";
print_node (pref ^ " ") (prefsz + 1) s
| s :: sons ->
blue fmt start;
print_node (pref ^ "| ") s;
blue fmt 4 start;
print_node (pref ^ "| ") (prefsz + 2) s;
pp_print_cut fmt ();
blue fmt (pref ^ "");
blue fmt (prefsz + 2) (pref ^ "");
pp_print_cut fmt ();
blue fmt pref;
print_sons pref " ├──" sons
blue fmt prefsz pref;
print_sons pref prefsz " ├──" sons
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 0;
print_node "" t;
print_node "" 0 t;
Format.pp_close_box fmt ()
let build_exception_tree exc_graph =
@ -97,8 +99,8 @@ let print_exceptions_graph
(RuleName.Map.bindings ex.Dependency.ExceptionVertex.rules))
let tree = build_exception_tree g in
Message.emit_result "The exception tree structure is as follows:\n\n%a"
Message.emit_result "@[<v>The exception tree structure is as follows:@,@,%a@]"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "\n\n")
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@,@,")
(fun fmt tree -> format_exception_tree fmt tree))