Start printing z3 model results according to their type [skip ci]

This commit is contained in:
Aymeric Fromherz 2022-01-13 19:52:58 +01:00
parent 69e34b4ae7
commit 50d0ee0909

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@ -55,6 +55,30 @@ let add_z3var (name : string) (v : Var.t) (ctx : context) : context =
let unique_name (v : Var.t) : string =
Format.asprintf "%s_%d" (Bindlib.name_of v) (Bindlib.uid_of v)
(** [print_z3model_expr] pretty-prints the value [e] given by a Z3 model according to the type of
the Catala variable [v], corresponding to [e] **)
let print_z3model_expr (ctx : context) (v : Var.t) (e : Expr.expr) : string =
let print_lit (ty : typ_lit) =
match ty with
(* TODO: Print boolean according to current language *)
| TBool -> Expr.to_string e
| TUnit -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of unit literals not supported"
| TInt -> Expr.to_string e
| TRat -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of rational literals not supported"
(* TODO: Print the right money symbol according to language *)
| TMoney -> Format.asprintf "%s $" (Expr.to_string e)
| TDate -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of date literals not supported"
| TDuration -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of duration literals not supported"
match Pos.unmark (VarMap.find v ctx.ctx_var) with
| TLit ty -> print_lit ty
| TTuple _ -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of tuples not supported"
| TEnum _ -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of enums not supported"
| TArrow _ -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of arrows not supported"
| TArray _ -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of arrays not supported"
| TAny -> failwith "[Z3 model]: Pretty-printing of Any not supported"
(** [print_model] pretty prints a Z3 model, used to exhibit counter examples where verification
conditions are not satisfied. The context [ctx] is useful to retrieve the mapping between Z3
variables and Catala variables, and to retrieve type information about the variables that was
@ -74,11 +98,10 @@ let print_model (ctx : context) (model : Model.model) : string =
(* Constant case *)
let symbol_name = Symbol.to_string (FuncDecl.get_name d) in
let v = StringMap.find symbol_name ctx.ctx_z3vars in
(* TODO: Needs a better parsing of the value once we have more than integer types *)
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %s : %s"
(Cli.print_with_style [ ] "%s" "-->")
(Cli.print_with_style [ ANSITerminal.yellow ] "%s" (Bindlib.name_of v))
(Expr.to_string e)
(print_z3model_expr ctx v e)
else failwith "[Z3 model]: Printing of functions is not yet supported"))