Finished main big lemma proof over heavy stepping

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-03-03 00:52:37 +01:00
parent 00569a8304
commit 5241b0e64b

View File

@ -427,6 +427,13 @@ let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau)
let acc_invariant (s: var_to_exp) : Lemma (subst s acc == acc) [SMTPat (subst s acc)] =
well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst s acc (TOption tau)
let hd_invariant (s: var_to_exp) : Lemma (subst s hd == hd)
[SMTPat (subst s hd)] =
well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst s hd tau
assume(take_l_steps (TOption tau) init0 3 == Some init3);
(* F* cannot prove these rather trivial substitutions automatically, might have to do it
manually. This proof will use well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst *)
@ -596,16 +603,127 @@ let exception_init_lift_conflict_error
take_l_steps_transitive tau e0 e1 1 1
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 150"
let step_exceptions_head_value
let is_option_value_non_error (g: env) (e: exp) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (is_value e /\ not (is_error e) /\ (typing g e (TOption tau))))
(match e with
| ESome _ -> True
| ENone -> True
| _ -> False)) = ()
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 80"
let step_exceptions_head_value_error
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd_err: err)
: Pure (typed_l_exp (TOption tau) & nat)
(requires (is_value hd /\ is_value acc))
(requires (is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)))
(ensures (fun (new_acc, n) ->
is_value new_acc /\
take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (ELit (LError hd_err))) n ==
Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons new_acc)
typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau;
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau));
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau)
(extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau);
let hd = ELit (LError hd_err) in
let init0 : typed_l_exp (TOption tau) = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) (ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau)
let match_arg0 =
EFoldLeft (process_exceptions_f tau) init0 (TOption tau) (EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau)
let c_err = ELit (LError ConflictError) in
let match_none0 = EIf just cons (ELit (LError EmptyError)) in
let match_some0 = EAbs tau (EVar 0) in
assert(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd ==
EMatchOption match_arg0 tau match_none0 match_some0);
assert(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd ==
exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons init0);
let acc_invariant (s: var_to_exp) : Lemma (subst s acc == acc) [SMTPat (subst s acc)] =
well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst s acc (TOption tau)
let init1 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) (ECatchEmptyError hd ENone) (TOption tau)
assert(step init0 == Some init1);
match hd_err with
| ConflictError ->
let init2 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) hd (TOption tau)
assert(step init1 == Some init2); assert(step init2 == Some c_err);
preservation init0 (TOption tau); preservation init1 (TOption tau);
preservation init2 (TOption tau);
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init1 1 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init2 2 1;
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 c_err 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
exception_init_lift_conflict_error tau tl just cons;
c_err, 3
| EmptyError ->
let init2 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) ENone (TOption tau)
assert(step init1 == Some init2);
let init3 = EMatchOption acc tau ENone (EAbs tau (EMatchOption ENone tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError)))))
assert(step init2 == Some init3);
is_option_value_non_error empty acc tau;
match acc with
| ENone ->
assert(step init3 == Some ENone);
preservation init0 (TOption tau); preservation init1 (TOption tau);
preservation init2 (TOption tau); preservation init3 (TOption tau);
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init1 1 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init2 2 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init3 3 1;
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 ENone 4
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
ENone, 4
| ESome acc_inner ->
let init4 = (EApp (EAbs tau (EMatchOption ENone tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))) acc_inner tau)
assert(step init3 == Some init4);
let init5 = EMatchOption ENone tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError)))
assert(step init4 == Some init5);
assert(step init5 == Some acc);
preservation init0 (TOption tau); preservation init1 (TOption tau);
preservation init2 (TOption tau); preservation init3 (TOption tau);
preservation init4 (TOption tau); preservation init5 (TOption tau);
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init1 1 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init2 2 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init3 3 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init4 4 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init5 5 1;
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 acc 6
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
acc, 6
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 90"
let step_exceptions_head_value_non_error
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Pure (typed_l_exp (TOption tau) & nat)
(requires (is_value hd /\ not (is_error hd) /\ is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)))
(ensures (fun (new_acc, n) ->
is_value new_acc /\
take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n ==
@ -633,54 +751,79 @@ let step_exceptions_head_value
let acc_invariant (s: var_to_exp) : Lemma (subst s acc == acc) [SMTPat (subst s acc)] =
well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst s acc (TOption tau)
match hd with
| ELit (LError err) ->
let some_hd_invariant (s: var_to_exp) : Lemma (subst s (ESome hd) == ESome hd)
[SMTPat (subst s (ESome hd))]
well_typed_terms_invariant_by_subst s (ESome hd) (TOption tau)
let init1 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) (ECatchEmptyError hd ENone) (TOption tau)
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) (ESome hd) (TOption tau)
assert(step init0 == Some init1);
begin match err with
| ConflictError ->
let init2 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) hd (TOption tau)
let init2 = EMatchOption acc tau (ESome hd) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (ESome hd) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError)))))
assert(step init1 == Some init2);
assert(step init2 == Some c_err);
preservation init0 (TOption tau);
preservation init1 (TOption tau);
is_option_value_non_error empty acc tau;
match acc with
| ENone ->
assert(step init2 == Some (ESome hd));
preservation init0 (TOption tau); preservation init1 (TOption tau);
preservation init2 (TOption tau);
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init1 1 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init2 2 1;
assert(take_l_steps (TOption tau) init0 3 == Some c_err);
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 c_err 3
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 (ESome hd) 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) 3 ==
Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons c_err));
exception_init_lift_conflict_error tau tl just cons;
c_err, 3
| EmptyError ->
let init2 = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError))))))) ENone (TOption tau)
assert(step init1 == Some init2);
let init3 =
EMatchOption acc tau ENone (EAbs tau (EMatchOption ENone tau acc (EAbs tau (
ELit (LError ConflictError)))))
ESome hd, 3
| ESome acc_inner ->
let init3 = EApp (EAbs tau (EMatchOption (ESome hd) tau acc
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))))) acc_inner tau
assert(step init2 == Some init3);
| _ -> admit()
let init4 = EMatchOption (ESome hd) tau acc (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) in
assert(step init3 == Some init4);
let init5 = EApp (EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError))) hd tau in
assert(step init4 == Some init5);
let c_err = ELit (LError ConflictError) in
assert(step init5 == Some c_err);
preservation init0 (TOption tau); preservation init1 (TOption tau);
preservation init2 (TOption tau); preservation init3 (TOption tau);
preservation init4 (TOption tau); preservation init5 (TOption tau);
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init1 1 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init2 2 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init3 3 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init4 4 1;
take_l_steps_transitive (TOption tau) init0 init5 5 1;
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init0 c_err 6
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
c_err, 6
let step_exceptions_head_value
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Pure (typed_l_exp (TOption tau) & nat)
(requires (is_value hd /\ is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)))
(ensures (fun (new_acc, n) ->
is_value new_acc /\
take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n ==
Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons new_acc)
match hd with
| ELit (LError hd_err) -> step_exceptions_head_value_error tau tl acc just cons hd_err
| _ -> step_exceptions_head_value_non_error tau tl acc just cons hd
let step_exceptions_head_value_same_acc_result
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(tl': list exp{is_value_list tl' /\ typing_list empty tl' (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)})
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau){is_value hd})