Merge pull request #27 from CatalaLang/dev

Backend refactoring
This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2020-09-13 19:02:01 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 5aa596c0a8
No known key found for this signature in database
17 changed files with 1159 additions and 792 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing
<> Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
open Catala_ast
open Lambda_ast
let subscope_ident (y : string) (x : string) : string = y ^ "::" ^ x
(** The optional argument subdef allows to choose between differents uids in case the expression is
a redefinition of a subvariable *)
let rec expr_to_lambda ?(subdef : Uid.t option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
((expr, pos) : Catala_ast.expression Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.term =
let rec_helper = expr_to_lambda ?subdef scope ctxt in
let rec expr_to_lambda (scope : Uid.Scope.t) (def_key : Uid.ScopeDef.t option)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context) ((expr, pos) : Catala_ast.expression Pos.marked) :
Lambda_ast.term =
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
let rec_helper = expr_to_lambda scope def_key ctxt in
match expr with
| IfThenElse (e_if, e_then, e_else) ->
((EIfThenElse (rec_helper e_if, rec_helper e_then, rec_helper e_else), pos), TDummy)
@ -37,118 +37,44 @@ let rec expr_to_lambda ?(subdef : Uid.t option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Name_res
| Number ((Int i, _), _) -> EInt i
| Number ((Dec (i, f), _), _) -> EDec (i, f)
| Bool b -> EBool b
| _ -> assert false
| _ -> Name_resolution.raise_unsupported_feature "literal" pos
((untyped_term, pos), TDummy)
| Ident x ->
let uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid scope ctxt (x, pos) in
((EVar uid, pos), TDummy)
| Ident x -> (
(* first we check whether this is a local var, then we resort to scope-wide variables *)
match def_key with
| Some def_key -> (
let def_ctxt = Uid.ScopeDefMap.find def_key scope_ctxt.definitions in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt x def_ctxt.var_idmap with
| None -> (
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt x scope_ctxt.var_idmap with
| Some uid -> ((EVar (NoPrefix, uid), pos), TDummy)
| None ->
Name_resolution.raise_unknown_identifier "for a local or scope-wide variable"
(x, pos) )
| Some uid -> ((ELocalVar uid, pos), TDummy) )
| None -> (
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt x scope_ctxt.var_idmap with
| Some uid -> ((EVar (NoPrefix, uid), pos), TDummy)
| None -> Name_resolution.raise_unknown_identifier "for a scope-wide variable" (x, pos) )
| Dotted (e, x) -> (
(* For now we only accept dotted identifiers of the type y.x where y is a sub-scope *)
match Pos.unmark e with
| Ident y -> (
let _, sub_uid = Name_resolution.get_subscope_uid scope ctxt (Pos.same_pos_as y e) in
match subdef with
| None ->
(* No redefinition : take the uid from the current scope *)
let ident = subscope_ident y (Pos.unmark x) in
let uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid scope ctxt (ident, Pos.get_position e) in
((EVar uid, pos), TDummy)
| Some uid when uid <> sub_uid ->
(* Redefinition of a var from another scope : uid from the current scope *)
let ident = subscope_ident y (Pos.unmark x) in
let uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid scope ctxt (ident, Pos.get_position e) in
((EVar uid, pos), TDummy)
| Some sub_uid ->
(* Redefinition of a var from the same scope, uid from the subscope *)
let uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid sub_uid ctxt x in
((EVar uid, pos), TDummy) )
| _ -> assert false )
| Ident y ->
let subscope_uid : Uid.SubScope.t =
Name_resolution.get_subscope_uid scope ctxt (Pos.same_pos_as y e)
let subscope_real_uid : Uid.Scope.t =
Uid.SubScopeMap.find subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes
let subscope_var_uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid subscope_real_uid ctxt x in
((EVar (SubScopePrefix subscope_uid, subscope_var_uid), pos), TDummy)
| _ ->
"left hand side of a dotted expression should be an identifier" pos )
| FunCall (f, arg) -> ((EApp (rec_helper f, [ rec_helper arg ]), pos), TDummy)
| _ -> assert false
(** Checks that a term is well typed and annotate it *)
let rec typing (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (((t, pos), _) : Lambda_ast.term) : Lambda_ast.term
match t with
| EVar uid ->
let typ = Name_resolution.get_uid_typ ctxt uid in
((EVar uid, pos), typ)
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
(* Note that given the context formation process, the binder will already be present in the
context (since we are working with uids), however it's added there for the sake of clarity *)
let ctxt_data =
(fun data (uid, arg_typ) ->
let uid_data : Name_resolution.uid_data =
{ uid_typ = arg_typ; uid_sort = Name_resolution.IdBinder }
Uid.UidMap.add uid uid_data data) bindings
let body = typing { ctxt with data = ctxt_data } body in
let ret_typ = Lambda_ast.get_typ body in
let rec build_typ = function
| [] -> ret_typ
| (_, arg_t) :: args -> TArrow (arg_t, build_typ args)
let fun_typ = build_typ bindings in
((EFun (bindings, body), pos), fun_typ)
| EApp (f, args) ->
let f = typing ctxt f in
let f_typ = Lambda_ast.get_typ f in
let args = (typing ctxt) args in
let args_typ = Lambda_ast.get_typ args in
let rec check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ =
match (f_typ, args_typ) with
| typ, [] -> typ
| TArrow (arg_typ, ret_typ), fst_typ :: typs ->
if arg_typ = fst_typ then check_arrow_typ ret_typ typs else assert false
| _ -> assert false
let ret_typ = check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ in
((EApp (f, args), pos), ret_typ)
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
let t_if = typing ctxt t_if in
let typ_if = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_if in
let t_then = typing ctxt t_then in
let typ_then = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_then in
let t_else = typing ctxt t_else in
let typ_else = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_else in
if typ_if <> TBool then assert false
else if typ_then <> typ_else then assert false
else ((EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else), pos), typ_then)
| EInt _ | EDec _ -> ((t, pos), TInt)
| EBool _ -> ((t, pos), TBool)
| EOp op ->
let typ =
match op with
| Binop binop -> (
match binop with
| And | Or -> TArrow (TBool, TArrow (TBool, TBool))
| Add | Sub | Mult | Div -> TArrow (TInt, TArrow (TInt, TInt))
| Lt | Lte | Gt | Gte | Eq | Neq -> TArrow (TInt, TArrow (TInt, TBool)) )
| Unop Minus -> TArrow (TInt, TInt)
| Unop Not -> TArrow (TBool, TBool)
((t, pos), typ)
| EDefault t ->
let defaults =
(fun (just, cons) ->
let just = typing ctxt just in
if Lambda_ast.get_typ just <> TBool then
let cons = typing ctxt cons in
(just, cons)
else assert false)
let typ_cons = IntMap.choose defaults |> snd |> snd |> Lambda_ast.get_typ in
(fun _ (_, cons) -> if Lambda_ast.get_typ cons <> typ_cons then assert false else ())
((EDefault { t with defaults }, pos), typ_cons)
| _ -> Name_resolution.raise_unsupported_feature "unsupported expression" pos
(* Translation from the parsed ast to the scope language *)
@ -161,111 +87,83 @@ let merge_conditions (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (cond : Lambda_ast.term
| Some cond, None | None, Some cond -> cond
| None, None -> ((EBool true, default_pos), TBool)
let process_default (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (scope : Uid.t) (def : Lambda_ast.default_term)
let process_default (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (scope : Uid.Scope.t)
(def_key : Uid.ScopeDef.t) (def : Lambda_ast.default_term) (param_uid : Uid.LocalVar.t option)
(precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (just : Catala_ast.expression Pos.marked option)
(body : Catala_ast.expression Pos.marked) (subdef : Uid.t option) : Lambda_ast.default_term =
(body : Catala_ast.expression Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.default_term =
let just =
match just with
| Some cond ->
let cond = expr_to_lambda ?subdef scope ctxt cond |> typing ctxt in
if Lambda_ast.get_typ cond = TBool then Some cond else assert false
| Some cond -> Some (expr_to_lambda scope (Some def_key) ctxt cond)
| None -> None
let condition = merge_conditions precond just (Pos.get_position body) |> typing ctxt in
let body = expr_to_lambda ?subdef scope ctxt body |> typing ctxt in
let condition = merge_conditions precond just (Pos.get_position body) in
let body = expr_to_lambda scope (Some def_key) ctxt body in
(* if there's a parameter, we have to wrap the justifiction and the body in a func *)
let condition, body =
match param_uid with
| None -> (condition, body)
| Some param_uid ->
( ((EFun ([ (param_uid, TDummy) ], condition), Pos.get_position (fst condition)), TDummy),
((EFun ([ (param_uid, TDummy) ], body), Pos.get_position (fst body)), TDummy) )
Lambda_ast.add_default condition body def
(* Process a definition *)
let process_def (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope_uid : Uid.t)
let process_def (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program) (def : Catala_ast.definition) :
Scope_ast.program =
let scope : Scope_ast.scope = UidMap.find scope_uid prgm in
let scope : Scope_ast.scope = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid prgm in
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let default_pos = Pos.get_position def.definition_expr in
let is_func = match def.definition_parameter with Some _ -> true | None -> false in
let scope_updated =
let param_uid (def_uid : Uid.ScopeDef.t) : Uid.LocalVar.t option =
match def.definition_parameter with
| None -> None
| Some param ->
let def_ctxt = Uid.ScopeDefMap.find def_uid scope_ctxt.definitions in
Some (Uid.IdentMap.find (Pos.unmark param) def_ctxt.var_idmap)
let def_key =
match Pos.unmark def.definition_name with
| [ x ] ->
let x_uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid scope_uid ctxt x in
let ctxt, arg_uid =
Name_resolution.add_binding ctxt scope_uid x_uid def.definition_parameter
let x_def =
match UidMap.find_opt x_uid scope.scope_defs with
| Some def -> def
| None ->
let typ = Name_resolution.get_uid_typ ctxt x_uid in
if is_func then Scope_ast.empty_func_def (Option.get arg_uid) default_pos typ
else Scope_ast.empty_var_def default_pos typ
let x_def =
(fun t ->
match t with
| EDefault default ->
(process_default ctxt scope_uid default precond def.definition_condition
def.definition_expr None)
| EFun ([ bind ], term) -> (
match arg_uid with
| Some bind' ->
if fst bind <> bind' then assert false
let term =
(fun t ->
match t with
| EDefault default ->
(process_default ctxt scope_uid default precond
def.definition_condition def.definition_expr None)
| _ -> assert false)
EFun ([ bind ], term)
| None -> assert false )
| _ -> assert false)
{ scope with scope_defs = UidMap.add x_uid x_def scope.scope_defs }
Uid.ScopeDef.Var x_uid
| [ y; x ] ->
let y_uid, subscope_uid = Name_resolution.get_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y in
let x_uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid subscope_uid ctxt x in
let ctxt, arg_uid =
Name_resolution.add_binding ctxt subscope_uid x_uid def.definition_parameter
let subscope_uid : Uid.SubScope.t = Name_resolution.get_subscope_uid scope_uid ctxt y in
let subscope_real_uid : Uid.Scope.t =
Uid.SubScopeMap.find subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes
let y_redefs =
match UidMap.find_opt y_uid scope.scope_sub_defs with
| Some redefs -> redefs
| None -> UidMap.empty
let x_redef =
match UidMap.find_opt x_uid y_redefs with
| Some redef -> redef
| None ->
let typ = Name_resolution.get_uid_typ ctxt x_uid in
if is_func then Scope_ast.empty_func_def (Option.get arg_uid) default_pos typ
else Scope_ast.empty_var_def default_pos typ
let x_redef =
(fun t ->
match t with
| EDefault default ->
(process_default ctxt scope_uid default precond def.definition_condition
def.definition_expr (Some subscope_uid))
| _ -> assert false)
let y_redefs = UidMap.add x_uid x_redef y_redefs in
{ scope with scope_sub_defs = UidMap.add y_uid y_redefs scope.scope_sub_defs }
let x_uid = Name_resolution.get_var_uid subscope_real_uid ctxt x in
Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (subscope_uid, x_uid)
| _ -> Errors.raise_spanned_error "Structs are not handled yet" default_pos
UidMap.add scope_uid scope_updated prgm
let scope_updated =
let x_def =
match Uid.ScopeDefMap.find_opt def_key scope.scope_defs with
| Some def -> def
| None ->
let typ = Name_resolution.get_def_typ ctxt def_key in
Scope_ast.empty_def default_pos typ
let x_def =
(fun t ->
match t with
| EDefault default ->
(process_default ctxt scope_uid def_key default (param_uid def_key) precond
def.definition_condition def.definition_expr)
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *))
{ scope with scope_defs = Uid.ScopeDefMap.add def_key x_def scope.scope_defs }
Uid.ScopeMap.add scope_uid scope_updated prgm
(** Process a rule from the surface language *)
let process_rule (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(prgm : Scope_ast.program) (rule : Catala_ast.rule) : Scope_ast.program =
let process_rule (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.Scope.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program) (rule : Catala_ast.rule) :
Scope_ast.program =
let consequence_expr = Catala_ast.Literal (Catala_ast.Bool (Pos.unmark rule.rule_consequence)) in
let def =
@ -277,7 +175,7 @@ let process_rule (precond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.t) (ctxt : Name
process_def precond scope ctxt prgm def
let process_scope_use_item (cond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.t)
let process_scope_use_item (cond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.Scope.t)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program)
(item : Catala_ast.scope_use_item Pos.marked) : Scope_ast.program =
match Pos.unmark item with
@ -288,19 +186,18 @@ let process_scope_use_item (cond : Lambda_ast.term option) (scope : Uid.t)
let process_scope_use (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program)
(use : Catala_ast.scope_use) : Scope_ast.program =
let name = fst use.scope_use_name in
let scope_uid = Name_resolution.IdentMap.find name ctxt.scope_id_to_uid in
let scope_uid = Uid.IdentMap.find name ctxt.scope_idmap in
(* Make sure the scope exists *)
let prgm =
match UidMap.find_opt scope_uid prgm with
match Uid.ScopeMap.find_opt scope_uid prgm with
| Some _ -> prgm
| None -> UidMap.add scope_uid (Scope_ast.empty_scope scope_uid) prgm
| None -> Uid.ScopeMap.add scope_uid (Scope_ast.empty_scope scope_uid) prgm
let cond =
match use.scope_use_condition with
| Some expr ->
let untyped_term = expr_to_lambda scope_uid ctxt expr in
let term = typing ctxt untyped_term in
if Lambda_ast.get_typ term = TBool then Some term else assert false
let untyped_term = expr_to_lambda scope_uid None ctxt expr in
Some untyped_term
| None -> None
List.fold_left (process_scope_use_item cond scope_uid ctxt) prgm use.scope_use_items
@ -308,7 +205,7 @@ let process_scope_use (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program
(** Scopes processing *)
let translate_program_to_scope (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Catala_ast.program) :
Scope_ast.program =
let empty_prgm = UidMap.empty in
let empty_prgm = Uid.ScopeMap.empty in
let processer (prgm : Scope_ast.program) (item : Catala_ast.program_item) : Scope_ast.program =
match item with
| CodeBlock (block, _) | MetadataBlock (block, _) ->

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@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing
<> Denis Merigoux <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Builds a context that allows for mapping each name to a precise uid, taking lexical scopes into
account *)
type ident = string
type typ = Lambda_ast.typ
type def_context = { var_idmap : Uid.LocalVar.t Uid.IdentMap.t }
(** Inside a definition, local variables can be introduced by functions arguments or pattern
matching *)
type scope_context = {
var_idmap : Uid.Var.t Uid.IdentMap.t;
sub_scopes_idmap : Uid.SubScope.t Uid.IdentMap.t;
sub_scopes : Uid.Scope.t Uid.SubScopeMap.t;
definitions : def_context Uid.ScopeDefMap.t;
(** Contains the local variables in all the definitions *)
(** Inside a scope, we distinguish between the variables and the subscopes. *)
type context = {
scope_idmap : Uid.Scope.t Uid.IdentMap.t;
scopes : scope_context Uid.ScopeMap.t;
var_typs : typ Uid.VarMap.t;
let raise_unsupported_feature (msg : string) (pos : Pos.t) =
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Printf.sprintf "unsupported feature: %s" msg) pos
let raise_unknown_identifier (msg : string) (ident : ident Pos.marked) =
(Printf.sprintf "%s: unknown identifier %s" (Pos.unmark ident) msg)
(Pos.get_position ident)
(** Get the type associated to an uid *)
let get_var_typ (ctxt : context) (uid : Uid.Var.t) : typ = Uid.VarMap.find uid ctxt.var_typs
(** Process a subscope declaration *)
let process_subscope_decl (scope : Uid.Scope.t) (ctxt : context)
(decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_scope) : context =
let name, name_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_name in
let subscope, s_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_sub_scope in
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt subscope scope_ctxt.sub_scopes_idmap with
| Some use ->
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "subscope name already used"
(Some "first use", Pos.get_position (Uid.SubScope.get_info use));
(Some "second use", s_pos);
| None ->
let sub_scope_uid = Uid.SubScope.fresh (name, name_pos) in
let original_subscope_uid =
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt subscope ctxt.scope_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a scope" (subscope, s_pos)
| Some id -> id
let scope_ctxt =
scope_ctxt with
sub_scopes_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.add name sub_scope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes_idmap;
sub_scopes = Uid.SubScopeMap.add sub_scope_uid original_subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes;
{ ctxt with scopes = Uid.ScopeMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes }
let process_base_typ ((typ, typ_pos) : Catala_ast.base_typ Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.typ =
match typ with
| Catala_ast.Condition -> Lambda_ast.TBool
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Collection _) -> raise_unsupported_feature "collection type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Optional _) -> raise_unsupported_feature "option type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Primitive prim) -> (
match prim with
| Catala_ast.Integer | Catala_ast.Decimal | Catala_ast.Money | Catala_ast.Date ->
| Catala_ast.Boolean -> Lambda_ast.TBool
| Catala_ast.Text -> raise_unsupported_feature "text type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Named _ -> raise_unsupported_feature "struct or enum types" typ_pos )
let process_type ((typ, typ_pos) : Catala_ast.typ Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.typ =
match typ with
| Catala_ast.Base base_typ -> process_base_typ (base_typ, typ_pos)
| Catala_ast.Func { arg_typ; return_typ } ->
Lambda_ast.TArrow (process_base_typ arg_typ, process_base_typ return_typ)
(** Process data declaration *)
let process_data_decl (scope : Uid.Scope.t) (ctxt : context)
(decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_data) : context =
(* First check the type of the context data *)
let data_typ = process_type decl.scope_decl_context_item_typ in
let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_context_item_name in
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt name scope_ctxt.var_idmap with
| Some use ->
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "var name already used"
[ (Some "first use", Pos.get_position (Uid.Var.get_info use)); (Some "second use", pos) ]
| None ->
let uid = Uid.Var.fresh (name, pos) in
let scope_ctxt =
{ scope_ctxt with var_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.add name uid scope_ctxt.var_idmap }
ctxt with
scopes = Uid.ScopeMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes;
var_typs = Uid.VarMap.add uid data_typ ctxt.var_typs;
(** Process an item declaration *)
let process_item_decl (scope : Uid.Scope.t) (ctxt : context)
(decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_item) : context =
match decl with
| Catala_ast.ContextData data_decl -> process_data_decl scope ctxt data_decl
| Catala_ast.ContextScope sub_decl -> process_subscope_decl scope ctxt sub_decl
(** Adds a binding to the context *)
let add_def_local_var (ctxt : context) (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t) (def_uid : Uid.ScopeDef.t)
(name : ident Pos.marked) : context =
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let def_ctx = Uid.ScopeDefMap.find def_uid scope_ctxt.definitions in
let local_var_uid = Uid.LocalVar.fresh name in
let def_ctx =
{ var_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.add (Pos.unmark name) local_var_uid def_ctx.var_idmap }
let scope_ctxt =
{ scope_ctxt with definitions = Uid.ScopeDefMap.add def_uid def_ctx scope_ctxt.definitions }
{ ctxt with scopes = Uid.ScopeMap.add scope_uid scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes }
(** Process a scope declaration *)
let process_scope_decl (ctxt : context) (decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl) : context =
let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_name in
(* Checks if the name is already used *)
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_idmap with
| Some use ->
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "scope name already used"
[ (Some "first use", Pos.get_position (Uid.Scope.get_info use)); (Some "second use", pos) ]
| None ->
let scope_uid = Uid.Scope.fresh (name, pos) in
let ctxt =
ctxt with
scope_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.add name scope_uid ctxt.scope_idmap;
scopes =
Uid.ScopeMap.add scope_uid
var_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.empty;
sub_scopes_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.empty;
definitions = Uid.ScopeDefMap.empty;
sub_scopes = Uid.SubScopeMap.empty;
(fun ctxt item -> process_item_decl scope_uid ctxt (Pos.unmark item))
ctxt decl.scope_decl_context
let qident_to_scope_def (ctxt : context) (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t)
(id : Catala_ast.qident Pos.marked) : Uid.ScopeDef.t =
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match Pos.unmark id with
| [ x ] -> (
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt (Pos.unmark x) scope_ctxt.var_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a var of the scope" x
| Some id -> Uid.ScopeDef.Var id )
| [ s; x ] -> (
let sub_scope_uid =
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt (Pos.unmark s) scope_ctxt.sub_scopes_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a subscope of this scope" s
| Some id -> id
let real_sub_scope_uid = Uid.SubScopeMap.find sub_scope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes in
let sub_scope_ctx = Uid.ScopeMap.find real_sub_scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt (Pos.unmark x) sub_scope_ctx.var_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a var of this subscope" x
| Some id -> Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (sub_scope_uid, id) )
| _ -> raise_unsupported_feature "wrong qident" (Pos.get_position id)
let process_scope_use (ctxt : context) (use : Catala_ast.scope_use) : context =
let scope_uid =
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt (Pos.unmark use.scope_use_name) ctxt.scope_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a scope" use.scope_use_name
| Some id -> id
(fun ctxt use_item ->
match Pos.unmark use_item with
| Catala_ast.Definition def ->
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let def_uid = qident_to_scope_def ctxt scope_uid def.definition_name in
let def_ctxt =
var_idmap =
( match def.definition_parameter with
| None -> Uid.IdentMap.empty
| Some param -> Uid.IdentMap.singleton (Pos.unmark param) (Uid.LocalVar.fresh param)
let scope_ctxt =
scope_ctxt with
definitions = Uid.ScopeDefMap.add def_uid def_ctxt scope_ctxt.definitions;
{ ctxt with scopes = Uid.ScopeMap.add scope_uid scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes }
| _ -> raise_unsupported_feature "unsupported item" (Pos.get_position use_item))
ctxt use.scope_use_items
(** Process a code item : for now it only handles scope decls *)
let process_use_item (ctxt : context) (item : Catala_ast.code_item Pos.marked) : context =
match Pos.unmark item with
| ScopeDecl _ -> ctxt
| ScopeUse use -> process_scope_use ctxt use
| _ -> raise_unsupported_feature "item not supported" (Pos.get_position item)
(** Process a code item : for now it only handles scope decls *)
let process_decl_item (ctxt : context) (item : Catala_ast.code_item Pos.marked) : context =
match Pos.unmark item with ScopeDecl decl -> process_scope_decl ctxt decl | _ -> ctxt
(** Process a code block *)
let process_code_block (ctxt : context) (block : Catala_ast.code_block)
(process_item : context -> Catala_ast.code_item Pos.marked -> context) : context =
List.fold_left (fun ctxt decl -> process_item ctxt decl) ctxt block
(** Process a program item *)
let process_program_item (ctxt : context) (item : Catala_ast.program_item)
(process_item : context -> Catala_ast.code_item Pos.marked -> context) : context =
match item with
| CodeBlock (block, _) | MetadataBlock (block, _) -> process_code_block ctxt block process_item
| _ -> ctxt
(** Derive the context from metadata, in two passes *)
let form_context (prgm : Catala_ast.program) : context =
let empty_ctxt =
{ scope_idmap = Uid.IdentMap.empty; scopes = Uid.ScopeMap.empty; var_typs = Uid.VarMap.empty }
let ctxt =
(fun ctxt item -> process_program_item ctxt item process_decl_item)
empty_ctxt prgm.program_items
(fun ctxt item -> process_program_item ctxt item process_use_item)
ctxt prgm.program_items
(** Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_var_uid (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t) (ctxt : context) ((x, pos) : ident Pos.marked) : Uid.Var.t
let scope = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt x scope.var_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a var of this scope" (x, pos)
| Some uid -> uid
(** Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_subscope_uid (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t) (ctxt : context) ((y, pos) : ident Pos.marked) :
Uid.SubScope.t =
let scope = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt y scope.sub_scopes_idmap with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier "for a subscope of this scope" (y, pos)
| Some sub_uid -> sub_uid
(** Checks if the var_uid belongs to the scope scope_uid *)
let belongs_to (ctxt : context) (uid : Uid.Var.t) (scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t) : bool =
let scope = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
Uid.IdentMap.exists (fun _ var_uid -> uid var_uid = 0) scope.var_idmap
let get_def_typ (ctxt : context) (def : Uid.ScopeDef.t) : typ =
match def with
| Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (_, x)
(* we don't need to look at the subscope prefix because [x] is already the uid referring back to
the original subscope *)
| Uid.ScopeDef.Var x ->
Uid.VarMap.find x ctxt.var_typs

View File

@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ let debug_print (s : string) =
let error_print (s : string) =
Printf.eprintf "%s\n" (add_prefix_to_each_line s (fun _ -> error_marker ()));
flush stdout;
flush stdout
flush stderr;
flush stderr
let warning_print (s : string) =
Printf.printf "%s\n" (add_prefix_to_each_line s (fun _ -> warning_marker ()));

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ let driver (source_file : string) (debug : bool) (unstyled : bool) (wrap_weaved_
match ex_scope with
| None -> Errors.raise_error "No scope was provided for execution."
| Some name -> (
match Name_resolution.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_id_to_uid with
match Uid.IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_idmap with
| None ->
(Printf.sprintf "There is no scope %s inside the program." name)
@ -108,21 +108,23 @@ let driver (source_file : string) (debug : bool) (unstyled : bool) (wrap_weaved_
let prgm = Desugaring.translate_program_to_scope ctxt program in
let scope =
match Uid.UidMap.find_opt scope_uid prgm with
match Uid.ScopeMap.find_opt scope_uid prgm with
| Some scope -> scope
| None ->
let scope_info = Uid.Scope.get_info scope_uid in
"Scope %s does not define anything, and therefore cannot be executed"
(Uid.get_ident scope_uid))
(Uid.get_pos scope_uid)
(Pos.unmark scope_info))
(Pos.get_position scope_info)
let exec_ctxt = Scope_interpreter.execute_scope ctxt prgm scope in
(fun uid value ->
(fun context_key value ->
(Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (Uid.get_ident uid)
(Format_lambda.print_term ((value, Uid.get_pos uid), TDummy))))
(Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s"
(Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.format_t context_key)
(Format_lambda.print_term ((value, Pos.no_pos), TDummy))))
with Errors.StructuredError (msg, pos) ->

View File

@ -12,43 +12,17 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module IdentMap = Map.Make (String)
(** Print the context in a readable manner *)
let print_context (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) : string =
let rec typ_to_string = function
| Lambda_ast.TBool -> "bool"
| Lambda_ast.TInt -> "num"
| Lambda_ast.TDummy -> "(.)"
| Lambda_ast.TArrow (t1, t2) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s -> (%s)" (typ_to_string t1) (typ_to_string t2)
let print_var ((var_id, var_uid) : Uid.ident * Uid.t) : string =
let data = UidMap.find var_uid in
let info =
match data.uid_sort with
| IdScope -> "\tscope"
| IdScopeVar None -> Printf.sprintf "\ttyp : %s\tvar" (typ_to_string data.uid_typ)
| IdScopeVar (Some _) -> Printf.sprintf "\ttyp : %s\tfun" (typ_to_string data.uid_typ)
| IdSubScope uid -> Printf.sprintf "\tsubscope : %d" uid
| IdSubScopeVar (var_uid, sub_scope_uid) ->
Printf.sprintf "\ttype : %s\tsubvar(%d, scope %d)" (typ_to_string data.uid_typ) var_uid
| IdBinder -> Printf.sprintf "\ttyp : %s\tbinder" (typ_to_string data.uid_typ)
Printf.sprintf "%s (uid : %n)%s\n" var_id var_uid info
let print_scope ((scope_ident, scope_uid) : Uid.ident * Uid.t) : string =
Printf.sprintf "Scope %s (uid : %n):\n" scope_ident scope_uid
^ ( (UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes).var_id_to_uid |> IdentMap.bindings |> print_var
|> String.concat "" )
^ Printf.sprintf "\n"
ctxt.scope_id_to_uid |> IdentMap.bindings |> print_scope |> String.concat ""
(* Printing functions for Lambda_ast.term *)
let rec format_typ (ty : Lambda_ast.typ) : string =
match ty with
| TBool -> "bool"
| TInt -> "int"
| TArrow (t1, t2) -> Format.sprintf "(%s) -> (%s)" (format_typ t1) (format_typ t2)
| TDummy -> "??"
(** Operator printer *)
let print_op (op : Lambda_ast.op) : string =
match op with
@ -69,14 +43,25 @@ let print_op (op : Lambda_ast.op) : string =
| Unop Not -> "not"
| Unop Minus -> "-"
let rec repeat_string n s = if n = 0 then "" else s ^ repeat_string (n - 1) s
let print_prefix (prefix : Lambda_ast.var_prefix) : string =
match prefix with
| NoPrefix -> ""
| SubScopePrefix s -> Uid.SubScope.format_t s ^ "."
| CallerPrefix (i, s) -> (
repeat_string i "CALLER."
^ match s with None -> "" | Some s -> Uid.SubScope.format_t s ^ "." )
(** Print Lambda_ast.term *)
let rec print_term (((t, _), _) : Lambda_ast.term) : string =
match t with
| EVar uid -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" (Uid.get_ident uid) uid
| EVar (s, uid) -> Printf.sprintf "%s%s" (print_prefix s) (Uid.Var.format_t uid)
| ELocalVar uid -> Uid.LocalVar.format_t uid
| EFun (binders, body) ->
let sbody = print_term body in
Printf.sprintf "fun %s -> %s"
(binders |> (fun (x, _) -> Printf.sprintf "%d" x) |> String.concat " ")
(binders |> (fun (uid, _) -> Uid.LocalVar.format_t uid) |> String.concat " ")
| EApp (f, args) ->
Printf.sprintf "(%s) [%s]" (print_term f) (args |> print_term |> String.concat ";")
@ -89,7 +74,11 @@ let rec print_term (((t, _), _) : Lambda_ast.term) : string =
| EDefault t -> print_default_term t
and print_default_term (term : Lambda_ast.default_term) : string =
term.defaults |> Lambda_ast.IntMap.bindings
|> (fun (_, (cond, body)) ->
Printf.sprintf "\t%s => %s" (print_term cond) (print_term body))
|> String.concat "\n"
( term.defaults
|> List.mapi (fun i (cond, body) ->
Printf.sprintf "[%d]\t%s => %s" i (print_term cond) (print_term body))
|> String.concat "\n" )
^ "\n"
^ ( term.ordering
|> (fun (hi, lo) -> Printf.sprintf "%d > %d" hi lo)
|> String.concat ", " )

View File

@ -12,10 +12,6 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module UidSet = Uid.UidSet
module IntMap = Map.Make (Int)
(* TDummy means the term is not typed *)
type typ = TBool | TInt | TArrow of typ * typ | TDummy
@ -27,14 +23,21 @@ type unop = Catala_ast.unop
type op = Binop of binop | Unop of unop
type binding = Uid.t * typ
type binding = Uid.LocalVar.t * typ
(*type enum_case = uid*)
type var_prefix =
(* See [Scope_interpreter] for details about the meaning of this case. The `int` means the number
of times you have to go to the parent caller to get the variable *)
| CallerPrefix of int * Uid.SubScope.t option
| NoPrefix
| SubScopePrefix of Uid.SubScope.t
type term = untyped_term Pos.marked * typ
and untyped_term =
| EVar of Uid.t
| EVar of var_prefix * Uid.Var.t
(** This case is only for terms embedded in the scope language *)
| ELocalVar of Uid.LocalVar.t
| EFun of binding list * term
| EApp of term * term list
| EIfThenElse of term * term * term
@ -46,11 +49,7 @@ and untyped_term =
(* (x,y) in ordering means that default x has precedence over default y : if both are true then x
would be choser over y *)
and default_term = {
defaults : (term * term) IntMap.t;
ordering : (int * int) list;
nb_defaults : int;
and default_term = { defaults : (term * term) list; ordering : (int * int) list }
let untype (((term, _), _) : term) : untyped_term = term
@ -65,22 +64,16 @@ let map_untype2 (f : untyped_term -> untyped_term -> untyped_term) (((t1, pos),
(((t2, _), _) : term) : term =
((f t1 t2, pos), typ)
let empty_default_term : default_term = { defaults = IntMap.empty; ordering = []; nb_defaults = 0 }
let empty_default_term : default_term = { defaults = []; ordering = [] }
let add_default (just : term) (cons : term) (term : default_term) =
term with
defaults = IntMap.add term.nb_defaults (just, cons) term.defaults;
nb_defaults = term.nb_defaults + 1;
{ term with defaults = term.defaults @ [ (just, cons) ] }
(** Merge two defalts terms, taking into account that one has higher precedence than the other *)
let merge_default_terms (lo_term : default_term) (hi_term : default_term) : default_term =
let n = lo_term.nb_defaults in
let n' = hi_term.nb_defaults in
let defaults =
IntMap.fold (fun k default -> IntMap.add (n + k) default) hi_term.defaults lo_term.defaults
let n = List.length lo_term.defaults in
let n' = List.length hi_term.defaults in
let defaults = lo_term.defaults @ hi_term.defaults in
let rec add_hi_prec = function
| [] -> lo_term.ordering
| (k, k') :: xs -> (n + k, n + k') :: add_hi_prec xs
@ -97,25 +90,31 @@ let merge_default_terms (lo_term : default_term) (hi_term : default_term) : defa
let rec gen_list i j acc = if i = j then acc else gen_list (i + 1) j (i :: acc) in
let gen_list i j = gen_list i j [] in
let prec' = gen_prec (gen_list 0 n) (gen_list n (n + n')) in
{ defaults; ordering = prec @ prec'; nb_defaults = n + n' }
{ defaults; ordering = prec @ prec' }
(** Returns the free variables of a term *)
let rec term_fv (term : term) : UidSet.t =
(** Returns the free variables (scope language variables) of a term. Used to build the dependency
graph *)
let rec term_fv (term : term) : Uid.ScopeDefSet.t =
match untype term with
| EVar uid -> UidSet.singleton uid
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
let body_fv = term_fv body in
let bindings = bindings |> (fun (x, _) -> x) |> UidSet.of_list in
UidSet.diff body_fv bindings
| EApp (f, args) -> List.fold_left (fun fv arg -> UidSet.union fv (term_fv arg)) (term_fv f) args
| EVar (NoPrefix, uid) -> Uid.ScopeDefSet.singleton (Uid.ScopeDef.Var uid)
| EVar (SubScopePrefix sub_uid, uid) ->
Uid.ScopeDefSet.singleton (Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (sub_uid, uid))
| EVar (CallerPrefix _, _) ->
(* here we return an empty dependency because when calling a subscope, the variables of the
caller graph needed for it are already computed *)
| ELocalVar _ -> Uid.ScopeDefSet.empty
| EFun (_, body) -> term_fv body
| EApp (f, args) ->
List.fold_left (fun fv arg -> Uid.ScopeDefSet.union fv (term_fv arg)) (term_fv f) args
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
UidSet.union (term_fv t_if) (UidSet.union (term_fv t_then) (term_fv t_else))
Uid.ScopeDefSet.union (term_fv t_if) (Uid.ScopeDefSet.union (term_fv t_then) (term_fv t_else))
| EDefault default -> default_term_fv default
| _ -> UidSet.empty
| EBool _ | EInt _ | EDec _ | EOp _ -> Uid.ScopeDefSet.empty
and default_term_fv (term : default_term) : UidSet.t =
(fun _ (cond, body) ->
let fv = UidSet.union (term_fv cond) (term_fv body) in
UidSet.union fv)
term.defaults UidSet.empty
and default_term_fv (term : default_term) : Uid.ScopeDefSet.t =
(fun acc (cond, body) ->
let fv = Uid.ScopeDefSet.union (term_fv cond) (term_fv body) in
Uid.ScopeDefSet.union fv acc)
Uid.ScopeDefSet.empty term.defaults

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@ -18,24 +18,55 @@ type uid = int
type scope_uid = int
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module UidSet = Uid.UidSet
module ExecContextKey = struct
type t = LocalVar of Uid.LocalVar.t | ScopeVar of var_prefix * Uid.Var.t
type exec_context = Lambda_ast.untyped_term UidMap.t
let compare x y =
match (x, y) with
| LocalVar x, LocalVar y -> x y
| ScopeVar (x1, x2), ScopeVar (y1, y2) -> (
match (x1, y1) with
| NoPrefix, NoPrefix | CallerPrefix _, CallerPrefix _ -> x2 y2
| SubScopePrefix x1, SubScopePrefix y1 ->
let sub_comp = x1 y1 in
if sub_comp = 0 then x2 y2 else sub_comp
| _ -> compare x y )
| _ -> compare x y
let empty_exec_ctxt = UidMap.empty
let format_t (x : t) : string =
match x with
| LocalVar x -> Uid.LocalVar.format_t x
| ScopeVar (prefix, var) -> Format_lambda.print_prefix prefix ^ Uid.Var.format_t var
module ExecContext = Map.Make (ExecContextKey)
type exec_context = Lambda_ast.untyped_term ExecContext.t
let format_exec_context (ctx : exec_context) =
String.concat "\n"
(fun (key, value) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s -> %s" (ExecContextKey.format_t key)
(Format_lambda.print_term ((value, Pos.no_pos), TDummy)))
(ExecContext.bindings ctx))
let empty_exec_ctxt = ExecContext.empty
let raise_default_conflict (def : Uid.ScopeDef.t) (true_pos : Pos.t list) (false_pos : Pos.t list) =
let var_str = Uid.ScopeDef.format_t def in
let var_pos =
match def with
| Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (_, v) | Uid.ScopeDef.Var v -> Pos.get_position (Uid.Var.get_info v)
let raise_default_conflict (id : string Pos.marked) (true_pos : Pos.t list) (false_pos : Pos.t list)
if List.length true_pos = 0 then
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list = (fun pos -> (Some "This justification is false:", pos)) false_pos
(Printf.sprintf "Default logic error for variable %s: no justification is true."
(Pos.unmark id))
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The error concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
(Printf.sprintf "Default logic error for variable %s: no justification is true." var_str)
( (Some (Printf.sprintf "The error concerns this variable %s" var_str), var_pos)
:: justifications )
let justifications : (string option * Pos.t) list =
@ -43,22 +74,30 @@ let raise_default_conflict (id : string Pos.marked) (true_pos : Pos.t list) (fal
"Default logic conflict, multiple justifications are true but are not related by a precedence"
( ( Some (Printf.sprintf "The conflict concerns this variable %s" (Pos.unmark id)),
Pos.get_position id )
( (Some (Printf.sprintf "The conflict concerns this variable %s" var_str), var_pos)
:: justifications )
let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_ast.term) :
let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.ScopeDef.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_ast.term) :
Lambda_ast.term =
let (term, pos), typ = term in
let evaled_term =
match term with
| EFun _ | EInt _ | EDec _ | EBool _ | EOp _ -> term (* already a value *)
| EVar uid -> (
match UidMap.find_opt uid exec_ctxt with
| ELocalVar uid -> (
let ctxt_key = ExecContextKey.LocalVar uid in
match ExecContext.find_opt ctxt_key exec_ctxt with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
(Printf.sprintf "Variable %s is not defined" (Uid.get_ident uid))
(Printf.sprintf "Local Variable %s is not defined" (Uid.LocalVar.format_t uid))
pos )
| EVar (prefix, uid) -> (
let ctxt_key = ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (prefix, uid) in
match ExecContext.find_opt ctxt_key exec_ctxt with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
(Printf.sprintf "Variable %s is not defined" (Uid.Var.format_t uid))
pos )
| EApp (f, args) -> (
(* First evaluate and match the function body *)
@ -68,7 +107,9 @@ let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_as
let exec_ctxt =
(fun ctxt arg (uid, _) ->
UidMap.add uid (arg |> eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt |> Lambda_ast.untype) ctxt)
ExecContext.add (ExecContextKey.LocalVar uid)
(arg |> eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt |> Lambda_ast.untype)
exec_ctxt args bindings
eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt body |> Lambda_ast.untype
@ -82,11 +123,13 @@ let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_as
| And | Or ->
let b1, b2 =
match args with [ EBool b1; EBool b2 ] -> (b1, b2) | _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)
EBool (if binop = And then b1 && b2 else b1 || b2)
| _ -> (
let i1, i2 =
match args with [ EInt i1; EInt i2 ] -> (i1, i2) | _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)
match binop with
| Add | Sub | Mult | Div ->
@ -97,6 +140,7 @@ let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_as
| Mult -> ( * )
| Div -> ( / )
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)
EInt (op_arith i1 i2)
| _ ->
@ -109,40 +153,50 @@ let rec eval_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_as
| Eq -> ( = )
| Neq -> ( <> )
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *)
EBool (op_comp i1 i2) ) )
| Unop Minus -> ( match args with [ EInt i ] -> EInt (-i) | _ -> assert false )
| Unop Not -> ( match args with [ EBool b ] -> EBool (not b) | _ -> assert false ) )
| Unop Minus -> (
match args with
| [ EInt i ] -> EInt (-i)
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) )
| Unop Not -> (
match args with
| [ EBool b ] -> EBool (not b)
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) ) )
| _ -> assert false )
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
( match eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_if |> Lambda_ast.untype with
| EBool b ->
if b then eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_then else eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt t_else
| _ -> assert false )
| _ -> assert false (* should not happen *) )
|> Lambda_ast.untype
| EDefault t -> (
match eval_default_term top_uid exec_ctxt t with
| Ok value -> value |> Lambda_ast.untype
| Error (true_pos, false_pos) ->
raise_default_conflict (Uid.get_ident top_uid, Uid.get_pos top_uid) true_pos false_pos )
| Error (true_pos, false_pos) -> raise_default_conflict top_uid true_pos false_pos )
((evaled_term, pos), typ)
(* Evaluates a default term : see the formalization for an insight about this operation *)
and eval_default_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambda_ast.default_term)
: (Lambda_ast.term, Pos.t list * Pos.t list) result =
and eval_default_term (top_uid : Uid.ScopeDef.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context)
(term : Lambda_ast.default_term) : (Lambda_ast.term, Pos.t list * Pos.t list) result =
(* First filter out the term which justification are false *)
let candidates : 'a IntMap.t =
(fun _ (cond, _) ->
let defaults_numbered : (int * (term * term)) list =
List.mapi (fun (x : int) (y : term * term) -> (x, y)) term.defaults
let candidates : 'a list =
(fun (_, (cond, _)) ->
match eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt cond |> Lambda_ast.untype with
| EBool b -> b
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *))
(* Now filter out the terms that have a predecessor which justification is true *)
let module ISet = Set.Make (Int) in
let key_candidates = IntMap.fold (fun x _ -> ISet.add x) candidates ISet.empty in
let key_candidates = List.fold_left (fun acc (x, _) -> ISet.add x acc) ISet.empty candidates in
let chosen_one =
(fun set (lo, hi) -> if ISet.mem lo set && ISet.mem hi set then ISet.remove hi set else set)
@ -150,14 +204,15 @@ and eval_default_term (top_uid : Uid.t) (exec_ctxt : exec_context) (term : Lambd
match ISet.elements chosen_one with
| [ x ] ->
let _, cons = IntMap.find x term.defaults in
let _, (_, cons) = List.find (fun (i, _) -> i = x) defaults_numbered in
Ok (eval_term top_uid exec_ctxt cons)
| xs ->
let true_pos =
xs |> (fun x -> IntMap.find x term.defaults |> fst |> Lambda_ast.get_pos)
|> (fun x ->
List.find (fun (i, _) -> i = x) defaults_numbered |> snd |> fst |> Lambda_ast.get_pos)
let false_pos : Pos.t list =
let bindings : (scope_uid * (term * term)) list = term.defaults |> IntMap.bindings in (fun (_, (cond, _)) -> Lambda_ast.get_pos cond) bindings (fun (_, (cond, _)) -> Lambda_ast.get_pos cond) defaults_numbered
Error (true_pos, false_pos)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
(** Checks that a term is well typed and annotate it *)
let rec type_term (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (local_ctx : Lambda_ast.typ Uid.LocalVarMap.t)
(((t, pos), _) : Lambda_ast.term) : Lambda_ast.term =
match t with
| EVar (s, uid) ->
(* so here we can ignore the subscope uid because the uid of the variable already corresponds
to the uid of the variable in its original scope *)
let typ = Name_resolution.get_var_typ ctxt uid in
((EVar (s, uid), pos), typ)
| ELocalVar uid ->
let typ = Uid.LocalVarMap.find uid local_ctx in
((ELocalVar uid, pos), typ)
| EFun (bindings, body) ->
let local_ctx =
(fun local_ctx (binding, ty) -> Uid.LocalVarMap.add binding ty local_ctx)
local_ctx bindings
let body = type_term ctxt local_ctx body in
let ret_typ = Lambda_ast.get_typ body in
let rec build_typ = function
| [] -> ret_typ
| (_, arg_t) :: args -> TArrow (arg_t, build_typ args)
let fun_typ = build_typ bindings in
((EFun (bindings, body), pos), fun_typ)
| EApp (f, args) ->
let f = type_term ctxt local_ctx f in
let f_typ = Lambda_ast.get_typ f in
let args = (type_term ctxt local_ctx) args in
let args_typ = (fun arg -> (Lambda_ast.get_typ arg, Pos.get_position (fst arg))) args
let rec check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ =
match (f_typ, args_typ) with
| typ, [] -> typ
| Lambda_ast.TArrow (arg_typ, ret_typ), fst_typ :: typs ->
let fst_typ_s = Pos.unmark fst_typ in
if arg_typ = fst_typ_s then check_arrow_typ ret_typ typs
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "error when comparing types of function arguments"
( Some (Printf.sprintf "expected type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ f_typ)),
Pos.get_position (fst f) );
( Some (Printf.sprintf "got type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ fst_typ_s)),
Pos.get_position fst_typ );
| _ ->
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "wrong number of arguments for function call"
( Some (Printf.sprintf "expected type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ f_typ)),
Pos.get_position (fst f) );
( Some
(Printf.sprintf "got type %s"
(String.concat " -> "
( (fun (ty, _) -> Format_lambda.format_typ ty) args_typ))),
Pos.get_position (List.hd args_typ) );
let ret_typ = check_arrow_typ f_typ args_typ in
((EApp (f, args), pos), ret_typ)
| EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else) ->
let t_if = type_term ctxt local_ctx t_if in
let typ_if = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_if in
let t_then = type_term ctxt local_ctx t_then in
let typ_then = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_then in
let t_else = type_term ctxt local_ctx t_else in
let typ_else = Lambda_ast.get_typ t_else in
if typ_if <> TBool then
(Format.sprintf "expecting type bool, got type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ typ_if))
(Pos.get_position (fst t_if))
else if typ_then <> typ_else then
"expecting same types for the true and false branches of the conditional"
( Some (Format.sprintf "the true branch has type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ typ_then)),
Pos.get_position (fst t_then) );
( Some
(Format.sprintf "the false branch has type %s" (Format_lambda.format_typ typ_else)),
Pos.get_position (fst t_else) );
else ((EIfThenElse (t_if, t_then, t_else), pos), typ_then)
| EInt _ | EDec _ -> ((t, pos), TInt)
| EBool _ -> ((t, pos), TBool)
| EOp op ->
let typ =
match op with
| Binop binop -> (
match binop with
| And | Or -> Lambda_ast.TArrow (TBool, TArrow (TBool, TBool))
| Add | Sub | Mult | Div -> TArrow (TInt, TArrow (TInt, TInt))
| Lt | Lte | Gt | Gte | Eq | Neq -> TArrow (TInt, TArrow (TInt, TBool)) )
| Unop Minus -> TArrow (TInt, TInt)
| Unop Not -> TArrow (TBool, TBool)
((t, pos), typ)
| EDefault t ->
let defaults =
(fun (just, cons) ->
let just_t = type_term ctxt local_ctx just in
if Lambda_ast.get_typ just_t <> TBool then
let cons = type_term ctxt local_ctx cons in
(just_t, cons)
(Format.sprintf "expected type of default condition to be bool, got %s"
(Format_lambda.format_typ (Lambda_ast.get_typ just)))
(Pos.get_position (fst just)))
let typ_cons = List.hd defaults |> snd |> snd in
(fun (_, cons) ->
if Lambda_ast.get_typ cons <> typ_cons then
(Format.sprintf "expected default condition to be of type %s, got type %s"
(Format_lambda.format_typ (Lambda_ast.get_typ cons))
(Format_lambda.format_typ typ_cons))
(Pos.get_position (fst cons))
else ())
((EDefault { t with defaults }, pos), typ_cons)

View File

@ -12,27 +12,21 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
(** Print a scope program *)
let print_scope (scope : Scope_ast.scope) : string =
let print_defs (defs : Scope_ast.definition UidMap.t) : string =
defs |> UidMap.bindings
let print_defs (defs : Scope_ast.definition Uid.ScopeDefMap.t) : string =
defs |> Uid.ScopeDefMap.bindings
|> (fun (uid, term) ->
Printf.sprintf "%s:\n%s" (Uid.get_ident uid) (Format_lambda.print_term term))
Printf.sprintf "%s:\n%s" (Uid.ScopeDef.format_t uid) (Format_lambda.print_term term))
|> String.concat ""
"___Variables Definition___\n" ^ print_defs scope.scope_defs ^ "___Subscope (Re)definition___\n"
^ ( scope.scope_sub_defs |> UidMap.bindings
|> (fun (scope_uid, defs) ->
Printf.sprintf "__%s__:\n%s" (Uid.get_ident scope_uid) (print_defs defs))
|> String.concat "" )
^ "\n"
(** Print the whole program *)
let print_program (prgm : Scope_ast.program) : string =
prgm |> UidMap.bindings
prgm |> Uid.ScopeMap.bindings
|> (fun (uid, scope) ->
Printf.sprintf "Scope %s:\n%s" (Uid.get_ident uid) (print_scope scope))
Printf.sprintf "Scope %s:\n%s" (Uid.Scope.format_t uid) (print_scope scope))
|> String.concat "\n"
|> Printf.sprintf "Scope program\n%s"

View File

@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Nicolas Chataing
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
type uid = Uid.t
type scope_uid = Uid.t
type var_uid = Uid.t
type sub_scope_uid = Uid.t
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module UidSet = Uid.UidSet
type ident = string
module IdentMap = Map.Make (String)
type typ = Lambda_ast.typ
type sort =
| IdScope
| IdScopeVar of uid option
| IdSubScope of uid
| IdSubScopeVar of var_uid * sub_scope_uid
| IdBinder
type uid_data = { uid_typ : typ; uid_sort : sort }
type scope_context = { var_id_to_uid : uid IdentMap.t; uid_set : UidSet.t }
type context = {
scope_id_to_uid : uid IdentMap.t;
scopes : scope_context UidMap.t;
data : uid_data UidMap.t;
let subscope_ident (y : string) (x : string) : string = y ^ "::" ^ x
let raise_unsupported_feature (msg : string) (pos : Pos.t) =
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Printf.sprintf "Unsupported feature: %s" msg) pos
let raise_undefined_identifier (msg : string) (pos : Pos.t) =
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Printf.sprintf "Undefined identifier: %s" msg) pos
let raise_unknown_identifier (msg : string) (pos : Pos.t) =
Errors.raise_spanned_error (Printf.sprintf "Unknown identifier: %s" msg) pos
(** Get the type associated to an uid *)
let get_uid_typ (ctxt : context) (uid : uid) : typ = (UidMap.find uid
(** Get the sort associated to an uid *)
let get_uid_sort (ctxt : context) (uid : uid) : sort = (UidMap.find uid
(** Process a subscope declaration *)
let process_subscope_decl (scope : uid) (ctxt : context)
(decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_scope) : context =
let name, decl_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_name in
let subscope, s_pos = decl.scope_decl_context_scope_sub_scope in
(* First check that the designated subscope is a scope *)
let sub_uid =
match IdentMap.find_opt subscope ctxt.scope_id_to_uid with
| None -> raise_undefined_identifier subscope s_pos
| Some uid -> (
match get_uid_sort ctxt uid with
| IdScope -> uid
| _ -> raise_undefined_identifier "..." s_pos )
let scope_ctxt = UidMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
let subscope_ctxt = UidMap.find sub_uid ctxt.scopes in
match IdentMap.find_opt name scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid with
| Some _ -> assert false (* Variable is already used in this scope *)
| None ->
let sub_scope_uid = Uid.fresh name decl_pos in
let scope_ctxt =
var_id_to_uid = IdentMap.add name sub_scope_uid scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid;
uid_set = UidSet.add sub_scope_uid scope_ctxt.uid_set;
let ctxt =
ctxt with
scopes = UidMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes;
data =
UidMap.add sub_scope_uid
{ uid_typ = Lambda_ast.TDummy; uid_sort = IdSubScope sub_uid };
(* Now duplicate all variables from the subscope *)
(fun sub_var sub_uid ctxt ->
let fresh_varname = subscope_ident name sub_var in
(* We use the same pos as the subscope declaration *)
let fresh_uid = Uid.fresh fresh_varname decl_pos in
let scope_ctxt = UidMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
let scope_ctxt =
var_id_to_uid = IdentMap.add fresh_varname fresh_uid scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid;
uid_set = UidSet.add fresh_uid scope_ctxt.uid_set;
let sub_data = UidMap.find sub_uid in
(* Add a reference to the subvar *)
let data = { sub_data with uid_sort = IdSubScopeVar (sub_uid, sub_scope_uid) } in
ctxt with
scopes = UidMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes;
data = UidMap.add fresh_uid data;
subscope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid ctxt
let process_base_typ ((typ, typ_pos) : Catala_ast.base_typ Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.typ =
match typ with
| Catala_ast.Condition -> Lambda_ast.TBool
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Collection _) -> raise_unsupported_feature "collection type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Optional _) -> raise_unsupported_feature "option type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Data (Catala_ast.Primitive prim) -> (
match prim with
| Catala_ast.Integer | Catala_ast.Decimal | Catala_ast.Money | Catala_ast.Date ->
| Catala_ast.Boolean -> Lambda_ast.TBool
| Catala_ast.Text -> raise_unsupported_feature "text type" typ_pos
| Catala_ast.Named _ -> raise_unsupported_feature "struct or enum types" typ_pos )
let process_type ((typ, typ_pos) : Catala_ast.typ Pos.marked) : Lambda_ast.typ =
match typ with
| Catala_ast.Base base_typ -> process_base_typ (base_typ, typ_pos)
| Catala_ast.Func { arg_typ; return_typ } ->
Lambda_ast.TArrow (process_base_typ arg_typ, process_base_typ return_typ)
(** Process data declaration *)
let process_data_decl (scope : uid) (ctxt : context) (decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_data) :
context =
(* First check the type of the context data *)
let lambda_typ = process_type decl.scope_decl_context_item_typ in
let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_context_item_name in
let scope_ctxt = UidMap.find scope ctxt.scopes in
match IdentMap.find_opt name scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid with
| Some _ -> (* Variable is already used in this scope *) assert false
| None -> (
let uid = Uid.fresh name pos in
let scope_ctxt =
var_id_to_uid = IdentMap.add name uid scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid;
uid_set = UidSet.add uid scope_ctxt.uid_set;
match lambda_typ with
| TArrow (arg_typ, _) ->
(* We now can get a fresh uid for the data *)
let arg_uid = Uid.fresh (Printf.sprintf "ARG_OF(%s)" name) pos in
let arg_data = { uid_typ = arg_typ; uid_sort = IdBinder } in
let var_data = { uid_typ = lambda_typ; uid_sort = IdScopeVar (Some arg_uid) } in
let data = |> UidMap.add uid var_data |> UidMap.add arg_uid arg_data in
{ ctxt with scopes = UidMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes; data }
| _ ->
ctxt with
scopes = UidMap.add scope scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes;
data = UidMap.add uid { uid_typ = lambda_typ; uid_sort = IdScopeVar None };
} )
(** Process an item declaration *)
let process_item_decl (scope : uid) (ctxt : context) (decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl_context_item) :
context =
match decl with
| Catala_ast.ContextData data_decl -> process_data_decl scope ctxt data_decl
| Catala_ast.ContextScope sub_decl -> process_subscope_decl scope ctxt sub_decl
(** Process a scope declaration *)
let process_scope_decl (ctxt : context) (decl : Catala_ast.scope_decl) : context =
let name, pos = decl.scope_decl_name in
(* Checks if the name is already used *)
match IdentMap.find_opt name ctxt.scope_id_to_uid with
| Some _ -> assert false
| None ->
let scope_uid = Uid.fresh name pos in
let ctxt =
scope_id_to_uid = IdentMap.add name scope_uid ctxt.scope_id_to_uid;
data = UidMap.add scope_uid { uid_typ = Lambda_ast.TDummy; uid_sort = IdScope };
scopes =
UidMap.add scope_uid
{ var_id_to_uid = IdentMap.empty; uid_set = UidSet.empty }
(fun ctxt item -> process_item_decl scope_uid ctxt (Pos.unmark item))
ctxt decl.scope_decl_context
(** Process a code item : for now it only handles scope decls *)
let process_code_item (ctxt : context) (item : Catala_ast.code_item) : context =
match item with ScopeDecl decl -> process_scope_decl ctxt decl | _ -> ctxt
(** Process a code block *)
let process_code_block (ctxt : context) (block : Catala_ast.code_block) : context =
List.fold_left (fun ctxt decl -> Pos.unmark decl |> process_code_item ctxt) ctxt block
(** Process a program item *)
let process_program_item (ctxt : context) (item : Catala_ast.program_item) : context =
match item with
| CodeBlock (block, _) | MetadataBlock (block, _) -> process_code_block ctxt block
| _ -> ctxt
(** Derive the context from metadata *)
let form_context (prgm : Catala_ast.program) : context =
let empty_ctxt =
{ scope_id_to_uid = IdentMap.empty; scopes = UidMap.empty; data = UidMap.empty }
List.fold_left process_program_item empty_ctxt prgm.program_items
(** Get the variable uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_var_uid (scope_uid : uid) (ctxt : context) ((x, pos) : ident Pos.marked) : uid =
let scope = UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match IdentMap.find_opt x scope.var_id_to_uid with
| None -> raise_undefined_identifier x pos
| Some uid -> (
(* Checks that the uid has sort IdScopeVar or IdScopeBinder *)
match get_uid_sort ctxt uid with
| IdScopeVar _ | IdBinder | IdSubScopeVar _ -> uid
| _ ->
let err_msg = Printf.sprintf "Identifier \"%s\" should be a variable, but it isn't" x in
Errors.raise_spanned_error err_msg pos )
(** Get the subscope uid inside the scope given in argument *)
let get_subscope_uid (scope_uid : uid) (ctxt : context) ((y, pos) : ident Pos.marked) : uid * uid =
let scope = UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
match IdentMap.find_opt y scope.var_id_to_uid with
| None -> raise_unknown_identifier y pos
| Some sub_uid -> (
match get_uid_sort ctxt sub_uid with
| IdSubScope scope_ref -> (sub_uid, scope_ref)
| _ ->
let err_msg = Printf.sprintf "Identifier \"%s\" should be a subscope, but it isn't" y in
Errors.raise_spanned_error err_msg pos )
(** Checks if the var_uid belongs to the scope scope_uid *)
let belongs_to (ctxt : context) (uid : var_uid) (scope_uid : scope_uid) : bool =
let scope = UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
UidSet.mem uid scope.uid_set
(** Adds a binding to the context *)
let add_binding (ctxt : context) (scope_uid : Uid.t) (fun_uid : Uid.t)
(bind_name : ident Pos.marked option) : context * Uid.t option =
match bind_name with
| None -> (ctxt, None)
| Some name ->
let name = Pos.unmark name in
let scope_ctxt = UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let arg_uid =
match get_uid_sort ctxt fun_uid with
| IdScopeVar (Some arg_uid) -> arg_uid
| _ ->
(Printf.sprintf "Var %s is supposed to be a function but it isn't"
(Uid.get_ident fun_uid))
(Uid.get_pos fun_uid)
let scope_ctxt =
{ scope_ctxt with var_id_to_uid = IdentMap.add name arg_uid scope_ctxt.var_id_to_uid }
({ ctxt with scopes = UidMap.add scope_uid scope_ctxt ctxt.scopes }, Some arg_uid)

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@ -12,21 +12,12 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
(* Scopes *)
type binder = string Pos.marked
type binder = Uid.LocalVar.t
type definition = Lambda_ast.term
let empty_func_def (bind : Uid.t) (pos : Pos.t) (typ : Lambda_ast.typ) : definition =
match typ with
| TArrow (t_arg, t_ret) ->
let body_term : Lambda_ast.term = ((EDefault Lambda_ast.empty_default_term, pos), t_ret) in
((EFun ([ (bind, t_arg) ], body_term), pos), typ)
| _ -> assert false
let empty_var_def (pos : Pos.t) (typ : Lambda_ast.typ) : definition =
let empty_def (pos : Pos.t) (typ : Lambda_ast.typ) : definition =
((EDefault Lambda_ast.empty_default_term, pos), typ)
type assertion = Lambda_ast.term
@ -40,20 +31,18 @@ type meta_assertion =
| VariesWith of Lambda_ast.term * variation_typ Pos.marked option
type scope = {
scope_uid : Uid.t;
scope_defs : definition UidMap.t;
scope_sub_defs : definition UidMap.t UidMap.t;
scope_uid : Uid.Scope.t;
scope_defs : definition Uid.ScopeDefMap.t;
scope_assertions : assertion list;
scope_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list UidMap.t;
scope_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list;
let empty_scope (uid : Uid.t) : scope =
let empty_scope (uid : Uid.Scope.t) : scope =
scope_uid = uid;
scope_defs = UidMap.empty;
scope_sub_defs = UidMap.empty;
scope_defs = Uid.ScopeDefMap.empty;
scope_assertions = [];
scope_meta_assertions = UidMap.empty;
scope_meta_assertions = [];
type program = scope UidMap.t
type program = scope Uid.ScopeMap.t

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@ -12,155 +12,290 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module G = Graph.Pack.Digraph
module UidMap = Uid.UidMap
module UidSet = Uid.UidSet
(** The vertices of the scope dependency graph are either :
(** Returns the scheduling of the scope variables, if y is a subscope and x a variable of y, then we
have two different variable y.x(internal) and y.x(result) and the ordering y.x(internal) -> y ->
y.x(result) *)
let build_scope_schedule (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (scope : Scope_ast.scope) : G.t =
let g = G.create ~size:100 () in
- the variables of the scope ;
- the subscopes of the scope.
Indeed, during interpretation, subscopes are executed atomically.
In the graph, x -> y if x is used in the definition of y. *)
module Vertex = struct
type t = Var of Uid.Var.t | SubScope of Uid.SubScope.t
let hash x = match x with Var x -> Uid.Var.hash x | SubScope x -> Uid.SubScope.hash x
let compare = compare
let equal x y =
match (x, y) with
| Var x, Var y -> x y = 0
| SubScope x, SubScope y -> x y = 0
| _ -> false
let format_t (x : t) : string =
match x with Var v -> Uid.Var.format_t v | SubScope v -> Uid.SubScope.format_t v
(** On the edges, the label is the expression responsible for the use of the variable *)
module Edge = struct
type t = Pos.t
let compare = compare
let default = Pos.no_pos
module ScopeDependencies = Graph.Persistent.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled (Vertex) (Edge)
module TopologicalTraversal = Graph.Topological.Make (ScopeDependencies)
module SCC = Graph.Components.Make (ScopeDependencies)
(** Tarjan's stongly connected components algorithm, provided by OCamlGraph *)
(** Outputs an error in case of cycles. *)
let check_for_cycle (g : ScopeDependencies.t) : unit =
(* if there is a cycle, there will be an strongly connected component of cardinality > 1 *)
let sccs = SCC.scc_list g in
if List.length sccs < ScopeDependencies.nb_vertex g then
let scc = List.find (fun scc -> List.length scc > 1) sccs in
Errors.raise_multispanned_error "cyclic dependency dected between variables!"
(fun v ->
let var_str, var_info =
match v with
| Vertex.Var v -> (Uid.Var.format_t v, Uid.Var.get_info v)
| Vertex.SubScope v -> (Uid.SubScope.format_t v, Uid.SubScope.get_info v)
let succs = ScopeDependencies.succ_e g v in
let _, edge_pos, succ = List.find (fun (_, _, succ) -> List.mem succ scc) succs in
let succ_str =
match succ with
| Vertex.Var v -> Uid.Var.format_t v
| Vertex.SubScope v -> Uid.SubScope.format_t v
(Some ("cycle variable " ^ var_str ^ ", declared:"), Pos.get_position var_info);
( Some ("used here in the definition of another cycle variable " ^ succ_str ^ ":"),
edge_pos );
let build_scope_dependencies (scope : Scope_ast.scope) (ctxt : Name_resolution.context) :
ScopeDependencies.t =
let g = ScopeDependencies.empty in
let scope_uid = scope.scope_uid in
(* Add all the vertices to the graph *)
let vertices =
(fun uid verts ->
match Name_resolution.get_uid_sort ctxt uid with
| IdScopeVar _ | IdSubScope _ -> UidMap.add uid (G.V.create uid) verts
| _ -> verts)
(UidMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes).uid_set UidMap.empty
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let g =
(fun _ (v : Uid.Var.t) g -> ScopeDependencies.add_vertex g (Vertex.Var v))
scope_ctxt.var_idmap g
UidMap.iter (fun _ v -> G.add_vertex g v) vertices;
(* Process definitions dependencies. There are two types of dependencies : var -> var; sub_scope
-> var *)
(fun var_uid def ->
let fv = Lambda_ast.term_fv def in
(fun uid ->
if Name_resolution.belongs_to ctxt uid scope_uid then
let data = UidMap.find uid in
let from_uid =
match data.uid_sort with
| IdScopeVar _ -> uid
| IdSubScopeVar (_, sub_scope_uid) -> sub_scope_uid
| _ -> assert false
let g =
(fun _ (v : Uid.SubScope.t) g -> ScopeDependencies.add_vertex g (Vertex.SubScope v))
scope_ctxt.sub_scopes_idmap g
G.add_edge g (UidMap.find from_uid vertices) (UidMap.find var_uid vertices)
else ())
(* Process sub-definitions dependencies. Only one kind of dependencies : var -> sub_scopes*)
(fun sub_scope_uid defs ->
(fun _ def ->
let g =
(fun def_key def g ->
let fv = Lambda_ast.term_fv def in
(fun var_uid ->
(* Process only uid from the current scope (not the subscope) *)
if Name_resolution.belongs_to ctxt var_uid scope_uid then
G.add_edge g (UidMap.find var_uid vertices) (UidMap.find sub_scope_uid vertices)
else ())
(fun fv_def g ->
match (def_key, fv_def) with
| Uid.ScopeDef.Var defined, Uid.ScopeDef.Var used ->
(* simple case *)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge g (Vertex.Var used) (Vertex.Var defined)
| Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (defined, _), Uid.ScopeDef.Var used ->
(* here we are defining the input of a subscope using a var of the scope *)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge g (Vertex.Var used) (Vertex.SubScope defined)
| Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (defined, _), Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (used, _) ->
(* here we are defining the input of a scope with the output of another subscope *)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge g (Vertex.SubScope used) (Vertex.SubScope defined)
| Uid.ScopeDef.Var defined, Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (used, _) ->
(* finally we define a scope var with the output of a subscope *)
ScopeDependencies.add_edge g (Vertex.SubScope used) (Vertex.Var defined))
fv g)
scope.scope_defs g
let merge_var_redefs (subscope : Scope_ast.scope) (redefs : Scope_ast.definition UidMap.t) :
Scope_ast.scope =
let rec rewrite_subscope_redef_before_call (ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(parent_scope : Uid.Scope.t) (subscope : Scope_ast.scope)
((redef, redef_ty) : Scope_ast.definition) : Scope_ast.definition =
let parent_scope_ctx = Uid.ScopeMap.find parent_scope ctxt.scopes in
let rec_call = rewrite_subscope_redef_before_call ctxt parent_scope subscope in
match Pos.unmark redef with
| Lambda_ast.EVar (prefix, var) -> (
match prefix with
| Lambda_ast.NoPrefix ->
(* this is a variable of the parent scope, we add the prefix *)
( Pos.same_pos_as (Lambda_ast.EVar (Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (1, None), var)) redef,
redef_ty )
| Lambda_ast.SubScopePrefix parent_sub ->
let parent_sub_real = Uid.SubScopeMap.find parent_sub parent_scope_ctx.sub_scopes in
(* two cases here *)
if parent_sub_real = subscope.scope_uid then
(* we remove the prefix since we're calling this precise subscope *)
(Pos.same_pos_as (Lambda_ast.EVar (Lambda_ast.NoPrefix, var)) redef, redef_ty)
(* we add the caller prefix*)
( Pos.same_pos_as
(Lambda_ast.EVar (Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (1, Some parent_sub), var))
redef_ty )
| Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i, grand_parent_sub) ->
(* In this tricky case, we are trying to call a subscope while being executed as a
subscope of a "grand-parent" scope. See [tests/scopes/grand_parent_scope.catala] for an
exemple. What we do in this case is that we propagate the prefix while adding 1 to the
generation counter *)
( Pos.same_pos_as
(Lambda_ast.EVar (Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i + 1, grand_parent_sub), var))
redef_ty ) )
| Lambda_ast.EInt _ | Lambda_ast.EBool _ | Lambda_ast.EDec _ | Lambda_ast.EOp _
| Lambda_ast.ELocalVar _ ->
(redef, redef_ty)
| Lambda_ast.EFun (bindings, body) ->
(Pos.same_pos_as (Lambda_ast.EFun (bindings, rec_call body)) redef, redef_ty)
| Lambda_ast.EApp (f, args) ->
(Pos.same_pos_as (Lambda_ast.EApp (rec_call f, rec_call args)) redef, redef_ty)
| Lambda_ast.EIfThenElse (if_t, then_t, else_t) ->
( Pos.same_pos_as
(Lambda_ast.EIfThenElse (rec_call if_t, rec_call then_t, rec_call else_t))
redef_ty )
| Lambda_ast.EDefault default ->
( Pos.same_pos_as
default with
defaults = (fun (x, y) -> (rec_call x, rec_call y)) default.defaults;
redef_ty )
(** In this function, the keys of the [redefs] maps are variables of the [subscope] *)
let merge_var_redefs_before_subscope_call (ctxt : Name_resolution.context)
(parent_scope : Uid.Scope.t) (subscope : Scope_ast.scope)
(redefs : Scope_ast.definition Uid.VarMap.t) : Scope_ast.scope =
let merge_defaults : Lambda_ast.term -> Lambda_ast.term -> Lambda_ast.term =
Lambda_ast.map_untype2 (fun old_t new_t ->
match (old_t, new_t) with
| EDefault old_def, EDefault new_def ->
EDefault (Lambda_ast.merge_default_terms old_def new_def)
| EFun ([ bind ], old_t), EFun (_, new_t) ->
let body =
(fun old_t new_t ->
match (old_t, new_t) with
| EDefault old_def, EDefault new_def ->
EDefault (Lambda_ast.merge_default_terms old_def new_def)
| _ -> assert false)
old_t new_t
| _ -> assert false
(* should not happen *))
EFun ([ bind ], body)
| _ -> assert false)
(* when merging redefinitions inside a subscope for execution, we need to annotate the variables
of the parent scope with the caller prefix *)
subscope with
scope_defs =
(fun uid new_def sub_defs ->
match UidMap.find_opt uid sub_defs with
| None -> UidMap.add uid new_def sub_defs
(fun new_def_var new_def sub_defs ->
let new_def = rewrite_subscope_redef_before_call ctxt parent_scope subscope new_def in
match Uid.ScopeDefMap.find_opt (Uid.ScopeDef.Var new_def_var) sub_defs with
| None -> Uid.ScopeDefMap.add (Uid.ScopeDef.Var new_def_var) new_def sub_defs
| Some old_def ->
let def = merge_defaults old_def new_def in
UidMap.add uid def sub_defs)
Uid.ScopeDefMap.add (Uid.ScopeDef.Var new_def_var) def sub_defs)
redefs subscope.scope_defs;
let rewrite_context_before_executing_subscope (subscope : Uid.SubScope.t)
(exec_context : Lambda_interpreter.exec_context) : Lambda_interpreter.exec_context =
(fun key value acc ->
match key with
| Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.LocalVar _ ->
(* we can forget local vars when entering a subscope *)
| Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (prefix, var) ->
let new_prefix =
(* note: this has to match with the behavior of [rewrite_subscope_redef_before_call] *)
match prefix with
| Lambda_ast.NoPrefix -> Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (1, None)
| Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i, sub) -> Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i + 1, sub)
| Lambda_ast.SubScopePrefix sub ->
if sub = subscope then Lambda_ast.NoPrefix else Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (1, Some sub)
(Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (new_prefix, var))
value acc)
exec_context Lambda_interpreter.ExecContext.empty
let rewrite_context_after_executing_subscope (subscope : Uid.SubScope.t)
(exec_context : Lambda_interpreter.exec_context) : Lambda_interpreter.exec_context =
(fun key value acc ->
match key with
| Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.LocalVar _ ->
(* we can forget local vars when entering a subscope *)
| Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (prefix, var) -> (
let new_prefix =
match prefix with
| Lambda_ast.NoPrefix -> Some (Lambda_ast.SubScopePrefix subscope)
| Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i, sub) -> (
if i > 1 then Some (Lambda_ast.CallerPrefix (i - 1, sub))
match sub with
| None -> Some Lambda_ast.NoPrefix
| Some sub -> Some (Lambda_ast.SubScopePrefix sub) )
| Lambda_ast.SubScopePrefix _ -> None
(* we drop the subscope's subscopes since they can't be accessed *)
match new_prefix with
| None -> acc
| Some new_prefix ->
(Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (new_prefix, var))
value acc ))
exec_context Lambda_interpreter.ExecContext.empty
let rec execute_scope ?(exec_context = Lambda_interpreter.empty_exec_ctxt)
(ctxt : Name_resolution.context) (prgm : Scope_ast.program) (scope_prgm : Scope_ast.scope) :
Lambda_interpreter.exec_context =
let schedule = build_scope_schedule ctxt scope_prgm in
(* Printf.printf "Scheduling : "; *)
(* G.Topological.iter (fun v_uid -> Printf.printf "%s; " (G.V.label v_uid |> Uid.get_ident))
schedule; *)
(* Printf.printf "\n"; *)
(fun v_uid exec_context ->
let uid = G.V.label v_uid in
match Name_resolution.get_uid_sort ctxt uid with
| IdScopeVar _ -> (
match UidMap.find_opt uid scope_prgm.scope_defs with
let scope_ctxt = Uid.ScopeMap.find scope_prgm.scope_uid ctxt.scopes in
let deps = build_scope_dependencies scope_prgm ctxt in
check_for_cycle deps;
(fun v exec_context ->
match v with
| Vertex.Var var -> (
match Uid.ScopeDefMap.find_opt (Uid.ScopeDef.Var var) scope_prgm.scope_defs with
| Some def ->
UidMap.add uid
(Lambda_interpreter.eval_term uid exec_context def |> Lambda_ast.untype)
(* we evaluate a variable of the scope, no tricky business here *)
(Lambda_interpreter.ExecContextKey.ScopeVar (Lambda_ast.NoPrefix, var))
( Lambda_interpreter.eval_term (Uid.ScopeDef.Var var) exec_context def
|> Lambda_ast.untype )
| None ->
(Printf.sprintf "Variable %s is undefined in scope %s" (Uid.get_ident uid)
(Uid.get_ident scope_prgm.scope_uid))
[ (None, Uid.get_pos scope_prgm.scope_uid); (None, Uid.get_pos uid) ] )
| IdSubScope sub_scope_ref ->
(* Merge the new definitions *)
let sub_scope_prgm =
match UidMap.find_opt sub_scope_ref prgm with
| Some sub_scope -> sub_scope
| None ->
"The subscope %s of %s has no definition inside it, and therefore cannot be \
(Uid.get_ident scope_prgm.scope_uid)
(Uid.get_ident sub_scope_ref))
[ (None, Uid.get_pos scope_prgm.scope_uid); (None, Uid.get_pos sub_scope_ref) ]
| None -> assert false (* should not happen *) )
| Vertex.SubScope subscope_uid ->
(* this is the tricky case where we have to the the bookkeeping of rewriting the context
and additional defaults that we pass for the subscope for execution. See formalization
for more details *)
let subscope_real_uid = Uid.SubScopeMap.find subscope_uid scope_ctxt.sub_scopes in
let subscope = Uid.ScopeMap.find subscope_real_uid prgm in
let redefs_to_include_to_subscope =
(fun def_key def acc ->
match def_key with
| Uid.ScopeDef.Var _ -> acc
| Uid.ScopeDef.SubScopeVar (def_sub_uid, var) ->
if def_sub_uid = subscope_uid then Uid.VarMap.add var def acc else acc)
scope_prgm.scope_defs Uid.VarMap.empty
let redefs =
match UidMap.find_opt uid scope_prgm.scope_sub_defs with
| Some defs -> defs
| None -> UidMap.empty
let subscope =
merge_var_redefs_before_subscope_call ctxt scope_prgm.scope_uid subscope
let new_sub_scope_prgm = merge_var_redefs sub_scope_prgm redefs in
(* Scope_ast.print_scope new_sub_scope_prgm; *)
let out_context = execute_scope ctxt ~exec_context prgm new_sub_scope_prgm in
(* Now let's merge back the value from the output context *)
(fun var_uid exec_context ->
match Name_resolution.get_uid_sort ctxt var_uid with
| IdSubScopeVar (ref_uid, scope_ref) ->
if uid = scope_ref then
match Name_resolution.get_uid_sort ctxt ref_uid with
| IdScopeVar _ | IdSubScopeVar _ ->
let value = UidMap.find ref_uid out_context in
UidMap.add var_uid value exec_context
| _ -> exec_context
else exec_context
| _ -> exec_context)
(UidMap.find scope_prgm.scope_uid ctxt.scopes).uid_set exec_context
| _ -> assert false)
schedule exec_context
let exec_context = rewrite_context_before_executing_subscope subscope_uid exec_context in
let exec_context = execute_scope ~exec_context ctxt prgm subscope in
let exec_context = rewrite_context_after_executing_subscope subscope_uid exec_context in
deps exec_context

View File

@ -12,30 +12,87 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
type t = int
module IdentMap = Map.Make (String)
module UidSet = Set.Make (Int)
module UidMap = Map.Make (Int)
module type Id = sig
type t
type ident = string
type info
let ident_tbl = ref UidMap.empty
val fresh : info -> t
let pos_tbl = ref UidMap.empty
val get_info : t -> info
val compare : t -> t -> int
val format_t : t -> string
val hash : t -> int
module Make (X : sig
type info
val format_info : info -> string
end) : Id with type info = = struct
type t = { id : int; info : }
type info =
let counter = ref 0
let fresh (id : ident) (pos : Pos.t) : t =
let fresh (info : : t =
incr counter;
ident_tbl := UidMap.add !counter id !ident_tbl;
pos_tbl := UidMap.add !counter pos !pos_tbl;
{ id = !counter; info }
let get_ident (uid : t) : ident = UidMap.find uid !ident_tbl
let get_info (uid : t) : =
let get_pos (uid : t) : Pos.t = UidMap.find uid !pos_tbl
let compare (x : t) (y : t) : int = compare
let map_add_list (key : t) (item : 'a) (map : 'a list UidMap.t) =
match UidMap.find_opt key map with
| Some l -> UidMap.add key (item :: l) map
| None -> UidMap.add key [ item ] map
let format_t (x : t) : string = Printf.sprintf "%s" (X.format_info
let hash (x : t) : int =
module MarkedString = struct
type info = string Pos.marked
let format_info (s, _) = s
module Scope = Make (MarkedString)
module ScopeSet = Set.Make (Scope)
module ScopeMap = Map.Make (Scope)
module Var = Make (MarkedString)
module VarSet = Set.Make (Var)
module VarMap = Map.Make (Var)
module LocalVar = Make (MarkedString)
module LocalVarSet = Set.Make (LocalVar)
module LocalVarMap = Map.Make (LocalVar)
module SubScope = Make (MarkedString)
module SubScopeSet = Set.Make (SubScope)
module SubScopeMap = Map.Make (SubScope)
(** Inside a scope, a definition can refer either to a scope def, or a subscope def *)
module ScopeDef = struct
type t =
| Var of Var.t
| SubScopeVar of SubScope.t * Var.t
(** In this case, the [Uid.Var.t] lives inside the context of the subscope's original
declaration *)
let compare x y =
match (x, y) with
| Var x, Var y | Var x, SubScopeVar (_, y) | SubScopeVar (_, x), Var y -> x y
| SubScopeVar (_, x), SubScopeVar (_, y) -> x y
let format_t x =
match x with
| Var v -> Var.format_t v
| SubScopeVar (s, v) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (SubScope.format_t s) (Var.format_t v)
let hash x = match x with Var v -> Var.hash v | SubScopeVar (_, v) -> Var.hash v
module ScopeDefMap = Map.Make (ScopeDef)
module ScopeDefSet = Set.Make (ScopeDef)

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
(* This file is part of the Catala compiler, a specification language for tax and social benefits
computation rules. Copyright (C) 2020 Inria, contributor: Denis Merigoux
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module IdentMap : Map.S with type key = String.t
module MarkedString : sig
type info = string Pos.marked
val format_info : 'a * 'b -> 'a
module type Id = sig
type t
type info
val fresh : info -> t
val get_info : t -> info
val compare : t -> t -> int
val format_t : t -> string
val hash : t -> int
module Scope : Id with type info =
module ScopeSet : Set.S with type elt = Scope.t
module ScopeMap : Map.S with type key = Scope.t
module Var : Id with type info =
module VarSet : Set.S with type elt = Var.t
module VarMap : Map.S with type key = Var.t
module LocalVar : Id with type info =
module LocalVarSet : Set.S with type elt = LocalVar.t
module LocalVarMap : Map.S with type key = LocalVar.t
module SubScope : Id with type info =
module SubScopeSet : Set.S with type elt = SubScope.t
module SubScopeMap : Map.S with type key = SubScope.t
module ScopeDef : sig
type t =
| Var of Var.t
| SubScopeVar of SubScope.t * Var.t
(** In this case, the [Uid.Var.t] lives inside the context of the subscope's original
declaration *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
val format_t : t -> string
val hash : t -> int
module ScopeDefMap : Map.S with type key = ScopeDef.t
module ScopeDefSet : Set.S with type elt = ScopeDef.t

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
new scope A:
param x type int
new scope B:
param a scope A
param y type int
new scope C:
param b scope B
param z type int
scope A:
def x := 0
scope B:
def a.x := y
def y := 1
scope C:
def b.y := z
def z = 2

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
[RESULT] a -> 42
[RESULT] b -> true
[RESULT] scopeA::a -> 1
[RESULT] scopeA::a_base -> 1
[RESULT] scopeA::b -> true
[RESULT] scopeAbis::a -> -1
[RESULT] scopeAbis::a_base -> 1
[RESULT] scopeAbis::b -> false
[RESULT] scopeA.a -> 1
[RESULT] scopeA.b -> true
[RESULT] scopeA.a_base -> 1
[RESULT] scopeAbis.a -> -1
[RESULT] scopeAbis.b -> false
[RESULT] scopeAbis.a_base -> 1

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
[RESULT] a::u -> true
[RESULT] a::x -> 2
[RESULT] b::a::u -> true
[RESULT] b::a::x -> 1
[RESULT] b::y -> 3
[RESULT] z -> 2
[RESULT] a.x -> 2
[RESULT] a.u -> true
[RESULT] b.y -> 3