This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-08-08 15:51:52 +02:00
parent e9abbf9bd8
commit 5d61963a93
4 changed files with 288 additions and 272 deletions

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@ -37,13 +37,6 @@ type 'm ctxt = {
ren_ctx : Renaming.context;
(* Expressions can spill out side effect, hence this function also returns a
list of statements to be prepended before the expression is evaluated *)
exception NotAnExpr of { needs_a_local_decl : bool }
(** Contains the LocalDecl of the temporary variable that will be defined by the
next block is it's here *)
(** Blocks are constructed as reverse ordered lists. This module abstracts this
and avoids confusion in ordering of statements (also opening the opportunity
for more optimisations) *)
@ -101,48 +94,59 @@ let rec translate_expr_list ctxt args =
let stmts, args, ren_ctx =
(fun (args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx) arg ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg in
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx =
translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg
args_stmts ++ arg_stmts, new_arg :: new_args, ren_ctx)
(RevBlock.empty, [], ctxt.ren_ctx) args
(RevBlock.empty, [], ctxt.ren_ctx)
stmts, List.rev args, ren_ctx
and translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.expr) : RevBlock.t * A.expr * Renaming.context =
match Mark.remove expr with
| EVar v ->
let local_var =
try A.EVar (Var.Map.find v ctxt.var_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ -> (
try A.EFunc (Var.Map.find v ctxt.func_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ ->
Message.error ~pos:(Expr.pos expr)
"Var not found in lambda→scalc: %a@\nknown: @[<hov>%a@]@\n"
Print.var_debug v
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf v ->
Print.var_debug ppf v))
(Var.Map.keys ctxt.var_dict))
RevBlock.empty, (local_var, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EStruct { fields; name } ->
if ctxt.config.no_struct_literals then
(* In C89, struct literates have to be initialized at variable
definition... *)
raise (NotAnExpr { needs_a_local_decl = false });
and translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.expr) :
RevBlock.t * A.expr * Renaming.context =
match Mark.remove expr with
| EVar v ->
let local_var =
try A.EVar (Var.Map.find v ctxt.var_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ -> (
try A.EFunc (Var.Map.find v ctxt.func_dict)
with Var.Map.Not_found _ ->
Message.error ~pos:(Expr.pos expr)
"Var not found in lambda→scalc: %a@\nknown: @[<hov>%a@]@\n"
Print.var_debug v
(Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:Format.pp_print_space (fun ppf v ->
Print.var_debug ppf v))
(Var.Map.keys ctxt.var_dict))
RevBlock.empty, (local_var, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EStruct { fields; name } ->
if ctxt.config.no_struct_literals then
(* In C89, struct literates have to be initialized at variable
definition... *)
spill_expr ~needs_a_local_decl:false ctxt expr
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx =
(fun field arg (args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx) ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg in
args_stmts ++ arg_stmts, StructField.Map.add field new_arg new_args, ren_ctx)
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx =
translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg
( args_stmts ++ arg_stmts,
StructField.Map.add field new_arg new_args,
ren_ctx ))
(RevBlock.empty, StructField.Map.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx)
args_stmts, (A.EStruct { fields = new_args; name }, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name } ->
if ctxt.config.no_struct_literals then
(* In C89, struct literates have to be initialized at variable
definition... *)
raise (NotAnExpr { needs_a_local_decl = false });
( args_stmts,
(A.EStruct { fields = new_args; name }, Expr.pos expr),
ren_ctx )
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name } ->
if ctxt.config.no_struct_literals then
(* In C89, struct literates have to be initialized at variable
definition... *)
spill_expr ~needs_a_local_decl:false ctxt expr
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
( e1_stmts,
( A.EInj
@ -154,57 +158,57 @@ and translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.expr) : RevBlock.t * A.expr * R
Expr.pos expr ),
ren_ctx )
| ETuple args ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
args_stmts, (A.ETuple new_args, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EStructAccess { e = e1; field; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
( e1_stmts,
(A.EStructFieldAccess { e1 = new_e1; field; name }, Expr.pos expr),
| ETupleAccess { e = e1; index; _ } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.ETupleAccess { e1 = new_e1; index }, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EAppOp { op; args; tys = _ } ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
(* FIXME: what happens if [arg] is not a tuple but reduces to one ? *)
args_stmts, (A.EAppOp { op; args = new_args }, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EApp { f = EAbs { binder; tys }, binder_mark; args; tys = _ } ->
(* This defines multiple local variables at the time *)
let binder_pos = Expr.mark_pos binder_mark in
let vars, body, ctxt = unmbind ctxt binder in
let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> x, tau) (Array.to_list vars) tys in
let ctxt =
List.fold_left (register_fresh_arg ~pos:binder_pos) ctxt vars_tau
let local_decls =
(fun acc (x, tau) ->
RevBlock.append acc
( A.SLocalDecl
{ name = Var.Map.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos; typ = tau },
binder_pos ))
RevBlock.empty vars_tau
let vars_args =
(fun (x, tau) arg ->
(Var.Map.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau, arg)
vars_tau args
let def_blocks, ren_ctx =
(fun (rblock, ren_ctx) (x, _tau, arg) ->
let ctxt =
ctxt with
inside_definition_of = Some (Mark.remove x);
context_name = Mark.remove (A.VarName.get_info (Mark.remove x));
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt arg in
RevBlock.append (rblock ++ arg_stmts)
| ETuple args ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
args_stmts, (A.ETuple new_args, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EStructAccess { e = e1; field; name } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
( e1_stmts,
(A.EStructFieldAccess { e1 = new_e1; field; name }, Expr.pos expr),
ren_ctx )
| ETupleAccess { e = e1; index; _ } ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
e1_stmts, (A.ETupleAccess { e1 = new_e1; index }, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EAppOp { op; args; tys = _ } ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
(* FIXME: what happens if [arg] is not a tuple but reduces to one ? *)
args_stmts, (A.EAppOp { op; args = new_args }, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| EApp { f = EAbs { binder; tys }, binder_mark; args; tys = _ } ->
(* This defines multiple local variables at the time *)
let binder_pos = Expr.mark_pos binder_mark in
let vars, body, ctxt = unmbind ctxt binder in
let vars_tau = List.map2 (fun x tau -> x, tau) (Array.to_list vars) tys in
let ctxt =
List.fold_left (register_fresh_arg ~pos:binder_pos) ctxt vars_tau
let local_decls =
(fun acc (x, tau) ->
RevBlock.append acc
( A.SLocalDecl
{ name = Var.Map.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos; typ = tau },
binder_pos ))
RevBlock.empty vars_tau
let vars_args =
(fun (x, tau) arg ->
(Var.Map.find x ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau, arg)
vars_tau args
let def_blocks, ren_ctx =
(fun (rblock, ren_ctx) (x, _tau, arg) ->
let ctxt =
ctxt with
inside_definition_of = Some (Mark.remove x);
context_name = Mark.remove (A.VarName.get_info (Mark.remove x));
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt arg in
( RevBlock.append (rblock ++ arg_stmts)
( A.SLocalDef
name = x;
@ -212,75 +216,82 @@ and translate_expr (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (expr : 'm L.expr) : RevBlock.t * A.expr * R
typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get arg);
binder_pos ),
(RevBlock.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx) vars_args
let rest_of_expr_stmts, rest_of_expr, ren_ctx = translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } body in
local_decls ++ def_blocks ++ rest_of_expr_stmts, rest_of_expr, ren_ctx
| EApp { f; args; tys = _ } ->
let f_stmts, new_f, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt f in
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list { ctxt with ren_ctx } args in
(* FIXME: what happens if [arg] is not a tuple but reduces to one ? *)
( f_stmts ++ args_stmts,
(A.EApp { f = new_f; args = new_args }, Expr.pos expr),
ren_ctx )
| EArray args ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| ELit l -> RevBlock.empty, (A.ELit l, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EExternal { name } ->
let path, name =
match Mark.remove name with
| External_value name -> TopdefName.(path name, get_info name)
| External_scope name -> ScopeName.(path name, get_info name)
let modname =
( ModuleName.Map.find (List.hd (List.rev path)) ctxt.program_ctx.modules,
Expr.pos expr )
RevBlock.empty, (EExternal { modname; name }, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EAbs _ | EIfThenElse _ | EMatch _ | EAssert _ | EFatalError _ ->
raise (NotAnExpr { needs_a_local_decl = true })
| _ -> .
with NotAnExpr { needs_a_local_decl } ->
let tmp_var, ctxt =
let name =
match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
| None -> ctxt.context_name
| Some v -> A.VarName.to_string v
fresh_var ctxt name ~pos:(Expr.pos expr)
ren_ctx ))
(RevBlock.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx)
let ctxt =
ctxt with
inside_definition_of = Some tmp_var;
context_name = Mark.remove (A.VarName.get_info tmp_var);
let rest_of_expr_stmts, rest_of_expr, ren_ctx =
translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } body
let tmp_stmts, ren_ctx = translate_statements ctxt expr in
( (if needs_a_local_decl then
(( A.SLocalDecl
name = tmp_var, Expr.pos expr;
typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get expr);
Expr.pos expr )
:: tmp_stmts)
else RevBlock.make tmp_stmts),
(A.EVar tmp_var, Expr.pos expr),
local_decls ++ def_blocks ++ rest_of_expr_stmts, rest_of_expr, ren_ctx
| EApp { f; args; tys = _ } ->
let f_stmts, new_f, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt f in
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx =
translate_expr_list { ctxt with ren_ctx } args
(* FIXME: what happens if [arg] is not a tuple but reduces to one ? *)
( f_stmts ++ args_stmts,
(A.EApp { f = new_f; args = new_args }, Expr.pos expr),
ren_ctx )
| EArray args ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx = translate_expr_list ctxt args in
args_stmts, (A.EArray new_args, Expr.pos expr), ren_ctx
| ELit l -> RevBlock.empty, (A.ELit l, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EExternal { name } ->
let path, name =
match Mark.remove name with
| External_value name -> TopdefName.(path name, get_info name)
| External_scope name -> ScopeName.(path name, get_info name)
let modname =
( ModuleName.Map.find (List.hd (List.rev path)) ctxt.program_ctx.modules,
Expr.pos expr )
RevBlock.empty, (EExternal { modname; name }, Expr.pos expr), ctxt.ren_ctx
| EAbs _ | EIfThenElse _ | EMatch _ | EAssert _ | EFatalError _ ->
spill_expr ~needs_a_local_decl:true ctxt expr
| _ -> .
and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * Renaming.context =
and spill_expr ~needs_a_local_decl ctxt expr =
let tmp_var, ctxt =
let name =
match ctxt.inside_definition_of with
| None -> ctxt.context_name
| Some v -> A.VarName.to_string v
fresh_var ctxt name ~pos:(Expr.pos expr)
let ctxt =
ctxt with
inside_definition_of = Some tmp_var;
context_name = Mark.remove (A.VarName.get_info tmp_var);
let tmp_stmts, ren_ctx = translate_statements ctxt expr in
( (if needs_a_local_decl then
(( A.SLocalDecl
name = tmp_var, Expr.pos expr;
typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get expr);
Expr.pos expr )
:: tmp_stmts)
else RevBlock.make tmp_stmts),
(A.EVar tmp_var, Expr.pos expr),
ren_ctx )
and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) :
A.block * Renaming.context =
match Mark.remove block_expr with
| EAssert e ->
(* Assertions are always encapsulated in a unit-typed let binding *)
let e_stmts, new_e, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e in
~tail:[A.SAssert (Mark.remove new_e), Expr.pos block_expr]
( RevBlock.rebuild
~tail:[A.SAssert (Mark.remove new_e), Expr.pos block_expr]
ren_ctx )
| EFatalError err -> [SFatalError err, Expr.pos block_expr], ctxt.ren_ctx
(* | EAppOp
* { op = Op.HandleDefaultOpt, _; tys = _; args = [exceptions; just; cons] }
@ -369,19 +380,24 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg in
RevBlock.append (def_blocks ++ arg_stmts)
( A.SLocalDef
name = x;
expr = new_arg;
typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get arg);
binder_pos ),
(RevBlock.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx) vars_args
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx =
translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg
( RevBlock.append (def_blocks ++ arg_stmts)
( A.SLocalDef
name = x;
expr = new_arg;
typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get arg);
binder_pos ),
ren_ctx ))
(RevBlock.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx)
let rest_of_block, ren_ctx =
translate_statements { ctxt with ren_ctx } body
let rest_of_block, ren_ctx = translate_statements { ctxt with ren_ctx } body in
local_decls @ RevBlock.rebuild def_blocks ~tail:rest_of_block, ren_ctx
| EAbs { binder; tys } ->
let closure_name, ctxt =
@ -399,27 +415,28 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
let new_body, _ren_ctx = translate_statements ctxt body in
( A.SInnerFuncDef
name = closure_name, binder_pos;
func =
func_params =
(fun (var, tau) ->
(Var.Map.find var ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau)
func_body = new_body;
func_return_typ =
(match Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get block_expr) with
| TArrow (_, t2), _ -> t2
| TAny, pos_any -> TAny, pos_any
| _ -> assert false);
binder_pos );
], ctxt.ren_ctx
( [
( A.SInnerFuncDef
name = closure_name, binder_pos;
func =
func_params =
(fun (var, tau) ->
(Var.Map.find var ctxt.var_dict, binder_pos), tau)
func_body = new_body;
func_return_typ =
(match Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get block_expr) with
| TArrow (_, t2), _ -> t2
| TAny, pos_any -> TAny, pos_any
| _ -> assert false);
binder_pos );
ctxt.ren_ctx )
| EMatch { e = e1; cases; name } ->
let typ = Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get e1) in
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
@ -429,14 +446,11 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
| A.EVar v, _ -> e1_stmts, v, ctxt
| _ ->
let v, ctxt = fresh_var ctxt ctxt.context_name ~pos:(Expr.pos e1) in
RevBlock.append e1_stmts
( A.SLocalInit
{ name = v, Expr.pos e1;
expr = new_e1;
typ },
Expr.pos e1 ),
( RevBlock.append e1_stmts
( A.SLocalInit { name = v, Expr.pos e1; expr = new_e1; typ },
Expr.pos e1 ),
ctxt )
let new_cases =
@ -459,35 +473,35 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
| _ -> assert false)
cases []
RevBlock.rebuild e1_stmts
( A.SSwitch
switch_var_typ = typ;
enum_name = name;
switch_cases = List.rev new_cases;
Expr.pos block_expr );
( RevBlock.rebuild e1_stmts
( A.SSwitch
switch_var_typ = typ;
enum_name = name;
switch_cases = List.rev new_cases;
Expr.pos block_expr );
ctxt.ren_ctx )
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } ->
let cond_stmts, s_cond, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt cond in
let s_e_true, _ = translate_statements ctxt etrue in
let s_e_false, _ = translate_statements ctxt efalse in
RevBlock.rebuild cond_stmts
( A.SIfThenElse
if_expr = s_cond;
then_block = s_e_true;
else_block = s_e_false;
Expr.pos block_expr );
( RevBlock.rebuild cond_stmts
( A.SIfThenElse
if_expr = s_cond;
then_block = s_e_true;
else_block = s_e_false;
Expr.pos block_expr );
ren_ctx )
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name } when ctxt.config.no_struct_literals ->
let e1_stmts, new_e1, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt e1 in
let tmp_struct_var_name =
@ -506,26 +520,30 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
Expr.pos block_expr )
RevBlock.rebuild e1_stmts
( A.SLocalInit
name = tmp_struct_var_name;
expr = inj_expr;
typ =
( Mark.remove (Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get block_expr)),
Expr.pos block_expr );
Expr.pos block_expr );
( RevBlock.rebuild e1_stmts
( A.SLocalInit
name = tmp_struct_var_name;
expr = inj_expr;
typ =
( Mark.remove (Expr.maybe_ty (Mark.get block_expr)),
Expr.pos block_expr );
Expr.pos block_expr );
ren_ctx )
| EStruct { fields; name } when ctxt.config.no_struct_literals ->
let args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx =
(fun field arg (args_stmts, new_args, ren_ctx) ->
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx = translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg in
args_stmts ++ arg_stmts, StructField.Map.add field new_arg new_args, ren_ctx)
let arg_stmts, new_arg, ren_ctx =
translate_expr { ctxt with ren_ctx } arg
( args_stmts ++ arg_stmts,
StructField.Map.add field new_arg new_args,
ren_ctx ))
(RevBlock.empty, StructField.Map.empty, ctxt.ren_ctx)
@ -539,18 +557,18 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
(* [translate_expr] should create this [inside_definition_of]*)
| Some x -> x, Expr.pos block_expr
RevBlock.rebuild args_stmts
( A.SLocalInit
name = tmp_struct_var_name;
expr = struct_expr;
typ = TStruct name, Expr.pos block_expr;
Expr.pos block_expr );
( RevBlock.rebuild args_stmts
( A.SLocalInit
name = tmp_struct_var_name;
expr = struct_expr;
typ = TStruct name, Expr.pos block_expr;
Expr.pos block_expr );
ren_ctx )
| ELit _ | EAppOp _ | EArray _ | EVar _ | EStruct _ | EInj _ | ETuple _
| ETupleAccess _ | EStructAccess _ | EExternal _ | EApp _ ->
let e_stmts, new_e, ren_ctx = translate_expr ctxt block_expr in
@ -575,8 +593,7 @@ and translate_statements (ctxt : 'm ctxt) (block_expr : 'm L.expr) : A.block * R
Expr.pos block_expr );
RevBlock.rebuild e_stmts ~tail,
RevBlock.rebuild e_stmts ~tail, ren_ctx
| _ -> .
let rec translate_scope_body_expr ctx (scope_expr : 'm L.expr scope_body_expr) :
@ -606,22 +623,22 @@ let rec translate_scope_body_expr ctx (scope_expr : 'm L.expr scope_body_expr) :
{ ctx with inside_definition_of = Some let_var_id }
let (+>) = RevBlock.append in
let_expr_stmts +>
( A.SLocalDecl
name = let_var_id, scope_let.scope_let_pos;
typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let.scope_let_pos ) +>
( A.SLocalDef
name = let_var_id, scope_let.scope_let_pos;
expr = new_let_expr;
typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let.scope_let_pos ),
let ( +> ) = RevBlock.append in
( let_expr_stmts
+> ( A.SLocalDecl
name = let_var_id, scope_let.scope_let_pos;
typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let.scope_let_pos )
+> ( A.SLocalDef
name = let_var_id, scope_let.scope_let_pos;
expr = new_let_expr;
typ = scope_let.scope_let_typ;
scope_let.scope_let_pos ),
ren_ctx )
let tail = translate_scope_body_expr { ctx with ren_ctx } scope_let_next in
RevBlock.rebuild statements ~tail
@ -635,16 +652,16 @@ let translate_program ~(config : translation_config) (p : 'm L.program) :
inside_definition_of = None;
context_name = "";
program_ctx = { A.decl_ctx = p.decl_ctx; modules = ModuleName.Map.empty};
program_ctx = { A.decl_ctx = p.decl_ctx; modules = ModuleName.Map.empty };
ren_ctx = config.renaming_context;
let modules, ctxt =
(fun (modules, ctxt) (m, _) ->
let name, pos = ModuleName.get_info m in
let vname, ctxt = get_name ctxt name in
ModuleName.Map.add m (A.VarName.fresh (vname, pos)) modules, ctxt)
let name, pos = ModuleName.get_info m in
let vname, ctxt = get_name ctxt name in
ModuleName.Map.add m (A.VarName.fresh (vname, pos)) modules, ctxt)
(ModuleName.Map.empty, ctxt)
(Program.modules_to_list p.decl_ctx.ctx_modules)

View File

@ -173,8 +173,7 @@ let rec format_statement
let cons = EnumName.Map.find enum decl_ctx.ctx_enums in
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v 0>%a @[<hov 2>%a@]%a@,@]%a" Print.keyword "switch"
format_var_name v_switch
Print.punctuation ":"
format_var_name v_switch Print.punctuation ":"
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt "@\n")
(fun fmt ((case, _), switch_case_data) ->

View File

@ -397,7 +397,8 @@ let rec format_statement
(EnumConstructor.Map.bindings (EnumName.Map.find e_name ctx.ctx_enums))
Format.pp_open_vbox fmt 2;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>switch (%a.code) {@]@," VarName.format switch_var;
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>switch (%a.code) {@]@," VarName.format
(fun fmt ({ case_block; payload_var_name; payload_var_typ }, cons_name) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hv 2>case %a_%a:@ " EnumName.format e_name

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@ -159,8 +159,7 @@ let renaming =
(* TODO: add catala runtime built-ins as reserved as well ? *)
~reset_context_for_closed_terms:false ~skip_constant_binders:false
~constant_binder_name:None ~namespaced_fields_constrs:true
~f_struct:String.to_camel_case ~f_enum:String.to_camel_case
let typ_needs_parens (e : typ) : bool =
match Mark.remove e with TArrow _ | TArray _ -> true | _ -> false