Git added translation (missing subs-scope-related rules)

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2020-11-23 18:51:06 +01:00
parent 35dcd57b2b
commit 6232dd9f02
3 changed files with 137 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -34,9 +34,22 @@ type expr =
module Var = struct
type t = expr Pos.marked Bindlib.var
let make (s : string Pos.marked) =
Bindlib.new_var (fun x -> (EVar x, Pos.get_position s)) (Pos.unmark s)
let compare x y = Bindlib.compare_vars x y
module VarMap = Map.Make (Var)
let make_var (x : Var.t) : expr Pos.marked = Bindlib.box_var x
let make_abs (x : Var.t) (e : expr Pos.marked (pos_binder : Pos.t) (tau : typ)
(pos : Pos.t) : expr Pos.marked =
Bindlib.box_apply (fun b -> (EAbs (pos_binder, b, tau), pos)) (Bindlib.bind_var x e)
let make_app (e : expr Pos.marked (u : expr Pos.marked (pos : Pos.t) :
expr Pos.marked =
Bindlib.box_apply2 (fun e u -> (EApp (e, u), pos)) e u
type binder = (expr, expr Pos.marked) Bindlib.binder

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@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ module ScopeVar = Uid.Make (Uid.MarkedString)
module ScopeVarSet = Set.Make (ScopeVar)
module ScopeVarMap = Map.Make (ScopeVar)
type location = ScopeVar of ScopeVar.t | SubScopeVar of ScopeName.t * SubScopeName.t * ScopeVar.t
type location =
| ScopeVar of ScopeVar.t Pos.marked
| SubScopeVar of ScopeName.t * SubScopeName.t Pos.marked * ScopeVar.t Pos.marked
type expr =
| ELocation of location
@ -34,7 +36,20 @@ type expr =
| EApp of expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked
| EDefault of expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked * expr Pos.marked list
type rule = Definition of location * Dcalc.Ast.typ * expr | Call of ScopeName.t * SubScopeName.t
module Var = struct
type t = expr Pos.marked Bindlib.var
let make (s : string Pos.marked) =
Bindlib.new_var (fun x -> (EVar x, Pos.get_position s)) (Pos.unmark s)
let compare x y = Bindlib.compare_vars x y
module VarMap = Map.Make (Var)
type rule =
| Definition of location * Dcalc.Ast.typ * expr Pos.marked
| Call of ScopeName.t * SubScopeName.t
type scope_decl = { scope_decl_name : ScopeName.t; scope_decl_rules : rule list }

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@ -13,20 +13,117 @@
the License. *)
module Pos = Utils.Pos
module Errors = Utils.Errors
type ctx = Ast.location list
type ctx = {
scope_vars : (Dcalc.Ast.Var.t * Dcalc.Ast.typ) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t;
subscope_vars : (Dcalc.Ast.Var.t * Dcalc.Ast.typ) Ast.ScopeVarMap.t Ast.SubScopeMap.t;
local_vars : Dcalc.Ast.Var.t Ast.VarMap.t;
let empty_ctx =
scope_vars = Ast.ScopeVarMap.empty;
subscope_vars = Ast.SubScopeMap.empty;
local_vars = Ast.VarMap.empty;
type scope_ctx = Dcalc.Ast.Var.t Ast.ScopeMap.t
let hole_var : Dcalc.Ast.Var.t = Bindlib.new_var (fun x -> (Dcalc.Ast.EVar x, Pos.no_pos)) "hole"
let hole_var : Dcalc.Ast.Var.t = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make ("hole", Pos.no_pos)
let translate_rules (_p : scope_ctx) (_ctx : ctx) (_rules : Ast.rule list) : Dcalc.Ast.expr * ctx =
assert false
let merge_operator_var : Dcalc.Ast.Var.t = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make ("merge", Pos.no_pos)
let translate_scope_decl (p : scope_ctx) (sigma : Ast.scope_decl) : Dcalc.Ast.expr =
let ctx = [] in
let _defs, ctx = translate_rules p ctx sigma.scope_decl_rules in
let _scope_variables =
List.filter_map (fun l -> match l with Ast.ScopeVar v -> Some v | _ -> None) ctx
let merge_operator_expr : Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked = Bindlib.box_var merge_operator_var
let hole_expr : Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked = Bindlib.box_var hole_var
let rec translate_expr (ctx : ctx) (e : Ast.expr Pos.marked) : Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked =
( match Pos.unmark e with
| EVar v -> Dcalc.Ast.EVar (Ast.VarMap.find v ctx.local_vars)
| ELit l -> Dcalc.Ast.ELit l
| EApp (e1, e2) -> Dcalc.Ast.EApp (translate_expr ctx e1, translate_expr ctx e2)
| EAbs (pos_binder, binder, typ) ->
let x, body = Bindlib.unbind binder in
let new_x = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make (Bindlib.name_of x, pos_binder) in
let body =
translate_expr { ctx with local_vars = Ast.VarMap.add x new_x ctx.local_vars } body
let binder = Bindlib.unbox (Bindlib.bind_var new_x ( body)) in
Dcalc.Ast.EAbs (pos_binder, binder, typ)
| EDefault (just, cons, subs) ->
(translate_expr ctx just, translate_expr ctx cons, (translate_expr ctx) subs)
| ELocation (ScopeVar a) ->
Dcalc.Ast.EVar (fst (Ast.ScopeVarMap.find (Pos.unmark a) ctx.scope_vars))
| ELocation (SubScopeVar (_, s, a)) ->
(Ast.ScopeVarMap.find (Pos.unmark a)
(Ast.SubScopeMap.find (Pos.unmark s) ctx.subscope_vars))) )
let translate_rule (_p : scope_ctx) (ctx : ctx) (rule : Ast.rule) :
Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked * ctx =
match rule with
| Definition (ScopeVar a, tau, e) ->
let a_name = Ast.ScopeVar.get_info (Pos.unmark a) in
let a_var = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make a_name in
let next_e =
Dcalc.Ast.make_abs a_var hole_expr (Pos.get_position a) tau (Pos.get_position e)
let silent1 = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make ("silent", Pos.get_position e) in
let silent2 = Dcalc.Ast.Var.make ("silent", Pos.get_position e) in
let wrapped_e =
Dcalc.Ast.make_abs silent1
( (translate_expr ctx e))
(Pos.get_position e) Dcalc.Ast.TUnit (Pos.get_position e)
let a_expr = Dcalc.Ast.make_var a_var in
let merged_expr = Dcalc.Ast.make_app merge_operator_expr a_expr (Pos.get_position e) in
let merged_expr = Dcalc.Ast.make_app merged_expr wrapped_e (Pos.get_position e) in
let merged_thunked =
Dcalc.Ast.make_abs silent2 merged_expr (Pos.get_position e) Dcalc.Ast.TUnit
(Pos.get_position e)
let final_e = Dcalc.Ast.make_app merged_thunked next_e (Pos.get_position e) in
let new_ctx =
{ ctx with scope_vars = Ast.ScopeVarMap.add (Pos.unmark a) (a_var, tau) ctx.scope_vars }
(final_e, new_ctx)
| Definition (SubScopeVar _, _tau, _e) ->
Errors.raise_error "translation of subscope vars definitions unimplemented"
| Call _ -> Errors.raise_error "translation of subscope calls unimplemented"
let translate_rules (p : scope_ctx) (ctx : ctx) (rules : Ast.rule list) :
Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked * ctx =
let acc = hole_expr in
(fun (acc, ctx) rule ->
let new_e, ctx = translate_rule p ctx rule in
let acc = Bindlib.unbox (Bindlib.bind_var hole_var acc) in
let new_acc = Bindlib.subst acc (Bindlib.unbox new_e) in
( new_acc, ctx))
(acc, ctx) rules
let translate_scope_decl (p : scope_ctx) (sigma : Ast.scope_decl) : Dcalc.Ast.expr Pos.marked =
let ctx = empty_ctx in
let rules, ctx = translate_rules p ctx sigma.scope_decl_rules in
let scope_variables = Ast.ScopeVarMap.bindings ctx.scope_vars in
let pos_sigma = Pos.get_position (Ast.ScopeName.get_info sigma.scope_decl_name) in
let return_exp =
( (fun (_, (dcalc_var, _)) -> (Dcalc.Ast.EVar dcalc_var, pos_sigma)) scope_variables)
assert false
let func_acc = rules in
let func_acc =
(fun (_, (dcalc_var, tau)) func_acc ->
Dcalc.Ast.make_abs dcalc_var func_acc pos_sigma
(Dcalc.Ast.TArrow ((Dcalc.Ast.TUnit, pos_sigma), (tau, pos_sigma)))
scope_variables func_acc
let func_acc = Bindlib.unbox (Bindlib.bind_var hole_var func_acc) in
Bindlib.subst func_acc (return_exp, pos_sigma)