Making progress on default calculus

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Denis Merigoux 2021-02-19 15:09:39 +01:00
parent 21cf048a19
commit 6662a07bfd

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Catala.DefaultCalculus
open FStar.StrongExcludedMiddle
module T = FStar.Tactics
(*** Syntax *)
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ let is_var_size (e: exp) : int = if EVar? e then 0 else 1
let rec subst (s: var_to_exp) (e: exp) : Pure exp
(requires True)
(ensures (fun e' -> (is_renaming_prop s /\ EVar? e) ==> EVar? e'))
(decreases %[is_var_size e; is_renaming_size s; 2; e])
(decreases %[is_var_size e; is_renaming_size s; 1; e])
match e with
| EVar x -> s x
@ -67,18 +68,20 @@ let rec subst (s: var_to_exp) (e: exp) : Pure exp
| ELit l -> ELit l
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> EIf (subst s e1) (subst s e2) (subst s e3)
| EDefault exceptions ejust econd tau ->
EDefault (subst_list s e exceptions) (subst s ejust) (subst s econd) tau
and subst_list (s: var_to_exp) (e: exp) (l: list exp{l << e}) : Tot (list exp)
(decreases %[is_var_size e; is_renaming_size s; 1; e; l]) =
EDefault (subst_list s exceptions) (subst s ejust) (subst s econd) tau
and subst_list (s: var_to_exp) (l: list exp) : Tot (list exp)
(decreases %[1; is_renaming_size s; 1; l]) =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
(subst s hd) :: (subst_list s e tl)
| hd :: tl -> (subst s hd) :: (subst_list s tl)
and subst_abs (s: var_to_exp) (y: var) : Tot (e':exp{is_renaming_prop s ==> EVar? e'})
(decreases %[1; is_renaming_size s; 0; EVar 0])
(decreases %[1; is_renaming_size s; 0])
if y = 0 then EVar y else subst increment (s (y -1))
let var_to_exp_beta (v: exp) : Tot var_to_exp = fun y ->
if y = 0 then v else (EVar (y - 1))
type empty_count_result =
| AllEmpty
| OneNonEmpty of exp
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ let rec step_app (e: exp) (e1: exp{e1 << e}) (e2: exp{e2 << e}) (tau_arg: ty{tau
| ELit LEmptyError -> Some e_err (* D-ContextEmptyError *)
| _ -> begin
match e1 with
| EAbs x t e' -> Some (subst x e2 e') (* D-Beta *)
| EAbs t e1' -> Some (subst (var_to_exp_beta e2) e1') (* D-Beta *)
| _ -> None
@ -231,17 +234,17 @@ type env = FunctionalExtensionality.restricted_t var (fun _ -> option ty)
val empty:env
let empty = FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom var (fun _ -> None)
val extend: env -> var -> ty -> Tot env
let extend g x t = FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom var (fun x' -> if x = x' then Some t else g x')
val extend: env -> ty -> Tot env
let extend g t = FunctionalExtensionality.on_dom var (fun x' -> if 0 = x' then Some t else g x')
(**** Typing judgment *)
let rec typing (g: env) (e: exp) (tau: ty) : Tot bool (decreases (e)) =
match e with
| EVar x -> g x = Some tau
| EAbs x t e1 ->
| EAbs t e1 ->
(match tau with
| TArrow tau_in tau_out -> t = tau_in && typing (extend g x t) e1 tau_out
| TArrow tau_in tau_out -> t = tau_in && typing (extend g t) e1 tau_out
| _ -> false)
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg -> typing g e1 (TArrow tau_arg tau) && typing g e2 tau_arg
| ELit LTrue -> tau = TBool
@ -345,154 +348,48 @@ let rec empty_count_preserves_type (acc: empty_count_result) (subs: list exp) (g
| _, AllEmpty -> empty_count_preserves_type (OneNonEmpty hd) tl g tau
| _ -> ()
let rec appears_free_in (x: var) (e: exp) : Tot bool =
match e with
| EVar y -> x = y
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg -> appears_free_in x e1 || appears_free_in x e2
| EAbs y _ e1 -> x <> y && appears_free_in x e1
| EIf e1 e2 e3 -> appears_free_in x e1 || appears_free_in x e2 || appears_free_in x e3
| EDefault exceptions ejust econs _ ->
appears_free_in_list x exceptions || appears_free_in x ejust || appears_free_in x econs
| ELit _ -> false
and appears_free_in_list (x: var) (subs: list exp) : Tot bool =
match subs with
| [] -> false
| hd :: tl -> appears_free_in x hd || appears_free_in_list x tl
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec free_in_context (x: var) (e: exp) (g: env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (typing g e tau))
(ensures (appears_free_in x e ==> Some? (g x)))
(decreases e) =
match e with
| EVar _ | ELit _ -> ()
| EAbs y t e1 ->
(match tau with | TArrow _ tau_out -> free_in_context x e1 (extend g y t) tau_out)
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
free_in_context x e1 g (TArrow tau_arg tau);
free_in_context x e2 g tau_arg
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
free_in_context x e1 g TBool;
free_in_context x e2 g tau;
free_in_context x e3 g tau
| EDefault exceptions ejust econs _ ->
free_in_context x ejust g TBool;
free_in_context x econs g tau;
free_in_context_list x exceptions g tau
and free_in_context_list (x: var) (subs: list exp) (g: env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (typing_list g subs tau))
(ensures (appears_free_in_list x subs ==> Some? (g x)))
(decreases subs) =
match subs with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
free_in_context x hd g tau;
free_in_context_list x tl g tau
let typable_empty_closed (x: var) (e: exp) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (typing empty e tau))
(ensures (not (appears_free_in x e)))
[SMTPat (appears_free_in x e); SMTPat (typing empty e tau)] = free_in_context x e empty tau
(**** Context invariance *)
type equal (g1: env) (g2: env) = forall (x: var). g1 x = g2 x
type equalE (e: exp) (g1: env) (g2: env) = forall (x: var). appears_free_in x e ==> g1 x = g2 x
type equalE_list (subs: list exp) (g1: env) (g2: env) =
forall (x: var). appears_free_in_list x subs ==> g1 x = g2 x
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec context_invariance (e: exp) (g g': env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (equalE e g g'))
(ensures (typing g e tau <==> typing g' e tau))
(decreases %[ e ]) =
match e with
| EAbs x t e1 ->
(match tau with
| TArrow _ tau_out -> context_invariance e1 (extend g x t) (extend g' x t) tau_out
| _ -> ())
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
context_invariance e1 g g' (TArrow tau_arg tau);
context_invariance e2 g g' tau_arg
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
context_invariance e1 g g' TBool;
context_invariance e2 g g' tau;
context_invariance e3 g g' tau
| EDefault exceptions ejust econs _ ->
context_invariance ejust g g' TBool;
context_invariance econs g g' tau;
context_invariance_list exceptions g g' tau
| _ -> ()
and context_invariance_list (exceptions: list exp) (g g': env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (equalE_list exceptions g g'))
(ensures (typing_list g exceptions tau <==> typing_list g' exceptions tau))
(decreases %[ exceptions ]) =
match exceptions with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
context_invariance hd g g' tau;
context_invariance_list tl g g' tau
let typing_extensional (g g': env) (e: exp) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (equal g g')) (ensures (typing g e tau <==> typing g' e tau)) =
context_invariance e g g' tau
(**** Substitution preservation *)
#push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 10"
let rec substitution_preserves_typing (x: var) (tau_x: ty) (e v: exp) (g: env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (typing empty v tau_x /\ typing (extend g x tau_x) e tau))
(ensures (typing g (subst x v e) tau))
(decreases %[ e ]) =
let gx = extend g x tau_x in
let rec substitution_extensionnal
(s1: var_to_exp)
(s2: var_to_exp{FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.feq s1 s2})
(e: exp)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (subst s1 e == subst s2 e))
[SMTPat (subst s1 e); SMTPat (subst s2 e)]
match e with
| EVar _ -> ()
| ELit _ -> ()
| EVar y -> if x = y then context_invariance v empty g tau else context_invariance e gx g tau
| EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e1 v g (TArrow tau_arg tau);
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e2 v g tau_arg
| EAbs t e1 ->
assert (subst s1 (EAbs t e1) == EAbs t (subst (subst_abs s1) e1))
by (T.norm [zeta; iota; delta_only [`%subst]]);
assert (subst s2 (EAbs t e1) == EAbs t (subst (subst_abs s2) e1))
by (T.norm [zeta; iota; delta_only [`%subst]]; T.smt ());
substitution_extensionnal (subst_abs s1) (subst_abs s2) e1
| EApp e1 e2 _ ->
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e1;
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e2
| EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e1 v g TBool;
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e2 v g tau;
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e3 v g tau
| EAbs y t_y e1 ->
(match tau with
| TArrow tau_in tau_out ->
if tau_in = t_y
let gxy = extend gx y t_y in
let gy = extend g y t_y in
if x = y
then typing_extensional gxy gy e1 tau_out
let gyx = extend gy x tau_x in
typing_extensional gxy gyx e1 tau_out;
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x e1 v gy tau_out
| _ -> ())
| EDefault exceptions ejust econs _ ->
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x ejust v g TBool;
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x econs v g tau;
substitution_preserves_typing_list x tau_x exceptions v g tau
and substitution_preserves_typing_list
(x: var)
(tau_x: ty)
(exceptions: list exp)
(v: exp)
(g: env)
(tau: ty)
: Lemma (requires (typing empty v tau_x /\ typing_list (extend g x tau_x) exceptions tau))
(ensures (typing_list g (subst_list x v exceptions) tau))
(decreases (%[ exceptions ])) =
match exceptions with
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e1;
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e2;
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 e3
| EDefault exceptions just cons _ ->
substitution_extensionnal_list s1 s2 exceptions;
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 just;
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 cons
and substitution_extensionnal_list
(s1: var_to_exp)
(s2: var_to_exp{FStar.FunctionalExtensionality.feq s1 s2})
(l: list exp)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (subst_list s1 l == subst_list s2 l))
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
substitution_preserves_typing x tau_x hd v g tau;
substitution_preserves_typing_list x tau_x tl v g tau
| hd::tl ->
substitution_extensionnal s1 s2 hd;
substitution_extensionnal_list s1 s2 tl
(**** Preservation theorem *)