Fix test encoding

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2022-05-31 16:24:37 +02:00 committed by Louis Gesbert
parent a78f649377
commit 66a7d2f7a3
7 changed files with 90 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ let add_reset_rules_aux
Var "tested_file";
Var "extra_flags";
Lit "--unstyled";
Lit "--output=/dev/stdout";
Lit "--output=-";
Lit redirect;
Var "expected_output";
Lit "2>&1";

View File

@ -81,6 +81,21 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file source_file language
let prgm = Surface.Fill_positions.fill_pos_with_legislative_info prgm in
let get_output ?ext () =
match options.output_file, ext with
| Some "-", _ | None, None -> None, fun f -> f stdout
| Some f, _ -> Some f, File.with_out_channel f
| None, Some ext ->
let src =
match source_file with FileName f -> f | Contents _ -> "a"
let f = Filename.remove_extension src ^ ext in
Some f, File.with_out_channel f
let get_output_format ?ext () =
let f, with_ = get_output ?ext () in
f, fun f -> with_ (fun oc -> File.with_formatter_of_out_channel oc f)
(match backend with
| `Makefile ->
let backend_extensions_list = [".tex"] in
@ -91,40 +106,26 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
"The Makefile backend does not work if the input is not a file"
let output_file =
match options.output_file with
| Some f -> f
| None -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ ".d"
Cli.debug_print "Writing list of dependencies to %s..." output_file;
File.with_out_channel output_file @@ fun oc ->
let output_file, with_output = get_output ~ext:".d" () in
Cli.debug_print "Writing list of dependencies to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
with_output @@ fun oc ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\\\n%s\n%s:"
(String.concat "\\\n"
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file
(fun ext -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ ext)
(String.concat "\\\n" prgm.program_source_files)
(String.concat "\\\n" prgm.program_source_files)
| (`Latex | `Html) as backend ->
let source_file =
match source_file with
| FileName f -> f
| Contents _ ->
"The literate programming backends do not work if the input is not \
a file"
Cli.debug_print "Weaving literate program into %s"
(match backend with `Latex -> "LaTeX" | `Html -> "HTML");
let output_file =
match options.output_file with
| Some f -> f
| None -> (
Filename.remove_extension source_file
^ match backend with `Latex -> ".tex" | `Html -> ".html")
let output_file, with_output =
get_output_format ()
~ext:(match backend with `Latex -> ".tex" | `Html -> ".html")
File.with_formatter_of_file output_file (fun fmt ->
with_output (fun fmt ->
let weave_output =
match backend with
| `Latex ->
@ -134,7 +135,8 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
Literate.Html.ast_to_html language
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s" output_file;
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s"
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
if options.wrap_weaved_output then
match backend with
| `Latex ->
@ -170,7 +172,8 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
let prgm = Desugared.Desugared_to_scope.translate_program prgm in
match backend with
| `Scopelang ->
File.with_formatter_of_opt_file options.output_file @@ fun fmt ->
let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format () in
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
if Option.is_some options.ex_scope then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n"
(Scopelang.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug)
@ -198,7 +201,8 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
match backend with
| `Dcalc ->
File.with_formatter_of_opt_file options.output_file @@ fun fmt ->
let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format () in
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
if Option.is_some options.ex_scope then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n"
(Dcalc.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug prgm.decl_ctx)
@ -289,7 +293,8 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
match backend with
| `Lcalc ->
File.with_formatter_of_opt_file options.output_file @@ fun fmt ->
let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format () in
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
if Option.is_some options.ex_scope then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n"
(Lcalc.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug prgm.decl_ctx)
@ -315,38 +320,29 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
i + 1)
| (`OCaml | `Python | `Scalc | `Plugin _) as backend -> (
let source_file =
match source_file with
| FileName f -> f
| Contents _ ->
"This backend does not work if the input is not a file"
let new_output_file (extension : string) : string =
match options.output_file with
| Some f -> f
| None -> Filename.remove_extension source_file ^ extension
match backend with
| `OCaml ->
let output_file = new_output_file ".ml" in
File.with_out_channel output_file @@ fun oc ->
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
let output_file, with_output =
get_output_format ~ext:".ml" ()
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
Cli.debug_print "Compiling program into OCaml...";
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..." output_file;
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering
| `Plugin (Plugin.Lcalc p) ->
let output_file = new_output_file p.Plugin.extension in
let output_file, _ = get_output ~ext:p.Plugin.extension () in
Cli.debug_print "Compiling program through backend \"%s\"...";
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..." output_file;
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
p.Plugin.apply output_file prgm type_ordering
| (`Python | `Scalc | `Plugin (Plugin.Scalc _)) as backend -> (
let prgm = Scalc.Compile_from_lambda.translate_program prgm in
match backend with
| `Scalc ->
File.with_formatter_of_opt_file options.output_file
@@ fun fmt ->
let _output_file, with_output = get_output_format () in
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
if Option.is_some options.ex_scope then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n"
(Scalc.Print.format_scope ~debug:options.debug
@ -363,18 +359,21 @@ let driver source_file (options : Cli.options) : int =
(Scalc.Print.format_scope prgm.decl_ctx) fmt scope))
| `Python ->
let output_file = new_output_file ".py" in
let output_file, with_output =
get_output_format ~ext:".py" ()
Cli.debug_print "Compiling program into Python...";
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..." output_file;
File.with_out_channel output_file @@ fun oc ->
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
with_output @@ fun fmt ->
Scalc.To_python.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering
| `Plugin (Plugin.Lcalc _) -> assert false
| `Plugin (Plugin.Scalc p) ->
let output_file = new_output_file p.Plugin.extension in
let output_file, _ = get_output ~ext:p.Plugin.extension () in
Cli.debug_print "Compiling program through backend \"%s\"...";
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..." output_file;
Cli.debug_print "Writing to %s..."
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file);
p.Plugin.apply output_file prgm type_ordering)))))));

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
type 'ast gen = {
name : string;
extension : string;
apply : string -> 'ast -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit;
apply : string option -> 'ast -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit;
type t = Lcalc of Lcalc.Ast.program gen | Scalc of Scalc.Ast.program gen

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
type 'ast gen = {
name : string;
extension : string;
apply : string -> 'ast -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit;
apply : string option -> 'ast -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit;
type t = Lcalc of Lcalc.Ast.program gen | Scalc of Scalc.Ast.program gen
@ -39,13 +39,19 @@ module PluginAPI : sig
val register_lcalc :
name:string ->
extension:string ->
(string -> Lcalc.Ast.program -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit) ->
(string option ->
Lcalc.Ast.program ->
Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list ->
unit) ->
val register_scalc :
name:string ->
extension:string ->
(string -> Scalc.Ast.program -> Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list -> unit) ->
(string option ->
Scalc.Ast.program ->
Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list ->
unit) ->

View File

@ -50,27 +50,29 @@ let with_temp_file pfx sfx f =
let apply output_file prgm type_ordering =
with_temp_file "catala_jsoo_" ".ml" @@ fun ml_file ->
with_open_out ml_file (fun oc ->
(Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc)
prgm type_ordering;
with_temp_file "catala_jsoo_" ".byte" @@ fun bytecode_file ->
"ocamlfind ocamlc -package catala.runtime -linkpkg %S -o %S"
ml_file bytecode_file)
<> 0
then failwith "ocaml err";
Utils.Cli.debug_print "OCaml compil ok";
"js_of_ocaml +zarith_stubs_js/biginteger.js \
+zarith_stubs_js/runtime.js %S -o %S"
bytecode_file output_file)
<> 0
then failwith "jsoo err";
Utils.Cli.debug_print "Jsoo compil ok, output in %s" output_file)
Utils.File.with_formatter_of_opt_file output_file @@ fun fmt ->
Lcalc.To_ocaml.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering;
with_temp_file "catala_jsoo_" ".byte" @@ fun bytecode_file ->
"ocamlfind ocamlc -package catala.runtime -linkpkg %S -o %S" ml_file
<> 0
then failwith "ocaml err";
Utils.Cli.debug_print "OCaml compil ok";
let out_arg =
match output_file with Some f -> Printf.sprintf "%S" f | None -> "-"
"js_of_ocaml +zarith_stubs_js/biginteger.js \
+zarith_stubs_js/runtime.js %S -o %s"
bytecode_file out_arg)
<> 0
then failwith "jsoo err";
Utils.Cli.debug_print "Jsoo compil ok, output in %s"
(Option.value ~default:"stdout" output_file)
let () = Driver.Plugin.register_lcalc ~name ~extension apply

View File

@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ let name = "python-plugin"
let extension = ".py"
let apply output_file prgm type_ordering =
let oc = open_out output_file in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
Scalc.To_python.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering;
close_out oc
Utils.File.with_formatter_of_opt_file output_file @@ fun fmt ->
Scalc.To_python.format_program fmt prgm type_ordering
let () = Driver.Plugin.register_scalc ~name ~extension apply

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let output =
"$(i, OUTPUT) is the file that will contain the output of the \
compiler. Defaults to $(i,FILE).$(i,EXT) where $(i,EXT) depends on \
the chosen backend.")
the chosen backend. Use $(b,-o -) for stdout.")
type options = {
debug : bool;