Code refactor

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-02-21 16:38:52 +01:00
parent ed4f589acb
commit 6c881f7afb
2 changed files with 636 additions and 643 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
module Catala.Translation.Helpers
open Catala.LambdaCalculus
(*** Default translation *)
let process_exceptions_f (tau: ty) : Tot exp =
EAbs (TOption tau) (EAbs (TArrow TUnit tau) (
EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption (EVar 2) tau
(EVar 0)
(EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau
(EVar 3)
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EVar 0) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone)
(TOption tau)
let typ_process_exceptions_f (g: env) (tau: ty)
: Lemma (typing g (process_exceptions_f tau)
(TArrow (TOption tau) (TArrow (TArrow TUnit tau) (TOption tau))))
assert_norm(typing g (process_exceptions_f tau)
(TArrow (TOption tau) (TArrow (TArrow TUnit tau) (TOption tau))))
let build_default_translation
(exceptions: list exp)
(acc: exp)
(just: exp)
(cons: exp)
(tau: ty)
(process_exceptions_f tau)
acc (TOption tau)
(EList exceptions) (TArrow TUnit tau))
just cons
(ELit (LError EmptyError)))
(EAbs tau (EVar 0))
#push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 0"
let build_default_translation_typing
(exceptions: list exp)
(acc: exp)
(just: exp)
(cons: exp)
(tau: ty)
(g: env)
: Lemma
(requires (
typing_list g exceptions (TArrow TUnit tau) /\
typing g acc (TOption tau) /\
typing g just TBool /\
typing g cons tau))
(ensures (typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau))
typ_process_exceptions_f g tau;
assert_norm(typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau)
#push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 0"
let process_exceptions_untouched_by_subst (s: var_to_exp) (tau: ty) : Lemma
(subst s (process_exceptions_f tau) == process_exceptions_f tau)
(*** Step lifting framework *)
let typed_l_exp (tau: ty) = e:exp{typing empty e tau}
let rec take_l_steps (tau: ty) (e: typed_l_exp tau) (fuel: nat)
: Tot (option (typed_l_exp tau))
(decreases fuel) =
if fuel = 0 then Some e else
match step e with
| None -> None
| Some e' ->
preservation e tau;
take_l_steps tau e' (fuel - 1)
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec take_l_steps_transitive (tau: ty) (e1 e2: typed_l_exp tau) (n1 n2: nat)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n1 == Some e2))
(ensures (take_l_steps tau e1 (n1 + n2) == take_l_steps tau e2 n2))
(decreases n1)
if n1 = 0 then () else begin
match step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
preservation e1 tau;
take_l_steps_transitive tau e1' e2 (n1 - 1) n2
let not_l_value (tau: ty) = e:exp{not (is_value e) /\ typing empty e tau}
let l_value (tau: ty) = e:exp{is_value e /\ typing empty e tau}
let stepping_context (tau tau': ty) = typed_l_exp tau -> not_l_value tau'
let step_lift_commute_non_value
(tau tau': ty)
(f: stepping_context tau tau')
(e: typed_l_exp tau)
: prop
progress e tau;
if is_value e then true else begin
preservation e tau;
step (f e) == Some (f (Some?.v (step e)))
let is_stepping_agnostic_lift
(tau tau': ty)
(f:stepping_context tau tau')
: prop
forall (e: typed_l_exp tau). step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau' f e
let stepping_agnostic_lift
(tau tau': ty)
: Type
= f:(stepping_context tau tau'){is_stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau' f}
let rec l_values_dont_step (e: exp) : Lemma
(requires (is_value e))
(ensures (step e = None))
(decreases %[e; 1])
match e with
| EAbs _ _ -> ()
| EThunk _ -> ()
| ELit _ -> ()
| ENone -> ()
| EList [] -> ()
| EList l -> l_values_dont_step_list e l
| _ -> ()
and l_values_dont_step_list (e: exp) (l: list exp{l << e /\ Cons? l}) : Lemma
(requires (is_value_list l))
(ensures (step_list e l = Bad))
(decreases %[e; 0; l])
match l with
| [hd] -> l_values_dont_step hd
| hd::tl ->
l_values_dont_step hd;
l_values_dont_step_list e tl
#push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec lift_multiple_l_steps
(tau tau': ty)
(e1: typed_l_exp tau)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau)
(n: nat)
(f : stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau')
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n == Some e2))
(ensures (take_l_steps tau' (f e1) n == Some (f e2)))
(decreases n)
match step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
progress e1 tau;
preservation e1 tau;
if is_value e1 then
l_values_dont_step e1
else if n = 0 then
lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau' e1' e2 (n-1) f
(*** Lifts *)
let if_cond_lift'
(tau: ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
: stepping_context TBool tau
fun e1 -> EIf e1 e2 e3
let if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
(e: typed_l_exp TBool)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (step_lift_commute_non_value TBool tau (if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3) e))
progress e TBool; if is_value e then () else preservation e TBool
let if_cond_lift
(tau: ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
: stepping_agnostic_lift TBool tau
Classical.forall_intro (if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau e2 e3);
if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3
let app_f_lift'
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: stepping_context (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau
fun e1 -> EApp e1 e2 tau_arg
let app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
(e: typed_l_exp (TArrow tau_arg tau))
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (
step_lift_commute_non_value (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau (app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2) e))
progress e (TArrow tau_arg tau);
if is_value e then () else preservation e (TArrow tau_arg tau)
let app_f_lift
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: stepping_agnostic_lift (TArrow tau_arg tau) tau
Classical.forall_intro (app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e2);
app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2
let app_arg_lift'
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau))
: stepping_context tau_arg tau
fun e2 -> EApp e1 e2 tau_arg
let app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with ELit (LError _) -> False | _ -> True})
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (
step_lift_commute_non_value tau_arg tau (app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1) e2))
progress e2 tau_arg;
if is_value e2 then () else preservation e2 tau_arg
let app_arg_lift
(tau_arg tau: ty)
(e1: l_value (TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with ELit (LError _) -> False | _ -> True})
: stepping_agnostic_lift tau_arg tau
Classical.forall_intro (app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e1);
app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1
#push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 30"
let exceptions_head_lift'
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_context tau tau
fun (hd: typed_l_exp tau) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau;
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau));
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau)
(extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau);
(process_exceptions_f tau)
(EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau
(EVar 0)
(EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
(ESome hd) ENone)
(TOption tau)
(TOption tau)
(EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau))
just cons
(ELit (LError EmptyError)))
(EAbs tau (EVar 0))
let exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma (step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons) hd)
progress hd tau;
if is_value hd then () else begin
preservation hd tau;
assert_norm(step (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons hd) == Some
(exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons (Some?.v (step hd))))
let exceptions_head_lift
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl acc just cons);
exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons
#push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 0"
let exceptions_init_lift'
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_context (TOption tau) tau
fun (init: typed_l_exp (TOption tau)) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau;
(process_exceptions_f tau)
(TOption tau)
(EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau))
just cons
(ELit (LError EmptyError)))
(EAbs tau (EVar 0))
let exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(init: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
: Lemma (
step_lift_commute_non_value (TOption tau) tau (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons) init)
progress init (TOption tau);
if is_value init then () else begin
preservation init (TOption tau);
assert_norm(step (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons init) == Some
(exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons (Some?.v (step init))))
let exceptions_init_lift
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_agnostic_lift (TOption tau) tau
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl just cons);
exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 50"
let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau) /\ is_value_list tl})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(n_hd: nat)
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
(final_hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau hd n_hd == Some final_hd /\ is_value acc))
(ensures (
((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau empty;
take_l_steps tau
(build_default_translation ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau)
(n_hd + 4) ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd)))
build_default_translation_typing ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau empty;
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau));
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau)
(extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau);
let init_stepped : typed_l_exp (TOption tau) = EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau
(ELit (LError ConflictError))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau)
let init = EApp
(EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (TOption tau))
(EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau)
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin
compute ();
tadmit ()
let default_translation: typed_l_exp tau =
build_default_translation ((EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau
let default_translation_stepped = EMatchOption
(process_exceptions_f tau)
init (TOption tau)
(EList tl) (TArrow TUnit tau))
just cons
(ELit (LError EmptyError)))
(EAbs tau (EVar 0))
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 1 == Some default_translation_stepped);
assert(default_translation_stepped == exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons
(EApp (EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) ENone (TOption tau))
(EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau)));
lift_multiple_l_steps (TOption tau) tau init init_stepped 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation_stepped 3 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation default_translation_stepped 1 3;
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 4 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd));
lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau hd final_hd n_hd (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n_hd ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation
(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) 4 n_hd
(*** Various lambda calculus steps *)
let process_exceptions_applied
(tau: ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Tot (typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
typ_process_exceptions_f empty tau;
typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau (extend empty TUnit);
(EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (TOption tau))
(EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau)
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2"
let process_exceptions_applied_stepped
(tau: ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Tot (typed_l_exp (TOption tau))
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau) (extend empty (TOption tau));
typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (TOption tau)
(extend (extend empty (TOption tau)) tau);
EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau (EVar 0) (EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau acc (EAbs tau
(ELit (LError ConflictError))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone) (TOption tau)
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50"
let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(tau: ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc /\ not (is_error acc)})
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma (take_l_steps (TOption tau) (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) 3 ==
Some (process_exceptions_applied_stepped tau acc hd))
let e1 : exp =
(EAbs (TArrow TUnit tau) (
EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau
(EVar 0)
(EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EVar 0) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone)
(TOption tau)
(EThunk hd) (TArrow TUnit tau)
let e2 =
EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau
(EVar 0)
(EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome (EApp (EThunk hd) (ELit LUnit) TUnit)) ENone)
(TOption tau)
assume(forall (s: var_to_exp). {:pattern (subst s acc) } subst s acc == acc);
assume(forall (s: var_to_exp). {:pattern (subst s (EThunk hd)) } subst s (EThunk hd) == (EThunk hd));
assert_norm(step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1);
assume(step e1 == Some e2);
let e3 =
EApp (EAbs (TOption tau) (
EMatchOption acc tau
(EVar 0)
(EAbs tau (
EMatchOption (EVar 1) tau
(EAbs tau (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
(ECatchEmptyError (ESome hd) ENone)
(TOption tau)
assert_norm(step e2 == Some e3);
// Mostly proven?
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 40"
let exceptions_head_lift_steps_to_error
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (TOption tau){is_value acc})
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Lemma (take_l_steps tau
(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError))) 5 ==
Some (ELit (LError ConflictError)))
let e = exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError)) in
let e_plus_3 : typed_l_exp tau =
exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons (ELit (LError ConflictError))
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps tau e 3 == Some e_plus_3) by begin
compute ();
smt ()
let e_plus_4 : typed_l_exp tau = EMatchOption
(ELit (LError ConflictError))
just cons
(ELit (LError EmptyError)))
(EAbs tau (EVar 0))
assert(step e_plus_3 == Some e_plus_4) by begin
compute ();
smt ()
preservation e_plus_3 tau;
assert(Some e_plus_4 == take_l_steps tau e_plus_3 1);
assert(step e_plus_4 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError)));
assert(take_l_steps tau e_plus_4 1 == Some (ELit (LError ConflictError)));
take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_3 3 1;
take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_4 4 1
let step_exceptions_head_value
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Pure (typed_l_exp (TOption tau) & nat)
(requires (True))
(ensures (fun (new_acc, n) ->
is_value new_acc /\
take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n ==
Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons new_acc)
let step_exceptions_head_value_same_acc_result
(tau: ty)
(tl: list exp{is_value_list tl /\ typing_list empty tl (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(tl': list exp{is_value_list tl' /\ typing_list empty tl' (TArrow TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Lemma (
let new_acc, _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl acc just cons hd in
let new_acc', _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl' acc just cons hd in
new_acc == new_acc'

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@ -2,12 +2,10 @@ module Catala.Translation
module L = Catala.LambdaCalculus
module D = Catala.DefaultCalculus
open Catala.Translation.Helpers
(*** Translation definitions *)
(**** Helpers *)
let rec translate_ty (ty: D.ty) : Tot L.ty = match ty with
| D.TBool -> L.TBool
| D.TUnit -> L.TUnit
@ -20,48 +18,6 @@ let translate_lit (l: D.lit) : Tot L.lit = match l with
| D.LEmptyError -> L.LError L.EmptyError
| D.LConflictError -> L.LError L.ConflictError
let process_exceptions_f (tau: L.ty) : Tot L.exp =
L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (L.EAbs (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 2) tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EVar 3)
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EVar 0) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
let typ_process_exceptions_f (g: L.env) (tau: L.ty)
: Lemma (L.typing g (process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TArrow (L.TOption tau) (L.TArrow (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (L.TOption tau))))
assert_norm(L.typing g (process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TArrow (L.TOption tau) (L.TArrow (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (L.TOption tau))))
(**** Main translation *)
let build_default_translation
(exceptions: list L.exp)
(acc: L.exp)
(just: L.exp)
(cons: L.exp)
(tau: L.ty)
(process_exceptions_f tau)
acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.EList exceptions) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
let rec translate_exp (e: D.exp) : Tot L.exp = match e with
| D.EVar x -> L.EVar x
| D.EApp e1 e2 tau_arg ->
@ -104,26 +60,6 @@ let translate_empty_is_empty () : Lemma (translate_env D.empty == L.empty) =
(translate_env D.empty)
#push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 0"
let build_default_translation_typing
(exceptions: list L.exp)
(acc: L.exp)
(just: L.exp)
(cons: L.exp)
(tau: L.ty)
(g: L.env)
: Lemma
(requires (
L.typing_list g exceptions (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) /\
L.typing g acc (L.TOption tau) /\
L.typing g just L.TBool /\
L.typing g cons tau))
(ensures (L.typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau))
typ_process_exceptions_f g tau;
assert_norm(L.typing g (build_default_translation exceptions acc just cons tau) tau)
(**** Typing preservation theorem *)
#push-options "--fuel 1 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 30"
@ -213,123 +149,7 @@ let translation_preserves_empty_typ (e: D.exp) (tau: D.ty) : Lemma
(*** Translation correctness *)
(**** Step lifting framework *)
let typed_l_exp (tau: L.ty) = e:L.exp{L.typing L.empty e tau}
let rec take_l_steps (tau: L.ty) (e: typed_l_exp tau) (fuel: nat)
: Tot (option (typed_l_exp tau))
(decreases fuel) =
if fuel = 0 then Some e else
match L.step e with
| None -> None
| Some e' ->
L.preservation e tau;
take_l_steps tau e' (fuel - 1)
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec take_l_steps_transitive (tau: L.ty) (e1 e2: typed_l_exp tau) (n1 n2: nat)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n1 == Some e2))
(ensures (take_l_steps tau e1 (n1 + n2) == take_l_steps tau e2 n2))
(decreases n1)
if n1 = 0 then () else begin
match L.step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
L.preservation e1 tau;
take_l_steps_transitive tau e1' e2 (n1 - 1) n2
let not_l_value (tau: L.ty) = e:L.exp{not (L.is_value e) /\ L.typing L.empty e tau}
let l_value (tau: L.ty) = e:L.exp{L.is_value e /\ L.typing L.empty e tau}
let stepping_context (tau tau': L.ty) = typed_l_exp tau -> not_l_value tau'
let step_lift_commute_non_value
(tau tau': L.ty)
(f: stepping_context tau tau')
(e: typed_l_exp tau)
: prop
L.progress e tau;
if L.is_value e then true else begin
L.preservation e tau;
L.step (f e) == Some (f (Some?.v (L.step e)))
let is_stepping_agnostic_lift
(tau tau': L.ty)
(f:stepping_context tau tau')
: prop
forall (e: typed_l_exp tau). step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau' f e
let stepping_agnostic_lift
(tau tau': L.ty)
: Type
= f:(stepping_context tau tau'){is_stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau' f}
let rec l_values_dont_step (e: L.exp) : Lemma
(requires (L.is_value e))
(ensures (L.step e = None))
(decreases %[e; 1])
match e with
| L.EAbs _ _ -> ()
| L.EThunk _ -> ()
| L.ELit _ -> ()
| L.ENone -> ()
| L.EList [] -> ()
| L.EList l -> l_values_dont_step_list e l
| _ -> ()
and l_values_dont_step_list (e: L.exp) (l: list L.exp{l << e /\ Cons? l}) : Lemma
(requires (L.is_value_list l))
(ensures (L.step_list e l = L.Bad))
(decreases %[e; 0; l])
match l with
| [hd] -> l_values_dont_step hd
| hd::tl ->
l_values_dont_step hd;
l_values_dont_step_list e tl
#push-options "--z3rlimit 50 --fuel 2 --ifuel 1"
let rec lift_multiple_l_steps
(tau tau': L.ty)
(e1: typed_l_exp tau)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau)
(n: nat)
(f : stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau')
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau e1 n == Some e2))
(ensures (take_l_steps tau' (f e1) n == Some (f e2)))
(decreases n)
match L.step e1 with
| None -> ()
| Some e1' ->
L.progress e1 tau;
L.preservation e1 tau;
if L.is_value e1 then
l_values_dont_step e1
else if n = 0 then
lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau' e1' e2 (n-1) f
(**** Other helpers *)
#push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 0"
let process_exceptions_untouched_by_subst (s: L.var_to_exp) (tau: L.ty) : Lemma
(L.subst s (process_exceptions_f tau) == process_exceptions_f tau)
(**** Helpers *)
let translate_var_to_exp (s: D.var_to_exp) : Tot L.var_to_exp = fun x -> translate_exp (s x)
@ -455,423 +275,12 @@ let rec translate_list_is_value_list (l: list D.exp)
| [] -> ()
| _::tl -> translate_list_is_value_list tl
(**** Lifts *)
let if_cond_lift'
(tau: L.ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
: stepping_context L.TBool tau
fun e1 -> L.EIf e1 e2 e3
let if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: L.ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
(e: typed_l_exp L.TBool)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (step_lift_commute_non_value L.TBool tau (if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3) e))
L.progress e L.TBool; if L.is_value e then () else L.preservation e L.TBool
let if_cond_lift
(tau: L.ty)
(e2 e3: typed_l_exp tau)
: stepping_agnostic_lift L.TBool tau
Classical.forall_intro (if_cond_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau e2 e3);
if_cond_lift' tau e2 e3
let app_f_lift'
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: stepping_context (L.TArrow tau_arg tau) tau
fun e1 -> L.EApp e1 e2 tau_arg
let app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
(e: typed_l_exp (L.TArrow tau_arg tau))
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (
step_lift_commute_non_value (L.TArrow tau_arg tau) tau (app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2) e))
L.progress e (L.TArrow tau_arg tau);
if L.is_value e then () else L.preservation e (L.TArrow tau_arg tau)
let app_f_lift
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: stepping_agnostic_lift (L.TArrow tau_arg tau) tau
Classical.forall_intro (app_f_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e2);
app_f_lift' tau_arg tau e2
let app_arg_lift'
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e1: l_value (L.TArrow tau_arg tau))
: stepping_context tau_arg tau
fun e2 -> L.EApp e1 e2 tau_arg
let app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e1: l_value (L.TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with L.ELit (L.LError _) -> False | _ -> True})
(e2: typed_l_exp tau_arg)
: Lemma
(requires (True))
(ensures (
step_lift_commute_non_value tau_arg tau (app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1) e2))
L.progress e2 tau_arg;
if L.is_value e2 then () else L.preservation e2 tau_arg
let app_arg_lift
(tau_arg tau: L.ty)
(e1: l_value (L.TArrow tau_arg tau){match e1 with L.ELit (L.LError _) -> False | _ -> True})
: stepping_agnostic_lift tau_arg tau
Classical.forall_intro (app_arg_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau_arg tau e1);
app_arg_lift' tau_arg tau e1
#push-options "--fuel 9 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 30"
let exceptions_head_lift'
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_context tau tau
fun (hd: typed_l_exp tau) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
(process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ESome hd) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.EList tl) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
let exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma (step_lift_commute_non_value tau tau (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons) hd)
L.progress hd tau;
if L.is_value hd then () else begin
L.preservation hd tau;
assert_norm(L.step (exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons hd) == Some
(exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons (Some?.v (L.step hd))))
let exceptions_head_lift
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_agnostic_lift tau tau
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_head_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl acc just cons);
exceptions_head_lift' tau tl acc just cons
#push-options "--fuel 3 --ifuel 0"
let exceptions_init_lift'
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_context (L.TOption tau) tau
fun (init: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau)) ->
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
(process_exceptions_f tau)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.EList tl) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
let exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(init: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
: Lemma (
step_lift_commute_non_value (L.TOption tau) tau (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons) init)
L.progress init (L.TOption tau);
if L.is_value init then () else begin
L.preservation init (L.TOption tau);
assert_norm(L.step (exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons init) == Some
(exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons (Some?.v (L.step init))))
let exceptions_init_lift
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: stepping_agnostic_lift (L.TOption tau) tau
Classical.forall_intro (exceptions_init_lift_is_stepping_agnostic tau tl just cons);
exceptions_init_lift' tau tl just cons
(**** Other helpers *)
let process_exceptions_applied
(tau: L.ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Tot (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
typ_process_exceptions_f L.empty tau;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended hd tau (L.extend L.empty L.TUnit);
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (L.TOption tau))
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2"
let process_exceptions_applied_stepped
(tau: L.ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Tot (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau (L.EVar 0) (L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau acc (L.EAbs tau
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone) (L.TOption tau)
#push-options "--fuel 8 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 50"
let process_exceptions_applied_stepping
(tau: L.ty)
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau){L.is_value acc /\ not (L.is_error acc)})
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma (take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) 3 ==
Some (process_exceptions_applied_stepped tau acc hd))
let e1 : L.exp =
(L.EAbs (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) (
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EVar 0) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let e2 =
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome (L.EApp (L.EThunk hd) (L.ELit L.LUnit) L.TUnit)) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
assume(forall (s: L.var_to_exp). {:pattern (L.subst s acc) } L.subst s acc == acc);
assume(forall (s: L.var_to_exp). {:pattern (L.subst s (L.EThunk hd)) } L.subst s (L.EThunk hd) == (L.EThunk hd));
assert_norm(L.step (process_exceptions_applied tau acc hd) == Some e1);
assume(L.step e1 == Some e2);
let e3 =
L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau
(L.EVar 0)
(L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau
(L.EAbs tau (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone)
(L.TOption tau)
assert_norm(L.step e2 == Some e3);
// Mostly proven?
#push-options "--fuel 7 --ifuel 2 --z3rlimit 50"
let lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau) /\ L.is_value_list tl})
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(n_hd: nat)
(hd: typed_l_exp tau)
(final_hd: typed_l_exp tau)
: Lemma
(requires (take_l_steps tau hd n_hd == Some final_hd /\ L.is_value acc))
(ensures (
((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
take_l_steps tau
(build_default_translation ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau)
(n_hd + 4) ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd)))
build_default_translation_typing ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau L.empty;
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau) (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau));
L.typing_empty_can_be_extended acc (L.TOption tau)
(L.extend (L.extend L.empty (L.TOption tau)) tau);
let init_stepped : typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau) = L.EApp (L.EAbs (L.TOption tau) (
L.EMatchOption acc tau (L.EVar 0) (L.EAbs tau (
L.EMatchOption (L.EVar 1) tau acc (L.EAbs tau
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
(L.ECatchEmptyError (L.ESome hd) L.ENone) (L.TOption tau)
let init = L.EApp
(L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) acc (L.TOption tau))
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps (L.TOption tau) init 3 == Some init_stepped) by begin
compute ();
tadmit ()
let default_translation: typed_l_exp tau =
build_default_translation ((L.EThunk hd)::tl) acc just cons tau
let default_translation_stepped = L.EMatchOption
(process_exceptions_f tau)
init (L.TOption tau)
(L.EList tl) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 1 == Some default_translation_stepped);
assert(default_translation_stepped == exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons
(L.EApp (L.EApp (process_exceptions_f tau) L.ENone (L.TOption tau))
(L.EThunk hd) (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)));
lift_multiple_l_steps (L.TOption tau) tau init init_stepped 3
(exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation_stepped 3 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation default_translation_stepped 1 3;
assert(take_l_steps tau default_translation 4 ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd));
lift_multiple_l_steps tau tau hd final_hd n_hd (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons);
assert(take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n_hd ==
Some (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons final_hd));
take_l_steps_transitive tau default_translation
(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) 4 n_hd
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 40"
let exceptions_head_lift_steps_to_error
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.is_value_list tl /\ L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau){L.is_value acc})
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Lemma (take_l_steps tau
(exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))) 5 ==
Some (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)))
let e = exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)) in
let e_plus_3 : typed_l_exp tau =
exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
let open FStar.Tactics in
assert(take_l_steps tau e 3 == Some e_plus_3) by begin
compute ();
smt ()
let e_plus_4 : typed_l_exp tau = L.EMatchOption
(L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError))
just cons
(L.ELit (L.LError L.EmptyError)))
(L.EAbs tau (L.EVar 0))
assert(L.step e_plus_3 == Some e_plus_4) by begin
compute ();
smt ()
L.preservation e_plus_3 tau;
assert(Some e_plus_4 == take_l_steps tau e_plus_3 1);
assert(L.step e_plus_4 == Some (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)));
assert(take_l_steps tau e_plus_4 1 == Some (L.ELit (L.LError L.ConflictError)));
take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_3 3 1;
take_l_steps_transitive tau e e_plus_4 4 1
(**** Main theorems *)
let translation_correctness_value (e: D.exp) : Lemma
((D.is_value e) <==> (L.is_value (translate_exp e)))
= ()
let rec_correctness_step_type (de: D.exp) : Type =
(df: D.exp{df << de}) -> (dtau_f:D.ty) ->
Pure (nat & typed_l_exp (translate_ty dtau_f) & nat)
@ -886,14 +295,6 @@ let rec_correctness_step_type (de: D.exp) : Type =
(decreases df)
let rec_lemma_works_for_smaller
(de: D.exp)
(de': D.exp{de' << de})
(lemma: rec_correctness_step_type de)
: Tot (rec_correctness_step_type de')
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 70"
let translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step_head_not_value
(de: D.exp)
@ -1048,41 +449,6 @@ let step_exceptions_left_to_right_result_shape
let step_exceptions_head_value
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.is_value_list tl /\ L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Pure (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau) & nat)
(requires (True))
(ensures (fun (new_acc, n) ->
L.is_value new_acc /\
take_l_steps tau (exceptions_head_lift tau tl acc just cons hd) n ==
Some (exceptions_init_lift tau tl just cons new_acc)
let step_exceptions_head_value_same_acc_result
(tau: L.ty)
(tl: list L.exp{L.is_value_list tl /\ L.typing_list L.empty tl (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(tl': list L.exp{L.is_value_list tl' /\ L.typing_list L.empty tl' (L.TArrow L.TUnit tau)})
(acc: (typed_l_exp (L.TOption tau)))
(just: (typed_l_exp L.TBool))
(cons: (typed_l_exp tau))
(hd: (typed_l_exp tau))
: Lemma (
let new_acc, _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl acc just cons hd in
let new_acc', _ = step_exceptions_head_value tau tl' acc just cons hd in
new_acc == new_acc'
#push-options "--fuel 2 --ifuel 1 --z3rlimit 70"
let rec translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
(de: D.exp)
@ -1177,8 +543,8 @@ let rec translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
let n1_tl, target_tl, n2_tl = translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
de dtl djust dcons dtau new_acc rec_lemma
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation ltl new_acc ljust lcons ltau) n1_tl ==
Some target_tl);
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation ltl new_acc ljust lcons ltau)
n1_tl == Some target_tl);
take_l_steps_transitive ltau
(build_default_translation lexceptions acc ljust lcons ltau)
(exceptions_init_lift ltau ltl ljust lcons new_acc)
@ -1195,9 +561,11 @@ let rec translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
assert(L.is_value_list ltl);
translation_preserves_empty_typ dhd dtau;
lift_multiple_l_steps_exceptions_head ltau ltl acc ljust lcons 0 lhd lhd;
let stepped_le_1 : typed_l_exp ltau = exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl acc ljust lcons lhd in
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lexceptions acc ljust lcons ltau) 4 ==
Some stepped_le_1);
let stepped_le_1 : typed_l_exp ltau =
exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl acc ljust lcons lhd
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lexceptions acc ljust lcons ltau)
4 == Some stepped_le_1);
let new_acc, n_to_tl = step_exceptions_head_value ltau ltl acc ljust lcons lhd in
take_l_steps_transitive ltau
(build_default_translation lexceptions acc ljust lcons ltau)
@ -1225,8 +593,8 @@ let rec translation_correctness_exceptions_left_to_right_step
let stepped_le_1' : typed_l_exp ltau =
exceptions_head_lift ltau ltl' acc ljust lcons lhd
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lexceptions' acc ljust lcons ltau) 4
== Some stepped_le_1');
assert(take_l_steps ltau (build_default_translation lexceptions' acc ljust lcons ltau)
4 == Some stepped_le_1');
let new_acc', n_to_tl' = step_exceptions_head_value ltau ltl' acc ljust lcons lhd in
take_l_steps_transitive ltau
(build_default_translation lexceptions' acc ljust lcons ltau)