Messages: adjust to terminal width

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-04-26 15:40:55 +02:00
parent 97d007f1e7
commit 791ae3229b
5 changed files with 59 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ testsuite: unit-tests
#> reset-tests : Update the expected test results from current run
reset-tests: .FORCE $(CLERK_BIN)
$(CLERK_TEST) tests --reset
$(CLERK_TEST) tests doc --reset
tests/%: .FORCE
$(CLERK_TEST) test $@

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(public_name catala.catala_utils)
(:standard \ get_version))
(libraries unix cmdliner ubase ocolor re bindlib catala.runtime_ocaml))
(libraries unix cmdliner ubase ocolor re))
(name get_version)

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@ -180,6 +180,42 @@ let process_out ?check_exit cmd args =
assert false
with End_of_file -> Buffer.contents buf
(* SIDE EFFECT AT MODULE LOAD: sets up a signal handler on SIGWINCH (window
resize) *)
let () =
let default = 80 in
let get_terminal_cols () =
let count =
try (* terminfo *)
process_out "tput" ["cols"] |> int_of_string
with Failure _ -> (
(* stty *)
process_out "stty" ["size"]
|> fun s ->
let i = String.rindex s ' ' + 1 in
String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i) |> int_of_string
with Failure _ | Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> (
try int_of_string (Sys.getenv "COLUMNS")
with Not_found | Failure _ -> 0))
if count > 0 then count else default
let width = ref None in
let () =
Sys.set_signal 28 (* SIGWINCH *)
(Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> width := None))
with Invalid_argument _ -> ()
Message.set_terminal_width_function (fun () ->
match !width with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let r = get_terminal_cols () in
width := Some r;
let check_directory d =
let d = Unix.realpath d in

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@ -34,22 +34,39 @@ let unstyle_formatter ppf =
[Format.sprintf] etc. functions (ignoring them) *)
let () = ignore (unstyle_formatter Format.str_formatter)
let terminal_columns, set_terminal_width_function =
let get_cols = ref (fun () -> 80) in
(fun () -> !get_cols ()), fun f -> get_cols := f
(* Note: we could do the same for std_formatter, err_formatter... but we'd
rather promote the use of the formatting functions of this module and the
below std_ppf / err_ppf *)
let has_color oc =
let has_color_raw ~(tty : bool Lazy.t) =
match Global.options.color with
| Global.Never -> false
| Always -> true
| Auto -> Unix.(isatty (descr_of_out_channel oc))
| Auto -> Lazy.force tty
let has_color oc =
has_color_raw ~tty:(lazy Unix.(isatty (descr_of_out_channel oc)))
(* Here we create new formatters to stderr/stdout that remain separate from the
ones used by [Format.printf] / [Format.eprintf] (which remain unchanged) *)
let formatter_of_out_channel oc =
let tty = lazy Unix.(isatty (descr_of_out_channel oc)) in
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
if has_color oc then color_formatter ppf else unstyle_formatter ppf
let ppf =
if has_color_raw ~tty then color_formatter ppf else unstyle_formatter ppf
let out, flush = Format.pp_get_formatter_output_functions ppf () in
let flush () =
if Lazy.force tty then Format.pp_set_margin ppf (terminal_columns ());
flush ()
Format.pp_set_formatter_output_functions ppf out flush;
let std_ppf = lazy (formatter_of_out_channel stdout)
let err_ppf = lazy (formatter_of_out_channel stderr)

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@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ val unformat : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> string
indents *)
val has_color : out_channel -> bool
val set_terminal_width_function : (unit -> int) -> unit
(* {1 More general color-enabled formatting helpers}*)