Interpreter: remove no longer needed empty propagations

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2024-02-05 15:01:27 +01:00
parent 34ae4f6156
commit 7f5b56e8f2

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@ -28,21 +28,6 @@ module Runtime = Runtime_ocaml.Runtime
let is_empty_error : type a. (a, 'm) gexpr -> bool =
fun e -> match Mark.remove e with EEmptyError -> true | _ -> false
(** [e' = propagate_empty_error e f] return [EEmptyError] if [e] is
[EEmptyError], else it apply [f] on not-empty term [e]. *)
let propagate_empty_error :
type a. (a, 'm) gexpr -> ((a, 'm) gexpr -> (a, 'm) gexpr) -> (a, 'm) gexpr =
fun e f -> match e with (EEmptyError, _) as e -> e | e -> f e
(** [e' = propagate_empty_error_list elist f] return [EEmptyError] if one lement
of [es] is [EEmptyError], else it apply [f] on not-empty term list [elist]. *)
let propagate_empty_error_list elist f =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> f (List.rev acc)
| e :: r -> propagate_empty_error e (fun e -> aux (e :: acc) r)
aux [] elist
(* TODO: we should provide a generic way to print logs, that work across the
different backends: python, ocaml, javascript, and interpreter *)
@ -171,8 +156,6 @@ let rec evaluate_operator
op Expr.format
(EAppOp { op; tys = []; args }, m)
propagate_empty_error_list args
@@ fun args ->
let open Runtime.Oper in
Mark.add m
@ -643,8 +626,6 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
| EApp { f = e1; args; _ } -> (
let e1 = evaluate_expr ctx lang e1 in
let args = (evaluate_expr ctx lang) args in
propagate_empty_error e1
@@ fun e1 ->
match Mark.remove e1 with
| EAbs { binder; _ } ->
if Bindlib.mbinder_arity binder = List.length args then
@ -678,8 +659,6 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
| EStruct { fields = es; name } ->
let fields, es = List.split (StructField.Map.bindings es) in
let es = (evaluate_expr ctx lang) es in
propagate_empty_error_list es
@@ fun es ->
Mark.add m
@ -689,8 +668,7 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
| EStructAccess { e; name = s; field } -> (
propagate_empty_error (evaluate_expr ctx lang e)
@@ fun e ->
let e = evaluate_expr ctx lang e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EStruct { fields = es; name } -> (
if not (StructName.equal s name) then
@ -722,11 +700,10 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
(Print.UserFacing.expr lang)
e size)
| EInj { e; name; cons } ->
propagate_empty_error (evaluate_expr ctx lang e)
@@ fun e -> Mark.add m (EInj { e; name; cons })
let e = evaluate_expr ctx lang e in
Mark.add m (EInj { e; name; cons })
| EMatch { e; cases; name } -> (
propagate_empty_error (evaluate_expr ctx lang e)
@@ fun e ->
let e = evaluate_expr ctx lang e in
match Mark.remove e with
| EInj { e = e1; cons; name = name' } ->
if not (EnumName.equal name name') then
@ -752,8 +729,7 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
"Expected a term having a sum type as an argument to a match (should \
not happen if the term was well-typed")
| EIfThenElse { cond; etrue; efalse } -> (
propagate_empty_error (evaluate_expr ctx lang cond)
@@ fun cond ->
let cond = evaluate_expr ctx lang cond in
match Mark.remove cond with
| ELit (LBool true) -> evaluate_expr ctx lang etrue
| ELit (LBool false) -> evaluate_expr ctx lang efalse
@ -762,21 +738,21 @@ let rec evaluate_expr :
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this condition (should \
not happen if the term was well-typed)")
| EArray es ->
propagate_empty_error_list ( (evaluate_expr ctx lang) es)
@@ fun es -> Mark.add m (EArray es)
| EAssert e' ->
propagate_empty_error (evaluate_expr ctx lang e') (fun e ->
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit (LBool true) -> Mark.add m (ELit LUnit)
| ELit (LBool false) ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e') "Assertion failed:@\n%a"
(Print.UserFacing.expr lang)
(partially_evaluate_expr_for_assertion_failure_message ctx lang
(Expr.skip_wrappers e'))
| _ ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e')
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this assertion \
(should not happen if the term was well-typed)")
let es = (evaluate_expr ctx lang) es in
Mark.add m (EArray es)
| EAssert e' -> (
let e = evaluate_expr ctx lang e' in
match Mark.remove e with
| ELit (LBool true) -> Mark.add m (ELit LUnit)
| ELit (LBool false) ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e') "Assertion failed:@\n%a"
(Print.UserFacing.expr lang)
(partially_evaluate_expr_for_assertion_failure_message ctx lang
(Expr.skip_wrappers e'))
| _ ->
Message.raise_spanned_error (Expr.pos e')
"Expected a boolean literal for the result of this assertion (should \
not happen if the term was well-typed)")
| ECustom _ -> e
| EEmptyError -> Mark.copy e EEmptyError
| EErrorOnEmpty e' -> (