Make the passes appear more clearly in the driver debug

This commit is contained in:
Louis Gesbert 2023-08-31 12:11:40 +02:00
parent ff60aee5ef
commit 8278bb8c5d

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module Passes = struct
(forwarding their options as needed) *)
let surface options ~link_modules : Surface.Ast.program * Cli.backend_lang =
Message.emit_debug "Reading files...";
Message.emit_debug "- SURFACE -";
let language = get_lang options options.input_file in
let prg =
Surface.Parser_driver.parse_top_level_file options.input_file language
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ module Passes = struct
let desugared options ~link_modules :
Desugared.Ast.program * Desugared.Name_resolution.context =
let prg, _ = surface options ~link_modules in
Message.emit_debug "- DESUGARED -";
Message.emit_debug "Name resolution...";
let ctx = Desugared.Name_resolution.form_context prg in
(* let scope_uid = get_scope_uid options backend ctx in
@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ module Passes = struct
* Desugared.Name_resolution.context
* Desugared.Dependency.ExceptionsDependencies.t
Desugared.Ast.ScopeDef.Map.t =
Message.emit_debug "Collecting rules...";
let prg, ctx = desugared options ~link_modules in
Message.emit_debug "- SCOPELANG -";
let exceptions_graphs =
Scopelang.From_desugared.build_exceptions_graph prg
@ -106,11 +107,12 @@ module Passes = struct
* Desugared.Name_resolution.context
* Scopelang.Dependency.TVertex.t list =
let prg, ctx, _ = scopelang options ~link_modules in
Message.emit_debug "Typechecking...";
Message.emit_debug "- DCALC -";
let type_ordering =
Scopelang.Dependency.check_type_cycles prg.program_ctx.ctx_structs
Message.emit_debug "Typechecking...";
let prg = Scopelang.Ast.type_program prg in
Message.emit_debug "Translating to default calculus...";
let prg = Dcalc.From_scopelang.translate_program prg in
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ module Passes = struct
let prg, ctx, type_ordering =
dcalc options ~link_modules ~optimize ~check_invariants
Message.emit_debug "Compiling program into lambda calculus...";
Message.emit_debug "- LCALC -";
let avoid_exceptions = avoid_exceptions || closure_conversion in
let optimize = optimize || closure_conversion in
(* --closure_conversion implies --avoid_exceptions and --optimize *)
@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ module Passes = struct
lcalc options ~link_modules ~optimize ~check_invariants ~avoid_exceptions
Message.emit_debug "Compiling program into statement calculus...";
Message.emit_debug "- SCALC -";
Scalc.From_lcalc.translate_program prg, ctx, type_ordering
@ -569,10 +571,10 @@ module Commands = struct
let interpret_dcalc options link_modules optimize check_invariants ex_scope =
Interpreter.load_runtime_modules link_modules;
let prg, ctx, _ =
Passes.dcalc options ~link_modules ~optimize ~check_invariants
Interpreter.load_runtime_modules link_modules;
print_interpretation_results options Interpreter.interpret_program_dcalc prg
(get_scope_uid ctx ex_scope)
@ -870,6 +872,7 @@ let main () =
| Some opts, _ -> opts.Cli.plugins_dirs
| None, _ -> []
Message.emit_debug "- INIT -";
(fun d ->
if d = "" then ()