Preservation proven

This commit is contained in:
Denis Merigoux 2021-02-06 19:05:11 +01:00
parent 6df17f7039
commit 8875408665

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@ -603,35 +603,37 @@ let rec preservation (e: exp) (tau: ty)
| _ -> ()
else preservation e2 tau_arg
else preservation e1 (TArrow tau_arg tau)
| _ -> admit()
and preservation_exceptions_left_to_right
| ENone -> ()
| ESome s -> let TOption tau' = tau in if not (is_value s) then preservation s tau'
| EMatchOption arg tau_some none some ->
if not (is_value arg) then preservation arg (TOption tau_some)
| EList l -> let TList tau' = tau in preservation_list e l tau'
| ECatchEmptyError to_try catch_with -> if not (is_value to_try) then preservation to_try tau
| EFoldLeft f init tau_init l tau_elt -> begin
match is_value f, is_value init, is_value l with
| false, _, _ -> preservation f (TArrow tau_init (TArrow tau_elt tau_init))
| true, false, _ -> preservation init tau_init
| true, true, false -> preservation l (TList tau_elt)
| true, true, true -> ()
and preservation_list
(e: exp)
(exceptions: list exp {exceptions << e})
(just: exp{just << e})
(cons: exp{cons << e})
(l: list exp {l << e})
(tau: ty)
: Lemma
(requires (
typing empty (EDefault exceptions just cons) tau /\
Some? (step_exceptions_left_to_right e exceptions just cons)
typing empty (EList l) (TList tau) /\
Some? (step_list e l)
(ensures (
Nil? exceptions \/
typing empty (Some?.v (step_exceptions_left_to_right e exceptions just cons)) tau
typing_list empty (Some?.v (step_list e l)) tau
(decreases %[ exceptions ]) =
match exceptions with
(decreases %[ l ]) =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| hd :: tl ->
if is_value hd
(typing_conserved_by_list_reduction empty exceptions tau;
preservation_exceptions_left_to_right e tl just cons tau)
(preservation hd tau;
match step hd with
| Some (ELit LConflictError) -> ()
| Some hd' -> ())
if is_value hd then begin
typing_conserved_by_list_reduction empty l tau;
preservation_list e tl tau
end else preservation hd tau