Implement equality function on dcalc expressions

This commit is contained in:
Aymeric Fromherz 2022-03-08 17:35:08 +01:00
parent 367dd98234
commit 89d69c2316
2 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -214,6 +214,64 @@ let empty_thunked_term : expr Pos.marked =
let is_value (e : expr Pos.marked) : bool =
match Pos.unmark e with ELit _ | EAbs _ | EOp _ -> true | _ -> false
let rec equal_typs (ty1 : typ Pos.marked) (ty2 : typ Pos.marked) : bool =
match Pos.unmark ty1, Pos.unmark ty2 with
| TLit l1, TLit l2 -> l1 = l2
| TTuple (tys1, n1), TTuple (tys2, n2) ->
n1 = n2 && List.length tys1 = List.length tys2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_typs x y) (List.combine tys1 tys2)
| TEnum (tys1, n1), TEnum (tys2, n2) ->
n1 = n2 && List.length tys1 = List.length tys2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_typs x y) (List.combine tys1 tys2)
| TArrow (t1, t1'), TArrow (t2, t2') -> equal_typs t1 t2 && equal_typs t1' t2'
| TArray t1, TArray t2 -> equal_typs t1 t2
| TAny, TAny -> true
| _, _ -> false
let rec equal_exprs (e1 : expr Pos.marked) (e2 : expr Pos.marked) : bool =
match Pos.unmark e1, Pos.unmark e2 with
| EVar v1, EVar v2 -> Pos.unmark v1 = Pos.unmark v2
| ETuple (es1, n1), ETuple (es2, n2) ->
n1 = n2 && List.length es1 = List.length es2 &&
(* OCaml && operator short-circuits when a clause is false, we can
safely assume here that both lists have equal length *)
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_exprs x y) (List.combine es1 es2)
| ETupleAccess (e1, id1, n1, tys1), ETupleAccess (e2, id2, n2, tys2) ->
equal_exprs e1 e2 && id1 = id2 && n1 = n2 &&
List.length tys1 = List.length tys2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_typs x y) (List.combine tys1 tys2)
| EInj (e1, id1, n1, tys1), EInj (e2, id2, n2, tys2) ->
equal_exprs e1 e2 && id1 = id2 && n1 = n2 &&
List.length tys1 = List.length tys2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_typs x y) (List.combine tys1 tys2)
| EMatch (e1, cases1, n1), EMatch (e2, cases2, n2) ->
n1 = n2 && equal_exprs e1 e2 && List.length cases1 = List.length cases2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_exprs x y) (List.combine cases1 cases2)
| EArray es1, EArray es2 ->
List.length es1 = List.length es2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_exprs x y) (List.combine es1 es2)
| ELit l1, ELit l2 -> l1 = l2
| EAbs (b1, tys1) , EAbs (b2, tys2) ->
List.length tys1 = List.length tys2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_typs x y) (List.combine tys1 tys2) &&
let vars1, body1 = Bindlib.unmbind (Pos.unmark b1) in
let body2 = Bindlib.msubst (Pos.unmark b2) ( (fun x -> EVar (x, Pos.no_pos)) vars1) in
equal_exprs body1 body2
| EAssert e1, EAssert e2 -> equal_exprs e1 e2
| EOp op1, EOp op2 -> op1 = op2 (* TODO: Recurse for log_entry containing typ *)
| EDefault (exc1, def1, cons1), EDefault (exc2, def2, cons2) ->
equal_exprs def1 def2 && equal_exprs cons1 cons2 &&
List.length exc1 = List.length exc2 &&
List.for_all (fun (x, y) -> equal_exprs x y) (List.combine exc1 exc2)
| EIfThenElse (if1, then1, else1), EIfThenElse (if2, then2, else2) ->
equal_exprs if1 if2 && equal_exprs then1 then2 && equal_exprs else1 else2
| ErrorOnEmpty e1, ErrorOnEmpty e2 -> equal_exprs e1 e2
| _, _ -> false
let build_whole_scope_expr (ctx : decl_ctx) (body : scope_body) (pos_scope : Pos.t) =
let body_expr =

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@ -219,6 +219,9 @@ val empty_thunked_term : expr Pos.marked
val is_value : expr Pos.marked -> bool
val equal_exprs : expr Pos.marked -> expr Pos.marked -> bool
(** Determines if two expressions are equal, omitting their position information *)
(** {1 AST manipulation helpers}*)
val build_whole_scope_expr : decl_ctx -> scope_body -> Pos.t -> expr Pos.marked