First proposition for the intermediate repr

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Chataing 2020-04-24 10:27:05 +02:00 committed by Denis Merigoux
parent 2b6e1c3920
commit 8a3c4dcae6

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@ -12,66 +12,192 @@
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License. *)
module Field = Id.WithId (struct
type t = string Pos.marked
(** The position corresponds to the declaration *)
(* Constructor and identifiers *)
let to_string x = Pos.unmark x
type constructor = string
type ident = string
type qident_element = Ident of ident | Constructor of constructor
type qident = qident_element Pos.marked list
module VariableWithId = Id.WithId (struct
type t = qident
let to_string qid =
String.concat "."
( (fun e -> match Pos.unmark e with Ident x | Constructor x -> x) qid)
module Class = Id.WithId (struct
type t = string
(* Type *)
let to_string (x : string) = x
type primitive_typ = Integer | Decimal | Boolean | Money | Text | Date | Named of constructor
module Constructor = Id.WithId (struct
type t = string Pos.marked
(** The position corresponds to the declaration *)
type base_typ_data = {
typ_data_collection : Pos.t option;
typ_data_optional : Pos.t option;
typ_data_base : primitive_typ Pos.marked;
type base_typ = Condition | Data of base_typ_data
type func_typ = { arg_typ : base_typ Pos.marked; return_typ : base_typ Pos.marked }
type typ = Base of base_typ | Func of func_typ
(* Expressions *)
type match_case_pattern = constructor Pos.marked list * ident Pos.marked option
type binop = And | Or | Add | Sub | Mult | Div | Lt | Lte | Gt | Gte | Eq | Neq
type unop = Not | Minus
type builtin_expression = Cardinal | Now
type aggregate_func = AggregateSum | AggregateCount
type literal_date = {
literal_date_day : int Pos.marked;
literal_date_month : int Pos.marked;
literal_date_year : int Pos.marked;
type literal_number = Int of int | Dec of int * int
type literal_unit = Percent | Euro | Year | Month | Day
type collection_op = Exists | Forall | Aggregate of aggregate_func
type literal =
| Number of literal_number Pos.marked * literal_unit Pos.marked option
| Date of literal_date
type match_case = {
match_case_pattern : match_case_pattern Pos.marked;
match_case_expr : expression Pos.marked;
and match_cases = match_case Pos.marked list
and expression =
| MatchWith of expression Pos.marked * match_cases Pos.marked
| IfThenElse of expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| Binop of binop Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| Unop of unop Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| CollectionOp of
collection_op Pos.marked * ident Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| MemCollection of expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| TestMatchCase of expression Pos.marked * constructor Pos.marked
| FunCall of expression Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked
| Builtin of builtin_expression
| Literal of literal
| Inject of constructor Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked option
| Project of expression Pos.marked * constructor Pos.marked
| Var of int
(* a variable shall now be referred by its unique id *)
(* Struct declaration *)
type struct_decl_field = {
struct_decl_field_name : ident Pos.marked;
struct_decl_field_typ : typ Pos.marked;
type struct_decl = { struct_decl_fields : struct_decl_field Pos.marked list }
(* Enum declaration *)
type enum_decl_case = {
enum_decl_case_name : constructor Pos.marked;
enum_decl_case_typ : typ Pos.marked option;
type enum_decl = { enum_decl_cases : enum_decl_case Pos.marked list }
(* Fields *)
type field_context_item = {
field_context_item_name : int Pos.marked;
field_context_item_typ : typ Pos.marked;
type field_include_join = {
parent_field_name : constructor Pos.marked;
parent_field_context_item : ident Pos.marked;
sub_field_name : constructor Pos.marked;
sub_field_context_item : ident Pos.marked;
type field_include = {
field_include_sub_field : constructor Pos.marked;
field_include_joins : field_include_join Pos.marked list;
(* In rule and definition, we keep the parameter for the name, but its uid shall
* be -1 *)
type rule = {
rule_parameter : ident Pos.marked option;
rule_condition : expression Pos.marked option;
rule_consequence : bool;
type definition = {
definition_parameter : ident Pos.marked option;
definition_condition : expression Pos.marked option;
definition_expr : expression Pos.marked;
type assertion = {
assertion_condition : expression Pos.marked option;
assertion_content : expression Pos.marked;
type variation_typ = Increasing | Decreasing
type meta_assertion =
| FixedBy of qident Pos.marked * ident Pos.marked
| VariesWith of qident Pos.marked * expression Pos.marked * variation_typ Pos.marked option
module UidMap = Map.Make (Int)
type field = {
field_var_map : qident UidMap.t;
field_context : field_context_item Pos.marked list;
field_includes : field_include Pos.marked list;
field_rules : rule list UidMap.t;
field_defs : definition list UidMap.t;
field_assertions : assertion list;
field_meta_assertions : meta_assertion list UidMap.t;
module Struct = Id.WithId (struct
type t = constructor Pos.marked
let to_string x = Pos.unmark x
module Enum = Id.WithId (struct
type t = string Pos.marked
(** The position corresponds to the declaration *)
type t = constructor Pos.marked
let to_string x = Pos.unmark x
module ClassMap = Map.Make (Class)
module Field = Id.WithId (struct
type t = constructor Pos.marked
(* The position corresponds to the field declaration *)
let to_string x = Pos.unmark x
module StructMap = Map.Make (Struct)
module EnumMap = Map.Make (Enum)
module ConstructorMap = Map.Make (Constructor)
module FieldMap = Map.Make (Field)
type base_typ = Integer | Boolean
type typ = BaseTyp of base_typ | EnumTyp of Enum.t | ClassTyp of Class.t
type expression = unit
type setter_method = unit
type function_method = unit
type assert_method = unit
type meta_assert_method = unit
type field_typ = { field_typ_typ : typ }
type method_t =
| SetterMethod of setter_method Pos.marked
| FunctionMethod of function_method Pos.marked
| AssertMethod of assert_method Pos.marked
| MetaAssertMethod of meta_assert_method Pos.marked
type class_t = {
class_fields : typ FieldMap.t;
class_methods : method_t Pos.marked list;
class_inherits : Class.t list;
type prgm = {
structs : struct_decl StructMap.t;
enums : enum_decl EnumMap.t;
fields : field FieldMap.t;
type enum = typ ConstructorMap.t
type program = { program_classes : class_t ClassMap.t; program_enums : enum EnumMap.t }